Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, October 10, 1900, Image 2

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SDIjc $ to tote ?mxm* PUBLI3HCD EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING. OY JAYNE8, SHE LOU, SMITH & STEOK. ll. Ti J AYN KS, ).,,,," . ,,,,". (U.A. SMITH, J. W. S1IBLOK, I l,u . 1 1 X J. A. BTKOK. SUBSCRIPTION, $1.00 PER ANNUM. ADVERTISING RATES REASONABLE. 2T3P** Communications of a personal character charged for as advertisements. <33f " Obituary notices and tributes of respect, of not over ono bundled words, will bo printed freo of charge. All over that number must be paid for at tho rate of ono cent a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WALHALLA, S. C. : WKDNKHDilY, ?t>T. ?O, I0OO. THE NEWS FROM SENECA. Sad Death ot a Lillie Boy- Lieutenant Jor dan in tho Philippines- Locals. SKNKCA, S. C., October 8.-Tho Misses Thompson entertained a number of their friend? last Tuesday evening in honor of their guest, Miss Lillie Thompson, of Walhalla. Miss Olivia bacon entertained tho younger set last Friday evening. Regard less of tho rain quito a number wore present and spent a very enjoyable even ing. Miss Ella Reid, of Walhalla, is visiting her brother, Mr. C. S. Reid. Mrs. L. II. Tr?bulo, after spending the month of September in Anderson, has returned home. Miss Rossie Wilson has returned home from Westminster. Rev. Holland conducted tho services in the Presbyterian church Sunday night. Mi:*s Inez Dickson was sen* by the Ladies' Aid and Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church as a delegate to tho convention held at Clemson last week. Miss Dickson's paper was highly complimented by several older members of tho convention. Cadets Pickett and Watson spent Sat urday hore. The interest in our free library is grow ing rapidly, and our people are very ap preciative of the line list ol' books that are now upon the shelves. Several new members were added during the past month. Miss Helen Swann has charge for the coming month. Miss Inc/. Dick son is the retiring librarian, having faithfully lilied the position for the past month. During the library hours on Tuesdays ami Saturdays the reading public are to bo found in the little room. The in tinonee of this work is very dosi ra hie, both in a social and cultural way. The ladies of Seneca will make an earn est effort to increase thc funds for pur chasing books. The prospects of awry line cxhit ol' Ho vers at tho llower show encourage oui' llover growers to think thal the com ing fair, to be held about the tenth of November, will be thc best they have ever had. Thc premium list will bc pub lished next week. Latest news from Lieutenant Jordan tells of ?1 delightful sojourn ol' ten days in San Francisco, a voyage ol' ten days on the Paeilie to Honolulu, where tho transports remained for three days, giv ing the troops opportunity to take in the delights of lavish vegetation and beauly ol' Hawaiian scenery. Kxqtlisitc souvenirs in tho way ..?.!' sandalwood fans, exquisite oriental embroidery ami various other curios soul by Lieutenant Jordan tell bis homcfolks that though many weary miles apart that in mimi and heart he is with them, Lieutenant Jordan is and bas been in command of bis company sine?! the battle of Santiago. He is, tho ref oro, receiving the pay and distinction that falls to thc share ol' a captain, IL; stated in bis last letter that his command would roach .Manila about the lirai of October. Mrs. Coleman is the recipient of an invitation and complimentary pass to at tend tho Convention ol' the Library and Industrial Department ol' the Seaboard railroad, which will be hold in Jackson ville, I'la., on the 2-1 til ol' this mouth. Mrs. Coleman is a woman ol' whom Seneca should be proud, and she w ill no doubt rolled honor on her town if she attends this convention, Will Watson, ol' (?reenvide, is spend ing several days with Mrs. Clarence mil son at the ( leoline Inn. Miss Libel ('anther, of Alabama, is tho guest of Mrs. Coleman this week. (/nile a sad death was that ot the in fants.