The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, June 26, 1884, Image 3

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Special and Local. THURSDAY JUNE 26, 1884. Tickets to the Commencement Ball can be had at Eduard S:"holtz's Jew elry Store. Religious. Prof. Dvsinrer wil preacth in the Pre-byteriai elilrei Smuuiav mo )rning. At niiht a union 'ervice of song will be held in that Chnrc. After 31any Years. Dr's. Wedekind and Smeltzer were clasnsmates in P'einnsylvania College, at which institution they were gradu ated ii 1848. They met last S.turday for the first timne sine they graduated -the first time in 31; years. Another Attempt to Bu r n Law Range. Last Tuesl:iy night a dastardly at tetpt was imade to burn law range. Iatyit" Wednesday lilorninig wlien I'. J~lhi Jones' law oflice was eut( red -harred slaving and c"hiis, and ker oil were found on the floor lim der the desk. The iloor a:tl desk were aso rharred. The bu:iltding in which the tire was kindled adjoins the Na tional Btnk-the door was left un locked at night. It will be reuember l" that a similar atteil)t was made a ,bort tiie ago. A Narrow Escape. While MI .J. D. Smith and Capt. MeFall were ret urning home from the harbecue at Chappells last Saturday a very hird rain came on. Before they reached Scotts creek. the stream had swollen very high, too high to cross, 1-ut they wanted to get home; Capt. MeFall got out and walked a log. Mr. Smith hadn't gone half way through the creek when the huigy turned over on top of him, anl the water was so swift that the lior e could not swim with the bug:y, :mnd they were all three carried tlowin streain. Mr. Smith imianaged to get out sa'elv. and when lie reached the bank lie thought of his E?O1 horse that was still in the creek; the buggy caught in a willow some way and the horse broke loose, and managed to get out too. Mr. Smith had no idea that the water was as swift as it was or lie would not have tried to cross. Personal. We are glad to s:e Prof. Rahn in rown1. Mr. Uirr II. Johnistone is now a grad iate of the So:ithI Ca ro liina College. Mr. Wins. Welch h1a returined hoie from Washinoton. Mr. Juo. IIotbs and \iui, are in Mr. and Mrs. .Jaceh Ehrl:ardt are visiting at Mr. Clinle' Miss Liliia:n S eek iwho has been teacling in the Walhalla F.male Cl ltge, i= spend ing, her vacation at home. Prof. Welch declilnd th pr ;issor-hip oti'red him in Staunton Fei:ale Semliiary. Dr. nelitzer and wife were aImong the visitors during our ConimeilCe ument. We were glad to see them in Nw b::r r. Our fiends L. W. Simkins and II iI. Evans, of laurenls. were in town ihsweek. Laurens sems to b)e using ihemi wvell. Mr. E irtow B. Rhamage is one oi I le IIars ar'l grauates this, year. iIe woii one of the Boyvlston prizes in elo etulion, there b:iiig lifteen contest tanmts. Mlises El'a M\otte :ad Gussie llood have re-i;rned their p)laces in the Fe male Aeadtemy. aid thirx re,igtnation s have he:r acc;ted. They will he miis-ed. Mhiss Mlotde espeecially has h-n o i.ien;t1ild uth thle school thiat her lace will be ditlienl: to fliti. Wew amiong he Cmecmn vi-itor- the following youn11g ladies: Misses I sa Ahney. Lula Little. JTessie Rtichardtn. JanIie and F:uinte Watrdlaw, Cirkie (Cothrlai. Sarahi Per ri.n, '. nuie iceIrrin::n.i. Izo a and Elbi e, .imelia Weleti. Minn ie IIerbert, L'zzi anid E tiie Gritiin, Laurie Vance, X'ariie D)anean andx~ A. Chahnher'. Vairioums and All About. Mr. J. A. C ro:ner is acanidtate foi (on y Cois.,ioiler. We have niot at templtedl to mentiion Sparately; the miany ' sisitors in town Th.. Rev. E. Capecrs was a Ghenerali ini the Confederae army, :mdii was gallant sold&ir. T'in. Rev. E. Cap.r5 prechied to 4r1w<h- hot:se ini thle Episcopal church !a..t ud:1; afiternio,'. The' DemocOrait ie Exeentrive 'commiiit tee wiltl meet on1 saledayi in .Jutly to air poi nt a dhay f >r thle 1>rimary Elect ion. Tin f:unnIiirs v:ill have little timeitc d4vot 1o .oliil 2n .July. 