Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, May 05, 1898, Image 1

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m BY JAYNES, 8HELOR, SMITH & STECK. TO THINE OWN SELF BE TKUE AND IT MUST FOLLOW AS THE NIQIIT THE DAY, THOU OANS'T NOT THEN BB FALSE TO ANY MAN. WALHALLA, SOUTH (JvvKOLINA, BIAY 5, 1808. KBW SB?t?ES, WO. C.,-VOIiUMto xi AV-NO. 18. .; The Supreme Extracts from an , ?j Mi Mi\ Chairman and Gontlotnon of tho Marquottc Cluh : This is tho most cosmopolitan oit y on tho face ;.' ot tho globo. Every oiti/on of Chi? ongo admits tho fact. Within its limits all ages of history aro ropoated, all nations and races aro repre sented. * * * In thia cosmopolitan chnraotcr and in tho heterogeneous olomonts of its population, Chicago hut typifies tho nation, of Which it in tho groat con trai oity. * * * It is tito genius and mission of our country to tnko these hotorogoncous elements, theso frag ments of variod and ofttimes antago nistic races, and wold and fuse thom into ono homogeneous people, whoso groat nohiovonponts shall bo equal rights and univorsal liberty. Is thiB aohiovemont within the roach of man ? Yes, thank God, it is; tn ado so hy tito grand conception of a writton Constitution and a por manont and independent judiciary. Tho fathers may not have foreseen tho marvelous mingling of all races within our hordors which tiro century has accomplished, and yet if they lind f?rescenJit they could not have devised a wisor system of govern? mont than that which placed in or ganic laws limitations upon tho pow ers which a majority may exorcise, and created a tribunal separate from tho law-making body to determine at tho instanoo of nny citizen whothcr those limitations have boon passed. Power . to make a law, and at tho samo timo to declare that that law does not transcend any constitu tional- limitations is equivalent to power to ignore thoso limitations whenever a temporary exigency may demand. It is true that in Great Britain liberty abides without any written constitution. There is no organic instrument which tho people have lifted up above their representatives, beyond wh- io terms arid limitation.1 thoso representatives may not go Tlio will of thc people, be it ever sc changing, is, ns expressed from daj to day in tho legislative enactment? of Parliament, the supreme and in contestable law. If, ns ono of tlx English judges said to a friend "Parliament should enact that Lon .Salisbury might without compensa tien take possession of Hawardci Castle, and oust therefrom its prosenl proprietor, William E. Gladstone tho courts will be bound to enforci that as the law of the land." Hut Parliament never does snob ; foolish and unrighteous thing ; an? wby? Because of thc checks anti counter checks in Iii;" legislativo sys tom growing out of the essentially different character of her two legis lativos bodies, booauso of tho cotiser vative nature of the singlo homogc neons race-thc Anglo-Saxon-whicl illls tho land and controls thc govern mont, and booauso of the limited suf frngo which restricts tho power t< tho moro" conservativo of even tba liv reason of these three faotf ?, despite tho monarchical form of gov Cromer.t'i despite tho absonoo of air constitutional restraints, liborty find a stable abiding- lace in tho Englisl Isles. In this country tho legislativ bodies of tho nation, though diff?i ehtly selected, represent the voten Wo have universal suffrage and population ns heterogeneous as th different races of tho world will pei mit. An unrestricted and absolut legislative freedom would ccrtainl sweep on to despotism of tho mol whoso despotism is always followo by tho mun on horseback. Lot no ono misunderstand me c imputo an intent to assert that or ii stitutions aro perfect. Tho ordc which reigns in Warsaw is not tl 'great end of political oxistonoi T.ruo, I do not stop to discuss win* einstiges, social and political, ougl ul bo made. I concedo that man mj'o necessary, niado so by rapidl v??irying conditions of life, and vei lively to become more imperativo i tine days to come. Those ohnng< niJfW bc,radical and far-reaching, an I i'm glad tn note that the best nu nullst earnest thought is being give to Jtlto consideration of what ougl to sybil done. All I insist upon is titi iJiH-iy shall bo wrought out by tho d