Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, April 24, 1901, Image 3

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C. G. J Genera! fl Hay, Grain, Bran, Cotto FERTIL PJAMTC ? STORE, No. 12. In W IM CLO <. WAREHOUSE, N( E. H. McCOLLOUGH, Civil Engineer ami Architect, Walhalla, S. C. NOT I C ?7 SKAHKO BIDS AND PROPOSALS fur tho erodion of a Jail and Shorlff's Residence will be received until noon of May 11th, Biol, by tho undersigned com mittee. Plans and specifications may bo seen at tho oflioo of K. H. MoCOLLOUOH, Architect, Walhalla. Tho committeo reservo thc right to reject any and all bids. WM. J. STKIBL1NO, J. W. 1IOLLKMAN, A. P. CRISP, 15-18 Building Committeo. 1TIO lt SALK, OR RKNT-A shinglo mill } and six horse-power engine. Both in good condition. Apply to 15-17 K. P. EARLE, Tortia, S. C. 1710R SALK-A NKW PIANO-Cheap ^ and on easy terms. Apply to JAMES THOMPSON. %otnl ?itb personal. -"Bloom sells it for loss." - In a now role-Tillman, tho Blusher! - Mr. E. R. Lucas spent Sunday in Laurens. -Mr. J. W. Koys, of Marydelle, S. C., spent Saturday and Sunday visiting rela tives in Walhalla. -Capt. V. F. Martin, of Spartanburg, is spending several days in Walhalla, lie is looking well. - Hov. O. J. Copeland, of Anderson, was the guest of Mrs. T. A. Norton and family on last Monday. -Tho many friends of Col. U.S. Yan Divierc regret to learn of his illness, and hopo to learn of his early vecovery. - I have tho nicest line of children's and misses' shoes in town from $1.25 to $1.50. .lohn K. Craig. -The United States Supreme Court on Tuesday denied thc application of former Capt. Oberlin M. Carter to be ad mitted to bail. -Chas. Webb, who was shot last week, is improviug. Cantrell, who did the shooting, bas been admitted to bail in the sum of $.">i>0. -Miss Mary Shelor, of Calhoun, (?a., is visiting the family of her uncle, .1. W. Shelor, Esq., and other relatives in Wal halla and Seneca. -The spring melding of tim Oeonoo County Singing Con vent ion will bi; held at Poplar Springs Church on thc llrst Sunday in May. -Mr. W. A. Kay, of Birmingham, Ala., spout Sunday in Walhalla visiting tho family of his mother, Mrs. .1. T. Kay, and other idatives. -The annual meeting of tho stock holders of tho Walhalla Cotton Mill will be held at tho company's ellice on Tuesday, May l l, at lo a. in! -Miss Daisy Strong is attending tho Stale Federation of Woman's Clubs now in annual session at Greenville She represents the llayne circle cd' Walhalla. - Messrs. M. W. Coleman ?v Co., of Seneca, call special attention this week to theil largo line of mattings. Give them a call. They are noted for fair de Illing, - Mr. R. P. Manly, of Atlaida, repre senting the Manly Manufacturing Co., of that city, was in Walhalla Monday on business cornice ted with the building ol' the new jail. - Hello, Central! Give me No. (1:1. Hello I Is that, .lohn Craig's store'.' Yes. Have yon any chickens and eggs? Yes. 1 buy moro chickens and eggs than all other stores combined. -Tho ton-weeks-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Karney, of the Mountain Rest section, died last Wednesday and was buried at Double Springs on Thurs day. Tho parents have the sympathy of many friends. - Mr. Chas. ItroilllOCke, of Charleston, came to Walhalla last Saturday and is staying at the home of his motlier, Mrs. c M. Bronneoko. The many friends of Mr. Brcnnecko regret to learn (d' Ills serious illness. - Mrs. Helen I,. Bullock, ?d' Kindra, N. Y., National Organizer of the Wo man's Christian Temperance Union, will lecture in the Walhalla Baptist, church next Friday night, April Jib li, at eight o'clock. Public, invited. --Miss Hattie Rutledge loft last Satur day for an extended visit to relatives and friends at Columbia and oilier parts of the State, Miss Put ledge hus recently been confined to ber room for niue weeks with rheumatism, - hov (;. I''. Clarkson left, Tuesday morning for New Orleans to attend the M issionary Conference of (he Methodist Episcopal Church, South, which con vonos in that oity to-day. Ile will return the latter part of next week. - Mis. .1 ,1. Norton, of Gainesville, (Ja., arrived in Walhalla on Tuesday afternoon and will make a protracted visit, to her mother, Mis. T. A Norton, and family. Mei many friends here will be delighted to meet lier again. - Read tho Cash Bargain Stoic's new advertisement, This store has a m w line (d' up-to-date Spring clothing, shoes, hats, notions, de. There you can lind your staph; and fancy groceries, tobacco, Cigars, ide. (?ive Ibi; store a call. - Mr. .lohn F. Craig calls attention lo the fact that he is now ready lor busl ness at bis new stand, opposite Carter A- Co.'s. Johnnie is chock-full of busi ness and will make a visit, to his store worth your while, (live bim a call. "I have boen troubled with indigestion for ten years', have tried many things and spent much money to no purpose until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have (Wo bottles and got ten more relict fro ni them than all other medicines taken. I feel moro like a boy than I have fell in twenty years. ' -Anderson Riggs, Sunny Lane, Texas. Thousands have tesl!Ibid as did Mr. Riggs. .1. W. lb ll. Capt. Rlploy Not Guilty. Frankfort, Ky.. April 20.