REMEMBER Don't forget that until you will le lucky winner of th time you will have purchase bargains Goods and get a ch you buy goods at r Don't fail to spend and get a ticket. < WANTED-A Rood, liver agont for tho Gatos Steam Laundry, of Qreon* villo, S. 0., SUOOOHKOl'8 to Mansion HoilRO Steam Laundry. Wo givo tho bout work. Moro littoral commissions than any of our competitors. A wook's work froo to ahow our work. Apply to A. A. OATES, .'it Mansion 1 louse, Greenville, 8. 0. Wanted, AGOOD WHITE GI KL, to cook and do tren oral house work. A good homo to right party. Writo mo. MHS. J. T. M. RISER, Walhalla, S. C. Soptomhor 4, 1001. 'M 'tf Antill aub i|cr80ital. -"Hinom sells it for loss." - Bridge to ropalr. Soo ad vert ?semen t. -Mrs. L. L, Barr and childron, of (ii cen ville, are visiting lier parents, Major and Mrs. S. I*. Dondy, in Midway. -Kow odds and ends In pants to go at your own price, at Bloom's. -Mr. Goo. Heese, of Boworavillo, Ga., was among friends in Walhalla last wook, -Mrs. Jano Wobb, of Hartwell, (la., is on a visit to relatives in Goonoo. At prosont she is nt Mr. A. II. Ellison's, near West Union. -Mrs. M. A. llano and daughtors, Misses Canty and Alay llano, of Kort Motto, S. C., aro visiting at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. I. II. Harrison. -M?RS .lennie Miller returned te) hor homo at Greenville Monday afternoon, aftor spending sovoral months in Wal halla at tho home of Dr. C. C. Probst. -Tho public will pienso take notico that tho day of tho lotting of tho Hud son bridgo, over Changa crook, on tho Hoguo's Kord road, has been changed to September 10th. -Tho Southern Flouring Mill at West minster, S. C., will not bo run for a few days. Due notice will bo given when tho mill will start up again. H. Y. II. Lowery. -Dr. Silas J. Dollie, of Columbia, is at Gon. W. K. Ervin's fora fow days. His health is had and he seeks our tine cli mate to recuperate. We trust ho will soon bo restored to his usual good health. -Hov. .1. H. Stone, missionary, . will preach at Mill Creek school houso on tho third Sunday in Seplembor at ll o'clock, and at Belmont school houso on the fourth Sunday and Saturday night before. -His Satanic Majesty, tho devil, is now going up and down through Tho Courier ofiico, seeking whom he may devour, in tho person of Mr. Bruce Crosby, vice Mr. .lohn II. Ernest, re signed. -Lots for sale at Newry on easy terms; part cash; balance secured. Pasturage to runt, near widow Steele's, at 12} cents por acre per annum. Apply to Maj. S. P. Dondy, Walhalla, S. C., or T. S. Stab ling, Seneca, S. C. -Tho Taber school has a good "Kcdo ration Library" now-better than any it had last year-and will be glad to let emt books to every ono in tho community who would like to road them. Hours: Fridays, from I to 5,80 p. m. -Fahnestoek's dental rooms, Wal halla, open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from io ti ll-" 1 o'clock. -Wo aro requested to give notice that tho ladies' union prayer mooting will meeton Friday afternoon at 4,30 o'clock at tho residence of Mrs. .1. ,1. Ansel. Mrs. Catharine Smith will lead. Subject for consideration i:; "The parable ol' tho mustard seed." -Tho toaohors' summer school for Pickons county opened at Easley last Monday at 2 p. m. State Superintend ent of Education John .!. MeMaban has charge, assisted by Prof. Dominick, of tho Kasley Graded School. Tho school will closo Thursday, September 20. -Died? August 2*1, 1001, little Balito, niuo months old baby of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Slater, at. their home, near Wal halla, from teething and cholera infan tum. Born November 7, I OOO. She was '-pied Sunday, August 25th, at Bethel cemotory. A