. Stood uri? W???m? .-""bloom soils it for IOBB." -Read M. W. Coleman & Co.'s now advertisement. -Mrs. E. M. Cud wort li ls visiting rela tive? in Pendloton. -For milch cows apply to W. T. Hunt, Towuvillo, S. C. -Soe important notion to pensioners in another column of this issue. -Mr. John Hoofor, of Columbia, is visiting Mr. Jehu HOBO and family. -Mr. S. H. Drown, of Piokons, vlsltod Mr. ?nd Mrs. C. L, Craig last wcok. -Tho County Supervisor lias import ant ad vert isements in this issue. Hoad thom. -Mr. D. ll. Pooro and wifo, of Lock hart, aro visiting Mrs. J. M. Callas, in Wost Union. -Mrs. Martha Marott, of Savannah, Cn., is visiting hor daughter, Mrs. J. H. Karlo, in Midway. -Soo our now lot of corsets. For stylo and comfort they are unexcelled. Miss lt. Phillips, Seneca, S. C. -Bishop Capors will proaeh in tho episcopal church on Sunday, August li. at ll o'clock a. m., and at caudle-light. -Mr. A. L. Roberts loft Monday morn ing for Columbia, where ho goos to accopt a position with tho Southon) Hall way. -Head C. W. & J. E. Bauknight's now nd. on first pago. Ho o no tes somo prices of interest to gun club mon, hunters and others. -W. (Jibbos Whaloy, Esq., a promi nent member of tho Charleston bar, spent Monday in Walhalla on professional business. -Mr. Tims. Clarkson rotnrned to his homo nt OatTnoy last Saturday, after a pleasant visit to his brothor, HOT. C. F. Clarkson. -Ladies, call ot: Miss H. Philips, at So noca, and soo hor summer salo of organ dies ?nd lawns. -Mrs. M. E. Wickllfto and two chil dren, of Savannah, Cn., nro visiting at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wick liffe, in Wost Union. -Mr. F. W. Keys spout Saturday after noon in Walhalla with his parents and other relatives. Iiis many friends woro pleased to moot him. -Somo now hats actually bolow first cost, but cannot carry thom ovor. Seo duly and August clearance salo. Miss H. Philips, Seneca, S. C. -Mr. and Mrs. Henry Inman and daughter, Miss Carri", of Georgetown, are spending some timo nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Heid. -Mrs. L. 1). Hunger and six children, of Savannah, Cn., are visiting her fattier, Mr. W. C. Schlutor, near Walhalla. They will spend about a month. -Fahnestock's dental rooms, Wal halla, open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 10 till t o'clock. -Head O. II. Schumacher's advertise ment. Among other things ho directs special attention to tho (icm Safety Ha/.or, for which ho is agent, (live him a call. -Pou SALK.-I will soil tho placo known as tho Vineyard Placo, formerly owned by Mr. C. M. Niold. For infor mation apply to J. I). McCullough, Wal halla, s. C. -Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Hays and Miss Kizzie Crane, of Roturn, passed through Walhalla last Monday on their way to tho mountains, whore they will spend several days. -Mr. William 1). Wallace, of Floronco, died at. Georgetown on Friday, July 2)3. Ho was well known in Walhalla, having silent about a year hero as prescription clerk for Dr. I). H. Darby. -Mr. and Mrs. .John Klarons, of Charleston, are spending some time with Mrs. Klarons' mother, Mrs. Jacob Husch, near town. Tbero is a probability of theil making this their home. -A collogo graduate, with successful experience in teaching, desires a position to teach during August and September. A school in the mountains preferred. Addross [lox 33 Duo West, S. C. - Mrs. N. H. Clarkson and daughter, Miss Anna Clarkson, of Hichburg, S. C., aro visiting their son and brother, Hov. (I. F. Clarkson, of Walhalla. They aro delighted with our mountain city. -Ladies: Beginning July 1st, and con tinuing through August, you will lind lawns and organdies at greatly reduced prices hy calling on Miss H. Pl ?Hips, Se neca, S. C. -(.'ards aro out announcing tho mar riage of Mr. Carson IL Oolkors and Miss Dorothea ll. Kornahrens, Monday even ing, August 12, 1001, at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Kornahrens, at Summer ville, S. C. -Mr. Leon Sicss, of Charleston, State Deputy of the Woodmen of tho World, is visiting Codar (.'amp, No. ":!, at Wal halla, and putting in some good work. He is an enthusiastic. Woodman and well up in the work of Woodcraft. -Editor John A. Moroso, of the Orcen villo Now?, bas rotnrned to Richmond, Va., to accepta more lucrative position on tho Hieb mond livening News. Hellas been succeeded by J. K. Blackman, of Charleston, a newspaper man of decided talent and considerable experience. - Flowers and chiffons must go. See oloarance salo July and August. Miss P. Phillips, Seneca, S. C. -Dr. Ti M. Hailey, of Crconvillo, sec retary of the Baptist State Mission Hoard, preached an excellent sermon at the Wal halla Baptist church last Sunday night. In the afternoon bo organized a church on Factory Hill. Dr. Hailey is an earnest worker, and his visits to Walhalla are highly appreciated. -Rov, Ut, ll. Waddell, of Columbia, is stopping at tho Walhalla Hotel. Ile is taking a needed rest from bis duties as superintendent of tim Epworth Orphan age, in winch institution there were last year !