Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, June 26, 1901, Image 1

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w TO THINK OWN SELF BB TRUE AND IT MUST FOLLOW AS THE NIGHT THE DAY, THOU OANS'T NOT THEN BB FALSE TO ANY MAN. WALHALLA, SOUTH CAROLINA, JUNE 20, 1901. NEW SERIES, NO. 109.-VOLUME Lil,-NO. 20, and CUFFS. Our : of Underwear as cs and Shoes. In fae ADDRESS OF DR. MONTAGUE Boforo tho Graduating Class ot Groonvlllo Flowers and music, smiles and cheers make happy and bright this last night of the academic year 1900 1001. The session work is over ; tho col lego boll will not ring to-morrow ; within a few hours smiles and tears will bring April weather to your faces, smiles for tho home-going and parents' kisses, tears for partings here. But if it be any comfort to yon, I might suggest that you will not, all alone, bear tho sorrow of parting. While a Southern Railway engine, with relentless power, is drawing a train towards Columbia to-morrow') some stalwart Furman boy, gloomy of brow ami with trembling lips, will whistle, low and sadly, "The Girl I Left Behind Me," Far bo it from mo to intimate that while the Coast Line train Hies away from thc Mountain City, a tender maiden, "all for love," will softly whisper, "Good-bye, My Lover, Good-bye." In the closing moments of this evening, permit mo to offor a few words of counsel : First, let me urgo you to love, to cherish, and to sup port the Greenville Female College. Amid tho toil and thc lesson-learn ing of the session now at its end, you may not have realized the advant ages of college lifo and of the studios that may have tried your patience. Tho course may have seemed bard and fruitless. But li f teen years from to-night you will rejoice that you were students of G. F. C. Then you will have seen that the stern disciplino of the class room prepared you for tho duties and responsibilities bf lifo. .Thon you will havo felt that every hour of thought and of study was equipment for service in thc home, in thc school room, in society, in thc church. Then you will have known that, tn the old college days, you were planting seed, whose harvest is tho ripened grain of a kindlier courtesy, of higher thought, of broad or sympa thy, of nol>ler aspirations, of far grander results. Then you will have seen that math ematical problems evolved power of thought and promoted readiness of action ; that hours spent on Latin not only admitted you to the com panionship of the master spirits of the olden time, but developed reason ing faculties; that music not only gives you power to sing with melt ing sweetness "Lorena," and "The Old Kolks at Home," and "Annie Laurie," and (hus lo summon forth from the shadows of tho past half forgotten memories and "recollec tions of scenes that have as happy been" in the days of "Auld Lang Sync," but that it also sets tho pulses into ry th m ic beat with thoughts as high and dreams as pure as ever stirred tho human heart; that art not only linds beauty in tho little waj side (lower, grand uer in the rolling waves of the ocean and sublimity in thc snow-clad peaks of Hookies ami Himalayas, but that it also ('?ills forth from thc soul of the true artist faith in Him that made Mower and sea and tho everlasting hills ; that history not In vain taught you her solemn lessens, showing now tho evils Of unbridled passion, then tho glory of sacrifice and honor and right. Then love and support this col lege ; tell ils worth; send others to drink of this fountain of knowledge, of which, drinking, you have become wiser and botter, to the end that with you they may stand forth as exponents of developed Christian womanhood. Speak kindly and proudly of your teachers. Do not wait until they have passed away to utter word of praise and commendation. I despise the cold and tupul policy that speaks no word of praise of the living, hut which, v? irmod into a som bl apeo of lifo when they are dead, emits gushing panegyric over their graves. Female Col leno. loods ! Neckwear is strictly in be found in any i t, we have almost W. & J. E. Tell your friends in tho Stato at largo of tho faithful, chivalrous Christian gentleman who during this session has given you noblor thoughts and higher ideals, who, loavlng us, will carry with him tho respect and the affection of all who know him ; tell thom of thc other teachers who have given you their host, and trained you for truer, stronger womanhood ; tell them of tl?e new president who will bring to his position broad culture, the spirit of progress, and a bravo Christian womanhood. Tell them of tho wise, unselfish.nnd splendid service of Dr. C.' S. (Jardner, a service which will cause his name to be honored wher ever Christian education is recog nized as a mighty force in the church ami in the State ; toll them that the Greenville Female College, without vain