>f Mis. Clayton, of Atlanta, who bas been boarding herc this sum mer. lt was an only child and none of her relatives were with ber. Kev. Capers Conducted I'M- funeral services, and the body was interred in Hie ceme tery here. The deepest sympathy is fell for the mother by ali of our community. Mrs. Thornley, ol' Picketts, is visiting Mrs. F. M. Cary. Miss lt. Phillips eaves today for At lanta, M. ll, lt Happened in a Drug Stoic. "Ono day las) winier a lady came io my th ug store and asked for a brand of cough medicine that I did not have in stock," says Mr. c. lt, (irandiu, Ibo popu lar druggist of Ontario, N. V. "Nbc was disappointed and wanted lo know what cough preparation I could recommend. I said to her that I could freely recoin mend Chamberlain's Cough Komcdy and that she could lake a bottle of tho lem eily, and after giving il a fair trial if she tint not Hud it worth the money io bring hack the bottle and I would refund the prico paid. In tho course ol a day or two tho lady caine blick in company with a friend III need of a couch medicine ami advised ber t?> buy .1 bottle nt Chamber Iain's Cough Hemedy, I consider thal a very good recommendation for tho rem edy." lt is for salo by Dr, j. \v. Roll. Valuable Discovery. A physician whoso name is Hell in icagh i bas mailt! a discovery bal lobs the dreaded yellow foyoi "i ?ts jrrors, After many experiments, he has found a spe edie in a serum which being administered to tho patient proves ii porfoel antidoto even in thc worst stages <>i tho disease. When you have no appetite, do liol relish your food and feel dull alter eat ing you may know you need ti dose of Chamberlain's Stomach ami Liver Tablets. Price 25c. Samples lice al J, NV. Hell's |||1U? stoic. There aie a number ol i|tiaitit copies of tho Scriptures lu existence. Among these is one printed in I.'.',",', in which (iCUOSis iii-7 lillis this way: '' The eye-, ol' hotllO Were opened and lliey sewed iiggfl leaves together and made them selves breeches.'' lt is called the " Prece ht s Ibbie.'' Do not gel scaled il your heart troubles yon. Most likely you sillier from indi gestion, Kodo.l Dyspepsia ("ure digests what you eat and gives the worh-Olll stomach perfect rest. Il i> the only pre paration known that completely digests all ?lilSs?S of foulis That is why it euros the WOrSl cases ol indigestion and slum neb trouble after everything ilse has failed, ll may be taken in nil conditions and cannot help hut do you . nod. .1. NV, Pell. King Howard was haiigod at brennan, Texas, October ?Ith, for Killin;- his wife and Luke Taylor in a lit nf jealousy on March I. . ? Kor sprains, swellings ami lameness there is nothing so good a- Ch (Ult bot Iain's Pain Kahn. Ti V it. sale by J. NV. Holl. ANDERSON-KEITH, v Tho Marriage of Miss Caroline T. Koith and Mr. John R. Andorson Solemnized To-day. Tho rosidonco of Mr. Thomas Hold j Koith wn8 tho scene of a boautiful and happy wedding to-day (Wednesday, Oc tober 10th, 1900,) at high noon, whon tho man iago of Miss Caroline Thompson Keith and Mr. Johu Robort Andorson was solemnized Tho coromony was im pressively performed by Hov. O. F. Clarkson, pastor of tho Methodist church, using tho boautiful ritual of that church. Tho homo was tastefully docoratod for tho occasion by loving frionds-tho