?OB'T. A. THOMPSON, Editor. _ n U.A.TIlOMrSON, lt. YOUNO, W.H. HOLCOMRK, PROPRIETORS. THUMS- $t.G0 pornnnun?, In advance. If pay ment bo ilclnyoj nulli arter the expiration ot tap ?year, SI For six monti- s 7?> cents In advance. ' ?g?r*A(lv6rtisonicnls Inserted ai tho usuut rute?. Saturday Horning, July Ut, 1861. Early Cotton. Wo have roocivod from tho plantation of Mr. JOHN ll. SLOAN, of Marion county, Florida, a boll of cotton, properly matured, and fully ex panded. -Tho tl bro is lino and beautiful, lt was plucked from the stalk on the 8th inst. The Southern Congress. Tho Congroas of tito Confoderato Stntos oou vor.od at iUchmnnd, Va., on the 20th instant. tTJio mossago of President DAVIS will bo found on our first pago. #Wo need not ask for it tho attoutivo porusal of our rendors. Emanating from ono who, liko Washington, his immortal prototype, stands first in pcaeo, first in war, and first tn tho hearts of Iiis countrymen, it naturally addiosscs itself to tho best affections of our nature, and will bo road with zealous care and groat interest by all our pooplc. It is un nblo document, and suggosts considerations cf immense moment at tho present crisis of our political affairs. Battle near Manassas. A groat battlo hn9 boon fought and a signal victory gained by our Confedorato Army, near Manassas. President DAV IS, Gcnornls BEAURE GARD and JOHNSON bad command of the Confed orato Army, and Conerals SCOTT, MCDOWKI.I. and PATTERSON, as wo suppose, from informa tion reooivod by tolcgrnph, had command of tho Army of tho onomy. All tho available forces on both sidos wcro brought to boar in this mighty conflict. Sovonty-fivo thous and of our army, and moro than n hundred thousand of tho onomy uro said to huvo boon drawu out in imposing array, soon to minglo in deadly stfuggto and terrific slaughtor. General EVANS, of this Stato, first lod Ins Brigade into battlo, and Col. SLOAN'S and Col. KERSHAW'* Regiments, togotbor with Col. HAMPTON'S Lc <#gion, being connected with it, bad prominont places in tho battlo-fiold wboro thoro was mar y a docd of heroism and noble, reckless daring. For ton long hours did tho God of war dcl'ght himself in blood and carnage, and then tho enc my gavo woy, and fled terror-stricken and in dismay. Our Cuvalry and Light Infantry fol lowed tho fugitives until tho dark veil of night intorposod itself in pity, to shield und protect thom. Tho battlo-fiold and roads for mdos wcro encumbered with tho dead ; whilst tho grounds and bouses around groaned with tho melancholy weigh t of tho wounded and dying. Our victory is most triumphant, and its influences and re sults will bo of incalculable advantage. Fight ing, as wo oro, in dofenco of our altars and our homos, our liberties and our rights, and all that is approvod of Cod, and dear to man, against ruthless invaders, who; ignoring thc courtesies of social life, and tramping un all laws, human and Divino, mark their progress by rapo und rapi?o, may wc not hopo that Divino favor will continuo to bless our armies in thc contest, nhd ultimately vottchsofo to us a full deliver anoo from our enemies, and a high and honora ble position among tho civilized nations of tho oarth. Lot us not bo boastful or vain glorious of our triumph at Manassas, but in great hu mility and rovciouco let us bow ourselves down, and with uplifted boort* givopraiso to Almighty God for thia glorious victory. Tolographio dospatohes of tho battlo oro to bo f mud in our columns. TUE Erreos or Oi/a WAR IN ENOT.AND.-Tho offoot of tho prosont troubles in this country on tho industry and oom morco of England, canuot but bo injurious. A community so closely rela ted to us, both for tho supply of raw materials for ber fuotories and for a market in which to dispose of her product'on-i, must necessarily fool vory sovoroly any serious interruption of eommoroiol exchanges with tho United Statos. Tho reports that reach us from tho groat manu facturing districts of England furnish the most gloomy statements as to tho condition of trade thoro. Tho following account shows how tho disturban CO hore is working on tho other 3?dc of tho waior: At Loods, tho few buyers in that town, in tho course of tho week, hovo operated cautiously, but tho fooling is less gloomy thou it was a fort night ago. A report from Huddersfield is to tho effect Ihot business is exceedingly languid, tho easier terms on which goods may bc pur chased *' failing to tempt tho wary and scanty oustomors." At Bradford, tho ?pinners oro ?topping thoir maohinory and curtailing tho production of yorns to o further extent. In consoquenco of tho suspension of business with America, One-third of tho stnplo Irado #of tho town is out off. At Halifax, tho principal ma kers oro running their looms four days a week only. nndtho worstod . trade gonornlfy in that Ideality is vory much depressed. Tho roports from tho hosiery districts are in no rospeotmoro