(>!> children. Hov. Mr. Waddell is doing a great work, and under his man agement the orphanage bas grown to be one of the leading institutions of the Methodist church. -Hov. C. P. Watson, of St. Coorgo, S. C., is at tho Walhalla Hotel. Ile is one of the prominent Methodist divines of the State, lie is on his way to Jocas see Valley for a summer outing. Wo fool sure our delightful climate and line mountain water will greatly benefit bis wasted energies ami reinvigorate his en tire system. He made Tho Courlor ellice an appreciaMve visit Wednesday morn ing. - Mr. W. Stokes Sholor, of Charlotte, is visiting reiatives and friends in Coo nee. Ile has boon in Charlotte four yeats as salesman in a large clothing house. Ile expects to go to Oxford, N. C., on the 15th instant to lake charge of the clothing depart ment, of a big linn. His many friends are pleased to meet him again and see bim looking so well. Ho paid us an appreciated call this morning. - In spring everyone should lessen the extra work forced upon their System by taking soma rellablo blood purifier. Sickness does not need to he already present. You should purify your blood every spring to get the excess matter (occasioned hy tho heavy diet of winter) out, of your system. Try huntley's Com pound Kxtract of Sarsaparilla. There is nothing helter. sl.oo per hollie at Lun ney's DntgStOl'O, Seneca, S. C. - Mamie, the seven inonlhs-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mis. Chas. Burnsides, died af their home, in Went (Ininti, last Monday morning after a protracted ill ness of whooping cough, and was buried in Ibe Lutheran cemetery Monday after noon al t? o'clock after funeral services by Hov. J. C. Sebald. To Mi. and .Mrs. Burnsides have boon horn th roo children, allot whom died when quite yoting. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of many friends. --W. Ilormau, Ibo two-year old son of Mr. and Mis. A. (I, Stapel, of Atlanta, Ca., died in that city yesterday, altera short, illness. The remains wei?) brought to Walhalla this morning and will be laid io lest in tho Lutheran cemetery this afternoon al :i o'clock. Kev. J. 0. Sobald, pastor Of the Lutheran church, will conduct the services. In this sad aflliotioil Mr. and Mrs. Stapel have Hu; sympathy of many friends in Walhalla, where they resided for several years. They accompanied the remains to tins placo. DOWN T We are Determined to All Summ? WE EXTRAO] THE NE] fj pr pr pr D g0od faith ? ? ? ^ on our co FRUIT OF THE LOOM BL] All goods on tablo in contr gains-something you can't am in White Goods as woll as Colo you will have tho opportunity of own price. You will find bottei do in IO yards Fruit of tho Loon ton for 25c-our l?ricos on thes cash-DON'T ASK FOR ORB! WE SELL GR0GERIE8, ? your friends that J A YNES sells nilM'T FODPfT fchut tll09? prices ai UUI1 I runutl have thom charge This will bo the strongest ton offered them. Don't miss it. ) what wo sell will advertise us. QI j UJC nQV h-i an opportunity to nLL ut noli prices. Romembor, Buggy to bo given away on Octo C. C. J i -Hov. John G. Law will preach at tho Prosbyterian church uoxt Sunday at ll a. m. and 8.80 p. re. -Hov. W. T. Abbott will proacb at Neville's school house on Monday night aftor tho second Sunday in August. Ser vices will begin at 8 o'clock. -Nowborry Obsorvor : If tho Demo cratic Odin mit tee baa tho right to rulo McLaurin out becausoof bis opinions on expansion and freo silver it bas tho samo right to close tho polls against any votor who holds similar views. Will tho com mittee try that ? Another Smith Excursion. Ii. P. Smith's annual excursion to Tal lulah Palls will be run this season shortly after tho middle of August. Mr. Smith has not yet announced tho oxact dato. Tho train will bo started from Grcors. The rate will bo specially ohoap, so that all who wish may go. A trip to Tallu lah is one of tho most pleasant outings that p ssibly can bo secured for such lit tlo money. Unclaimed Lcltors at Westminster. Following is a list of totters remaining in tho Westminster post oflico for tho month of July: J. H. Anderson, Kllio Hers, H. L. Drown, Mrs. Sarah II. Doug lass, Jesse M. DockitlS, Jim ll unter, Dr. W. 1). Hatto, E. J. .