* '.'U M . L'-J'J- 'U'Il. -.-1 ' From (tie Souf/t Carolinian. A CONSTITUTIONAL PA LIT V. There are various indications in the po- i: lineal horizon that better limes arc at ' hand, and tnnt the government of the ' country mav yet be transferred to those i who have higher flints and holier purpo* ' sr.; than self advancement, or triumph of riM r .. : ' . i iiiiiiv> i in.- ui~jL>iiin?(iiuii ui ii genuine republican party is needed by the country, that the ici;-.s of power may for once be taken from mere traders in politics, whose | chief objects seems to be nothing greater | than the approbation of the spoils of office, j and to pursue a policy that will keep , them in power. What is it that, has made Free .S'oil the test of nolitical rectitude at i Ik- North I r * 7; Why is it that "coalitions' have become the ruling policy of both parties in that latitude? What, in short, has begotten that Rcctional excitement which threatens ? and wVi<:h will, if successful?eventu- , ally produce a disruption of the federal ; I nion ? The baseness and dishonesty of party politicians?the malicious envy of) Martin Van Bnren?first gave Free Soil that distinctive character as a political organization, which now pollutes both parties at the North. It was the uuright- \ eous promptings of ambition to grasp the Presidency ia 1852, that induced Benton and (Muvtn hliiwllv lln-mv IIhhiki.K-hi! ?? J ....... on the tut'bid waters of Abolitionism ;nnd , it is this unhallowed thirst for place and power which, wc feel assured, actuates by far the larger portion of the poltlic'ans j in the various phases they have presented to the country lor the past few years. What then is to be clone?what course must the honest masses of the people pursue to put an end to this dimgerous and degrading state of alVf*irs'? The New York ?S'audnif Times indicates the true course in the following bilef ]>niagrai>h: "Parties now ougtit4 construe it. The Union would thon he firm?the stales united in the bonds of brotherhood?the social relations, homos, and firesides of the South would ho unmolc.stud, and free fl'ODI t.hoso (YiirMfnl nm-mnnlininnto .1. ...viwiviumiinii """'II are constantly assailing them and the agitators, dwindled down to a small party, will bo distinct!}' seen, .shunned, and avoided, stripped of the j?owcr of doing evil, and of the ability to raise the whirlw ind and direct the storm." This pnrtv could be established. There are thousands scattered throughout the length and breadth of tiro land, who would gladly rally round tiro standard of the Constitution and the Union, and nm-Sc #i? c 1:- - -< 1 V vital.-) uuiiiiiuun mi; I f 11 illiUIOU OI AllCI) a pnrtv. In the South and Southwest, in the North, yea, and even in the Kast, there aro men, patriotic and good men, who are siek and tired of party cant and spurious patriotism, and who would gladly conic to the rescue of rcpubWean principles; and sustain tlio leaders of surh a desirable political organization. The ITn. i * o ion, equality of rights, and the porpctuation of our national existence domain! Huch an organization. Party faction ind jealousies must 1j?i suppressed at home, and a united people presented to the North, pledged to the maintenance of the Union and its Constitution, and the rights of the people in every section of our country. SKNATOK HOUSTON. This gen tie .11 an has written a letter in reply to one from Col. Gadsden, hoth of ' which arc published in the 7'exas papers. | A largo portion of the letter is grossly | personal. 7'lie concluding paragraphs affirming his opinions nnd purposes in relation to the Wilniot Proviso we copy as a matter of interest at the present time. "I have been charged by some unenndid persons with being in favor of the Wilniot Proviso. The charge I pronounce false. No one is or can be more opposed to the Wilmot Proviso than I am, and ever have been. This Proviso, by its very terms, applied only to territory hereafter to be acquired by treaty or otherwise; and not to that airraid v lwlv tlitt rendered unprofitable in (he territorv, where it is now advantageously employed, before it v ill be abandoned. Whether the improvements of any age i will effect so great a vevol itu,.i in our social system, the future must disclose. Tint, until the change is peacefully brought wifli flii* nn.nnornfmn on/? nr\ii1 i of the people of the slaveholding S'-ntes, i live institution will continue to exist, subject to suc-h modifications regulations and ' restrictions, as the domestic Legislatures ; may impose. So far, however, as the | subject ihider consideration relates to the ' existing territoiles of the United States, 1 believe, that in less than two years, it will J be amicably settled by their admission inI t< > the 1 *nion as States, under constitutions, I wit I) or without slavery, as tin* people. mav desire. 