satisfactory. In this district no improvement of any kind ls visible With tho exooption of tho military gun trndo nt Birmingham, thoro is scarcely a branch of business in which on ovor ago trado is being dono. Ilnusos having an old and oxtonsive connection with tho best mnrkcts, aro in littlo bottor position as regards ordors. than others who oro moro depondont upon cas Mal trade, ond moro .subject to tho lluotnations Nvhiob occur. In soino instances, tho factors aro not distributing moro than ono-tbird of their usual quantity of ordors. Tho rosult is, that manufacturers hovo noun beforehand, and oro hard nut to it to koop thoir mon working four days, but in very many ensos they oro not mo king moro thou two cr th rpo days. , SUOCKINO ACCIDENT-On Saturday lust, a fatal accident occurred nt thc Colinton Limo Works, ne.ir Obnrloston. A valuablo negro, named Tonoy, about twonty-nino years of ago, was taking from a. Limo kiln a quantity of limo that bod gono through tho burning process.; Und, whilo so engaged, tho kiln fell down, bury ing his body among tho burning Hand. As tho kiln had boon under tho action of fire vory Bloodily for mondia, ho must hovo died almost Instantly. Douui.K' MURDER-A desper?lo runaway np grp pp Tuesday night killed two of the police men 6f Wilmington, Nf. C, named Jue, Donohoe and George W. Du vol. Tho negro hos not bonn flight, omi tho Mayer of Wilmington bas oflbr .id a row a rd of $500 for his arrest, ^^'W?H'-?SK' ....**. *? f . .. - >" ' f ' * . ' . * ' . -. . \,.. - jj.. JU' ,*\'l:jJJi,?'^.'?!J!jRJ"''.J. >!?***X.<1. . .1" Editorial Correspondence, MANABAS JUNCTION. July 12, 1801. Dear Courter :-When I wroto you from Richmond, I hud not lind timo nor oppotunity to look over the city. Having sinco dono so, I proocou to gi yo you a fow i toms: .^Itichmond isOcity of BOIUO 40,000 inhabitants, liborn'ily bospriiiklcd with Yankee*, who aro not to bo trusted. Tho commercial und private buildings aro compactly built of brick, and prc? sent altogether a good appearance. Tho city is sot upon many bills, and is irregularly built. Tho Citpiluj ?>f tho State is a largo, plain, un pretending brick building, and is surrounded with a gr?vo of groan trees,, with beds of Goo bluo grass. On tho capital bill, near tho Stato Houso, is tho Bronze Statue of tho groat WASH INGTON on horseback. It is porfcot in its wny, On minor pedestals below, aro life like figures of JKEFFRSON, PATRICK HENRY and MADISON. Those grounds uro a lino resort for citizens und visitors, where thorp uro fountains, scats, otc. Tho children aro especially dolighted with a " romp" on tho groon I Richmond is situato on James River, a navi gable stroan), omptying into tho Potomac ; but it is now blockaded hy Old Abo's ships, and has little or no oom meroo on its waters. Wo noticed hero and there a few steamships, lying idlo at their wharf. Tho oity is being fortified. Tho Hampton Logion is encamped nour Rich mond. Wc attended the dress parado on Mon day ovoning last. It is a fino body of men, and wo woro ploasod to seo Pickous so well roprc ponted in it. Thoro aro over ono hundred United States prisoners hero. Oonerally, they aro nn inferi or body of mon. Of courso, they uro obj opts of groat curiosity. Tho population of Richmond is at this time, oompuscd of n great vnriotyof persons, from nil sections ?ind nations. On ono sido is President DAVIS, his Cabin'.t and Covornmont. On all eiuos, thoro aro Foldicrs. Strangers in search of fi ionds. offieo >>r pleasuro. Texas Rangers, a few Indians, jto., and os wo have beforo re marked, any number of Yankees. On Tuesday, wo left Richmond for this poiiff on tho Virginia Control railroad. The country through which we passed is rich and lindy cul tivutod. Finer wheat I no vcr sow harvested Corn and the grasses look|wcll. Manassas dunction was almost unknown bc foro it was occupied by tho Southern troops Now, it has a nome, and wo predict that it wil hovo a history beforo a great while. Nothinj distinguishes it, but the touted fields and forti fictitious. Rut I am not nt liberty to spool further on these subjects, however importan they may bo to your numerous and patient read ors. There oro no accommodations at Milba; eas for strnngors, still many moko their way t this point. On Wednosdny, wo started for Fairfax C. II which is 14 miles from Alexandria. Arri vin at Fairfax Station, owing to thc deranged corni tion of tho country, no conveyances could bc ha for * ho Court IIO'IPC. Sn, wc walked fourmile through thc rain, which brought rather vi vidi to our mimi tho hardships cfo soldier's lifo. Fairfax is one of thc oldest counties in th State, and was noted ns tho home of WAHI I Ni TON. Tho village is ontiquo in oppcnronc with a population of about 800 souls. We sa the Church iu which WASHINGTON worshipped und his will is on record in the proper olin hero. Sinco tho invasion by thc Vunkoes, tl Clerk of tho Court has