MY FIGURES ON SCHOOL SUPPLII Will muko you givo necessary whoa you cnn g> One-Aftb of what it cost ye Writing Pads, Ponoi Material, otc. Whoa you pricos. Hospc - - - - J, V, S.-Just rooeivod a fresh lino of Ca Itoral aub IkrsanaL -"Bloom sells it for loss." -Mr?. J. \V. Keys, of Easioy, is visit ing relatives in Walhalla. -Jaynos's opening is 12th and 18th, Friday and Saturday of this wuok. -The many friends of Mrs. J. 1). Porty I'Ogrot to leam of her contiiuiod sickness. -Two spools of thread for f> couts at Jaynos's. --Joseph W. Sholor, Esq., was in Ab bovillo last week on professional busi ness. -Whoa you call at Jaynos's Friday and Saturday ask to seo his hardwnro, wagons ?md buggies. -Kev. 1). 1\ Reardon will preach at tho Oki Westminster Baptist church on tho third Sunday in this month at ll o'clock A. M. -Thc time of tho mooting on Thurs day afternoon at thc Kvangolieal Lutheran j church is changed from live to half past four o'clock. -The October term of United States District Court will convene in (?reenvido I next Tuesday with Judge W. li, Draw* loy presiding. -Miss Kva Reeder, of Oak way, is stay ing with her sister, Mrs. J. 1*. Reese, and is om ploy ott in C. c. J ay a OB' dross-mak ing department. - K. R. Lucas, President ol' too Wal halla cotton mill, was in Qrooiivlllo on last Saturday and Sunday tho fliest of W. P. Conyors. -Tho many friends of Miss Delia ' Frasier rogrot to learn of herserions ill ness at thc home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Frasier. - Mr. 1). Ootkors left Tuesday on an extended visit to (?erinany. Ho expects to spend t wo mont bs in tho Fatherland visiting relatives and friends. -Specimens of your fl nos t grains, vegetables, linoly-bred stock, 1 liol liding poultry, should bo shown at tho State Fair, Octoberth ti) November 2d. - Next Sunday is to bo thc regular Fall Communion in the Evangelical Lutheran church. The subject of tho sermon ;s to bo "Conversion." All are welcome. -Spartan burg Free Lance, October lilli: "Mr. John C. Carey, President of thc Lockhart Mills, has bought a lot in this city and will at once erect a $10,000 residence. -Tho premium list of the State Agri cultural and Mechanical Society shows ail increase in the number 6f premiums and a decided increase in tho value of premiums. -A collection amounting to $11.00 was taken up in thc Presbyterian church on the fourth Sunday in September ?iud forwarded lo Gov. Sayers, of Texas, for | thc Galveston indict' fund. -Thc personal property belonging to tho estille ol' the late W. Calo way Stone will bo sold by the heirs at the residence ol' tho deceased on Friday, Ittth instant, at ll A. M. - Farmers, take or send to the State Fair, Octobor 20th to Novombor 2d, tho fruits ot' your labor, that you may not | exclaim as many have done every year: "1 can boat that.'' -Mr. W. F. Scotia, ol' Jacksonville. I'la., arrived in Walhalla last Saturday after noon and remained until Tuesday. The occasion of his visit was tho death and burial of his fat her. - Mrs. E. M. Cud worth was called to Charleston Tuesday on account ol' the illness of Mr, ('lulworth who is suffer from an attack of hemorrhagic fever. His friends hope for his recovery. -Tho laulies' Foreign Missionary Society of tho Walhalla Methodist Epis", copal Church. South, will meet in monthly session in said church on to morrow v thursday) afternoon at I o'clock. - Mr. ?md Mis. (i. R. Max well returned from Hamlet, \. c., last Friday bringing with them their son, Mr. S. Karlo Max well, who is recovering from an attack of fever, since his arrival in Walhalla be is rapidly recovo ring. - Mr. St. Julian Dendy, Hu; youngest son of Capt. and Mrs. S. R. Dendy, loft for Charleston last Wednesday morning to enter the South Carolina Military Academy. We wish our young friend groat .success in his studies. - Prill}.' all your family to Jaynos's Friday and Saturday. We want yon to see our dress goods and notions, ladies' capes and jackets and boas, men's ami boys' clothing, overcoats and shoes for all. -There will bo an important confer ence in the Walhalla Baptist church on next Sunday morning, l nh instant. All members aro earnestly requested to be present. Preaching by thc pastor at ll oclock A. M., ?md 8] o'clock P. M. - I am lalo with my announcement, but I now have ami will carry a good line