.''-J.ll4JUl.'.L^J-r-,?U-M'r " ,? . Tc tho Volunteer Regiments of the State. {3TATK OF SOUTH OAHOI.INA, no?aq?orto^ April ?Q, 1861. ? I om ioformed from high authority that the Stute ..of Virginia has adopted our Con fed?ralo Ooristitutiou, and i? ylrtu?jly n inom .of our Confederacy. I colled for volun teers because I. did .not consider Virginia as under our Govei'nmout. Rut when J am offi cially informed thut sho hps joined our Con federacy, I sholl consider her as port of our p country, and to defend her or Maryland is to defend South Carolina. >Yhatovcrtroops may bo ordered will bo still considered as vol unteers from South Carolina, oud there is no power to lengthen or chango their term of service ; thoy arc still volunteers from South Carolina, for twelve months, and if they leave tho Shite will bo under thc commimd of nj Gonoral in;tho Provisional Army.of tho Con fedorato States. If two or moro regiments aro morohed together out of this State, I will assign to their command ono of our Rrigadior Generals, who will command until, a General bo appointed or designated by .tho President of tlio Coufedorato Government.. Ono of our noble rogimcu'ts is now iii Virginia, und tho "Palmetto Klag (loahs from tho beautiful hills of* Richmond. Another of tho same hind started; last night. You will.be oagor to fol low whorover that banner waves. Soldiers of South Carolina ! Hold your selves iu readiness to ..march ot the word to ? tho Tomb of Washington, and swear that no .? Northorn Goths ond Vandals shall ever dese crate its sacred, precincts, and that you will moko of it an American Mecca, to which the votaries of freedom and independence, from tho South, shall ; make their pilgrimage through all time to conic. Lot thc sons of South Carolina answer to tho coll from t!j? sons of Colonel Howard, wh^ led thc Mary hind lino in triumph o' ->r thc bloody battle field of our Cow pons. Let thom know th\t wo will return that blood with full interest, and let them fool thot they aro now, as thej' wero thou, our brothers. March to Virginia and loy your heads upon thc bosom of this mother of States, and hear her great heart beat with now impulsos fora renewed und glorious independence. Surely the good and tho virtuous of thc Northern States cannot sanction the lawless and brutal despotism now inaugurated ni Woshington. Re ready ! Stand by your arms-mail time to tho top of independence, ond ot thc word, mareil (forward and onward to tho Ror dors. Our glorious old sister, North Carob no, is with you, and her freemen arc in anns Join thom in the struggle for defence j am, let tyrants know that there are men who cai make thom hear the ring and feel tho weigh of. Southern steel. I shall endeavor not ti expose our own State, and shall only morel you beyond our borders uii?av pressing enter geneff j but wherever tho Confederate 1'laj floats, thora too is our country, now ond for ever. P. W. PICKKN?. Things ia Washington. Thc Alexandria correspondent of tho Rich mond Examiner gives tho following ?utiigh as to the condition of affairs in Washingto city. It is probably moro correct os to th military movements, &o" than any other: "Th? Seventh New York Regiment oom into Washington at 12 o'clock yesterday 1,000 strong. They marched to Annapoli Junction, re-laying tho roils, os they weu and o train following with their vole and bag gage. Secretary Seward went in his earring to meet them, and they marched to the Whit House to sec Old Abc, who como out orel s; luted them. The terrilicd people of Wasi ington hailed them with tho most ext ra vo gal demonstrations .of joy, crying out that no they woresafc. They loft Puller's Massachi ?etts regiment, 800 strong, ot Annapolis Jun timi, 16 milos from Washington. On tl mureil from Annapolis to the Junction thc threw out skirmishers on all sides, seein many mon on horseback and foot apparent watching their movements, but no attack wi made upon them, the Marylanders being ino.i ly without arms.' There were at Anunpoli when tho Seventh left on Wednesday, at 8 m., thc Now York Fifth, Twelfth, Sixty-nint and Seventy-first regiments, and Gov. Spragu with his Ithodo Islanders. Resides thea large bodies of Northern mon wore on tho way to Annapolis, via Pcrryvillc, on tho So ouehonno. 