removed thc original cop to prevent its falling into their hands. Tl Clerk of tho Court kindly showed us fovor pupers signed by WASHINGTON-one a lease land to ai :an by thc niano of JOHNSON; nm) n Othor, a conveyance, by deed, of a pow in tl Church above rcfercd to. There is on file her t >o,n suit between WASHINGTON and another pc son, which Ruit was lost by WASHINGTON. Your readers will recollect that it was hei somo wocks ngo, that o company of Unit Stoles Cavalry charged through tho stree under Lieut. TOMPKINS, Thc shot from thc Carbines is still visible on tho Court linux:, was in this tight that thc bravo and accomplish Capt. T. Q. MAUR foll, pierced through ? heart, by tho band, it is said, of a tory of tl section. Tho spot on which ho fell was point out to mo by a friond. A singular fatality b attended thc V irginions, thus far, in this cc (Hot. Fairfax is tho advanced post of tho Confoc rate troops, which is in seven miles of tho ( erny. Tho2d,Col. KERSH A w's Regiment, is tho front-tho post of duty and honor. T Rutlcr Guards, of Grccnvillo, belong tu tl Regiment, amt wo arc indebted to its membi for courtesies extended and kindness rocciv at their hands. Long may they wave. I returned to Manassas this morning, on i way to tho 4th Regiment. Since arriving hi I loam it is at tho Frying Pun, six milos nix Ccntorvillo, and 12 milos from this place a Fairfax. Our boys will bo in tho fight when comes off. T, ggwgljijiiw AEFAIRS IN MISSOURI.-Wo copy tho folk ing from tho Bulletin, issued by tho compoi ors of tho St. Louis State Jott nat, arter its tu pression by tho military usurpation of Geno Lyon. It is under dato of Saturday cvenii tho 13th, and no doubt correctly states tho pi tion of parties in Missouri. Tho Stato forceo in tho Southwest are div'u into three divisions of ten thousand each, ei manded by Covornor Jackson. Con. Rains i Parsons, and Concrnls Frico nod M?O?llo hovo driven Lyon and Sturgis, who had ofl'ee o junction, into thc nock of laud botweon W sow and Osceola, whore they woro complet watorbound. Reliable information bas been received town that Governor Jackson, followed by thousand men, well equipped und armed marching upon Jofibrson City. He boa pied bis word to bo in tho G ?bernational man on tho 22d, omi to support Ccu. Sterling P as Chairman of tho Stato Convention. A gentleman of tho highest respectability forms us that tho reports published this nu ing, concerning tho defeat of Gen. Harris, Monroe county, by Col. Smith, aro mero fa cations, and that instead ol coming, us t purported, from Hannibal, tho rumors v gntberod, in tho streets of Alton, and wcro mure reflux of tho designsof thc Illinoisans, I ris had, day beforo yesterday, fifteen li ll nil mon, well mounted mid equipped, und tho ? plo were rapidly Hooking to bis standard. 1 Sroba bio that oro this time ho lins dispersed 1 mitb's command, und is on bis march to foct o junction with Covornor Jackson, ot forson City. LATER.-'Just ns we aro going to press, oro informed that a gentleman in this city received n lotter from his brother in Cedar ci ty, stating that Gen. Lyon, learning that C I'm rba go had inga nixedMI foi'CO of tinco bum omi ton men in Cedar county, eent o doti mont of two hundred nnd forty mon to copi them. Burbogo out-gonernlcd tho federals, aftor a short and decisivo fight, tho latter rendorod. Thirty of tho federals woro kil Ultf?... .'ll.'l'.'L- '.i'..LI . I . ..ri..J_l_ ?'?fJI'ti Pinnings and Clippings: THE FUGITIVE SLAYB LAW lsT i; 1,1,1 l t Kl? uv TUB, Kum* CONORBSS-On Tuosdoy, of Inst week, Lev .joy, of Illinois, introduced o resolution into thc Northern House of Representatives to tho effect, thut " in tho juilginont ot' the House, it is no pnrt of the duty of soldiors of tho United States to capture or return fugitivo ?layo*. Tho resolution was passed by a voto of 02 to G3. 'JL'itK WBPTERN MARKET-Corn is offered nt Davonport. Town, one of Gui own produco mnr kets in tho Northwest, ut 12} cents per bushel, and no buyers in tho mnrkot. SCARCITY or COTTON IN THE MANUFACTURING DISTRICTS-A letter from ono of tho Inrgost manufaoturors in tho Mast, received at St. Louis, gives tho stock of cotton in New York, Philadel phia aud Baltimore all told, ut about 9000 bales, with no stock of manufactured goods on hand, while tho stock in Louisville, Cincinnati and Pittsburg, is nearly exhausted. Tho sumo lotter Mules that thc best informed eastern merchants arc of opinion thnt in sixty days cotton will be worth twenty cents a pound. WATERMELONS-On tho night of thc lOib Inst, says tho Charleston Courier, in St. Coorgo's Parish, Louis Intinger and Jim! Merchant, a colored boy, formerly of Charleston, were shot by A. Sulsbury, whilst attempting to steal wa termelons from bis placo. Inlingcr was blt in tho hip and not dangerously wounded, but it is thought that Merchant is mortally wounded. POLICIES AND PRIVATEERS-A correspondent of tho