?3 "i i '* T HAVE THROWN ON MY OOUNTEI 1 of LAWN.), ORGANDIES, PIQUES, MUSLINS, otc-all of which I will soll A lu this SRO you will flnil goods rod nco from 80. to 60. por yard-STRICTLY CAi Ton yards Fruit of tho Loom Bloaohir Strlotly Cash. Six Spools Coat*' Thread for 2oc.-?Sti Seo our TOWOIB and Doilies. Wo thro Light Calicoes reduced from 5o. to 4o. Wo invito you to call ami tako advar that wo havo put tho knife in tho prices 1 bargaius that you cannot alford to miss, prices, as it will bo roi used ono and all. 1 far retail prioo. 1 C. C. J i NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED PROPOSALS will bo recoivod by tho undersigned Conunitteo until 10 o'olook a. m., August 0th, 1001, for ro niodolliug tho Oconeo County Court House, aocordiug to plans and specifica tions now to bo soon at tho ofllco of Archi tect E. II. McCullough. Tho Committoo reservo tho right to rojoot any and nil bids. WM. J. STHIBL1NO, Chairman, A. P. CRISP, 20-30 J. W. HOLLKMAN. 3t0tul nub Wmmx?. V -"Bloom soils it for loss." -Prof. J. L. Mann returned to Wal halla Inst Friday. -Mr. "Paco" Provost, of Andorson, was in Walhalla last wook. -Mason's fruit jars and oxtra rubbors. John F. Craig. -Mr. Joo Trowbridge, of Anderson, Wnt Tuesday in Walhalla among friends. -Miss Lula Smith, of Autun, is visit ing tho family of Mr. aud Mrs. D. A. Smith. - Ladies, oall on Miss R. Philips, at S? neca, and soo hor summer salo of organ dies and lawns. -Governor McSwoonoy lins rofusod to grant a pardon in the caso of Lawronco C. Douthit, of Oconeo. -Mr. J. R. Lylos will opon school at Belmont Mouday, July 20. Ho requests nil tho children to bo on hand. -Flowers and chiltons must go. Soo clearance sale July mid August. Miss It Phillips, Souoca, S. C. -Mr. C. H. Mayhew returned to Wal halla last wcok from Georgia, whore ho has boon for sovoral wcoks on business. -Tho handsome HOW residence of Mr N. L. Font is nearin;; completion. It will bo roady for occupancy in about two weoks. -Mr. and-Mrs. Goo. Soaborn and littlo son, lindeman, aro visiting tho families of Mr. James Soaborn and .Judge J. W. Hollomau. -Tho Walhalla mill baso ball team played tho Newry team last Saturday with tho following result: Nowry 10, Walhalla 1. -A now post oflico has boon estab liBhood uoar Mayucha Falls in Choobco named Mayucha, With Mr. V. L. Moody as postmaster. -So in o now bats actually below first cost, but cannot carry them ovor. Seo July and August clearance salo. Miss li Philips, Soncca, S. C. -Mr. W. IL Thompson, of Charleston crone to Walhalla Monday cvoning and will spend a month's vacation with his parents, Col. and Mrs. It. A. Thompson -Tho remodeling of the large two-story residence of Mr. C. W. Pitchford on Main si 1 cet, is progressing rapidly. It al roady presents a handsome and imposing appearance. -Mr. and Mrs. S. A. G. Ilorndon and children, of Columbia, arrived in Wal halla last week to visit Mrs. It, Ilorndon and other relatives. Mr. Ilerndon re turned to Columbia yesterday. -Mr. Waltor V. Smith, of Washing ton, D. C., is visiting tho family of Mi and Mrs. D. A. Smith. His many friends aro pleased to moot him again. This is bis first visit homo in six years. -Seo our now lot of corsets. For style and comfort they aro unexcelled. Miss R. Phillips, Seneca, S. C. -The three now brick store rooms on Main street are nearing completion, and when finished they will bo a great addi timi to the town. Mr. Janies tl. Darby oxpects to bc aldo to occupy his building about the middle of August. -Tho second annual camp meeting of tho Wesleyan Methodist church will bo held at Oak way, S. C., commencing on Wednesday night beforo tho first Sunday in August next. Preachers and families will bo entertained free. All others must bring their bedding and como prepared to take care of themselves. Tho church will bo used for sleeping apartments. -Ladies: Beginning duly Isl, and con tinning through August, you will lind lawns and organdies at greatly rcducod prices by calling on Miss Ii. Phillips, So noca, S. C. -Mr. H. B. Ballenger and family loft Tuesday for Bogors, Ga., whore they will spend a whilo visiting his fathor before locating in business at sumo point in thatState. They have lived in Walhalla for three years, during which time thoy made many friends, who rogret to seo them go, but wish thom much success in their now homo. - In sining every ono should lesson tho ^roxtra work forced upon their system by taking some reliadlo blood purifier Sickness coes not need to bo already present. You should purify your blood ovory spring to got tho oxcess matter (occasioned by the heavy diet of winter) out of your system. Try Lunnoy's Com pound Kxtractof Sarsaparilla. There is nothing better. $1,00 per bottle at Luu noy's Drugstore, Seneca, S. C, Thc Trades Union, Washington, i> C., duly IK : "Walter V. Smith, Vice President of Columbia Typographical Union No, 101, has been granted bis loavo and will spend a portion of tho time at his home, Walhalla, S. C. Since com i ni; to this city Mr. Smith has made hosts of friends, and his