--Tho jury in tho case of Capt. Garnett Ripley, charged with being in a conspiracy which re suited in tho assassination of William Goobel, to-day rendered a verdict of md guilty. Capt. Ripley was the I oil r Mi one of the alleged Godbel suspects to be tried. The jury was composed exclusively ol' Demo orals, The matter of a requisition foi the re turn of Govornor W. S. Taylor hom In diana for trial was again a theme of popular speculation, but up to noon to day no application for extradition papers had been Hied. A.YNES, erchandise. n Seed Meal and Hulls. , I Z E RS. >. 7. -I havo to arrive- to-day a lot of whito goods, in short lengths, to go cheap. Call and seo thom. John F. Craig. -Tho sidewalk on Main street from Mr. A. 0. Merrick's residence to tho Presbyterian church is in a terrible con dition. When wet it presents to tho citi zens from four to twolvo inches of tho most beautiful red mud. -MisB Mario Alborto Converso, daugh ter of tko lute Dexter E. Converso, foun der of Converso Collogo, was married last Wednesday to Dr. Wm. O, Downes, of New York. Tho wedding was tho most elaborate over witnessed in Spar tan burg. -Mr. ?ind Mrs. M. A. Dean, of Ander son, weil) visiting Mr. N. L. Kant and family hist Saturday and Sunday. Thoy came ehioily to seo Mrs. Kant, who has been quito sick for two weeks or more. Sho is milch improved and is now able to be up and about. -The second quarterly conference of tho Seneca and Walhalla charge will bo hold at tho Walhalla Methodist church on Friday o vening, May dil, 7.?0 o'clock. Rev. J. H. Wilson, Presiding Kider, will preach in tho Walhalla Methodist church on Sunday night, May 5th, tit tho usual hour. -Mr. Walter Rlanohott and family and Mr. A. J. Hunter and family will leave next Tuesday for Cclovillo, Wash ington, where they expect to mako their home in tho futuro. We regret to loso thom as citizens of Ooonee, but wish them abundant success in their now homes. -Superintendent of Education John J, MoMahan has recently visited Atlanta, visited live of tho schools tbero and was delighted with the schools and their me thods. Ile intends to uso tho informa tion gathered to "point a moral and adorn a tale" for tho benefit of tho schools in this State. -Thc County Commissioners offor a roward of $10 for tho capturo of Frank Archer, colored, who escaped from the chain gang on April 12th. Archer is a negro of dark ginger cake color, about ? feet t) inches high and Weighs about 100. Ile. his, perhaps, shackle marks on his legs. Notify tho Sheriff of capture. -The forty-sixth session of tho South ern Baptist Convention will bo held in thohousoof worship of tho First Pres byterian church. New Orleans, ha., Fri day, May 10th, iOOl, at 10 a. m. Tho annual sermon will be preached hy tho Hov. F.. Y. Mullins, 1). 1)., of Kentucky, or bis alternate, tho Kev. J. S. Felix, D. 1)., of Kentucky. -The two barber shops, formerly run by Warren Priestly and Willis James, have recently been combined, and the public will hereafter bo served by tho linn of Priestly A.- .lames. They have handsome quarters in the Walhalla Hotel building, newly titted up with neat fur niture mid appliances. A better equip ped burlier shop will not bo found in the up country, and tho barbers are thc best. Vim will waste time if you try to cure indigestion or dyspepsia by starving your self. Tllftl only makes it worse when you 1 do eat heartily. You always need plenty 1 <d" good food properly digested. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is tho result of years of 1 scient die research for something that Would digest not only some elements of ' food, bu; every kind. And this is the remedy that will do it. J. W. Roll. - Palmetto Loaf, Cedar Springs, S. C. : "Kay Falun-stock bas two watches. Ile took ol? Hie crystal from ono of these watches ?ind put il on tho bael; of the other. Now he eau seethe movements 1 of Ibo walch, ls it nota handy watch for the deaf ?" .Master Kay Fahestoek is tho youngest son of Dr. Thomas (J. C. Fnlineslock, a gentleman well known in Ooonee, now living in Sencea. The young hoy is making rapid progress in his studies in the deaf ami dumb asylum at ( i fiar Springs. - In spring every ono should lesson the extra work forced upon their system by taking .some reliable blood purifier. Sickness does not need to be already ? present. You should purify your blood every Spring lo gel tho excess matter ( (occasioned by the heavy diet of winter) out of your system. Ti y bonney's Com pound Fx tract of Sarsaparilla, There is nothing better. $1.00 per bottlo at Dun- \ ney's Drug Store, Sencea, S. C. A Mousier Devil Pish. \ I lest roving ils victim, is a typo of con stipation, 'flic power of this murder- : ons malady is felt on organs and nerves . and muscles ami brain. There's no health till it's overe?me. Rut Dr. King's , New Life Pills are a safe and certain cure. Pest iii the world for stomach, liver, kidney and bowels. Only 25e at all ilrug stores in the county. Thc Oconcc Hoad Law. The fog bas been cleared up. Only those persons between tho agOS of IS and ."itt yeal s are required lo work on the roads in Oeonoo county. Wis gel this information from the recent act