New Orleans Delta call* attention to thc fact that thc Now York policios of marino Insu rance cover losses by pirates, but niako no men tion of privateers. Should Northern Courts condemn and treat any Southon) privateers ns Idrittes, the Northern insurance companies will >o liable. TUE CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH TELEGRAPH LINE-Thc new telegraph lino, says the Charles ton Courier of tho 20ib instant, between that city and Savannah was coniplotcd yesterday hy the successful laying of a submarino cable across Ashley Uiver, under the superintendence of Mr. Brenner. Mr. Brenner bas overcome the most formidable obstacles in tho construction nf thc work, and is entitled to the thanks nf the com munity and the highest praise for tho triumph ant result of his labors. WHAT A LA DAUA is DOING-Montgomery coun ty has subscribed to the Confodurato lunn eight bu mir Ed und fifty thousand dollars, as follows: Cotton. 14,400 bales ; com. 18,000 bushels ; merchandise, $31,000; flour. 100,000 pounds: cannon balls, $2,000 ; cash, ?83,000. If Mich bo thc self-sacrificing spirit of our people, a world in arms Cannot subdue them. ONE OF THE WAR PARSONS-Thc Hartford (Conn.) Courier soys that tho Chaplain of the Fifth Uogimont of that State bus been hitch drummed out nf camp. The difficulty with Mr. B. appears t<> have been a want of " tho ready,'* und an Inclination to board nt hotels without settling " that little bill," and a propensity foi taking things that didn't belong to him. LINCOLN AND FT. DOM INDO-According t< Washington dispatches of thc 7th, tho reaction ary party of St. Domingo have applied to Lin coln for aid, and it is said that if Spain dors not reply satisfactorily to tho note of Sward on thc subject of tho occupation of thc island, thc Mon roo doctrine will bo enforced. THE women in Washington, 'it is said, ari almost all secessionists, and in private circle among thc permanent residents of Wushingtoi and Georgetown, hatred to the existing govern incut and sympathy with Jell', Davis aro frcoh expressed feelings. Tho wife of r. well-knowi Senator, though not the representative of a slnvi or secession Stato, mnkes her house tho rendez vous of rebels, IRISH EMIGRATION CEASED-Tho Dublin cor respondent of the London Times, writing m June 13, says : Tho tide of emigration fron Ireland may ho said to have ceased to flow. Km .grant vessels depart from some ot rur port without a singlo emigrant. FAILURES-The Boston Commercial linlletin' list of business changos for thc week ondilij June 20, gives twelve failures and suspension in New York, fonrteun in Boston, and four ii Philadelphia-a total of forty-five for the weeli THE NEUTRALITY OK KENTUCKY-Cen. Bocli ncr, thc Inspector General of Kentucky, in fae of Gen. McClellan's denial, reiterates thal th Lincoln officer oxprossly ag.ced to respect th neutrality of Kentucky. THE resolution for thc expulsion nf Mcssrt Mason, Hunter, Clingman, liragg. Nicliolsoi Cbcsnut, Sebastian, Mitchell, Ilempbill an Wigfilll, was adopted in the Lincoln Senate, o thc 11th instant, by 22 yous to 10 nays. A DESPOTISM ACCEPTA MLE-Northern Sent tors do not hesit?lo to declare, en tho floor t tho Semite at Washington, that it would I better to run tho risk of erecting a Despotist than to looso tho Union. Wo think they wi do both. THE STAR SPANOLBD BANNER-It is a fm worth knowing that evory malo descendant nu relativo of tho author of this beautiful son liable to military duty, aro now in the Conto erato army. At lou^t fifteen mouibors of tin patriotic family are at this timo doing servil against tho unconstitutional and tyrnnieal Go eminent at Washington, and rightfully clai to bo fighting for tho principles to which th flag was originally dedicated. Mr.ETiNU AT AmiKvii.LK-Ata publiemoolin heb' at Abbeville Court House on last Monda tho produco loan was very successful. Ol planter subscribed 200 bales of cotton, and ne eral 100 bales each, tho subscription general covering about ono half their crops. GOVERNOR PETUS has appointed Con. lloub> Davis Major General of tho army of Mjssisslrt] in placo of Gen. Churlos Clarke, appointed tc command in thc Coi) fedora to army. THE GREAT BATTLE.-We leam that a woori ed soldier, who WHS ?ll tho battle Oil Stllldft passed Kingsville, on his way homo, yosterdu Ho is a Frenchman, and lins been through t Crimean wm*. Ho said that in all that war novor saw such a battle. Ho speaks in glowl; terms of Ibo charge of thu Virginia Regime on Sherman's battery, and frays that bc saw t last man ut those jjitns fal). Ho states that tho slaughter of the oncri must hnvo boon immense, but thinks that o i los? was olio hoavy.- Guardian. .?'.i 1 VMmmmMmmmp?*?, II I ililli il .NI ,ii?i,?W? ' ? '. ",???? ;. Telegraphic Nows from all Quarters? RICHMOND, July 18.?