'Tl- grasi wd In monpliz.e ti:eir attention. A, .ie Chappell's- 1)arb1 r I slee< hi isw n. a,ie by . l :(llison, (1 eriminall Cot,t w ill mee (t th se( 5comI Mo-:lay in Julv. Judgle Aiich wil! pre -1ic. The recent bIav ains i have raLi5et the -tre ami-~ ad :amai:ged lie irops ofi hi; lowh:wl15. The ratailiS have al11 11:::aag-1 the uingarnered wh ealt a oats in places. C' ninniont i se rvices were held i: vom r.Wtierson wer J. M. Johinstone nm' le on hundret lunhel1 of whieat cn a one htorse farm the ent ire crop) bing his own. Mr it v hnu-iel- each. Sna mo l i' vlion are fretiu'un: lv cui-e by worme'aniaig ::t tht at al, I t ih'1:' in dicat im:. di Pee:.Fr -ale by Dr. S. F. Faint inl' Cluniiia.ii' Techairmnen of thei y . . l enoma ittCee iin this C. m -mo::Il Ditrict wi nie t in (Col 1:al t > l )p;>in ta pliYe an l tian fo h m:eeting~ of thie C'ongressioa Co::vetiQ:i. (4o1p: my wh> took parit in t hx: i :ora mumit in '(oluimbia last week, woni thi prie (.5 9 ini thec rete1lIraesope tii t> th~ S:ate, outside Charleston hnd Commn h iii. T ICeir time wa -. secoiid1 f,1r seconidi ahlea of the witxt best Wh'i the vij:ors reachedi 011m: o F'ri. iir t her were mtet at the dep t bs armorty of the Newherry Ritlls am11 treaitedl 4 ice- oi~ letm?oiade am s.peeches of welcoi. Newberry is justly proud of he 5tem~en, BEYON)TIIE ALPS LIES ITALY. This is the appropriate motto of th young ladies of the Newberry Feiial Afademy. anl the followin:. i; the rie protgramlnme which they remiered 1a. Tlursday evening before tIhe hir :udience we have ever -een in th Opera IIousc. P itoGRAMME. The Lord'- Praver, 31ises Anni Chase, Lucy Boozer, Lizzie Motte Annie Swygert, Lucy Bowers an, Nannie W\il-on. .Jaco '- ladder. Ca isthenies. Piano SoIo-Le I)ues Ai e-, Miss Jlnttie MeCaulhrin. E:s!' "Cobwebs, Mi;s MIamie L. White, Isitrolnental Due'-A Ray of Sun -hine, 31ss Eolinte 3lerchantit :m, Teacher. Vocal Glee-The Birdie. Ball, Misses Oulo Fant, Aileen Broad dhis, Malry (-hi pmlllan. Kitt ic Living-to: anu Mary Bnler1Pop.". Esay'--3-New berry. Then and Now,'' a18 Silli Wrihi:. Piano Solo-Conw Ba'k E.ri:,'' 3i Carrie Cline. Songs o S&ven. Inistruental I )te---Sttee Im liis( Fanniie ]L Vxer and Teach er. Pi:mo Sol-Fea-t of R o-e. Ili; Salenai Foo. E -s:y "Ad. Xvanta:ge- oif: W e l ( u t t i v t e d M i n d , " MM i s s 1 s* Blease. nrmnt littl t---or; r 1altz-- iss 1:de Bioze anl 'T'eacher. E.;.-y. "The 'he E:d no WY-1AN Ahum Kibler. Piano S& to-The WVit ceh' I )aner, Mi-s l.eal Foot. Distribution of prizes to \lusit ClIas. Calistheics. The Loid's Prayer, sung by the :i: voning ladies above i:nmed, all dre-see in pure white, was a lit opening of thl exercises of the evening. The tableau Jacob's Ladder, was eitireiy new t iui and one of the most striking wV h:tve ever semn. Jacob surely diI' sleep very soundly withl all those prtt tv little creatures hovering above liimt! lI the next scene about thirty of th s:inte little algels, in reu, white al hhr:e, but without their wing di thei:- parts inl the Junior C:1is:heiei CIa-s. T'i followel music, vot :!t+I inlltrum:nlta!, interspersed witl the readin, of essay-s c. One of thl o:. est, mous;teitiut, andl prettie. t i:, tinttnenital piec(sWa.:t Bttumethai's -Two Ang^l," rendered by 3Us iat tie 31cCacgirin. The selectioni w_ri all of the best kind and the executiot of them Was good. The nu-ic =howedot milarked improve imit since last year. and Mis G:"-ilit has every reason to b:: proud of he clay.. The tlest s read by Msses Whites Wright, Blease, aind Kibler wer bright and interesting. 'Cobwebs arrested our attention at once. Littl things often become very imip: raut "perfection is made tip of trifles, br perition itself is not a tin le." Mi; Sallie Wright delighted us with lie practical and pointed ineidents o "Newberry, then and now." S!t traced the history of old Ne wbrrt from the building of the first log Cour House on the two acres of land givet by John Coate nearly a lilndred year. a,o, to the Newberry of to-day witi neanly :,(0) inhabitants, with he schools and colleges. ltr city goveil lilelit and public building-, her Fir. Department and Ler Cotton Miils and theli took a look into the fiture when Newberrv wiil number Z0,00") in habitants, and lboast of extensive wate works, elevated raitro:nds and all tlt a11ppurtenalices of a full grown city Thi," essays were all good and mu1lt iiglit he sidi of each did t space p,r mit. These four yonng ladies havi linished the coure in tlie _ealel anid have recive u ((cerLtiiCa: es of grad nat:in. If the y oumng lady es-ayist: il the future will imake themselve: herd a little more distinctly, oni will give us a little morei' 4 the eonerete and1( a little less C the aibtract-we will-well. we il be nil prai-e for t helm. Je:u 1 Inigi low's "S ung' of Seven" were yer; we!! reindered. Th' e thiird and tli K!xth scenes werle esc eially prett; Geni. Y. J. P'ope. on1 b)iih of 31> Grtiflin preseinted prize to thre lin ein1:1 heri. of her mu- ie elaes, as follows . Scholarsii-p-31i - 'ann ~ie Ba;xter . D ei ortln. nt-3Ii, Annie Swygert The la-t and moist beau1.tiful feature 0 he programmei iwas the exhibition