Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, October 22, 1859, Image 2

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KKOWKK cW'MjE KOB'T. A. THOMPSON. Editor. * por :inniutj, in ilvunco. If ; piyiurnt ho tloluvcJ until uftor tlioexpiriUion of i!i<> yu ir, 5J.00 For six month.*, 76 cents, in j h u'Wunco. } , A I vortlsi?nipnt.? in serf od .it the usual rule*. _ 1 ti PICk'K.VS C. II., S. c.: h Hi 8atnrday Morning, Ootober 22,1859. e< ? Ih The Court at Anderson- j r, T'io ontiro week was consumed ut Andor- j |, s >n. ;in i bu-Mnois o minuted to tlio next term. | ^ We wore enlle 1 there n.s a ivihi?an .ln>-Sn? I . - ?- - - F\ j II tho lattor part of tho week, and consequent- i s, lv were unable to give tho usual attention to i j, the Inst number of this paper. There was n > caso ponding or decided of : p any great importance, except that of Hons- ai jki, vk John Wilson: which was decided in j (| favor of tlio defendant. The contest was | ^ over a pfitont loom.or the consideration which j p the first named party gave tho latter for tlio : [] article in question. i s; The grand jury was dismissed late Thorn- ' ^ day afternoon, after finding about seventy" j five "true bills"! Ono of tho jurymen in- ['? formed us that Uicmi bills embraced nearly ! 0 evory species of crime, not capital, including a " speck of war" on the borders of Hurl and the district aforesaid ! jj Jii tlie Sfi.-issmss, a lady had been indicted : a* a "common scold," an offence under the j n] Knglisli cuninon law. made of force in this State. The J udgo. jn leg vl parlance, fl'/'vA';'/ ^ the indictment; thus settling the question in the Circuit court. Wo tlo not presume that j the State insists nn an appeal. j ^ Wo lodge 1 e .nnfortably, pleasantly, find j cheaply, at tho "Benson Hmso," well kept | by Mr. L vnoston. the obliging proprietor. j Wo had the pleasure of mooting Col. Ash- ' 18 niitf.. the member of Congress clcet. lie j 11 lias boon fullering from an attack of bilious i ^ fovcr. but was able to be out a few hours during the day. It provented his mingling with > his friends in Pickens this week, lb will be } f gratifying to his friends to learn that, during 1 1 a recont visit to Spartanburg and Union, he 1 c found the asperities engendered by the re- ;11 cent canvass wearing away. Tho ' sober N second thought" was prevailing, which was ! <1 ling ample justice to the ability and merit ! of our next Congressman. In a few weeks i u Col. Amimokk will fake hin soat in Congress, I t where we predict for him the full measure of j c success and a widely extended reputation. j t Anderson, as we have before remarked, i* ; s n beautiful town. The terminus of the Green- j * villo and Columbia. Blue Ridge and Air-Line j l1 railroad* give it prominence, and, when the j two latter arc completed, must bring her a J triulo, which cannot fail to mill greatly to tlic ^ wealth and importance of tho place. Now, u u largo *ratle is curried on there with tlio ^ stations of country around and north-west of tho town. Her schools and churches are on a scale reflecting credit on thoso coucorncd in their -.Management. ? The Fair- t Tlio Pickens Agricultural Society meets on Thursday, the 27th instant. Mr. Z. C. ! ^ Pri.i.i\m will deliver the anniversary address i (| The fair coinos ofF on Friday. Tho fair at Walhalla is appointed for tho [ v xiin oi iNovembcr next. Death of Mr. Jones. We are pained to nnuoiince tbo death of j Mr. J \ uk/ Junks, an aged and highly csteom- ; J' ed citi/.on of this district. lie died on the j " l">th iustunt, aged about ninety .years. i "* " ~ | i i Court at Pickens- , j The Court of General {Sessions nnd Common ; ^ l'leas, for I'ickcns district, convened at this ; place on Monday last. Judge Mi'Niio presided ! vvith nvuked courtesy and kindnesa to the bar ) Ij and officers of the Court. The proceedings of c tlie meeting, held by tlio members of the l>??r ' and the officers of the Court. i? a merited com- j pliment to the presiding Judge, and we respect- : t fully ask for them attentive consideration. : Tiic business of the term is much lighter than j usual ; so much so, that the Court adjourned s on Wednesday morning. The petit jurors were !l discharged before the grand jury, an unusual H occurrence. The