man tels banked with ferns and trailing vinos, whilo bowls of tlowors woro placed boro and there, adding a touoh of brightness to tho green background. First carno Elizabeth Keith Harris and William Calhoun Keith, nineo and nopllOW of tho brido ; then tho bride at tired in an elegant gown of old roso cloth handsomely trimmed in silk and appliquo, leaning on tho arm of her nfliaucod husband. Tho groom, in tho regulation morning dross suit, lookod handsome and happy in having won the heart and hand of this fair young woman. The oouplo took position directly in front of the mantol where Rov. Mr. Clarkson, In sweot solemn words, soon pronounced thom man and wifo. After congratulations and best wishes had been extended nil wore invited into the dining room where a delightful luncheon was served to congenial couples seated at small tables. Mrs. Andorson, as Miss Carrie Keith, having a heart of graciousness and rich in kindness, yet animated withal, has long boon ono of Walhalla's social favor ites, numbering her frionds by tho score. Possessed of many womanly virtues, she is also one of our most talented and clever young women, being tho second daughter of the lato Col. Wm. C. Keith, who for years was associated on tho stall' of Tnt: CouiilKK. Mr. Anderson is tho popular conductor and Superintendent of tho llluo Ridge Railroad and has hosts of friends con gratulating him On securing for his bride the most charming of Walhalla's many charming danghtors. A special train bearing the bridal party, accompanied by a largo number of friends and relatives, met tho North bound vestibule train at Seneca, where tho bride and groom, amid a shower of rice and good wishes, left for points of Intorost in tho North and East. The brid o's going-nway gown was a lovely seal brown cloth suit, tailor-made, which titted her graceful ligure to per fection. Hat and gloves to match com pleted a most stylish costume. A number of handsome and useful presents were received, tho groom's gift being a lovely sunburst of pearls and diamonds, besides quantities of Howers from friends, attesting the groat popu larity ?f the yoting cou plo. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, after their wedding journey, will return to Wal halla, where they will make their future borne. Dr. W. II. Lewis. Lawrenceville, Va., writes: "I am using Kodol Dyspepsia ("uri! in my practico among severe cases of indigestion, and lind it, an admirable remedy."' Many hundreds of physicians depend on the uso of Kodol Dyspepsia Curo in Stomach troubles. It digests what you eat, and allows you to cat all tho good food you nee?), provided you do not overload your stomach. Gives instant relief and a permanent cure. J. W. Well. S. A. McIntosh, who killed George Mc Kinney in Abbeville county last week, has made good his escape. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BRIDGE TO LET. M"H 11 . County Hoard of Commissioners .1, of Goonoo county will let to the lowest responsible bidder, on Friday, tho ?-'.'th day ol October, 1000, at ll o'clock A. M , at ihc bridge, the contract to build one bridge over Stamp Crock in Sutton's plantation. The Hoard reserves the righi to reject anv all bit's. J. M." Il I NNICl'TT, Supervisor Goonoo county, ( Iclobor lu, 11)00. Il h! Notice to Debtors and Crediton \LL prisons indebted lo tho estate . of .1. li. Sanders, deceased, are hereby not ?lied to make payment to the undersigned, and all persons having claims against, said estate will present tho same, duly attested, within the lime prescribed hy law, or bo barrell. S. I ?KT KU SA.NDKKS, HANDY G. MAKE I T, As Executors ol' tho bistate of J. li, Sanders, deceased. ( ?ctohor 10, 1000. Il l I Contract for Steward. rilli E CONTRACT fm-Steward of the 1 Poor Karin, for tho year beginning .January 1st, 1000, will be'let at timothee ul thc Hoard of County Commissioners, in Walhalla, S. C., to tim lowest respon sible bidder, on the first Tuesday in No vember. 