: ? . ? m o"....'.??9 gjai'UJl.!l".iLl!i.JJ JtJJ i'-?JLUaLIL^U' ?ho affright-1 .seaboard ^11 soo grasa growing in its j Arrival- of President Davis in II i dimond. President Davis, accompanied by Hon. li. T. WigfnIJ, Col. Joseph ft; Davis, nnd Col. Northrop, arrived by tho Petersburg railroad, in an extra train, nt 8 o'clock yestcsday morn ing, and proceeded to tho Spotswood Hotel, whero apartments lind been provided for them. Tho President had been expected, by each train, for two dnys past, nnd itwns known in tho city yesterday thnt ho would bo hero in tho morning. A groat crowd collected at tho railroad depot carly in tho morning, and, as soon as tho cannon announced his arrival, thcro was a rush of people to meet and wol como him. There must hnvo been several thousand persons nt thc depot and afterwards ut tho Spotswood Hotel. President Davis was couvoyed in an open carriage with four horses, and accompanied by Gov. Letohcr, Mayor Mayo and Mr. Hoon niger, tho manager of tho hotel. Thcro was no parade or cere mony observed, ns there was none desired, on tho arrival of this distinguished mon, but thcro was a spontaneous gathering of our citi zens, who received him with heartfelt shouts of applause. From tho timo the cars arrived, to when ho retired to his apartments at thc hotel, ho was greeted with continual cheers from thc mon and waving of handkerchiefs by the womon. The people of Riohmond, appro ointing tho magnitude of thc struggle couf menced on thc soil of Virginin, nnd having confidence in tho ability of President Davis tc bring tho Confederate States successfully through, felt, ns they expressed themselves delighted to seo him. Ho, too, appreciated this spontaneous nnd wann reception. As soon as thc President, entered tho hotel there was u loud call for him by thc crowds 01 people outside. Ho went to tho window, and though greatly fatigued by continued travo for three days nnd nights, he addressed then for about ten minutes. After having- thankc( them for the very warm reception ho had rc ceived, Jic remarked that it wns not a timi for talking, but for notion, and, being si fatigued from travel, bc could not then gi into particular statements or details. Hi expressed his gratification nt thc united voie of Virginin for secession. The Old Domin ion and mother of States in this act lind rc vived thc momory of thc past. She was. th oradle which rocked Washington, Jefferson Madison, Mooroo nnd a galaxy of oth? statesmen in tho earlier nnd purer days 0 tho republic. "Wo inherited a beautiful model Government, coming from tho hand of these great statcsmcu and patriots, but i has bcei perverted by a faction, whose pm pose it is to deprive us of tho coustitutionn rights bequeathed us by tho fathers; nu th eso aro tho rights wo aro now vindicating Asking to bo excused, on account of physio; inability, ho retired nmidst loud ohecrs. After President Davis retired, nmidst cr thu.siastio applause, a call was made for Mt Wigfall, but ho not being present nt tb timo, Gov. hotelier wns called for. He rc sponded, nnd briefly snid the Stnto lind bec invaded, nnd was threatened both by sen an laud nt diff?rent poi nhs, but that tho oncm would bo repelled. Ho was gratified nt th manner in which tho President had been rt ceived by thc oitizons of Richmond, for h deserved their warmest hospitality and cor fidenco. Ho concluded by saying this wr not a time for making speeches, but for at Don. After Gov. Letohcr retired, Mr. "YVigfa was called for again. Ile was warmly chec; cd on appearing at thc window. Ho said li would address them now ns fellow-citizoa though when ho was in Richmond seven wcoks aro nnd addressed them from th placo, ho could not call thom so. 1/nicol was your President then, Davis is now, nn your President, lins not como secretly and di guised in a military clonk and Scotch cnp. llc is not a man of disguises, but bold, bra\ nud open. Thc Northern press had slandcrc the public mon of tho cotton States by n sorting thnt they only desired to drug tl border States out of tho Union, so thnt tl brunt of tho war might fall on thom, an that tho cotton States might escapo. Do in tho legions of bravo men now hero, and c their