presentments of the grand . ( jury, with kindred matters, will appear more at , f( length next week. | t Tlio bar, from other districts, was well rep- fl resented. The attendance by our citizens on : n Monday, notwithstanding the disagreeable char- j ncter of the <lay, was the largest wo have seen ; for several terms. | ^ Interesting Matters- 1 ft The public is invited to an inspection of the stock of Goods for sale, in this place, by Messrs. a Z. W. Qhben & Co. at low prices To the r aalo of the personal estate of Jam kg T. Fkroihun, deceased, by his administrators To the { valuable property offered by Capt. It. F. Mor- b ?as, for cash-?To the notice, ordering an & election for Ordinary The election will be for " M i . - ... * II tour years, unci noi ?or mo unexpired term o! j the late incumbent T<> tho notices of I>r. ~ Rhktt To the announcement that Joiim M. t Alkxandkii & Co. arc selling out and winding 8 tip; and to various other advertisements in our c chimin this week, interesting and important in ^ t.lieir degree. Head tlio advertisements. Nbws, Domestic and Voukion.?Judge J. H. f O'Nr\li. lias in press a new work, entitled the c " Bench ftn'l Har of South Carolina." It will J contain five hundred pages Mexico is Htill 7 in u revolutionary condition, oil parties prepar- ' ing a final struggle??The elections in Iowa, c, Ohio and Pennsylvania have terminated in fa- . vor of the black repuldioiins, with large demo- J uralio gain* in the latior Hlnte An nnrlrnl 41 from Europe brings inioHlgeitce that cotton has 11 Ucdinod in Jdvorpool. The political news is 'I unimportant. There is nn armed banditti near Brownsville, on the Rio Grnndo. committing outrageous depradntions TheCamanehe fi Indians aro preparing to attack Texas this win- Jj ter- The filibusters, lieaded by Oen. Wai.kkr and numbering about two hundred, have fcoen arretted near New Orleau*. Tliey were S Vvtto^ Ui iiicwe^ua | a Pendleton. It is (? source of real plcasuro to viwit this | iw?, around which so many pleasant mom- ' ries linger. Its precincts nro rendered al- j ?o.?t snored by the foot-prints of Cai.iioun, IIEVKS, tho Ill'tiCitS. PlNOKNEYS, ami others 1 iph in place and the iiflbctions of tlic coin- v utility. These, with the unalterable inutiv- ' (iiih of time, have passed away ; their places j n L?in?5 filled by men of character and sub- ; anee from other points. Those and other C inscs combine. in keeping with her former p istory. to produce f>r Pendleton a fame and J imputation enjoyed by but few places. The j, ipli moral tone of the community, the socia- j ilitv yf her citizens, and the associations of j ^ ie past, make tho society of Pendleton much j night after, and always appreciated by the j 1 itclligcnt and refined. With a social position inferior to none, tho ' ail road is imparting vigor and strength to j 11 increased trade, ind spirit and energy to ^ ie man of business. The improvement in . uilding, with other evidence of progress, is roof positive on this point. Tlio .Masonic Lull is a two story brick building, of pood N i?,e. The. first story is occupied by Messrs. I \ntii & IIovky, whose stock of di:y goods is ^ jst from New York, fresh, line and fashion- j ft ble. After reading their advertisement in j ?,.i ? ?i - - -j-? ..., !JI1V I I I * r I I I 11 IIIUI. I y( Mr. SnwKUN is also completing :i comlodions brick building for business purposes. ; tJ( . F. Si.oan, Ks(|.. lias commenced a similar tj uilding for like uses. A spirit of improvelent in the vicinity is likewise manifested. | (>| hjeh is highly commendable, find affects the ! ublio weal advantageously. j ^ Personal. ! \ Col. Orr has been with us for several days 1 j, uring this week, pursuing the practieo of q ic law with the industry and ability which istinguisbed him in the political worhl. He i t in the enjoyment of good health, with his j sual warm grasp of the hand and kindly ' root in" extended. I ? . . i ( Mnj. Goodi.ett. of tlic Patriot, and Mr. 