-Wo uro\compollod to depend upon passengers for nows. . Apparently rolinblo passengers stato that 400 of Col. I Leek's command surrendered and four oom pa ni cs of tho Georgia regiment. Tho body of Capt Skipwith, of tho Powhatan Rifles, killed at Rioh Mountain, brought was to this city to-night. Agontloman from Wise's Logion says that. Abo companies aro well and . choorful. Ho hr.d r. few engagements, and always success ful. ^ Gen. "McClellan says that Gen. Garnett's force fought so hard hud so determinedly, that ho Miad no disposition to follow thom, but rather leave thom to join their forces. RICHMOND, July 10.-An intelligent nud reliable gentleman, whp left Staunton this morning, says that all tho companies of Ram sey's Georgia regiment aro nt Monterey, safe. They wcro prisoners, but paroled. Col. Starke, aid to Gen. Garnett, says th oro was no battle-only skirmishing. The day Car nott.wns killed tho enemy occupied Laurel Hill, and Ramsey's Georgia regiment was or dered to dislodge them. Thc Georgians mov ed up gallantly-four companies on tho right of tho stream in thc mountains, ?ndsix com panies of tho same regiment on tho left of tho stream ; but. the enemy appeared in such an overwhelming force that Ramsey gave tho order to retreat, lt was believed that four companies did not hero thc order, but march ed on, and probbaly were immediately sur rounded. lt was hoped, however, that thc four companies would.yet reach camp. Gar nett's command only lost 20 in killed, unless some of thc four companies were killed. No official details huvo yet been received. All tho balance of Garnett's command is safe. CINCINNATI. July 10.-Coxc's Knnawha men fired at each otb' tr, killing two and wound ing several. Porty miles up thc Knnawha thc cavalry charged Oil Coxc's column, kil ling two and mortally wounding one. The cavalry wheeled. Among tho Southerners killed in Wes tern Virginia are Capt. Skipwith, Richmond Blues; Lieut. Dam ?ott, Dr. Taylor, Dr. Walk er and wounded Capt. Delalus and his first lieutenant. Dolli I us escaped to tho camp, but was carried off prisoner. Reports says he can't recover. M AN AS? AS JUNCTION, Saturday night, Ju ly 20.- During tho grouter pjitrt of yesterday af tcruoon, tho enemy was busy in burying their dead near Hull's Run. We. have, however, information that the Northern forces are concentrating against us in iinmen.se numbers. They are throwing up earthworks and planting batterries with great energy, as if t?> renew the attack. Our troops await tho attack with the utmost con fidence. Gen .Patterson, with his entire, force, has abandoned MUrtinburg, and is now hastening to furin a junction with McDowell. Troops are being thrown across thc river from Wash ington in heavy bodies, and everything indi cates that our position will be attacked speedi ly by an overwhelming force. Gun, J lean regard, yesterday afternoon, is sued an order that all civilit ns, women and children .should leave Mantissas Junction forthwith. Ho evidently anticipates a great battle here to-mot row. TUR rm HT NUAK MANASSAS. RlOIIMOND, July 21.-The fight common .eed near Mantissas at ?1 o'clock, this morning lind became general about 12 m., and contin ued until about 7 o'clock in the evening, when tho Federalists retired, leaving us in possession of the field. Sherman's celebrated battery of Light Ar tillery was taken. Tho battle was a terrible one, with great .slaughter on both sides. MANASSAS JU NOTION, Sunday Night, Ju ly 21-7 o'clock.-A great battle has been fought to-day utthe Si ono Bridge on Hull'f Run, near this place. Thc Southern -troop* ure again victorious. The slaughter on both sides was terrific. Gen. Johnston, who had been summoned from Winchester to come with all haste tc the. assistance of General Dean regard, arrived with bis entire force in time to take part ii tho battle. Cen Beauregard bad his horse shot fern under bim while leading Hampton's Legioi into position. Gen. Johnston, during the engagement seized the colors of 0 wavering regiment nm rallied them in person to tho charge. It is impossible nt this moment to estimate tho number of thc dead and wounded, lt is reported that the commander of thc Uni ted States forces, General McDowell, is n or tally wounded. On our side, Col. Francis S Bartow, of Georgia, who was acting Brigadier General, was mortally wounded, and is sine reported death The battle began at 8, a. m and lasted until 0, p. in, Thc enemy is now in full retreat, and Lot! pursued by cur cavalry. MANASSAS JUNCTION, ll o'clock P. M. Amid thc bustle and excitement hero, it is cs cccdiugly dillieult to get tho correct particular of the great battle of to-day: Thc enemy opened their batteries of henv artillery and small field-pieces nt McLaw1 Ford, about 8 o'clock in thc morning. Th 'engagement above the Stone Bridge on Bull' Run began about 10. o'clock. The enemy's force, ns near ns cnn bo nsoci tained, was at least 50,000. Our own fore was but 20,000. Goo. N. G. Kvarts, of Soul Carolina, led thc Brigade first into