way from tho far South to fight on Vi ginia soil, givo tho Ho to these slanders ? Howoll. Cobb has been specially noticed t these Northern traduoors, nnd ho lins thrt sons enlisted as privates in tho army coiniu to fight in our common causo* Tho peon of tho cotton States aro not selfish in th grund movement for independence- nnd i defonoo of rights, nor will they withho their utmost energies or means for the co flict, whenever it moy como., or howov great it moy bo. Tho booming of cannc nnd tho shout? of mon thnt echoed fro town to town, and villogo to villngo, throng out tho cotton States, when tho now? nrrivt that Virginia bad united hor destiny wit tho C?nfcdornto States, show bow wo rejoice in thnt great act of tho Old Dominion; ar not for our sakes only, but for tho prinoipl that WO aro ready to dio in maintaining, ar for which wo havo como to fight sido by BU wjth you. At. the conoluson of Mr. Wi: -full's rot?arks ho was enthusiastically choorc At-', half-past 8 o'clock yesterday even i n? Pr<\? <3?ht Davis visited tho Camp of Ihstru tion, Central Fair Grounds, accompanied 1 a numerous retinue, and inspected tho n rangements made for tho accommodation tho volunteers, with whioh he express* bimsolf highly gratified. Ills r?ception tho cn mp was onthusjnstio in tho extremo. A largo concourse of citizens, among who wero many Indies, nsfiombled lust evening, I foro tho Spotswood Hoto), to get a vlo.w of tl Pr?sident, ?r tp hoar a upceoh. By hnlf-pn niuo oolook there wore several thousands prc ont. . They seemed to havo soino conduct t|?? for his excellency, who, it is kp own',-h not bad good health, and was much fatigue; but they Vere determined to havo a ?peco Ohd onllod ropoatodly. fot Ced. Wigfall. Th goritlomap aftpoArtag nt tho window to spoa wos ; reeoivea with great applause. He sa ho had oom?' aim-ply to thank thom for ti honor conferred on biro and not to speak, b s * ? 1 !?'.!.-" ..' ...L J. K., ! -? . ?' '?"?! ? - - ? ? rather to ask them to excuse him from speak ing. Ho lind travelled throo days and nights, made speeches nt al most every station ou tho way, and lind spoken three times today. Cries of goon,go on, nt this point, compell ed tbc orator to proceed. Ho snid when he wns last iu Richmond, thcro wns somo necessi ty for speaking to thom, but sinco thnt timo they lind nil been converted, nnd, ns far ns ho could seo, there wns not thc least sign of back sliding. (Cries of no, no! none none!) It wns not necessary, therefore, to uinko any ar gument, for thoy woro nil right. He was proud of Virginia, the land of Washington, Honry, Madison, Monroe, Jefferson, tho Lees, Pendleton, and a host of others, who fought for tho principle of self-government. Their descendants^ now, after three-quarters of n century, nro contending for tho snmo grcnt principle, mid they will succeed. Ile would not go into nny detail of his views of the war, but would say that if tho enemy proceed ed to oross tho border, very ninny would nover return. (Hero there was vociferous cheering, showing tho speaker lind touched thc popular heart.) After apologizing ngnin for thc absence of the President, und excusing bim self, he retired nmidst loud cheers. Tho poo plc, having lind a Bpccch, nppcarcd satisfied nnd dispersed. Wo learn that thc President and thc Hon Ii, T. Wigfall runde brief speeches at thc Camp of Instruction yesterday evening. (Vc*ichvrond Eton\n iner. Tho Richmond Enquirer, in noticing tb< visit of tho President to tho Fuir (?rounds gives us tho following report : " On leaving his saddle, tho President wai surrounded by an oagcr crowd of soldiors au< civillitins, whom ho indulged to a band-sha king performance until tho prossuro bcoaiu so groat that ho was com polled to retire ti thc bnlcony of tho Fxccutivo Department where, in responso to tho demands of thc as scmblagc, ho cl ed the following brief am pertinent speech . " My friends and fellow-citizens : I on deeply impressed with thc kindness of you manifestation. I look upon you ns tho las best hope of liberty; and in our liberty nlon is our constitutional government to bc prc served. Upon your strong right nrnis dc pends thc success of your country, nnd, iu nf sorting the