'kice, <>f the Enterprise, culled on us. Wc " egret that our time was too much occupied j ? t> enjoy loop their company. If appoarnn- j 11 oh indicate nnj'thing, these gentlemen <h> | lot live on promises. They have our best , ^ rishes for their succors in life. 1 Sheep RaisingA notice in the Spartanburg pnperfl inform ? is that a public meeting lias been called there, j I n secure " legislative action to protect and 1 neourogo the raising of sheep." Our dis j r rict is peculiarly well adapted to sheep and j o took raising, and it behooves the citizen to ! ako such notion as tends to this end, and the J i irotection of his property. | 1 The Commencement Exercises j 1 Of tho Masonic Female College, at Cokos- j 1 mry, commences on the 2ot!i instant, contin- j 1 ling for three days. The trustees have our J hanks for the invitation extended tons. j 1 Death <u Mr. Mason. The country will receive with profound re- | ' ;-ct the intelligence of the death of Mr. ' ' d.vsoN. the Minister of the United States, to i ^ >10 French court, lie died on the 3d inst.. ' if apoplexy. Mr. Mason was endowed ' vitli an intellect of a high order, and had tluU ? dvantages of education and tlio polish <.f| v lie best society r.f the two continents. lie | f van a native of Virginia. Exchanges. I d Tiie Charleston" Merctry.?This able . $ mrnal lias appeared in ncv typo throughout, j ^ laking quite ft handsome appearance. The ^ ferennj is now one of the tirst newspapers ** 1 tlie State. Long may it flourish. It. II. proprietor-*?for the daily, ton dol- ^ an ; tri-wcckly, live ?1->11urs. The Lady's Cook.?Tlie November num- i s icr of "Godey's Lady's Book" bus been rocivcd. Jj Good.?'The Now York Tribune, after deiloring the fate of Senator Brodoriek and i j lie uefent of the Black Republicans in the , Golden State," says : "California is henceforth a submissive i t atrapy of the Slave Power?as reliably f-o ,s Arkansas or Florida?more so than Misonri or Texas. 1 lor delegates at Charleston ( rill sustain any philform and any candidates j bat the Oligarchy may prescribe; and her j unr Klcctoral votes will he Riven for slave- ' 8 rador Lamar, or any other Union-bating ' a ire-cater, in case bo should sceuro the nomi- | lation." ^ ^ ^ Dr. A. O. Mackey.?We arc gratified to | ? hsorve in the Chicago correspondent of the J n 'harleston Courier, dated UOth Sept., the ' 0 allowing: jn "The Masonic confraternity arc jubilant, J nd are out serenading, cheering, and appaently in eentacy. Dr. Mackey, of Charloson, has jnst been elected, by an almost unan- ( inous vote, the G. G. Iligh Priest >f the Inited States. JIc adds another n . nntnn end roll of illustrious mon. I)o Witt Clin- I i>n, Livingston, Poinsett and Charles Gil- I nan are hip immediate predecessors, and the , iresont hen 1 of Archinaaonry will only relent honor on his high dig. ity. It is really ileanant to hear the cnoouiiums on our dis- ^ inguished fellow-citizen. Sooth Carolina is t uddenly popular, and has hcen toasted and heerod in a manner which to an outsider is ;ratifying, hut rather disturbing." r Charleston*?The Mercury of Thursday * tuhlishes the annual statement of the fiimn- J 0 cb of the eity. The expenditures for the j I -ear ending Aug. 31. 18.09, amounted ti> $1,- ( ^ losstnoonshon hnnd. $251,438.03. j r i'ho Assessor rot urns $5H7.452.4rt gross tax- ' s, dividedtis follows: Upper Wards $126.- | 50.37, and Lower Wjirds $400,795.11. The 1 ncreaso in the assossmont ovor thnt of 1858 I ^ t $1,403.57. Tlie Treasurer's a ;o"unt shown J 1 movement of $4,717,001.20, of which $251,38.03 is still on hand. | t Man kii.i.ud in learn ' t' roin tlto Knn.xville Wliiij that, on Saturday " m, a fight t>'ok place in that city between 1' ivo menynainod Strange and McLemar.? <' ItranjRe struck Mclicmar throe blows with ft t' lick. Mcl^mar 4ied the s?in? evening \ Pcnnings and Clippings. HfUflfoCS.?Itev. AV. IV Singleton will t r'cach at Pickens C. II. on tho first Sabbath it Nyv? at early candlo light. I'll each i .vo.?llov'd Augustus W. Walker ill prcftch nt Mt. Olivit Camp Ground near 'ickcnsville, on tlio socond sabbath in Nov. til o'clock A. M. The Market.?was quoted in 'harlenton, on tlio lotli, at 9} to 11J coma j er pound. Ciioi.eka.?The cholera is killing the bufla : >os on the western prairies by thousands. Death op Gen. Sam'l. Ckcikshank.?Tlio harloston Mrrcuri/ notices tlic Heath of this istingnished gentleman, at Baltimore, on ie Gth inst. Gen. 0. was a merchant in liarleston, ami had held many placos of j ust. both military and legislative, lie was j vice elected to tho Legislature of South i arolina, and there the same valuable quali cs were exhibited. The IIioiiest Peak.?Smoky Mountain, '. C'., proves to l>o the highest peak in the j nited States, instead of White Mountain, f. 11., as heretofore supposed. It is 0,700 ict high, whilo the latter is but 0,.300 feet. Enormous Yoke ok Catti.e.?