notion. Among thc Southern forces prominently ci gaged, Vere Col. Sloan's 4th Regiment, Co Kershaw's 2d Regiment, Col. Wade Hani] ton's Legion, all of South Carolina Volut tccrs. Only three were wounded in Col Korshnw Regiment, in Col. Sloan's Regiment, nil Hampton's Legion, tho loss of life was proa er. Adjutant Theodore G. Barker and Cap Janies Connor, of tho Washington Light lt fan try, Hampton's Legion, wcro sligbtl wounded. Lieut. Cob B. J. Johnson, t tho Legion, was killed. Captains Karlo ai Kohols wcro slightly wounded. Men nevi fought moro desperately than did ours to da Wo havo captured 18 pieces of artillery, al from 1)00 to 400 prisoners. Col. Barlow's fino Regiment of Georgiai was nodl'ly annihilated. Gen. Barnard 1 Boo, of South Carolina, was mortally wouni cd. Col. Wade Hampton was slightly woun cd. Gen. Johnston commanded the left wit and Gen. Bertureganl tho right wing. Tl reports thnt roach us hero state that our for was no loss than 7f),000 men, nod that tl enemy had over 100,000. These statcincii are probably exaggerated ; but it is oerta that thc leaders on both nidos had eonconti ted their wholo available force to tako pt in tho battle. Tho number killed and wounded cann bo ascertained with any accuracy until I morrow. Our loss is estimated at 2C0 kill nnd 800*wounded, whilo tho loss of tho ene my could not hnvo boon les? than several thousand. These figures, how?ver, may lo wido of tho mark, for tho lino of battlo was extended, nnd it wasultnost dark whon tho enemy gavo way. Tho Washington Artillory, of New Orlouns was again in tho foremost place, und diu mest offectivo work. Their fire fell upon thc ranks of tho foe with murderous effect. Tho Osilothorpn Light ?ftfdbtry, cf Savan nah, was out to pieces. Among tho officers known to hnvo been killed, in addition to thoso 1 havo mentioned above, is Kirby Smith, of Florida. At ono time during the battle, Sherman's celebrated battery of United States Flying Artillery was at tho poi nt of destroying Hamp ton's Legion, whpn Col. Carland, of tho 11th Virginia Regiment, was ordered to charge the battery at thc point of tho bayonet. Ho im mediately led thc Virginians to thc ohargo, under a torriblo fire, and after a fioroo strug gle, captured tho entire battery and turned its guns upon tho enemy. RICHMOND, duly 22.-Tho reports of thc killed and wounded last night were so unroll ?hie, amidst tho oxoitemo.nt and confusion following tho victory lit Mnnassaa, that wo refrained mentioning thom, being fearful of giving oauseless pain to many anxious hearts. Among thc dead ?ire (louerais Barlow, of Ueorgia, Ree, of South Carolina, and Kirby ^lilith, of Florida. Lieut. Col. Johnson, of Hampton's Legion, is also killed. Cen. Beauregard and Staff arc safe, though thc General hud his horse shot from under him. Cen. Joseph FL Johnson commanded the left, where thc enemy made their firocest at tack. (Jen. Beauregard commanded thc light. President Davis reached tho held ut noon, and took command of tho centre. When thc left wing of our forces was thc hardest pressed by thc enemy, thc ccntO} disengaged that portion of the enemy's force, ind decided the fortunes of the day. No other reliable reports hfcVO been receiv ed, but are hourly expected. lt is stated that the enemy was command ed|by Genera Ls Scott. Patterson and .McDowell and it is reported that the latter was scriousl) wounded. Lieut. Hood, of Cupt. Crump's company (of Augusta, Ca.,) arrived here last eveninu and says his company, and the regiment which wus suppered to lia ve been cupturci have arrived .;:>foly at Monterey. Voua? Pool, of ('rump's company, was very slight ly burt in the thigh. Nobody else is known to be burt Passengers stntc that, G cn. Wise won a dc eided victory in thc Kanawliu valley last week killing 150 of the enemy, and losing but ; few men himself. Nothing later received from Mnnassas u] lo 10 o'clock to-day. lt it'll MON I), July 22-10 H. M.-A larg public meeting was held this afternoon, a which il committee was appointed to go ti Mantissas ?nd rcotcvoall tho wounded able t bo transported to Richmond. Another com mit too was appointed to ascertain tho mun ber of families in Richmond who will roceiv and attend thc wounded' and a com m i tte to solicit subscriptions to obtain comforts t< alleviate the sufferings and wants of tho sid and wounded. It has been raining all day. The trai from Mantissas, duo at 8 o'clock this aftei noon, was not expected to arrive till nen midnight. The telegraph to Mantissas lui been out of working order for several hours and is now working with an 'imitions amount of business on hiind and offering* i is, therefore,'impossible to obtain tho detail of thc killed and wounded yet. The hatti ground extended over a space of about tot miles. lt ICU MOND, July 22.