ol' tho Legislature, which bas been approved by tlie ( ?ovoi nor. Stoics to Close al Soven O'clock. We, tho undersigned merchants of Wal halla, do bei oby agree to (dose our stores, hoib fron I ami back doors, at 7 o'clock p. m., every day except Satur days ?md pay-days at thc cotton mill, from May 1st to September 1st, IOOL (Signed) C. \V. Pitchford Co., L. Bloom, c. W. A- .1. F. 1 bink night, John F. Craig, Abbott & While, W. II. Heeder, O. IL Schumacher, 1). Oelkors, Ci isp & Kusch. C. O. .layaos, V. L. Norman, Carter A Co., Norman Co., Donn A Ilario. A Popular Advortising Anent. Mr. Ceo. A. Petford, representing IL F. Buckki) A (ki., of Chicago, paid Tho Courier ellice nu appreciated call Tues day morning. Ile has boen traveling-for these well known manufacturers of pro prietary medicines for thirteen years. Ho renewed the fourteenth annual con tract willi 'flu: Courier for advertising. Dr. Kinu's New Discovery, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Klootrio Kilters and Arnica Salve, have been long before Ibo public, and have won Ibo highest enco miums ?is excellent remedies. IL li. P.ncklen & Cd. is ODO of tho most relia ble linus on tho American continent ami its medicines are equally reliable. LETTER TO Mil. W. H. REEDER,, S. C. Deai .sir: We ask pardon in advance for addiossiiig this open letter to you; wonltlll'1 do H if we couldn't serve you. First, nsk your hank or any mercantile agency about our capital and reputation, then consider our oller of "free paint" lo be given lo you or ?my friend that paints this spring. We present it lo sec ure SI'VOI'Ill sample houses covered willi L. A M. Paint t<> show tho mer chant that we want to take our agency, (live ns dimensions and number of coats and we'll tell you bow ninny gallons of L. A M. ive OUIl send free, and also sug gesl handsome color combinations, !J,f>()0 agencies; a paint that covers bet ter ami lasts longer than while load? sales of') million pounds annually ; these are some of the i casons,,why you cati pul trust in us. Investigate. Very sincerely, Longman A- Martine/., Paint Makers, 207 l'en il street, Now York City. The L. P. Smith Excursion. Mr. L< P. Smith will run nu excursion to Atlanta Thursday, May 2d. These oxour8lous aro always vory pleasant-no doweling, no rowdyism. Tho train will loavo Noneca nt v.'JO a. rh. and arrive At lanta 1.80 p. m., leaving there tho follow ing day at 1.80 p. m., thus giviug twenty four hours ie tho city, Pulow wo give tho faro from some of tho points: Audorson .... $2 10 Pondloton ... $2 00 Don vor. 2 05 Cherry's.2 00 Autun. 2 05 Soueoa. 1 1)5 Mr. Jas. Thompson is local agent for Mr. Smith, and will gladly give any Information coucorning tho trip. A largo crowd is oxpootod to loavo Wal halla ou this train. Pyny-Mnlaom Stop? tho Tickling, and inlicitly allaya lullauiniatloit In thu throat, Wofford vs. Clemson. On noxt Friday afternoon, at 3.30 o'clock, tho annual gamo of baso ball will bo played botwoon Wofford and Clemson on tho grounds of tho latter. lt will bo romomborcd that Wofford played tho Clemson lads to tho tune of 0 to 0 last year. Clomson has not recov ered from tho memory of this, so this year sho luis practiced day after day until uow she has a toam that in tho minds of Clomson supporters will un doubtedly win uoxt F Jay. This gamo moans muoli to both teams, as it will do oido'who is to bo tho champions of tho S. C. Athletic Association. Du Pro will bo in tho box for Wofford, while McMokin will do tho pitching for tho (donison toam. A largo crowd of Wofford sup porters will como ovor from Spartan - burg to oheer their favoritos on to vic tory, whilo a special train will bo run up from Audorson to bring tho largo crowd who annually como to soo this gamo. This train will probably stay ovor until after tho performance Friday night. Tho Clemson Collego Dramatic ('lull wdll render tho famous t hum not comedy "David Carrick" in tho collogo chapel tho night after thc gamo. Cold Stcol or Death. "Thcro is but ono small chanco to savo your lifo and that is through an op?ration," was tho awful prospect set before Mrs. 1. U. Hunt, of Limo Hidgo, Wis., by her doctor aftor vainly trying to euro her of a frightful caso of stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. Ho didn't count on the marvelous power of Elec tric Hitters to euro stomach and livor troubles, but ?ho heard of it, took sovon bottles, was wholly cured, avoided sur geon's knife, now weighs moro and fools better than over, lt's positively guar anteed to euro stomach, liver and kidney troubles and novor disappoints. Pried 50c at all drugstores in tho county. Oconecilos In tho United States Court. Tho cases from Oeonoo county in tho United States District Court at Grootl villo have been disposed o? as follows : .John Wall, Mooka Wall and John Mc Call alias Sam McCall, charged with illicit distilling. John and Meeks Wall pleaded guilty and wero sontoncod to six mouths each in OcotlCO jail. Nollo prose qui as to John McCall alias Sam McCall. James King and John J. Pointer wero charged with illicit distilling. Tho do fondants appeared and plead guilty of working in a distillery. J migo ih awloy sentenced them to six months each in tho Oeonoo