PUBLISHED CVCRV WEDNK8DAV MORNING. -BY J A YNES, S11 EL OK, SMITH & STECK. R. T. J AY NKH, > "". , ? D. A. SMITH, J. W. SH BLOH, f K08' 1 * \ J. A. STECK. SUBSCRIPTION. * 1.00 PER ANNUM. _A0VERT18INQ RATES REASONABLE. KF"" Communications nf a personal oharaotor charged for ns advertisomonts. ET>7" Obituary notices aud tributos of roBpeot, of not ovor one hundred words, will be printod froo of ohargo. All ovor that ii umher must ho paid for at tito rato of ono cont a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WALHALLA, 8. C. S WKDNKMDAV, JUNE 1?, 1001. A CUP OF CIDER. BY AVnITU uinno.N. 'Twas about four o'clock on au August afternoon. Thoro was a | thunder storm in tho air. Already ovor tho mountains thc faint rumb ling could bo heard that a child once oallod "Tho chariots tho angola go to ride in, rolling around on tho golden streets," and great black clouds loomed up over tho mountain tops. Down in tho valley the sun boat | mercilessly. It Boomed to tho man toiling Blowly down tho long dusty road that thc heat rose in suffocating waves from tho very ground beneath him. Ho was an old man-old, moro through tho ngenoics of sin and sor row than of tho fifty years lie had seen. Now lie was" hot, dirty and tired, homeless, penniless and deservedly friendless. But shining through thc eyes, half closed against thc glare of tho sun on thc sand at his feet, was a look of determination altogether now lo them. When a child he used to hoar his mother say to her friends, "Yes, Jack is a very good boy ; bc is so easily managed. When ho was lit tle he had a will of his own ; but I have conquered it, so that now a few moments persuasion will always win him. I have tried to teach him to always respect other people's wishes instead of his own." Poor broken-hearted woman ! She conquered him instead of teach ing him to conquer himself and did not show him tho linc where defer ence to our friend's opinions and weak yielding moot. Hut as he raised his hat and mop ped his face, hoping some bit of cool air from the mountains would touch his hot forehead, he felt that at last there was a gleam of hope in the future. Thc night before in tho town he was just leaving hu had heard a wo man lecture. With voice and manner burning with thc love Christ gave the world, he had heard her plead for thc souls of jiiBt such weary wretches as ho, and on thc dirty, dusty lapel of his old coat was pinned a tiny bow of white ribbon. Stepping aside in thc dust to escape thc out-reaching anns of thc blackberry bushes, bc fell that, in spite of the heat, thc dust and his weariness, it was good to live. Over to the left, a little way from tho road, stood an old farm-house. The limbs of a great oak touched the roof and cast long shadows on the ground, weaving fantastic pat terns on thc white sand of thc clean ly swept walk. There was no living being in sight save a young girl sewing by the door, and a hen with a llock of little chickens scratching in the moist earth in thc cool shade of the well house. As the traveler turned up tho path leading to tho house he saw one of chickens hop up on tho edge of the horse trough and struggle for a mo ment, beating the air with its little downy wings to regain its balance, as it was tu iminont danger of taking a bath without tiny preliminary ar rangements. Hack in the musty corners of his brain came tin; half-formed idea that our life was something like that perched on the edge-sometimes we go one way, sometimes the other. Hut it was too much trouble to put it into a well-formed thought, so )>?. thrust it aside and turned his atten tion to tho girl. Why, she looked like-but what was tho usc of even thinking ? II thc white ribbon had come twenty live years sooner ! Now, ho was not worthy to even dream of her. Hut ho did dream, as he asked the girl if he might rest a bit, and if she Would give linn ' something lo eal or drink. She looked at bim a moment, then went into the house, returning with a cup of ciiler. " Thc cloud had COMM! 