7.000 had left New York, III 4,000 Philadelphia, and both of those citi were in on extraordinary ferment. "All sorts of rumors prevailed herc th evening concerning affairs in Washingtoi that thc Massachusetts regiment had rcfusi to take the catii ; that marines WCIM Jorcii their way out of thc eily j that four Oeor? town companies had disbanded, and that i of their men were hero. None of these we credited except thc last, which is based upi the foot that tho Potomao Light Infant andpeorgctown Cavalry have refused tota! th? oath, and disbanded. -" A gentleman just from Woshington i forms mo that ho hod tp doy a convorsatii with an ox.Mayor of that oily, one of tho ul cst and best citizens, who told him, in ausw to a.rcinnrk about thc impropriety of collei ing troops nt- Waahington, that they we needed for tho protection of tho oity ngair Jtsi ?wn 'H??cssioiu^ts, who,.although in a M nority, aro bold and active, and ready to ri at tho first opportunity." Another nocount .says : ^ " The Departments at, Washington weor t aspect of orntod ,oitadols. Tho lower stori of tho diOerent buildirign oro closed, the, doc are barricaded, mid loop-hples and port-ho: ifor firoarms mndo.in. tho walls. Tho po .office building looks Uko a hugo warolim: ?sed for stowing flour and bacon, and ii and pork. "It is reported and believed, thot nil r p.cotablo looking liursos oro soi ?jed by order ibo present Administration OS Boon ns th ontor tho city. ^ Tho gates of tho oapitol aro barrod, n none hut those who aro by sentiment' in fill of tho n.ofnrions policy of tho present Adm istrntion aro permitted to poiiQtrhto its nrim undermined aud fortified defoiicos." LOUISIANA.-Tho Wonoor (Claiborne Park . Advocate, ot the 10th instant, says : cjfcjl? prospects for' orops thiii:Sca8on in t parish woro never moro .fhrttering. Our pl tors gonorally, wc loara, havo n good stand corn, and the oat, wheat and rye crops h uouwally promising mr nu abundant hnrvt Tho fruit orop is doing well up to this til Tho Vernon '(Jaoksen. Parish) Soutlu Ti mc?, of the 12th'?ays : . Such floods RS have fallon ?tnoft our Inst ??o hoye ilevorsb?for? boon soon in this loo ty by tho oldest inhabitant. Wo aro so to boor that muoh of the com plan tod has b< washed up. Tho da?ineo dono to' tho noi plo wed. In nd is -ctmiddorablo. -, J . ,J ".. -.J-". 1 - . In Advance of tho Mail. Monroe-M EU Y. April 30.-Nothhigof gonoral interest lins boo 0 rf ed to-day. Congress hajj booti mostly in secret session. Tho flr*t battalion of tho 3d Alabama Kogi inont loft boro i\\U morning for Virginia. ' Two companies of dragoons uro ready for Pen nicoln. ALEXANDRIA. April 30-Tho StonmahipCont ?nenian with troop? papped hero bwlnv. .Tho 'Lincoln Oovornmont will call an addi? , donni force of 25,000 troops, which, with tho I 75,000already oitllod out. nnd tho regular army ! ?ind navy, will make n total of about .183,000 . men nt tho disposal of Lincoln. NBW YORK, April 28.-In tho ftorthorn Stator, cities. &?.. including privnto subscrip tion*, tho sum of $11.230,000 has boon contrib uted fur war purposo?. The etoamcrs F. W. Bruno, Cadwullndor nnd William Woodward, chartered by the United Statos Government, left thin port on Saturday morning for Trenton, to tako troops to Wash ington, PHILADELPHIA, April 28.-A petition is in circulation horo urging Lincoln to upon tho ronlo through to Baltimore. HAiiniancno, April 28.-An Arrangement has toc?n i?udo betwcoii tho Governors of Now York, Pennsylvania, Oliio, und Indiana, by wliioli they will act in conjonction to throw troops aud provis ions into Washington or olsowhoro South, upon an ordor from tho War Department. Gov. Otu*th), in his message to tho Legislature earnestly recommends un appropriation of $">,000, 000. and tho raising of 20,1100 men for domestic, defences, aa well as for federal service. ALBANY, April 29.-A dosperatc riot occur red at tho Adams' House, tho depot fur volun teers hore, to-day. The moo complained nf the food furnished thom, ami to-day an officer knocked a waiter down, when a gcnoral riot took placo, and chairs, tabl?s, dishes nnd win dows wore smashed. Ono cf thc Delcvnn Umisc waiter? was thrown from a window nnd lind his log badly broken. Pistols were ilrcd, knives drawn, and sovernl mon were badly wounded indiscriminately. The Governor repaired to tho pceno, and the police wore called out boforo thu riot could bc quelled. Ki eu MOND. May 1.-Senator Mason hos ar ri ved from Fredcrioksburg. anti speaks encour agingly of Maryland's probatolo secession. Tho Baltimore and Norfolk boats huvo ?topp ed running. Tho Saluda Guards, and a detachment of tho Governor's G lift rds, from South Carolina. Ar rived horn this morning. Tho Wilkinson Hilles and tho lilodgct Guards, from Georgia, also ar rived. Thoro is a reign of terror in Washington. At.KXANDlttA, Moy 1.