1000, upon sealed bids. Ea<h bidder will be required to ac company his bill with a statement ol' the number of bis family, and ages of his children, As a part ol the duties of the Steward be will be expected to receive and work the ebaingaug til such times tis t he Hoard may semi lt there. The Hoard reserves the right to reject any and all bids. .1. M. IH NNICI TT, Supervisor. t ?ebdier in, Peon. f (l- l I Executor's Sale ol Real Estate. STATE <>E SOUTH CA KOKI NA, / COUNTY OK Ot ON wc. \ I >V vii tue of tho power to me given by I ) the last will and testament of Washington Oglosby, deceased, and for the purpose id' Hie payment of the debts ul ihr testator, as provided in and by b s -.nd will, I will Sell to thc highest I ii bier, in froid of tho Court. House door in Walhalla, S. C., <>n salesday in NOV EM - l;Ei; S'KXT, between ibo legal bonis of air (he following described lt KAL ESTATE, lo w it : "All thal certain trail or parcel of l ind, lying, bring and situate in (he County ol Oconee, state ot South Caro lina, adjoining lands of .lames Ward and Ihr h'ay and Milford lauds, on a bram h ul < I.sloe ( reek, waters of Tugaloo Uiver, containing seventy nine acres, inure or less, the said tract of land being the sa. mentioned mid described lu the deed of convoyahco of E. L. Hallen get to T. J, Hancock, bearing dale the lilli day ol February, A. I?. I8(I?? and .dod in the clerk's ??Dice Eickens District (now County) in Mesno Convoy linen . lu. k K, Page hid. and fully ronro senti d bj a plat lllorCOl made by Unbelt bulb i ion, D. s., mi the stb of .lune A. I?. I-'?'." Thc deed l<> testator is ic corded in M osito Conveyance Oconee county, Kook ll, Page 280. This traci of ?ami lies on tho Oak way road, in half mile Ol Ibo town of West minster, s. C. I ERMS OK SALK; ( ash, the pur rb.ii ei In pay extra fur papers and stamps. CLIFTON ll. M I KUKU, i ^conloi '?. I he last Will ind Testftmoiil m Washington Oglosby, deceased, ( ?rt..her 10, ID00, ll il Master's Sales. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, OCONKH COUNTY. IN COURT OF COMMON FLEAS. PURSUANT TO DECREES OF THE AFORESAID COURT, til th? casos mentioned below, I will olTor for salo, to tho highest bidder, in front of th? Court IIOUBO, at Walhalla, S. C., on MONDAY, tho 5th day of NOVEMBER, botwoon tho logal hours of snlo, tho tracts of land below described: lu tho cuso of H. L. Brandt, Plaintiff, against Lemuel Y. Adair and Bleckloy and Prot* woll, Defendants. All that certain picco, parcel or lot of land situate, lying and being in Oeouoo county, Stato of South Carolina, from tho Poplar corner on Cinuey branch on Jackson's lino to pine knot corner on West; from pine knot to red elm on Con noross; on tho East bounded by Alexan der, up tho creek to rock corner; hound ed by Ifosbo on East from rock corner on crook to poplar on tho Jackson lino; on tho North sido by J. F. Miller, it being a part of tract of land formel ly owned and known ns tho William Adair land, on Conuoross creek, waters of Seneca River, hounded by lands of Alexander, Hesso and othors, containing forty-livo acres, moro or loss. TERMS: One-half cash, balance on a credit of twelvo months, with interest from day of salo, secured by bond of tho purchaser and mortgago of the promises. Purchasor to pav for papers and stamps. J. W. HOLLEMAN, Master Oconeo county. October IO, 10W, lu tho caso of R. T. Jayncs, as Adminis