'ip now and shielded the earth from tho sun. The heralding breeze swept through tho valley fanning the bured head of thc man as IK; mopped Iiis fact; with a not over-clean handkerchief. It all Boomed inexpressively good. How fair thc girl was. How deli cious the cool draught would be. Throwing his hat on the ground bc hold out his band to take the cup, but started. Shutting bis eyes, he wits again in tho hall. Ile saw tho sea of eager faces, thc lamp sputtering on thc platform (thc one the speaker had to fi nully putout). Ito hoard tho clear, sweet tones of thc woman as wit'1 Christ in hor faoo eho had slowly repeated tho words, "I horoby sol emnly promise-, God helping me, to abstain from all distilled, fermented and malt liquors, including wine, beor and oidor." What was the girl saying ? Ho raised his head and saw hor push the oup to his lips. "Drink it, you must be ill, its so hot." Then the arch-fiend began : "Driuk it, man ; you , won't break your pledge ; it just moant you must not get drunk any more ; ovorybody drinks cider ; don't bo silly"! As of old, ho yielded, aud greedily drained tho cup. Thou a great jagged Btroak of lightning pierood tho black olouds, Uko tho linger of God writing in wild, weird oharaotors, His wrath. Tho thundor shook tho house, fill ing tho air with its mighty roar. And with thc crash thoro oamo to tho heart of this man tho conscious ness of what ho had done. Sometimes it seems as though tho human hoart woro too small to bo tho abiding place of tho demons Remorse and Despair. What pleasure can outweigh tho anguish a heart can feel when first it roalizes a broken vow ? UnlesB that hoart bo so far removed from its Creator as to be insensible to Iiis wrath. Tho man had touched no liquor for days and the taste of alcohol in the cider ran him wild. Ile startod up, pushing tho oup into thc girl's hand without a word of thanks, rushed down tho hill, up tho mountain side, into tho hoart of thc storm. The thunder boomed. Tho light ning played up and down tho moun tain side. Tho pelting rain made every littlo gully a boiling stream, whose roar Boomed as the laugh of the dark angels as they followed him in hellish o. ioc. ?*, too. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... HI.rllnK Itrmfit, Coaiptn,, (Mengo, Monirral, N?w York. 120 MA TA DIP Bold mid KHiirnntcrd l>r nil drug BU* I U-UflU giste (o ?T UK Tobacco Habit. "f ISA RESTS FOR SAI THE DRUMMER WHO WAS BROKE. Ho Tolls of His Experiences-A Mlsundor standing Carno Near Causing Bloodshod. [Charleston Nows and Courier.] There aro two things thnt scorn tc bothor a traveling man-how to rm up a largo expenso account and hov to kill timo, Recently, at tin Charleston Hotel, a number of old timora woro discussing those topic -topics vory absorbing to them when a young looking follow with ? blue suit on ohangod the subject bj asking if any one in tho crowd ha< over been dead broke Of cours? everybody replied yes. But Un young fellow went further hy quali fying his remark. "I moan," lie explained, "to ge in a pinch whore you couldn't evei borrow a sue or oven touch you house. Never had that experience oh ? Well, you can bet a ten to on shot that I have. "It has been some timo now, bu I can't forgot it. I was out in th West at the time, near the border c Canada, when my exchequer wen wrong, and I bad to sell my sample to pay board. That relieved m until I got ready to leavo the towi I had nothing to got out with excer my feet, and I tell you frankly used them to good advantage, literally tramped it for two month all of tho time making for tho Eas I hyked through towns Uko a gem ino Willy, looking for poke-out and had tho pleasure o? makin many strange acquaintances, as we as passing many nights in prisoi 1 stood tho hardships very wei because I figured that each or brought mo so much nearer hom The idea, though, of having nothir to do almost drove mo crazy, and finally determined to get work i some kind. Tho afternoon of tl day that I