-Tho city ia quiet. A rumor piovails of an attnok by tho Federal troops, aud the citizens nrb leaving. Tho streets uro do 8crted. Moro troops nrrived in Washington to-day from Annapolis. bong Itridge. ncross thc I'ototnnc. ta guarded by eight pieces of artillery and a hu go infantry forc?* MoNTGOMK.ilY, May 1.-In Congress to day thc public proceedings were unimportant, tho sessions being mostl}' in scorct. President Davis' message is lengthy. Ile calls for 100,000 men, and intimates that thc war will bo long and bloody. FROM PENSACOLA.-Passengers who left Pen sacola yesterday report that the troops wero general Iv in lino health end spirits. The Confederate fortifications aro rapidly progressing. Troops, arms, and ammunition, uro being daily received. ' CHOPS IN SOUTHEAST ALABAMA.-Thc editor of tho Fort Gaines Independent'States recently mude au excursion into Southeast "Alabama. Hil says should tho season for grain continue "to be favorable, the harvest is bound to be ahondant. Wo bavo lived in Al abama twenty seven years, and have never seen anything in the small grain line to com pare with tho present growing crop. It is confidently believed that the wants of the country will bc greatly and timely relieved by thc carly grain crop. [Natchez Courter, April 0th.. Thc Harrisonburg (Cntahoula Parish) IA dependent, of tho 10th, says: - Thc heavy rains on Friday last havo proven disadvantageous to the plantation interest in this parish. They have been general, and tho 14 oldest," say their equal is of rare occurrence. Our streets, roads, Aro., bear unmistakable-ev idence of the disastrous flood of Friday night. High winds have been provalent for tho past few days, whioh in no wisc will remedy tho injuries. MEDICAL NOTICE. rp UK SOBSOIUPKU has located himself ot J. Piokenavillc, where he can always bo found, (unless professionally called.) anil hopes by prompt, attention and ...miring effort on his part, to merit tho patronage of tho .citizens and sur .rounding country. J. L. DEAN, M. D. Picken ?ville. Mu y 1. 18(U_39-3. Dissolution. fpiIK Copartnership heretofore existing be JL tween Dru. ,7 dutson and MoWhortcr, is ti*ix dav dissolved by mutual consent. L. B. JOHNSON. W. D. MoWUORTER. Walhalla, April 2; 1801 39_2_ Attention, Ono and All! \ LL persona desirous of purchasing Goods -Zji_ at low pri?es, and at cost, will du well to call nt my Store, at Anderson'? Mills. Term?, strictly cash. All persona iudobtcd tonio must ?ettie by tho 10th of May. I will be at my Store on Tncf-duya and "Saturdays. Pay soon*, or your Notc.i and Accounts will bc found in an officers hands. W. S. KI UK S EY. . May 1, WU _JW_' 3 MEDICAL NOTICE-REMOVAL, DUS. MABltY & SLOAN beg lo inform tholr friends and patrons that they huvo romoved their office to tho. brick building formerly occupied by Dr.- Ti J. IMokens, whoro ono or tho other mny nlwnys bo found, oxcopt when professionally ab sout. MAURY & SLOAN. . Pondlcton. Jan. 18, 18G1_ 25 tf . FOR SALE, rp II AT desirable Lot of Land, with a good I. dwelling, and othor necosanry out-build ings thereon, containing Throe Aor'os., On tho promise*, thora is a fine garden, good orchard, &o. Tho Lot adjoins Jacob Svdirodor and oth ers, nnd hos immediately on thu public rend, injun-distant from West Unipn and Walhalla. Torriis. onay, II. HOOPS. jOot'. 3O,J8'fi0_ , 14 tf JAMK? !.. Ofttt. W. P. PRICK. ORR & PRICE, ~~~ AT?OHNKYS AT LAW, Greenville C. lt., Praotico In tho Courts of tho Wcstorn Circuit. COM Ii TO TUB Ii It KN?; UH J TUE CRISIS IS UPON' ll fri ALL por?on? indobted td W. H. I)KN DY & CO., fur thc year 1800. must c un? forward and make settlement by Note or Oush-^-cftiA preferred-un wo aro needing mono?. Poranna indobted to tho firm of DENDY tc PVLLEN for tho yoars 1868-.150 muff- pay within twenty days from thia dato, or pay coat, without discrimination. HT. H. DENDY io 00. Walhalla, Ab. V, Ml 26 tf. ^ Special Not i cos. .XQrTho friends of 52 I). A. LEDBRTTER announce him as H candidato fur COLON UL of tho Regiment Of Voluutoors now forming. jJ?JTTho friends of Hon. JONI! p. A8HMORI? announce him n candidato to represent- tins Con gressional District in tho Congress of tho Confed erate Stales of America. Col. E P. Joues. Tup remaining Volunteer Companies in this Rrigudo will soon ,bo organized into A Regiment. Wo moat respectfully suggest Hint Col. JONES is tho proper man for tho position ot' COLON Kl,, and I wo trust ho will bo elected without opposition. I ?RliliNVILl.li VOLUNTIiliRS. I ! ??rTlio friends of.