birth-right to which you wer born, you nrc to remember thnt life und bloo arc nothing ns compared with thc immens interests you have nt stake [Cheers.] "It mny he th?t you hnve not long bee trained, and thnt you hnve much to learn o tho nrt of wur, but I know thnt thcro bent in the breasts of Southern sons a detoruiint ticin never to surrcuder-a detcrminatio never to go homo but to tell a talc of honoi [Cries of u never?" nnd npplnuse] Thoug great may be tho disparity of numbers, giv us n fair liold nnd a free fight, und tho Soutl ern banner will float in triumph everywhere ?Cheers.] Thc country relies upon you. Jpon you rest tho hopes of our people; an I nave only to say, my friends, that to til Inst breath of ruy lifo, I nm wholly your owt [Trcuicnduous cheers.]" WHAT WK HAVE PAID THEM.-In n spece made in Congress, by Mr. Hunter, of Virgil ia, about a year ago, wo find tho fol low in estimates : Tho annual oxports of slave States - - - - ?200,000,00 Freights paid to Northern vos vossols on these exports - - 14,000,00 Freights do. do. on return enr gocs - - , - - - 7,000,00 Freights pnid same in tho coast ing trude - - - - 20,000,00 Manufactures by the North cou sumed by tho South annunily, 480,000,00 Ho then shows that, nt a modcrntc cstitunt between tinco nnd four millions of tho poop of thc Northeastern States owo their subsis eneo entirely to thc commerce of tho Soutl but for which they would bo compelled i starve or emigrate Ho shows also thot so oral millions of tho inhabitants of tho Nortl western States aro also supported by tho mn kct for their products afforded by tho Soutl nnd tiint tho monoy paid by tho Northei States, is obtained mainly from tho Soutli and ho thus shows that a largo portion of tl population of tho Northeastern and Nort' western States is sustained by slave lnbor. Mr. Humor thou proocods to show that tl op?ration of protoctivo tariffs, and cvon toril for revenuo, linvc thrown tho burthen of tl govornmcut unequally upon tho ngricultur States of tho South, who, being tho chief co 8iimor8 of tho protected articles, havo paid tl increased prico into tho pockets of tho Nort ern producers. But tho South have not cor plained of this, but they huvo beon driven desperation by tho persistent efforts of tl North, for forty years, to overthrow tho insi tut ion of slavory. . IIB KBI?T HIS Wotto.-Tho Potcrsbu Expresa, speaking of tho lamented Jookso of Alexandria, says: " A gontloman now in Petersburg dint with Mr. Jackson, at tho Marshall House, lu Tuesday, this day ono week ago, and ntuot other topics of discussion introduced ot tl dinner tobie, wns tho secession flag. M Jaoknon romnrked, during tho convcrsotio that ho did not desire tho blood of any h u>nu being ou his hands, but ho had dctorini od to kill tho man that darod (o rcmovo th flag. Ho had boord of tho objection to it Wallington, but, said ho, tho individual th attempts to roroovo it will clo soot his por Whether it bo Winfield Scott, Abraham I,i coln, or Simon Cnmoron, I will kill him t moment ho Inys violont hands upon it. I kopthis word, and it is r? matter of grntul tion with tho South, that tho infamous K! Worth was tho man who forfeited his life attempting to intorfere with tho privato prc crty of a gentleman.,i. PROBABLE.-Tho Now York Tribuno sa there nvo nt least th roo hundred officers in t Lincoln army and navy who will betray t oauao tho first.?ppprt?nJtjr, The Manassas Junction At this is thc looiiiity ?oar which thc com mand of Cols. Or egg and Kershaw arc posted, all information from that point will bc rcud with interest by their friends. A correspon dent of thc Richmond Dispatch, uudor dato of thc 27th, (Monday,) writes : " Leaving our camp at Chimborazo heights carly Saturday morning, wo did not reach thia pince until yesterday evening. All ulong thc route cheering crowds welcomed our coming, and fair bauds showered hoquets in copioue profusion upon us. At Louisa C. II. tho cit rons provided us with nn elegant supper with out any cost but three hearty cheers, whicl went up, I assure you, from grateful hearts Many a swarthy son of Africa, leaning on tin handle of bia hoc, waved his sinewy arms tc heaven, as if invoicing (Jod's