b; the' Seiorli Calisthenimas Cliss. led b; Mi--c-s Anniie C ha-e, ioli Bo(oza* ker. TIhue forty younig ladies, driessi< ii costumIiis of n bite andu red :and blue as they wenlt thirough involultion -. eve ltion, anod movemen~its, innuom'rabl and11 indilieribaible, with thle reguharit of ma:chiinery, made a brighit andt beauti fml pieCtnre, and innu-t at the same tili give the younlg hlies plenty of physi ul exercile. Thue Cali-thenuiles Classe ha've lien under thle spiecial chlarg if Mliu Gussie L. Hood,~l who we air sorry to hear wvill not re!t uin to New hbrrvasi- teacher. drawv niear we weire glad toh:1-Cp Pi i iur that ainothe1r year he wool I vhi e I elo-inug exerc*isets I.. to i 1 itht-, iinstead of one. Th2lis has iue thi' 11- t pri(sperou0i year the Feimal Academv hias ever known,i Capt. I average' :'tte:uh:nee having been ab-i Th Ii ha nkuo ur~11 commihuni:y m richl' ile to (Ant. A. P. Pifer' and, hi e lli-lelint orps of ten-hiers for thle g'.o wok they ar- ding ini our' mil We coniiratulhate them oil their s c .--. I). Thle Juily Ee'lectie'. (onmains a ve.ry line st eel eng~ravin of Cen. GoPrio:u, who-c fate i- now maitter of Sneh initerest i 12 Engimi presemIs a- ei. uu l:many e ce noinit s, and includtes a numberu of s iona ble anid wveightyv airt ils. TI pla:e of hono11 r is given lt' a papuer "Carda Newmoan" omie of the' la oreakable mnen (if the agze, by ichol H. Inuttoin. Prof. EdIward II. Fre m: ini i represenlted by a fasi-n*;iati article en titled ''Sine N -h-ett 1a:-: hiistorian; is -eeni at hiis lit. "Fa ionable Philosop'l iy, rii pi' ad thet toiy fr'en the peni of the r cetl dead TIurgzeniiY, "A St ran w:r, will hie foundi of greaut barn ThIere are~ -everal ent'ertaininiig uho: papers, an'd the4 1whol4 makeI~4-up of ti umaberit show \xc-l lent taiste at1 knwledg1ie oft te public wants. 4l (h-nui:imb bei'L ai nw volume,c 4ur a~ favor4'able t ime for nlew \' I cripton4i. P'ub'lihed h1 E.1 R. PELToN. B)1nd Stret, N w Y ork. Turmn-. . per year: I -.inge nounbers, 45 eem iii -ubi-;ti.n for 3 mon.1th-, ! N ewbinry Pap1i' t he laite-t novelh in -stat ionery' at Coliceld, Petty & Co Book Storue. A. Deaniini1 Song or Inlstnmunen lt pice of music will be giveni by Ci t.iIh Petty &' Co., for eac.h eash pa ichaie amnounting to $1 .u0 at the Book' Storie. me et4ily of bt: l~ B!ool Peisou. Iwent 10) minle> to ge't it. andu it ma ue a1- -oundt as ai new~ dollar. .W WEVLEs, Meadville, Pa. I mn 1 ...e .IALAPA ITEMS. e The report that a white lady was killed at this place by lightning is t incorrect. t I)r. L. B. Folk, of Summtit, Fla.. is now spending a few davs with his cousin Dr. J. Win. Folk. Misses Norra Page and Moses. of Turin. G a.. are r .w on a visit to Misses Lilia and Tolu Clark. A largZe oai tree was blown down in front of Mr. .1. B. Campbell's la:t week. fortunately it did not fall 1upon his store. Rain. Rain. in superah unciice on Friday, Saturday and Tuesla . the lands are too wet to plough. and much corn is now prostrated on the zround. Messrs. Wim.. Albert and E ?,ar Sli,h are threshing iaei, not satl fied with their own well-equipped Engine & Thraisher. they have leased SCapt. W. W. Ristr's Trectionl E:n ile and his m:uinmoti thrasher; so they run two tlhrashers. and make quick time and do good wo,rk. Well, the result of se ning in cold water, came nigh being the end of one of our Willic only the promptness and perseverc. of )r. R. P. Clark relieved of membranous croup. I i now up. and extends his gratituid- to Mrs. Adaline Clark for her 'nother ly care during his illness. Before the Premium Lst. o the Newberry Fair is complct" v.ould it not add to its success. i!. the Ex. Committee would mak:' 4 prizes, 1st and 2nd. each, for the prettiest baby male and female under 2 years of age. Interest the ladies gentle mnell and our fair will be a success. I)ring Friday evening's rain, a - cyclone brought terror in our midst i We saw 31r. T. I'". ( reneker, ',iwn in the field, making grood time and looking for a (iit ch. We are pleased to say tl eyelone was up ahov; in the air and did not come to the grroundc, it was as loud and distinct - as the somid of four trains com bined. It was our pleasure to take a journey from Jalapa passing New berry, cro.sing Lindsey's bridge. noticing the fine crops and stoping at Mr. Burt Reagin's, viewing his fine cows, eating some delicious peaches. I was told by him, that his bees were on a big drunk, fro:n distilling brandy from the pea'les. and ate up all the honey, lie has had bees, eh On we passed to Trinity. to