'J hou the odious Proviso j will be put to rest forCVei", and Nullifica, tiou will have performed the. last act of her comedy, and b<" hissed offtho stage." KEOWEE COURI EU MaSiu'iliay, NoVi 51, St9, With a view of nccninniodnting (iur Suit, scrihers w1io live at a distance, tlio following icmtlc'inen arc nuthorixi-d and requested to I act as agent* "in receiving and forwarding Siibl Horipfians to tho Kkowki: Covkikb, viz: Maj. W. H. Ouisimm, nt West Union. Edwaki> IlroiiKs, Esq., " HorscShoe. E. IV Ykiisku, Esq., " llachelor's Ketrent ' M. F. Mit?hki.l, Esq.. " PickonsviUe. J. E. IlAiioon, " Twelve Miie. T. J. AW.nn, for Anderson District. OUR COURT. Court for tliis ))istrk*t w?s luild during the* present wok, Judge O'Neall presiding. Tin-re j was but little business, and the only cases of importance were an action for a breach of a marriage contract, in which the Jury rendered a verdict of nix hundred and twenty-dollars,? I and a case against William Young for passing i counterfeit Bank llills, in which the Jury re- I twned a verdict of "guilty." In the first case nn appeal has been taken. In the other Young j was sentenced on Thursday evening to be im- j prisoned until the first day of February, and to reeoivc twenty la-lies on tlic first Monday in Jatnmry next, and to pay a fine of 500 dollars. He was also indicted for nil assault and 1 lattery on the Sheriff, for which he was found vniltv and <;entonced to op* month's inipridoninent and to pay a tine of fifty dollars. There were several other indictments, but of no importance. The Court adjourned on Thursday evening. Judge O'lveaii, on Monday morning, deliver, ed an eloquent and able charcrn to tin- fJrmiil Jury, taking at first a general survey of the ' duties of the Jury ami closing in an eloquent stylo upon the criminal law of our State. He ' reviewed the law in relation to Licenses, and said it was unfair and improper that one by obtaining n tavern license, for which he paid only fifteen dollnv should In- allowed to sell to any body and in any quantity; while another ! obtaining a coiuiuom grocery license, fur which I... 1 1 /!/ ? I 11 I ? i ' ' in-ii.in u> |lay mty uoniira, xnouiu omy no allowed to wl) in (|ii?ntitioKof and above a quart J ?tluit thin was not a Temperance law, for that j it was decided by tlio other Judges in oppo-i- j tinn to his views. Ho next called t eir attention to the practice of carrying concealed and deadly weapons, and Raid tl.at though the !>? ??islature had imid they could do nothing in the matter, yet that much could he affected l?y the little word f r y. Next he animadverted upon gambling, and Mid if lawn wore enacted ma kinggflinblern liable to the vagrant law, and in cane they eonld not comply with tlie rcquixition?of that law, that they should receive 9 and 30 xtripei, he would venture to way that 41.<. * * - inu irimiu iiauTiiiiy wouiri in a very /lioi t liniv lonvo flip State forever. lie next touched upon the Hubjrct of a Penitentiary, unyin^ that lio would putiUh capitally but throe offences murder, burning of a house, mid the violation of tin* porMiii of a female?that all others could ho punUhod nior? effectually by u penitentiary ?for tjiat the certainty of piumb men t, however light, wa'i moro offcetivo tlinn novorc penrltie.s which were rteldom enforred. That a ?,ci)itontf.iry xljrtuld fx- built, nnd tint ho wtnild ilo it in tliu vrav by taking all tho eonvirt* throughout (lie 8t>.V. iiihI nswmbling them in uoino *>f our mountain District#, ho would make tin-in f|>lit out niul put up t)u> rockn to build tho houses of their own confinement. The Grand Jury nmd? u ycfy short jircseut mefit, and (lie coly BUggCstioli of imjxy timoe wan- the recommendation Hint n new road should bo opened from this plncc to I'onillcto^. Tliis is n mutter whicii ?ong since should have re ocivcd tlio attention of the coinuumity. A much better ami m iner road can ho made than tin* present one, and how it has escaped the attention of our citizen-; for such a length of time is inexplicable. I lie rions oi 1cmperniice had si public meet, jug on Monday night, and wore addressed by Judge O'Kcnll. AW had the pleasure to lioar this address, and though we have hail the pleasure "/ listeniug to Judge O'Neall several 4iines upon the swnt subject, we think that his speee.h u]kiii this occasion was decidedly superior to nnv we. ever heard from him. We forbear further comment, as nmj baye been prom i^ed, by one present, an abstract <f nature was exhibited for two day during the pr.esent week in out Village, 'J'luwe fond of uyvelty and curioux in Rich matters should gi ve him a call, and see how little?f flesh it takes