boasting and silly claims of superiority and childish bluster, is fast forging to tho front, and that we all arc working to thc end that this old college shall be, at no distant day, the Vassar of the South. In the second place, take your stand firmly and resolutely on tho side of true and full development. Partial development is but partial torce. We learn that, in ancient times, Milo of Crotona bogan in early lifo to lift and to carry a calf a certain ?1 ?stance every day ; every day thc animal grew, but equally the power of thc athlete was devolopod. At last, so tradition says, Milo carried upon Iiis shoulders around the stadium at Olympia an ox four years old, then killed it with one blow of his fist. Hero was development of tile body, of muscle, of brawn. In our schools and colleges wo now and then find a boy, called by cour tesy a student, who is an unconscious disciple of Milo rather than Cicero: to whom the dynamics of arms and legs are far more than the dynamics of the brain. Far up in the scale of develop ment) far above thc cultivation of the physical, wc lind tho develop ment of the intellectual, tho evolu tion of mind. In this development of growth, in processes and results, grand as many of them aro, far reaching and even splendid, evoking the wonder of the untaught and the admiration of thc learned, are danger-signals; and among these aro the exaltation of self, the reason, and tho blasphemous complacency that says, "Here arc my works. Where are God's." In this development of moro intel lect is the tendency to apply to every sentiment of the human heart, to every aspiration of thc soul, tho stilted formula of a cold philosophy, of reason, which would overthrow the republic of brotherhood, of ten der sympathy, of a world-embracing love, of a luminous faith, and erect in its stead the despotism of a frigid, soulless mentality. In this exaltation of mere mind is the hypothesis of innumerable atoms blending to form a cosmos, and blending by chanco or by natural alli II? t y, not by (rod's command. In this worship of man, and not i man's Maker, is the doctrine of sea sons recurring, of sunrise and sunset, of ?tars dwelling in space by nature's law, and not directed by thc Supreme i {tiler. In it, too, is the dreary answer "yes" to thc question, "Does death end all?" In it, therefore, is the denial of immortality, with its blessed hopes and its precious prom ises. In the evolution of thc intellect alone philosophers of old built sys tems that, resting upon errors and misconceptions, fell, as fall houses whose; foundations arc on shifting sands, when by storms beset; in this, stoicism, depending upon mind, defied the pains of life and reckoned not of a hereafter ; in this, epicure anism "enjoyed thc pleasuros of sin for a season," and shut its oyes to the gloom of tho grave ; in this, Voltaire built monumonts to his own genius, laughed at virtue and died, hopeless and wrotched. We can please y< Shirts, and we are s ?f MEN'S SHIRT \ going to be worn, as to fit, style and f carry all the new tl j up to date. We < narket. Ask to se anything in FURE BAUKNIGI Mon and women of our tiiuo, glorying in mind alone, developing only tho eold intellect, may fashion systems of reasoniug that have out ward symmetry and bounty ; may send forth contributions to literature that evoke tho applauso of a day, of a year ; may utter upon tho plat? form or publish in papers dainty thoughts or keen epigrams that seem bright and clever ; but, when the story is told, does all this bring recompense ? Does it pay us to spenk our lives in championing a theory that would give the lie to the Bible, and at the end to find that we must return to dust, while tho old book lives, as live it must, through time and into eternity ? Docs it pay us, intoxicated as it were, with suc cess of the intellect, to destroy tho faith of many and to give them, in place of lost hopes, tho desolation of despair? DOCB it pay a man to accomplish wonders in science, to reach tho heights of reason and philosophy, in short, "to gain the whole world," and deifying mind and self, "to lose his own soul?" The greatest human intellect, if it denies God and rejects the spiritual, if it embraces materialism, after all confesses itself the slave of matter. Then where is the boasted triumph of mind ? The tendency, then, to develop along purely intellectual lines is to eradicate the omotional, to subject sentiment, even the best and truest, to cold analysis, to eliminate the divine and the spiritual, and to place in thc vacancy, thus philosophically assumed, nature, and self, as nature's prime factor. Highest in the scale of develop ment is the growth of tho spiritual, of that which, in man, should domi nate the physical and direct the mental. This element, rightly devel oped, recognizes itself as the best gift of God to