special and Local. THCtRSD)AY, J.1L'Y 14 ':DE: TO \Ew A>Vt.r.fl,LMENTS M:il;: COW fl-.r '.th.. .1' . F~ra: e.i - " . i i:1,= ,_n, w\ i(11o( I., - v I.L ;'iig: t,", di "d J liti -:::-t.. :1'"l i; v ". t' . Marriedl. P &T E i :lta m rriv.i to \i1. 1.l. ii RtY AU"t.I.. :at the bs-ui of tho .h.' tij:a"er. Thel( hap1,ty cl' h:n1,! lla 1 ony: to J b on ill, F :..a iw;illi:'p1td the- 1irzt part of the,ir" h,:wy'-moon ini the La!:l of Flw"er. Mr. A. If. Kohn, Of r'o.pe ly t J41 I:ti lh. i trf In ar :e it e .44 i ne 4't tIInh' ! 4.4 i h. N t'b rr Col,e:.I 't:.i 1 l Th. 1,b)l o igi!al Inhlia':t4at,. c f h111 ,:ola -- ti it .inlg the it 41h( . li:ti 1:a111l, (,f (,'o r Stat . T1 h'I .ti i how. : hu",L tl1:( - l' i 0it :1 rewlt arVl h. .\Mr. I\~hln l.oia sg odw r :tl: anl1(- :',t i't liun ay. l Personai. Mia: 1L.ni llil( r:i iu,l hMin la-t it.i. (ai~ ti:o he hile :ivy :ii11 St ( d the )11: in1; i.t 11elay (, " tr.1ii1, ,11L1 " :bl a rou4gh 1 1tri- t n41 1 her t - i~ . .1 Vir i i W - i hll hunl t 1 .h"-it I vocea: t . New41err'-: inai: proinent IILI" . i attiti i eir e w .t'i ('V'!twl l I "11 : lt'tr11.Who doe,; 1,1 kno:It:L' ,i . S.:h,.-r of4. New rr " th Ti) Iotin" i a-:k" I I,t .ir. Livini on o fi t1t i(rlboro', u; ho n hr .iinate,' Ilh:lt geruil:Inl :- a 11:" egat1 .:t large t'1lhi' N:ition: ic):i ! t i W e - w e r e l e a( " L e d t o : , ", M e( ": r . J . G. I:irtin an:l J. N. }-'ow , of Gi h1,rt Hollow,in to nl tl thS w'ee. i "\Ir". R. W . it Bo " i1 ai' :it at hi p)os. Blackwell's Durham Toba"o C., of D )urh:un, \. C., claimrlz to be the l:rgte tll an; fac4tur.-r of Smokiinr Tobulac,O in: t!1 w orild. The r1ptati,n of :"l:-U wel'e G:nuin Bul ltllurhan tok inl; T. i:ric.1 ii too tirly (tablidhe d to ee r an' 4ome nation at olur h:ut r . Ile auitthor colnumn our re:a(lir u \ii tt~ Iie their new dLivertisem jgLet which is oi i te:, to all lo r"' 4 o ihl w("td. Ti'l: coinp1,:uty" I' :i , G p.ie tly' res n - bl i mi 11.1 et0 } tey (an I:o'1 - that they w oabilg i :twi . i; L i n I i'h. it 1i i ; =ared f: t i t they i:a n ut: S:'attterIn; B3ride'. The 1 ir:dhes olt r.:in lh;at h:l< falle, in New11r rry inl mtany yearst'. t:1n1 Thltr - ..tit iiht l:t, it r.tined hi ab lit thro :nd 11 hf hour witihour. tit 1 in..1 :d cau;t'i Scotts creek to ri-P, till it w tht h,i:he-t ereek w1 ver i ' au. It 1loated l the bilg on ald (welU stri.-t ini t fl t1 ( o . 'ope's reidlenve (1ou-. i W down. "..