C. G. J General fl Hay, Grain, Brad, Cottc FERTIL PHONES: WAREHOUSE, N E. li. McCOLLOUGH, Civil Engineer and Architect, Walhalla, S. C. NOTICE. SEALED IUDS AND PROPOSALS for tho erection of ft Jail and Sheriff's Kcsidonco will bo rccoivod until noon of May Otb, 1001, by tho undersigned com mittee l'huis and specification!! may bo ?oeil at tho oflico of K. II. McCOLLOUGH, Arohitoct, Walhalla. Tho oommittoo rcsorvo tho right to reject any and all bids. WM. J. STRIBLING, J. W. HOLLEMAN, A. P. CRISP, 15-17 Building Conbul tteo. ITIOR SALK OR KENT-A shingle mill } and six horso-powor engine. Both in good condition. Apply to .5-17 E. P. EARLE, 'Portia, S. 0. -"Bloom soils it for loss." -Mr. L. Bloom spent several days in Atlanta hut wook on business. -Messrs. M. C. Soaboru and W. D. Moss aro spending a short vacation in Greenville. -Tho property on Main street known as the Joost placo was bought last Mon day by Qrfthi Bros. -Tho Scmi-Wcokly Atlanta Journal has gone up in prico. It can now bo had with Tho Courier for $1.75: -Tho many friends of Dr. W. T. Stod dard will ho pleased to learn that ho is improving and ab?o to bo up. - Mrs. Geo. Maxwell, of Columbia, is visiting her mothor, Mrs. S. J. Hutchi son, and other relatives in Walhalla. -Mr. J. B. Reid, of Columbia, spent Sunday visiting tho family of his paronts, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Reid, in Walhalla. -Rev. I). P. Boarden will preach at Xew Bethel Baptist church on tho third Sunday in this month at ll o'clock a. m. -Mr. Julian Dendy, who has been at tending tho South Carolina Military Academy, Charleston, returned to Wal halla last Saturday. -Wanted-Fifteen hundred dollars on lino real ostato security, ono or two years, at sovon por cent. Address "Money," caro of Courier. -Married. April 7th, 11)01, at tho resi dence of Rev. Andy McGuffln, the offi ciating minister, Mr. James Rutledge to Miss Lillie Kelley. Many friends extend best wishes. -Rov. J. M. McGuire will preach in the Walhalla Baptist church on next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and at night at S o'clock. The public cordially invited. -Mr. and Mrs. D. G. McAlistcr, of Columbia, arrived in Walhalla Saturday evening. Mr. McAlister returned Mon day. Mrs. McAlister will remain some time visiting her mother, Mrs. K. A. Bell. -Mr. C. Furber Jones, of Charlotte, N. C., spent Sunday visiting his mothor, Mrs. C. Jonos, and family, at Tamasseo. Ile spent Monday in Walhalla among relatives and friends, who aro always pleased to seo him. - Messrs. M. W. Coleman A: Co., of Seneca, aro to tho front with a large line of spring dress goods, and offer a few suggestions to shoppers. Read their ad. and give thom a call. They oller special prices on crash shirt waists. -Seo notico of the County Building Committee at top of this column. Sealed bids and proposals will bo received until noon of May (?th. Plans and specifica tions can ho seen at the oflico of E. H. McCollough, architect, Walhalla. -Having located in Seneca, S.C., for the practico of medicine, respectfully offer my professional services to the public. I can he found in day time hy inquiring at Lunnoy's drug store ; at night in room over back door of Coleman & Co.'s store. Dr. lt. E. Mason. -Mr. L. 1). Bernden, of Westminster, hrs Rone to Abilene, Texas, whero hi; will engage in tho cotton business. Ho has spent a number of years in Texas in this business and has become an expert. We reglet to lose him as a citizen of Oconeo. Ile has for some time been in the mercantile business at Westminster. -An exchange makes this good sug gestion : "Examine your mail before leaving tho post oflico and see if you have any that belongs to some one else. Any or. 'aking mail from tho o til 00 that does not bolong to them, and failing to return same, is liable to a line of $200 Ol' one year's imprisonment. This applies to newspapers as well as to other mail." -Mr. William Bolillo, of Columbia, was up on a visit to his family, who live near Walhalla, on Sat III day, Sunday and Monday. Ile returned to his post of duty on Tuesday morning. Mr. Kui ti lo reports well of himself. Ile svas ac companied homo by his friend and room mate, .ur. J a tn on ll. McGregor, an affa ble and pleasant Scotch gentleman. The Courier people will he pleased to have you call again, gentlemen. - In spring everyone should lesson the extra work forced upon their system In taking soiiH! reliable blood purifier. Sickness does not need to he already present. Von should purify your hlooi every spring to get tho excess matte (occasioned hy the heavy diet of winter) ont of your system. Try I.nnney's Coin pound Extract of Sarsaparilla, There. I? nothing better. $1.00 per bottle at I.nn ney's Drug Store, Noneca, S. C. - In the caso of Cobb and others against Cater, from Anderson, the Supremo Court has recently decided that l,a per son has a right to put. poison on his premises for the protection of his prop erty, having due regard for the