came to this conclusion came to a cross-roads store. I loi ored about the placo for a litt while and then braced tho eountr man who kept the shop. I told hi that I was fairly well educated ai was willing to milk cows, nur babies, play hostler or anything th would bring mo bod and boar Tho proposition being so liber appealed to tho man and ho tdd n that he would take mc to supper ai then we'd talk the matter over wi his wife. "I found tho woman agreeal enough and she seemed pleased know that I wanted to live wi them. The fact, too, that I w willing to work for nothing stru> both of them as a linc bargain ni tho result was I got employmei I was a general farm hand and sn satisfaction tl id I nive that thc m soon became ashamed of himself f allowing mo to work for nothir Ho took me into his confidence, sn ing that ho wanted to help mo some way, and suggested that I to a little trading town near t border and buy fur. Ile promis to furnish mo a team of horses, fo and some money and to divi profits. "That t pretty fair deal a in tho cii\ .instances 1 was only t willing to got a chance to ma money. Tho old fellow gave i full instructions as to purehasi furs and where to sell tho stuff af I I had got it. "Before putting out on my trip told me to look out for my life, ns would go up against unscrupuk people. Ho warned mo to { myself under cover before night! and to ho careful with whom bunked. The place I was maki for \\"M'. about fifty milos distant a I took with mc, besides provisu and money, an ohl-timo revolver, had just enough balls for ono rou and, of course, I had to bo care tho way I snapped tho trigo, Tho second day out my attent: was attracted to a squirrel, wh jumped across the harrow road j in front of mo. I vailed until climbed a tree and when it boca motionless I fired two shots at it. never seemed to think until aftoi had fired that I had no shots to sp and it made me sore because I did kill the squirrel either. I turi thc chamber of my revolver bil stuck it in my heit and whipped my team so as to make shelter thc night. "In a little while I came to a sn house and was greeted hy a go natured looking woman. I nppl for lodging, hut she told mo that ? BY ? ? ? DR. J. W. would bo impossible for hor to aooommodato mo, ns bor husband had gone out on somo mission and would not return until '2 o'eloek in tho morning. When I told her that I wanted to pay her oithor in money or bacon and grits shu consented to lot mo remain. "After we had finishod suppor she directed me to the bed I was to occupy, saying that I could jump into tho bcd and she would pull a curtain noross, so that I would be cut off from tho other half of tho room. Tho room, by tho way, answered tho purposes of kitchen, sitting room and bed ohambcr. As j I was tired out I lost no time in skinning off and burying myself in an elegant feather bed. All was quiet thou and I do not remember anything until I was awakened by whispering in tho room. I decided that tho woman's husband bad re turned. Tho first thing that I heard was tho woman remonstrating with her husband. " 'For goodness sake, don't do it,' sho excitedly begged. " 'Well I am,' her husband mur mured, 'and you can't stop mc' " 'Lot him alone, won't you, please ?' tho woman pleaded. "The conversation was taking a decided porsonal turn and I thought it to my interest to nose about. I was afraid to peep through tho cur tains, for fear of being killed forth with, but when I heard somo-ono stalk across tho floor and then scrape a knifo against thc brick chimney I thought I'd bettor look after my throat. All kinds of visions carno to mu and I should have fainted had it not been for my revolver. Without any noise I cocked it, propped my self in bed and as tho villain enmo towards mo with drawn knifo I pulled thc trigger." "Did you kill tho rascal ?" one or two fellows in tho crowd asked. "No," replied the man with the blue suit. "You remember that squirrel I shot and tho way I turned the chamber of tho revolver tho