-},t Colig stret. ta e wate w:s u to tlw4 jaililat. Ai f:un-i to be p:erddlel :t:n adeagon lt-y thy oTl!to'. get ntofthe hon-:dies10 keepfro be''&ingVi dotned;.iWhen tle l'htin w~ o.an Ilah it wasI very)ta plinye.. to hat'l soiwy h1'u tuna-dsi ; e --hing-e l&!Y; a dcimbe, ' hrug (,1h nl; 4terU hous'e. T~ he lg'n :ight w:::: antti o!'I w ola: 1r:in.e o s .tcorer of d th 'h::eits!'8 1.:ib in k-r arm-: :u-dOIja lt u:a r :.bgut ' fee tro hert.'1' tryi:n ( )1f or . l the uof the frill hein hal i l tti pia-- w~:ta littlen it 'Ar. fthr:d he ,. e'.. i : a irt ! l:1411 1 ni l :11 hi:Ll LO. Xa'. way,OIl~ toh nIH hLa-h toS Iarry LA w1.lii In hi srX t~ '- jr'b he itw th I:1 )oftour ihi- ot W . :i aVe SropII. toiitg tt . Alex.' Web:h i ~tie n,: that he - Xi hetill be r !i- 11d1 t ab., u e . It . trom' W n w h.ch hIiC ia-!il 11:1' P t l l c> ('tOj ra~il s \ ar hic:.l drowidc, ermitted thok lave he heds and wa. nSi~ ud boearae. Litl Rlad so.o I: . lI1 ip n lttr 4.. ).)a: .1 .I, d :" ::. d it. ha:1 ac'.pi -d/ th+ pom1. it:o: 1 l (,I r,": (Itp tiont i cler! t.r i);. Faut. II \''} r b i \.' i. lwI inl l,i lhl., I.tt 'ri L w W:i- a 1ivei l.\'v fir NehiN eI.! ai uI lt i1 h. hand t:"'iu oI 1Tiuril.:- nighi t. th t' ""lti Imtnl inent BA i lI .Iit" bI y t1h:L t1-; i!lib, a i .:, ti d I i ' i'< :-k 1r'ri; I l rn'd i ;. i i hb It'. ;tw " New be)tri'. R-e thtl a..ott leb : li- r, l ai U llit" . :tlilll. Y ( ; t . ia ini itl\"i I n ii' i iat ( ..t I t i i tl . I 's -t iii ii. diV. fi1: 1 e t uf tht, w\:l-lhl.ii - :l4n1r thl. (;rt'ttl'\it' a:,li C.',lttttih:tli-ir: la-t Thuilr .l:l. a,itl F'i'lay, t ;.", nI:lany .i t ur h" ' -:i. to r',tna : ('"' r 1 .. til t:ill ' ir.:a v. p1ti::=11:' i.e t t i lti.: 1 -: .il l t h :i a h' f :.o-ningi1V i- .hoo pai i,e a o iht ii (d al'. tl h i " .: h id' n:,i. n it. 1f , ni: i d'e- au- ei-no:4 t Mi'. i'n A .oln ('l Iiit' llre fa 1,."''A ):.i u. hlil.ry, . - allrl to a' , 4no .- :tl 1h,'.ithtl - m ii.'.:.' : '.'! : hl'br aI.t. T1 hit't' ill ni:tl :4 .t!i:d'" : . iii :h - t ."rt i1.i1: ti : I I.' ''ni' I ai 'i l'd 1 tll' :t ii'.'I :1 r.dnark.htl, dul ,. tf proli1i n i r. m l l : i - : 1ra ch of tiv ::- :h.' fa, inl a 1rit hl ti.. Til.im fl -a. .- r. i- r. ce-:,. :n l 5,. tiW- eL albh -i'' rtrl1 '! ' i! tii i . i i.lti 't:,tl. i!4 f I :. ' . li. ' :ll ii i Ltt i:4i L '.ii it" . . ' r 'I'I" I:11("4d 'd \1 i' ':i :Ii I 1I ".- -I2 1 Ij: I~~' td t e :i', it N.i- a ".- ll ilt._ine .lol4 h: diii t . I'1 I 1 - ate tr na t)) di t 1. d r - t17 r 11.1. - a d .ort ::.re"~ ,; sll- -ib i i.t "'t .h n 1 i. .t n 'lhol, i '. :I ' \v.:1 t! . 11 . t , " !. Ibl l"w :1. . . .\ . ' -i .: :nd d t tre t iN t -p\ t al : I the Thini i. )-:!' ul il i e'tt :at S -I (.1 .':t (" dl h - ir 1Leib w d:h in A gu . Th.-" .ilitli,"i.l ('nvet!it,n uf th i- \\il. u : lI il."tt :11 1 1iut1.i .ltilty _ '.. 'I i1. -.ut4a . lP d t dii ITh i .'ui ilran ''ml t"ifi ''n." t.i Il l pit, ."i until Friday be,fure' ihe tiithl 1 i l:t I : ut l I-t. 'd> Ilunl: iiI .:Ill I: in .