of millinery this season. Will have ii competent lady lo assist me as trim mer. I, II. K. Mri ; ia;. West minster, s. ( '. - Mr. J. I!. K, Sloan ami his son, Mr. .loo Sloan, of Charleston, wero in Wal halla one day last week on business, Mr. Sloan has been spending two months at his summer home near Pendleton. His many friends aro pleased lo meet him again. - Dr. Jiibe/ Jones, who has been one of tho physicians in charge of (ho Grady Hospital in Allanta, l'or the past year. is now the house physician of the Sa vannah (Georgia) Hospital. Di. .Jones is one of Oconoo's yoting men and we shall waddi his career as a promising physician with continued interest. - A band of fox hunters, composed of Messrs. Wm. J. Slribling, W. I >. Strib ling, R. ii. Gaines, c. IL Mayhew, J. R, Kay anil K. lt, Kay, have been mil several mornings lately. They have had some oxoiting racosand caught four loxes. \ pack of (Iltoon dogs can make inspiring music when they open on a hoi trail. -The Commissioners of state and Federal Klectlons tor Goonoo county re quest ns to say thal they endeavored lo have appointed as managers of election ii 11 who served in the primary elections, where it was possible lo do so, but ow ing to the urea te i number ol primary precincts il has been impossible lo so arrange it io appoint all. - Re\. <;. F. Clarkson was culled lo Ki ti gs tree last SMurdny by a telegram announcing the death of Miss Daisy Kennedy, his sister in law, which sail event occurred at Gaffney, S. c. flor body was carried lo K ingstVoO foi burial, She died just niue weeks aller her sister, 1 Mrs. Clarkson. The bereaved parents ami relatives have I ho synipal h j of manj friends. - Mr. J. S. Floyd, who lives in tho suburbs of Walli ilia. '. i I on oxhi' ilion ( at the furniture store ol Mr. J. J. ,nscl, : on Monday a stalk of coin li!) fool high, with :.*!'> blades ami two g.| oars til corn. Tho cars were ll fool from the ground on the stalk. Mr. Floyd pur chased tho seed in Augusta, Ga,, ami planted them in Juno. The coin is white ?md Ibo grains aro Inrgo, - Lnnney's s Hour Liver Regulator is the host remedy io relieve thc various forms of headache, including nervous and sick headache, and il is sale lo say that nine oases out ol' ton.of this dis tressing complaint are due lo an inactive or sluggish liver willi const i paled bow els. A few doses ol Lnnney's s Hour Livoi Regulator will soon restore these organs to their proper functions and headache i ceases. In the same manner il regulates the bowels, preven?s constipation andi piles, rolievos all forms <>i biliousness, such ?is dizziness, nausea, coated tongue, loss of appotiic, ,vc. Try it. Largo ; pnekagos 200. at Lnnney's, up lill thoughts of economizing. It Isn't I ot ovorything tho ohildron nood for about ?ur fathers. My stook iuoludos: ls, Sponges, Crayons, Pons, Ink, Drawing want a lot of thoso tbiugs I will mako lot j otfully, H. DARBY, Druggist. ndy. -Acid for wheat, at Jaynos's. -A ( ten [ion lu callod to tho advortiso lnontof abridge to lot lu another column. -On Friday and Saturday of this week, tho 12th ?ltd '."th, C. G. Jayuos will have his opening. His dross goods and notions j will bo ou display. You aro rospootfully invited co g'.vo bun a call. Whoa you cannot sloop for coughing, it is lu idly necessary that any ono SnOUld toll you that you nood a fow dosos of Chnuiborlaiu's Cough ltomody to allay; tho irritation of tho throat, and mako sloop possible, lt is good. Try it. For salo by J. \V. Holl. List Ot Letters. Dist of letters remaining in tho Wal halla post oflico Soptonibor !50th, un claimed: E. J. Kuykondall, /.ackson Sin gleton, I. J, Warren, Ira Dogons, Mrs. Manda Hammonds, Miss Gano Simpson, Miss Broman, in onre of Dr. John Do Wit'. Parties calling for any of tho j above wili pleaso say they havo boon advertised. J. M. MuitHICK, P. M. Brave Men Fall Victims to stomach, liver and kidnoy troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in tho blood, backache, nervousness, head ache and tired, listless, run-down feeling. But there's no need to feel like that. Piston to J. W. Gard nor, Idavillo, Ind. Ho says: "Electric Bitters aro just tho thing for a man when ho is all run down, and don't caro whether ho lives or dies, lt did moro to give mo now strength and good appotito than anything 1 could take. 