bjl'j/erato notion of tho whole poop 1 n^'i tho appointed way, and not foistt ion us by any crowd that may ha ii to gather at tho stroot corner. Wo see loo often tho speolnolc nc local and limited gathering lividuals, some assertion or organ ,ion, meeting, and, like thc th ri lord of Tooloy Street, rosolvin Court the Na \ddress by Hr. Justice arquette Club of Chicag "Wo, tho people," forgetful of tho facts that seventy millions of peoplo hnv\? freighted their ail of earth in th'*, our goodly ship of state, and .that they havo thc supremo right to sa.v that no moro handful shall lower a singio sail or tak'i tho rudder from tho hands of tho soit ot pilots. Whnt ovor is to ho accomplished in tho way of chango shall not bo by tho South American bab t of revolution, but by tho North Aneriean process of evolution. If against some kcal movement, sonio effort of a fow, tho Supremo Court calmly lifts it staying hand and says, "Tims roads tho Constitu tion," lot no man basto to destroy that court or wonken ita powor in order that thc restraints of tito Con stitution may be safely ignored, but lot tho peoplo prooeod in tho ap pointed way to chango or remove any restraints in that instrument which they boliovo stand in tho way of B hotter social and Jife. No ono oan bc blind to the fact that thcro m to-day in tho land a movement to displace thc court. It is part and pared of tho schemes to array tho many against tho fow, tho masses against tho elapses, and this is dono under tho pretence of realizing a moro completo gov ernment by tho peoplo. Tho load ers aro too adroit to proposo their total abolition. Tho ovy is to shear them of jurisdiction and leavo them like painted ships on a painted ocean. Thc shibboleth of tili? move ment is "government by injunction," and in support of tho claim that there is danger of liberty from thc action of courts, groat names aro invoked, even thc name of him whom wo honor to-night. They quoto bis declaration that if the policy of tho government upon vital questions affecting tho whole peoplo is to 1)0 irrevocably fixed by a decis ion of thc Supremo Court, the peo ple will cease to be their own mas tors, ignoring that in tho same great message ho declared that thc decis ions of that court in any case must bo binding upon all the parties there ?to; that it was a duty from which judges could not shrink to decide all cases properly brought before them, and that it was no fault of theirs if j such decisions were turned aside to political purposes. , I am as much opposed to govern ment by judges as any man. They aro moro qualified to exercise the functions of government than thc clergy, and a theocratic government I lias long sineo proved n failure. But j the writ of injunction is not an not lof legislation. It orontes no neu law. lt only onforcos rights whiol tho Constitution and tho law have heretofore declared sacred. It in af old as the struggle of the English' speaking peoplo for liberty, and il has been used to protect and not tc govern. Thc only distinguishing feature o il in thc practice of to-day is om necessarily growing out of the grca combinations of mon and capital It is sometimes applied for agains many hu>t ad of against a single in dividual. Do numbera ohangi rights ? If one man trespasses or my property, and I may havo injune 'lion to restrain him, is my right t< protection any tho lesa clear because a thousand join in tho trespass Thc common sense of every ou thunders an answer in tho negative and affirms that thcro is nothinj moro despicable in any idea of jun tico than an effort to measure it b; numbers of votes or woalth. Th great strike of which thin, city wa tho historio centro attests tho wisden of judicial interference. As one c the loaders in it declared, "lt wa not the soldiers that ended th strike ; it was not tho old brothel hood that ended tho strike : it wu simply tho United States Court that ended the strike." And to thc great honor of th mon who wore engaged in it bo sau that while they yielded not to an show of force, they did yield to tb decisions of tho lawfully constitute tribunals of tho nation. Tho ponet ful ending of that slriko is a sn prom attestation of the power of tho Amt rican people to go.oro thomsolvo That honest and true-minded ma v, eve on both sides of that cont re veray PO