blessing upor tho labors of those who aro determined t< stop the march of those who would desecrate our hallowed soil, nnd take from the bumbh negro tho denrcst right he possesses-that ol having a kind nnd able protector in tho per son of his master. " Tber? ure a largo number of troops en camped herc at. present, embracing the tw< South Cardion regiments j another regiment under Gd. Preston, arrived this evening. " Tho whole camp was thrown into grca excitement this morning by tho roport tba the advance guard of the federal forces wer nt Fairfax Court House, about fifteen mile distant. Thu wild.shouts of success to thei nrms which went up to the heavens, ns regi tuent ofter regiment formed it? solid column into the linc, surpassed nnything I ever hear iu my whole lifo. A correspondent of thc Lynchburg Vit ginian writes : " Brigndier-Goncral M. L. Bonham, of th Confederate army, is in command of nil th forces hero, and looks ano? nets every inch th soldier." Tho Petersburg ICxprc**, speaking of th difficulty of rccoiving news from that poiuj says : " Inquiry in certain quarters satisfies v that thc transmission of intelligence of ever kind from thc various military posts had bec interdicted by the Government. It is n doubt for thc public weal that such restrii tions have boen placed on the press, and w feel assured thnt our readers will cheerful] submit to thc prohibition. If by silence c our pnrt wc can further thc cause of thc Soutl wc shed willingly acquiesce in any regulativ the authorities may establish." COL. MOSES IX RICHMOND.-Thc Seeon Regiment of North Carolina Volunteers toe occasion, on their march through Iliehmom to compliment Hon. F. J. Moses, who was i Richmond, nt the Exchange Hotel. In r Spouse Col. MoscS said : M Ho recognized nnd appreciated the cor. Sliment tendered, not as to himself, but to h tato, whoso good fortune it lind boon to ii itiato tho event which was 60 full of hope ar promise to her Southern sisters. He refern to tho gallant and patriotic causo in whic they wero engaged-contending for print pies, in the support of which their ancesto und periled their lives, their fortunes, ar everything but their sacred honor. Th their mission was a glorious ono;-that c tho soil of Virginia, tho mother of States ni of statesmen, they wero nbout to vindicato tl luomorics of Henry and of Jefferson, ar would ? moko around tho hallowed tomb Washington a rampart which would save tl sacred soil on which it was erected from tl footprints of tho mercenary foe who had thrcii cacti to conquer it. That their mission w to free Maryland from the subjection to whic traitors had forced it j and in such a ca us and with motives thus, impelling' them, thc triumph was certain. That thc soldiers South Carolina would bo nt their side, nnd tl descendants of thc Shelbys, tho Williams nnd thc Clevelands, would emulate thc dee of their ancestors at King's Mountain. I alluded to tho sacred day on which ho was a dressing.thom, and referred to tho holy ass cintions which their cause suggested. I continued in an eloquent nnd cnptivatii strain to address them for about twenty-fi minutes amid loud nnd repented Interruptio of cheering, and nt tho closo thc troops ni spectators joined in tinco hearty cheers i tho Palmetto State." A LONCI UBACH.-In Charleston thoy ha a Wagner's improved rifle cannon, which h boen tested and found to throw a sholl scv milos. Prepnrntions arc on foot to comp incut tho Niagara with n few.-Exchange, It is nbout six miles from Scwcll's Poi battery to Portress Monroe, nnd probat nbout five milos from Ocean View to tho sh chnnnel that lends to Old Point from Cn Henry, nnd nbout six miles across from Ca Henry to Cape Charles, Ono or two of thc Wagner cannon, mounted as flying artille! would bc sufficient to drive Old Abe's fleet o of Hampton Hoads, and from under thc pi tcct ion of tho guns of Old Point, as their gu could nut reach us, being of shorter range Besides, stationed on tho beach they con afford considerable diversion to tho enemy Kort Monroe A battery of theso cannon Capo Charles and ono on Capo Honry wou edeetnally stop thoir supplies by water. Thc cannon eau bo oast in Virginia, and probal in tho Gosport Navy Yard. \NoiJolk Day Dook. A TRUK PATRIOT.