wrong way ? That is all that Bavod the guy's life. "Thc moment he saw mo point the pistol he dropped his knife and cried at the top of his voice for mc to stop. That proceeding I thought unusual and a ruse on his part to gain time, but the man soon dispelled any such idea by telling mo that he wasn't after my throat, but a leg of venison that hung over my bed. " 'You see,' ho said, 'I was hungry when I came in and wanted a slice of meat, and my wife told me that I shouldn't cut the venison for fear of waking you.' " Secret of Beauty is health. Thc secret of health ia the power to digest and assim ilate a proper quanity of food. This can never be done when the liver doqs not act it's part. Do you know this ? Tut. 's Liver Pills are an abso - lute cure forsick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach., malaria, constipation, torpid liver, piles, jaundice, bilious fever, bilious ness and kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills An Associated Press dispatch tells of tho call that !22 American mil lionaires, headed by .1. Pierpont Morgan, and representing the New York Chamber of Commerce, made on King ICdward of hihgland, last week. The king is reported to have been as much interested iti the Ame ricans as the Americans were in him, and the king's attendants are said to have been more or less concerned for fear that the millionaires might pro pose lo buy Windsor Castle, thc pal ace in which tho reception was held. This, of course, was intended ns hu mor ; but it is probably no joke to say that King Edward must have realized that kings are pretty com mon in this country. Here, almost any man may be a king, if he will only conduct himself decently and work and save. ?--- -^ . - "A few months ago, food which I ato for breakfast would not romain On my stomach for half an hour. I unod ono bottle of your Kodol Dysnopsia (Juro and can now eat my breakfast and other meals with a rolish and my food is thor oughly digested. Nothing equals Kodol Dyspepsia Curo for stomach troubles." H. S. Pitts, Arlington, Texas. Kodol Dyspopsia Cure digests what you oat. .1. W. ?ell, Walhalla. nt I \GRAY I BELL, ? - - WALHAl Homes tor the Sunday School Delegatos. Townvlllo S. C., Juno 8.1001.- Editors Kcoweo Cocrlor, Walhalla, S. C.-Gon tlouion: Please publish this in your pa por, homes for tho delegates to tho Sun day School Convention, to bo hold with ('ross Hoads church on tho fifth Sunday in Juno and Saturday before : iloavordam-W. M. Sullivan. bethlehem-W. M. Brown. Changa-James Hates. Clearmont-J. R. Zachary. Connoross-William Simmons. Doublo .Springs-(Anderson county) Doubio Springs-(Oconoo county)-W. N. Hruco. Pant's Grove-J. I*. O. Shaw. Fort Madison-W. P? Mason. Hopzibab-James Hates. Mount Tabor-(Oconoo)-T. P. Singlo toa. Now Bethel-W. S. Prichard. Now Hopo-R. A. Mooro. Nowry-J. W. Gibson. Now Westminster-J. A. McCloskoy. Old Westminster-W. S. Prichard. Oakdalo-G. A. Whitfield. Pleasant Ridgo-R. II. King. Pleasant, Grove-T. P. Singleton. Poplar Springs-A. A. Colo. Rockhill-J. E. Caines. Return-J. R. Clovoland. Senoca-T. C. Phillips. Shiloh-(Andorson)-J. A. Brown. Shiloh-(Oconoo)-L. O. Hruco. South Union-P. H. Isboll. Toxaway-J. W. Gibson. Walhalla-P. L. Sittou. Wolf Stako-Elias Mason. Wost Union-J. S. King. W. N. Hauen, Clerk Committee. Mr. Jamos Brown, of Putsmouth, Va., over DO yoars of ago, suffered for years with a bad soro on his face. Physicians could not help him. DoWitt's Witch Hazel i Salvo cured bim permanently. J. W. Boll. ' Tho real vital issue in the light between Senators Tillman and Mo Laurin is, whether or not South Ca rolina wants the Democracy of the nation to adopt progressive business policies that arc calculated to develop tho|commereial, industrial and agri cultural resources of tho State. What Tillman thinks of MoLaurin and MoLaurin thinks of Tillman, is not going to put a dollar in the pocket of any honest toiler, nor will it develop to the slightest any for eign market for our manufactured or agricultural products. When the people understand these points and insist upon a discussion of measures rather than of personalities, the chickens will begin to crow for dawn.