-There is a uko of cattle in Hampton, N. II., weighing mie three tuns. Tho owner has declined a offer of $2,500 for them. A strong affee- I on exists between one of the animals and a #rn-yurd chicken. which is exhibited in eevrul way?, and markedly. Worth Four Mii.i,i>ns.?Don Estcban until Cruz ile Oveido, of Cuhu, who married lis* France* Amelia IJardett, at New York, j ist Thursday, is said to hn worth $4.000,. i 00. lie owns large sugar and eofieo plan- j ttionsin Cuba, am' * jgrocs without number. 1c is 05 and his briuC 19 years old'. Noveii Estkuxmse.?There is some talk f establishing a newspaper on board ilie ireut Eastern, not only for tho entertainicnt of the passengers, but also as u means f communicating instantly on hor arrival, 11 tho nows sho bring*. Increase.-?The now city directory of Pliildelplun shown n population of 580,000, nn norciisc of 201,*238 sirce 18,")G. A Ship Load of Co?i.ieh Burnt.?The Ship, Shnhjoelianpore, bound to the Wet lulion with coolic^, was burnt at sea July st. The crew, sixty-four in number, were | escued, but nil the coolies, to the number f 300 souls, perished. Sii"t.?On Friday night, jieut. Mifli^un, L*. S. H. f?.. in Norfolk, while tandliug 11 revolver, was accidctihillv shut in ho l<r('t hand. Tho wound, though very | tainful, will probably result in no purmancnt njury to the hand. TJi.ue Hi due Road.?Many citizens of Mgofield request a mooting on saleday in <Juveniber, to ascertain the sentiment <.f the" )isirit:l in rofereneo to a further nppropriaion for the coinpletiou of tho Bulo Uidge luilroad. Rutin Animai.s.?Tito ITarridburg (I'a) '"ition says that a rabid dog io that town, on Saturday, bit two hogs and a cat. The cat vent mad on Sunday, and fir some tiino bn' ore it died barked esue'ly like a dog. Impokis or New Y u<k.?The import* of | utiable merchandize into tho port of New ' fork l ut in uith. were $17.301,0.jf) against ! 15,447.017 for tho samo month of ISjS.? 'ho exports were $14,037,41)7, of which $8.* I Gii.GSl wore specie. The revenue fr uncus* i >m* whs $2,003,500 against $2,008,0o5 last j oar. Punishment for Gamino.?At Columbia, io irgp Patton, convicted of gaming, hn? boon onteneod to one year and ton months' iui>risonment, and ono thousand six hundred lollars fine. A Go>d Wheat Crop.?It is stated that fohn Brown, of Wheatland. Monroe couuiy. >roducod this year, 1.400 bushels of good vdieat from 03 acres, averaging 33 bushels to he aero. The Sei.f-Kumnu Envelopes.?The Post )ftieo Departmont has filled orders for tlirce . iiindred thousand of the new self-ruling ! tamped envelopes. They are now for pale t the principal post-nftlees of the Union. Pkosressino.?One hundred and sixtyiglit miles of the Pacific Railroad in Misonri have been coinpletod, at an aggregate utlay of nearly $12,000,000. There aro yet ne hundred and fourteen miles to build, in rder to cotnpleto tho road to Kansas City, 'his'm to cost $7,0iM),000 moro. Let the Discnionists Bewars.?Tom Jorwin said in his Fourth of July speech at )>A Tinni.<..r?. n J .' ?? ' ..|.|.vu?nus vuiuv II DIIHU, 11 1 wore Ompcror, the tonguo of a disunionlst should jo torn out and his dry bones made to rattle n the wind." But Tom is not Emperor. Earthquakes.?Thore were two distinct hock.- of earthquakes in San Francisco on ho Oth, nnd another on the 10th. Heavy Damages.?A broach of promise of narriage in California is a serious affair. A >ad fellow, named Nicholas Matthewson. reently neglected to consummate his oft-reicatcd rows to Elizabeth Ilildcrbrand, and I diss Elizabeth demands $20,000 froin the laughty Nicholas, as a salvo for her lafcera6d heart. The Disaorkeadi.e Famii.v.