^At'T.'.f. L. SIIANKI,IN ' nunouiieo him a candidate tor Lieutemmt-Culonel of tho Rcgimont. of Volunteers now forming. . ! Jt??"Tho friends of CAPT. ll. A. HAWTHORN!; j Announce him a candidate for MAJOR of tho lieg? I imont of Volunteers now forming. JW?rTho friends of CAPT. h. C. CRAIO an nounce him A candidoto for .MAJOR of the Volun teer Regiment being now formed. .. *. I ?&Y-Tlic friend? of DR. ti. ll. SYMMliS an nounce him A candidate for Major of I lie Regiment ! of Volunteers now being tommi. $20 REWARD. I> UN AWAY from tho subscriber, nu the (Uh .V of hist December. EBURY, about 5 foot 7 inches high, very black skin, 20 years old: sometimos he limps slightly, from having had ono of his legs broken three years ago. He ha? a wim at Dr. II. C. Millor's. near Pendleton, and ?H probably lurking in that neighborhood. Tho above reward will be paid for hi? appre hension and delivery to the nenies I jail. All person** detected in harboring or aiding him in any wnv, will be dualt with according l<> law. JULIUS N. HOSS. TLOUKNCK. s. c.. April o. mw 37-tf EXE?UTORS' SALE. TIT I LL BB SOLD, at thc residence of John VT A. Robinson, on Tuesday thoTih hf May next, tho entire I'HKSO&'AE. I3ST4T83 (if Jeremiah Looper, sonior, deceased, as follows: T W O L1 KEL Y N E Cl lt 0 E S : A girl, about 18 years old, and a man about 2-1 years old. One Marc, l?cx, WI 0. TODD, J Adm'r. April 1. 1801 35 _3_ Notico. ALL persons indebted to thc Estato of Jore miali Looper, senior, deceased, will maku pay lb ont ; and tho-o having demands against said Bstato are ron aired to present them to us legally attested within tho limo required bv law. THOMAS LOOPKK. 1 p , JOSEPH LOOPER, \ , wl A pril 15, 1801_37 _ 3_ TH? STATE OK SOUTH CAROLINA; IN KQUITY-1'ICKKNS. John Hurdine, \ vs.. J-Hill for Partition, kc. PiHsy Hurdine, et. nls. J IT appearing to my satisfaction 'hat (ho heirs of Polly Lal'ivm. to wit : Ooo. bathem, T. II. South, wick mid wife Patsy, J. W. Lalhem, Richard .NJ, Lnthein, Andrew P. hathorn. Anthony G. hathorn, Sam. W. hathorn. Jus. li. Petit and wife Jane li., J A Ooh Kniest alu! wife Hct*y, Jos. Ihirdino.. Sn in H. Hurd ino, Ehjah Rollinson and wife Henrietta, defendants in this caso, reside without thc limits of this Stale; On motion of Harrison & Pallium, Comp. Sols., it is ordered, therefore, that the ?aid absent d?fendants do appear in this honorable Court, ami plead, answer or demur, to complain ant's said hill of complaint, within titree months from tho publication hereof, or nu order jtro con fr.fso will be taken n.i to them. ROBT. A. THOMPSON, c.K.i'.n. Comr's. Offico. March SM, 1801. 8m TUM STATIC ??S SOljTH CAROLINA, IX OU I) IX All Y-PIO K KXS. J. li. Hagood, Adm'r, "1 Petition' vs V far JorcmiahWhitmiro&wifeAnna,chain J Settlement. IT appearing to my sot i sloe-lion that James Rob inson, Congo Robinson, jr, Joseph Robinson. Randall Robinson, Lydia I lil good!, Thomas Hilt am) wife Martha, tho hoirsot-law of William Rob inson, deceased, (names and number unknown1,) and thc hoirs of liluabeth Reese, deceased. (n;uuu& and number unknown,) defendants ju this ease, reside without thc limits of this St ai ? : ft is or dered, therefore, that these several Absent parlies do appear in the Court of Ordinary, to bo holden At Picken? Court House on Monday the 8th'day of July next, to show cause, if any they can, why a Anal settlement of tho list ato ol' Hardy Uobinsou, deceased, should not bo made and a decree pro . uounccd thereon. W. Ti. HOLCOMBE; o.v n. Ordinary'? Offico, April 2. 18fll ihn STATE OE SOUTH CAROLINA, PJCJCr.XS niSTIIICT-0KFICRC0U11T OF COMMON l'l.KAS. WILLIAM V. PARK KB. who ?sin the cus tody of tho Sherill1 of Picketts District, by virtue of a writ of cdnias nd satinfucicndii?i, nt tho suit of Isham \V. Taylor,' having tiled in my oflieo, together with a schedule on oath of his estate and effects, his petition to tho Court of Common Pions, praying that ho may bc admitted to tho benefit of tlio Act of tho ({en crai Assembly made for the relief of Insolvent Debtors: It is ordered, that tho said Isham W. Taylor, and all others, the creditor? to whom tho said William E. Parker is in any wiso indebted, bo and they nro hereby sum moned and have notice to appear before the said Court, at Piokons Court IIouso. on tho 3d Mon day of October next, to shew causo, if any thoy oan, why thc prnycr of tho petition aforesaid should not.bo granted. J. E. IIACOOD, O.C.P. Offico Common Pleas. April 1, 1801 3m_ THE STATE OE SOUTH