mat) ; and rejoicing in tho kinship of Deity, humbly con secrates itself to thc service of God. Seeing, too, in the physical and in the intellectual the Divine hand, it appreciates both and wisely presides over the development of body and of brain. Hero then we have true educa tion : the body obeying the rules of health, having proper exercise and development ; the mind, trained, active, eager for knowledge and for research, eager to achieve success and to win victories ; and both body and mind in obedience to thc will of tho soul, which, in turn, is in willing subjection to tho purposes of God. This, ns I regard it, is Christian edu cation. This is the training that fits you for thc duties of life, whether those duties call you to the high ser vice of home-life, to the desk of the TALL CORN doesn't collie by Accident. A fertile soil and cartful cultiva tion fire necessary to produce the towering steins and heavy earn. Yet the farmer who under stand? that he can't have a health-/ corn crop without fenn.,g and weeding, seems to think that he can have a healthy body without either care or culture. Hut the body 1? built up Juat aa the corn la, by the Assimilation of the several chemical elementa on which vitality depends, And what weeds are to the com. diseases of the stomach and nutritive ayatema are to the body ; they divert thc neces sary food supply from the proper channela, and the body broomed lean, sickly and Ill-nourished. Thc proper digestion and assimilation of food is A pri mary essential of health. Hy healing diseases of the ?tom ach Ana organs of digestion and nutrition, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery increases the digestive and assimilative powers, stimulates the fiction of the blood making glands, and sends to every organ (if the body the rich red corpuscled blond on which physical vigor and vitality depend, "t tunk (wo bottles of Doc toi Pierce'? Golden Medical Discov ery, for stomach trouble," writes Clsrence Carnes, Itsq,, of Taylors town, Loudoun Co., Va. "It nhl me flo much good that I didn't lake any more. I cnn cat most anything now. I am so well pleased with lt I hardly know how to thank you for your kind infor mation. I tried a whole lot of thing* l>eforc I wrote to you There was a gentleman told mc alHMit your medicine, how it had cured hi? wife. I thought I would try a bottle of ll. Am now glad that I ?lld, for I don '. know what I would h?"e done If il had not beeu for Dr. Pierce's ('.olden Med ical Discovery." Dr, Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate the bowels and cure constipation, 3U with our line of showing a nice line WAISTS. They are We can please you >rice. We always tings in COLLARS carry as nice a line e our Men's Hose IISHING GOODS. HIV teacher, into tho field of journalism and authorship, into tho avonucB of business whioh evory day aro offer ing for women, or to far distant InndB to give knowledge of "the Tree of Life, whoso lonvos are for healing of tho nations." This education has prepared you for the kingdom of this world and for tho City of God ; it puts you into touch with tho best thought of tho world, into sympathy with truth and with the concrete forras of truth, true men and true women. Such education produces in the young high ideals ; it also equips them to march towards those ideals. It generates thc force that carries you on to successful effort ; it likewise shows you that worldly success is not tho final aim of mankind. Such training reads aright thc lessons of centuries gone by ; studying the signs of the times and tho needs of thc hour it adjusts you to your envi ronment and gives you power to elevate environment ; wisely utiliz ing the host of the paBt and the best of thu present, it makes you ready for days whose suns have not yet risen, ready to take your placea in tho "far-flung batttle-line" ol Christian soldiers, which one great Commander is leading for tho con quest of the world, ready at last to stand in thc presence of the King and to cry, "Ky amazing grace re deemed, 0 God, wc come, wo coifie.' Such is tho education which th( Greenville Female College has giver you. Then, as worthy daughters ol thc institution, stund for thc educa lion which you have received. When yon go forth with th? stamp of fehis refining, elevating culture upon you, in every service o life show tho power of tho training JiCt the world see, every day, even hour, that you aro loyal to tin principles, to tho teachings, tha have evolved in you tho forces o the mind and the mightier forces o the soul. May your future bo bright wit! hope, and brighter yet in tho frui tion of things hoped for. May yoi join the noble army of women whos faith and courago and good work are adding glory and honor to th State and nation. Should som "coming days be cold and dark, should adversity bo to you th opportunity