(unison, Miss July Hinder, V. H. HommoiiB, S. Emmott stephens, John Stewart, colorod, A. L. Smith, Ashley Thompson (2). 0. J. Mulkey, l'ostmastor. Tho Proper Thing for Boarding Houses. Hast Saturday Mr. (loo. W. Broom sont to bur oflleo a curiosity in tho shapo of a chicken. The little fellow possessed four well-formed wings and four logs, and on each of il? four feet woro five toes. It had followed the custom adopted by most of such freaks, and died young. It can bo seen at Dr. Hell's drug store, where it bas boen put in alcohol. If ohiokons with four wings and four logs could be raised to maturity, wouldn't it be a snap for hotels and boarding houses? Insurance Notice On account of tho rain tho Farmers' Mutual Insurance Association of Oconoe county failed to meet in tho regular an nual meeting Tuesday, August Otb, 1001. Thcreforo tho call meeting, for tho pur pose of transacting all business that would properly havo como before the annual meeting, will bo hold on Tuesday, August 20th, 11101, at Walhalla Court House at ll a. m. Every mombor is re quested to bo pieseut. M. H. Cox, President. Farmers' Institute. Tho annual farmers' instituto of Clem son College will bogia on next Monday, August Hitit. Tho authorities havo al ready mado ample preparations foi tho occasion. According to tho records of tho institution of the past several years there will be a largo crowd of farmers from all over tho State in attendance. The institutes havo boon very successful and havo proved of great benollt to tho farmers of tho country. Oconoo county should be largely represented at tho in stitute by her intelligent a id progressive farmers. McLaurin will bo Thoro. On Friday next, tho 0th instant, at Heeder's Ford, near Oak way, a jolly good time is ox poo tod. Tho occasion will bo tile "log rolling" and picnic of tho Wood men of the World and invited guests. A big crowd is expected. Everybody is invited to attend and bring well lilied baskets, lt is definitely known that Sen ator Mo Lauri n will be prosont and dolivor an address. Tho farmers have finished laying-by their crops, and wo have had good rains, so that all nature, as well as man and beast, have boon revived. Lot's all turn out and have ono Hod Letter Day. Death ol Mrs. S. L. Richardson. Mrs. Hassle Hello, the beloved wife of Mr. S. Luther Richardson, died at their home, on Little Hiver, on Tuesday morn ing, July Kith, 1001, at 7 o'clock, aged 27 years. She was a (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. 11 un nient t. She had hoon happily married for about six years. Uer husband and three children survive. She nun a consistent member of Now Hope Baptist, church. To her aged parents and griof-st ricken husband is extended thc sincero sympathy of many friends, lier funeral services were conducted at the rosidotico on Thursday morning by Hov. I). W. ll lott, and her body was buried in the cemetery (it Sonoca Thurs day afternoon. A dutiful daughter, affectionate wife, devoted mother and humble Christian lias gone to hoi reward. For tho Farmers' Alliance. The special committoo appointed at the recent, meeting in Columbia of tho (.'armers' Alliance to build up and reju viliatO the order in South Carolina, has gone to WOrk, The committoo has a fund at its disposal to uso in this endea vor. ?to drat atop was to secure a State Lecturer ami organizer, and for this ellice the committee procured lion. J. C. Wilburn, President of the National K?rrn ers' Alliance, and also Chairman of the South Carolina Railroad Commission. Ile has undertaken tho task of infusing new life into tho dormant society. Ho will begin a canvass of the Stato at once. An earnest and energetic elVort will ho made to reorganize the various ?uh-Alli anccs throughout Oconee county. At one time there were about twenty Alli aileOS in the county, with a membership of eight, hundred or more. Now there are only four live Alliances in tho county with a me ni hersh ip of about ono hun dred and fifty. Along a groat many lines this farmers' organization has accom plished a great deal of good in tho past, and WO trust in the new effort now being inaugurated to revive its drooping spirits, il. may still be useful in advancing the material interests of those who make their living in agricultural pursuits. .lob Couldn't Havo Stead-lt If he'd hail itching piles. Thoylro terribly annoying; hut Hucklen's Arnica Salve will cure the worst case of piles on earth, lt has cured thousands. For In juries, pains or bodily eruptions it's the best salve in thc world. Price 25o. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists in tho county. Empty Our Shelves of 3r Goods. RDINARY BARGAINS FOR CT TEN DAYS-don't miss tho os. As wo said before, to show that prices aro right, wo throw linters the second shipment of BACHING-10 yards for 75c. 0 of storo aro exceptional bar Dl'd to miss. Wo bought heavy red Summer Dross Goods, and tho season to buy goods at your . values on this table than you 1 for 75c. or G spools Coats' Cot e goods. These prices aro for )IT. sh to koop this fact before tho member, and don't forget to tell 8 cakes Octagon Soap for 10c. re strictly cash, but that you can ld at tho regular retail price, days' sale the people have had Yhat wo advertise we sell, and show you our goods and quote you will get a chance at the ber 1st. Yours truly, \YNES. ? _LT Unclaimod Letters. Tho following is the list of loiters remaining in tho Walhalla post ellice micallcd for for tho month of .lune: (less Howie, Frank Dandy, J. M. Looney, Kolos Thrasher, J, W. Anderson, C. C. Jimson, Fred Keod, A. 1). MoMurray, J, S. Drown, J. K. Mcontire, Miss Nina Collons, Miss Fillis Young, Mrs. Manda Hrowor. Parties calling for any of tho above will please say they aro adver tised. J. M. Merrick, I?. M. Diod Near Danville. Ktninor May, the year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Hilliugsley, died Friday night, August 2d, after an illness of (Ive days, and after funeral services, conducted by Kev. U. F. Murphreo, her remains wore laid to rest in Fall (beek cemotory to await tho morning of the resurrection, whoo Christ shall lake his jowols homo, for of Buch is tho kingdom of heaven. Mr. and Mrs. Hilliugsley havo a host of friends and relatives who oxtend to thom heartfelt sympathy in their groat sorrow. lt, i" ll, Union Missionary Mooting. On noxt Sunday aftornoon at 5 o'clock, in tho Walhalla Baptist church, a union missionary meeting will bo held. Mem bers of all churches aro invited. Ad dresses will bo delivered by Mrs. E. S. Ilorbort, Vico Pr?sident of tho Woman's Missionary Sooioty of tho South (Jaro lina Conference, Miss M. L. (Joker, of Socioty Hill, and Mrs. J. K. McManaway, of Westminster. A woman's missionary socioty will thou bo organized in tho Walhalla Baptist church. A Pleasant Evening at Tamassoc. Last evening a number ol' young peo plo drovo out to Tamassce to attend au "At Homo," given by Miss Nettie and Mr. Kayne Jones in honor of their friends. Miss Della Cator, of Anderson; Miss Blythe, of Uroenville; tho Misses McAlistor and Mr. McAlister, of Groom villo. Tho evening was greatly enjoyed by all present. Dancing and music wore features of the entertainment. Dainty refreshments were served to tho guests on tho large varan das. At 12.30 the party left for Walhalla, having spent an exceptionally pleasant evening. A Ten Por Cont Dividend. ? Judge Lunipkin, of Atlanta, Ca., has at last ordered the Hcceivers of tho Southern Mutual Building and Loan As sociation to pay a dividend of toil pot' cent to tho stockholders. Tho dividend is to bo paid in tho next few days, as soon as tho necessary clerical work, inci dent to tho issuing of so many checks, can be dono. This will be good nows to a fow persons in Walhalla, and others perhaps in Oconeo county, who are stock holders in the defunct concern. This was ono of the groat swindles of the age, incomprehensible to our Uni to minda, and if thoro ever was a man who de served hanging it certainly was Hale, the President, who stole the whole thing out and was permitted to make his escape and go "Scott freo." -_.. -* . - -- Tho Most Popular Young Lady. Tho following is tho result of tho vot ing for tho most popular young lady in Walhalla. Tho first week of tho voting was an exceptionally cool and rainy one, hut the number of voies cast amounts to 3<>">: Julia Maxwoll. WI Lidio Keith. Ut Annie Hiemann.9. Kinma Merrick. ?H) Annie Maxwell. 2(5 Annie Veiner. .... IO Bessie Mickler. 8 Dolly Hoard. f> Certrudo Hiemann. I lue/. Schroder. 2 Bessie Hohcrts. 2 Kihi Kohl. 2 l'an me Maxwell. 2 Katie Hiemann. I Deane Seaborn. 