safety of humAtl life, and will not ho liable for damages lo ono whose, dog eats the poison while so trespassing; but if he places tho poison, not to protect his property, but with tho intent to kill tho dog, then ho will bo liable for damages.".. erchandise m Seed Meal and Hulls. -I Z ERS. o. 7. r = -Mrs. J. S. Sloan is visiting rolatlvos In Franklin, N. C., this wook. -Cornell dofoatod Fuman on Monday at Qroouvillo by a scoro of 12 to .'J. -Mrs. S. P. Dendy, after a long and serious attack of tho grip, is ablo to be up and about. -Mr. 15. H. McCullough has moved .his ofllco to tho rooms ovor Doan & Killie's stoi'O. -Tho Anderson colored baso ball de foatod Souqoa in a ton inning gamo by a scoro of 8 to 7. -Mrs. Jas. T. Wilson has boon quito ill for sovoral days. Wo aro glad to loam that sho is much bettor to-day. -Tho rogular passongor train botwoon Walhalla and Bolton now oarrios only two cars, ono having boon tnkou olT. -Tuero will bo a congregational moot ing at Botliol Presbyterian church noxt Sunday at ii o'clock for tho purpose of electing two deacons. -MisB Rosaline Cox, who has boon spending a wook in Walhalla at tho homo of judge J, W. Hollomnn, returned to her homo at Toxaway Tuesday. -Soo advortisoiuont of Dean & Karlo ?U another column. They call attention to a number of articles thoy carry and offer to tho public special bargains. -Tho meeting nt tho Evangelical Lu theran church is to bo at-1.30 p. ra. from now on, instead of at o'clock, on tho Clemson diamond. As Forman now holds tho Stato cham pionship, this game will tie of unusual interest to tho liase ball cranks. An ex cursion will bo run from Oroonvillo to hiing a largo crowd. Everything will bo made pleasant for the visitors. Easter Services in tho Methodist Church. The Faster services in tho Walhalla Methodist church on last Sunday morn ing were, interesting and edifying in a high degree. Rev. (J. F. Clarkson, the pastor, preached with unction and spir itual power and ay the prico. edit That's the way it begins, di fit w rh you. You are irri and worry over trifles. Yoi and palpitates at every sud' can't concentrate your m work, your memory fails at sleep well at night. in th< feel weak and exhausted, \ ti tc for food and no ambitk of any kind. Nervous pros terrors for those who use Dr. M? It stops the nervousness, so tion, induces refreshing slec Sold by ali d*?ggists on a got RESPEC C. W. PITO WALHAL Be sure to see me before you bi Dynamite ^VIA WILL OPEN UP A FINE SECTION. Extension of the Tallulah Falls Railway to Franklin, North Carolina. Tho proposed extension of tho Tallu lah Foils railway from Tallulah Falls, Ga., to Frankliu, N. C., which is now an assured fact, will open up a section of country which 1B rich in it? natural re sources, and which has hitherto never boforo boon Invaded. ThocountioBof Kabuli, Townes, Union, Whito and Uabersham, of Georgia, and tho counties of Macon and Clay, of North Carolina, and tho surrounding counties abound in minerals of all kinds and tho timbor is of the best. With tho viow of acquainting tho peo ple of tho outside world with tho groat mining, manufacturing and agricultural advantages of this wonderful country, there is a movement on foot to hold a largo fair at Tallulah Falls this summer, and with this objoot in view tho Hon. H. lt. Cannon, Mayor, has called a conven tion of citizens interested to moot at this placo on May 4th. Edwin BrobBton, of Brunswick, who was BO prominently identified with tho Marino CongroBS hold at Brunswick re cently, and tho Southern Industrial Con vention, held at St. Augustine, in De cember last, and tho cano and cassava 1 couvontion, to bo hold at Brunswick this wook, has interested himself in tho de velopment of this country, and ais repu tation throught tho entire South insures ?B of tho early development and unlim ited prosperity of our country. Mncon county, North Carolina, by throo-fourth8 of its registered votes, has givon $00,000 bonus to tho Blue Kidgo and Atlantic Railway. Goorgo L. Frontiss, who is at tho head of tho cntor priso, has arranged to extend tho road from Tallulah Falls to Franklin. Thoro are immense forests of haul wood tim bor, and Humorous mining operations will bo oponed up. Tho people aro de lighted with tho prospects. A Testimonial from Old England. "I consider Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy tho best in tho world for bronchitis," says Mr. Wm. Savory, of Warrington, England. "It has saved my wife's lifo, she having boon a martyr to bronchitis for over six years, hoing most of tho time confined to her bod. Sho is now quito well." Sold by J. W. Boll, Walhalla. Pension Shark Gets Six Years. Charleston, April 8.