-?A Mr. Hut* in? recently been marri*<l in Chicago, to >li*? Ciitlmrine Wroth. Tiik Jenninor E?tate.?The members of ho b-nnehof the Jonningn family who claim o bo heirs to tlio $10,000,000 now nwuiting . claimant in England, asHembled at ChnrjttONville, Vn., Wednesday, to tho number f fificon. No definito notion was taken, hough the sending of an ngont to Europe is ifilicvod to bo rocolrct) oy< ^ A Sad C vtastkopii r?Tiiukk Brothers Dkovtnid.?A despatch from Portland say? thlit three young mon, sons of Mr. William Wyiuan, of Belgrade. Maine, wore drowned on Saturday nftornoon last, in a pond in that town, by upsetting of n boat. Bibi.k Promises.?They aro like the beams of the nun. which shine as freoly in at the window of a poor man's cottage as the rich man's palaco. "One ot- tiie " Uhkkn Mountain Buys." ?'A"a M. Wyman, a revolutionary veteran, is still living in Wyndhnin county, Vermont, at the extraordinary age of IOC years. Ilia mental 1'aeolties still pound. Union ok tiik Opposition.?The Richmond Whig is still clamoring for n union of the Opposition in 1800. It tells the Northern black republicans to let Seward slide and c one down on the Virginia platform. A Union Opposition National Convention will meet at Richmond in December. Georgia.?The Augusta Conxlitntionulixt publishes returns from 1 !"> counties, which give Brown a minority for Governor of 17,408 votes. Am. for j.ove.-?A negro man, slave of Levin Benton, E<q., of Sharpsburg, Maryland. hung himself on an apple troe, on Tuesday. Cause?unrequited love. New Tk i. ecu a i-ri.?The following slanderous paragraph goes unrebuked : A wag hiin invented a new telegraph. lie proposes to place a line of women fifty steps apart, and commit the news to the first of them as a secret. Bknnbtt on ]<K(-ti;iung.?Tlio Li ternrv j Assoeintion <>f IViuceton, X. .1., has olio red | Mr. James Gordon B<>nnett $100 for a loo- J tare. Ho refuses, saying that the time is ; worth ?;>,000 to him, ami that lecturing is | the husinortHof nono but literary loatcrti. What Draws.?A line woman, soystht?] Now York I'out, like a loooinotivo, draws a j train after her, scatters the sparks and trans- j p irts the mails. CoNVtcTRt).? Dr. Rutland has been con- I vieted nt Clarksville, Tonn., of killing his wife, ami sentenced to three ye am in the Suite prison. PiiEsn vteri an ism A ova vcixfi.?Presbytevinnisin is r?|?i?11 y advancing jn North Onto- ' linn. Tlioro iive now lo.O.j.'J Presbyterians I in the State ; being tin increase of over three 1 thousand in three years. Tin: Farmer.?What a word for the Amor-i lean miml to dwell upon. and, wo may ml.I, ! with anxiety too, ?1<? we look at the flirmcr in liis avocation. Wo behold the home* of the re 1 man pausing mvay, where he roamed j through the I"tropin?first cast of tho Allodia- I nios, then west of the eastern slopes of the. ] Kioky M tuntrtins, nn?l, we may still add, west ' of those mountains, d > we behold the onward ; pr igrcssof the, farmer, felling the forests and tos-ing the soil up and over for the purpose j of sowing the various seed* or grain to he c iustimcd by man ntid beast, ami then, uftor thif comes the harvest?tho AmoViean farmer's harvest?what a harvest it will lie if we faint not. hut work wisely an?l judiciously. lb-other farmers, we may then sing with , the poet : ' I low hlest the farmer's simple life, How pure the joys it yields, Free from the world's tempestuous strifeFree 'mid the scented field*." Then, farmers, are we not tho foundation, the prop, the stay of all other pursuits. T,ic mcrchunt. tho mechanic, tho lawyer, &> .. must all depend upon tho farmer's effort* for life. Fellow farmeri, though anxious <mroH may somotimea overtake us, lot us not be discouraged, but porsevoro. and with tho early spring which is ,iu<t at hand. bo early in bringing nut of their winter's reeling place 1110 plow, harrow ant] hoes, and with a strong arm and a winning mind go forth with tho determination that we will each raise more corn, wheat ami oats, &e., for the year 1SGU than any previous year.? Tiik IJai/umoiu; Kuario.n.?The Baltimore paperostatc that tho election there Wcdnosd ?y, was the most peaceful for many years past, though the rowdies smashed tke ballot-box in tho 20th ward, ami prevented a large number of citizens from vorri.V. \r j-uu iMiivoi ? mvunuii programme was not strictly curried out, nor, according to tlic reform papers, did lie make proper efforts to wee that it was. The reformers elected 8 couucilmeti, and the Americans 12. In 10 wards, the vote stood: Americans 1),0*? 1 ; Reformers. 