CAROLINA. PICKKN8-IN KQUITY. Warren R. D. Moss. ) vs. y Amended Bill for Ro Samncl M. Hunt. et. ni. j lief, &c. IT appearing to my satisfaction I lint- Samuel M. Hunt, ono of th? defendants in this caso resides without tho limits of this State : On motion of Norton, Comp. Sol., it is ordoreiLthat he do ap poar in this Court, and plond, answer or demur to complainant's Amended bill of complaint in thin caso, within three months from thc publication of this rulo, or an order pro con/csso will bo taken against him. ROBT. A. THOMPSON, c.s.r.n. Com'rs. Offico, March 80, 1801._ 8m . W. K. BA8I.KY ISAAC Wf0.KI.lCFB EASLEY & WICKLIFFE, Attorneys nt ItiWi VT "y I LL attend punctually to nil business ,on I -f trusted to their caro in the Districts comprising tho Western Circuit. OFFICE AT P1CKENS C. H., ft. C. Sept. 20. 18ofi_18 - if j. w. Noniiis, in. j. w. HA un ISON. r.. c. PDM.IAM. NORMS, HAU1US0N & P?LL1AM. AHorneyN nt tnw, AND SOLICITORS IN KQUITY, WIIiL nttond^rompOy to ?ll business ontrustcd to their onie. Ma. PULLIAM cnn always be found in tlio Offico'. OFFICE AT PI0KI?N8 0. H., 8. 0. Sopt. 0, 1850 . ,9 tf AVAUiAUA INSTITUTE; 7 ; ] Rov. Aug. Angeror, A.M., Principal. rpiIK FIRST TERM of thia School begins 1 JL. Fobruury ?th. und will continue for fivo J months. Tho second torin will begin first of ll AugtlHt next. 1 Thoro ia yot no Primary Department, but ono will bo added aa 80on a? praot?oublo. j I Tho Scholars have to pnrtoko in tho Study of all tho common English branches. JJi.icqiH/ie-M\\i\, friendly, yet decided. TEUMS : 1 Foch course of Ii vc months, $7.!>0 . Lutin., French ?r Gorman, extra, each, .0.00 r Drawing, extra, 3.Q0 I ? Piano, per lesson, extra, 40 v Pnyablo middle of each term. I For further particulars, apply to the Principal. ? ^ J/i-Ji irnrry-Kev. 1*'. Luehman, D. IX, and , v Rev. L. Muller, Charleston; Mr. D. Hiumnnn '. and Dr. Norinan, Wal hulla. Walhalla, Jan. 3Q, IKOf_20_ , if, CLAREMONT ACADEMY. r?M?lC TUUSTKBS take pleasi'iro in announ- f 1 oing to tho publia*, that they have secured thc services of Mr. C. L. I IOLMNUSWOIITII and j |, LA nv, lo take clnirgo of tho Claremont Acode? i J j my. Thoo Touchers have experience, and aro i j competent to instruct in all the various brunell- I i es ol mi English education, l'y arrangement, ; ! a Malo ?ml Female School ipili bc taught in tho ^ 1 same boneo. < I Tho Academy will be opened on tho 2d Mon- y j day. jil January. 1801. j ? Good boarding cnn bo had in thc noighbor I hood on favorable terms. i Tho salubrity of the climate and thc moral | I tone of flid vicinity, ave inducements th.it I should not bo overlooked by parents mid gnni- j diana in educating their children and wards, liv order of tho Hoard : M. S. STUMBLING, Soc'v. .ran. 9. 1801 _23__. if i SHERIFF'S ?ALES. , 1>Y virtue of sundry writs of fiori fae (ivs to mo di ) rooted, will bo sold before Hip Court House, in Picken? District, within tho legal hOm's, on ibo first Monday and Tuesday in May next, j Ono tract of land .containing lOfj acres moro or less, whereon A. M. Maubliii now lives, levied on as ibo property of Allen Mr ildln al tbe suit of Hardy Gilstrap va. A. M. Mauldin and Allen Mauldln. One tract of land containing 1(50 acres more or less, lying on Mile Creek, whereon widow Pork ins how lives, adjoining lands ol'.Janies Duke ami ot li era, levied on us tho property of Jeremiah Collins at tho suit of J. M. Alexander & <'o. One tract of land containing iv.', acres more or less, lying oil waiora of Mile Creek, adjoining lands of J. F. Durham and others, levied on as tbe prop erty of William O. Durham at the suit of Z. w. Green fi Co. > One traci of bind containing 700 aoves more or less, lying on Toxawuy Creek, adjoining lands of C. P. Poole, Samuel Maxwell and others, levied on as thc property of Jackson Heaton at tho suit of .John H. Karlo. One tract of land containing 1(17 acres moro or less. lying on Little Hrasstown deck, adjoining lands of .lohn blackwell, Wm. K?thel and others. levied on as the properly of Win. Capo, sr., ut. thc snit of William K?thel. (.hie tract ol' land containing OOO aerea more or less, ly big oft Kooky Fork, wafers of "Changa crock, adjoining bonis of Spencer Chambers, Kpbraim Cooli mid others, levied on as the property of Wm. Phillips at tho suit of Kohert Spencer and others. Ono tract of land, adjoining lands of David Stribling. tho village of Fair Play and others.con taining eighty acres more or less, levied on as the properly of Joseph Keese, at thc suit of S. & K. W. lli'Qwn. One