- p l i r f :ih- ate eii' o fih l l'tty 1..1 4'e .o.:k I Tihesh. o il 1i 1eni" at Mr. . I. W. 'c.tt', in N' a'I l-ot i. till .Saturdil. ..Tuilt ah. l :tpt. ltifert :1::1 11i . ('....aL" ( ritlil have been"i r etlte.it(l t,':wI, .., i -.l" The1N r :r.h-l? tin'-(t,'}hout t.url collut y are' thel beSt we 'tver :tw-Ve\ :.b are plenltifuil. Newhletrry Pper thll Iatt :intvehy in ~ a Coa o wr 1 'll--bl, P.'ti . t .'.' Thell R ev. .T. A. Sli..h h:.i rilti watt-r ma:'kn : 1:a t 1r.:liat..Juu.w -"th. le"ai:t'd (ltirini te hetavy' ratinu , :Il zollit"of hi-: --codi. wereIA. oty if ti;-mtotrt'rw i a fair ii::\, the( (':t: i,ilatec wtill I.(' ., l:.t h Pr*. " w.rity" ihar bet'.nlt inl full forve A1 he:untifol :;mg; or Incinasnenit:ll THE TA.L. N o o einill t.z.- I th: i.:s (i ::I:f : pl.i: in~ ~;i Noharey ihi the i t ory I-f the to i :h1. it: :: evi- ao 11in"h t.LdI(' 1, (,r lott,kedi fo rward t with sueh h:ppy ait:t ii Pation.1 aiqt th ltr u tc tm t 1..: wiihth ian Iti have taken ph: , ,ii t':. 1 !hor a: t itrig t. No :I: c,r an' U. p1I ':':hadloha.n jpared by Kvh inn miei n f thet' 1 lt il (th ti1 wiake t Oh. f :i4,'n, 11:1 ii- int' 1i_ritt11 . hrillia :t :ttl;::unapipro(:n-ht h:t, i, .:t tt a1tv i r l T h . 1:I.,-ra: i h.n!] pvfit !!::1 l-;-I tot e i withi a l: tIih . titl i o,i o,''r wh'ilh thl: lin t ini iptei 1 - ic"t _l't ";ti - it'a wast' in at t n ti t w11!we : . i :t:l:i l t' ruiitw: u 1 111 I. t av'i , h 1i1r I iin' 1::IS :1 - te: il:t-t :liIne l :t:tn-. in o he1 : { i t!\ ta: - of (,! w hmi "11 ., th" e: :11) the chi:.l :. ii t 'n;i{t.hh rin I n i i wi i it, r' le . 't t l ri1 " I : h l lt : hhIn' r t h ti - l i.lt . t. . tii ! 1 : !"Iw b iht an tiip: I 1as wer -nowy wh on-o, : I' r "..h liet: 4 t .h: al eb:11n h-Ii -r.C li-w\illrtd al cnt-h:nt.d th1 1I Culhit'r onl that morn'tillg. Mot)tt of thIlni:-'iniu' 11 11p tll: \- ('I thel \tl 'i. I t ;"- w . :' in r et:l ,: !1i:i1I:' :: , t " S re:nlr 1:i! c t no hI . h. r. not nli:"'?'rstandrl '.l t!b: t tt't'" \ ,\ e:e-"Wt" will no1t, alte:n',ti ::1\ Ilt :tr'ittionllof dr t :' 11,r tit w ' .:1:on: al: \ve ' i\ velt, i:l_ :l .: - t"'L.: \ tl:l't t:i Ire thet "'a11i1i111 - iI yt-v e.'' 1t! writin'; upI a ha:ll. :t tl ht t"nt:;t no4 --m iltiner's in tl\ll(ry" ,i w h:t Ii lwit." ttiftiI wv 11t!i (l ~1 ('l:111 'i\"e the i'ainltest. i"(nc''ttl)n f 1itw I, et, h( r lolinll.: pr!1 1f:In ;. 1 ; .t - 7 I .l n ci n i si. !n '":! i: 1.:1:1 :' . . ' i' ih n ,t i. .h-r . t It l i t ! :I l -'It, - i" .ll ' i t tin '" p li t ir Is. t . :hvn-,i i: ii.. he w rn-; r: .Vl :ii l i'Z tt:' an ' ( :iI.'1: ilail : i i ' : Is I -i i , s':l 1 t. I :4 -:": l ' t Vi':Lllt . ii :' I -I ' rii :i'li I t i ni b 'rn :1 - 1 -: n t i :. ; I n:1: i'nt I. l he -: trt ''ri Ns 1 rI i' t hi C.