-Official Report < tho Hattie. President Davis sends ntl ofl oial despatch lo tho Secretary of War, nt nounooing a complete and decisivo victoi yesterday near Mantissas, The enemy, afti ten hours fighting, fled precipitately iu tl' direction of Lecsburg and Centreville, pu sued by our cavalry and light infantry, ti night put an end to thc pursuit. The enemy left on the field a large quant ty of stores, munitions, nrms, ?te, and va piles of the slain. Everywhere in the dire Hun of their flight, the dead bodies and wou dod are scattered, and the neighborhood lani houses on the road arc crowded with tl Wounded,of thc enemy. Thc Confederate forces immediately engn cd were about 15,000, tho Federalist.': are c timatcd at 35,000. This refers to tho lc wing, where the battle principally raged, an does not include the right wing and centr which was only partially engaged The c tire Confederate force was about 40,000, at tho Federals nearly 80,000. The eneu lost sovorid battervies of field artillery, tu one stand of regimental colors. No particulars of thodoad und woundedp either side have been received un to'1 o'clot this afternoon. RICHMOND, July 22.-Congress met at no to-dtiy, and was nponod with prayer. Tho fi lowing despatch, dated Mantissas, Simd night, wus rend hy tho dork: " To Goncrnl S. Cooper, Adjutant Genera Night hus closed anon a hurd fought field. O forces have won a glorious victory. Tho otici wns routed, and lied precipitately, nbandoni a very huge amount of arms, munitions, kn: sacks nnd bnggngo. Tho ground was strm for miles with those killed, uriel the farm-bout ami tho grounds around wore filled with I wounded. Tho pursuit was continued alo several routes toward*! Leosburgand Controvil until darkness covered tho fugitives, We ba captured several bold batteries and rcgimon stund of arms, ami ono Uuitcd States Hag. Many priruncrs havo boon taken. Too mu praise cannot be bestowed, wiiothor for tho alt ol'thc principal officers, or for tho gallantry nil the troops. Tho battlo was mainly foti j. un our left, several miles from our contre (J force wns (0,000, nod that of tho oriemy is o* mated at 35,000. (Signed,) Jew, DAVip*" Tho following resolutions wcro olfcrcd by > M om minger, nnd unanimously adopted: lictolred, 'flint we vocognlzo tho hand of I Most High (?oil, tho King nf Kings and Lord Lords, in tho glorious victory with which he hi crowned our lil'iny nt Mnmuwis; nnd I lint thc p plo qi* tho Con federateStales uro invited, by t proprinlo services on thu ensuing Sabbath, lo ol up their united thanksgiving ami prniso for t mighty d?liveraneo. Jicsojunl, 'flint doeply doploring tho ncocss which has washed Hiv soil of our .country w blood of so litany of her noblest sons, we oller their respectivo families nutt friends our -warm and most cordial sympathy, assuring them ll tho sacrifices rundo will bo consecrated In tho hon of purpeoplo, nnd will IhcVo ciishrino Iho nur of tho gallant dead ns tho champions of froo ti constitutional liberty, Rexolvrd, That wo npprovo thc prompt nnd pnl olio ?troi ts of tho Mayor of the eily ot lliohmc to itmkc provision for Iho wounded, and that ('onuiiitioo of ono member from muli Slnlc bo i pointed to cooper?te in tho pinn. Jtetolved. That Congress do now adjourn, RICHMOND, July 22, 0 p. m.-VTho citv full of rumors about the number of kill P and \'v?uiuk^ ' "^ML^^^^^^O^^ mcnts imiking)16^l-im^i?o utterly uuroliu../ 'l'ho body of (len. Franois S. Bartow, nndH perhaps others, aro expected on tho train to-'j . 'ijOUisviLTiK, July 22.-Tho following! nows of tho Confederate victory at Bull's! Hun oroatC8 tho most intense exoitomont beroV startling tho publie mind-tho morning pal pcrs h.aving'pubnMucd despatches from Wash-1] lug ton proclaiming a brilliant victory for tho) Federalists. Thoro is great rejoicing among tho Southern High Ls mon : WASHINGTON, Monday, Noon. Our troon? i after gaining u great victory, wero cvontuall) v repulsed, and Commenced to retreat on Wash- . ington. After this information was received last night from Gontroville, a series of events took s place in thc highest dogreo disastrous, anti many confused statements aro prevailing, but\ enough is known to warrant the . statement,! that wc have suffered to a degree which ^tyMfflHl?T*~ gloom over tho remnant of the anny, aii&BPpp?^ oitcs tho deepest melancholy tliroaglioatS^ Washignton. Wv ! Th e carnage was trotnondously heavv on C both bides, and ours is represented as fright, ll j ful. Wo were advancing, taking masked r * bat terries, and gradually but surely driving I thc enemy towards Manassas, when tho enc-f my was reinforced by (?cn. Johnson. ?;J?t. were immediately driven hack, a.ijaj, a ptrrnHV^-^. .suddenly occurred among our troops. 1 j It is Understood Gen. McDowell undertook ' to make a stand near Centreville, but tho pan- J I ic was so fearful that tho whole army became / ? demoralized, and it was impossible, to chook ? I them, cither at Centreville or Fairfax Court? 