trator, Plaintiff, against R. V. IL Lowery and Tho Seneca Bank, Defendants. All that certain pi OOO, paroo] or tract of laud, situate, lying and being in Oco neo county, Stato of South Carolina, ad joining lands on tho 1st day of Septem ber, 181H>, of W. A. Lowery, Mrs. E. P. Lowery, J. A. Harbin ami others, tho samo i icing a portion of tho tract of land conveyed by R. S. Porcher to A. J. Lowery and all of the said tract of land which was conveyed to lt. Y. II, Lowery by W. A. Lowery, B. L. Lowery and Catharine Lowory on the said 1st day of September, 1SU0, less ono hundred and twenty-thl'OO acres thereof, sold and conveyed to W. A. Lowery by R. V. H. Lowery on the 1Mb day of March, 1800, leaving a remainder Of live hundred and thirty-live acres, more or less, decreed to bo sold under judgment of foreclosure in tho above entitled action. TERMS: One-half cash on day of sale, bataneo on a credit of one year. Ill to l'OS t from day of sale, to be secured by bond of tho purchaser and mortgage of tho premises. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. J. W. HOLLEM AN, Master OOOUOO count v. October 10, HM?). In the case of T. A. Davis. Plaint ?IV, against J. IV Deaton and M. E. Dcalon, Defend ants. Ono undivided one-half interest ill all' that piece, parcel or tract of land, situ ate, lying and hoing in tho county of Oconeo, State of South Carolina, con taining two hundred and eighty acnes, moro or less, timi bounded by lands of Joseph Ly los, J. J. Norton, Carter and others. TERMS: One-half cash, balance In one annual installment, credit portion to bear interest from day of salo and be secured by bond of tho purchaser and mortgago of tho premises. Th;.., in tho event of failure of purchaser to comply with the forms of sale within live days from ?lay of sale, Ibo Master to re-ad vcr ti SC and re-sell said pi ?mises on tho fol lowing or some subsequent salesday thereafter on tho same terms at .be risk of the former purchaser. Purchaser to pay for pap?is and stamps. J. W. IIOLLEMAN, Master for Oconeo Coull ty. October ll), 1000. li ll Executors' Sale of Real Estate. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, I Cm .vi v OK OCO.NKI:. j OT1CE is hereby given that by virtue of tho power ami direction con tained in the last Will ami Testament of J. B. Sanders, deceased, we will sell, at public outcry, at Walhalla ( din t llouso, South Carolina, on salesday in NOVEM BER NEXT, within the legal hours of salo, HU? following described REAL ESTATE, to-wit : All that COl'tain piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying amt being in the Comity of Oconeo, State of South Caro lina, adjoining lands of .1. A. Kubanks, J. J. Haley, J. W. Reardon. J. W. King, R. W. King, M. F. Cain, Andrew Rear don and others, containing seventy acres, more or less, tho same being known as the homestead of the said J. H. Sanders, tleooascd. TERMS : Cash. Purchaser to pay ox Ira foi- papers and stamps, s. PETER SANDERS, HANDY o. MARETT, F.xocntors, October 10, I OOO. Hil Executors' Sale of Personalty. HY virtue of the power and author'y 1 ) contained in tho last will and testa ment of J. H. Sanders, deceased, wc will sell, to the highest bidder, at public out cry, at the late residence of I lu deceased, near Oakway, S. C., on THURSDAY, the 25tli day of October, 1000, af ll ?'dock A. M., the 'mods and (dial leis bolong!tig tit said estate, lo wit : Ono mare, ono buggy, one one-horse wagon, ont' std ol' surveyor's instru ments, OHO share of stoc k in (ho ('bos well Cotton Mills, lot ol' household and kitchen furniture, farming implements, md tarions arti? les ol' personal property, TERMS: Cash. S. PETER SANDERS, HANDY <;. MARETT, Executors last Will ami 'l'est a men I of J. H. sanders, deceased. October In, lunn. Il..