\t !: rl ti . t. ! l iit ! iil' !: enl 1-nt. I hui , . 4 it i v :izy" ";! : . . ;)I; I11 i Iiri ' . t ,i' t' l I ti't i-r - ' t. ii ui tt iin ': ,:: . t till! Ina t ! ', : ;t: ll ' 1 i, It L :i i t - I L t' tm nt,'I l h- w It :':l lt: \\al1.1 . I x I : : 1 th 2 --i:i 'I:: i' b:l.l n t ! 1'. i 't n m iit,ll t"u. i :-d tlt' It . L .tr :hll . ' 1 r r i+( :. bit l ':tt i ' : ill. I. i t ( ' il . i at.11:. w j ' i - I t h,. r h ! :I i.. hr e +-(b. : i he esio' r: elo :i bte.. i-' :11 i :lJ !-t .\'' 1{t t ' ;itt il r %\ nl : i' l " l s" ' n at ,a i.it l i; i. * :li . it' lt"h: v ew : alte s pI"ealrs wre ,anr. pro :Iltl - It i n n-i' r 1". I i r- ::' iit I ! l dt.:! : ll ( !t . W ',.- l t + ell'1. t in:. ttI1: n Thel(l.I ::II n).s"r.'l . :t t . IIItr ('r Id O 'e i i l t i 'lll i ! i n: a1e ti'' aiatitit gl' iilti , r L.I.J i:,nah!!:' \'tha ter I' bl !e n l,th: -!,wr \.!r( s tIIp J n i;the AM n.. haf Ow ..ennu orn. I -Jl"C\! nam 1:1 I O n;ntWu e \' a:: iU 1 - 1 :1 lllr r : 1 l . -. i tIh y:i +lt - na \nl" .:;f I1t inS I, t l \' ' "a 1" t= :n > I t l 1.ll -:I, r w ail! . t'r!ltliru r"t'rt - ;.;.Ii't b 1:1:i1' lt.'i: t::1 - 5:e:hfa \\nt,-reako ths war Clevelhn enawt i 1at li ay b.- il: e :f1cu ll is 'I1 ain.s1 t " . rm 1an.-r :lelil - Id, " ont 1: he c; ti ry wasttc t pr t E t."l y1 ve l at pt:i.; t and! cll' tt. orS: .1 r-:,\ ill al :;ay bII hlas fulI ly{m " the(ir tihS t,i!(n licp (tat-I(US. St) f,:t h:. 1Ivl rt-solv&i not to sulh pott (uiect iina ! Ie me ., an1 it tu"h atrP iii>:ni1t1e t;he y are fiIlt' re > t1 t-1,t. in tl fichl a strunc l r r l ,:k ft of their own an l "",ta.^t11 up and ie Ionutel." So 1 th-- (:nlt xav f.,r tihe1 )iDeocrat; to .-eire ti e fill advanta:e of the re volt a:rainst Mr. Blaine will he for thte t put fortcard canudilates of in irn - Fl r.putatin and of 11n In ir::ed clara, t,"r and ilii.i . 4in cer.-ly" hopln"' tlh"ia may i' n: I *? 4t. \ 4ir; trn!\, p. 4:. I). I .hit We See, :ane W hat W e t Wo lit Like To See. "ny, the. 0:1 on.. i yunt:; lady inl the fullln:s 11 her !.iri-ht d saytv' she in t.eyIingl!, Iwr'-at de li',htftlle a,i the rinkl.:Il inl a:tet'rnoo,n wa:tlk.. but sh:' is :a way ::t hom::i in tinil to it eh, mthtierI." ( )t ;irl:;, hlt:w this 'la I dens oiur 4l heart. 1I tiime to -ilj inothl r.' I low full of th.ught i! this exjrpres ioni . IL :;ho\-.', Ahe d1 1i " of tlie chiefest virt ue" t t'!!- o a love. W ho> is the"r.- t li b.:i4' tha! nl. t lt-r '[: L.w,r i!l"ar iuullber. tlb.' ti-t.1 i l 1 S iw -i i w:' . 1.1 hed: by t hy bU111ihV , ~' I--l i11 Ile '1 - )I it ,", 4 It Ital: w\ i:llilir,I ,i;ar- 1l iV 11-t-Il f Chler!ish th; m1 th :ti rlii'. 