popularity is attested by the fact that ho has twice been elected Vice President of tho lar gest labor organization in tho District of Columbia," - Little Nellie, tho I li i 1 teeii-months-old (laughter Of Kev. and Mrs. C. L. Craig, ?lied at their home in Walhalla Tuesday morning about 0 o'clock, after a long illness. She had boen a constant sulfurer for nearly a mon tb. Tho romains woro taken to I'ickens county Tuesday after noon for burial at G ri Oin church, about livo miles from thu town of I'ickens, where tho funeral will bo conducted at .I o'clock this afternoon. Tho remains wore accompanied by Kev. and Mrs. Craig, Mrs. S. 0, Henry, of Seneca, and Mrs. Brown, of i'ickens. Tho boroavod parents havo tho sympathy of many friends in their sad aft)lotion, PRICE SALE ? -?K*UO? IS all Summer Dress Goods, consisting COLORED LAWNS and ORGANDIES, T COST. tl from 20c. to loo., from 26c to 19o., and UL ig for 7!)o^; only 10 yards to one person rlctly Cash. w thqm on tho bargain oouutor for oa?h. dago of this salo. You will readily see of tiieso goods, and that wo are offering DO NOT ASK FOR CREDIT at those te member that it will bo oharged at rogu lospeotfuliy, \YNES. -For milch oows apply to W. T, Hunt, Townvillo, S. C. -Mrs. T. A. Ratliffo, of Auderson, ls visiting ber sistor, Mrs. N. L. Fant. -Soo now advertisements of Messrs. C. W. & J. E. llauknight aud V. L. Norman. -Prof. J. S .linings, of Viotoria, N. C., was in * thalia on business last Saturday. -Mrs. E. V. ?oeiU, of Trough, S. C., is visiting bee daughter, Mrs. C. F. Brouneoko. -Hov. P.. L. Rogors is assisting Rev. Win. Wylio iu a protraotod mooting at Hodges this wook. -I soll "Lotio Jaok Shoes." John F. Craig. -Miss Nan Strotnor and Mr. D. C. S trot! un- returned Tttosday from a wook's visit to friends at Tato, Ga. -Mr. Alfrod Ernost and daughter, Miss Corn, loft Tuesday on a month's visit to relatives at Nappanoo,. Iud. -FnhncBtock's doutai rooms, Wal halla, opon Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 10 till 4 o'clock. -Rov. G. F. Clarksou loaves to-day for Greers to attend tho Greenville District Conference, which convenes this ovoning. -Miss Inez Sclirodor returned from Bnltimoro Tttosday aftornoon. Hor many frionds aro happy to soo hor look ing so woll. -Messrs. John F. and L. C. Craig loft for Wickens this morning to attoud tho funeral of tho little daughter of their brothor, Hov. C. L. Craig. -Bishop Thompson and family, of Now Orleans, passed through Walhalla this week on his way to his Bummer homo at Horso Covo, N. C. -Thors will bo a picnic at tho tunnel on Thursday, August 1st, 1001. Every body invited to bring basket? full of good things. Music expected. -Attontion is directed to tho adver tisement of Mr. M. L. Cantrell. Ho has 4:10 acres to soil, either as a wholo or in one-horse farms, at a reasonable price. -Wnntcd, ladies to do writing at' homo. $20.00 por month and work very light. Year's employment guaranteed. Address with stamp "Stowart," Black ville, S. C. -A protracted meotiug will begin at South Union noxt Saturday at 4 o'clock p. m. I'".very member of that church ls urged to bo prosont at tho first sorvice and attond all tho services. -Mary, tho year-old daughter of Mrs. Sarah R. Jones, died at hor homo on Factory Hill ou tho 17th instant. Tho romains of tho little child woro interred in Long Crook church comotory on tho day following. -J. W. Sholor, Esq., wont to Romo, Ga., Inst Friday, where ho mot his family who have been visiting relatives thoro and elsewhere. Ho romains with thom until to-morrow when thoy expect to return to Walhalla. -Loon, tho three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Leopard, died at their homo on Factory Hill on tho morning of tho 18th instant, and was buried iu West view comotory tho samo aftornoon. Tho bereaved parents bavo tho sympathy of many frionds. -Mr. L. A. Edwards, of Oakway, takes tho lead so far in Oconeo as a wheat grower this year. Ho sowod six acres, and threshed 205 bushels, ?ifter feeding about 20 shocks. On a portion of his Hold he niado over 10 bushels to tho aero. Who can boat it? -Hov. W. T. Thompson, D, I)., wifo and son, of Washington, I). C., passed through Walhalla this wook on their way to Whitewater, whoro thoy will spond tinco wooks with Mr. Josse F. Cox, fishing and hunting, boforo going to their summer homo at Highlands. -Mr. IL C. Routh will givo a picnic at Cherry on Wednesday, August 7th, and bis friends it. town and country aro in vited to como with plenty of something good to eat and bavo a delightful timo. On his part ho will furnish tho accommo dations in tho way of cool wator, shady retreats and a dancing hall. -Miss Carrio Porry entertained a largo nu dior of friends last Wednesday after noon with a pleasant at home, in honor of hor guest, Mrs. Carrio McCully, of An derson. Tho parlors and dining room of hor elegant homo presented a charming scene, and delightful rofroshnionts woro served. Tho occasion was much enjoyed. -Mr. J. K. P. Noathcrry, of Colum bia, Grand Master of tho Indopondont Order of Odd Follows of South Carolina, was in Walhalla sovoral days this wook. Ho instituted a local lodgo hero inst night with about thirty charter mom hers. Mr. Ncathorry is a genial gentle man, well known by thc printing frater nity over tho Stato. Ho paid our office an appreciated visit Monday aftornoon. -Oconco's now jail is to bo a hand some building, and tho work is hoing pushed steadily forward. The design is modern and thc Sheri IPs now resid ence will bo as convenient and oozy ns nay in tho county. Tho residence portion will be two stories and contain oight rooms. The jail will bo to tho rear, and no ono will over suspect, from tho front viow, that tho building is anything but n hand some private residence, - ?liss Sudio Callas, daughter of Mr. J, S. Callas, of Belmont, this county, died on Monday, .Inly 22(1, about7 o'clock p. m. at tho homo of hor parents. Sho was sixteen years of ago. Sho had boon sick sinco early in February, suffering from a complication of disensos. Sho boro ber allliction pationtly. For sovoral months sho had been almost entirely helpless. Hor romains woro laid to rCBt this morning at ll o'clock at Double Springs, Hov. J. M. Sanders conducting tho funeral. Tho sympathy of tho ontiro community goes out to tho strickon family. -~+?+~ Don't Let Them Huffer. Often children aro tortured with itch ing and burning eczema and other skin diseases, hut Bucklon's Arnica Salvo heals the raw sores, cxpols inflammation, loaves tho skin without, a scar. Clean, fragrant, cheap; thoro's no salvo on oarth as good. Try it. Curo guaranteed. Only 2.~>c. at alf drug storos lu tho county. -. -. Keys Found. Oil this (Wodnosday) morning at ton o'clock a largo bunch of keys was found on Main stroot in front, of Pitchford's store by T. J, .tonkins. Owner can got tho keys by calling at our ofllco, identify ing keys and paying for this notice s Goonoo Singing Convention. Tho Oconoo County Sluging Conven tion will moot at tho Baptist dun oh In Westminster on Saturday, August Sd, at 10 o'clock sharp, fast time. All Sunday schools and oholrs invited to sond dele gates. Norton Cox, Seoretary. County papers please copy. Struck by Lightning. . On Tuesday o vening of last week the residence of Mr. J. L. Talley, noar Salem, waa struck by lightniug and considera bly damagod. The lightning struck the top of the chhnnoy, bursting it, and entered the house, demolishing a clock, mantel hoard and other articles. .Seve ral mombors of tho household were sevorely shookod, but nono seriously hurt. Tho damago to tho '?ouoo aud furniture was eovorod by insurance. House Parly at Newry. A Nowry correspondent of tho Augusta Hora ld writes that papor as follows: "Tho homo of Mr. aud Mrs. J. H. Bryan, at Nowry, has been tho scone of many gaioties during tho past ton days. Ilero a bouso party has boon gathored enjoy ing tho delightful climate of this pretty little village and hospitable homo. Those prosont woro tho Misses Julia Hall Bryan, Josio Summorall, of Augusta; Miss Itio White, of Atlanta; Mrs. J. B. Brown and Mrs. D. A. Lodbottor, of An derson; Mr. It. J. Lummoy, of Darling ton; Mr. MoCarloy, of Louisiana; Mr. J. B. Brown, of Atlanta, and Mr. Joe Brown, of Anderson. Prot. J. L. Mann Resigns. Florenoo Timos, July 17: "Prof. J. L. Mann has resigned tho superintendency Of tho oity schools. Iiis resignation was tendered this morning and has boon accepted, whioli means that tho schools of Florence suffor a distinct loss. Tho schools under his management during tho past threo ynars havo roached a high poiut in ofOoiouoy, aud as a matter of faot, aro among tho vory best in tho .St atc. Tho nows of his resignation is received with genuiuo regret by Floronco people. Prof. Mann resigns in order to take a courso of study in Germany, and it is his purpose to loavo noxt month. Quito rc contly ho dooidod to take this stop. Ho will take tho degree of Ph. D., aud will spend 80mo further time ill travel." -- Robbery at Richland. On last Thursday night, July 18th, at about midnight, robbors outored tho storo of W. H. Hughs at Richland. A young mau who slept in tho building gavo tho alarm and Mr. Hughs and others wore soon on tho scone. A numbor of shots wore exchanged, but without offoct, the robbors makiug their escapo, No money was taken from tho safo, but sov oral dollars woro takon from tho post oftico. A mossongor carno boro for She riff MOBS and Deputy Marshal Corbin and Iiis blood-bounds. Tho dogs woro put on tho trail and ran it to .Seneca, where tho thieves boarded tho early morning train. No ono saw thom there, as tliey bought no tiokot. If they had misson their train tho dogs would cer tainly havo run thom dowu. Causo of Mr. Gooroo Seaborn's Resignation. Spartanburg Daily Journal.. July 20th : "A good many Spartanburg pooplo rc grot that Mr. Goorgo Soaboru has ro signod his position as express agent here, as ho was an ofiiciont mau mid woll liked by tho pooplo who know him. Tho cir cumstances that caused his resignation aro somowhat unusual. A Spartanburg man took a package containing $25,000 in ne gotiable bonds to tho express oflico to bo shipped to Charleston and gave in a valuation of only $100 and tho charges wero fixod accordingly. Tho packago was misshippod, going to Charlotto in stead of to Charleston, and was there oponed by tho oxpross people. Whoo found to contain $25,(XX) in negotiable bonds instead of $100 tho superintendent of the oxpross company required Mr. Seaborn to pay tho dilToronco in tho ox press charges between a $100 package and a $25,000 package. As Mr. Seaborn con sidered himself without fault in tho mat ter, as ho did not know what tho packago con t nincd and had no right to open it, ho refused to pay tho charges, willoh amounted to $0.05, and resigned." Death of Col. H. S. VanDiviere. Col. Houston Solomon VanDivioro died at his homo in Walhalla on Tuesday afternoon, July 2M, 1901, after a linger ing illness, in tho eighty-first year of his ago. Ho was born near Tallulah Falls, in Ilabcisham County, Georgia, on July 21st, 1821. When a young mau ho located in Clnrksvillo, whore ho spout sovoral years as sal osman in a largo storo. In February, 1857, ho married Miss Isabella Starrott. In Decombor, 1857, she died, leaving ono child of their union. In 1850 ho married Miss Margaret Roso Lawronco, of Pickons, S. C. Of this union three children survive: Mr. L. It. VanDivioro, of Macon, Ga. ; Mrs. Corrio Boll Norris, of Greonwood, S. C., and Miss Georgia Roso VanDivioro, of Walhnlla. Tho child by his first mar riage is Mrs. Elizabeth Isabella Ricken backer, of Ornngoburg, S. C. Col. VanDivioro saw sorvico in two wars-first in tho Seminole Indian war in Florida in 18-15, and again in the war botwoon tho States 1801-05. In tho lat ter war ho sorvod as Colonel of tho 52d Georgia Volunteers. Ho was a bravo soldior and responded uobly to his country's call. For sovoral yoars ho has drawn a ponsion from tho Fodoial gov ernment for sorvico in tho Sominolo war. After tho closo of tho civil war ho ro niovod to Walhalla in tho fall of 1805. For many yoars ho conducted a largo merchandise business, and his name soon became a hoiiBohold word through out tho county. About 1885 ho rotired from active business and gave his atten tion in a quiot way to tho conduct of privato affairs. In early lifo ho united with the Bap tist church, and in his walk and conver sation exempli lied tho faith which bo professed. Ho was also a zealous Mason, nerving ino Craft willi lervoncy and fidelity. Ho frequently wont as a ropro sontativo to tho Grand Lodge, and at tho timo of his doath ho was Junior Warden of Hine Ridgo Lodge, No. 02, A. F. M., whoro ho had called tho Craft from labor to rofroshniont and from refresh ment to labor for many, many yoars. Col. VanDivioro was a remarkable man in many rospocts. Ho was a gontlo mnn of tho highest type, considerate and courteous in his boaring, spending and hoing spout in advancing the wolfaro of bis fellow-man. His lour score yoars v, uro crowned with a lifo of duty well dono, and his works do follow him. Tho influonco of his horoic Christian charac ter will ovor bo potent for good, and a ricli logacy does ho loavo to ins widow and children in tho hour Of their he renvoment. His Inst audible uttoranco, "Lord bless my soul," was spoken as ho gently drow tho drapery of his couch about bim and lay down to pleasant dreams. To his aged widow and to his children is oxtondod tho sincere Sympathy of many frionds. But thoy sorrow not as those who havo no hopo. Iiis funeral services will bo conducted in tho Walhalla Baptist church to-mor row (Thursday) morning at 10 o'clock. His body will bo laid to rost in tho Bap tist cemetery with Masonic honors. OF UNSOUND MINO, MALINDA RICE, AGED 71,.WANDERS FROM HOME ANO DIES. BODY TORN BY D003 AND VULTURES Burled by Strangers In a ?tr?.nge Lund- Her j Brothers Not Interested !n Her Case. Little River, July 23.-On the 17th qf ] Juno Inst Miss Malinda Rico, ogod 71 years, and of unsound mind, who lived With hor bro thor, Ransom Hi co, In .lack son county, N. 0., loft homo while no OHO was nt tho house, carrying with hor a small bundlo Of clothes. Sho passed tho homo of hor brother, Jacob Rico, but did not stop. Thc noxt bouso sho passod was Wm. McCall's. Sho asked Mrs. McCall if that was the way to Piokons. Being informed that it was sho wont on. Sho was not seen or hoard of any more. Aftor about two wooks some one passod tho homo of hor nophow, Mr. Nathan Rogers, and inquirod aftor tho missing woman. Mr. Rogers had hoard nothing of hor. After somo days tho neighbors bogan ? soaroh. They huntod for tinco ] or four days, and finding no traoo of her, gavo up tho soarch. Mr. R. A. Hudson, of Jaoksou county, N. C., carno down in the Little Ri vor soc-1 tion on Saturday, July 13, and said that Malinda Rico had not yot boon found. On Sunday, Ibo 14th, at Littlo Rivor ohuroh, a request was mado for ovory body interested iu Unding the aged lady to moot at tho Whitewater road oarly Monday morning. On Monday morning Messrs. J. R. Talley, R. A. Hudson nnd J. L. Talley started for tho Whitewater road, whore thoy wore mot by Mosers. J. S. Holden, J. S. Cantrell, S. N. Wilson and C. D. Corbin. Tho soarch was boguu, each member of tho party taking a dif ferent dire?.'?'.on, aud having a thorough understanding of signals agreed upon should thoy bo nocossnry. Tho soaroh was continued until 11.30 o'clock, whoo tho party mot and rested, making plaus for a moro thorough hunt. About 1 o'clock tho party again separated for work, and in a short while Mr. Hudson gavo tho distress signal, and li nal ly all tho searchers were assembled to witllOSS a 1 lorri hie spectacle Scattered ovor an aroa of Hf ty or sixty yards woro tho clothing and bonos of a human hoing on a ridge, under a largo tree, whom tho unfortunate woman died. A courier was dispatched for her brot hors, but noithor of thom carno. Tho scattered clothing and bouos woro gath ered up by Messrs. J. R. Talloy, C. D. Corbiu and J. L. Talloy. Tho body had beou torn to pieces by dogs and buzzards. AU that was found was tho skull, shoul der blades, hip bonos, ouo thigh bono, ono log bono, ono bono supposed to bo | an arm, tho backbone and ono rib. Sov oral pieces of bono had boon broken up by hogs or dogs. All that was found was put in a box and buried on tho spot j whoro sho diod. Tho gravo is marked by rocks at tho onst and wost ends. Tho ] t imber is also marked, so it can bo found. Tho gravo is on South Carolina soil, but a North Carolinian rests within. Wo hopo no two mon within tho bor dors of this Stato will over bo found "with souls*S0 dead" as to allow thom to show no respect or coucorn for a sis tor, as was tho case in this instance. Hor two brothers showed no inclination to assist in any way tho efforts mado by outsiders to search for tho romains or to givo thom a respectable burial aftor thoy woro found. T. Food ('hanged to Poison. Putrefying food in tho intestines pro duces effects liko those of arsenic, but | Dr. King's New Lifo Pills oxpol tho poi sons from clogged bowels, gently, oasily but suroly, curing constipation, bilious ness, sick headache, fevers, all liver, kid ney and bowol troubles. fOnly 25o. at ? all drug stores in tho county. Farmers' Mutual Insurance Association. All moinbors of thc Farmers' Mutual Insuranco Association aro requested to mcot at Walhalla on tho Otb of August, 1001, at 10 o'clock. M. L. Cox, Prosidont. Dispensers' Salarios Increased. On Tuesday of Inst week tho ?State Dis pensary Board mot and rearranged thc salaries of dispensers in tho various towns of tho Stato. In no caso was tho salary reduced. Tho inoroaso was mado on a basis of increased sales during tho year 1000 and tho drat half of 1001. Tho salary of tho dispenser at Seneca was raised from $50 to $56 por month; at Walhalla from $40 to $45. Tho Alkahosl. On Tuesday afternoon the Alknb08t| Lyceum System, through Mr. K. K. Kd wards, offootod a local organization In Walhalla with fifty members. A moot ing was hold at tho rooms of tho Moun tain City Club and tho following ofllcors woro elected : R. T. Jaynes, Prosidont; J. M. Ward, Vice Preridont; W. L. Ver nor, Troasuror; V. L. Norman, Manager. Tho Advisory Committee consists of tho above named ofllcors and Mr. James Thompson. Arl lor tho Exposition. Mrs. Robert Loo Honour, of Charles ton, arrived in Walhalla Tuesday ovon ing to opon a studio for tho preparation of an art exhibit for tho Charleston Ex position. She is stopping at tho Wal halla Hotel. Wo bespeak for hor a cor dial woloomo and trust sho may receive earnest support and co-operation in her laudable work for tho Woman's Dopart mont of the Exposition. A raro oppor tunity is thus afl'ordod of exploiting tho beautiful in art from our county. Fisticuff of a Divino. Charlotte, N. C., July 22.-Mr. Craw ford, of Winston, N. C., a son of Dr. L. W. Crawford, editor of tho North Caro lina Christian Advocate, a Methodist church organ, and President. J. O KllgO, of Trinity College, Durham, tho loading Methodist educational institution of tho South, had a fight on a train hot? cen Greensboro and Burlington, N. O, this morning, Dr. Kilgo, it is said, gotting tho worst of tho contest. Soon aftor tho train loft Greensboro, it is said, Crawford approached Dr. Kilgo and asked an explanation of tho public attacks which bo assorted Kilgo bad mado upon his father, Kilgo resontod Crawford approaching him on thu subject, and they had some heated words. Dr. Kilgo called Craw ford a coward, and a personal encounter ensued. Tho partioB woro separated hy pas sengers on tho train. lt is said that tho clash between tho I parties is the result of Dr. Kilgo's offortfl to got Dr. li. W. Crawford's connection with tho church papor sovorod. Thoro has for a long timo boon moro I or less friction botwoon tho factions in I tho Methodist church in tins Stato, and this probably grow ont of tho samo fool ing which caused a libel suit against Dr. Kilgo and others by Rev. T. J. (lattis, another Methodist, and which is now in tho courts. GUN CLUB'S FIRST PRACTICE SHOOT. Only a Fow Shootera Present and but Few Shols Fired -Out of Practice. -. - A'^faw monikers of tho Gnu Club mot last Friday afternoon aud praotlocd for a few minutos. It waa Ute when thoy | bogan, somewhat cloudy, anti tho shoot ing waa intorupled by rain. Thor? aro | thirty-throe momberaof the club, a num bor of them good mnrksmon, aud it ia | expected that duriug tho summor a good deal of interest will bo tokon in tho | practice shoots. 