|'j NOTICE OF ELECTION For Stale and County Offices and for Amendments lo Stale Constitution. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,) ( 'HIM ^ ol' < >t <>N i t:. j N'OTICK is hereby given that an flee lion will be held al the several pro? .int ts established by law in Oeouoo ton II ty on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER IIK10, for tho following olllcos, to-wit: io vernor. Lieutenant < inventor, Secre tary of State, Attorney (lenora), Comp troller General, Adjutant ami Inspector [louerai, Statt! Treasurer, Slate Suporill .ondcnl ol' Education, one Itailroad Com nissioner, one Circuit Solicitor, ono Sen dor, two I ? e presen t a t i v?s in tho General Assembly, Supervisor, Sheriff, Clerk of ''oilrt, Coroner and County Supci inton ion! of Education. Pursuant to thc ( oiisiifution of South 'molina, and the terms of Joint llcsolll ions No. IMO and 'Mi, approved February 10th, A. I). I tn m. I Acts ot South Carolina, ?p. 570 and 571,] nu election will also be it-t? 1 al the same time anti place for i mend menls to tho ('oust! tut iou ol South 'molina .is follows: Amend Set lion 7. of Ai tit le VIII, ol ho Constitution of So.iib Carolina, Us ollows: Add al Ibo end thereof the fol owing words: "Provided, Thal thc linn litton imposed by tills Section and by Section .">, Article IA', ?d' Ibis Coiisliln lon shall llOt apply to llOlldcd indebted less incurred by the cili?s ol' Columbia, tock Hill, (ballest?n anti florence, ivhoro ibo proceeds of said bonds are ipplicd solely for tho purchaso, ostab isiimeiit, maintenance or increase ot valer winks pblllt, sewerage system, gas nul elect i ic I (gb I plants, w hero the entire eveline ailsun; limn the Operation td audi plants <?r systems shall bc devoted iololy and exclusively to the muilltoil IIICO anti Operation of Hie same, anti vb ere Ibo question of inclining such In lehtedness is submitted to Ibo fret hold TS ami qualified voters of such munich milly, as provided ill tho Constitution, t?* a '-i .? upon tho question of othor bondini iu dobtodnoss." Amend tbo Constitution of Soutb Caro lina by adding thoroto tho following to bo known as "Arttolo I o? Amendments to tho Constitution" : "Tbo Gouoral As Boinbly Hindi pr?vido by law for tho oon demnat ion, through propor oflloial ehan uols, of all lands necessary for tbo proper di ni nago of tbo sawmp and low lands of this State; and shall also provide for tho equitable assessment of all lands so drat nod, for tho purpose of paying the oxpousos of suoh condemnation and drainage." Tho said Amendment? shall bo sub mitted in Buch manner that tho olootoi'B qualiliod to voto for Members of tho KouKoof Representatives shall voto for or agaiiiBt oacli of such amendments separately. Amendments should bo on separate tioketB. Ballots in favor of tho adoption of an amendment should contain tho amondment voted upon lo full, followed by tho word "YOB;" ballots opposed to tho adoption of au nmondmont should contain tho nmondmont voted upon, fol lowed by tho word "No." Tolls nt ouch voting placo will bo opened nt i o'olock A. M. and olosod at 1 o'clock P. M. Tho following mimed poisons have been appointod Manngors of Elootiou for State and County olilcoB and for Amend ments to State Constitution, to-wit: Fair Play-M C Barton, Samuel J Crubbs, S W Lindsay. Soutb Union-John W Sliolor, Jobu L Heeder, M W Gibson. Earlo's-J A Brown, J T Whitworth, P A Grant. Tokoona-F L Sitton, Sr, It A Mooro, C T Phillips. Onkwny-W T Bonrdon, J P Ellis, Clayton finnis. Friendship-N W Grant, II E Cox, G X Cotbrau. Sonooa-John Myora, W A Barron, James