large con course of sorrow ing friends and roi a tl VOS were present. -Mrs. Lillie Morgan Hitter died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Morgan, near Newry, on tho 27th nf August, after au illness of several days. She leaves a husband (Mr. .John K. Bit ter) and a baby seven months old. Tho boroaved havo tho sympathy of many friends. -Married, at Newry, August 20th, 1001, by Kev. W. T. McAlister, Mr. Khedda C. Crenshaw and Miss May (childers. Tho Nowry friends of the happy couple wish thom much success and happiness through life. Tho groom is a son of Mr. Thomas Crenshaw and tho bride a daughter of Mr. W. P. Chil ders, all of Newry. -Capt. (Billy) W. C. Smith, tho vete ran conductor on tho G roon vi I lo and Columbia Railroad, was in Walhalla on Sunday night, visiting his daughter, Mrs. ^T. jj, Kant, and family. Ile says he feels young as be ever did and the railroad V_ .rvico is a delight to him. Ile is an Oconee tax-payer, being owner of some valuable real estate in tho county. - Expecting a shipment nf men's cloth ing by to-morrow, nt Bloom's. -Dr. W. lt, Dendy, of Pol ZO r, S. C., paid us an appreciated call oh Monday. Ho and his wile ami childron aro visiting rotatives in Walhalla and elsewhere in tho county. Do is ono of the leading physicians of his progrossivo town. His many Oconee fi iends are pleased to seo him looking sf) well. Come again, Will j your hearty grasp of the band carries us back to our school boy days-those happy days spent on the sunny slopes around . (dd Bichland and Bounty Land Acade mies. -Tho valuable thoroughbred pointer May-belonging to Mr. Campbell Courte nay, of Newry, was bitten by a rattle snnko Sunday afternoon, 1st instant. Everything possible was done lo save this groat hunting dog's life, but she died after severe sutlcring Monday after noon. Sim was of high pedigree abd of remarkable intelligence and the pet of tho whole village. When all remedies had failed chloroform was used freely to reliovo her sufferings. -In spring everyone should lessen Ibo oxtra work forood Upon their system hy taking somo reliablo blood purl ll or. Sickness does not need to be already present. You should purify your Mood ?.itvory spring to get the excess matter (occasioned by Hie heavy diet of winter) out of your system. Try Lunacy's Com pound Extract of Sarsaparilla. There is nothing bettor. ?M. 00 por bottle at Lun noy's Drug Storo, Sonoca, S. C. THE BUGGY it is only 26 days arn who was the e Buggy, In that an opportunity to in Summer Dress ance as well as if egular retail price. your money here Dnly 26 days ! C. G. JAYNJES. -Road G. A. Norman's at!. .-Hoad 0. G. Jaynos' now advortiso mont in this issuo. -Miss MoOollough's school will opon on Monday, Soptombor Otb. -Homombor, 17 pounds granulated sugar for $1 at Bloom's. -Mrs. E. I). Porohor, of Winston, N. C., is visiting Dr. and Mrs. D. B. Darby. -J. P. Cary, Esq., of Piokons, was in Walhalla Tuesday on professional busi ness. -Only 20 days until Jaynos will toll who is tim lucky winnor of tho buggy to ho given away. -Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wilkio and ohil dron, of Charleston, aro stopping at tho Walhalla Hotol. -Four hundred hushols wintor grazing oats for salo at 75o. por bushel, by J. 1'. Stribling, Richland, S. C. -Miss Emma Morrick roturuod homo Tuesday after a delightful visit to h?r brothor and family at Ashovillo. -T. F. W. Stelling advortisos Ins valu ablo farm on Connoross for salo. Soo advertisement in anothor column. -Don't forgot Bloom whon you want anything in tho lino of clothing. Bloom's store was always headquarters and is yot. -Hov. J. D. McCullough, pastor, will preach in tho Walhalla K^iscopal church next