sensible man doubts, un that it wa? Bottled judicially, and n< by bay ctn and bullets, is the gloi of all. And hero lot ino Hay, i passing, that tho Itero of that slruj gio for tho domination of law wt Circuit Judge William A. Wood fe. tion's Anchor, Brewer before the WIIOBC nomo will bo rovorod and honored through tho coming ages long aftor the memories df hie critics and assailants shall have become like tho body of Lazarus four dayn in tho grave. It is not part of tho functions of a judge lo govern, and, notwithstand ing tho talk about government by injunction, thoro has novor been any attempt by courts to exercise tho functions of government. Thal it was the understanding and purposo of the frame;? of tho Federal Con stitution that the judioiary should oxercise tho powor of determining whether any given statute conlliots with tho fundamental law, was affirmed early in the history of tho court, in a vigorous opinion of the great chief justice, and has been affirmed and ro-aflirmed again and again since, and has been and is the general understanding. That such is thc true interpretation of tho Con stitution is evident from tho fact that there has hover been any seri ous effort for a change. That the judidiary might never usurp the functions of government and attempt to legislate, it was given no power over tho purse or sword of thc na tion. It can neither itself legislate nor compel Congress to legislate. It eau tako no money out of tho public treasury, neither can it direct tho movement of the army of the nation. It has to depend on Congres* for the means of its existence, and appeal to the executive for thc enforcing of its judgments. And now, how during thc century of tho national life has tho .Supreme Court discharged thc solemn duties imposed upon it ? That il has made mistakes is undoubled. No sensible man off or on tho bench ascribes to it infallibility. I certainly should bo the last to believe it infallible. I know it is often wrong-it frequent ly overrules mc. And yet, notwith standing its mistakes, that in the past at least (for of tho present it is not fitting that I should speak) it has proved worthy of its high trust, the common judgment of thoughtful men the world over affirms. Better, far better, lo suffer the in juries which come from its occasional mistakes than thc man glotis wrong which would How from the attempt lo set tle all questions of right or wrong, of power or the lack of power, by the mere matter of numbers or the accumulation of majorities. Il has been well said that in an early day .lohn Marshall took tho Constitution, penned by thc marvel ous genius of Madison and Hamilton, and stamped upon il in large and luminous Ieltors tho singlo word M Nation." That word is to-day thc great interpreter of our Magna Charla. True, to make it indelible cost a war ; hut tho martyr-blood of him whose birth we this evening commemorate transcribed it from written instruments' to loving hearts and into the life of this republic, and now, so long as tho United States endures, O'er all this land ono Hag shall lloat, Ono song ascend from every throat; Thal Hag this banner of tho froo, That song tho song of liberty. No ono can fail to discern that tho great strain through which this, na tion is now lo pass in its political and judicial life springs not from tho conflicting relations of the national government to thc States. Those have been settled by the war. . Tiio strain will conic from tho fact of our rapidly increasing population, and thc struggle to throw off all consti tutional guaranties of protection to iiborty and property as more re straints on thc so-called liberty of thc many. In tho presence of this strain I invoke the thoughtful atten tion of every man to tho oath which each Justico of thc Supreme Court must take : ?? J}-1 do solemnly swear that I will administer justico without rospcot to persons, and do equal light lo tho poor and lo the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially dis charge and perform all tho duties in cumbent on mo as Justice of tho Su preme Court, according to tho best of my abilities and understanding, agreeable to tho Constitution and laws of the United Stales. So help mo Cod." Cod forbid that any man elevated lo a position on that bench should over pr< -'o recreant to