-York ville ICnq airer. TIIK HOME GOLD CURE. Ingenious Treatment by which Drunk ards aro Being Cured Daily in Spite of Tbomsolvos-No Noxious Doses-No I Weakening of the Nerves-A Pleasant | and Positivo Curo for Liquor Habit. It is now generally known and under stood that drunkenness is a disease and not weakness. A body lilied with poison and nerves completely shattered by peri odical ur constant use of intoxicating liquors, requires an antidoto capable of neutralizing and eradicating this poison and destroying tho craving for intoxi cants. Sufforors may now cure them selves at homo without publicity or loss of time from businoss by tho wonderful "Home (?old Curo," which has been per fected after many years of close study and treatment of inebriates. The faith ful uso, according to directions, of this wonderful discovery is positively guar anteed to euro tho most obstinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our rec ords show tho marvelous transformation of thousands of drunkards into sober, industrious and upright men. Wives, euro your husbands! Children, euro your fathers! Tho remedy is in no souse a nostrum, but is a speedie for this disoaso only, and is so skilfully devised and prepared that it is thoroughly sol li bio and pleasant to tho taste, so Unit it can bo given ina cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of tho person tak ing it. Thousands of drunkards have cured thomsolvos with this priceless rem edy, and as many moro have been cured and mndo temperate mon by having the "Curo" administered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge in tea or coffee, and bellovo to-day that they discontinued drinking of their own free will. Do not wait. Do not bo deluded by apparent and misleading "improve ment." Drive out tho disease at once and for all timo. Tho "Homo (?old Cure' is told at tho extremely low price of one dollar, thus placing within reach of every body a treatment more effectual than others costing $25 to $00. Kuli directions accompany each package. Special advice Cy skilled physicians when requested, without ox tra charge. Sont prepaid to any partof tho world on receipt of ono dollar. Addroas Dept. c ino, Edwin B. (?iles iv Company, 2880 and 2882 Market street, Philadelphia. Correspondence strictly coundon' An old criminal was asked what was the Drat step that led to his ruin, when ho answered: "TIlO first step was cheating an editor out of his subscription. When I had done that, tho devil had got such a grip on me that I never could shake him off." DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE Your Llfenwayl Yon can I* cured of any form of tobacco IIKIIIK cnsiiy, nc made well,*strong, magnetic, full of new life niul vigor hy taking MO-TO-ti Mi, Hint makes weak men strom;. Many finia len painui* in (cu dnyfi. Over ROO,OOO cured. All druggists. Cure guaranteed, iiook let nial advice I'KKK. Address STRRMNQ V.HMKDY CO., Chicago or New York. 437 The fanner who attends strictly to farming is likely to experience no inconvenience from Wall street flue* tu Allon i How Ar? Your Kidney, f Pr. IIoblm'Hiinrnaun nil? euro nil kidney 1 UH. Sum. t>10 f roo. A dil SI i; rh nu He med y Co., Clllcntfu Or N. V. TO THINK OWN SELF BK TRUK AND IT MUST FOLLOW AS THE NIGHT THE DAT, THOU CANS'T NOT THEN BB FALSE TO ANY MAN. BY ?JAYNIGH, SHELOIt, SMITH & STUCK. WAItHALiLiA, SOUTH CAROLINA, JUNE 12, lOOl. NEW SERIES, NO. 107.-VOLUME LU.-NO. 24. Kodol Dyspepsia Cura Digest? what you eat* SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Condensed Sohedule of PUHn|tr Trot*?. In KCftot Jan. 97th, 1001. Northbound. No. 18. D?lly. Lr. A tl ?nt?, tri'i ' Atlanta,KT KororoM Buford... Galuoiyllla Lui?... Co molli?.... it. Airy. i'ooooa.. . LT. " Honooa. .... " Central. Greewill?, " B par'bur g .