-Major Tilmnn "NV son, Stnto Senator from this District, has v uytecrod to equip tho largo company of Ca] M. W. Oary, just formed. Tho pompa numbers from 90 to 100 mon, so that tho ct of equipment ("and tho Sonator wishes it w gatton up) will scarcely fall short of $25( Tho example of Maj. Watson is ft brigid oi and reflects credit ou his worthy name a linoago. Tho company is vory appropri?t stylod tho Watson Guards. We hoartily wi thom, oflicors and nico, a glorious expcrie.i of war. Knowing them as we do, wo ni safely say that no company in the. Southe service is likely to strike harder or moro off jtivo blows,-?rlgcficld Ai?vert?eer. [From (lie London Times, May 10.] ? War without an Object. What have wc to do but to wotch and ?cc tho issuo of these u fell incensed points of mighty opposites ?" Since it must ho, lot us notice the providential uses hidden in this calamity. Is not this a uecessary passago in thc history of thc nation ? Thoro arc few ! groat rivers that have not nt some period of their course to struggle through thc gorges of a mountain chain, in which they seem almost to disappear for a time, only to reappear in ampler chan nols and more abundant streams, j lt used to bo said that ovqry nut ion must go through thc feudal state,' pr bhow for ages tho effect of nn imperfect education like un happy Ireland ; and it has been added that where this discipline was wanting the chivalry of war might do thc work. War, it hue boon said, takes up nations as the ?rill scr j gcant takes up the raw recruit, and teaches them graco, harmonious movement, and mu tual consideration. Thc army, say parents, is thc best school of manners. Thc sight of tho battle-field has chastened tho ambition oven of Emperors. You moy tell the mon who has been in a great battle. Ile will not talk of war, of wounds, of dread artillery, and the sword's edge quito so glibly ns other people. Like Dante, " he has soon Hell." i Recollections haunt his mind, and spectral images rivet his gnz,o. This is not thc man i to carry about with him a secret armory of ' destruction, and to rush into any quarrel, simply because he is prepared. May wo not i perceive in this awful conflict thc appointed means for chastening the quarrelsome spirit of tho Americans, for elevating sclf-dcfonco into a public principle, and for changing the bravo into n soldier ? All America has beon long playing at war. Such a game ought to ! have a touch of seriousness, and seriousness is not to bo obtained without suffering and cost. Ono thing is certain-America was . never likely to bc to tight her duty by Eng land, or any neighbor in the Old World. Wc have been too anxious to avoid a quarrel with this enfante terrible, who would bc ccr tuiii to inflict moro damage on us thau tho quarrel was worth. America is now supply i ing for herself this missing part of her edu cation. Thus far tho war is ono out nf all prece dent, and beyond all caloulation. At this moment it is impossible to say what is its ob ject', and how it is to be conducted. The re duction of thc seceding States is an almost inconceivable idea. Tho torritory is im mense, tho country difficult, thc climate un healthy, and thc population twelve millions. Even if wc could suppose a Republican Briny of 50,000 men, making good its passage from Baltimore to thc Gulf of Mexico, in tho face of every difficulty, several such ar mies might accomplish thc feat, and yet leave the question as they found it. The ef fect, and ovon thc possibility of a blockade, a stoppage of supplies, or an embargo upou duties, has yet to bo seen. As for the slave population, there is not thc smallest symptom of their disaffection, or their wish to loavc their masters cn masse. Here and thorn it is likely enough'.hat a sullen slave, who has quarrelled with his mastor, or one who really is in the hands of a tyrant, or ono conscious of a figuro and qualities worthy of freedom, mny bc ready to seizo an opportunity to es capo. Rut tho present is an affair, not of individuals, but of millions. So what chanco is there of any result to bc obtained from tho war, unless thc possession of the Capitol bc a result