7,70(i.? The neforni papora speak hopefully of the future. - um - Duki.MNO.?At the funeral ceremonies of Senator B rode rick, an oration was delivered by Col. E. IX Baker, in which is contained the following paragraph on duelling : One yoar ago I performed a duty, such as I perform to-day, over the remains of Senator Ferguson, who died as llroderiok uica, tangiea in the meshes of the code of honor. To-day there is another and more eminent sacrifice. To-day I renew my protest ; To-day I utter yours. The code of honor is a delusion and a snare ; it. palters with the hope of a true courage and binds it at the feet of crafty and cruel ? 11 surrounds its victim with the pomp and crraeo of the procession, but leaves him bleeding on the alter. It substitutes cold and delicate preparations for courageous anil manly impulse, and arms tho one to disarm tho other j it may prevent fraud between practiced duelists who should bo r...~ ~:*i?* - ?- ? .u.cYur w it nun 1/ IVH paio, out It inilKOH JIlO mere "trick of the weapon" superior to th?5 noblest cause and the truest courage.?Its pretence of equality is a lie?it is equal in all the form, it is unjust in all the substance?tho habitude of urins, tho earthly training, the frontier life, tho border war, clie acctumsil custom, the life of loisuro, nil these aro advantages which no negotiation can neutralize, and which no cuurago can overcome. WIIRN the nca ia crossed, the saiut is gooorully forgotten. Hk whose window* ure glass tdiouldnov- j i* t*a*w a^aq t. | I ?DMMiWAYJO-m. Meeting of the B*r and Officer* of the Court at Pickens C H 8 C. On motion of W. J. (Iantt lm, Col. On ix was culled to the chair, aud Z. (J. PuL? ' i.iam requested to act as Secretary. On motion, a eoininittcc of appointed by the chair to draft suitable preI amble and resolutions, expressive of the I feelings of thcBarand officers of the Court, ! for the wry kind and courteous manner in which his Honor Judge Munko, presided i during the term. The committee hnving retired returned 1 and proposed the following preamble and 1 resolutions which were unanimously adoptI cd. Wherras, we recognize flmiuops, cnufti nimity, patience, courtesy and uniinpnssion! cd investigation as invaluable (juiilitios in a judicial magistrate, and these qualities having been exhibited in n high degree by .Judge Ml"Nlio at the present term of tlu> Court, we take pleasure in f. iv ug cxpress! ion to our opinions on the subject in the I C.iia...: _ I...: i iuiumtiii^ lu-'hjiuuuiis I lit\s<>!vttl, That liis honor, Jiultso Mun1 no. nt the present term of the Court has j oxliibitcl in his oiTicin) cliavfcter the cour; toons pontic.nnh, tlio firm unflinching mugI istrate, and the able and discriminating jurist. fir.ioh'*?, That a copy of those proeoedi iriL's be fonvanh dhv the secretary to.I u-Iirc i .minho, and that they be published in the | fCdoirrc Courier. .T. ij. our, Ohm'n. Z. C. Reo'ty. Railroad Meeting. moiuiantox. i'annin co., ga. September 10, 18.">si. Pur? to puhlio notice a 1 ir^e portion t?? mix. UIM/.CH3 \j\ tins CUUlllJ, Uh'HIMll DICU at tlio Court House. On motion, Col. William A. Campbell was culled to tin: Chair,and 1'. 1). Claiborne, Esq., was requested to net as .Secretary. The meeting being or/mixed, T. 11. Trannielo presented the following preamble and resolutions. Wo, a portion of the people of North Kast Georgia, feeling from our isolated position our groat need of ltiilro id facilities, and having assembled for the purpose of devising means to forward the const ruction of the Uiwassec lluilroad, unanimously adopt tlio following resolutions., viz; 1st . Iinsnfved, That the liiwassce llailroad charter, together with tlio charter from the Duck Town Copper Mines to Cleveland Tennessee, (a distance not exceeding one hundred miles,) from the nearest and most practic tide lino of connection between the ( Jroat Valley of the Mississippi and Charleston, South Carolina, (Chis be ina; nearer than any other lino of Roads, which is, or can be built by from lo5 to i .