tract of land containing 200 ncrcs moro or less, lying on waters of Crow ('reek, adjoining lauds of Kob'l. A. Thompson, .John Hunter abd others, levied on in the property of Mary Black stone nt the suit of V: C. Parsons. Uno.tract of land containing 100 acres more or less, lying on waters of Crow creek, adjoining lands of Henry tl rogan and others, levied on as Ibo property of .J. lt. Smith at tho suit ol' J. N. Law rence and others. Ono sorrel horse, and one buggy and harness, I levied on as tho property of lt. ti. Norris nt tho ! suit, of Leonard Towers. One maro mule levied on as tho property of John Koss, jr., at thc suit of Z. W. Oreen & Co., and others. One sorrel horse levied on ns the properly of L. W. Allen nt tho suit of T. J, Keith, bearer, and otb ors. Ono sorrel bovso levied on as thc property of George W. Phillips at thc suit of Henry W. Pieper and others. One sorrel horse, and on Tuesday after saleday at the residence of J. H. Iliinnloutl, one yoke oxen, one wngon. and one sorrel coll, levied on as thc properly of J. ll. llunnicutt at the suit of J. M. llunnicutt vs. J. lt. llunnicutt aud M. H. llunni eutt and others. One two-horse wagon levied on ns thc property of W. fr\ Glenn at tile suit of Jonesand Thomnson. One bay horse, and on Tuesday after snlcdny at defendant's residence', mic secretary, one safe, one cupboard, one table with 3 drawers, one table with 1 drawer, one washstand, one clock, one lot chairs, one trunk, ono lounge, two pair firedogs, ono chest, lot dishes, lot books, one table, levied on as thc property of K. L. (blincs at the suit of Jen nings, Tltonilinsou & Co., and others, va. R. L. Gaines & Co. On Tuesday after saleday nt tho residence of Asa Littleton, ono two-horse wagon, one cow ami yearling, levied on an tho pvoperty of Thoiuus Lit tleton at tho suit of Z. W. Oreen & Co. Terms, cash ; purchasers to pav for papers. W. N. CRAIG, 8.p.o. A pl 8, 1801 80 td THE STATE OK SOUTH CAROLINA. 1'ICKKNS-IN EQUITY. G. W. Massingill, ci. als. ) vs. > Hill for Account, Re David Mo Whorl ev' et. als. J lief, tia. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Sarah L\ McWhorler, Louisa C. Hrown, John McWhor ter. defendants in this case, resido without the limita of thia Slate: On motion of ()rr& Haddon. Comp. Sols., it is ordered, therefore, that tho Bald absent defendants do appear in this Court, and plead, answer or demur to complainants' said bill of complaint., within three months from tho pub lication hereof, or nu order pro eonfetto will bo taken against them. KOKT. A. THOMPSON, O.R.p.P. Com'rs Office. March 80, 1801. 8m' Thc Sfnfc O?* Soul II Carolina, IMCKENS-IS EQUITV. G. M. Lynch, ct. ala. ) vs. > li HI foy, Partition, & cotij'csso will bo taken ngninat thom. ROBT. A. THOMPSON, C.E.IVO. Conu'a Oflioe, March 2:1. lftpl. . ; $tn, TUE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. PICKEN?-IN EQUITY; ' Mary Jane Harton, "1 by her next friend, Hill for construction of vs.. K. Harleaton Harton, Deed, ,&o. and Jane Harton, j IT appearing to my antisfactioii'that Jane Harton, on j of tho defendants tn this ease, resides With out the limits of this State: On motion of Norton, Comp. Sch, it io ordered that she do appear indus Court, nhd plead, auawor or demur to complain ant's ?ald bill of complaint, Within three mont he. fr?ui tho publication of this rulo, or an order pro vonfetto Will bo taken against* h or.. . ' . ROBT-. A, THOMPSON, o.i.r.n, Com'rs Oillce, March 80,1801. 8m I . ??. .ii" J ."J ;?.-'. i.'.1., i" - -1. .i. iL.1" <**. 11 .yj'f'Jt'jgi MARBLE YARD AT PENDLETON. EVERY ONE CAN BJ, SUITED, AS WK 'havoon band and rooeivo ovory month Ins host [TAMAN Alf? AMERICAN MARBLE 'Oil MONUMENTS, -SLABS, TOMBS AND IIKADSTONHS OF ALL SIZES Vnd ns cheap as can ho bought anywhere, with roights added. Cu? loners, 3 1-2 cents each. Rniscd loiters, !0 couts each ; (ind the letters cut dcop aud voil. We have secured tho services oi Mr. JOHN J.CHBRR'Y as our Agont, who will do oil that ail he done to givo oittiro satisfaction. All lusiucss transacted by bini will ho ratified by LEAY ELL & WHITE. March 20. 1800_ j_ 33_tf__ THE PENDLETON HOTEL. I"MIK Snhsoribcr takes pleasure in informing his friends and thc public, that ho has ta len charlo of that largo and commodious House n tho village of l>UrYl>?,IVr01Y, S. V; Ile intends to keep n first class house, and m ites the tro veiling public mid his friends to ;ivo him a call. Amongst tho comforts and conveniences added, is that of n Rending Room, vhere tho latest pupers muy bo consulted A. B. BOWDEN. Fob_2.1800 27__ tf FOll GOOD. BARGAINS AND :??WI> ANI> <;BII? AI* ?OOOS, COME TO WALHALLA! 