thc solemn obligatio ,.i of that oath, taken on earth, but recorded in heaven. It is a curious anomaly of the pro Hont day that from some in tliin laud wo hefty tho feverish ory of " Down with tho courts, and lot tho will of tho temporary sud shifting majori ties settle all questions of power and right," whilo at the samo timo from others comes an earnest call for tho adjustment of disputos between na tions through tho peaceful processes of arbitration. Courts for disputes between nations, but no courts for disputes botweon tho government and individuals-botweon tho ma jority and minority. These disso nant voices only ncccntunto thc fact that within our heterogeneous body politic there are depths as woll ns heights. It is a mistake to supposo that the Supremo Court is cither honored or helped by being spoken of as beyond criticism. On.tho contiary, tho lifo and character of its justices should bo tho objects of constant watchful ness by all, and its judgments subject to tho freest criticism. Thc time is past in tho history of tho world when any living man or body of mon can bo sot on a pedestal and decorated with a halo. True, many criticisms may be, like their authors, devoid of 1 good taste ; but better all sorts of criticism than no criticism nt all. The moving waters aro full of life and health ; only in thc still waters is Btagntttion and death. 1 remember seeing in an East ern paper, immediately after thc decision in thc well-known in come-tax caso, a most extravagant eulogy upon the Supreme Court as tho groat defender of thc rights of tho few States against the many, and of the accumulation of property against unconstitutional assaults. And when thereafter, by thal court, tho not of Congress denouncing all contracts, combinations and conspira cies in "restraint of trade was held applicable to a combination between railroads lo prevent competition in rates, that same paper contained an article expressing tho most extraor dinary surp 'se that men supposed to bc of ordinary intelligence could bo guilty of such a stupid blunder. Tho ono article could be condensed in a single clause, "A Daniel came to judgment; yea, a Daniel!" and thc other in tho equally short and expressive phrase, "An ass within a lion's Hkin." Now, it is tho inaliena ble right of every American citizen, according to tho peculiar construc tion of his organs of hearing, to re cognize in tho judgments of thal I court oithor the voices of n Daniel Ol the braying of an ass. lt is often said that tho courts ac as though they had no confidence it tho pooplo. Hut surely that is ? grievous misunderstanding of tin truth. On the contrary, they hnv< the most abounding confidence Thoy believe that when tho pcopl framed tho organic law they mean that it should be tho measure of al rights and tho limitations of al powers ; and when they intrusted t thc courts tho duty of deterniinin whether any single act eon ll iota wit that organic law, they meant tba tliosc courts should discharge thu duty in tito fear of God and accord ing to their unbiased and d?lib?rai judgment. They have abundan confidence that thc people will hone them for their loyalty to this duty i tho face of nil opposition and denni elation, and he, in tho long run, wi alone receive honor at their hand who in every timo of question au excitement stands finn by his con vu lions. ? judge is not indifferent to popi lar approval, but it is that approvi which comos at tho last an not at tho first thought. Neve was there a grander judicial llttoi ance than that which fell from th lips of Lord Mansfield as an e> cited populace surged up against th gates of Westminster demanding judgment according to their notionc "I wish popularity, but it is thi popularity which follows, and n< which is run after, lt is that popi larity which sooner or later nev? fails to do justice to tho pursuit < noble ends by noble means." An to-day, despite all tumultuous an passionate eries, it is ns certain ! Holy Writ that that judge will 1 forgotten who simply bends tho eng* ear to catch tho rumblings of tl popular voice, whilo tho immort laurel waits for him who has thc ti failing courage of his conviction, ai who fearlessly asks only tho sing question, "What saith tho Cona tit lion ?" Do not bo discouraged, hot u tho noise and confusion which pr vail in tho lowlands of our politic lifo alarm you. Wo ??ro a g?rrulo people. In tho valleys is the emile gabblo of tho demagogue, tho c ami in m ti lt of temporary pnssio lt is not portentous of evil, but, < tho contrary, prophetio of &oh li , y !?