1t, hint I I i'i'll ':'tl t ul have tlan vo r ton 'it at. : tr i n.tler. -I :ant tne oi il t I.,' to wh(;Iln thel mtakinl: a:pi-it:mau", with a goUt~I b(,ok lnmt) bcom(-t :e :t real mno v1nt T'hie few good hooks whicb have Inla(dlt a (eep ilpre ssiio nl4 ni in the ('u11mrsek (f my}",life have leve'lop t.d the Iewc lgoi,d ij}Ialities I plos'ies A book has always be(enii to mne a triend analdvisi r. a calm andt >lo :, ia ,ras3-T e utm.: raii: (of' ini,t an.1 in Ipree i, tc im e diono co(,idi crah - in j'ry t(, thie g tro tinr Itrn-hn- :' 1 t(, tli b i sapI., ini ,"~ t( n1 t ot ,; '5n . :t , sh i,tl ! it tur 3it ' rV l.Ol. wv'l l serit tt i!t : et tV. h eir 'rowth.. BLt 1looil: tv.-li Ino)wt and,I we Iho,, ) t io t .e 3.3 iorn in hi:;hott,m:n" vrtiiwt.'i wire dunrin-r the. twelt -ipell. Thr wt:iter sll,t : 1s e ,' r (i11o hi: a,ri fI>r :;e rver:t! (bt s T hl., r".-":!t i, :1 tuta! 'os-: i ' t'I,:h! part il h.i' (i1. Mr ess. W ,aln:tn &.. lr . 'rti - I t i;"ttr.; of l )'oia:ria . iii, ll ave connIlu le-(d thelir t,uunn:'r ;rinin u: in < arn st. -l hit ri:ll :dl tiv :1114 a .trieat p)(rtion1 (if 'he nli'-ht. Thuw aii i:k?' (\e,ieell+nt I vcw ',. a-; "." l(Wo 1 al l ,an - iy T e rain (rop) is op fuly hm .b d.hllt. I'a l,nt f'1r: (l. :li ttrip , i1 i":i . li:ti :)c Ell terle arlat'i :of- .:;h ha'f .i: rtund1 sl.bwk :eo: I:h atoIus sp:, s. Ln-anse of the r:ain. I t. r t ntli all the -Whi.-afi>teh- Im. .\lr. I. R. itipo ll" ha ;'- to ' his broth:er .him. inl th. ir %'wh. .is lying,,i: anel>ua ly ill oftph' inlarial fe.-eor. Ile ha:t h''n ->i4-k for sr > S' we'e s A. er'ct -a in clerical .M . I ). is ; > ( 'i. uri:ant sitiee enmi n "e,1Ilte-i that I 1 s: el : a::; 'inai to .'' yl iln bret,hillf. alid his f'rienls; are :arehte'n,si his n('tilncula Iinay tlrOan i th ensing Add) i3 u ni'nt of! e U: 'man 'ill atia t l li .hik Gov i3C dli l rl 31nh ca.23dly 1arr bNew fork . 1.3i3.'.\. ce rfli su ;-,r le eln'.lay ad'. o n odmi a l 1).mst miv WHEELER. th:. Ano~the cefrmDah som aram i s lvi p l!m ut t hf "J *6i 1E Ilia XT n muh I :t t be hi:ad by the 30ti l day of J une if goods at lhalf price can be any ituceemer:t. We are willing to lose a 1.500 on the act ti:l New York ast of the 'oids and still miake oney. On the firt. d:n (of Jnly we can buy a ba.k rupt. stock of . 11,027 67-100 ftr 5.0f0t) in cash down and in that war we make our money. If this plain statement d:es not eonvince the reader a careful perts:ll of the follow. ingt price.s will elrihtenl h1im and get him to thinking that a, cyclone has strntek Flynn's :a1nl torn it all. to pieces, and nJo iw ctmes tn thunder fta our prifes that is bound to carry torror to our competitors: 2 dmz hiattns Ior le. 12 d,. 1or . 