jail, tho sentences to com mence July 15th. Sam (I ri flin pleaded guilty of retailing liquor and was sentenced to servo th roo mouths in Oconeo jail. Thomas Swafford pleaded guilty of illicit distilling. Ho was givon tinco months in Oconeo jail, tho sentence to begin July 15th. Asa M. Manley appeared and pleaded milty to tho charge of laboring in a dis tillery. Ho was sentenced to servo six months in tho Oconeo jail. The sentence has been suspended. J. T. (.'ash was tried on a charge of having tampered with Unelo Sam's mail ?it Jocasseo. It was alleged that Cash oponed a loiter willi a view to finding out tho workings of tho revenue olllcors. Tho jury returned a verdict of not Utility. In tho case of Thomas M. Crompton, charged with illicit distilling, tho jury found a vordict of guilty with a recom mendation to mercy. Ile was sentenced to three months in Oconeo jail and $100 line and credited with service from feb ruary 10th. For retailing liquor David (bunor was given (bree months in Ocouoo jail. Peter L. Fleming, Mike Fleming and John P. W. McCracken pleaded guilty nf laboring in a distillery. Poler Flem ing was givon twelve months and Mike Fleming six months in tho Oconeo jail. John McCracken six months in tho ('reenvido jail. Mike Fleming and John McCracken sentences to dato from No vember :'<), niuo, while no reduction is made on tho sentence of Peter Fleming. A. II. Wilson, charged with laboring in a distillery and retailing liquor, was acquitted. Thomas Strickland was (ried on the margo of couti torfe! ting. Iii? increased a $1 bill to a $10 bill and for this offense was sentenced lo serve six months in the penitentiary at Columbia and also to pay ?i line of $500. Samuel P. Bryce was sentenced to pay \ line of $75 for removing and concealing illicit liquors. Fim paid. David Dorsey plead guilty to retailing. Sentenced to three months in Oconeo jail and a lino of $100. "No bills" were returned by the grand jury in (be following eases : \V. II. 11 Uglies, retailing; (J. C. Watkins, work ing in illicit distillery. Girard Q. Smith plead guilty to re moving and concealing. Sontoncod to twelve months in Ci eon ville jail or pay a lino of $250. Fine paid. Major Tatham plead guilty to remov ing and concealing. Senlenccd to two Vcars in tho reformatory near Washing ton, 1). C. Tench C. II uti si n gor was tried in his ihsenco for removing and concealing, "onvietod ?ind scaled sentence left. TllKKK ls NO FAMILY Medicine so favorably known as Pain-K?lier. Por iver sixty years it bas been used by mis donarlos in all paris of tho world, not inly to counteract tho climatic inlln jiices on their families, but for the euro if all diseases of tho bowels, and for wounds, burns, bruises, otc. Avoid sub dilutes, there is but ono Pain-Klllor, I'efry Davis'. Price 2">c. and BOO. Complaint from Oconcc's Chain Gang. Oovornor McSweonoy has received a oller of complaint from tho chain gang if Oconeo county, in which the convicts iomplain very bitterly of the treatment hey aro receiving. The letter roads as 'olioWS ; "Walhalla. S. 0., April 17, 1001. "To.the Governor of South Carolina J'OM" Kscolleiicy- Dear Sir: Wo, tho prisoners of Coonee county chain gang, make unto you the following complaint igainst tho Supervisor of Coonee county : We are forced lo say to you, sir, that wo ire not treated as we ought, ?md we (i nd ly ask your serious attention to this matter as Oovernnr ol South Carolina: I. Wo aro (dothless, almost a disgrace lo the several com munit ios in which we have lo labor. Wo have been wearing dollies, some of us, for six or seven weeks, without washing or mending, ind our Supervisor will not give us ?my under no circumstances whatever, not liven shoes to go on our feel. We ?ire mitering from cold ami has been so ?ill Ibo winter. They compel us lo go te ibo nearest Church in tho community ind we have to go almost a disgrace. Tho Supervisor will not oven furnish [dollies to a prisoner who has worked his lime out Wo tries lo bc obedient to our captain in charge ami wo have his signature to (hal effect. Now wo, as humble ami obedient prisoners, though louvieled of small crimes, desire your serious attention to this matter, in order (hat wo should be treated light and according to ibo laws by which wo are governed. liespoel I idly yours, "Oconeo County Chain (bing. "lb S. V. P." County Alliance Meeting. The Ooonee County Alliance will meet at Ka ir view Academy on Saturday, May llth, 1001, al IO a. ni. A full attend ance is desired, as business of imp ut am e will be considered. A. H. Fl I i son, President. J. H. Pickett, Secretary. SPRENG ?ND W?L Iii 15? SUMMER CLOTHIN We have just received a large line of NEW SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING-all the latest styles. The goods are the best-prices right. Give us a call and let us fit you up in a suit-can fit you up for from $1.75 to $17.50. Bring the "KID" around and will fit him lip for from 50c to $4.00. Special Bargains in Shoes and Slippers F?ii?en Come and see us and we will show you most anything you want in the SHOE and GENERAL FURNISHING lines. We beat the band for low prices. Qtanlo anH ^e carry a complete stock of STAPLE and FANCY Oiapie ana GROCERIES. Our weights are heavy and measures Fancy Groceries ! large. Give us a trial order-you will send again. The Cash Bargain Store, LOUIS BLOOM, PROPRIETOR. (FBloom Sell? Xt foi* Less ! Townvllle Toplos. _? Townvillo, April 22.