worth considering? That, hi fuot, is tho contest nt this moment. It is a contest for thc dead body of Putroclus ; fot thc Holy Plises; for a name, for a prestige, not for a reality. If wo suppose tho North ern States victorious in several battles, they aro left with 30,000 moo in possession of a worthless site in an enemy's country. While theso 80,000 arc locked up there, and sus tained by immenso efforts and at considera ble crpense, tho Southern States may bc steadily pursuing their own course of seces sion, self-government, and consolidation. With tho single excoption of tho Capital, not a fort, not nn arsenal, not a yard, not a ship, not a bit of wood or stone will bo loft thc Federal Government in tho seceding States. If, too, their commerce should bo at thc mercy of tho Southern privateers, that is a gamo in which the Northerners have the most to lose, nnd thc balnnco must bo ovci against tho richer. Thc Government now al Washington, if still thoro, and, if it bo there, supposing it still froo to act, must have these consid?r?t ions bcforo it. We know not how it cnn escape tho conclusion that such n wai is contrary to tho very rules of war, seoinj that it has no object. A day may throvi light on thc otrugglo, and show that tho vast efforts of tho Northorn States are not to b< lavished in vain and all that neble blooc spent like wntor. Wo only reason upor what wc seo and know, ?nd we aro driven t< tho conclusion that thus far theso thirty mill ions of our own flesh and blood arc fighting for a shadow. TllE CONFKDF.nATK WlllTK H0U8E.-Tilt H i (dimond Dispatch of Thursday says : " Prcsidont Davis is hero, worn with labor but mirved to tho high duties of his responsi bio position Tho spaoious mansion of Mr Cronshnw, on Leigh and Thirteenth streets thc ono built by Dr. Rrookenbrough, has boor taken for his rcsulonco. This is to bo tb< Whito House of tho South. Thoro will bi his gifted lady, not loss talented and intollco t ual than himself, to dispense the refined hos [vitalities which benofit tho residence of tin ohief mail and loftiest statesman of all tin South. Richmond mny fclioitato horsclf up on tho acquisition she lins made,.in thc tami licw of tho Prcsidont and Cabinet, to her so oial ?nd fashionable circles." TEXAN VOLUNTEERS.-Night thousnm Texans,. completely organized as cavalry, in fantry and artillery, havo offered their servi cos to President pavia, iu addition to ho quota of men te bo furnished in complinnc with his requisition. ; , _j.... i..'_ . !!}:..<-X.JI I The Speech of Hon. John C. Breckenridg?. Thc announcement that cx-Vicc-Presidcnfc j Breckenridge would speak, drew thc grentest crowd to the Court House that ever assembled in this city to boara politioal address. Long before thc hour arrived, the City Hall, which it is said will accommodate four thousand per sons, was densely packed, and thousands could not find standing room. That nil might hear the gifted Kcntuckinn, it wns determined that bc would speak from thc steps of thc Court House, where for nenrly two hours ho held tho vast crowd enchained by his powerful ar gument. Mr. Breckenridge discussed thc issues now before tho country us a patriot and statesman. Ile did not seek to inflame tho passions of men by that wonderful eloquence of which ho !.? tho complete muster, but ra th or appealed to thr ir renson and patriotism by argument. Ho drolared his purpose of following tho fortunes bi his State, which had so often honored him with places of honor and trust. But nbovo nil, he pointed out that Kentucky should be united, whatever position she might assume.' Ho showed that if Kentucky remained in tho Federal Union, although she might desire to be ucutrnl, that she would have to furnish millions of dollars per year to aid Lincoln in subjugating tho Southern people, to whom wo aro allied by interest and by blood. Certain ly Kentucky had done right in refusing to Send soldiers in response to Lincoln's call, and it was now necessary to decide whether she would pay tribute to sustain Lincoln in a mad and an unholy war. He favored arming tho Stato in all ovents. Ile did not belicvo that a stato of armed neu trality could long exist. Kentucky was al