to keep body aud smil together. Tlio Ktlitor or ''>e Temperance Advocate, in speaking of ?ccnt visit to this illnyt?, liatin. fo'.lov "Upon tlx; whole, if we except the bad roads, and an accident which befel us'it breaking dov n, we were much gmtifiei with our visit to Pickens, and the acquaintances wo formed with its noble moun tain population. It. no doubt contain: sonic oi me most sub 11 mo British steamship Europa arrivet ax 11nitmx on weanesuny, and departec promptly for Boston. I.IVKIU'OOL MARKKT. r'orroN*.?There has boon much ex citement in the market for this nrticlc On Monday, on tho reception of the Ku ropa's ndvices, prices immediately ad vnnccd a farthing per pound. roi.mcAi.. The aspect of affairs between Russt; and Turkey look threatening. Knglisl and French fleets have been ordered tf the Mediterranean. Twelve Knglisl ships of war are now in the Turkish wa ters. One hundred thousand men an in arms around fonsfjinfiniM^lo Tlw French Government repudiates the con duct of M Poussin, but claims indemnity A conspiracy lias been deted in Piedmont ThePoj e is afraid to retnrn to Home. CodsoIr closed on Saturday at 02 .T-8 It is is rumored that more Spanish troops u ill enter Rome. The cholera is rapidly subsiding throughout Europe. There has been a slight attempt in Ireland to renew political disturbances. John ft'fUimw of !?? ?' - W v/vmivi ><< vmv^ IIVI1U VI UIU IIIOVCmeat. Corrcsj)ones, previous surmises o! the probable occurrence of a general war, in Km rope, gro.ving out of the Austria Russian quarrel with Turkey, produces r general belief that our own petty dispute* with France and England will be easily settled, by the acquiescence of those now ers in whatever course of conduct tO' wards tliis country, on their part, the United States may dcsiie. "".Tie co-operation of the United States in a war against Russia, in support of the Porte, is already invoked. Nothing could be more invi ting to American ardor, and nothing niort inpolitic and reprehensible, than such nr intorfoionco. It the f/zar undertakes tlu paper blockades, we shall resist thtm if lie questions our principle t hat the fla/j covers the mwchnndi.se, we shall sustaii it. The Knglinh journal* make a'tghl aft'iiir of M Poukhiu's diplomatic misfortunes; and I am glad to see that they dr pvocjate, an every ?i>an hero does, the folly of the French Government in bringing Kiioli potty (tucnUrms into national diplo mucy, and tho Compaq of national feeling and popular excitement. Tho position of affairs in Kuropc may also arrest tho Nicaragua controversy, In1 : IP i 1 i i- ii .1 minium^ i u> cuvrcuuc mi nwit can be rfifjuiK d Joy the goncral intorc; i< nn. I posed to Mr. Calhoun; and tlmt the scalc ninv be turned against him by the votes of the Taylor Calhoun Y'nioeratic mem , bet s of South Carolina. I i i i From (he Daily Tvleyraph. I We received the following despatch i yesterday evening, for which we are inI debted to the oftice of the Hnvatumb - Georgian. Our Mends will please ac; eept our thanks for their kind attention, 5 \vn lint'A lio/l ArtnnuiAl* Onl/tiAU'i t edge before i ; Savanaii, Oct 24th?t p. nv, , ' Colonel Spencer, Indian Assent, bus . just arrived at this place, from Tampa, . by the IT. S. mail steamer Ocmulgco, , Cap*. Wilson, for Jacksonville. ; 1 have bad an interview with him, du. tin" wlricl' ?e allowed iue to peruao a t , letter from iJenerat Twiggs, which bad - | been sent by express following him to - j this place. j General Twiggs met Hilly Howk-gs r | and sixty warriors in council, on the 10th - inst. Those had been waiting for him , ' about nine American Minister, at Constantinople:? Pear Sir,?Your fellow-citizens, Amer} icuns in Paris, hrc filled with indignation J and amazement at the attempt now mil king hy the Russian and Austrian Governments to destroy in cold blood, the heroes of the revolution in Hungary. The nersons nf Kn?ntli lti-m nn#l Oembinski. and tluir companions of nil * nations, arc sncrcd on the neutral ground ' of Turkey, by every law, human and divine. To surrender these patriots to the brutal demands of their persecutors, i would be cowardly concession and last'nS disgrace to any country, and we are rejoiced to sec, through the press, that the Sultan has adopted tlmt honorable course which meets the applause of civil izcd men, nnd which will ndorn the brightest pagus of his history. We just , learn that he has replied in the negative f -to Ru.Hs.ia, as well lis tr, Austria, although , he has been threatened with hostilities in . case of his refusal, and their ministers i hive actually left Constantinople, s It is all-important to th^ Hungarians t.lmt. t.llrt rlirrMlfliv/4 nn/1 l*Aar\ -* Kin "ii" n?