-J. L. McCarley, Esq., of Maxwell's lirldgo, after a tedi ous illnoss, has regained his wonted health. Kider P. Ii. Sit ton represented the ohuroh boro iu Presbytery at Piedmont last wook. Mr. John C. Harris, a successful far iner and dairyman horo, has tho finest field of wheat in this section. Hov. S. M. .Jones, preacher iu oh argo of tho Townvillo circuit, is impressing himself favorably upon his people and tho publie generally. At a recent congregational mooting Mr. K. ll. Farmer was elected to servo tho Townvillo Presbyterian ohuroh as deacon, and ho will mako au olllolont ofllcor. M umps and whooping cough aro hold ing levelly in town and tho country around. Miss .lat,ie Gaines has returned from an extended visit to points in the eastern part of tho Stato. Mrs. W. N. Woolbright, of Duo, was quito sick last wook. Mr. 'thomas J. Dalrymple, a most ex emplary citizen near horo}'. in Anderson county, died suddenly on tho Otb in stant, and was inton ed in tho Presbyte rian cemetery boro, tito services being conducted hy Kev. S. M. Jones, assisted by Hov. D. NV? Keilor, of Westminster, and Hov. J. W. Spoako, of Groouvillo. Mr. Dalrymple sorved throughout tho wholo period of tho war for Southern independence in tho Third South Caro lina Infantry, and was wounded throe limos. lie was a nativo of I/aurons county, and carno boro iu 1871. His wife was Miss Alice Alborta Smith, of Lau rens, and sho, with six children, survives. Mr. Dalrymple was a prominent member Of tho Met hodis', ohuroh, and was ono of tho leading promotora of tho ohuroh to ho crec? ed hero as a memorial to tho lato Hov. J. Waltor Dickson. Annie Gordon Dickson NEWS IN AND AROUND WESTMINSTER. Doath of Mrs. P. M. England-Nowsy Para graphs About Town. Westminster, April 23.-Hov. N. G. Christopher is preparing to leave for his now hold of labor in Georgia. Mrs. Christopher and children will romain boro for a whilo at tho Mitchell board ing bouse. Wo aro glad to announce tho result of tho town election on Monday last which stands thus: Intendant, Josso S. Carter: Wardens, Butlor, Hall, roden and Haines. Mrs. Huit Mitchell has returned from a delightful visit to hor sisters tn Ander son. Mr. M. S. Stribling and family, from Lavenia, havo again becomo residents of our town after an absence of four years. We give them a happy wolcomo. Mr. Tom Peden, of Kort Madison, was boro with friends and relatives Sunday. Mr. W. ?J. Stripling, who represented this K, of II. lodge in Columbia, on his return, visited his brother, Mr. John Y. Striblitlg, in Anderson. Hov. S. L. Wilson preached at tho Presbyterian church hero Sunday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Stribling visited hero last week. Mrs. P. M. England died at her homo, in Westminster, April 17. Funeral sor viccs were held at Ibo New Westminster Haptist church, Rev. N. H. Christopher leading tho services. Ho was followed by Dr. McConnell and Dr. Jameson who gavo very consoling words of comfort to her children and grandchildren. Her body was laid to rest in tho now ceme tery. Her grave was covered with a pro fusion of lovely Howers; many beautiful designs wore contributed by friends and relatives from other cities. Among those who attended her funeral from a distance were: Hov. Dr. T. C. Mc Connell, of Lynchburg; (Mrs. McConnell, Mrs. England's daughter, was called by telegram to ber mother's bedside two days before ber death); Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Carter, Dr. S. Y. Jameson, Messrs. Julian ami Citri Neville, of Atlanta, fla., Mr. and Mrs. John Carter, of Haines ville, Ca., Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Carter, of West Union, S. C., Mrs. Jesse Sloan and Mrs. J. J. Ansel, of Walhalla, Mr. and Mrs. David J arra rd, of Anderson county, and Mr. L. L. Jerrard, of Kair Play. Rev. MoMannaway, of Hreers, has boon called to tho New Westminster Baptist ohuroh for half his timo. .1. ,v M. A Night of Terror. "Awful anxiety was felt for tho brave Gonoral Burnham, of Machias, Mo., when tho doctors said she could not live till morning," writes Mrs. S. ll. Lincoln, who attended ber that fearful night. "All thought she must soon ?lie of pneu monia, but sin; begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, saying that il had more than once saved her life, and bad cured ber of consumption. After tinco small doses she slept easily all night, and its further uso completely cured her." This marvelous medicine is guaranteed to curt.' all throat, chest and lung diseases. Only 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at idl druggists in the county. Placing Flowers on their Graves. Memorial Day at Pendleton on thc Ith of May promises to bo something unu sually largo and grand. livery old soldier, bis family and grand children and friends are invited to como out with Howers and well-tilled dinner baskots, A Hot al decoration of soldiers' gi aves, music by tho band, speeches by a noted historian, junior orator and au old veteran, and