'A number of tho mom bora havo never attended tim practico J shoots, and now is a good timo to begin, wbilo . tb oso who do attend aro runty (Uko sumo of tho guns,) aa tho following scores made Friday afternoon will show. Only tinco squads of flvo wont up for 101 birds each, with tho following result: l'I HST SOU Al). Strothor. 000011110 0-1 Jayuos, lt, T. .0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 I 0-5 Pitohford....1 001 1 1 1 100-0 Jayuos, CO.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Stock.10001 1 1 1 0 0-5 8K0ONI) EO,UAJ>. Andrews.....0 000000000-ol Ilorud?n.000 1 11010 0-4 Vetter: Sam.100000011 0-3 Pitohford. 000110111 0-5 Karlo.011111010 I-f TU I Ul) SQUAD. Steck.0000 0 00 0 0 1-1 Jayuos, lt. T.oioiooiio 0-4 Vorno , Sam.0 00110000 1-:i Pitohford.000010000 0-1 Wilson.0 01011000 0-31 Among thoBO shooters aro somo who last yoar mado good avoragos-about 05 por cont, but thoy aro out of praotioo and lcavo ampio room for boginuors to bater* Thousands Scut iuto Exile. F.vory your a largo number of poor suf foroi'B whoso luugs nro soro and racked ..??ith coughs aro ?rg?d to go to anothor olimato. Hut. this is costly and not al ways sure, Don't bo nu oxilo whon Dr. King's Now Discovory for consumption will eure you at homo. It's tho most in fallible medicino for coughs, colds and all throat and lung diseases on earth. Tlie first doso brings relief. Astound- [ lng cures result from persistent uso. Trial bottlos froo at all drug stores In tho county. Prico 60o. and tl. Every bottle guaranteed. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD To Picnic at Roodor's Ford, Noar Oakway. Senator McLaurln will Spoak. Wo aro roquostcd to announce that on Friday, August 0th, Hickory Camp, No. 104, Woodmen of tho World, of Fair Play, will plonio at tho Roodor Ford, noar Oak way. lCvorybody is cordially invited, including neighboring camps, to como with well tilled baskets. .Senator John L. Mci,aurie has promised his many friends to bo present, and rondor an ac count of bis stownrduhip for tho last four ycars as United States Sonator. Thoro will also bo speeches by prominent Wood men. Tho brass baud of Lavenia, Ga., will rondor music for tho occasion. MothorB who havo always so dreaded tho approach of hot woathor whon thoy havo a toothing bilbo, should not forgot I that TKETHINA couutoraots and ovor-] comos tho effects of hot woathor on chil dren, beeps thom in healthy condition and makes toothing oasy. TURTlIlNAI costs only 25 couts por box at druggists; | or mail 26 cents to C. J. MolTott, M. D., St. Louis, Mo. For salo by Dr. J. W. Boll. THE NEWS FROM SENECA. Peoplo Passing Through lo tho Mountains. Locals Around Town. Souecn, July 23,-A number of Sonocn peoplo aro visiting mountain resort? now. Mrs. li, Frank Sloan has gone to ItUB Boll, in Ghattooga valloy, for scvoral weeks' recreation. Mrs. Eli/a Brooks and Ludio and John Jordan aro having an outing, being in Jocassco valloy. Mr. Sterling Blaekshoar, of Athens, passed through .Seneca last week on his way to spend tho summer vacation in Jocnssoo valloy. Mrs. W. F. Austin and Willio Austin and Mrs. Janies Lowery and John Low-1 cry, of Mississippi, lcavo tho last of tho] week for a trip to bussell. Mrs. O. It. Doyle ?B spending some timo | in Greenville. Mr. S. Y. Stribling, president of thc Roswell (Ca.) Mills, spout Sunday boro. MissoB Torroll and Dickson, of West minster, aro guests of Miss Addio Mott this wook. Dr. W. 13. Cherry's condition is much improved sinco his recent extremo'ill ness. Miss Minnie Scurry, of Home, (?a., is in town, and will probably remain to teach a class in music. Miss Scurry has studied for yoars at Shorter Collcgo, in Homo, and is an accomplished musician. Mr. and Mrs. James F. McCaroy, of Roswell, Ga., aro in Seneca for a while. Their friends hopo they may both bo much honelitod in health by thoir stay hero. Mr. Lucien Dumas, of Summerville, paid a recent short visit to his sistor, Mrs. buskin Anderson, Mrs. Lucien Dumas and son, Lucien, and Miss Dora Dumas, of Summerville, aro guests of Mrs. Ruskin Anderson. Miss Christono Dickson is visiting ber cousin, Mrs. Joe Lawrence, lit Greenville. Miss May Cherry is librarian this month. Mrs. S. Y. Stribling, of Roswell, is visiting relatives here. Mr. D. A. Smith, Jr., of Walhalla, spent Sunday in Sonoca. Mrs. H. it. Foldor, after visiting rela tives boro, loft Saturday for Turnerville. Miss Lidio Keith, of Walhalla, has boon visiting her cousin, Miss Carrie Sholor. Ono of tho most pleasant pinces in town juBt now is tho park, which, with its pretty Howors, seat? undor cool troos, and playing fountain, is quito inviting. M. H. S. He Kept His Log. Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan, of Hartford, C?lln., scratched his leg Willi a rusty wiro. Inflammation and blood poisoning set in. For two years ho suf fered intensely. Thou the host doctors urged amputation, "but," ho writes, "1 usod one bottle of Electric Ritters and l| boxes of Rucklen's Arnica Salvo and my leg was sound and well as ever." For Oruptions, oczomu, tetter, salt rheum, sores and all blood disorders Electric Hitters has no rival on earth. Try them. All druggists in tho county will guaran toe satisfaction or refund"money. Only ?H) couts. Farmers' Instituto Meeting. Ry invitation of tho Goonoo County Alliance tho Farmers' Institute of (Mem son Agricultural College will bo hohl nt Hounty Land on Friday, August 2(1. Tho meeting will bo opened at JO o'clock a. lin. There will bo a number of promi nent speakers from tho college, and tho mooting will bo mado both interesting and instructive. Tho public is cordially invited to attend, and it is ospcially desired that tho ladies ho prosont with wall-tilled baskets. A. IL Ellison, Chairman of Committee. IFS NOTHING B?T "STUFF." ---- WM. {.AUSTERER, OF WALHALLA, LAUGHS AT THE REPORTED KIDNAPPING. A Rtrarfl ID sw. practically the Sumo Story ns was Started Several Months Ago. Wo olip tho following story from tho Now York World of July 17. It purports to bo au intorviow regarding a kidnap piug soiuo twouty-flvo yoars ago: "Albort W. Laustoror, aooordiug to a statomout lio mado last night to a World, roportor, is tho victim of a kidnapping plot whioh han boon successfully con cealed for twouty-flvo yoars and which is ia many rospoots as mysterious as tho 'Oharloy' Rossoaso. Ho has just called upon tho Philadelphia polico to unravel tho ?uzzlo. . "Laustor?r, who is about twonty-oight I yoars old, behoves that his true namo is I Christian Hobie, and that ho was kid napped whoa a little moro than three. Ho has no idon as to tho placo from whioh ho was stolon, but boliovos it was Philadelphia or sumo nearby point. "Laustoror is employed in Halley's res taurant nt No. 877, Sixth avonuo, and explained Inst night his reasons for ask ing tho Philadelphia polico to tako up tho nmttor. SEEKS HIS UKAl. l'AHKNTS. " lI havo boon convinced for a good many years,' ho said, 'that my supposed father and mother woro uot my real parents. My first suspicions wore aroused ten yoars ago, wheo my supposed mothor, as I was leaving homo, handed mo a picturo o? n boy, probably about throe yoars old, and said: 'You had hotter take good caro of that; it may come in handy somo timo.' Tnoy livod iu Louis ville at that timo, at No. 1031, Wost Market stree!. " 'I thought that wns an odd thing for her to say. I had boliovod from my troatmont that thoy oould not bo my real parents. Anothor thing whioh mado mo suspicious nt that timo was that sho showed mo a birth cirtificato of 'Chris tian Ronlo.' There woro a lot of altera tions and erasures in it, and sho Bald ho had boon godfather to mo. I noticed that tho dato of tho birth would about correspond with my supposed ago. " 'Aftor I left homo 1 boarded for somo time with Mrs. Rollo Sohurl, who lived at Sovontoonth and Dumosnil streets, in Louisville. I snid something ono day about believing 1 had not boon with my real parouts and Mrs. Sohurl told about a kidnapping caso of whioh sho know about 187">. Sho said some thing about tho Charloy Ross case and then told of another caso sho romomberod loading about at tho timo. SUPPOSED KIDNAPPE? SHOT. " 'Sho told of a boy whoso father had como from Frankfort-on-Main, Goruiany, who was kidnapped whon sho was a Uttlo girl. Dotoctivcs wore sent on tho caso, and thoy dually carno up to a man thoy suspected of hoing in tho plot. Ho was shot while trying to escapo. When tho detectives got to him thoy ordorod him to toll wdio had tho stolen boy. Ho bogan to spoil 'L-a-u-'-and Dion foll ovor dead. " 'After Mrs. Schurl had iiuisliod tho story 1 began to think lt strange that the father of that boy should havo como from Qormhny and that my supposed parents should havo taken mo to Qor mnny twico when 1 was small. Anothor thing that I thought about a good doal was that Mrs. Sohurl, in trying to toll mo tho namo of tho boy who was kid napped, said it was R?wo or Roble. " '1 dotorminod, about a year and a half ago, to seo if I couldn't settle tho matter, I wont back to my homo, and while tboro was looking through a pho tograph album. In thc album I found a photograph of a woman Whom 1 resem bled in many rcspocls. In tho back ground of thc picturo was a stand and a vaso or something was on it. BUHE IT WAS MOTllKlt's PO UTK A IT. " *I remcniborcd that whoa I waf about three years old 1 wont with mj j mother to a photograph gallery and thal I hail my hand slapped for taking somo thing oil' the table. As I looked at til if picture I became certain that tho vaso Ol thc table was the one I had touched, i now behove that that was a photograpl of my mother, and that I was stolon fron ber not long afterward. " 'Tho name of tho photographer. William IL Kau, whoso studio is at No 328 Camac street, Philadelphia, wai printed on tho picturo and that is wha makes nie believe 1 was stolen from tba city. " 'Another incident that I have oftoi wondered about was that my suppos?e mothor said to mo ono day that after sh was dead there would bo ono of til greatest sensations over heard of. 