>;/ in no?.) 2nd. lituolvwl, Thnt nature having provided this route bv causing, ns it were, the lofty mountains to bow to our necessities, evidently directing us to tbu great connection referred to above, we would prove recreant to the duties which we owe.our.spl ve.s and our descendants, should we longer remain inactive on the subject, and unworthy those 11 ulroad facilities which the be. niiieence of nature has placed within the reach of our energies and our capital, j 3rd. ]{r*olrnls Therefore, that we pledge ourselves to use all available means for the 'construction of the lliwassec Railroad, and that capitalists bo invited to investi| gate and compare distances by this and [other Koads, cither completed or contcm! plated. I til, Tl,n. ~~.i . ^i, i nut imii him t | Representative to the General Assembly i 1)0 instructed to cooperate with the friends I of the State aid upon eqnihible principles, i ind that they uso their best efforts to obtain State hid to this or nny other road i penetrating this section of the State. 5th. R.'iolvrily That the Secretary ol this meeting forward a copy of the above resolutions to the Clarkcsville ' fi iurensville Herald, arid Keowoe Courierj : with the request to publish the name. On motion the meeting adjourned aim I (lie. Wm. A. C.vMi'iiKt.r,, Chm'n. IV 1>. Ci.aihounk, See'ty. Mahiiiko, on 1<>tli inst., by Rev. J. I,. Kennedy, l'. 1>. CeuBToN, M. 1).. of Urecnville. t< I Mis* Janb (J., cMest dnuuhtev of Mr. Lemu? Hamilton, of Pickens. On t)io 5th instant, by Rev. ff. 11. Singleton Dr. William T. Fiki.i>, of Piekons, to Miss E, Jknsik Hlassingamk, of Anderson. On the Ath instant, by llev. J. L. fiiradeau Mr. J. J. Lkwis, of l'onrlleton, to Miss Caho link Q.t daughter of tho late Jor$miah Diokin son. ~ OBBTMABIV. Dii:d, in Cherokee County, U?., on tHo 2Gtl Aug. 186'J, Fiianoks Caroi.inr, daughter o Nathan W. and Martha A, Elliott, aged thr?< years, eight months, and twenty-one days. Dikd, in Oheroki'o Co. Oa. on the 10th, Inst Ororok Washington, son of John and Angcli na Carrot t, aged one year, six months ami tweii ly throe days. Their limbs are cold, laid in i'ne grave, Their prattle hushed below, Their souls (6 Heaven has past their way, Where children all will go. We should not weep for children dear, Or longer wish thorn stay, For God who gives is always near, To hear them on their way. O. W. TT. STATE OF SOUTH OA 110UNA, la Orillimry-r-l'lckciiM. W. 1i. Childera ) vs. > Sum. in Part. Abram Clilldcrs. j IT appearing to my ttuiisftietion that Abvan Cliildors. ono of Uio defendants in this coxo resides out of tho liinitM <>f ?!?!? 8 ordered ihntjiodo npponr, either poraonuUv o | by attorney, in ilio Court of Ordinary, nl Pick I etii 0. I!., on Monlay I lie 10th day of Dcvom herntxt, toohject to the dlnTlfrion oi-Hftlo of t'i< i Real Katnteof John CNifdtora, deceased, or hii consent thoroto will ho entered of reeotd. Vf. J. PARHONH, O.r.p, Ordluary's Office, 12, I I.AiilivS' STORE ! I'FXH^KTOX, fi. C, WE '"ko F,'0ttf'ur0 lujjttounoing to ' ? T onr custoniors and tho trade goner* ally, tliut wo tiro now properly established , in our nevp mid elegant Storeroom. Onr ' stock is complete. We will he pleased at ' u'lv timo to show all who may favor 09 with n call through one of the I argot-1 and most beautiful selections of j Staplo and Fancy Dry Goods Kvorultbred in the up country. Wo especial' iy invito the attention id' the Ladies to our stuck. Having spared no pains in their department, wo feel assured that we can show n-< complete and t:SsTv .?elootion *?f I.A DUOS' FANCY GOODS | As can l>o seen anywhere outside of a city. 1 ''nil not to give us a mil when you visit our 1 piaee. as we charge nothing for showing \ Goods. SMITH & IIOYKY. < o.-t. is. 1830 |:t_ if m it ? .... nvnni ?i i TTTILL l.o paid for proof to conviction of V T miv ie^pohsihle white person or porI sons listvii*?i either driven ?dV <>r killed my two i Durham Hoi fere. One Heifer i? white, with ' ruau head. horns ahoiit three inches long, j tu rno.l hack at the point*, about iv yearold, hut ! I urge fur that age. 'J'iio other, two months I ohlor, somewhat larger, ronn color, with re<i | riii^s round tin* eve*. and red spots on body J and legs, samo kindof horn*. Bomewhnt longer ?the ears of Iv'ith unmarked. Tho smaller Heifer had on rt sheep-boll when lost. They are of splendid blond. and show i*. Apply to 15 KX JAM IN nilETT. llounty Land 1*. 0. O-i. 10. 