1 can now eat anything and havo I a now lease on lifo." Only 50 couts, at all drugs stores in tho county. Every | bottle guaranteed. Close of thc Baptist Protracted Mooting. The series of mootings which havo been conducted in tho Baptist church at this place since tho evening of Septem ber 27th woro concluded last Sunday night. Itov. Oliver J. C'opoland, of An derson, assisted the pastor and did tho greater part of tho preaching, services being held in thc morning and evening oaoh day. Tho attendance foi tho first ? two or three meetings was rather small, but increased in interest and numbort until tho last servico when thc largo building ot* tho Baptist congregation was not snfliciont to accommodate tho con gregation. On Sunday night not moro] than two-thirds of thc people could find seats in tho building. Tho doors and windows wore filled with anxious listen ers. Mr. Copeland preached sumo twenty forcible and earnest gospel sonnons. Tho business houses of tho town were close* during each service for tho last week. We feel that much end lasting gooil ?nay have resulted, If not, tho fault does not lie at tho door of the preachers. Tho ministers of tho di ff oren t churches joined heartily in tho meetings, and,as a result, tho Methodists received sovoral acces sions to their church, This was Mr. Copeland's first meeting outsido of his own church, but ho developed remarka ble ability as an evangelist, lie ls a tal ented young proacborand a bright future awaits him. Tho churches havo been much revived and many sinnors havo boon made to think. Some twelve ilftooti conversions were professed. Tho pooplo of Walhalla would certainly bo gratified t?) have Mr. C'opoland visit our town and bold another meeting. "For throe days and nights I suiYorod agony untold from an attack of cholera morbus brought on by eating cucum bers," says M. E. Lowther, Clerk of tho District Court, Gotitorvillo, Iowa. "1 thought I should surely die, timi trioda dozen difforout medicines but all to no purpose. 1 sent for a bottle of Chamber lain's ('?die, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy and throe closes relieved mo en tirely.'' This remedy is for salo hy J. W. Boll. Furmnii University has entered upon what promises to bo a most successful y: ar. Two hundred and twolvo students are ill attendance, tho largest, in its his tory. lt is proposed to raise $10,000 to build a dormitory for the accommoda tion of tho students next year. ? A new remedy for bilioilStlCI is now on salo at J. W. Boll's drug store. It is called Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, ll gives (pock relief timi will prevent the attack if given as soon as the lust indication (d' tho disease appears. Trice 25c. per box. Samples free. An exchange wants to know what be comes of $20,000,000 worth of chowing gum that is sold in the United States every year. That's easy enough. Just feid around under thc chairs and sofas and honchos and you will find it.-West Baden Journal. lt is well to know that DeWitt's Witch I bizoi Salve w di beal a burn and stop the pain at once, lt will cure eczema and skin diseases and ugly wounds and sores. lt is a certain cure for piles. Counter foils may bc odored you. Seo that you gel the original DeWitt's Witch Hazed SlllVO. J- W. Bell. Kvery college in the State reports an increased at tendance Nervo Food If yon baw neuralgia, St oil's TCnuilsion o? Gt xl I .iver ( )?? will feed thc nerve I lint is cry ing for food- ii is hungry and sc i your whole body going again, in a way to satisfy nerve and brain from your usual food. That i> c ure. li you arc nervous rmd irri table, you may only need more, iai lo cushion your nerves you arc probably thin- and Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil will give you thc fat, to be gin willi. (aire, so far as it goes, [.lill c ure is getting thc fat. \ou need from usual food, and Scott's limulsion w ill help you lo that. ti ybii liav? not tried ll, send for free ?ample, ii- ..