1 A Farmors' Picnic. Mr. (J. C. J ay nos will on lort ai n the farmers of Oconeo at a picnic at I'iopor'fl grovo, near Walhalla, on Thursday, Au gust 22(1. Helias invited several promi nent fanners of the county and Prof. J. s. Nowman, of Clemson College, to ho present and deliv . addresses. Prof. Newman has writ.t ., (hat ho will talk on tillago of the soil and more rational cul tivation. There will be oil exhibition and in praoti al operation reapers, grain drills, disc harrows, disc plows and other farm machinery of tho latest improved designs. This will he a splendid oppor tunity for the farmers to get a thorough knowledge of tho machinery used hy their Northern and Western broth roil to such advantage. Besides giving a day of pleasant recreation from the worry o' farm management, lt can ho made a day of praoti cai benefit to all interested iii improving their farms and moderniz ing their methods. What's Your Face Worth Sometimes a fortune, hut never, il you have a sallow complexion, a jaundiced look, moth patches and blotches on the Skill, all signs of livor trouble. Hill Dr. King's New Lifo Bills give clear skin, rosy cheeks, rich complexion. Only 2o cents at all druggists in thc county. -*44'?i?L-. Homes for tho Soldiers. "The Idler," writing in the Spar la li bing Journal, says: "W. L. Harbin, a prominent. clti/.OII of Seneca, is agitat ing a movement for the establishment ol' a soldiers' home in each one of tho coun ties in tho State, being of tho opinion I that a Stale home, i!t> bono volent, i:; Impractical and unsatisfactory, lie has called on all the newspapers of the Slate for suggestions as to the best way to begin with tho work. Those with whom I have talked on thc subject in this city seem to look upon with favor any ideas as to the establishment of an institution for the care of the old Confederate vete rans of this county. The brave old hat tie-scarred heroes won't be hero very much longer before they will answer their last roll call, and Spartanbing would havo ?onie fond momorios to dwell upon in future years if she could point back to her old soldiers, whose declining years were passed in a condor table homo provided hy the people of Hie county." THE FARMER8' INSTITUTE. fm Interesting Mooting Hold Last Friday at Bounty Land School House Last Friday morning at IO o'clock thc Farmers' instituto waa oouveuod ut Bounty Laud school house. The moot ing was oallod to order by Chairman A. H. Ellison. A large number of ropre soutativo farmers from over the county woro present, and tho ladies had prepared an excellent pionto dinner, which was heartily enjoyed by all presont Mr. J. B. Pickett oponed tho meeting with au address, calling attention to the groat necessity for tho farmers to organ ize and stand together, both SS a m nt tor of Keif-protection and for the purposo of bettering tho farming intorosts in tho wny of intelligent and practical farming. Ho is ono of tho prominent Allianoomon of thc Slate, has been au onrucst workor on thoHO linos and bis advico was sound and business-like, and it would bo woll for tho farmers to follow tho liuos laid out by Mr. Pickott. Ho spoke of the groat f?rtil i/.or trusta and other combi nations of capital, against which tho I farmers must stand as a man to protect | their interests. After his address ho made a few remarks welcoming tho visi tors, and tho instituto was formally oponed. Prof. M. B. Ilardiu, professor of ohom istry at Clemson College, spoke next. I lis address was on "Commercial fertili zers, their mixture and application," and was woll rccoived. Ho advocated tho | use of high-grade fertilizers, and showed tho absolute folly of tho uso of an infe rior ai tide. For instance, tho farmer who buys a ton of tho host fertilizer bas to pay tho freight on lt. mid also for tho fertilizer, but ho gets something of valuo for his money, whero tho man who buys an inferior article gots it but little cheaper than tho best, and what he puts on bis laud amounts to about tho follow ing: Phosphoric acid.1,200 pounds. Ammouiatod blood... 200 pounds. Ktiinit. 200 pounds. 