attend a school pie-nic of that amiable lady. Miss Iennie Boozer. The first persons we saw were candidates, well. yes. they -were there in full force,, and a jolly set of men they are. so very friend ly we like to meet them. Speeches we rc madte by Messrs. G. G . Sale, Allen Nichols. G. 5. Mlower. U. L.Schumipert. JT. Wmn. Folk, ,J-. Kinard. of' No. 10. WV. G. Pe terson. A sumpltuocus dinner await ed us. of the many substantials and delicacies known to these good Trinity peole. After dinner we left the candidates and joined the young people in the school house inl their many meiViirry plays. Mfore anion. N. C. MONS1EUR TFO3:(ON STILL AT STrR TFORD), Four Wee'ks At Stratford-A Silent Towr. -Not a Sound But The Loco's Whistle -Went a Fishing-A Big Catch-3ersey Calves-A bg Price-children's Entertainment-A Fine - Church &c. Sru:.vrrono, CT., .June P), 'S-. Four weeks at Stratford have - put me en rapiport with all the ins s and outs of this interesting locality. SIt is one of the stillest. quietest p)laces onl top) ot the greenrearth, with the exception of the screech of tile Slocomotive, aiid that. -sound is al .ways on or in the :dr, no other is 1hie:rd1. Silence broods over the silent p)lace. aiic i' we shoul he~ ~asked "where can xust be found." ~ve would emnphatically reply here. -at Strasttord. 3Men and wvomnc! ttraverse th~e streets, panssing each (ther 'without a word, one would ima:Vinec that no one knows his fel c low. Thec merry shout of a boy is .never heard, ieither are they seen -1oitering~ abmout tile streets, they nev'er get unto trouble of anyv kind, nev'er tear their panLits. nor wear holes in thieir knees playing mar b hles, the ganme of mnuimble the-peg a is unknown to them, "Peck" could 1, not findl a mate to his bad boy t''here." We have heard but one -cdog bark in the four weeks. and ethe midnight meowing of Thomas c~ ats wouldl cause the Stratfordites d o grow wild; the cats knowv better -t'ani to behave unruly. Even Sir. Schanticleer is not as ambitions and he 'ilicose as those at home. they Sseldom ilap their wings o: crow. t Ye kn ow not whether this rem arka ble staite of things is brought about by the repeated and never ceasing? schreechm of locomotives or not. It - maiy be so; and that people, ani -t mls, birds. and even small boys 1tink tha't this noise is suthicielnt. It i only the str'eets we allude to it tha are somrkedi by silence. in -c dorshrc the p)eple live, move - an havxe their beings the same as othr pldr))e, and we have foud those wi th whom we have come in contact. very nareeable. and unumsu ailly intelligent. This cause arises rom the fact that tile Norther a '5 people are a reading peole-uniiless when at work they have a paper or book always in hand. some ev'en iplace a book in rest and read and work at tihe same time. We went a fishing, and thecreby hug~ the tale which will l e related. This sport had beena contemplated for aseveral days. but the weather which I cannot be controlled. proved day Safter day unfavorable. At lengthi the clouds were all rolled back, and securely pinned, and the sun smiled serenely, the wind slso blew favor a :blj from the right quarter. an the tide was on the flood. Surelj th1is was the day we had been wait in 1Or, and Capt. Stagg. a veterar of 7. a,ed yet as active as a cal being found in like agreealde con (liton. he Was the captain of thE craft in 'vhich we sailed. and ac conpllished the remnai::kable feats of the lay; we. Mr 1l;1r1. the Capt. and sel],, awlked to ' he boat land. ing. s . e1 Itd in, stpJ lc' u mir a 11:"t, iai-.(ed a jib s:ai, an1d unde' a m1 1. crate breeze li.,-l out oi the ,ay and in about two hours reached tah --pc1j)l, hunting gronCds" or rathel the fish banks o:' the sound. Old o'ean was on her prettiest bleha1iii She knew perhaps that a Ii)viee was aboard, and tit anythin like roughi treaItmnt iht:I n a'in i: s'omiek." all was, s.rc ne. smooth aind unrutlled as a be inst tr. o hI:r toillt. wlhLe waiting- thle com-1,Ing of her lover. A gentle swell it. te: her bosom-ocean we mean, not the helle -but not a ripple broke the Suf1'1(;e of what looked likc? a sea of mo~ltcll lead; under these pleasant circuis!tances, (how much we were reminded by all this of some of our experiences on Bush lIiver. or the Salad;a.. Capt. Stagg having loln!d the spot where fish -most to con greLrate,' dropped ane: or, and our boat swung round. ani we bnited our hooks. cast th.!m into the w: ter, and the sport connunenceed hil mediately, if' not sooaer. Mr. Ilurd had the pleasure of taking the