the Hiing of salutes by artillery aro tho sparks that aro calculated to ignite a Hame of true patriot ism in the breast of every true Carolinian. Kvory old oldior that is able to orcop out on that day will be on band to join in one more answer to the call to duty-a duty of honor wo owe to our comrades that have gone before us, ami Hu; ladies and girls from tho lit tle tots up to the. blooming corps of maids of honor will all he out in full force to do their simple duty in honoring tho Confederate dead, and at the same time honor IhonisolvoB by so doing. Trains arrive at Pendleton from both ways at lt) a. m., ami go out both ways at I p. m., and wo look for a good turn out from all points in reach. Programme next week. Pendleton, April 28, IDOL The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist. nts Laboratory. There ls a (lineare prevailing In this country most dangerous because io decep tive. Many sudden deaths arc caused by lt-heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy arc often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble ls allowed to ad vance thc kidney-poisoned blood will attack thc vital organs, or thc kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Then thc richness of thc blood-thc albumen -leaks out and thc sufferer has Bright's Disease, thc worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root thc nev/ dis covery is thc true spccilic for kidney, bladder and urinary (roubles, lt has cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases, after all other efforts nave failed. At druggists in fifty-cent and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling about Swamp Root and lt3 wonderful cures. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. and mention this paper, THE NEWS FROM SENECA. Ministors En Routo to Now Orloans-Local Pick-Ups About tho Town. * Sonoca, S. C., April 28, 1001.-A num ber of tho friends of tho ltovs. H. B. Uro wno and lt. W. Harbor, of tho South Carolina Conforonco, had tho ploasuro of sooing thom for a short while on Tues day. They woro on routo to Now Or leans, whore thoy go to attend tho Gene ral Missionary Conforonco of tho M. E. Church, South. Kov. G. P. Clarkson, pastor of Walhalla and Soncca churches, was in town Monday on his way to at tend this conforonco. Tho Onco-a-Week Club is hoing ropro scntod, at tho Federation in Greenville this week, by Mesdames M. W. Coleman, L. W. .Jordan, .J. II. Adams and T. K. Stribling. Kev. Phillips Vernor preached an in teresting Rormon nt tho Presbyterian church last Sunday morning. Capt. J, J.? Lewis, of Picketts, visited his daughter, Mr. W. S. Hunter, tho first of tho week. Miss Byrdio Thompson loft Monday for Columbia, whoro sbo goos to be an attendant at tho wedding of Miss Mc Nulty and Mr. Uamby. Mr. A. N. Oldflold bas hoon sponding several days in Seneca, tho guest of his friend, Mr. II. .). Gignilliat. Mrs. Hurt Mitchell, of Westminster, was in town ono day last week. Mr. Joseph W. Sholor, of Walhalla, is in town to-day, Tuesday. Mrs. Eliza Brooks has arrived herc to spend somo timo at tho homo of her brother, Mr. I.. W. Jordan. Prof. .lames M. Moss,of Walhalla, was in .Seneca Saturday. Mr. Joe Hopkins, who now has a posi tion in Groonvillo, spent Sunday at his home here. Miss Kmily Veiner, of Greenville, paid a recent visit to her aunt, Mrs. T. K. Stribling. Miss Mary Hates (merry leaves the last of this week for Atlanta, where she will visit friends. Mrs. Helen H. Bullock, national organ izer of Ibo W. C T. IJ., is booked for temperance lectures here Wednesday and Thursday ovoid ogs of this weok. Seneca will probably be represented at tho marriage of Miss Sammie Kaile and Mr. Mays, which occurs at the Episcopal church in Anderson Wednesday. Miss Karie is remembered hero as a visitor to ber aunt, Mrs. William A. Lowery. Miss Louisa Poppotihoim, of (marles ton. President of tho South Carolina Federation of Woman's Chiba, wilLspc nd the days immediately succeeding the Federation meeting with Mrs. M. W. Coleman. Since tho little niau with the Adams show performed bis wonderful ropo walk ing feats in Seneca last week, many a baiik yan! has served as a practicing ground for miniature amateurs, M. K. S. Atlanta, Ga., November 7, 1870. Du. C. J. M o KI KIT-Dear Sir: 1 can not too strongly recommend your T KKT11 I N A (Teething Powders) to mothers as one of the best medicines they can obtain for their debilitated and sickly infants. I have used it with very satisfactory results tho past summer with my child, and while we have berctoforo lost a child or two from teething under other remedies, our present child, that has taken TKKT1IINA, is a line, healthy boy. 1 am, very respectfully, A. P. BltOWN, M. 1). (Broth?r of U. S. Senator and Kx-Gov. Joseph IO, Brown.) For sale by Dr. J. W. Poll. . 9 Ncws Around Return. Pet urn, April '?2.