1S")0 K5" 'f Lumber for Salo. j f p 11K Subscriber has his Mill constantly i J[ running?will ntu.nd promptly lo ifi'deri* : for lumher. and haul at the usual rates. HENJAMIN 1UIETT. Out. 10. IH.)0 W tf ELECTION NOTICE. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, rjOKF.N* UlfTUtOT. Office Court of General Sessions ami Common I'lctt*. IJ. K. IIAQOOD. Olork of *nid Court. in m, in pursuance <>f the direction of tho Act d' tho Legislature, in sach oust made and provided. do hereby >:ive public notioc that. | tin Election for ORLMNAKY, for l'token* i district. ' HI Im held on Monday the 28ih diiy of November next, nt the tnunil places of Election throughout tho said district. Witness niv hand at 1'ickom C. II., thin 20tli dnv of October, A. I>. I85fl. F. B. IIAOOQD. c.c.s. *c.r. O?t. 20. ISoO i:j td VALUABLE PKOPEllTY FilK SALE. ; rpUR 3URSCRIUKK -.(Tors f..r nolo I ho JL following valuable property, namely : One Negro WOMAN and HOV. Our ilouxe avkI l"t io the village of l'tckcns. known iin tlie llama Hotel. .'50.'{ Aoros of Land m ire nr less, lying o.n tho III no Itid;fo Railroad, adjoining land? of J. O. L win mid other*. r>0 Aoros nmro <>r lee*, adjoining lanrl? nf John It. M. t'lintton. G. A. Taylor n'nd others. Acres more or lens, near the village of ! Pl. knns :n 1 i. >i i\iiiir Mrs K pi I li 11 ml nllim c i 334 Aero* more or lo-"?, on waters of Milo j Crock, adjoining lands of James Steele, John i l)>d*on and others. 120 Acres more or loss, on waters of Twolvo I Mile river, adjoining lands uf Jacob llorI oojfliK, J. Ellis and others. j 211 Acres more or 1??h. on Prnthcr's creek, adjoining lands of Jacob Boroughs and others ; The above proporly mnv be treated for at j private -ale. until Suleday in November next, i when, if not previously disposed of, it will bo sold nt auction to the highest bidder.? Term*, can/i. 11. T. MORG AN. __()ot. 20. 1839 1.1 3 Estato TVotico. | i FINAL settlement of the Kstate of J. B. ! Southerland. deceased, will be made before j the Ordinary, nt Pk'kens C. II.. on Monday the i ;Kith day ot' January next. Persons indohtcd i j to said Lstute must pay up before that time, j and those having demands should present them : to us proporlv attested before that day. J. 11. BOUTHK1U.AND. ) " . J. K. SOUTllEllLAND, f Aamr Oct. 10. 18.ri!> ia Rm Notico. PKRSOKS having demands against tho lv*bite of .James T. Ferguson. deeonsed, 1 must render them t? us loyally attested ; and all tln>8o indebted to said Estate are re^ucst' ed to nir.ko payment promptly. J. I). FERGUSON, ) . , . E. A. FE1M3US0N,) * jOet. 13. 18f>0 _I3 f> rS'olict*. VI,L persons indebted to tl?? the Kutnto of Joshua Co*, doceascd. nitut make payment . forthwith ; and those having demands against > said Km ate aro requlredto redder them properly I attested bot'ore the 3(>th day of -January, 18tiU. J. II. llLNNICUTT, ) . . , Z. 11. COX. ] Adm " '. Oct. 19, 1850 13 4 Notice. rPMK undersigned given public noticc that- ho 1 is now, and has been for years, ready to puy - over llio distributive share of Reuben Mitchell in the Kstate of Win. Mcl>?*r, deceased. Notice in given, therefore, to the said llcuben Mitchcll to come forward and receive his said. distributive share, as I will no longer be responsible for-. , interest uu the miuic. f ?. W. MoDOW, Adm'r. , Oct. 17, iar.0 18 8nt, Koticc. I DO hereby forewarn all persons, from Lrndin^ for a Note, under seal, given hj njyuelf. amk made payable to Leonard Mooety, <?- bearer. for forty-four dollars and twenty codated 11th April, aiul duo mj, kho 2&th fyy otf December next The consideration for wJbiuh said Note was (riven bo? failed. si*d I do not intend U> pay '.no same uuW*coju(H;Mtd by law. U. W. HALDWm. Oct. in, iar?ft ia 4 police, ] 4 LI. persons ?re hereby forwamod not ta I 1\ tratle with or t?wi n?v ?! f~. t ?i?> 11 - - nuv tiuviiiun imr* rev, mid her child Knruh J., on my Recount, a? will not Ito roppenslhlo tor their debts. My wifo let! u\y bed and board without just cauao or provocation. Vernon* harboring thcuo parlies will be dealt with a?4helnvr dirccth. ? IIKNttY T. HaM'KR. , 'Oet; 18,1M(| 18 8*. I Take Warning. T ITER KB Y forewarn nil portion* from liar" I X boring or trading with n\v wifo, Nancy 5 Chapman, an i-ho haa left my Iioupc without ? any just cause nr provoontlon. *nd I will not pnf any debt* of her contracting from and after Una data.