# ( Let ovory individuel thrust into tho soothing mfi88 of public, opinion his own viows of what ought and what ought, not to ho done. Let tho clamor go on. It is a hlessed thing -blessed in ovory direction. It re lievos tho blatant, whoso stomach is always full of wind ; and tho groat public discussion will suroly separate tho wheat from tho chaff, sift the wisdom from tho folly, .and finally work out that winch is best for all. I have abiding faith in tho judg ment of tho American people. Above tho valleys of political clamor and noisy strife I seo rising in un changing stability tho rock-ribbed mountain peaks of calm deliboratc judgment. And HO suro as tho mountains endure, so suro will tho sober s?coiul thought prevail. Tho cor fusion of tongues will somo day end. The speech at Gettysburg will remain an undying prophecy : "Gov ernment of tho people, by tho pcoplo ^nd for the people shall no vcr perish from tho earth." That grim and cynic Scot, Thomas Carlyle, looking afc tho tumultu ous movements which so often sweep through this land of govern ment hy tho people and of the people, sneeringly remarked that democracy was shooting Niagara Ile saw in those movements onl\ a Hood which was sweeping law and order and tho foundations ol sooiety onward lo thc hrink of a de stroying precipice. But Niagara presents two visions : You stand on the hank and you see an angry flood sweeping onward, and bearing ovory Hiing on its bosom to tho fearful and fatal jump. It* is emblomatio and symholio of destruction. You turn your oyo iu tho other direction and you soo-that mighty Hood subdued hy tho hand of man to thc dominion of law, and its awful energies trans mitted into electric forc?, which is( horno to tho neighboring cities, giv ing them ceaseless light and regulat ed power. Bo it is with tho tempestuous de mocratic Hood. Unrestrained, un checked, it will sweep onward, hear ing all things to certain destruction ; but subjected to restraining law, its tremendous and irresistible foroo will ho transmitted into beneficent light and powor to illumin? the upward ways of humanity, and strengthen every effort for thc bringing in of that milleninl day when ponco and prosperity shall enfold tho oarth with ?lory-_ Everybody Says 80. Cascarot? (Jandy Cathartic, tho most wonderful medical discovory of tho ago, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing tho entire system, dispols colds, euros hoadaoho, fever, ha bitual constipation and biliousness, ?'leaso buy and try a box of C. C. C. to day; 10, 25, 50 couts. Sold and guaran teed to euro by all druggist?. HERE IS WHERE THE MONEY HAS GONE. Higher Educational Expenses for Seventeen Years. 1881. South Carolina College, insurance, South Carolina College, insurance, 1882. South Carolina College .... South Carolina College, librarian's salary, South Carolina College, insurance and repairs, Citadel Academy, repairing, . Total for the year, 188:?. South Carolina College, . South Carolina College, librarian's salary, . South Carolina College, insurance and repairs, Citadel Academy, ..... Citadel Academy, insurance, .... Citadel Academy, to purchase arms, . Total for tho year, 1884. South Carolina College, .... South ('molina College, librarian's salary, . South Carolina College, insurance and repairs, Agricultural department, .... Citadel Academy, ..... I Citadel Academy, insurance, Total for the year, .... 1886. South Carolina College, ..... South Carolina College, librarian's salary, . South Carolina College, insurance and repairs, Agricultural department, .... Citadel Academy, . ... . . . Citadel Academy, insurance, ? 