* Gaffney.... " Blaokeburg KWs??t." ** Gnat?nl?.. ? OhiirlotU.., Ar. Gro'nsboro Ax. Durham... Ar. Haleigh,... Ve?. No. 88. Dally. 7 60? 8 60? 0 80? 10 00? 10 ? 10 c 11 26? U 8Ua ll 63? . 00? nra 1? itv I 43p iE; 4 47p a lBp 6 40p ? ?Op e cop Expr. No 84, Daily 18 00m 1 00 p la 8 Wp TSJp 4 Up e r 6 4i t Otp 8 18p 10 47 p 8 68? ? WA FstMa No. 8?. DcJijr. 18 80p 1 ?Op 8 08 p 8 87 p 8 08p 8 esp I 68 p 4 UP . 87. {P afr ?6. rip ll 44 p TM ?I 6 ?ex 1 80S> ii: Ar. Danville.. ll 26p ll 68 p 18 61 ? 1 M? Ar. Norfolk ... 0 80? 8 80? 8 80? Ar. Kt oh m omi.. ?00? 6 00 ti 6 86 p Ar. W'hlngton M B'moriP.K 2 Ph'delphla. ** New York. 8 42? 8 00? 10 16? 12 48m f 86? 9 16 a ll 86? 8 06p mt S 20? Southbound. FttMft No. 85 Daily. Ve?, No. 87. Dally No. ll Dt?My LT. N.Y.,P?.R " Ph'delphi? .* Baltimore. " Waah'ton. 12 16? 8 60? 0 23? ll 16? 4 80 p 8 66p 0 80p 10 46 p Expr. No. 88. Dally. 8 26p 0 06 p 8 arp 0 66 p LT. Rlohmond. 12 Oin ll 00p ll 00 V ll OOp LT. Norfolk. 0 88? T 40p 7 40 p Lr. Danville., 6 48p 6 60? 8 10 ? T 40p 4 86? Lr. Raleigh.. Lr. Durham , 8 60 y 4 48p 1 00? 2 80a 1 00? 2 80? 1 00a 8 80a Lr. Gro'nsboro Ar. Charlotte.. Lr Hat)tonia. .. " Klng/aMt.. " Blackaburg ** Gaffney.... ?J Spar'burg. O roen ville. J' Central.... " ?oaeoa. " W'miniiter. " TOCCOa. Lv. Elberton... Ar. Klborton. Lr. flt. Airy... " Cornell?... JJ Lula. " Gainesville " Buford... " Norcrim. Ar. At lauta, ET " Atlnnta.OT 7 10 p 0 46 p 10 42 p 11 02 p ll 26p 11 42 p 12 20 k 1 80? 7 06a 0 26 a 10 45 a 10 68 a 11 84 ? 12 80 p 2 02 1 80p g 15 p ll 68? tt 00a 8 80 7 87 ? 12 06m 1 18 p 1 88 p 2 OCp 2 24 p 8 16p 4 CUp 6 40 p 8 03p 0 20p 7-?Hi S ou p 4 18a 4 80a 6 OJ a 6 26? 6 10 a 6 10 a 8 14 p 8 80p 4 66 p 8 66p 7 80 p 7 40p 8 10p 8 P2i 9 00 p 0 8-1 p 10 l.Jp 9 16p 6 48? . 06a 8 61a 8 18 a ? 80? 6 48 ? 10 20? 11 16? 12 10 p 12 80 p 12 48 p 1 24 g 0 ou a 8 80 p -TTop Bstwetn Lula and Athono. II 05 a 11 41 a 12 Olm 10 00 pj J2JW JJ STATIONS. No. 18. Daily. S 20 p 2 46 p 8 li p 8 t^p 4 36 p 8 86 p tf?TT?t Ex. Sun. Lr...Lui? . .Ar 10 50? 7 86p " MayBvlllo " 10 14 ? 6 60 p " Harmony " 0 64 a 6 20 p . Ar. Athen? .LT 9 05 a 6 80 p Note close oonneotion mad? at Lui? with malu line trains. "A" ?. m. "P" p. m. "M" noon. "N" night. Chesapeake Line Steamers In delly sarrio? between Norfolk and Baltimore Noa. 87 and 88-"Washington and Southwest ern 1 .?ni lt od." Solid Pulman train, hoing com posed exclusively of fluent Pullman equipment of lateat design, through between. New York ami At lat. \. Through Pullman sleeping oara between ii?w York and Now Orleans, ri? "Washington, Atlanta and Montgomery ?nd al eo boiweou New York and Memphis, via Wash ington, Atlanta and Birmingham. Hie ?a nt Pullman Library observation oar? hotwoon Ma con and New York. Dining oara servo all moalH en route. Pullman Bleeping cara between Groonsboro and Raleigh. No ooaoh aorrloe on thia train. Thea? tra?na will atop ?t Gaines* ville, Inila, Tocooa.Seneca.Gaffney and Blaoka burg only to take on and let off passengers for and from Washington and beyond and for and from Groenvlllo-Columbia and Spartunburg Columbia linea. Noa. 88 and 84-"Atlanta and New York Ex ?tress." Now train between Atlant? ?nd Char otte, connecting at Charlotte with traine of same numbera for and from Washington. New York and the oast, carrying through Pullman Blooping cara between Charlotte and New York, Ohm-lotto and Rlohmond and Norfolk. Lear* lng Washington Mondays, Wednoadaya ?nd Frldnya a tourist Blooping oar will be operated on this train through from Washington to San Franoiaoo without, change. Oonneotion at Groomboro with sleepers for Ralolgh. No Pullman cara on thia train between Atlant? ?nd Charlotte. Ample fir st ?nd second clam ooaoh acoommadations for local ?nd through travel. Nos. 85 and 86-"United States Fast M?ll"runs solid botween Washington ?nd Now Orleans, Ti? Southern Railway, A. Se W. P. R. R. and L. & N. H. H., being composed of coaohea, through without change for paaaengern of ?li olasaes. Pullman drawing-room sleeping oars between New York and New Orleans, via At lanta and Montgomery and between Bir mingham and Rlohmond. Dining oars ?erv? all meals en route. Nos. ll and 12-Solid looal train between Richmond and Atlanta. Close conneotlon at Norfolk for Oi.u POINT CoMronT. Kapeela! attention ia called to above schedule, particularly tho inauguration of traine Noa. 819 and 84, ?lao that Noa. 87 and 88 are m?de an ex. elusivo Pullman train, without coach aervioe. FRANK 8. GANNON, 8. H, HARDWICK, Third V. P. & Gen. Mgr. G. Pasa. Agont. W. H. TAYLOB, BROOKS MORGAN. A. G. P. A.. Atlanta D. P. A.