1 House. A largo number of tho troops in v- .. ' their retreat fell on tho wayside from oxhnus- I i timi, and aro scattered along thc route all tho ] . way from Fairfax Court House. Tho roadL ! from Bull's HUh is strewn with guns andt I knapsacks discarded by thc troops, tho bct-J[ ! ter lo facilitate their retreat. m . Gen. McDowell was in the roar of his uicnj^L I endeavoring to rally them, but only partially^ ^ succeeded. '~*^j?n*~' Only 200 of thc Fire Zouaves aro left fromnv tho slaughter. Tho 60th and other NTc\vjK York regiments suffered frightfully. wjL Sherman's, Carlisle's Griffin's and thqflto West Point Hattories wero taken by thc Con-Sra federates ; also tho eight siege 02-pouuder lai lille cannon. I*' Col. Wilcox, the commander of a brigade, Bag and Capt. MuCook aro killed. Col. Heintzel- Wff mau is wounded. | Washington is a scene of tho most intonso ? excitement. Wagons aro continually nrriv- S ing, bringing the dead and wounded. Tho f feeling in the city is awfully distressing. Hoi h telegraph and steamboat coiniuunica- ^ tion with Alexandria is suspended, in order jj j to satisfy the public. The greatest alarm y J prevails throughout tho city, and thc fortifi cations arc being strongly reinforced with fresh troops. It is suppor.ed that Gen. Mansfield will take command of the fortifications on tho Other side of tho river. Large, rifled cannon ,??' and mortors arc being rapidly sent over. A ' JKFFKUSON CITY, MO., July 22.-Tho m Missouri State Convention met here tO-dg^^BMQ) Sixty one members were present. 11 was (>?^?Br' j gaui/.ed by the election of General Wilson as ml ' President. WASHINGTON, July 22.-Tn thie^TIouve^ u?X to day, Crittondon's resolutions, cKeeriitg tho civil war upon tho South, were passed by a f vote of 122 to 2. Tho nays were Messrs. Hornett and Heid. Tn the Senate, thc bill providing for the confiscation of thc property of rebels found in arms against tho Government- of thc United States, was taken np, and, on motion of Mr. i Trumbull, amended so as to provide that all ll slaves employed to aid in thc rebellion shall Aw. be forfeited by their masters. Thc bill thctiflgj passed-'12 yeas to G nays. Those who voted IS in the negativo were Messrs. Brockinridgo, H Johnson, of Missouri, Kennedy, Pearce, Polk EH and Howell. H \ LAT KU.-In thc Scnato, thc bill to increase R9 I thc military establishment was returned from tho Mouse. The Senate refused to concur iii BB | tho House amendments. A message was re- WM ceived from tho President, on which tho Sc- WMi nato wont into excoutivo session, and aftor wards adjouruud. , ''?^ lu thc Houso, Mr. Wright offered a r?solu- g? tion to thc effect tliat tho reverses at Hull's &m Hun have in no way impaired tho prospects Wt of ultimate success, eec. Thc resolution was $$ . laid on tho table. WASHINGTON, July 22.-General MoClol- $& lan has been ordered to the command of m tho Potomac, and is to bo succeeded by Ho- igf soncriihf/.. Thc h'oderal army is to bo instantly reor- Ifs gantzedand increased. Gen. Mc Dowell's hoad quarters are nt Arlington. His division will resumo his former position. A largo ampunt of provisions, &o., wero captured by tho Confederates, who pursued and occupied thc positions abandoned by tho United States troops as far as Fairfax Court * Houso. Tho cavalry of tho Confederates was after our volunteers, wdio Kept to tho woods, to avoid their charges. ' BA rmMOIXK, July 22.- Thc lath Bogi niont of New York Militia lias ro-ciilistcd for three years. Gen. Banks joins Patterson, who is at Har per's Korry, awaiting him. ^ ?? Thoro is great oxcitomcnt hero. Tho Southerners arc overjoyed, mid tho efforts of friends aro unavailing to quiet thoir delirium I * of joy. It is said that n considerable mili tary force will bo required to keep them 'down. Likenesses of General Beauregard aro soiling through tho strcots. A heavy rain prevents a largo congregation of tho people & Tho defeat is attributed to tho inactivity B of Patterson, who had received a dozen Hi oidora official ly to engage General Johnson nt ff any odds. Thirty arrests wero made for nttompts to in-. .-j] cito revolt. fl Tho sp?cial corrcspoiidont of tho Herald I says hat tho retreat was nothing m or Ju nor ' f less than a stampedo, nnd that the dcfcalt was I duo, in a great measure, to Patterson's cJuir.se. (Jov. Spraguc's bravery brought somo dlegro? j of ord or out of thc chaos. McDowell} j showed great bravery, but till was uiinjjhuJir/gi; to arrest tho panic. T ' Tho New York 71st, 14th and 27tfi, nnd \ \ tho Maine Begiinonts woro lnowcd down ?fce j|| grass. Tho list of killed and WQU^O/1,OJ^W?| braces a large number of offioors. \% \ il fl coran, of tho 60th New York Kcgi'ur, j 1,1 wj thought to bo dead. \ \ ySL-S WASHINGTON, July 22.-Tho Bhodo^'^fl| and Battery was captured at Bull's UtfM fe VI Bridgo, where their retreat wVs cut off, n?K^f til I their horses ail killed. Thc ?ist New Yofi KIM ! llegltucnt lost half their men. 'UL I