5,000 00 ?00 00 '2,000 00 10,000 00 $10,000 00 500 00 2,000 00 20,000 00 400 00 3,000 00 * 15,000 00 600 00 2,000 00 29,074 60 20,000 00 100 00 $ 799 42 1,000 00 $ 7,500 00 10,000 00 Total for tho year, 1880. South Carolina College, ..... South Carolina College, librarian's salary, . South Carolina College, extra salaries, . South Carolina College, insurance and repairs, South Carolina College, mechanical dcpartm'l, Citadel Academy, ..... Citadel Academy, insurance, . Total for thc year, 1887. Total for thc year, 1889. Tot ol for year, $17,600 00 $12,600 00 23,400 00 ?86,000 00 $17,600 00 29,074 50 20,400 00 $00,074 r>o $16,000 00 600 00 2,000 00- $17,500 00 25,901 44- 2f>,991 44 18,838 20 400 00- 18,733 20 $62,224 64 South Carolina College, ..... South Carolina College, extra salaries, South Carolina College, insurance and repairs, South Carolina College, mechanical dopartm't, Interest Agricultural Station, Citadel Academy, ..... Citadel Academy, insurance, .... Total for tho year, .... 1888. South Carolina College, .... South Carolina College, librarian's salary, South Carolina College, insurance and repairs, Agricultural Department, .... C?a H'm,. Citadel Academy, . . . . . . j Citadel Academy, insurance, Winthrop Normal and Industrial College, South Carolina College, ..... South Carolina College, librarian's salary, . South Carolina College, mechanical dopartm't, South Carolina College, insurance and repairs, Clallin,. Citadel Academy,. Citadel Academy, rent United States Gov't, . Winthrop Normal and Industrial College, . Department of Agriculture, interest, otc. $15,000 00 500 00 1,433 04 2,000 00 1,200 00 10,958 2G 400 00 * 17,000 00 2,497 02 2,000 00 1,000 00 11,508 00 20,000 00 $28,750 00 500 00 1,760 00 21,907 45 5,000 00 16,666 GO 400 00 2,380 00 $84,500 00 500 00 2,000 00 2,500 00 5,000 00 20,400 00 57,250 00 5,100 00 47,077 00 $20,138 64 17,359 26 ! $37,492 90 $22,497 02 11,508 00 20,400 00 $54,405 02 $31,000 00 21,907 45 5,000 00 17,000 00 2,880 00 $77,414 05 $39,500 00 5,000 00 77,050 00 5,100 00 47,077 00 $174,927 00 1890. South Carolina College,. $84,500 00 South Carolina College, librarian's salary, . 500 00 South Carolina College, mechanical departm't, 4,000 00 South Carolina College, insurance and repairs, 2,500 00 South Carolina College, books for library, . 1,000 00 Clafliri, . . 5,000 00 Cjtadel Academy,. 20,000 00 Citadel Academy, Insurable , 400 00 Citadel Academy, rents United States Cov't, 2,500 00 Winthrop Normal and Industrial Colloge, . 6,320 00 Ciemson Agricultural Department, . . 48,885 58 Clemson College,. 18,000 00 Clemson, Int. Agriculture, .... 11,508 00 Tolal for the year, $42,600 00 5,000 Ot? 22,900 00 5,820 00 78,348 58 $164,008 68 luvest In Southern Milln. According to tho Unitod Statea inventor, of Henton, stooks in South ern cotton mills have been in greater demand and have commanded higher prices during tho last few wooks than for years. This is duo partly to tho disposition of Northern mill men to invest in the stooke of mills already in successful oporation, instead of building now mills in tho South themselves. beware ol' Ointments for Catarrh th nt Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely dostroy tho sense cf smoli and completely dorango tho wholo system whon entering lt through tho muouous surfaces. Such artiolo? should novor bo used oxeopt on proscrip tions from roputablo physioians, as the damage thoy will do is ton fold to tho good you can possibly dorivo from thom. Hall's Catarrh Curo, manufactured by F. j. Chonoy & Co., Toledo, Ohio, contains no morcury, and is taken Internally, act ing directly upon tho blood and muouo\ts surfaces of tho systom. In buying Hall's Catarrh Curo bc suro you got tho genuino. It is taken internally, and ni ado in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Chonoy &, Co. Tostamo nials freo. Sold by Druggists, price 7?o. por bottlo. Hall's Family Fills aro tho best. -.--M # In some homes tho olmreh papor ia put noxt to tho Bible in tho esti mation of tho readers of both. Fron snob, homes come not only good Christians, but good workers for tho church.-S. C. Advocate. ipilWMIIW?UUMam'IMINIWIIl|j Royal uakca the food pur?, wholesome und dalIctoliJ. Pill POWDER Absolutely puro ?OYi?, OAKIHQ POWOED CO., NEW YORK. win.??iiiBiw m mw.-i?n? miwwwial Many a mun is n failuro simply - because bo is at tho wrong thing. A g<~ >d farmer is mado into a minor ablo failuro of a lawyer. Test your I business by your z.OBt for it. Don't drag yourself liko a slavo to the place of your work-S. C. Advocate. ttuoklou's Arnica Salvo. Tho host salvo in tho world for outs, bruises, sorso, uloors, salt rhoum, fovor sores, totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and poBi tivoly cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to givo porfoot satisfaction, or monoy refunded. Pr ico 25 couta por ' box. For salo by 1). P. Darby, Walhalla; j W. J. Lunney, Sonooa, and IT. P. .Ztm ' morman, Westminister. 