Sunday at tho usual hours-ll a. m. and 5 p. m. -Tho Executor will sell tho personal property of Mrs. Holwogs, at h or lato residence, on Wednesday, tho 18th day of Soptombor, instant. -Mrs. J. H. Ostondorff and littlo son returned to Charleston Monday, aftor spending a week ploasantly among rela tives and friends. -Mr. J. Hermie Ostondorff, of Char leston, spent sovoral days in Walhalla last wook visiting rotativos. Ho roturuod to his homo Saturday. -Tho infant daughter of Mr. A. T. Cobb died Tuesday morning, aged niuo months. Tho paronts havo tho sympa thies of many frionds. -Mr. and Mrs. J. T. M. Riser, Misses Hattio and Corinne Riser left this morn ing to spend a week visiting in Charles ton, Columbia and Orangobiirg. -Messrs. Goo. J. and Wm. A. Strother, Jr., left last Monday for Ridgo Spring, where they will resumo thoir duties as managers of tho Ridgo Spring Oil Mill. -Wanted-Fifteen learns to haul lum bor at $2.75 per 1,000 foot. Apply at onoo to J. C. Shockloy, West Onion, S. C. -Miss Ora Hollingsworth, of Pickons, daughter of tho lato Col. O. I*. Hollings worth, was married Tuesday ovoning, 3d instant, to Prof. Jones Fuller, of Ar kansas. -Miss Sudlo Sholor, of Hooves Station, Ga., and Miss Kinma Stribling, of Son oca, spout several days in Walhalla last week visiting tho family of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sholor. -Miss (/'arrio Perry loft Saturday for Now York, whero sho will spend somo timo visiting relativos and frionds. Sho will also visit, at sovoral points in Now Jersey boforo returning. -Cart or ?S Co. aro moving to their now stand two doors below C. W. Pitch ford Co. They will havo handsome and commodious quarters, whoro they will bo glad to see their friends and customers. -Messrs. Crisp & Busch will soon move into Dr? J- W. Boll's now brick store, three doors below C. W. Pitchford Co. Thoy expect to add largely to their stock as soon as they got into their now quartors. -Under tho auspices of tho Union Sunday School, Hov. Dr. John G. Uaw will preach at tho West Union Baptist church next Sunday afternoon at livo o'clock. Tho public is cordially invited to attend. -Smith's excursion to Atlanta will bo run on September 17. lt was postponed yesterday on account of tho inability of tho Southern to furnish tho train. For particulars, rates, etc., soo Jas. Thomp son, local agent. - We learn that tho now road over Cal las mountain is nearing completion. It bas boen one of tho worst roads, with exceptionally heavy grados, in tho county. Tho new grado is light, and in every re spect tho now road is a great improve ment over tho old ono. - lt was reported in Walhalla Tuesday that Mr. A. F. Sin ton, who recently moved lo OcOllOO from Pickons, dropped dead in his field while nt work . uosdny morning. Telephone inquiry to West minster, near whero ho lived, failed to confirm tho report. Wo trust that our information as to bis being dead is in correct. -Mr. Ainbroso Fisohcssor, of Pitts burg, Pa., reached Walhalla on last Thursday afternoon and will spend two weeks or moro visiting bis fathor and family. His many frionds boro aro de lighted to see him again in hi? nativo town and noto his manly appearance. Ho is no longer tho Walhalla boy of for mer days. - Hov. N. B. Clarkson, wifo and daugh ter, of Hichburg, S. C., aftor sponding about a mOntli with thoir son and bro ther, Hov. (i. F. Clarkson, at Walhalla, returned home this morning. They woro highly pleased with their visit to our tow n and people and made many warm friends among thom who regretted to soo t beni go away. -Mr. Henry Fricks, a gontloinan well known to many of tho older pooplo of Walhalla and Oconoo county, is vory feeble at bis homo in Franklin