1,000 pounds. This leaves -100 pounds lacking for tho ton, which is Ulled in with some worth less material, and tho farmer bas to pay freight on 400 pounds of useless "Alling" in every ton of his cheap fertilisers. This is a wasto of monoy, a wast c of time and does not henel ii tho land on which lt is used. Mr. O. M. Watson, who has ohargo of tho poultry depart ment at (il eui son Col logo, spoke next, his subject being "Poultry on tho farm." Ho spoke of tho great advantages to bo gained by tho raising of good breeds of chickens, and of the necessity for proper caro and feeding. His remarks woro practical, and the ladies woro especially interested in his talk. Ho recommended as tho best liokons to raise a cross between tho Indian gamo and tho Leghorn or Plymouth Hock. Thoso bo considered tho best as egg producers and brooders, and when this strain is carried out tho poultry raiser has ono of tho most hardy chickens that can be rained. Col. J. 8. Newman, professor of agri culture at Clemson, was tho next speakor. His subject was, "(tot out of | tho old ruts." Ho laid special stress on the preparation of land for planting. This, he said, was claimed by some to1 ho half tho work for a crop; ho claimed it. was three-fourths. Another groat thing is the selection of seed. Tho vory best should always bo used, as tho best results cannot bo obtained from inferior seed. Terracing was nlso advooalod, and tho speaker said it is a duty tho farmer owes to himself to protect his rolling land from washing and thus los ing in valuo. This is a grass country, and giass will pay tho farmor who raises it. Bermuda, orelia -d grass, vetch, and even blue grass, grow well in this sec tion, and it ought to bo a regular pro duct of every farm. Clovor, bo said, was a goori thing, but peas aro far supe rior, enrich (he land and are far moro valuable as a commercial article. Ho is a native of Virginia, whero tho clovor Holds yield rich returns to tho planters, yet ho is satlsllcd tho practical cultiva tion of tho cow pea would bo far bettor oven in a clover Stato. His talk was of | practical valuo to farmers, and it it matter for regret that ovory farmor in Oconeo could not hear him and profit by it. At tho close of tho instituto a bounti ful dinner was served by tho ladies, who made tho guests at homo and contributed much to the social feature of tho occa sion. Tho young people enjoyed them selves greatly after tho meeting, and altogether thc gathering was ono to bo long remembered, both for its pleasures and its practical hench ts. White Man Turned Yellow. Croat consternation was folt by tho friends of M. A. Ilogarty, of Lexington, Ky., when they saw ho was turning yel low. His skin slowly changed color, also his eyes, and ho suffered torribly. His malady was yellow jaundice. Hoi was treated by tho host doctors, but without benefit. Then ho was advised to try Elect ric Hitters,. tho wonderful stomach and liver remedy, and ho writes: "After taking two bottles 1 was wholly cured." A trial proves its matchless merit for all stomach, livor and kidney troubles. Only ?Oc. Sold by all drug gists in tho county. Cartor & Company. Mr. F. IL (Jailer, of West Union, has purchased the interest of Mr. W. J. Neville in the linn of Carter & Co. and lias begun active work as a member of thc firm. His stock of goods has boen moved to Walhalla, and from now until September 1st they will sell at reduced prices in order to reduco thoir stock, pre paratory to moving into tho now brick store belonging to Mr. W. A. Strother, two doors below thc (.'. W. Pitchford Co. Mr. F. IL Cartor will also conduct a liv ery business. Wo welcomo him as an addition to Walhalla'n mercantile brigade. Greenville Wins. On last Thursday morning tho Stato Supreme Court handed down a decision in thc case involving tho establishment of tho lino between tho Counties of Spar tanburg and Oroonvillo, near tho Pelham mills. The case originated by reason of ono county claiming tho mill property as being located therein. Tho decision of tho Circuit Court was in favor of Spartan burg com ty. Tho Sit promo Cour reverses (his, and tho laud in dispute goes Into Oroonvillo county. It means that all of tho property of tho Pelham mills, heretofore considered in Spartan burg, goes over into Creenvillo county, the total valuation of tho mill and other property going over being probably $?100,000, Thc question about fhn line grows out of the usc of di lieront com passes af ditferent stages of thc histor of tho country. Mr. I. II. Harrison, of Walhalla, was chosen as tho surveyor on behalf of (?reenvido county. Ile made an elab orate report on the questions at issue, and his report has been sustained hy tho Supreme ( lou lt. Sun Siitjrs ?hs Tcitlidi*. A fatal tragedy was enacted in Ba 's district, in Hart county, Georgia, near Hoy s ton, on Saturday afternoon last, in which ICdward Smith was shot and killed hy his own son, Harry Smith. From re ports, the father had been drinking in toxicants, and took his son's buggy without permission. They became in volved in a quarrel about tho buggy, when Harry drew his pistol and ftrodat IliS father, indicting a fatal wound. An Inquest was held hy .Justice Tucker, of Hay's district, acting as Coroner. The Jury found .?