-We are sorry to learn (bat Mr. John Lumpkit), who bas been sick for some time, is not improv ing very fast. Kev. lt. W. Nielson lilied his regular appointment hero last Saturday and Sun day. Miss Pearl ('rooks, of Newry, visited relativos and friends in ibis section re cently. Tho wifo of Mr. Watt James died af ber homo, at Pendleton Factory, on the HM li instant., and was buried at Center church, near Oak way. Mrs. Janies leaves a family and many friends to mourn their loss. Some snow and sleet bas fallen in tho last few days. Tho fruit is not yet killed. Ho careful when you cross ibo wash out in the road at LoRoy's bridge. We bavo heard of several persons getting into the wash-out. The past few days have been very cool for bathing. Sumo body is going to get. burt there. The high water has done a great deal of damage to bottom lauds. The school at this placo, in Charge of Prof. (J. W. Moore, of Sonoca, closed last Friday. An entertainment was given. Kverybody seemed to enjoy the beautiful recital ions ami dialogues. Tin- following programme was rendered; Song, Welcome; Tho Honrs, by 12 children; Is it Anybody's Business, by Miss Mattie Orr; When the Minister Comes to Toa. by Master Harry (bane; The Rehearsal, a dialogue; The Colliers Child, by Miss Roda Williams; The Rainbow, by seven ?iris; Love, by Mas ter Norton ( >rr; Deai.on Hunker's Pro posal, a dialogue by Misses Beatrice King and Roda Williams; Why Should the Spirit of Mortal be Proud, by Miss Kizzie Crane; Kalamazoo, Miss Dakota Tnnuory; How to Manage, a dialogue; The Last Hymn, Miss Martha Julian; How Jane Conquest Rang thc Bell, by Beatrice King: From Pumpkin Ridge, a dialogue; Valedictory Address, S?ss ollie Dalton; Song, Good Night, Music was fui lushed by Norton Cox ind I,lither Sanders. Jim. Thc Best Blood Purifier. The blood is constantly being purified hy the lungs, liver and kidneys. Keep these Ol pans in a healthy condition and tho bowel? regular and you will have no need of a blood purifier. For this pur pose lhere is nothing equal to Chamber lain's Stomach anil Liver Tablets, one dose of them will do you more good Iban a dollar bottle of tho best blood purifier. Price, 26 cents. Samples free at J. W. Bell's drug store, Walhalla. Lottor ot Hon. W. A. Courtenay. Following is tho lottor of Capt. Wm. A. Courtenay, declining to speak at Stone Church on Memorial Day: Dear Sir: I appreciate fully tho honor convoyed in your invitation of 13th to speak on Docoratiou Day at tho como tory of the Old Stouo Church on tho 4th of May. It is a happy thought to honor tho memory of tho distinguished dead that Mo thoro. Tho mon who struggled successfully for tho right of solf-govore mont in 1770-83 and those who struggled unsuccessfully for tho samo principles in 1801-05. "Tho world shall yot dcoido, In truth's clear, far off light, That tho soldiers who wore tho gray and diod With Leo woro in tho right. "All lost! hut by tho gravos Whore martyred horoos rest, Ho wins tho most, wdio honor savos, Success is not tho tost." lt is with regret that I find my engage ments such as to preclude my attend ance. 1 must content myself with ex pressing my sympathy with your "Deco ration Day" obsorvauco and my host wisl)08 for tho success of tho coming occasion. With groat respect, Your obliging servant, William A. Courtenay. Newry, April 15, 1001, A Frightful munder Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise Buokion's Arnica Salvo, tho best in tito world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns and all skin eruptions. Best pilo ouro on earth. Only 25 cents a box. Curo guaranteed. Sold by all druggists in tho county. Greenville's Assistant Postmaster Short. Krank N. Jordan, assistant postmas ter af Greenville, was arrested on Mon day Inst for embe/./.lomont. On oxairi naiion of the (treenvillo ellice on Sunday Inspectors ll. T. B. Moyo and A. J. Mooro found that Jordan was short $1,178.3'! on account of postal rovonucs and money order funds, willoh ho had appropriated to his own uso. Jordan was arraigned before Commissioner J. C. Hawthorne and confessed his guilt. He was put undor a bond of $1,500 to appear at tho October torin of tho Dis trict Court, THE HOM ll OOM) CURE. Ingenious Treatment by which Drunk ards aro Being (hued Daily in Spuo of Themselves-No Noxious Doses-No Weakening of thc Nerves-A Pleasant and Positive Cure for Liquor Habit. It is now generally known and under stood that drunkenness is a disease and not weakness. A body filled with poison and nerves completely shattered by peri odical or constant uso of intoxicating liquors, requires an antidoto capable of neutralizing and eradicating this poison and destroying the craving for intoxi cants. Su ff ero ts may now euro them-, selves at homo without publicity or loss I of time from business by tho wonderful "Homo Cold (biro," which has boon per fected after many years of closo study and treal nient of inebriates. Tho faith ful uso, according to directions, of this wonderful discovery is positivoly guar anteed to cure tho most obstinate case, no matter bow bani a drinker. Our rec ords show tho marvelous transformation of thousands of drunkards into sober, industrious and upright mon. Wives, cure your husbands! Children, cure your fathers! Tho remedy is in no sense a nostrum, but is a speedie for this disease only, and is so skilfully doviscd and prepared that it is thoroughly solu ble and pleasant to tho taste, so that it can be given in a cup of toa or coffee without tho knowledge of tho person tak ing it. Thousands of drunkards have cured