county, (la. He was 101 years old on tho Otb of .June last. I Ms son, Mr. IIonryT. Fricks, who lives boro, has just roturuod from a visit to bis father, and is of tho opinion that bis aged parent will soon pass away. -Toachors having exhibits to rond to thc lillie Ridge and Tallulah Falls Expo sition are requested to send such oxbibils to Miss ida McCollongh, Walhalla! hy September 121b. Miss McCollongh has charge of exhibits of Oconoo county. All toaohoi.. aro requested to send somo Specimen of work done in tho school room by tho children; work in arithme tic, map drawing or composition work. - A protracted meeting began in tho Walhalla Methodist church on Sunday morning last and will bo continued for several days longer. Preaching twiCO a day in tho morning ut IO o'clock and at night at 8 O'clock. Hov. N. B. Clarkson has been assisting tho pastor and doing tho preaching up to Tuesday night. His serinons have been interesting ami edify ing in tho highest degree Othor minis ters w ill help in tho meeting. Hov. John <1. baw. I). 1)., will preach this evening. The public is cordially invited to attend all tho services. Public Schools to Open Next Monday. Tho public Keim?ls of Walhalla will opon nt tho usual places (except tho col ored school, which will bo hold in tho colored Methodist church,) ou Monday morning, September Otb, nt 0 o'clock. Patrons of tho no vend schools will govoru themselves accordingly. Tho torin will begiu absolutely freo. E. H. Luca?, V. L. Norman, Trustees. Roads Badly Damaged. SuporviBor Pool reports that tho rocont rains havo greatly damnged tho roads throughout tho oounty. No bridges havo boon w ashed away, but in a fow instances tho approaches and abutments to tho bridges havo boon damaged. Tho roads havo suffered most and a groat doal of valuable work that has boon dono has boon washed away. It will take somo time, Capt. Pool says, to put tho roads in good condition again. - Unclaimed Letters at Westminster. Tho following letters romain uncalled for in tho Westminster post ellice for tho mouth of August: Miss Annie Prower, Oscar Drivor, J. D. M. Dillard. M?BS Jon uio Garrott, Laura llanos, Wm. Haw thorn, L. G. Ilombry, II. T. Keenan, Mrs. Nolllo HcKco, D. G. MoElon, E. P. Mc Curroy, T. W. Millor, Miss Poarl Moutt, H. G. Modelan, Cathou Owons, Wm. and Major Sanford, Wilbaland Smith, Mrs. H. J. Thomas, Mahala Wright, JnmoB Williams. C. J. Mulkoy, P. M. IO? - Burley-Parkor. At tho homo of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Burloy, uoar Wal halla, Inst WcdncBdny ovoning at 8.3C o'clock, Miss Daisy E. llurloy and Mr. J. ti. Pnrkor woro happily marriod by hov. D. W. Hiott. Mr. Parkor is a young business man of Hlacksbm g and is to bc congratulated on winning tho heart and baud of ouo of Oconoo's host young Indios. Tho bost wishes of a boat ol friends aro oxtondod to tho happy young cou plo. Prompt Payment ot Lifo Assuranco. On Tuesday, 8d instant, Mr. C. S, Mollord, resident manager of Tho Equi table Lifo Assuranco Society of Now York, paid to Mrs. Nannio ll. Parr?n, bouollciary, tho $2,000 callod foriu polloj No. 015,003, on tho lifo of tho late Wm IL Barron. Tho Equitablo is regarded as tho strongest lifo assuranco companj on tho continent. Thoohock was mailer] from Now York on tho fourth day nftoi tho proofs woro received. Death of Mr. Lovorott. Mr. Sylvostor Lovoiott diod at Rloh land last Friday afternoon. Ho was s> sou of Mr. J. P. Lovorott, of Andorsoi county, but had boon in business a Richland for somo timo. His death wai duo to typhoid fovor. He was an honest industrious young man, with bright pros poets. Ho was about thirty year? o: ago, but had novor married. Iii? re mai us woro taken to Anderson Saturday and interred at Cross Hoads church ii tho afternoon. Tho sincero sympathy o tho community goos out to Iiis borcavoc paroo ts and relatives. Doalh ol Mrs. W. iTlhidsay. Mrs. Nancy Lugonia Lidsay, wifo o Mr. W. N. Lindsay, died at their linnie in Walhalla, last Wednesday afternoon August 28th, from thooffectsof measlos She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S II. Owons, of Walhalla, and was bon October 24th, 1881. On September Kith lOfH), sho was happily marriod to Mr. W N. Lindsay, who, with a baby two wook old, survives. Mrs. Lindsay was a faitli ful membor of tho Baptist church. Ho remains woro laid to rest in Westviox coniotory Friday afternoon, Rev. J. G Schaid conducting tho funeral services Tho bereaved husband ami relatives hav thc sympathies of many friends. Russoll-Lowery. At tho homo of tho brido's paroiits Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Russell, last Thurs day at high noon, Miss Roxlo Kussol and Mr. Thos. M. Lowery, of Seneca woro happily married. Tho coremoii was impressively performed by Hov. W" S. Hamitor, pastor of tho Presbyterial church of Soneca. Tho bride is an ac complished young lady and nun.hers ho friends in Walhalla and Oconeo by th score Mr. Lowory is a prosporou young btisinoss man of Sonoca, well am favorably known throughout uppo South Carolina. Wo join with boats o friends in extending congratulations am bost W?BIICS to tho happy couple. First Lyceum Attraction. Tho first attraction of tho Lyceum Ai socialion-Mr. Ralph ningham-will a) pear at Dr. Roll's Hall, Main street, i Walhalla on Friday night, Soptembor li Mr. Kingham is credited as hoing "Th World's Loading Monologuo Mute: tai nor." Ho oxcols in each doparttnoi as porsonator, humorist, violinist, voca ist and raconteur. Tho most vers?til em eM siner on tho American plat fon to-day. Six thousand audiences Inn heard bim with delight in the Unite States and Callada. Season tickets fe two persons (Ovo attractions! $4. Ticked at door, oaoh 50c. Seo small bills. A] lily to V. L. Norman, manager. Death of Mrs. A. P. fox. Mrs. Carolino Cox, wifo of Mr. A. T Cox, died at their homo in tho Plcnsai Ridge neighborhood on Friday, Angin 28, 1001, attora lingering illness. SI was born in Germany on tho 28th day < March, 1832. Hor father was tho hil .John Itholct ter, who came to Amoru beforo tho war. Sho was happily ma ried to Mr. A. P. Cox on March IS, 1S5 Her husband and (ive children sui viv To thom is OXtondOd tho Bincoro syn pathy of many frionds. A good wonm lias gono to l&or reward. She was dovotod membor of tho Methodist ch ure and was sustained to tho last by tho coi solations of tho Gospol of Peace, Hi body was laid to rest in tho coniotory i Westminster at noon on August 21. afb appropriate funoral sorvices, conifucti by Revs. H. Li Duffie and D. W. Kollo Hor cbildron riso up and bless her mon ory, and hor works do follow hor. Weaver Sloan. On last Wednesday ovoning, at tl Vosidonco of Mr. C. P. Woavor, no Woavervillo, N. C., Mr. Loon T. ttloa of Franklin, and Miss Ethol Woavor, Weavorvillo, woro happily married, Tl brido and groom loft Oil Thursday mol ing for Franklin, their future homo. / accident on tho way caused a delay several hours, so it was near niidnitr whon thoy .arrived hero. An i coption was tendored them at tho roi douco of Mr. Sloan and tho fostiviti worn continued far into tho morph hours. Mr. and Mrs. Sloan aro both wi ami favorably known boro, and tho Pre joins their numerous other friends wishing thom prosperity and llSptiinof - Franklin (N. C.) Press, Augusts. Mr. Sloan is pleasantly romomborcd Walhalla, ho having spent somo tir boro as a salesman for Messrs. Carter Company. Ho bas numerous friends and around Walhalla who join with us extending congratulations to him ai host wishes for a long lifo of happiness tho young couplo. -. farmers' Mutual Insurance Association. An interesting meeting of The Kari ors' Mutual Insurance Association Oconeo County, South Carolina, w hold in tho Court Houso on yesterd (Tuesday). Aftor hearing tho roports tho President and Treasurer Iho mootil wont into tho election of officers, rosu ing as follows: J. W. Hollenian, Pro dont, and all tho present Directors wi elected except in Whitewater Townsh whoro A. L. Whitm;ro and W. M. Ilroi woro elected. Tho law of tho Assoc Mon was so aniondod as to provont t Association carrying a risk of over $i on any singlo houso. A resolution w passod directing tho Prosidont, Vi Prosidont and Directors to roadb",i, t valuo of all property in tho Associatif insuring not moro than three fourths an oconomio valuo of property. Gone to thu,East. Westminster Timos, August 20: "Mr. Wm. I'. Audorson, prostdeut and troasu- 1 rer of tho Southern Shuttle and Bobbin Compauy loft Wednesday for an ?? tondod tri)> to tho East in the interest of his company. While away be Will visit all of ti e priuoipal factory towns in that section of tho country. We wish him 1 much success and that he may safely \ return." , List of Onclatmed Letters. ' List of unclaimed lottere remaining in ' tho Walhalla .post ofQoo August 31, 1001 : Jim Evatt, Johu ll endorso II, Edd Ed- ' wardo, Will Lyuoh, M. S. Brown, Bill , Bryan Lee, B. 13. Borroughs, Will Woods, j Jaok James, Mesdames Mary Jauo Walls, Lizzie Wright, Rosoy Bight, Mary J. ; Henton, Altin? Davos, B. E. Loe Honour. PartioB calling for any of tho abovo lot ' tors will pions Bay they have boon advor- ! tisod. Ono cont must bo colloctod on i each advertised lotter doliverod. , J. M. Morriok, P. M. Davidson's 65th Session. Tho 05th session of Davidson College ; begins to-morrow, Soptomber 6th, with tho prospect of a largely inoroasod at tendance Dr. .James ll. Douglas, of South Carolina, has hoon elected to the chair of physics to take tho placo of Dr. Smith, tho rocontly-olootod president. Mr. John A. Browin, of Boston, Mass., has bcou appointed gymnasium director. Tho Shoaror Biblical Hall is now being roofed in, and will soon bo completed, nud a now and handsome dormitory is hoing planned for tho next session. Tho Most Popular Young Lady. Tho following is tho result of the vot ing for tho most popular young lady in i Walhalla. Tho numbor of votos cast amounts to 1,538: Annie Riemann. 502 Julia Maxwell.. 521 Lidio Kol til. 230 Emma Morriok. 02 Annie Maxwoll. 57 Anulo Vernor. 10 Ella Floyd. 18 Dolly Beard. 10 Mossie M ickier. 8 inez Schroder. 8 Gortrudo Biomnnn. 7 Deann Seaborn. 0 fannie Maxwoll. 5 Katie Hi email n. 3 May Fant. 3 Bessie Roborts. 2 Willio Mao Nix. 1 Lillian Crosby. 1 Teachers' Association. Following is tho programme for tho Toachors' Association to bo hold at Wal halla, Saturday, Soptorabor 21, 1001 : At ton o'clock a. m., opening exercises. I. Tho correlation of studies, by J. S. .Immings, of Oakway. II. A lesson in drawing, Miss Collio ' McCollough, of Walhalla. III. 1'iofessional ethics. J. E. Ward, | Sonoca. IV. Tho toaohor outsido of tho school room, Hov. J. M. McGuire, of Conuoross. " V. Oponing question box. VI. Miscellaneous business. Miss Floronoo Norris, J. W. Roedor, J. Robt. LyloB, . las. M. Moss, CommittOO on Programme, j HO Kept His Log. \ Twolvo years ago J. W. Sullivan, of Hartford, Conn., scratched his log with a rusty wiro. Inflammation and blood 1 poisoning sot in. For two years ho suf- i fe rod intonsoly. Thou tho best doctors , urged amputation, "but," ho writes, "I used ono nottlo of Eleotric Bitters