1801. South Carolina Colloge, . ?' South Carolina College, librarian's salary, . South Carolina Colloge, mechanical dcpartm't, South Carolina Colloge, insurance and repairs, Olaflin,.' . Citadel Academy,. Citadel Academy, insurance, .... Winthrop Normal and Industrial Collcgo, . Clomson Collcgo, ...... Clemson College, department of agriculture, Clemson College, interest agricultural station, (84,600 00 500 00 8,000 00 2,600 00 5,0.00 00 20,000 00 400 00 5,250 00 77,124 85 0,047 02 11,500 00 Total for tho year, $40,600 00 5,000 00 20,400 00. 5,250 00 04,071 87 ?166,821 87 1802. South Carolina Collcgo,. $80,000 00 South Carolina Colloge, librarian's salary, . 500 00 South Carolina Collcgo, Agricultural ?erip int. 2,877 00 South Carolina College, insurance, . . 2,082 00 South Carolina Colloge, expenses, . . . 2,000 00 South Carolina College, improvements, . 8,000 00 South Carolina College, library, . . . 1,000 00 Olaflin,.' . . 5,000 00 Claflin, interest agricultural scrip . . . 2,877 00 Citadel Academy,. 20,000 00 Citadel Aoadomy, insurance, . 800 00 Winthrop Normal and Industrial College, . 5,210 00 Clomson College, privilege tax, . . . 45,851 74 Clemson College,. 17,005 15 Total for the year, . . 1803. South Carolina College, appropriation, . South Carolina Colloge, int. agricultural scrip, Claflin, . . . . . . . Olaflin, interest agricultural scrip, Citadel Academy,. Winthrop Normal and Industrial College, . i Clemson Collcgo, income bequest, ! Clemson College, appropriation complete, . Clemson College, privilege tax, Clemson College, Morrill fund, . Total for tho year, .... 1804. South Carolina Collcgo, appropriation . South Carolina College, agricultural scrip int., Clailin, appropriation, ..... Claflin, agricultural scrip interest, Citadel Academy, appropriation, . Winthrop scholarships, . . . Winthrop Normal and Industrial Colloge, Winthrop, appropriation for buildings, otc, Clemson College, bequest, . . . . . Clemson College, income bequest, Clomson Collcgo, privilcgo tax Clomson Collcgo, Morrill fund, . Clemson College, appropriator to buy Leo land $30,000 00 2,877 00 5,000 00 2,877 00 20,000 00 5,250 00 7,005 81 50,000 00 68,502 00 74,000 55 $30,000 00 2,877 00 5,000 00 2,877 00 20,000 00 5,250 00 2,ooo oo 5o,ooo oo 0,715 00 0,715 00 43,400 00 21,88o 05 2,ooo oc $42,859 00 7,877 00 20,800 00 5,210 00 02,350 80 $(138,002 89 $32,877 00 7,877 00 20,000 00 5,250 00 180,404 30 Total for the year, $252,408 30 $32,877 00 7,877 00 20,000 00 67,25o oo 86,811 88 $2o4,815 88 1895. South Carolina College,. Cl nil in j. Citadol Academy, . . . Winthrop Normal and Industrial College, . Clomson Colloge, . . . . 1395-'96. (1800 and December and November, South Carolina College, ..... Clailin College, . Citadel Aoadomy, . . . . Winthrop Normal and Industrial Collcgo, . Clemson College,. 1807. South Carolina College, . Clailin College, . . . . Winthrop Normal and Industrial Collcgo, . Military Aoadomy, ...... Clemson College,. Grand total for scventoon yoars, $26,boo oo 18,200 46 18,ooo oo 7o,51o oo 88,399 74 $22o,176 19 1806-14 months.) $28,ooo oo 24,443 72 21,ooo oo 08,o89 oo 70,172 91 $217,705 G3 $25,ooo oo 26,861 2o 85,62o oo 2o,ooo oo 81,306 86 - $187,747 6G $2,127,o43 44 Comparativo Statement from tho Report of tho Superintendent of Education, 1807. NAM KS OF INSTITUTIONS. Clemson. South Carolina Colloge Military Aoadomy. Winthrop College. Ki i imn ii Uni varsity. Nowborry Collcgo. Wo ff ord Colloge. Krsklno College. g .-,1 /i H .<? i O ? 25 12 8 12 n 0 8 0 302 181 128 324 1 <K 120 200 148 1-18 ii I* ?ss A_ 145 21?. 120 70 155 110 it *?% ?I o 14 40 I CU 41 45 20 02 "i' Total l?ocoipts. $81,101.87 82,310.07 80,350. KO ?77,501.07 lU,t>OU.OU 0,000.00 1?),000.00 No report. Total tifl ponnos. $80,237.0(1 20,857.50 80,827.42 77,005.75 ' "'0,'OO?'OQ 13,000.00. ?Including hoard of studonts and all other items. Froo common schools of the State: Pupils, 258,183 ; r< ooiptB, $898.5/.. ? Savo this for futuro roforonco, and show it to your people. Th OHO 1 figuroR were made hy tho Superintendent of Edcootlon. h), u AUCHEN