-Goorgo P, Mc Cloy was to-day sentenced in tho U. S. Circuit Court to six years in tho peni tentiary. MoCloy was a pension agent who was shown to havo boon engaged in swindling tho Fodoral government for yoars. Ho obtained pensions for negroes who did not doBorvo thom or else for pcoplo who did not exist at all. The papors in both cases would bo forged by himsolf and his accomplice, Solomon F. Brown. Brown turned State's ovidonco and was acquitted. McCloy's operations covered tho ontiro lower section of tho State. A movomont ison foot in Augusta, Ga., to erect a monument to tho late Patrick Walsh. Tho Baltimoroand Ohio Railroad Com pany bas drawn tho line against tho em ployment of engineers weighing over 200 pounds. lg Little things kable, restless jr heart jumps den noise, you ind on your id you do not ? morning you vith no appe >n for exertion jtration has no Nc "Worry ar nervous prostr sleep at all. I business and ti relief. After and spending i vain search fo Worse than e> bottles of Dr. up and make J. W, Hi iles' N< othes tho irritation, quickens the p and infuses snap, energy and \ wanter D*. Mi WE SELL -R & C ?ORSETS. Kvory woman koowa what tho KAG Gorsot Is. It is tho corset of comfort with tlio ossonoo of stylo. It is tho only coraot that will not, cannot, and does not Btrotoh. If you buy an K & ? Cor Bot that doos Btrotoh, or provoB unsat isfactory in anyway, bring itbaok to us aud wo will glvo you a now ono. Wo hnvo in stock tho famous No. 307, moderately straight front, whioh is popular with most women who do not demand an ext rome straight front. Those who do will find it in tho new straight front shown in our illustra tion. Wo Boll No. 307 for $1.00. Our Corset stock is large and WOll Bolcoted. ?TFULLY H FORD CO., LA, S. C. MANDER Livery, Feed and Sale . . Stable. . . WALHALLA, S. C. FertiIizers,Fertilizers I have the best manufactured goods on the market, and sell more than any man in town. ly.Phone No. ll. vays on .11 s m td. CLEMSON MATRICULATES. Alter Soptcmbor tho Ago for Admission will bo Ralsod to Sixtoon Years. Clemson Collogo, April 8.-At tho ro-, cont mooting of tho Board of Trusteos tho ago of admission was raised to IC. This rulo, however, will not apply to applicants for ontranco In September, 1001. It was decided also to mako an oarnost effort to incrcaso tho dormitory room. Thero aro about ono hundred and fifty rooms at presont, and many of thom aro too much crowdod. Dr. ITartzog is authority for tho state ment that two cottages aro to bo orootod for Ibo purpose of quarantining those professors who aro iufeoted with matri monial microbes. A good round dozen would havo boon uoaror tho proper num bor. It was suggested that tho post house might bo utilized. Tho herd of cattlo will bo improved by tho addition of somo of tho best Ayr shires, Devons, Augusos and Jorsoys that can bo found in tho country. Tho baso ball cranks aro gotliug moro enthusiastic every day, and tho practice goes merrily on. Coach Hoismnu is doing a fino work, as was clearly shown by tho pretty team work during tho two games with Auburn. The scores in these two games with a crack team show that tho peoplo may expect good ball when ever Clemson plays. You will wasto timo if you try to euro indigestion or dyspepsia by starving your self. That only makes it worse when you do cat heartily. You always need plonty of good food properly digested. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is tho result of years of scientific research for something that would digest not only somo clements of food, but overv kind. And this is tho romedy that will do lt. J. W. Boll. Southern Railway at tho Exposition. Tho Southern Railway Compauy will expend $27,000 in track construction and freight and passenger stations on tho grounds of tho South Carolina Inter state and West Indian Exposition, which opohs at (marleston on Decombor I noxt. Tho exposition grounds will covor an aroa of 250 acres along tho Ash ley river, Ono of tho features will bo tho Pinehurst Tea Estato, tho only placo in tho Western Hemisphere, where toa is grown for commerce Practical illus trations of its growth, cult uro and prepa ration for market, will bo exhibited at tho Charleston Exposition. Tho Midway attractions will covor 22 acros, tho main attraction being "Tho Streets of Moxico," which will occupy 125,000 square foot of space. Tho Directorate of tho Exposi tion have devoted $15,000 for tho pur poso of making an exhaustivo exhibit, devoted exclusively to showing tho in dustrial and intellectual advancement of tho colored race during thc past quarter of a century. -. --- Died While Playing on Organ. Boston, April 8.-Henry Basford, or ganist of Highland Congregational church, Koxbury, whilo presiding at tho organ during Eastor sorvico last ovoning was seen to lean forward and fall from bis chair. Tho music stopped and tho I choir ceased singing. When members of tho congregation reached tho organist they found him dead. * votus id overwork brought on ?ation and I got almost no became entirely unfitted for raveled in hopes of finding visiting several sanitariums several thousand dollars ina r health, I returned home ! Eureka Springs, Ark. pulse, stimulates *hc diges igor into thc whole system. les Medical Co.? Eikbatt. Ind.