'RMIE undersigned bas just returned from ? Charleston, '' boro he has purchased one of ibo most complete STOCK OF GOODS Rvor before brought to this place. The variety is great, therefore, enumeration is practically impossible. He has DRY GOODS, Both for Ladies and Gentlemen's wear. KfrLtDY iV?AttK 4'M?TIBI^i?. Of tho various sizes and patterns, cut and made up in thc latest stylo. Boots and Shoos, Hats and Caps, In great variety, and of tho latest pattern and . stylo. Honnefs, lt i broils, &c. My 8took of Hardware, Glassware. Cutlery, kc. is large, and will comparo favorably willi tho best. --G ROCERIES Of every description, frosh, and a fine supply or limul. Goods will bo bartered for Produce and nrti clcs in this line, on the very best terms. My GOODS hmo been bought with caro nnc ?it thc lowest prices. This enables mc to olTci imo of the best stocks in the country, on tho mosl iiceoininoduting terms. Call, examino my stock, und try mo. I am bound to sell. D. Bl EM ANN. P, S. My Bar is stocked with tho choices! Wines and Liquors, and is opon at all propel time*. - D. B. Wnlhallo. April 20, 1800 _ 30 tf BANK OF STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CUAKI.KSTON. Febi nary 15, 1801; T?MIl? LEGISLATURE having, nt its last JL session, authorized the issue of Bonds tc the amount of $075,000, bearing nn interest ol 7 per cent., fo<- the purpose of providing thc funds required tn sustain thc State in thanet ol resuming her rights of Sovereignty, this Bans is now prepared to dispose of tho Ih.nds. They ure issued in studs of $50, $100, and $150. Ari opportunity is thus afforded every citizen tc make a secure and profitable investment, while contributing nid to the causo in which tho State is engaged. With tho view of cnnblingcitizens in any part of tho State to share in the loan, tho Clerics of the Courts of thc several Distriett have boon requested Jo opon Hooks of Subscrip tion for thc Stock. Suitable arrangements will bo mada for furnishing bonds on the receipt oi the money, nt nn early dav after each subscrip tion has been mndo. Engagements for thc purchase of Bonds may bc made nt the Bank, ;>r nt any of its branches. It is probable that, nt tho next session of tho Legislature, those parties who desire it may havo havo their Bond? lion verted into Stock. C. M. FURMAN. Prcsidont. February 28. 1801 30 tf IUEI>1?AI/ C A11D. DR. G. H. SY-MMES having complotod hit Collegiate course, ?fters his Profcssionn services to his friends and thc public generally Will bo prompt in his attention to his patrons His office will bo fouud with Dr, M. L. Sinnn in tho brick building adjoining Store of lato E, B. Benson & Son. Pendleton, May li!, 1F?0 41 tf AT 1 Pendleton, S. C. rpI?E SUBSCRIBER, who has hod sevorn I years experience in Hotel business, (hov ing been solo proprietor of tho Williainstor Springs lintel for nine years.) is now propriotm [(f the BLUE RIDGE'IIOUSE. where ho will bc glad to f.co all his old friends and patron* und also the travelling public. His houso will bo provided with everything necessary for n well-kept house, both from the sen boord markets und surrounding country, and his Bar With ?dmico Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Ile hoi good sor vant Sj and every attention will bo paid to his guests to render moir sojourn agreeable Tho good society of Pondloton Village-tho pro rerbial good health of its inhabitants-its fine jool water and bracing atmosphere-its prox imity to tho mountains and its accessibility div Railroad, all contributo to moko it one of thc liest sumtnor resorts in tho upper country. Por jons arriving boro on tho cars, and wishing tr ?sit tho mountains or any other point of thc surrounding country, can bo accommodated witli ??omi conveyances and enreful drivers from thc Livery Stable kept hero. J. W. COBB.. May 15,1800 42 tf THE sfATK OF SOUTH CAROLINA, PICK KN S-IN EQUITY. 5. W. Rankin, Assignco, ) v*. \ Pet. for Relief, &c, 0. F. Holland and others. ) IT appearing to ?he.Court that B.F. Holland, Christopher Kirksoy, Jared E. F. Kirksey, Isiah M. Kirksoy, Mary L. M. Kirksoy, reside without this State : On motion of Harrison & Pallium, Pro. Pot., it is ordered, that tho said ibsent defondants do a),pen.-, plead, answer ot lemur, to tho petition filed in this oaso, within thrco months from tho publication herauf, oi i heil- consent to the saule will ho taken pro con fesso as to thom. ROBT. A. THOMPSON, CE.v.n. jOomm'rs_0meo. March 23, 1801. 