themselves with this priceless rem edy, and as many moro have been cured and made tomperato mon by having tho "Cure" administered by loving friends and relatives without their knowlodgo in j tea or coffee, and belicvo to day that thoy discontinued drinking of t heir own free will. Do not wait. Do not bo deluded by apparent and misleading "improve ment." Drive out the disenso at onco and for all tune. Tho "Home (?old Curo" is sold at tho oxlronioly low prico of ono dollar, thus placing within reach of every body a treatment moro effectual than others costing $26 to $50. Pull directions accompany each package. Special advice by skilled physicians when requested, without extra chargo. Sent prepaid to any part of tho world on receipt of ono dollar. Address Dept. C 400. Edwin R. (jilos ? Company, 2:130 and 2332 Market street, Philadelphia. Correspondence strictly confidential. every 1 hat nervousness and h ?rether. The worry and cares lome, overwork, loss of si food-all tend to irritate derange the digestion, weak and undermine the health, down of the life forces mu The ebbing tide of hea checked, and new energy, ambition infused into the 1 To do this quickly and thoi Dr. Mi It acts directly on tho nen restores thc wasted tissues a: Sot? fey ali druggists on a gtt NOW IS THE TIME to givo us your order for anything you want in STRAW MAT TINGS, while our stock is now and unbroken. Wo havo somo now designs in VAN TIN KS IMPORTED MATTINGS which you will find it bard to duplicate. NOTE B8d??** SOME OF TH ESE-- A VALUES: 80-inch Heavy Straw .lapnneso Matting. 20o. 30-inch Excellent Straw Cotton Warp Japaneso Matting.22ic 30-inch Long Straw, Heavy Cotton Warp, Host Colors, Jap ancso Matting. 25o. With ordor for ono roll and ovor wo furnish tho fe MATTING TACKS. M. W. COLEMAN & CO., PHONE 30. SENECA, S. C. T, E. ALEXANDER Livery, Feed and Sale . . Stable, . . WALHALLA, S. C. FertilizBrs,Fertillzers I have the best manufactured goods on the market, and sell more than any man in town. Be sure to see me before you buy.Phone No. ll. Dynamite Always on linne!. Col. Hoyt Will Speak. Decoration Day will be observed at Pendleton on Saturday, May Ith On this occasion tho veterans of tho Fourth Regiment and Palmetto Sharpshooters and othor veterans will bo on hand. C. L. Roid, of Walhall, an honorary mom bor of Hump Tally Simpson, U. C. Vi, at Pendleton, will attend and bring with him tho old battle Hag of tho Palmetto Sharpshooters. Col. .las. Hoyt will dolivor an address. Tho friends of tho votorans aro invited. "Last winter I was confined lo my bed with a vory bad cold on tho lungs. Noth ing gavo mo relief. Finally my wife bought a bottle of Ono Minuto Cough Curo that effected a speedy cure. 1 cannot speak too highly of that cxcellont romcdy." Mr. T. K. Houseman, Manatawnoy, Pa. J. W. Holl. Thrown on a Bcd ol Livo Coals. His Seventh Wife. Howling G i octl, Ky., April 10.-TliOB. Potoot, a merchant at Peon's Chapol, has been married for tho sovonth timo. His other six wives aro all living. Ho was divorced from each after st few years of married lifo. Ho doesn't know exactly U w many childron bo bas, but says tho numbor is botweon 18 and 22. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Dlneets what you eat. Louisville, Ky., April 18.-Roy Court ney, twenty-two years of ago, rocontly released from tho lunatic asylum, securely tied his aged mother with a rope last evening at lier home near Hop kinsvillo and threw hor upon a bod of livo coals In an open fireplace. Tho tortured woman's screams of agony brought aid. When tho neighbors entered they found tho victim writhing in the hot embers with her garments burned oil' and tho mad son standing calmly by. Mrs. Courtney is dying of hor wounds. Tho lunatic lias boon returned to tho asylum. If troubled by a weak digestion, loss of appetite, or constipation, try a fow doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Every box warranted. Kor sale by Dr. J. W. Holl, Walhalla. May Not bc Skoog. New York, April 18.-According to a physician who know counterfeiter Skoog in life the supposed body of tho suicido counterfeiter in tho morgue, is not his. Thu physician scrutinized tho body before making bis startling assertion, if the physician is correct Chief Ha/.en of tho secret servico made a grovious mistake when ho identified Skoog, or el > some other corpso was substituted foi Skoog's, which tho morgue ofiicials strenuously deny. body Knows eadache go to ? of business or eep, improper thc temper, :en thc nerves This tearing st be stopped. 1th must be new life, new whole system, .oughly usc "I have been subject to attacks of severe headache caused from overwork and nervous exhaustion incident to thc duties of musical instructor. When they come on I am extremely nervous and restless. Since I have been taking Dr. Miles' Nervine I find that one dose will cure the worst headache, It is a spendid medicine, and 1 havo used it for several years without detecting any bad effects." MRS. J\ HOPKINS, Pittsburg, Texas. iles* Nervine. rous system, quiets thc irritation, rests thc tired brain and s nothing else can. You should not delay. Get it at once. euuuW; Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind?