The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, May 08, 1884, Image 1

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A Family Companion, Devoted to Literature, Miscellany, News, Agriculture, Markets, &c. Vol X NEWBERRY, S. C., THURSDAY, M31AY 8, 1884. No. 19. THE HERALD! IS PUBLISHED E -EIY TiURSDAY MORNING, At Newberry, S. C. BY 1 O. F. GRENR, Editor and Proprietor Terms, $2.00 per .funnm, Invariably in Advance. y- The paper Is stopped at the expiration of ime for which it is paid. n:j The M mark denotes expiration of subscription. 4834RI1 I respectfully announce that my NEW STOCK OF OILOT I-IING -Is now ready for inspection. Suits in Broad Cloth, Worsted and (assimeres of Latest Styles, Finest Made Garments-and the very LOWEST PRICES. A choice line of Handsome and Servi ceable Spring Clothing for BOYS & CHILDREN I Noted for its make up, Newness in Designs and Cheapness in Price. A handsome line of Furnishing Goods. Shirts. Collars, and Cuffs, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs. Hosiery in all of the Fashionable Colors. The Latest Novelties in Men's Neck Wear, made up in an elegant variety of New Silk designs and Shapes. HATS& CAPS! et Styles-all sizes, shapes and colors for Men and Boys. Cor* ST & Son's. " D MADE Shoes. ed.) il Congress Celebrated t iquarters for (Every Pair Wari - These Button or L-ice, and L Summer, with any shaped to. shoes have no superior in Fit, Style, r Workmanship. Also a nice line of Trunks, Travel ig Umbrellas and Walking Canes. Respectinlly, ______________________Po A I on I I\ I by au When Lovely Womu! Smiles we naturally look for that - row of pearls so fitting to fair features, how often we are disappointed every one knows. Those brown stains and tartar deposits can be removed with out injury to the teeth by using Wood's Odentinle which dloes its work harmnlessly and eff'eetually. tu 'Try it at once 25c. a box. ha W. C. FISH ER, A Wholesale Agent. Columbia. S. C. r For sale in Newberry. Mar. 17tf. tb ab Iu on M. FOOT Off'ers. Estra Bargain '. You wizll Savie Money. By buying from his an Fall and Winter selected stock of Al Boots, Shoes, A (Jiothing, Trunks, " Hats, Notions, Groceries, &c. 42-t[ 12 HAILED WITH DELIGHT THE DaEAD OF d ANTICIPATED E0TEERE00D ISPELLED, AND) THE DANGER TO LIFE OF BO'TH MOTHER AND CHILD DIMIN- D ISHED) BY THE USE OF THE. mother's Friend. Read and ponder the words of praise-unsolicit , volunt7 testimonials-that have beeni sent o me. selected from hundreds recvd from grate SdiZtinguished physiciani of MiLsissippi writes: t conind o setea 3 otiier's Friend.'fo during atlonlg obs.tetric practice I have never known th Ii to fail to produce a quiek and safe delivery." An-ther says: "My wife used the 'Mother's Friend '(Holmes' Liniment) in her fouirth confine-c e suferiu of eihr of her frmer onfincetz d recovered in much less time." R A lady patienitwho used the " Friend," said afterB her eo~nement: "I have never seen one ps trough this triail so easily and with so littloeluer. E1 in God bless the iscoverer of Holmes' An ent.r'enced midwife writes: "I amdeligh~t: di ed with the 'Mother's Friend.' In ever~ in et ance where I have known It used its effects Xave ite been,all I could ask. I consider it a great bless. c< lady of Huntsvile, Ala., moving in the highest CE cuee, writes recentl-; " I have tried 'Mother's er Fred' (Holmes' Liniment) and can truthfully Li gay it is a most exeell preparation. I freely A eomend It to all" 0 Fres Si.50 pettle. Sent by Expresn R eeipt of the price. Sold by,aal druists. Eg EE o m 5ESOLE PROPIEroE. J. BRADFIELD, Mo. 1065 P ryor 5treet, Atlanta, Ga. T The systemB are moisture. 'Ike perspira ti tion, Intense itching, increased by scratch- 6 ing, very distressing, particularly at night: s'ors as it pin-worms were crawling In and a1 about the reetum : the private parts are sometirnes affected. If allowed to continue g veryserious rN'lt8imay follow-'SWAk.NE'$ U OJNTME\T is a-p~leasnt,sure-eure. Also, I for Tetter. Itoh, Scit-Rheuma, sealed-IIca-i., Eryspelas, Barbere' Itch. Blotohes, all sly, crusty Skin Dig ases. Box,.b mail, *!)otd;S r1,5Are ,yDR. SWYNE ~ eO, Pilad, N A~lby ruggsts DurhamssItoric. It wasneutr:luground drrhr.the a-:istice between Sherman and ,lohnson. Soldiers of hoth arnies -11" teirpuchiestwith thetobaccostoredtht and, after the surrender. marched home. wd. Soon orderaca=o from East, West, Northatid Souxth,for "moreof that elegant tabacco." Then, ten men ran an unknown factory. Noiv It employs 80 men. uses the p'nk and r.ick of the Golden Belt, and the Dnrham Bull is' the tradc-tark of this, the bet tobacco in the world. 1--ckwell's Bull Durham S:uok's Tobacco has the lar;ert r:le of any s:oking tobacco in the world. Why! Simply because it is the best. All de:Lers have it. Trade-mark of the Bull. LOOK dUTI DURHAM BULL If he'd ione for a pack. awe of Blackwell's Bull Durham Smoking To. bacco. as he was told, he wouldn't have been cornered by the bull. Q. BOOZER DEALER IN irst Class, Best Quality, ines, Liquors, Brandies, CIGARS & TOBACCOs I ALSO I GROCERIES, anned G-oocds, And ll articles ill this line. r'ese Goor,1 are Cheap) for Cash. you don't find TOM, Call on BOB, SOLUTION. lcretoore condllCted he businese and 1irm1 of T. C. I 'r the niame' - I-, wa dissolve A & T. Q. Booz, ISan.ary ]88. the first day of . o,ducted e bu4mess will now, it CoFriend me a i the old stand, corner I Pratt streets. Thankful past ors I respectfully solicit a conti cc of the same. T. Q. BOOZER. Jtn. 31-'M. 2.000,000 UBSCRIBERS. Vaiit It for 1,Q,. The A merican Agricul st to-day is better than ever before. We e increased our corps of Editors and tists, enlarged and added to till our de rtments. until the Periodical is now the bognized leading Agricultural Journal of world, presenting in every issuc 100 col is of Original reading wiatter irom the lest writur- nearly 100 Original 11 rati. - -- wic intere!t of every whose subscription hats expired, or who tging his place of residence, or moving it, has for time being dropped out of Army of Subscribers, to Come Back aceept of ourUn paralleled Oiler of the ERICAN AGRICULTURIST, For 18S4. A $1.00 P'eriodical. O PAGE DICTIONARY, 1000 Illustrations. ER or FRIENDS ?" Morris' 11xIs Superb Plate Engraving. TIE MEADOW." Dupre's 12x17 Superb rlate Engraving. or 1EI~CES OF SHEET MUNC.X In place of the Dictionary. LL FOR $1.70 POST-PAID. IVE CANVASSERS WANTii).-Senld 2-ent stamps for a Sample .op'y, aind what a wjnderful paper it is now. Ad ANEJUDD & CG. David W. Judd, -t 751 BROAD)WAY, NEW YORK. ~'o la-lv can get on without it. ro (31Wc4.) Ad(cte.If g-C1EAl'-T~ AND BEST..& endid Premiums fotr Getting up Clubs. llustrated "Gold G ift." Large-Size Steel Engraving. Extra Copy for 1881. ULL-SIZE PAPER PATTERNS, t.iA Stupplement will be giv-en In every uber for 1881. containing a full-size patt n for a lady's or chill's dlress. Every s-iber will receive, during the year. de of these patterns--worth more, aione, n the subscriptionpric.4& ETEESON's MAGAztISE is the best and apest of the lady's-books. It gives more rthe money, an< combin( a gceater mner than any othier. In shart. It has the at Steel Engravings. Best Original atornes, t Colored Fashions, Best Work-Table tterns, Best Dress-Pat'..e-s, Best Music, . Etc. un imense circulation and long-estab bed reputation enable its po>ietor to stance all competition. Its s o>fes, novel s, etc., are admnited to be the best pub. lied. All the most female writers tibute to It. In 1881, mtone than 100 iinl stories will be given, besides SIX I'YIRIG liT NOVE LETS-b>y Ann S. Steph 5, ary V. Spencer. Frank Lee Eenedict, cy H[. Hooper, the author of "Josiah len's W ite,'. and the author of "The Sec Life." 00LOED STEE PASlll0 -MTE PETERSON" is the only magazine tht -es the-'e. They are TwiCE THE UsUAL E and are unequaled for beauty. Also, usehold, Cookery, and other receipts ; ies on Art Embroidery, Flower Culture, ust Decoration-ln short, everything In resting to ladles. MS, ALWAYS IN ADVANCE, $2.00 A YEAR. WUPAALLELED OFFEaS TO cLD5 1 Copies for$Z.50,3 for $L.50 With a superb lustrated Volune : '-The Golden Gift," or a rge-size costly steel engraving, "Tired t," for getting up the Club. Copies for $6.50, 6I for Su 00. With an ex acopy of the Magazine for 1881., as a prem-i m, to'the person getting up the Club. Copies for $8.00, 7 for $10.50. W ith both extra copy of the Magazine for 188I, and e "Goden Gilt," or the large steel-en raving. "Tired Out," to the person getting Sthe Club. r Larger Clubs Greater Inducement! Addrss, post- paid. CilARLES J. PETERSON, 306 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pas. WSpcmenLs sent gratis, if written for ige .p clnha with. 4M-t f. oCetr. THE BABY'S 31ESSAGE. BY MES. MA(RGAREr J. PRESTON. 0, it is beautiful! lifted so Up where the stars aro into the sky, Out of the dark, fierce gra,4p of p:in. Into the glorious light again. Whence (o you bear me, ye ,lhining o nes, C:p illid the dazzling realns of sani Wherefore, was I thus caught :wvy Out of ily imother's arms to-day? Never before, have I left her brea:4 Never been elsewhere rocked to rest; Yet, I am wrapped in a maze of bli4s. Tell ine what the mystery is. Baby spirit, whose wandering eyes Kindle ecstatic with surprise, This is the ending of earthly breath, This is what m->'rtals mean by death. Far in the silence of the blue See, where the splendor pulses thro', Thither, released from a world of sin. Thither, ,e come toguide thee in. In through each seven-fold eireling band, In where the white child-angels stand, Up to the throne that thou mays't see, Him who was once a child like thee. 0. ye angels of love aid light, Stay for a moment your starry Ilight, Stay. and adown the star-sown track, Haste to my weeper, haste ye back! Tell her how filled and thrilled 1 .1.11, Tell her how wrapt in boundless calm, Tell her I sing, I soar, I shine, fell her the heaven of leaven; is mine. enderest comforter, Faith's own word. Sweeter than any her heal t hath heard, Softly her solaced tears now fall, Lhertb, one whisper hath told her all. A STORY. \ aSPLOVING A FALSE1oo.). PREFACE. It is as much the duty of writers to correct error as to propagate the truth. When an error is newly born it is very puny and weak; but if left alone a few years it becomes strong enough to wield a bludgeon which [s potent enough to batter the cred lity of the most conscientious of uen. The poet has said, in effect, that rutth would get well again if' Jeffer son's Rock were to fall on her ind smash her as flat as a flounder, while Error will take cold and die if she breaks the nail off her little oe. This is not true. We hav'e seen Truth, that was as true as sunshine. too weak to brush away a feather's weight of opposition. and we have seen Error, grown to be a giant, stride up a lill, bearing on its shoulders a whole host of its anto onists. A neat artifice of language some times carries a lie . long way. A man who is skilled in the use of words may tell a lie which nine out f every ten men would fail to de tet. Sometimes it is the beauty of the verbiage, sometimes a shrewd trick of double entendre, that deceives the people. IIowever that may be, the people are dleceiv ed and not half of them know it and of those who do know it not half know how it is done. The object of this story and thiis preface is to dispose of a fallacy. Some writer has said 'the course of true love never yet ran smooth." It is false, and in all probability the wrters own experienice proved its falsity; but in order to know how false it is, be pleased to hear a tale. CHAPTERI1. WIIICII TREATS OF TWO PAIR.s OF PARIENTS. John Smith and Saul .Jones were farmer neighbors and neighborly farmers. No one in all the county had such fine horses as John Smith, except Saul Jones, and no one had such fine hogs and cows as Saul Jones, except John Smith. They frequently helped each other 'out of the grass,' aided each other at harvest or threshing time, and were never known to have a difference of opinion about the post and-rail' fence which separated their farms. Each was a man after the other's own heart. "They lived in pleasure without end, For each one felt he had a friend; And all their lives' smooth journey through Each did as 'tothier wished him to." CHAPTER II. IN WHICH JoHN SYITH, JR., APPEARs. John Smith had a son wl:o was named John. This was dona to pesaerve the illianoa natrnnwic, and transmit it furtler, as his sire and his sire's sires had done from a riod of time that is not nwntioned in any of the annals of haldry. .John Swita, -Jr., was able to g,o to nill with grist when he was ten years old. IIe went to school during the win ter months, and generally was 'next to head* in a class composed of himself and an other boy. The other boy was smaller than he. and that is. perhaps, why John suffered him to remain -head.' John stood -head,' however. one whole week. while the other boy was at home sick with the measles. John had th-; measles, mumps, whooping cough, went swimningr on Saturday evening, dug for chip munks, and set traps for rabbits and squirre!3 very much as other boys (10 at his age. At twenty-one years of age Le could plow a straighter furrow and fell a tree quicker than any other Young man. It was said he could cut and pile two cords of wood in a day-or two. "Ilis echoing axe the Cler swung - le va4 a l:" of h'gh h- ee: And deep the forest. boughs am1ong lle heard 'oh, woodIman spare that tree." -0 CIIAPTER III. IN WHICH A YOUNG LADY IS E IIELD. Saul Jones had a daughter, whose name was Catharine-as her mother's name was before her. She was called Kitty for short. That had been her mother's pseudonym. The only remarkable thing about her juvenility was that she tore her pin-a-fores, soileA her dresses, tan gled her hair, broke her mother's China tea cups, wrote bad compo sitions at school, and swung on b,nt saplings, just as all other good little girls do who live to be heroi nes in 'novels' founded on fact." Of course her eyes were blue, or she would never have been a fit hoerine for a love story. Her hair was chestnut color, but somewhat sun-bleached around the edges. In her younger days she would run bare-headed in the sun a great deal consequently her face became as reckled as the turkey eggs she used to bring in from the edge of the wood every evening. As she grew older she staid in doors a great deal more, lost her reckles, became fair, round and ,osy, and learned to cook bacon ind cabbage, make tarts. puffs and mincepies, an I could manipulate a udding. or i.iilk a cow. and her nother was v, ry proud of her, and leclared that Kit ty was the handiest irl she ever saw. And always, xihen the mnot;er had concluded her -hapsody, Saul Jones declared that Kitty was for all the world just like er mother used to be. The neighbors all loved Kitty cery much, and more than a dozen goung mn made eyes at her on Suny. while they pretended to >e listening to the sermon of Rev. Sr. Putemasleep. "'Roses are red(, ad viol'ts blum. Sugar's swveet, ida Kitty too: Oh, she was a lo v ymidh, Ja heri pink mun- in dress airrayed. -C CHAPTER IV. IN WIIICH so)ETING P1'S. John Smith., Jr., loved Kitty Tones. LKitty Jones loved John Smith. Jr., Neither had ever heard the other ay so, therefcore neithei- was fully iware of the <(thers feelings. One evenin,; Kitty after she had inished milkinig the cows. drove :hem to thme pasture. By the merest 3hance in the world. John Smith Jr., happened to be near to let the bars down for her and p)ut them up gain. John then imparted to (itty the information that the eve ing was v,ery fine. Kitty, proba bly wondering how their minds ran o naturally into the same channel. thought it was v-ery fine also. John aid he loved such evenings, and though the clover blooms smelt very sweet. These were precisely the thoughts that were in Kitty's mind. Both then stood a great while with ,ut saying a word-John all the while whittling the top bar with his ack-knife, and Kitty tying and untying her bonnet At last John said he had a great mind to get mnarried, and Kitty thought she hand a g;reat mind to do the same thing. t!.ough she didn't sa so. Then ,John asked Kitty if she would marry him, and Kitty said she would. John then walked as far as the yard gate with Kitty. kissed her and went home, while Kitty went in and washed the dishes as usual. -Hie took 3i-~ Mani-e upon his kne. And said, -Miss Mouse will you mal: r-v me?" CH APTER V. IN WIIIH TrWo IREVELATION-' AlPE 31ADE. At breakfast next morning John Smith, J.. told his father and moth er that lie and Kitty Jones had con cluded to get married. IIis father and mother both said they would rather have Kitty for a auhin-nlaw than any' other girl that could be found. The sam inorning Kitty told her father and mother that she and John Smith. Jr.. had conu!-:1d to get married. Both of thenraaid they would rather give Kitty to John than any other boy that could be found. "And all I k:iow is theY wcre cried 1In meveting.. Come1 n1:t : d . -0 CHAPTER VI. AND .1 WEDDING. As as the corn was all houseI there was a wed.ling at Saul Jones. The neighbors were all invited. and Mrs. Jones ia.l a bigo supper. Kit ty was dressed in white muslin, and Johin in broad-elotn. Both seemed to enjoy it They went to keeling house the next year, and are living yet as cosily as two lady bugs in the same rose. John works a farm, and Kitty attends to the dairy. "Two hanti to work upon the farm. T%vo h:d to ml,1k tie cows. TIlE END. l*iscelitiauec5. INDU('Ez) II.m TO CO E During the high water. a man was seen going olown the Arkansaw on a log. As he was passing Little Rock, several men sprang into a skiff, rowed out to the lone navigator and said: "Climb in." ".limb in whar?' "in the skiff. hurry up." "Wall, strangers, i'm pretty well fixed. Don't take no work to move alonr." "Where are you going?" "Down the river. .We know that. Where are you from?' "From up the river." ' Of course you are. but "What made you ax, then?C" "What are you doing on that log?" "Trravelin'." "What do you wan' zo fool with for? Don't you know you'll drown if you keep ol this way?" -Wont drown if I keep on thiser way. Ef I wuster git off in the water I mout drown." "ilow far have you come this way?" --I've come this way all er long." "But where were you when you got on the log?" "In the river." "Certainly. but how far from here?" "Ain't made no calc'lation." "Where do you live when you are at hone?' "At home." -f course, but where is your home ?" "Whlar I live." "Whar is your family?' "Scattered erlong." "D)id your house wash away?" "Sorter. Mfy wife's back yander on a cottonwood log, an' my son Bsill's comhin' along som'ers on a p)op:ar." sho don't you come to the "'Cause it don't cost nothing to ridle." "You'd better come out and get a drink." Dinged if I don't (do it. Feller back here wanted me to come out an' hear him preach, but he didn't have the right kin' o gosp)el. Now, fellers. pull fur the shore as fas' as v'er ken ."-MIechant-Tr'aceer WELL. MIET.--There," she said as she raised a window in a Pull man car the other day; "now I can breathe. The air in this car is sti fiing. Why don't they hlave better ventilation?~ If' I couldn't sit next to an open1 windlow I beliceve I should die." Presently a slender fem ale sitting directly hack leaned over and ask ed her if she wouldn't just as lieve close that window now, as the draught was more than she could stand. "No. madam. I shall not close this window. I could not live with it down. I was just thinking how delightful it was with it open, now you want it shut. b)ut I shall not shut it; so there." "Then y,ou are a selfish thing,. and I shall have to change my seat." .Just then a gentleman sitting close by reached over and said : 'Ladies, that wind 2w being raised, make no difference, as this car' has double windows, and not a br2athl of air can possibly get through the one that is still down." Then the one that had raised the. window turned to the other, and, with a crushed look on her face. said : "3Madam, I beg yon pardon, but I think two fools have met at last." Dunning, when in the full flushl of celebrity at the bar was asked how he got through such an accum ulation of business, IIe replied:; "Sonme I do, some does itself, and the est is never dnne at al." K.NOV. In Forim..,r days. candidat,s foi athission to certain churches werc cxalmin'Ie-d as to their knowledge oJ sunidry doctrinez. Questions whic! no theolo,Ian could answer were grravelv put to uneducated men, and even to boys. On the length of hiE reply and the frequency with whicl lie us-d the stereotyped phrases d in some degree, the ap provnl which-11 the church comittee showe i the candidate. Among the young p)ople in a New Engan-d villnge, who profess. ed themselves christians, was a simple-minded youth of the smallest possible amount of wit consistent with moral respousibility. But be ing sincerely anxious to join the churcl, he presented himself to the church committee. The first ques tion put to him was. "Do you understand the doctrine >f the trinity?" "No, I can't say I do." ,,Can you give the committee a lefinition of regeneration?" "I don't think I can ' --Well. what do you understand by foreordination? Take plenty of time to answer," said a kind hearted old deacon. thinking the -andid:te was confused. i-I don't know much about it." -Can you give us some opinion respecting God's decrees?' "Fm afraid not." "Well then," said the minister, a little impatiently, "what do you know?" Promptly came the answer, .,I know that I'm a sinner, and I know that Christ died to save me. And I want to join the church to get more help from Christ and His people." Every member of that committee felt rebuked, and one of them said afterwards, "I learned from that moment to respect the spiritual knowledge of the humblest man or woman. and not to think so much r)f that knowledge which comes from the head alone."-Youth's Compan T %E PEIED OF A FLYING .i)UcK. It may be interesting to the read er to know the speed at which many rlucks fly bown wind: Mallard, from 45 to 50 miles an hour. Black duck, from 45 to 50 miles hour. Gadwall, from 60 to 70 miles an our. Redhead. from 80 to 90 miles an hour. IBlue wingtail, from 80 to 100 miles an hour. Green wingtail, from 80 to 100 miles an hour. Broadbill, from 85 to 100 miles :n hour. Canvas back, from 85 to 120 miles an hour. Wild geese, from 80 to 90 miles in hour. For the above table I am indlebted ;o M1r. ID. W. Cross, and old (luck shooter andl a careful student of :h habits of water fowl. I have rot the slightest hesitancy in be. [ieving him right, for the experi mnce of others with whom I have shot ducks, coupled with my own more than corroborates the asser ~ions. When I have held ahead of .string, of blue bills. say at least en feet, and kill the fourth or fifth uck in the string, I have been trongly imp)ressed that thme speed ! ey were flying was like thc tradi ional greased lightning, remember ng that the charge of shot left my un (No. 4 shot, say) with an initial veloity of 1.800 to 2,000 feet per sconmd. It will be seen that long xprience2 and good judgmient is necessary to know where to hold ~he gun in order to become a good luck shot. A Cnows INTELLIGEcE.-The entinel system of the crows is very complete. Their guards dis Iay a remarkable degree of judge 'nent and intelligence. They will irise a cry for a man with a gun long efore be gets in range of them, and hey are equally wary of a man who ~reeps toward them. Bat a team ay pass close by without disturb ng them, and they wilh even let a man on foot pass unnoticed if he insn't a gun and goes boldly about is business. I had a curious ex uple of this when I first began to tudy their habits. I commence I by trying to shoot them, but though I ha~d pass them close enough be fore, I could not get near them af ter I began carrying a gun. I went out with my gun every evening for weeks. I crept behind fences and lay in wait in the bushes, but could never get a shot at them. One (day; however, I struck upon a plan wbich I have since operated very success fully I held my gun close to my ide. the barrel running down the side of my leg,and walked down bold ly down the road without taking any notice of them. With their usual disrcgard for trave'ere, they let nie pass close up to them, when I turned suddenly and fired. Now I can shoot a crow whenever I wat toa SPEAK 01' LIKE A MAN. Toin R. has a young brother and a young lady sister, and Tom R. is a hard one to keep up with. His sister had a beau the other night, and just as the conversation be caie interesting the little brother walked in. -Well,' said his sister, 'what do you want here ?' I want to whisper something to you.' was the reply. iTisn't polite to whisper in coin paiy, speak out like a little man. -Oh, I don't like to.' iYes, but you must, so Mr. J. can see how bright you are.' 'All right then. Brother Tom told me to ask you what was the date of your last bustle, for he can't find to-days paper high or low, and he left it in your room just before supper. Tom left on the midnight train for a trip South, and his house is not expecting him back before the first of May. The young lady may recover by that time.-The Press TIlE FOUR TR UTiHS. There was once an old monk who was walking through a forest with a little scholar by his side. The old man suddenly stopped and pointed to four plants close at hand The first was just beginning to peep above the ground; the second had rooted itself pretty well into the earth: the third was a smart shrub; whilst the fourth and last was a full-sized tree. Then the old monk said t) his younger companion: -'Pull up the first." The boy easily pulled it up with fingers. -'Now, pull up the second." The youth obeyed, but not so easily. "And the third.' "But the boy hal to put forth all his strength and use both arms before he succeeded in uprooting it '-And now said the master, "try your hand upon the fourth." But lo! the trunk of the tall tree grasped in the arms of the youth, scarcely shook its leaves; and the little fellow found it impossible to tear its roots from the earth. Then the wise old monk explained to his scholar the meaning of the four trials. --This, my son, is just what hap pens with our passions. When they are very young and weak, one may by a little watchfulness over self, and the help of a little self denial, easily tear them up; but if we let them cast their roots deep down into our souls, then no human power can uproot them-the almigh ty hand of the Creator alone can pluck them out. For this reason, my child, watch well over the first movements of your soul, and study by acts of virtuc to keep your pas sions in check." SUCCESSI-TUL LoVE.-There are men who rise from a low station to a throne; and it certainly must be a grand and triumphant sensation which they experience when first they sit in the seat of sovereignty, and feel their brows pressed by the golden circlet of command, witE the gmeat objects of ambition all attained, the struggle up the ascent to power accomplished and the end reached for which they.have fought, and labored, and watch through many a weary day and night. But the exultation of that moment, great as it may be, is nothing to that which fills the heart of youth in the first moment of successful love. The new-throned usurper must be well-nigh weary of repeated triumphs; for the step to the throne is but the last of many fatiguing footfalls in the path of ambition. iIe, too, must foresee innumerable dangers and difficulties around; for the experience of the past must teach him that in his race there is no goal, that the prize is never really won, that he may have dis tanced all others, but that he must still run on. Not so with the lover in the early hour of his success; his is the first step in the coarse of joy, andl the brightest because the first. Fresh fr-om all the dreams of youth, it is to him the sweetest of realities; unwearied with the bitter task of experence, he has the capability of enjoyment as well as the expectation of repose. The brightne-s of the present spreads a veil of misty light over all that is threatening in the futura; and the well of sweet Iwaters in the heart seems inex haustible. Wn.TAr KEPT UIx.-"Hello, Bill, when tiid you get back!" asked one i-ough citizen of acother, down on the levee. "D)ay b'efore yistiddy." -W here yer been" '-Up here in a country town." 'What doin'" "W orkin' on the streets. ' "Gittin' any lucre!" 'C%othin' but my board." 'No mnor'n that?' "Not a nickel." "Well you're gittin' party low down. What kept you so long!" *"A fifty pound ball chained to my northwest leg, that's all." M h TMrawiter IADVEIRTISING RATES Advertisements insertcd at the rate of $1.00 per square (one inch) for first insertior, and 75 cents for each subsequent insertioz. Double column advertisements ten per cen*, on above. Notices of meetings, obituaries and tributt s of respect, same rates per square as ordinmiy advertisements. Special Notices in Local column 15 cer.t perline. Advertisements not marked with the unn her of insertions will be kept in till forbid and charged accordingly. Special contracts made with lare adver ti iers. withI liberal deductions on above rate s --:0: JOB PRITMAW DONE WtTl NEATSESS AND DIPPATCIH TERMS CASH. HE WANTED A PARTNER-A certain bachelor in town who has a good business of his own, concluded he wanted to extend it somewhat and found that a partner with capi tal would help affairs, so he put the matter before a banker on Third -treet. --Ah," said that gentleman, eye. ing him suspiciously, -so you want a partner, do you?" "I think it would be advisable." --It would, my fine fellow, it would," chuckled the banker. nudging him in the ribs, --and the very partner you want is a wife." "W hat?" "A wife; ha-ha-ha !" and the banker shook till the greenbaiks in his pocket jingled. "A wife? Well it might to tin der some circumstances, but, you see, I want a silent partner." Jlerchant-Traveler. SoME OTITER MAN'S BOOTS. "How tall would you think I was?" asked Crimsonbeak of some friends, as they stood chatting on the street the other night. "Oh. about five feet se- a inches," guessed one. "Not right," replied the beacon light; ".I stand five feet nine inches in my boots.' '-You don't do anything of the kind !" came from a voice on the outside of the circle. "What's the reason I don't !' ex claimed Crimsonbeak, moving to ward the spot with a bad look in his face. --Because you don't stand in your boots at all," replied the little man who Crimsonbeak recognized as his shoemaker; "and the sooner you come around and pay me for them the better !" Crimsonbeak's previous engage ments demanded his immediate at tention elsewhere at that moment. Yonkers Statesn. FaUITs OF ADvERlTIsING.-A prom inent business firm in one of our leadirg cities, who has grown rich by liberally patronizing the printer gives to their fellow merchant the following concerning adv-ertising: '-We have for many years studied the art of advertising, and still it remains a marvel to us that there is not a hundred times more of it. WVe never knew a man to advertise his wares liberally and steadily that it did not pay. Yet there are thousands of manufactures and tens of thousands of men, having articles which they declare ought to be 'in every household 'n the country,' who advertise a gingerly and close ly as thoui! they had at heart no faith ini it. at all. How can they e'pect to get their goods anywhere unless some knowledge of the arti c!e first gets into the family hews paper? If we wited tilt people learn from their neighbors, we might wait for years before the most wonderful and useful inven tion bcame known." H A ND A ND HEAD -It has been the fashion to separate handwork from headwork, is if the two were incompatible. One was for laborers and mechanics, the other for pro fessional and literary peoe; one was for the poor, the other for the rich. But we are gradually learn ing that their harmonious union is ihe only means of the perfection of eithei-. Ruskin says truly: "We want one man to be always think ing, and another to be always work ing, and we call one a gentleman and the other an operatilr ; whe. as the workman ought often to b thinking and the thinker often to be working, and both shoald be gentlemen in the best sense. The mass of society is made up of mor hid thinkers and miserable work ers. It is only by labor that thought can be made healthy, and only by thooght that labor can be made happy. and the two cannot be sep arated with impunity." I t takes 850 turns of the crank to wind the clock in Trinity steeple, New York. Timne is what we want most, but what we use worst, for which we must all account, when time shall be no more. In the morning think what you have to do, for which ask God's blessing ; at night, what you must ask God's pardon. Religion is reproached with not being progressive; but it makee amends by being imperi shiable. Experience shows that success is due less to ablility than to zeal. Tbe winner is he who gives himself to his work, body and.eouL. True politeness .ast touch of a noble'chara "Jt Ii the g old on the spise, the sulight on the cornfield." We should advocate no theory wbieh we believe to be fala 4