> verdict "f murder, and Harry Smith has been committed to the Mart county jail to await trial at the September term of Hart, superior Court. How A rn Your KI or N. Y. Tho British Parliament has given Lord Hobarts $500,000 for his services in South Africa. Tho female population of Massachu setts Includes 51 per cent of all tho peo ple of that Slate. Tho Southern Pacido Railroad Com pany ls about lo borrow $15,000,000 to be used for changing tho motivo power from coal lo oil burners. PRIG fe fe 4?? fe They are Cut Down 50 Per Cent ! Goods Must Move ! ? GLANCE OVER THESE PRICES-THEN COME IN AND LET US SELL YOU CLOTHING, HATS AND SHOES CHEAPER THAN YOU EVER HEARD OF THEM BEING SOLD BEFORE. Men's Suits Regular Price $8.00, $3.75, $5.00, $6.00, $8.00, $12.50, $16.50. To go foi 1.65, 2.40, 8.25, 3.75, 5.00, 7.00, S.75. Boys' Suits Regular Price $3.00, $3.50, $4.75, $5.75, $7.75, $9.75. To ??o ai 1.50, 1.00, 2.40, 3.00, 4.50, 5.50. ^| mm Children's Suits mm fjb, Zp? Price was.... 7 5 c., $.1.00, $1.25, $1.75, $2.25, $3.00 VI To goat.45c, 75c, 1.00. 1.25, 1.75, 2.00 ^ 400 Pairs Men's Pants, worth from $1.25 to $1.75, to go at 85 cents! 125 Pairs Children's Pants, worth from 25c. to $1.25, To go at. 10c. to 50c. poi' pair. 50 Pairs Ladies' and Children's Slippers, worth from $.1.25 to $1.75.To ay for the session.-Coorgotown Timos, August Sd. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. Something New Under the Sun?" All doctors havo tried lo euro Catarrh by the uso of powders, acid gases, inhal ers and drugs in paste form. Their pow ders dry up tho mucous membranes, caus ing them to crack opon and blood. Tho powerful acids used in tho inhalers have ontiroly eaten away tho same membranes that their makers have aimed to cure, while, pastes and ointments cannot reach the disease. Au old and experienced practitioner, who has for many years made a close study and specialty of the treatment of Catarrh, has at last perfected a treatment which, when faithfully used, not only relievos at onco, but permanently cures Catarrh, by removing tho causo, stopping the discharges and curing all Inflammation. It is the only remedy known to science that actually reaches tho alli ic tod parts. This wonderful rem edy is known ns "SNUFFLES, the Guar anteed Catarrh Cure," and is sold at tho extremely low price of one dollar, each package containing internal and external medicine sufliciont for a full month's treatment and ovorything necessary to its porfoot use. "SNUFFLES" is the only perfect Ca tarrh ('ure over made and is now recog nized as the only safe and positive euro for that annoying ami disgusting disease. 11 cures all inflammation quickly and per manently, and is also wonderfully Quick to relieve Bay Ko vor or Cold in the Bead. Catarrh when neglected often leads to Consumption-"SNUFFLES" will save you if you use it once. It is no ordinary remedy, but a completo treatment which is positively guaranteed to cure Catarrh in any form or stage if used according to tho directions which accompany each pack ago. Don't delay, hut ?tend for it at once, and write full particulars as to your condition, ami you will reeeivo special advice from tho discoverer of this won derful romody regarding your case with out cost to you beyond tho regular price of "SNUFFLES," tho G naran toed Ca tarrh Cure." Sent prepaid to any ad dross in IJ. S. or Canada on receipt of ono dollar. Address Dept. C KIO, Kdwin H. (liles Sr. Company, 2380 and'2 ;i:i2 Mar kot street, Philadelphia Tokocna Hems. Tokeona, 8. C., August 5.-Rev. 0. Wardlaw lilied li?H appoint ment, hore Sunday. Ile will begin a series of meet ings on tho fourth Sunday night in this month. Mr. Luther Sullivan and nistor, Miss Allure, are visiting relatives in Green ville. Mr. Alfred Prichard and sistors, Misses Lillio and /ila, and Mr. Carl Myors and sister, Miss Doulah, visited relatives at Liberty last week. Miss Lizzie Bruce has returned to her school at Tabar for tho sum mor. Misses (Mara and Hloise Marris, of Cal houn, who have boon visiting relatives near nero, have returned homo. Miss Jessie Ward law, of Seneca, and littlo friend, Bessio Robertson, of tho Connie Maxwell Orphanage (Croon wood) attended church hero Sunday. Mr. C. A. Whitfield has commenced work on his new dwelling at this place. Miss Willie Daniels, of Pelzer, visited tho Misses ('loveland Sunday. Miss Clelia Crooks, of Pelzer, is visit ing her aunt, Mrs. Patterson. Mrs. W. P. Mason is still on tho sick list. Master Carl Singleton visited friends near Westminster last week. The health of this community is not very good at presont. Kulalio. Saves Two from Death. "Our littlo daughter had an almost fatal attack of whooping cough and bronchitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Ilavi land, of Armonk, N. Y., "hut, when all other remedies failed, we saved her lifo with Dr. King's Now Discovery. Our niece, who had consumption in an ad vanced stago, also used this wonderful medicine and to-day sho is perfectly well." Desperate throat and lung dis eases yield to Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. Infal lible for coughs and colds. 50o. and $1 bottles guaranteed by all druggists in tho county. Trial bottles froo. Woman Dies ol Hydrophobia. (Jamesville, (hi., August I.-Mrs. Dick Chatham died at. hm home in this city this morning of hydrophobia. She was bitten by a maddog several days ago. Thc bite at first caused no alarm. Yes terday, however, sho bocamo much worse and her sn H?rings woro in'?use. She acted as if wholly mad. Tho p^ son had evidently gotten in its worst work, foi' sb' aved until death relieved her this morning, lim' daughter was bitten hy tho same pet pug at. tho samo time, and to-day it is feared that she, too, will have hydrophobia. Mrs. Chatham was prominent here and owned considerable property. - - . ?-, Teachers' Association. Tho following is the program of the Teachers' Association at Walhalla, Au gust ?if K"i? ; 1. Correlation of Studios-j. S. Jen nings, Oak way. 2. Sketch of tho lifo of Sidney Lanier Miss Bot tie Smith. ?J. Circulation of thoatmosphere, trade winds, counter trades, calm belts, peri odical winds-with blackboard illustra tion-Kev. P. J. Vormillion. .I. Method of teaching addition, sub traction and multiplication -J. S. Colley. Miss Floronco Norris, W. IL Heeder, J. H. Lylos, Jas. M. Moss, Program Committee. -* . Card ol Thanks. We sincerely wish to extend our most hearty thanks to the many friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted during tho long sickness and death of our (laugh 1er. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Callan. -? . ? It is estimated that from April 1 lo July I Ibo South African war cost tho British government $180,000,000. Tho work of removing tho wreck of the Cristobal Colon, whioh was sunk in the harbor of San Juan for tho purpose of keeping tho Americans out, has about boon completed. Be Your Own Barber. A five-minutes' fm?\vo about throe times a week at homo with a OEM PATENT SAFETY KA ZO H will keep you cool an?! your faco clean and pleas ant. Costs you no money; saves you many dimes and many hours spout in a barber shop. You can't cut yourself with a Safety Razor. Try ono and you will novor bo without one. For salo At SCHUMACHER'S. Fresh Bread every Wednesday and Saturday. Peanuts parched frosh every day at Schumacher's. Good Apple Vlnogar at 20o. por gallon; puro Wbito Wino Vinegar at .10c. per gallon; fivo-yoar-old Home Made Vinegar at 400, por gallon, at Schumacher's. Vegetables-?di kinds-always fresh, Fruits, Canned Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Classware, Hardware, Tinware, Enameled Ware, Wood and Willow Ware, At SCHUMACHER'S. Dry Goods, Notions and . .. Shoes . . Tennessee Sorghum, Ute. per gallon; puro Porto Rico Molasses, 10c. por gallon; Homo Made Orange Cane Molasses, ?'?Oe. per gallon. Piepor's Turnip Seed-tho best Turnip Seed-the only Turnip Seed. Hiing your Butter, Eggs, Chickens, Corn, Melons, otc, to SCHUMACHER'S, " The Popular Price Store." ?}J 'Goods Delivered Free in Town. Thinking; of Building ? -?-,-^ WE KEEP CONSTANTL Y ON HAND A FULL LINE OF B / ri h n E RS* TIA RD WA. n E, MORTISE FRONT DOOR LOCKS, STORE DOOR DEAD LOCKS, RIM KNOB LOCKS, IMPROVED BLIND HINGES, OLD-STYLE BLIND HINGES, SASH LIFTS, DOOR BELLS, FTC. THINKING OF PAINTING? WE SELL HAMMAH FAINT, THE BUST IN TIIF WORLD FOR TU F MONEY DROP US A CARD AND WE'LL BE GLAD TO FURNISH YOU AN ESTIMATE ON NUMBER OF GAL LONS AND FRI CE FOB ANY SIZE BUILDING, M. W. COLEMAN & CO., PHONE 30. SENECA, S. C.