3m Nfol icc. A LL porsons indebted to the estate of Ni XlL thuniol Lynch, senior, do?cnsod, mus make payment, and nil these having demand; against said estate aro required to present then nttcftted aooordrng to law. O. M. LYNCH,"1 N. LYNCH, [ A(iM,rM B. 8. LYNCH, \ Mm r** I , H. LYNCH, March 19, 18Q1. 33 ?lob Printing frCA?tr DONE AT TI'. K COO El Kit OF?1C?. JOS. J. NORTON, ATT O tl Ni: Y AT E.A*W> ANp Solicitor lu Equity. PICKEN? COU UT HO?8E, 8. 0 Jan. h 1858_ ? 25 tf A. FISCHESSER, T Watchmaker anani Jeweller. WALHALLA, & C., HAS received nt lu's stand on Main-street, o> laroo ivnd beautiful assortment of watches aiid Jewelry, Which is offorod very low to his friends abd the trading public REPAIRING, in all Rebranches, done in , a most workmanlike manner, and with do BpOjteh. All work warranted. dune 22.J_860_ _f . H. FAJEN, AT WALHALLA, S . C ? , IS now receiving a splendid assortment DRY GOODS, For Ladies and Gentleman's Wear, -ALBO*** Keaf WM. C. KEITH, A T T 0RN K Y AT LAW, Vlf ILL attend promptly to nil business entrusted lt to birt care in tho Districts comprising the Western Circuit. Oflicc ot IMckcns C. II. .Peo'6,1850_20_ tf THE STATE OF SOUTH CAIWLI??, 1MCKK.VS-IN ORDINARY, Robert Kirksey, Adnt'iy \ vs. ' j Tet. for settlement. Win. Kirksey, ct. als. J IT nppeiirjne to niy.satisfnction thnt Dnvid Cawin nnd wjfa Nancy, Isaiah M. Kirksey,. Jared E. p. Kirksoy, Ajar* L. M. 1'. Kirksey, Christopher Kirksey, Catharine Halium, sud B. F. Holland and wife Penelope, defendants in this case, resido with out thc limits of this State: It is ordered, there fore, that these Bcverul absent parties do nppcnr in tho Court of Ordinary, to bc holden at Picketts C. H, on Friday tho 3d day of May next, toehew cause, if any I bey can, why n fmnl sett lenient of the Ks*.ate of William Kirksey, senior, deceased, (ns to his distributive share in the Estate of Silas Kirksey, deceased,) ehould not bo made, and a decree pronounced thereon. W. E. HOLCOMBE, o.r-.o. Ordinary's Office, .Inn. 30, 1861 8m. Slate ol'South Carolina. IN ORDINARY-PICK ENS. . Wm. Hunter, Adm'r, "| vs. [Pet. for Settlement.. J. M. Owens and others. J IT appearing to my satisfaction that J. M. Owens and wife Permelia. A., Oliattn Ar- . cher and Eugenia Archer, defendants in this cr.so, reside without the limits of this State: lt is ordered, therefore, that, the said absent de fendants to appear in thc Court of Ordinary, ab Picken? C. IL, on Monday the first day of July next, to shew cause, if any they can, why a finn! settlement of the ostnto of Andrew II. Ar cher, deceased, should not bo made et that time, and a decree had thereon. W. E. HOLCOMBE, o.r.n. March 23. 1861, . 33' "*. 3m Slate ol'South Carolina, IN EQUITY-1MCKENS. Elizabeth Evatt, ] v. \ Amended Bill for Parti J. S. F. Evatt, et. ol. J tion, &o. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Addison Boggs nnd wifo Sarah, defendants in thia case, reside without the limits of this Stnto : On motion of Harrison & Pulliaui, Comp": Sol., it is ordered, therefore, that tho said d?fendants do nppcnr in this Court, plead, answer or demur tu tho amended bill in this caso, within threo months from tho publication hereof, or nit order pro ecnfcsaa will be taken against them. ROBT, A. THOMPSON, C.E.r.n. Comm'rs Office, March 23? 18?l. 3m Law Notice. 'Pilli undersigned have formed a partnership in 1 the practice of Law and Equity fm Picken8 District. Mr. IIADDKN may bo consulted at his office in IMckcns um! Mr. Olia nt Anderdon. J AMES L. ORB. W. M. HAD?KN. Piokens C. IL, May 10, 1850 ... 41Mf. THE STATE Ol? SOUTH CAROLINA, I'ICKENS->IN EQUITY. Wm. Hcnibrco V vs \ Petiliot?fot Reli|tf, ?o G. W. Baldwin. ) ' ? IT appearing to my satisfaction that O. W. Bald win, the defendant in this cose, resides without tho limit? of this fctafe ; on potion of Hoed and Brown,'Pro. Pe? c.^jred, "that ho'do appear and pload,' nnS',\v< ci ilnimi ?ii l?m jn.?i??mi in ItlIO CBBl-, within Hirco month* from t hie del?, or tho samo will be takoa against him pvoconfes?o. ROft'T. A. THOMPSON, o.s.i-.u. March 0,1861 -fit ' 8m Tho fiftate'Of 8o?th Cathina, rrcKKm-DISTRICT; R - ILUOYMbCOY, wifo of. Re* WeOoyv of * Pickofl!rDietrict,Tiet-eby gWetfuettorOOrat, Upon tho expiration of'thn legal length of time, I wtll Irade and act ns a free .d?aW rn? "?jfemrte covert;0 and publienot'tc? is hereby fclven RQ. oOrdingly.. My eeo^atio? ls? iMni jrVrmcr and Seamstress. . LUOY ^COY. j Maren f#\ mu. .33 ?. , %