ready in a state of rebellion. Gov. Magoffin'* action iu refusing to call out troops wns en dorsed by the people, and ho believed it wnw universally applauded by Kentuckians. Tho idea ndvnnccd in thc Into meeting hero, that Kentucky was going to light neither for Lin coln nor thc South, but for tho Uniou, wns ridiculous. Our proud old Commonwealth must play a manly part, as she has ever done. In his judgment, thc whole fifteen slave States ought to unite, and this might snvo us from the horrors of civil war. But if nothing would restrain Mr. Lincoln from his rcoklcss purpose, he had no fear of the result. Thir- ^ toen millions of people could not be subjugated. They might bc exterminated-but couqufercd, I never, never. Ho begged thai nil party differences nnd rancor bc forgotten in the midst of these dis tractions. Maledictions had been poured upon his devoted head, and unjustly ; but he lind no further remembrance of them. Our safety nnd security required ono sentiment, one ac tion ; let there bc no division in our councils. He thought Kcntuoky ought to cull a con vention before tho fourth of July, at which timo Mr. Lincoln would convene his Congress, that her people may determine her future ac tion. Il c deplored civil strife, but it was nec essary that we should bo prepared for any emergency, and therefore tho State ought to bo armed. Intestine war wns fearful j but war does cxiat, and wc lind to look the dangers bravely in thc face. If wo hud to fight, we would fight for liberty and honor. Mr. Brceklnridgc was frequently interrupt ed with rounds of npplauso, and his speech created a decided sensation. [Louisville Courier. The Reign of Despotism. The difficulties of holding in subjection o free people, are beginning to dovelop them selves moro and moro evory dny, even to thc infatuated wretches who have inaugurated tho reign of despotism. Wo have only to look at Washington City to form som; id-ja cf thc: anxieties, embarrassments nnd troubles, which attend usurped power. With a standing army of from 35 to 40,000 men, with the capitol and evory public budding barricaded and held by mercenary troops, tho authorities livo in constant dread of some tcrriblo catas trophe. Lincoln is said to sleep no two nights together in tho snmo bed. Old Scott himself lins nbandonod his own private resi dence, for tho barracks of tbo War Dopnrt mont. All overwhelmed with a sense of tho enormity ot their orime, in invading thc pub lic liborty, they seem to regard evory decent looking mon and woman as their personal ene my, and aro haunted with apprehensions of assassination. A letter from Washington to Chicago paper, anys : " There aro soldo Indy secessionists at our boarding houso, ono of whom has twice, in my hearing, said she wished sho was a sur geon to somo of tho Northern regiments, sho would give 'em strychnine" This, whether true or not, ludientes the suspicion which pervades thc Yankee ruind, with respect to tho feelings of tho citizens of Washington. A Washington correspondent of tho Now York Tribune test i flos, to tho same sort of uneasy sensation among thc in vaders. He says : " Horo wo are with 25,000 soldiers in and about tho limits, many of them unaccustomed to tho rigid disoiplino of garrison and camp, in a population ono fourth of whom arc rcbols in their hearts, and would hail tho sacking of the oity, if their own property was spored, by Jefferson Davis. Good citizens do not object to martial InW) and those who do oppose lt,' justly incur th? suspicion of being disaffected to tho authorities. Tho lunion feeling- that is the term fashionably used to express a sod. of hybrid hovering between secret treason and a superficial support of tho laws,--is of tho same general avorago with tho sentiment of liko namo in Maryland. It is vocal ?pd vociferous in the presence of shouldered mus kets, but querulous And grumbling when tho subduing influence is removed. It is opt to bc trusted, unless with tbo presence of nu ovorawing foroo." Wo havo^nly Ao fltnrt these wretches on ibo trot, to have tho wholo population of Wash ington ami Maryland rising as ono mn? io butcher them. . BKFORB you moko tl friond, coi ft jj^fyjof sr.lt with him..