first fish out of the water, but in a man ner (ifierent from thI:e (ceptab mode, this fish being hung by the helly; no matter though it was a fish caught. The Capt. took ti.e next. and the writer the third, but though last we were not least in .ze. as ours was th:' "hefti( st. Agaiii, again. and a,ai1n. we baited and calight. and caught antd baited. We sat with hated breath as we Iait ed for the fish. Such sport we had never enjoyad befre". the unly tible attendinii it was that of ai ing the hooks. and to east them in was to insure a fish. A strange feature. and one whic."h called for many a laugh. was the fact that Mr IIuriu< caught two-thirds of his fish in the same place he hooked the first one-in the belly part. Not until this had been repeated over and over again was a solution of the iystery had. One of his books hung an inch or more under the othe~r. and whenever the jerked at a ite. lie would hook tie other which was standing aruunl waiting his chance to bite at the savory hait. It was a glorious day. and we, that is the writer, caught the largest fish everytime. The largest one caught weighed two pounds and the most of them were BlacIk fish. This state of things continued until two o'c'ock. when the -un semeid to shine with intense, and1( affected us so seriously that the ih had to be once more raised and .et as a shield to protect us fro:n Sol's ardient raovs. F'or fifteen min utes or more w~e thotught we wouhl sueumb-for! unately the shade atord.ed by the sail prevented an .y thingi serious. At four o'clock we were at home again, and counting out the catch. ound it to be eig~h/.j th re. Pretty ;'air, and iu:,t eighty three ahead of' the number frequenit lv c'aught in Ihih or Saluda riv r and at~the expense of a long ride in a springless wagonh. over a rock' road, a nIigrht in the woodls. anc sarcely anything to eat-and yel we will try it again no doubt. The shipment of fii'e head of .Jer ser' calves, two bulls1 and thrie< he'ifers, was made at this point I few days ago. TIhe shipper tol( us that lie had so'. 1 them about on' monit h before fir iv;1:f'i?n k inilr"" I 01 llaS. and rcpe ti ng of the sal had offered the hi. :er five hmiunires dollars to let him :sat. It was 11o accepted, hence th~ shipment. 'he calves were of re.;i stered stock. an' te oldest had been calved in Feb rary. We ame te batter made by t his~gentleman. and it is deliciou and yellow as sehd. We aretb that'hie maktes tw;enty seven lbs. (' buter a week from one cow. Ii started ten y. ars ago with a gil bull callf and a couple of' hei fer: which he bh lt at fif'ty dollar: each. Ilie told us how he had be: lnghed andi tven sneered at hI his'neighbors and called a fool I'o paingr sch a price for calves whei ie could get any; number for a tent! of that price. Let them laugh wh win, and lie has certainly won. an that brandsomely. Last year hi realized two thousand dollars a: well as lhe did this y'ear fromn thi sale of' calves. Stick a pin heri reader, and think what a pleasanl andl profitable thing could be mna( of' a "model f'arm,"' the idea w: have mentioned ti:ne and again. A few evenings ago we attende< a children's ente:tainmecnt at th, W asinton lark 'dethodist church !hideport. Thiis was as much lik our festivals at homec as it could b except as to the munber in atten dace. size of' the room in whichi wash eld, thle conyven'iences at han an sonie other points, It was: mixiturei of' hialf-ahule dialogue an< Iscred recitation. toppedc~ oir will ice-eream, straY Krries and cake e of tie mi';ses excelled anythin; we ha ev;er he:ir-l in a child 'o'ng-her song' was" ( ver thl Strs' 'ad it v. :s- re'ndered in e' i ite tatste m .d line execni iii "'he Ids f'air to hold a promninen place in tihe world ofI muic1( ani s m1g. 'The church and the Sunda: shol room were the principal at tra'tions to this openleyed and won Idering visitor from the Sunn ouh. We have never ser a mnor copletely furinish:ed or a mnor convenieLnt caurch edifice. Fiv~ doors of egress furnished means ( esape in case of fire or othe altrm. The seats were arran.te' in~ half circle. The pulpit in froni. the organ over the pulpit. W I judg tha eiht or ten hiundre persons mzy be seated in it. The I Sunday school is under the same roof, and is also a marvel in its ar rangement-it will hold five or six 1 hundred. It has a basement with refreshment hall and kitchen. in the latter of which are two tine cooking stoves, and a cupboard containing erockery enough to supply hun d reds of the hungry faithful. Wash hawins, closets and tanks help to make thle whole thing complete. Up .stairs in the sclhool room we saw even a sewing ilachiine, to sew up any rents wle,:h may a cidentally occur, the leaving unmendied of - which wor.ld cause unhappiness. 