2 do 4o0d buttun" i;r 3 c. 2 diz bitttms : worth 10 per doz. 1000 doz button 5e. worth I5.. 100) doz 10 worth 25c. ..h. 15 401. hlirpi'1i1!" he. 1):r pa,p:'r. ,1 r tinec P I1w-th t11ns 1le. eaeb1 Jerey a.1'r's. extra long.. -it, a ter-rible sacriflice. 2 p.tp' .'Pis for 5. : billk S.- ing Thre:al for 5v. i':th i.- ;. t. 4 12 5, 0 1-4. re lced from 5. 61-4, 7, Sc. A Sweeping Reduction in Dress Goods ! lticneI) Dress M\Iuslin-t h -. r:d,ccd roi 1' 1-4 e F~iine' C;unri Muslin. tin- colrs IC- re~.idneced fromn 15. linp)ort!.i( )raiieis latedt styles 12 1 -Se 18e. S '!!d )elared Worwsfedl 1 ih neaW shl:1les ait 1 Ie. former pricO 15e. Ft:'-y l8rochi's all thc laitest d'.,jin< 1.5. 17 1-2, anid 2(Y- e st I7. 2;). 2: 1 l-2.' Suner M\ohair in fitnv mtixed Shad cs rednaeed fro 4511 1c. to -.;5c. I:(PLac hiing fl~ redineed f'rom 2-> to 15e. iL:l1na Wool pl!aidls reduced from (15 o.0 :N Luis \'iling~i In i nwest I int:: al 17 1-2, 20. M) I-2e. redlneed fnna. 25. :10.k :15.. Sil1k Poge at 4 Ue. re Ini blacke a.ihi !)>tirlIii)'' .gods theI' i: gl-later is~ imin euse, bl.ack (za-in andl 75e. lIla ck iIeu ruttal r. du.,..t lenan I;5 and :n c. to 40) and 5 . Linatina's and troe;y to tnatcha :aI)lt DJr.a Go. sweep) inl Laces, Hoinbuirg edlging~, Insert,ing, Lac A Co llars111, iehueslC ties4. Corsets and H( Losi ery, these goods a1rn condemIiInd to go il 50e. on the dollar of1 the formner pries~ will sell them. 25. :nal :;0. Il ambiir.; edgin 2. :1. 4. . . s. 10, 1iS. 25 .. :W. :85. 4th. -5 S , 0an.1 7iY. redu:-al frmn t.. fl. s'. in, lI:. 1. ld . :. 4 0. 5), i'. 75.. 0,W 1. 1 !5 an i 1.5;'. La..' collars, ti:'s aul tijaht':3 in stock at halt t.h:'ir iormel.r pria.s. Coirsats are bou:a.l to go if 45>. oa the dol :ar wil clear them: it isLrang.~ ha. a tis can be~ d1one bu.at we aire d Ieter mn ad to .In it and clear th.- deks to ga.in onr point. V hit- lawa 4s inches wide marked down fron.a 150. to S ~. fine wh.ite lawas at 10i. 1i( v. ss :85. 41) anl 5). from 5i, 75 and I1.l IIoUiry in plIain and faney colors. full and r.;anlar made at a for.-ed sate reductiorn this mesus busii Ini (ClIthing we mtake compeRt itors stanid from iinder. but as ou r space is limited we e:antnot quoi:te the prices. Cassi miere::.3 Ulach inig, iTo wel s. Tale L Iinen, Shoi es, Shirts, ('ol - lrs, Ties, an' lb 11,et every tingi thiat con,p1lotes tesoko a first class store 1') he fhinnd on our coun ters, at the same!; pro poriIon of S1;aUillte'r prices as the above mnention,ed goods. If enstom)ter's will see- to thiir ite arest they will call at once wheitre ther cani buy :as manl1i ("oO,s fhr a ten doll;ar note as can. be. hadl elsewvhpre lor *$!ISOt. Respeetfl I . jOhas. 3. Purcell, -AK.A~15TA (~-Ti -