L Griaaop. Uichlnnd-J Paul Stribling, W T Hub bnrd, W ll Hughs. Westminster-A L Gossott, W M Kay, A W Singleton. Fort Madison-J lt JOUOB, John P Arve. J I) Illili. Tugnloo Acndomy-C P Walker, John W Byles, Portman Powell. Holly Springs-W T Chambora, J P Ilnro, Kowlnnd Cobb. Damascus-Georgo Matheson, P K Phillips, II W Arvo. Double Spring-Simon Hunt, Henry Long, W .1 Barker. Cherry Hill-C M Hidloy, W A Kolloy, William E Orr. Little Uiver-DU Aloxnndor, Joromiab Il Cantrell, J N Nicholson. Tamassoo-J J Bankin, T M Kolly, J 1) Littleton. .locassco-John H Whitiniro, W II Gln/.on?r, .lohn M Crow. Salem-J W (?rant, lt B Robertson, Frank Heaton. High Falls-Thoa. W. Crogan, G M While, John S Cox. West Union-A ll Ellison, C W Wick liffe, Jeff I, Moser. Walhalla-S N Pitchford, Ii ll Rim rodt, M A JatYorson. Newry-R A Sanders, W II Crawford, J I. Barker. Clemson College-Il C Routh, John F Calhoun, A C Cordon. On day of F.lcction tho Managers must organizo by tho election of n Chairman and a Clerk. Tho Constitutional oath must be taken by each Manager boforo ho can act , and also by tho Clerk. Tho Chairman elected is empoworod to ad minister oaths. The Manngors have tho power to fill a vacancy, nndif none of thc Managers at tend, tho citizens can appoint from among tho qunlfiod voters the Managers, who, after being sworn, can conduct tho election. At the oloso of tho election, tho Mana gers and Clerk must proceed publicly to open tho ballot, boxes ?md contd, tho bal lots therein, and continue without ad journment until tho same is completed, and make a statement of tho result for each ellice ?iud sign tho samo. Within three days thereafter, tho Chairman of tho board, or some ono des ignated by tho Board, must deliver to tin* Commissioners of Flection thc- poll lists, tho boxes containing the ballots and written statements of tho result of tin' election. One of Hie abovo named Managors at each precinct must, call upon tho Board of Commissioners ?it Walhalla Court House on Saturday, November ?ld, 10(K>, to receive ballot boxes, poll lists and in structions, and to be qualified. S. II. M A KT, W. W. BURLEY, J. N. WATKINS, Commissioners of Stale Election. Octobor lo, moo. 41-43 NOTICE OF ELECTION For Presidential Electora and Repre sent nt i ves in the 57th Congress of the. United States. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1 COUNTY OF OCONKK. i VT OT IC IC is hereby given that an olcc J_M lion will bo bohl nt tho several pro ducts established by law in Oconoo county on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 0. limo, for nine Presidential Klootors, and for n Boprosontntivo in tho Kifty-Sovontb Congress of the United States, Third ( 'ongressional District. Bolls at eaidi voting precinct will be ?pened ?il i o clock A. af. and closed at I o'clock P. M. The following named persons hnvo been appointed Managers of Kloo ti on, lo wit: Fair Play-A B Marett, TliOS Isbell, A B (.rant. South Union-M II Mc Junkin, T D Marett. John B Harris. Karie's- Woodson (Jilos, K B Karlo, J W A hies. Tokoona-W P Mason, John R Zach ary, W S Brichard. Oak way- B A Daly, John A Kubanks, S B King. Friendship-W W Campbell, I. o Phil lipa, W B Mooro. Seneca-John A Harbin, T M Lowery, S C liiggorataff. Richland- W 1) Stribling, K D Foster, M C Wilkinson. Westminster--W << Smithson, J O I! i ley, J A Knox. Fort Madison-J L Brynn, T A Spoil ed', l! B Collins. Tugaloo Acadomy-W F Hughes, O I Walker, Bicmann Long. Holly Springs-Patr?ele Cliambors, F. Taylor Burton. Hardy Blackwell. Damascus - F 1) Bothell, TliOS J Car ler, Nathaniel Phillips. Double Springs-I?. M Uamby, James I. Hunter, J T Lylos. Cherry Hill W G Hunter, Warren K cow?, M ( ! ( 'rano. Little Uiver- D O Sheppard, .lames I, Talley, Josiah 1 Beden. Tai'nassee- John B Beaty, W K Bankin, Deo \V Cronshaw. Jocassoe-W M Brown, A I. Whitmiro, s I, Crow. Salem-ll ll (?rant, W M Berry, Alox Moss. Iliiih Falls-J ll Hill, W IC Bowers, J B Hunnicult. West Union- Jesse C Novillo, Louis I.?iv, J A I vest er. Walhalla J I) Isbell, W C Biko, J W A lexnnder. Newry- olin M. Watson, F ll Whit inire, Lawrence Bogga, Clemson College-J B McCracken, Burns Gilliaon, s W (.'ox. The ballot boxes in tho precincts must ie so located as to be in view of person? nttside Ibo polling place, during tho time if I be eleel ion. A space or enclosure separate and dis inct from that used by Hie Managers of be Male Klee! ion must bo railed oil' or dhorwiso provided at each precinct, inder direction of the undersigned. But one voter must be allowed to enter my voling place at a time, and no ono .xcept the Managers must be allowed to ?peak lo tho voter while in the voting ilace casting his vote. For furl hot' instruction see notice of oininissioners of Slate Flection. One of I lie Managers at each precinct mined above must call upon the Board ?f Commissioners for the Fed oral Floe ional Walhalla Court House on Salur Iny, November lid, B?H>, to iceni ve ballot nixes, poll lists and instructions, ?md to ie qualified. WM. M. CAMPBKMi, T. A. (J BANT, Iu A. KINO. Co mi. shiners of Boderal Kleotion. Walhui?rt, S. C., October 10, WOO. 11-Li -^1400 PAIRS MEN'S PANTSI^ From Broken Suits and Railroad Co., worth $ 1.50 to $2.00, 89cB to c? for only 89CI HOW DO THESE 50 Fine Suits from Railroad Co., thatothors in town get $.18.00 for ; our price.$11.50 200 Suits, worth $12.60, only. $7.50 300 Suits, worth $7.50, only. $4.00 400 Suits, worth $5.00, only. $3.25 A Full Line of BOYS' SUITS AND KNEE PANTS. 25 Boys'"Suits, R. R, goods, worth $1.50, only. $1.00 100 Boys' Suits from.$1.25 to $7.50 KN EIC PANTS AT ANY PRICE. IMPRESS YOU? A FULL LINE OF Overcoats, Mackintoshes, Etc. H Our Dress Goods Department Is now complete, and we are offering some of the Greatest Bargains ever shown in this line in the u?-countrv. 50 pieces Prints, worth 5e., only. 4c. All tho host Prints at . 5c. 40-inch Shooting! railroad goods, only. 6c. Chocks worth Oe, only.4ic Tho 7c. kind at. 5c. Fruit of Loom Bleaching.8}c. Columbia Bleaching at. 5c. Plenty of 10-1 Sheeting at.15c. Canton Flannels from.5 to 10c. All tho latest styles in. . .Collars, Cuffs and Neckwear. We have the Biggest Line of SHIRTS in the County at Wholesale Prices. PLENTY OF THE LATEST STYLE HATS AT LOWEST PRICES. OUR SHOE STOCK IS COMPLETE IN EVERY LINE. See our Railroad Shoes. They are great bargains. Women's Patent Tips, worth $1.25, only 75c. Men's Polkas, worth $1.15, at 70c. A big lot of Children's Shoes at your own price. See our $3.50 Men's Shoe. It is a beauty. FURNITURE ! ,\ FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! Oak Post Beds at $1.25. Bureaus, R. R. goods, worth $4.50, at $3.25. Dressers from $6.50 to $20.00. Iron Beds frorn$3.50 to $18.00. Big lot of Chairs, Mattresses and Springs. Suites from $8.50 to $40.00. If you see my line we aro sure to sell you your Furniture. STOVES ! STOVES ! WE CAN SELL YOU A NICE STOVE AT $8. SO. DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR NEW ENTERPRISE. JUST GETTING IN A BIG LINE TO-DAY. Our prices on Fancy Embroideries j My Trunks are cheaper than you are very low. I ever saw them. ^TEN-POUND CADDY OF GOOD TOBACCO FOR ONLY $2.50.*^ We keep a full line of COFFINS AND CASKETS. We carry all sizes, so we can fill your order at any time. J. H. ADAMS ^^THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND SENECA, SOUTH CAROLINA.