'The Washington Park church is a model and was erected at a cost of about thirty thousand dollars. This is all and enough for one tir.e. '.h:t We Se, and What We Would Like To See. "y tht, 011 One." What a mistaken idea it is for children to think that they know more than their parents, and unfor tunately they don't discov-r the er ror until it is too late. When they too become parents, and are blessed with children who are wiser than they are, the seles fall from their eyes and they see that they are as ignorant as their unfor tunate iroenitors were-that is in the eyes of their children. We never see one of these smart young people but our heart bleeds for thela-for they are in errors dark a:d clouded way, and moreover they sin, in that 2:ev forget the co11,nandlent -1Ionor thy father and thy mother. that thy days may be long in the land, which the Lord thy God giveth thee." Children, your fathers and mothers may not be as ace omplished as you are, : o far as the polite accomplishments of the day go, but they are infinitely wiser in experience, and know bet ter what is good for you than you vourselves. We love to see obedi ent. tractable, gentle children who value the opinions of father and mother as pearls beyond value, but when we see one of the other stripe then we think they are in the road to ruin. Children ,obev your par ents. The following paragraph gives valuable informatio-, and we ad vise its careful perusal, and its ob servance: In Bravado a young man placed the muzzle of a gun under the wa tcer and fired the charge. The .e sult was the bursting of the barrel near the breech and the mutilation of the hand. Another placed and held the nuzzle of his piece square against a piece of plate window glass. and fired the charge-powder and a bullet. The glass was shlat tored, so was the gun barrel. An other instance was that of an expe rimewnter who had heard tihat a can dIe could be fired fromi tIle barrel of a gun througe an inch board. He drove a candle into the muzzle of his gun, fired, and the explosion split the barrel almost its entire lengrth. and dlid not even drive thle candle from the muzzle. Still an other burst of a gun barrel was caused by3 tile use of wet grass for a wad. well rammed o'.er a charge c f We would like to hav-e Mr. Z. L. IWhite's opinion as to shooting a candle thlrough a plank from a gun. We belie-ve thmat lie says it can be - done. Tile following experience of a man's first knowledge of what a Methodist is will lie found interest ing, and wvill fill a place in this col mun: lie say-s. we were horn in a t town whlere thlere inevei has been a 31ethlodist chulrch.- andi in whlich durI inilg our childhood andl youth thecre was not, so far as we know, a :1sinl2 Methodist professor-a own wIhere tile Cong(regration1alists, jand the Ihiitists fed tile shleep and fought for the lambs. We heard and read about the Methodists, hut never saw one until we went away roi home to teach school. Then we fell into a nest of thlem, there w as no0 mlistake abort it. We niev -er dloubted it. We can never for -et tile first prayecr-meeting. It was no ag.for it was in a country town,i but the room was full. There we first came uder Methodist fire. We wer-e curious to learn how thley Sdid it, and we found out. It was a h ard place for a luke-warm Christian 'and a most uncomfortable place for Sa sinner. We then got our first t dea ot Methodism, and it has never left us. We saw time real thing and f -fit thme heat, and we have loved them ever since. 3 A much tired man was Mr. B., -and lie deserves a place in this col e umn: e Mr. B.-"-I am fearfully tired of - the same routine day after day. I tdo wish I could hlave a change.'' I Mrs. B-"W hat kind of a change?'' a-Oh, any-thing at all, just by way of vatriety. something novel. you k'"now, a strange experience of some sort.' "I thiunk I can suggest a novelty wh',-ich will be a chlange for bioth of ---Tt's a dcar gir!. What is it?' .--Try comning home sobeir.' SThe Americani Midgeits. Genieral .Mite and Miss Millie Edwards of .whlose marriage in Manchester, y -ngland, the Lidon KNc- of May e 29. says: General Mite, whose e real name is Francis Joseph Flynn, e is 19 years old, and was born at f- Greene, Chenango Co., N. Y. Ile r is hut 22 inchles in height, and I weghs only- 9 pounds. The bride, Miss Millie. is 17 years of age. and "stands 1I.K inches high, and weighs e only- 7 po~unds. She was born in ti the tae f Mihigan. They havd been traveling together about t c: years. They were dressed in trav eling costume. When all things were ready, they were lifted upon a low table. It is said the little people were quite self-possessed,and showed no embarrassment. They will spend their honeymoon on the continent. We would like very much to fol low the dear little couple awhile in their travels. say just while the pe riod of their honeymoon lasted, so as to tell our readers more about them. How true it is that every Jack must have his Jill. Last year we lamented the ab sence of fruit and during the long winter the mourning continued, because our closets and our cup boards groaned not in a plenitude of cans and jaws of delicious peach, pear. plum and grape preserves. The good housewife could not set be. fore her guests the fruits of her handiwork, aul the children cried in vain for the goodies which used to be spread on their bread. Nature in her prodigality has smiled on us this summer, fruit of all kinds is plentiful, and it will be wise for the good wife to lay in a large store out of the great abun dance. Cans and jars are cheap. and in the absence o: these gather up all the wide-mouthed bottles to be found and preserve all the fruit you can. Do this and your winter will be passed in sweet peace. Do you mind that this is the sea son when the sweet girl graduate bedecks herself in gaudy array and receiving her diploma throws aside her girlhood and enters upon the realities of life, endowed with all the accomplishments of French, music, embroidery, and the know ledge of tattin? Does she know how to make a loaf of light bread, broil a steak or prepare a cup of good coffee ? Alas. her education stopped with Lattin and French. Moses, it is said, was the greatest sinner of olden times, for he broke the entire ten commandments at one time. What a great reprobate he was. Novels are written to gratify the taste of the public, and it is per fectly astounding how many of these there are which should nevei have seen the light of day. They are pernicious and evil in their in fluence and do vast harm. We be lieve that it is the opinion of all good men and women that it were better such books had never been written. Some of these books will do for any one to read; the influ ence they exert is good, we like to read them. We advise against the evil of letting the mind be taken up~ entirely with the book which is being readl, there is no question of doubt as to the injuriousness of such a course. A little light read ing of an interesting book relieves the mind after labor; it is soothing and helpful. WVe have just had the pleasure of reading one of Geo. Macdonald's works-'Donal Grant' It is a book which will benefit the reader instead of doing him harm, and will interest him from begin ning to a chapter or two before the end, which we confess is anything but satisfying. We never could see the taste or the necessity of p)recip)itating a violent fever, or a galloping consumption on a charm ing and intelligent heroine,or break ing the neck of a noble fellow, whom you have followed with admiration through two hundred pages of letter press, and who you would infinitely prefer seeing marry and transmit a noble progeny. But every writer does not see with our eyes-unfor tunately, or many a beautiful girl, or fine specimen of a man, would to day be alive--in books-instead of lying enveloped in the mnouly earth. We find this fault with D)on al Grant. "Dreams., books, are each a world. and b)ooks we know, Are a substantial wvorld, both pure and good: Romnd these, with tendrils strong as 1lesh and blood, Our pastimet. and our happiness will grow.- Words1icor'th. Peas, beans and cabbage, all in rows, how they grow. The benefi cent seasons have worked wonders in gardlens. Everyone who has a plot of ground large enough to plant vegetables in is now happy, the "winter of their discontent" is gone, and now the table is spread with wholesome, sunburt garden fruit. Long may peas, beans, cabbage,etc., grow and flourish, and the heart warm with gratitude to the all-wise G iver. You arce crdially invited to call at Cotield Pettty & Co's. Book Store. MIusic! :Musie!! at the New Book Store. 