# -?!? "J" luiimuu of the Sultan should be maintained, find that Turkey should continue to he uhlc > and willing to preserve the rights bolong. ing to neutral powers, so that the fugit tives may rest in safoty. That attitude r is made more glorious ny the hazard of - having two despotic, nations, now intoxi? cated with then successful purchase of 1 Goorgey, to contend with; but, at the > Odrnii timA lUn Il "A ? 4~' I MUIV, tiiiv utui^ui uidivpn 11/ nu ?;i muni ; as to demand the support of all civilized f people and their representatives. i The preservation of K o&suth and his friends, who have been crushed in their t struggle for republican independence, is peculiarly tin* task of an American Minister. Tho chief of the proposed victims emulated the example of our Washing; ton by his deeds and character; and his companions, in councils and arms, aro made, by their sacrifices, worthy of a nlace bv the side of the heroes of our ' own revolution. Kossuth nnd many of r hin compatriots have nlrendy lo>*t their l; health inthe#r?at cause of human liherf ty, inul, if delivered up to the tynmts who liuvo ravaged their country, and on their very hearths perpetrated every cm . i. ..j-i,. jjw i* . .. .-mu i 1 ..j city and wicrilcgo, they must t'.ic of imprisonment alone. It is not improbable, however, that the cord would bo ruthlccsI ly applied to him v> ithout delay, in order I to insure his ignominious death, by way of ! example; ami that a similar fate, or tho worse terrors of Siberian exile, would overtake the rest. We are sure that the American Minister will not allow any other diplomatist to take the lead, nor ' hesitutc in going to the uttermost for it seems that the population of the Union ' have risen cn nmsxc to sympathise with I Hungary, and have rejoiced in her sup> posed tmeeesa. i Ity the newspapers, you perceive there ' is no dissent, no distinction of pnrty on i Uicsuhicc; among your coii?titnei?ts; and | when the receive the sad news of the reverses which the traitor Oeorgey has brought upvhos? Jives hnvo been I brought by a sudden change of fojtune ! imminent jeopardy. i From this great capita) of a sister llct public, where progress hoe just re-con!. trucled i'.s mighty monuments, imd upon tlvis memorable anniversary of the day which saw the first foundations of republicanism Jaid on the soil of France, we i fee' it to bo our duty to advj.se with you in advance of the government and nias1 ?? K.v .. ? i-i-i- - J?-' i o? ni' iiuuiu nt <1 umen it(iinns 01 ! no delay. If you have ncted already, | we desiru to sustain you, as w.o confidently rely u^*on your respondijig to tluj ist' 1 pulses of every true American heart, by ottering to the fugitives the shelter of our fleet in the Mediterranean; and we ajso trust that you will support the 6'uU j tan with every j>os.sibic assurance, that if . he be attaekod the United States has the | power to sustain him, ;uul will do it, I You, *ii'? are tlm representative of a great republic, with tluj amplest means ! of hospitality at band. Depend upon it, i our government and people will require their iepro*cn!ntive* t put their power | forth to the furthest extremity for the I salvation of Kossuth, Hem and associates; i (ijiu lor the suppoit of their miiuuiwiinwrvis I host. Altogether, it is a grand occsisiou j for a graduate of tlw school Ameiinui republicanism "to take the responsibility." j Mki.anuiioi.y Aocidknt.?Mr. Paul ; T. War ley, of Pineville, while returning | from his plantation between 1 find 2 | o'clock on the Oth October, wan thrown j from his sulkey and fell upon his head, i A servant going to the plantation al>out | C o'eltHik the samo eveuing, found him lying on hi t face in the rond in a state of i insensibility. He lingered until Wedmvs uu> hum mug nut mm insi., without the slightest return to consciousness, and expired. llewiisalono when the accident occurred which closed his useful life, and deprived a large circle of acquaintances of a highly valued and esteemed friend. [CA?r. Mertt ry Cnrrcs/xjudeucr Sttmnnnh Republican. j IMLATKA, (Kla.) Oct. 22?9 p hi. ukkti.kmkn;?An express which left Tnmpn on Saturday at 0, p. m. is just in : JTie Indians were met on the 17th, and delivered up three livo Indians, and the hand of one they were forced to kill. The emigration was spoken of, and thoy requested time to speak with their peoplc(Jen. Twiggs is daily expectcd on his way to Washington. Yours with respect, \V. K. V. R Lieut. 7th Inf. Lamentaiu.k Statu of IIl'ngauy. Tho condition of things in Hungary is lamentable. The currency hiw almost entirely disappeared. Men who were rich find themselves without the means of supporting their familios. Debts are not paid. The sons of many of tlie nobility nave been forced to enlist as private soldiers In the Austrian army. The age