nnd li boxes of BHidden's Arnica Salvo and my log was sound and woll ns ovor." For oruptions, eczema, tottor, Bait rheum, , sores and all blood disorders Eloctrio Bit t(M-s has no rival on earth. Try thom. All druggists in tho county will guaran- ? too satisfaction or refund mouoy. Ouly 50 couts. Alliance Reorganization al Wolf Stake. On Soptombor M th (second Saturday) th oro will bo a meeting at Wolf stake church at 2 p. m. to reorganize tho Alli ance. Bros. J. Bi Pickott and John L. Smith will bo in attend anee. It is do sired to moot all tho old members of Wolf Stake Alliance, and all farmers oro cordially invited to bo prosent. J. W. Elkin. Notos from Ramsay's Creek. Ramsay's Crook, Soptombor 2.-Tho health of this community is vory good. Wo have boon having somo vory heavy rains, which havo dono a groat deal of damago to crops on wator courses. Mr. and Mrs.Jb E. Pool and littlo son, from Trlon, Ga., aro visiting their parents, Mr. S. M. Pool and Mr. M. M. McKlrath. The littlo child of Mr. Kimbly is vory ill. Wo hopo it may soon rocovor. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gilmor and littlo Vera, of Westminster, visited tho family of Mr. S. M. Pool last week. County Commissioner Cox and Sopor visor Po?l woro looking out a sito for a bridge >n Changa recently. Wo aro listening for tho wedding bolls to ring soon. Evergreen. --.nrnifu? kldnor Hld. Ham plo f roo. Add. Hiv rll II ? Hui I IO il y Co., ChlCBRO Or N. Y. THE NEW PENSION BOARD.' rho Soldiers' Homo Decided Inadvisable-Tho Pensioners 8eem to Prefer Cash. A mass meeting of the Confederate veterans was held nt tho Court House on Monday, the 2d tintant, beginning a lit tle after ll o'clock. The purpose of the meeting was to disouss tho wisdom ol building and maintaining a home for worn-out and indigent soldiers. Boforo tho mass meeting began the oonslderatton of any matters, the pension board of tho county was elected and organizod. Tho now board is oomposod of Messrs. A. H. Billson, Jas. T. Bold. E. A. Perry and A. P. Cox. Aftor tho emo tion of the members tho board elected Mr. A. H. Ellison as chairman and Capt. Jas. T. Bold as sooretary. Dr. D. B. Darby was obosen as physician for tho board. Tho board is a good ono and the inter ests of tho veterans and widows of vete rans will not ouffor at thoir bands. As soon as the pension board adjourned Major S. P. Dondy was called to tho ohair as president of tho mass mooting. Ho stated that tho object of tho mooting was to tako into consideration tho advisability building a Holdiors' homo. Tho matter was discussed fully and determined unwise. A resolution recommending an increase of pension and a now classifica tion of benofloiarios was passod nud tho mootiog adjourned. Don't Lot Them Suffer. Often children aro tortured with itch ing and burning eczema and other skin diseases, but Buokleu's Arnica Salvo boals tho raw sores, oxpols inflammation, loaves tho skin without a soar. Clean, fragrant, cheap ; there's no salvo on earth as good. Try it. Cu-t guarantood. Only 26c. at alf drug stores in tho county. Local News Around Salem. Salom, September 8.-Wo aro glad to learn that Mr. Willie Cannon, who lins boon suffering with an attack of pneu monia fovor for tho past throo wooks, is convalescent Mr. Alox. Stewart is vory sick at this writing. Wo hopo for his speedy re covery. Mr. J. B. Pickott, of Richland, was circulating among friends boro Saturday. Ho dollvorod an address to Alliancomon Saturday evening in tho Salom school room. Tho object of tho mooting was to roorganizo tho Salom Alliance, which has beon doad for somo time Tho Salem High ?cbool is in good con dition under the supervision of Mr. W. C. BobioBon. Bomombor