-i? - ihle inslc will siiipflsc voil. SCOTT a IIOWNK, Chemist*, , ii\ sun t, New Wak. : nm] ji.oo? ?iii druggists, REMEMBER THAT BL( PEI AT BLOOM'S YOU WILL AL GENTS' PURNI BLOOM'! Doath ol J. B. Sanders, Esq. J. 13. Sanders, Esq., died nt his homo, noar Oakway, in this county, at noon on Wednesday, October 3d, after a brief ill ness. In his doath Oconoo loses ono of hor most useful and rospoctod citizens. Ho was born oh tho 8th day of Jauuary, IMO, and was in his sovonty-llrst yoar. In early lifo ho married Miss Mary Mc Donald. Of this union two sons and Iii roo, daughters still survive She died several years ago, and ho married Miss Klizahoth Horbort, who also predeceased him about two months. In all tho rela tions of lifo ho was found to bo a truo, noble, honest man. Actuated by tho highest ideas of duty ho sorvod his day and generation with lldelity. From early youth hu utilized every opportunity and turned it to best account. For nearly Hf ty years bc was a surveyor, and ho sorved as Trial Justice and Magistrate for over thirty years. In tho last Demo cratic primary olection ho rocoivud tho highest numbor of votes polled for any candidato, and had he lived, ho would have been appointed his own successor as Magistrate Ho was also a loyal mem ber of tho Mothodist Episcopal church, South, and contributed liborally of his time and moans to tho support of hor institutions. Ho in ado it a rule to give one-tenth of Iiis income for this purpose, and ho was scrupulous in its observance. It has been said that he missed only two quarterly conferences tu tho last thirty flve years. Ho ?jaw long servico as stow ard, aleo as secretary for church, quar terly and District Conferences. Ho also frequently went as a lay delegate to tho Annual Conferences of his church, ami always delighted in tho dischargo of his Christian duties. It can truly bo Haid of him that a ;;ood man and an bumble Christian has entered upon his reward, and his works do follow him. His funoral services wero conducted In tho Conter Methodist church on Thursday morning at eleven o'clock, by Rev. J. W. bailey, assisted by Revs. J. M. McCuiro and 1). Ii. Whitaker, and attended by a largo concourse of sorrowing friends. His mortal remains were interred in tho Cen ter burying ground. When you want paints, oil, glass, har ness, drugs, patent ruedic'mos or any thing else that is to eat or wear come to J. & J, S. ('arter, Westminster, S. C. FRESH -FROM THF NORTHERN MARKETS Wo are daily receiving our pur chases recently mado in the Northern markets and aro show ing all tin; latest novelties in Dress Goods, Linings and Trimmings. While we were away a promi nent contractor added ;i."i. See us before buying Bagging and Tics. Bcd Host ?'roof (hits direct from Texas. Now Ready! Wo uro now rc i y to show you ono of tho best and largest stocks of goods ovor bi'OUght to this county. The ladies who have visited our store say oms is tho best, selected and nicest line of DRESS GOODS ever seen here. Our prices are below any omi ol80, because our expenses arc less than merchants who do business in larger places. Oui' line of NOTIONS, HOSIERY, EDGINGS, INSERTIONS, KINE LACK CURTAINS, 7.">c. up to s:..on. Carpets, Rugs, Mat ting, and numbers of other ai tides that you lured that we have not space and time to specify. All wc ask is for you to visit, our store and we will please you in prico, quality and style of goods. J. & J. S. CARTER, Mr. Edwin W. Marsh, one of tho mer i liants who first did a wholesale busi ness in Atlanta, (ia., died at his home in that, city last. Sunday, 7th instant, aged seventy-six years. Ho was esteemed as 0110 ol' Atlanta's most ?ullucntial and wealthy ci ti/.OHS. Ked liol from the (Jilli Was thc ball that hit G. H. Steadman of Newark. Mich., in the civil war. lt. mused horrible ulcers that no treatment helped for 20 years. Thee Rm klen's Arnica Salvo cured him. Cures cuts, bruises, burns, hoil'l, felons, corns, skin eruptions, best pt o euri! on earth, ".i"? rents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by 111 druggists in the county. A Closo Call. Mr. John M. (luiUlicutt caine very near being killed on last Saturday, Ulli instant, nt the hands of Jesse Julian, who, it is ?aid, without, provocation, while at his DWIl dinner table, (lunniotltt being his invited guest, drew his pistol ami tired, Hie ball striking his victim on thc top of his head on right side, thc leaden bullet imlting its way through tho hair, skin ind mUSOlOB to the bono, without break ing the skull. Mr. Julian lives near Old 1'iekons, In OcOllOO county. Mr. Minmi ['.ult has sworn out a warrant, against lillian, charging him with assault and battery