of courage, put you trust in Him who said, "1 will neve leave you nor forsnko you," an recall thc words of thc glorious ol battle-hymn of the church militant: "How firm (i foundation, yo saints of th Lord, ls fixed for yoifr faith in His oxcolloi word : What moro can Ho say than to you II hath said, To you who for ref ugo to .Jesus liai Hod? Fear not, 1 am with thoo, ho not di mayeiI ; For I am thy God and will still givo till aid ; I'll strengthen thoo, help thoo, and cam thoo to stand, Uphold hy my righteous, omnipotei hand." And when, with long lives of us fulness ended, you shall have "rn with patience the race set befo? you, muy il bo said of ouch one < you, as so beautifully was said i another, an elect lady, when, ' lone, bright star, she had sunk I her last eclipse," "When life's evening shadows had ero apaco, With light in hor oyo, a smile ou h fae.o, Descending the slope, she mot the de bord lu tho twilight gray, A lid li? lori linr utnnt; JJ; IJ;;; CllOBCU Wfl To tho largor hope." in the third and last place, lo< your country. Study its histo from tho earliest settlement to tl present day. Head the lives of t men through whose patriotism ni courage freedom came to bloss t American colonies; through who wisdom constitutional govcrnme was established and maintains through whoso valor and sacrili tho Sch) th becamo tho homo of hoi ism ; of men who sleep in tho gra\ of heroes whero tho Uappahaiinu glides on its way to tho soa, uni: the sentinel oaks of Chancellorsville, under tho shadows ,of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge, of mon so many that tho pinions of Famo grow weary as she boro them to tho stars. Thou road tho history of our ro unitod country ; read tho story of oommoroial activity and industrial development, of educational expan sion and religious growth. Looking haok upon tho years that aro gone, beholding tho opportuni ties of our timo, seeing by faith tho dawn of a grandor to-morrow, rojoico that every ono of you oau say "1 am an American woman." A surgical operation is not necessary to euro piles. DoWitt'j Witch Hazel Salvo snvos all that expenso and novor fails. Beware of countorfoits. J. W. Hell. McLaurin Talks of His Trip to Washington. Iiennottsvillc, Juno 19.-Senator John L. McLaurin returned homo last night from Washington, Phila delphia and Now York, whore lie had been for ton days. Ile was look ing well and in a moat agreeable framo of mind. The Senator was shown a clipping from the Atlanta Constitution of June 17, winch was a special from Columbia, giving an account of the proposed attempt to read the Senator out of the Democratic primaay in this State, lie was asked what lie had to say in reference to the matter. He replied he had been absent from tho State for several days and had not seen tho State papers, but laugh ingly remarked that it looked like thc boys were getting very uneasy and would say nothing further on the subject at present. Ho evidently treated the whole affair as n huge joke. The Senator was asked if he had anything lu say as to the purpose of his visit North, and replied that he had secured thc Government exhibit for tlie Charleston ICxposition, pro vided Charleston would erect a suita ble building, and that when Congress assembled he Imped an appropriation could bo obtained for the Exposition, and ho thought it could be done if everybody interested would act wisely and judiciously. Mr. McLaurin was asked as to his futuro speech making in this State. "Yes," said he, "1 will speak in Spartanburg on July I and at several other places soon thereafter." Ile showed three invitations to speak in this State, which ho found awaiting his return home. They were from Leesville, Oak way and a place in Kershaw county. Thc invitation from Leesville was accom panied by the names of quite a num ber of influential citizens. At least five hundred letters had accumulated during his absence, which were sys tematically arranged in his private secretary's oflice. Buy and Try a Box Tonight. While you think of it, go buy and try a box of Cascarcts Candy Ca thartic, ideal laxative, tonight. You'll never regret it. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. What Tillman Sccs. The Hamburg Herald draws the following conclusions from Tillman's effort to bring on a contest with Mc Laurin this summer : 1. That the so-called "McLaurin movement" is very strong all over thc State. Hen Tillman doesn't fight spooks. 2. That Tillman thinks he is the strongest man in the State, and tho oidy one that can beat McLaurin. 8. That tho idea of a primary this year is to prevent as far as possible the dissemination among the people of tho views held hy McLaurin. 4, Tillman sees ahead the downfall of himself unless he can kill this movement in its infancy, and that is why ho lias thrown himself into the breach. 6, That Tillman and other old-time politicians helievo tho only way to defeat McLaurin is to havo tho fight on him made this year, and that they actually want the extra primary. That is about the summary that will bo reached by most careful ob servers. A TEXAS WONDKR. Hall's (Heat Discovery for Kidney and (Madder Trouble* One small hollie of Hall's Groat Dis covery cures all kidney and bladder trou* hies, removes gravel, enies diabetes, seminal Omissions. Weak and lame hacks, rheumatism and all irregularities of tho kidneys and bladder in both men and women. Uoglllatofl bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist, will bo sent by mail on rocoipt of $1.00. Ono small bottle is two months' treat ment, and will cure any ease above moil' tinned. Di. ii. VV. Hall, side manufac turer, 1\ (). Hox (121), Ht. bolds, Mo. ?Send for testimonials. Sold hy all druggists. St, Louis, Mo., August 27, 1000.-TIIIH .u to certify tllftt my wife has had severo rheumatic pains between lier sboulders for more than two years, and it ff i VOS me groat pleasure to say. after lifting ono bottlo of tho Texas wonder, Hall's (?real Diseoverv, she is cotiroly cured. J, vV. Nordman, 2034 Olive street. HISTORIC FLAG RETURNS TO CHARLESTON. Interesting Incident at the Recent Industrial Convention at Philadelphia. Charleston was pleasantly brought to tho front in tho Southern Indus trial Convention when Gen. W. W. II. Davis, of Doylestown, Pa., pre sented to tho old City by tho Sea, through hor dologation there, a relio of tho lato unpleasantness. Gen. Davis, formerly Col. Davis, was in command of tho Federal forceB on Morris Island during 1804, and while thoro ono of tho signal flags of tho Coufcdcralo ram Chicora foll into his hands. To-night that flag was restored to tho metropolis of South Carolina. In presenting tho Hag, which he has cherished as one of his most priceless relics of his war ox porionce, Geu. Davis said : TUB KLAG ru KSK NIKI). "Tho duty devolving on mo, in connection with the evening function, is of the most pleasiug character, and tho pleasure ?B enhanced by discharg ing it in this presenoe. I am hero to entrust to our Sonthern guests a relio of tho war bctweon tho States, and to deputo ono of their members to return it to the City of Charleston, S. C., where it properly bolongs. When Charleston fell into tho hands of the Federal forces on February 18, 1805, among the spoils of war was tho signal Hag of the Confo/lorate ram Chicora. lt was taken from tho locker of tho VCSBCI by Lieut. Wm. H. Elliott, formerly of my command, and subsequently presented to mo. In the meantime I determined to re turn it to the rightful owner could ho be found, but it was never done. Mr. Elliott suggested wo take advantage of tho meeting of the Southern In dustrial Convention in this city to discharge this duty. Thia met my views and I am here to-night for that purpose. To you, Dr. Kollock, I commit this symbol of thu nation's quarrel, and ask you to givo it to tho Mayor ol Charleston to make such disposition as may seem proper, and I hope the flag may bo cared for in a manner commensurate with tho cour age that defended it in tho strife of battle. Happily and wonderfully for both sides that war has passed into history, and our bruised arms are hung up for monuments, and thc courage and forbearance, and forti tude, the Buffering and tho tears that marked its progress have cryslalized the nation into a moro perfect Union. Thc Union based on affection, re spect and mutual good will, and tho Southern Industrial Convention as sembled here, givo ovidonco that belli the North and tho South fully realize that 'peace hath her victories no less renowned than war.' If moro were wanting, let us one and all in this City of Brotherly Love, founded in deeds of peace by William 1'onn, wherein thc immortal Declaration of Independence was mado and pro mulgated and the Constitution adopted, swear to retain our allegi ance to the Union." TIIIC Kl,A0 ACOKPTJiD. In accepting tho Hag for Charles ton Dr. Kolloksaid : "It would stem moro fitting that some battle-scarred veteran, some man who had borne it in retreat, some one who had heard thc booming of thc cannon and burst ing of shell, some one who had shed his blood in defence of the cause for which so many gave their lives, should receive this most precious relic from its generous and chivalrous eaptor. Hut then these men aro rapidly marching away never to return, and already many havo crossed over tho river and arc resting in tho shade of thc trees, l?pon us, their sons, de volves the duty to preservo theso relics of a cause they hold so doar and to keep bright in our memories and those of o,ur children their glori ous deeds. Aye, gentlemen, of tho North and South, it is such doods as these that tend to soften tho feelings of the past and help to cement again the affections of these brothers who differed, quarrelled and fought-as only the brave fight-to tho bitter end. What memories this flag calls up from thc past, and what has be come of the brave hands that boro it 'mid shot and shell to victory and defeat?' Moth inks I can seo through smoke ami Uro those bravo mon in grey Crouching behind their works of sand and logs, while from tho front in continuous stream como tho shot and shell from tho Federal fleet, and again as they land, the boys in thc blue, charge bravely across tho sands only to bo mowed down by tho ruthless lire of the besieged, and thus the battle wages. Now for tho groy and now for tho blue, until like tho mist before the rising sun tho groy line fades gradually away and is soon no more. Thank God, gentlemen, that these days aro past, and lot us pray that never again shall thoso brothers raino their hands in anger against one another, but that year by yoar and day by day they shall moot as they do to-day, for tho best inter ests of this groat country aud its people. "Furl tho bannor, furl it sadly, Oooo tou thousand bailod it gladly, Aud ton thousand wildly, madly, Sworo it should forovor wavo. Swore that foomau's sword should no vor Heart? Uko thoirs ontwinod dissovor, Till that flag should lloat forovor O'or tholr froodom or tholr gravo. "Furl it, for tho band that grasped it, And tho honrts that proudly clasped it, Cold and doad aro lying low ; Aud that bannor, it is trailing, While arouud it sounds tho wailing Of its pooplo in their woo. "For, though conquered, tlioy adoro it, Love tho cold, doad hands that boro lt, Woop for thom) who foll boforo it, Pardon thoso who trailod and toro it, Hut, O! wildly thoy doploro lt Who furl aud fold it so. "Furl that bannor, truo 'tis gory, Yot 'tis wroathod arouud with glory, And 'twill livo in song and story, Though Ita folds aro in tho dust; For its form on brightest pagoB, Penned by poets and by sagos, Shall go sounding down tho ages, Furl its folds though now wo must,. "Furl that banner, softly, slowly, Troat it gontly-it is holy, For it droops abovo tho doad. Touch it not, unfold it never, Lot it droop there furled forovor, For ita pooplo'a hopos aro doad." Dr. Kollock's responso evoked great applause and this incident was admittedly thc raoul interesting that thus far has marked tho Convention. How's Tills ? Wo offor Ono Hundred Dollars Howard for any caso of catarrh that cannot ho | cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. F. J. Chonoy & Co., Props., Toledo, O. Wo, tho undersigned, havo known F. J. Chonoy for tho last 15 years, and bc liovo him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and llnancially able to carry out any obligations m ado by their Qrm. Wost & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Wabling, Kilman & Marvin, Wholc Balo Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Caro is taken inter nally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Price, 75o. por bottlo. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials freo. Hall's Family Pills aro ibu best. --4 + - - Two Hundred Baptizod in 57 Minutos. Anniston, Ala., Juno 20.-Kev John E Barnard, pastor of tho First Baptist church, in this city, baptizod at his church in West Anniston ?Sun day afternoon, ?00 candidates foi immersion, baptizing them at th rate of seven every two minutes Tho large church was lilied with people from Anniston and tho sur rounding country, and on the out sido of tho building hundreds stood at tho windows and in tho immedi ate vicinity of the church. All were anxious to witness thc largest baptismal service ever to take place in this section. Mr. Barnard in tended to baptizo 300 converts, but a large number wero prevented by illness and other causes from attend ing. This meeting Sunday after noon closed a wonderful revival in Anniston, a revival which has lasted for thirty-nix dayH, and in which ovor 500 wore converted, and which resulted in 300 additions to the First Baptist church. Mr. Barnard came to this city two ycara ago, when the church ho took charge of had but 180 mcmbors. To-day it has a membership greater than any other Baptist church in Alabama, 825 members being on tho roll. Since Mr. Barnard carno here 732 members havo boen added, of which 300 joined under tho last revival. Tho church a few days since presented their pas tor with $000. In tho last two years Mr. Barnard has preached 890 sci mons in Anniston, besides a number at other places. He says that ho is not yet fatigued from thc work, and ho is a man of great physical end ur ance. S?.GJCXUG U M P T IQ Ni .