25 IIun ting andt Racinig p)ictures for gale at Colield Petty & Co's Book Store. Father: Lo-s of sleop suistainied in the anxiv !spen t in nii rsitn the little darling so -iewly and 1peitifully watsting awaub the d1rainuage upon its system fo h el'iets of teet thig, nearlyv unli:s you for butsiniC-. We sugg~es, that if you will try ai bottle of D)r. Bigger<' South erni Remeidy you will have a panacea for all bowel troules, and loss of sleep and sir-kness will be unknown in your huouse. This, with a bottle of Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and M1ullein, comubining the stimnulatinig ex pectorant principle of the sweet gum with the healing one of the mnulin,ut for the cure of cr-oup, whooping cough, colds and conl-umption. pre.senits a lit tle MEDICINE CHEST no householdl shuouldl b:- withoutt for the speedy relief Iof sudden and dlangerouts attacks of the ltungs and bowels. Ask your dru.zgist for them. Manufactured by Walter A. Taylor, proprietor Taylor's Premi unm Colone tlanta. Ga. F LYNN Needing MONEY! it thb Pablie $5,000 win a.1-T "'xP 7"2 And must be had by the 30th day of June if goods at half price can be any inducement. We are willing to lose 1, 500 on the actual New York cost of the goods and still make money. On the first day of July we can buy a bank rupt stock of $11,027 67-100 for $5,000 in cash down and in that way we make our money. If this plain statement does not convince the reader a careful perusal of the follow ing prices will enlighten him and get him to thinking that a cyclone has struck Flynn's and torn it all to pieces, and now comes the thunder of our prices that is bound to carry terror to our competitors: 2 doz buttoi,s for 1c. 12 doz for Sc. 2 doz good buttons for 3c. 2 doz buttons 5 worth 10 per doz. 1000 doz buttons Sc. worth 15c. 1000 doz'10 worth 25c. " "Sc. 20. " " 15 " 40c. Hairpins 1c. per paper. 500 fine Palmetto fans 1c. each Jersey Gloves, extra long, at a terrible sacrifice. 2 papers Pins for 5c. 3 balls Sewing Thread for 5c. Calico 3 3-4, 41-2, 5, ( 1-4, reduced from 5, 61-4, 7, 8c. A Sweeping Reduction in Dress Goods I Fancy Dress Muslins 4c. reduced from 61-4.c " " " Sc. "' " Sc. " " " 01-4c. " " 10c. Fine Cambric Muslin, fancy colors, 10c. reduced from 15c. Imported Organdies latest styles 12 1-2c. " " 18c. Solid colored Worsted all the new shades at 10c. former price 15c. Fancy Broclh's all the latest designs 15, 17 1-2, and 20c. cost 17, 20, 23 1-2c. Summer Mohair in fancy mixed Shades reduced from 45c. to 25c. Lace Bunting reduced from 25 to 15c. Lamna Wool plaids reduced from 6.5 to 38c. Nuns Veiling in the newest tints at 17 1-2, 20, 22 1-2c. reduced from 2.5, 30, 35c. Silk Pongee at 40c. re duced from 65c. In black and mourning goods the slaughter is immense, black Cash mere marked down from 60, 70, 75, 90, 1.00, 1.25 to 33, 40, 45, 50, 60 and 75c. Black Henruttal reduced from 65 and 90c. to 40 and 55c. Linings and trimmings to match all the Dress Goods. Read on, for we have made a clean sweep in Laces, Hamburg' edging, Inserting, Lace Collars, Fichiues ties, Corsets and Hosiery, these goods are condemned to go if 50c. on the dollar of the former prices will sell them. Laces and Crochet edging at le p)er yd. 12 yds. for 10c. Laces at 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, 8, 10, 12.4, and 15c. reduced from 3, 4, G3{, 8. 10, 12i, 16), 20, 25, and 30. H amburg edging 2, 3, 4, 5..6', 8, 0 5 0 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 30, 60 and 70c. reduced from 4, 6. 81. 10. 123, 16), 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 75, 85. 90, 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50, Lace collars, ties and fichues in stock at half their former prices. Corsets are bound to go if 45c. on the dol lar will clear them; it is strange how this can be done but we are deter mined to (10 it and clear the decks to gain our point. White lawn 48 inches wide marked down from 15c. to 81, fine white lawns at 10, 12A, 15, 18, 20. 22.1, reduced from 18, 25,'30, 35, 40 and 30. Ladies Under vests 35, 40 a~nd 50, from 50, 75 and 1.00. Hosiery in plain and fancy colors, full and regular made at a forced sale reduction this means busi ness. In Clothing we make competitors stand from under, but as our space is limited we cannot quote the prices. Cassi meres, Bleaching, Towels, Table Linen, Shoes, Shirts, Col lars, Ties, and in fact every thing that completes the stock of a first class store to be found on our counters, at the same pro portion of slaughter prices as the above mnemjtioned goods. If customers will see to their interest they wviil call at once where they can buy as many gcods for a ten dollar note as can be had elsewhere for $18.00. Respectfully, 0. C.FLYNN Chas. 3. Purcell, MA "TA GE-1R