Rov. D. P. Boardou's ap pointment at Chookoo church tho third Sunday in this month. A vory interesting mooting is in pro gress hero this week by our pastor and Rev. L. M. Lyda, of North Carolina. Bro. Lyda preached to a largo and at tentive congregation last Saturday night, lu bis mild apd affable manner ho pic tured to his congregation tho lovo and conciliating power of Jesus Christ, and proved to his hearers that bo had closoly Studied his subject. At tho close of tho Hermon Sunday ovoning tho door of tho church was oponed by tho pastor, Bov. J. B. Colloy, and six members woro re ceived into tho church-two by lottor und four by oxporiouco of grace, lt waB \ beautiful and solemn service. Our people woro delighted witli Bro. Lyda, both as a man and a preacher. Thoro will ho baptizing at Mount Cnr mol tho second Sunday ju this mouth. A vory interesting mooting is hoing conducted at Cherry Ilill this wook by Hov. J. R. Hudson and D. Hudson. MisBoa Hattie Dollie, Rosa Crow, Min nie and Mary linn nient t, Ada and Clara drogan, Mossrs. Addison Talloy, Loo Crow nud Kay-Moss woro tho guests of Rov. J. B. Colloy and family last Sun day. Wo always welcomo these good pooplo in our midst and hopo that they will como again. Tho Salom comotory is in a bad condi tion. It looks much liko a wilderness. fJontlomon, ought wo not to look aftor this matter at onco and appoint a day when wo can nil moot and clean oft' our comotory and koop it in a creditable con dition? Grasshopper, Food Changed to Poison. Putrefying food in tho intestines pro duces effects liko those of arsenic, but Dr. King's Now Lifo Pills expel tho poi sons from clogged bowols, gently, easily but surely, curing constipation, bilious ness, sick headache, fevers, all liver, kid ney and bowol troubles. Only 25c. at nil drug stores in tho count v. Happenings at Tugaloo. Tugaloo, September '2.-Two fair days in two weeks ?B tho record for this sec tion. Everybody who travels thoso days goos tho now road-just two foot under tho mud in tho old rood. Crops aro badly damaged by excessive moisture. This is tho third consecutivo year that bottom crops havo boon dam aged by high wator. Tho poach orop was iilmost entirely ruined by continuous rains. Lot us hopo wo will havo a dry autumn ana A pleasant Indian summer, io that wo will bo enabled to savo an abundance of roughngo to holp out tho small corn crop. This is Ano woathor for sowing turnip seed. Mr. Glenn Shirley, tho handsome and sbllging salesman for W. L. Thomas, paid Iiis parents a visit last Saturday at Shoal Crook, Ga. Mr. E. Porcy Long, who is doing busi 0088 for Stradloy A Barr, Groonvillo, :loHghtod tho old folks on Long's Hill with a wook'B visit rocontly. MisBOB Julia Novillo, Eva Blair and Mr. Julian Novillo, of Atlanta, woro tho recent guests of Mr. J. B. Mc,Junkin and family. Thoir friends boro woro do lightcd to soo thom. Miss Carrlo McJunkin, tho charming laughter of Dr. John McJunkin, of I'occoa, is visiting frionds in this sect ion. Somo of tho visiting young ladios aro hoard to say, "What a pity ho lias gono to tho asylum. Wo miss him so much. Wo wish ho would como back." Mrs. Follows, nee Maggie Sheldon, is m a visit from Nuwborry to hor father boro. i" A Communication. Mossrs. Editors! Allow mo to speak a fow words in favor of Chamberlain's Uough Roniody. I aufforod for three year? with tho bronchitis and could not doop at nights. 1 tried s.werai doctors mid varioiiB patent medicines, but could ?ot nothing to give mo any roliof until my wifo got a bottlo of this valuablo medicino, which has completely relieved mo.--W. S. Brockman, Bagnoll, Mo. This romody is for salo by J. W. Boll. ? - . - Mooting Oconeo County Broli.orhood. There will b