-Sj. South Carolina Toachor Sont to Jail. Hughes, the principal of a school in Laurens county, has been sen tenced to tho chain gang for thirty days for cruelty, in thc whipping of Miss Borths Finch. Tho young woman has been con fined to her bed for a month as the result of tho whipping received from her school master. Tho ends of two big switches were shown in court as evidences of the whipping the girl received. Sho had been stripped from her shoulders to her knees. Tho skin was bruised and broken .on her back and legs. Thc girl, who is fifteen yoarsold, is pretty and well developed for her ago. Tho jury found thc school master guilty on tho first voto. Mr. .iames brown, ot Pittsmouth, Ya., over 00 years of ago, suffered for years with il bad BOrO on his face Physicians could notholphlm. DoWitt's Witch Hazol Salvo cured him permanently. J. W. Holl. PUBLIC OWNERSHIP PARTY. A Now Rival for tho Two Old Political Or? ganizations-Bryan Not In lt. Kansas City, Mo., June 19.-The Allied Third party movement, whioh its promoters hope will result before 1001 in a uational organization strong enough to l?ame a Presiden tial nominee, was lauuched hore this afternoon. It was tho outcome of a conference of roforiners from tho ranks of the old parties, and its principles are said by some to havo boon adopted with a view to Utting tho views of William J. Bryan. The conforonco was called by Loo Meri wether, of St. Louis, who, with twenty-two other St. Louis loaders in tho Public Ownership party of that city, oame to Kansas City yes terday from a visit with Mr. Bryan, at Lincoln, whore tho intentions of the delegation had been laid before . tho Nohraska statesman. Mr. Bryan, it was stated, had oxpressed sympa thy with the movement, if ho had not gone as far as to support it. At tho conforonco there wore repre sented Populists of all persuasions. Public ownorship was advocated and Free Silver Republicans, Social ists, Single Taxers and Bryan Demo crats were in attendance. It was stated that it was proposed to form a third party in Missouri, which would finally be taken up by the dissatisfiod in the old parties from other States. A committee on organization was appointed and instructed to report to-day. The committee, which rep resented each element present, sub mitted the following as tho new party's principles and they wore adopted : Public ownership of all public utilities, as railroads, telegraphs, etc. While awaiting tho legislation necessary to secure public ownership, rigid control of freight and passenger rates and severe penalties for rebates and other discriminations by rail roads. Taxation of railroads and other public utility corporations in tho same proportion as the value of farm and oilier property. Direct legislation hy the initiative and referendum to tho end that tho people may initiate good legislation and veto bad legislation. Graduated income tax to tho ond that wealth, which receives govern ment protection, shall bear its just share of the cost of tho government. That whatever is used as money shall bo full legal tender, issued by the general government in sufliciont volume for business purposes, and that volume fixed in proportion to population. Just election laws throughout tho State. Home rule for cities and abolition of tho present system of using tho police as a standing army to carry primary elections in the interest of dishonest politicians representing still more dishonest special privilege corporations. Election of United ?tates Sena tors by popular vote. The meeting was organized by electing J. II. Cook, Fusion Popu list, chairman ; J. II. Dillis, Middle of-the-road Populist, vice president, and V. S. Kowaski, Publi? Owner ship member, secretary. The committee, besides deciding on the new name for tho movement, will call a State Convention for some time next fall. In the meantime tho members will prepare an address to the people of the State. Headquarters will be established both at Carthage and St. Louis and the committee will appoint a chair man of each county in tho State, whose duty it will bo to enlist mem bers and organize them into county clubs. The time for holding the conven tion will bo fixed later. Mr. Merriwothor this afternoon, at the conclusion of the conference, was asked : "Will not your s movement only result in turning the State over to the Republicans?" "I (lo not know, but I would a lit tle rather the Republicans should win than tho present organization of Democrats. As Mr. lilyan said to me last Monday : 'I like an enemy under his own colors better than ono who steals my colors.' " nu VAN is NOT IN rr. Atlanta, Gn.j .lune li).-Tho At lanta Constitution to-night, in re sponso to a telegram of inquiry, re ceived a dispatch from William J. I b yan denying that he was affiliated with the Third party movement. Mr. Bryan's telegram reads : "Iowa City, Iowa, Juno 10.-Telo gram received. No truth in report. "W. J. Bryan." -???I -- Ke/.enm, saltrhoum, tetter, chafing, ivy poisoning and all ?kin tortures roo quickly cured hy DoWitt'S Witch Mazol Salvo. The certain pilo euro. J. W. Holl.