^Atlantrij SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Condensed Soliedulo In Kflfoot Jan. 17th. 1001. STATIONS. tv. Charleston . " Summorvillo. " Branchville LT >rangqburg ClnjjVtUej Savannah, Barnwell. Blackville. . Columbia Prosperity Nowliurry. Ninety-Six, Groonwood. . Bodges... . ?bliuvTlToT ? Belton.... dorson k.r.~C4 reen ville.. tr. A???nta.(Qsn.Tliue^ STATIONS. Lv. Groan ville.'.. " Piedmont ... ?V wnilamston. JLr. Andor son_ Lv. Bolton . Ar. Donalds. Ar.?bbQvtll?,..., LT. Bodges. Ar. Greenwood... " Ninoty-Six... M Newberry.... M Prosperity.... " Columbia .... ir. BlaoWv??lft."...." " Barnwell. " Savannah....... Lr", kingvilio. " Qrangoburg.. " Branchville. " Summorvillo. Ar. Charleston . 6 80 p m 6 00 p m 0 2 ? p m y if> p m 8 45 p m 7 16 j> m jT 10 p tn ~7 ?W p m 1 66 p m 8 83 p m 0 80 p m ft 45 p m ll 00JJ m 2 5T~i?"m 8 12 n ... 6 00 a m 2 82 a m 8 45 a m 4 26 a m R 67 a m 7 00 a l?^6 a m 12 20 p m 12 66 p m 2 00 p m 2 14 p m JL?? li "' 2 67 "a n? ll 12 a m 6 00 a_m 4 4!) P m 6 88 p m 0 16 p m 7 81 p m 8 16 JJ m in?p 18 00 ll 0 00a 2 46 ? 4 rv WW* 4 18? 4 28? 8 20? 8 6 0 ? 10 16 a 10 86 a 10 60 a ll 11 l)0a 8 48 p Lv..Chsfl4U|ron.. Ar " Suniniorvillo " " .Hriuiohvtllo. " " Orangeb'l r g " _Kliigvlllo_' ' Lv. .Saviiniifth Ar " .. Barnwoll .. " " ..Blnckvlllo.. " " .. Columbia .. " " ....Alston.... " " . .. BSlitU?... " " .Union. " " ...Tone.Hvillo.. " " ....PACOtol .... " ArSjmrtniiburg Lv Lv Sparianburg Ar Ar... Ashovlll? ...I No. 14. s 16 p 7 81 ?J 6 15 p 6 till n 4 4' 8 20 |i 2 :top 1 ?lp No. 16. Too" a 6 67 n 4 2<5 ii 8 -15 a 2 112 a 6 OU a !l 12 n 2 67 a 0 ?Op 8 60a 7 4Hp 18 15 p1 7 10 ii Vi 25 p 0 68 li 12 14 p| 8 42p ll 45 a 8 16 p ll 22 a 0 00 p 8 00 a il 05 p "P" p. m "A" a. m. "N" night. DOUBLE DAUA UKUVIOB ?KTWKKN CHA ItLESTON A N1 ) ii 11KICN VI LLB. Pullman palace Blooping oars on Trains :!6and 80, 87 and Ils, on A. mid C. division. 1 lining ours on thorto trains sorvo all inou?s onrouto. Trains lpnvo Hpiirliiiibiirg, A. S: C. division, northbound, 7:tKl h. m., Brill p.m., 8:18 p. m., j Vest?bulo Limited) und 7wl p. in ; south' bound 12:20ft. m.. 8:16 p. m., ll :1I4 n. m., (Verni bul? Ltinlti-dl, and 10:20*1. m. Trf'lns loavo Groonvlllii A. an. m.: south bound. 1:80 a. m..4:80 t>. m., 12:80 p- M. iVeSlI* buln Limited), and ll 16 a. m. TraliiH 16 and 10-Pullman Stooping Oars bot ween Charleston ?nd Columbia; ready for ocoujiancy at both point? at 0:80p. m. Rlovant Pullman Drawlng-Rooin Sleeping Cars not wean Savannah and Asheville onroute dally Ijetwoon Jaoksonvlllo ?nd Cincinnati. FRANK S. GANNON. S. H. HARDWICK, Third V*P. A Hon. Mgr.. Hen. Pa?. Agent, Wftahlngton, D. C. Washington, D, C. W. H. TAYLOB. lt. W. BUNT, ^8s?v* mk? Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Thl9 preparation contains all of the dlgestants and digesta all kinds o? food. It gives Instant relief and never fails to euro. It allows you to eat all tho food you want. Tho most sensitive stomachs can take lt. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics haye been cured after everything else failed* It ls unequalled for all stomach troubles. lt oan't help but do you good Prepared only by E. O. DEWITTA Co.. Ohicato Thofl. bottle contains 2* tlnaeo tboBOc. s?e. FOR SALK BY DR. J. W. HULL. FOB . JOB PRINTING in Good Style Soud to Thc Keowee Courier, WALHALLA, S. C. SO YEARS* EXPERIENCE PATENTS I ii nu E. mi DISIONS COPYRIOHTS Ac.1 i Anyono Bonding a skotoh and doiorlptlon may butokly ascot-tain our opinion froo whether au i II vont loo ls probnbly patentable. Communica tions strlotly oonfldontfal. Handbook ou Patents sont freo. Oldest agoiioy for securing patent?, entonta takou through Munn & Co. rocolvo i tho tptcial notice, without Charge, In I Scientific American. A handsomely ll I n st rat ed weekly. Largest ?lr culntlon of any solontlflo journal. Terms 13 a yonr: four months, th Bold by all newsdealer?. MUNN & Co???^new York Branch Ornoo. 626 F BU Washington, D. 0. Blue Ridge R. R. H. C. BEATTIE, RKOKIVKH. TIME TABLE NO. 2. SUPERSEDES TIME TABLE NO. 1. Effoctlvo 5.00 A. M., Fob. 0, 1901. KASTllOUND. 2d Class, lat Class. Mixed. l'MB'r. Dally ex. Dally. Sunday. No. No. 12. No. 0. 34 ?Walhalla.. .Lv.. 0 10am 2 10pm 82 ?Wost Union.0 10 am 2 15 pm 25 {'Seneca.j 0 40am ff {??{???J 24 f Jordania Janet.. 0 42 am 3 13 pm 18 t Adams. 0 48 am 3 33 pm 17 tCherry. 0 53 am 8 87 pm 13 . j Pendleton.10 01 am j \ JJ ???J 10 tAutun...10 09 am 4 21pm 7 tDonvor.10 18 om 4 31pm 2 tWest Anderson, .10 85 am 4 47 pm 0 *Andorson... Ar.. 10 40 am 4 51 pm WKSTllOUND. '2d Class. 1st Class. Mixed. I'ass'r. Daily ox. Dally. Sunday. No. No. ll. No. 5. 0 *Audorson... Lv.. 8 40 pm 0 00 am 2 t Wost Anderson.. 3 45 pm . 0 07 am 7 t Don vor. 3 57 pm 9 24 am 10 tAutun. 4 04 pm 9 36 am 13 ?Pendleton. 4 ll pm { ? JJ JJ* 17 tChorry. 4 20 pm 10 10 am 18 t Adams. 4 26 pm 10 20 am 24 tJordania .Janet... 4 39pm 10 44am 25 \ ?Soneca I 4 41 pm i 10 41 am M <; oonoca.^ 5 05 pm ] 12 55 pm 32 ?West Union.5 21 pm 1 25 pm 31 ?Walhalla ....Ar.. 5 25 pm 1 30pm (*) ltocular stop; (t) Flag station. Will also stop at tho following stations to lake on or lot off passengers : Ph wi lley's, Janies and Sandy Springs. No. 12 connects with Southern Railway No. 0 at Anderson. No. ll connects with Southern Railway No. 34 at Seneca. No. 0 commets with Southorn Railway No. 58 at Anderson. No. 5 connects with .Southern Railway Nos. 12 and 33 at Seneca. J. R. ANDERSON, Suporintondent. Pickens R. R. Co, J. E. lIOO?H, President. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT. FKI1KUAKY 1, 1901. No. 10. Dally Except Sunday. No. 9. Hoad Down. Mixed Train. Head np. 10 40 a ni.I,v l'ickens Ar.2 60 |i in io '15 a in.l/v Ferguson's Ar.2 45 p m 10 66 a in.Lv i'm KI m'? Ar.2 30p ni 11 00 a ni.i.v Arial's Ar.2 26 p m Il OA a m.Lv Mauldln'H Ai.2 20 p ni ll 16 a in.Ar Kasloy Lv.2 16pm No. 12. Daily Kxcopt Sunday. No. ll. Head Duwil. Mixed Train. Head Up. 1 00 p lu.I.v ricketts Ar.6 40 p in 4 05 p 1.1.Lv Ferguson's Ar.6 30 p in 4 16 p III.Lv Parson's Ar.6 16 p m 4 20 p ni.Lv Arial's Ar.6 10 p in i 4 26 pm.Lv Si. .nhl in's Ar.s 06 p m ! 4 40 ii m.Ar Kasloy Lv.0 00 p in No. 10 connects with Southorn Hallway No. 33. No. o connects with Southern Hallway No. 12. No. 12conncclH with Southorn Hallway No. ll. No. ll connects with Southorn Hallway Ko. 34. For any m i ni mut ion apply to J, T. TA Y LOU, Uonoral Manager. Atluntic (JoaNt JLiino, Passenger Department, Wilmington, N. C., February 24, 1897. Past Lino Between Charleston and Columbia and Upper South Carolina and North Carolina. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. In oiToct February 24th, 1807. WESTWARD. .No. 62. Leave Charleston. 7 00am 44 Lanes. 8 20 44 44 Sumtor. 9 35 44 Arrivo Columbia.10 56 44 44 Prosperity.1168 pm " Nowborry.12 10 " 44 Clinton.12 60 " 44 Laurons. 1 10 44 44 Groonvillo. 8 00 '4 44 Spartanburg. 8 00 44 44 Winnsboro. 0 16 pm 44 Charlotte. 8 20 44 44 Iloudorsonvillo. 6 03 ?S 44 ABIIOVUIO. 7 00 44 EASTWAUI). .No. 63. Loavo Ashovillo. 8 20am 44 Ilondorsonvillo.9 16 44 44 Spartanburg.ll 45 44 44 Groonvillo.ll ?0 .? 44 Lamons. 1 45 .? 44 Clinton. 2 10 44 ,4 Nowborry. 2 67 44 44 Prosperity. 8 18 44 44 Columbia.6 16 44 Aii lvo Sumtor. 6 35 ?< 44 Lanes.7 48 ll 44 Charleston.9 25 44 . Dally. Nos. 52 and 53 Solid Trains botveen CharloBton and Columbia. S. C. IL M. EMERSON, fton'i Paoaenger Agent. J. R. KENLY, (louerai Manager. T. M. EMERSON, Trafilo Manager.