'Ohl; ono thing liko it has evor happened bc fore,' she said to mo.' " "Laustoror is of medium height, pale faced, with blue eyes and light hair. "Laustoror says that his suppose? father and mother have moved fror Louisville to Walhalla, S. C., Mid tho Mrs. Sohurl has moved to Memphis, "Laustoror wrote sovornl months ag to tho Louisville police, and his stor was discredited in that city." Il is Simply Stuff. When soon Tuesday morning Mr. Lani toror smilingly replied to a questioi "Yes, I have a son Albort and ono name Rudolph.'' Ho was shown tho clippin from tho Wold. His wifo road it an said i here was nothing in it. Last winter Mr, Laustoror WM bando a similar statomout from a Knoxvillo p? por, and tho clipping was somewhat < an "old song" lo him. Ile said ho di not understand why tho roport was boin circulated, and doubts if bis son and tl person claiming to bo Albert W. Lauslon aro tho saino. "1 can soo no reason f? my sou to make such a statement, and do not believe it is bo who is doing i Tho whole thing is simply stuff and thoi is nothing in it." When Mrs. Lausten road tho clipping she said it was almo: tho same thing as she read some six < seven months back, and that (boro wi no truth in lt so foran "my were co cerned. They expect their son Rudo1| to visit them some time in the futuro. Mr. Laustoror has lived in Wallia! about a year and has boon an oxoinpln citizen. Ile is a thorough (?orinan ai roads no Knulish. Ho lived in Louisvt) somo eleven yoars, and tho people kno bim, and be has heard from there, havll writ ton after his attention was first calb to tho reports. Tho authorities did n credit the statement at all, ami advisi him to pay no attention whatevor lo it. ---.-. A bad complexion generally rcsul from inactive liver and bowels, In j such cases DoWitt's Litllo Karly Rise produco gratifying results. J. W. Ile Summer Requisites -AT-,-? Norman's Big Dry Ms and Shoe Store. LADIKS' JERSEY RIBBED VESTS, Unbleaohod, ftt.?\C A BETTEU ARTICLE, with Whito Cotton Tapo, -d /\p bleaohod and uuMoaohod, at.Lv A STILL BETTER ONE, dono in San Silk and Tapo, i ?) |_p bloaohod, at. a.w VJ A BEAUTY IN SILK TAPE, bloaohod, nt.20?' ANOTHER WITH LACE FRONT and Silk Tapo, bloaohod, nt_2 o C. CHILDREN'S VESTS, ALL SIZES, 5c. 7 l-2c. 10c. SHIRT WAISTS AND UNDERSKIRTS, 50c. 75c. $1. MEN'S UNDERSHIRTS, 20e- -?83#- 25e SILK FRONT (?) SHIRTS, 5 O Porcalo and Whito Shirts, all at.i. BOYS' SHIRTS, 25?- 45" 50" OFFICE COATS.50o. NEGLIGEE SUITS.$1.50 COTTONADE SUITS.$2.60 BOYS' BLOUSE SUITS, .10c. 50o. 75c. Hats aud Caps to match nt... .25 nnd OOo. BOYS' VESTEE SUITS, $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 Hats and Caps to match at... .25 and ?Oo. LIGHT PANTS, 50c. 75c. $?.00 $1.?5 Hate to match .at....... .....u?c.to *L50, UMBRELLAS FOR THE RAIN AND SUN-OVEKSHOFS FOR THE MUD GRAPF JUICE FOR YOUR STOMACH'S SAKE-AND THIS ADVICE GRATIS :-KEEP COOL. AT M/W.COLEMAN&CO'S. CLOSE PRICES F O R CLOSE BUYERS. Wc have on our Bargain Counter this wook an odd lot of BOYS' KNEE PANTS, somo forty or fifty pairs, real good values in Oas simor, Kersey and Cottonade, that brought us on regular salo 25c. to 50c. We close the lot at . . . 18c. Wc want to push sales on LADIES' SUMMER UN DER VESTS. They aro soil ing well, but we want to sell more. Here's the w?iy wc do it . Throe of our host sollors at hali price Best quality Bleached Vost, val?o 50c, down to 25c. " " Unbleached Vest, value 50c, down to 25c " " Vost, value 25c, down to 1.0c. Also largo lot full-size Unbleached Vests to go at 5c. M. W. COLEMAN & GO., PHONE 30. SENECA, S. C. gmr- DON'T FORGET OUR BUTTERICK PATTERNS, jpsf WE SELL -R & G CORSETS. Every woman knows what tho R & G Corset is. It is tho corset of comfort with tho essence of style. It is tho only corset that will not, cannot, and does not stretch. If yon buy an R & G Cor set that does strotch, or proves unsat isfactory in au y way, bring it back to us and wo will give you a now ono. Wo have in stock tho famous No. ;l!)7, moderately straight front, which is popular with most women who do not demand an extromo straight front. Thoso who do will lind it in tho now Straight front shown lu our illustra tion. Wo soil No. 307 for $1.00. Our Corset stock is largo and woll selected. RESPECTFULLY CW. PITCHFORD CO., WALHALLA, S. C. "Hello, Central! Give me Nellie King, please." "Where is Nellie King-what number?" "Oh, don't you know Nellie King, the BEST BAKER IN THIS TOWN?" PHON EU2 2\ SCH UMACH ER'S, " The Popular Price Store," "NELL1K KIND" makes the best Loaf, biscuits, Cakes and Pies in town. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Try a sack of Nellie King Flour? Only 00 cents. Wo havo lots of Seeded Raisins, Citron, etc., for Oakes. Also Fresh Dates, 10c. por pound. New lot of Prunes, 2 pounds for Ino. J>I Jrr