The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, July 05, 1883, Image 2

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e ..erald. ST. F. GRENEKER,E 1.:. . B. CROMER. EDITOns. NEWBERRY, S. C. H RDAY, JULY 5, 1883. A PAPER FOR TflE PEOPLE. The Heraldis n'hehighestrespect aFam y,3per, devoted to the material in t4 Othe peopl of this County and the $tte. it circulates extensively, and as an . s median offers unrivanled ad For Terms. see first page. THE FOURTR OF JULY. SThe birth-day of our national . istence has become as tame as 'the other three hundred and sixty Jl..bur days of the year, and the bon -resagd illuuninations which Adams thought would be kindled and re kindled at-its annual return, are no -Jonger seen. The bell of liberty is 1ilent and fourth of July celebra wf tions are almost confined to our -brothers in black, whose freedom is _ later birth than ours, and who v know nothing of the infancy of :American liberty. We feel that it Aay not be unimpolant to mention a few of the steps that led to the declaration of independence, for these are becoming indistinct in the minds of our most enlightened citizens. On the seventh of June, 1775, Richard Henry Lee. acting under tae instructions of the Virginia Convention, from which he was a delegate to Congress, submitted a resolution "that the United Colonies are and cught to be free and inde r pendent States; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the 'British crown; and that all political connection between them and the M ate. of Great Britain is, and d ghtto be, totally 'dissolved." On b th following day Congress debated the resolution in committee of the whole. And, says Mr. Pitkin, "No question of greater importance was ever presented to the deliberation of a deliberative body, qr debated nith more energy, eloquence and ability." The resolution was dis "" ssed again on the tenth, and a4opted. Congress was now pro dared to act promptly and decisive Iy A committee was appointed to ditsft a declaration of independence. This committee consisted of Ehomas. Jefferson, of Virginia, Jehn Adams, 'of Massachusetts, Benjamin Franklin, of Pennsyl ) ania, Rpger Sherman, of Connecti ~'cut,.and R. R. Livingston, of New C Yerk. On the second day of July Mr. Lee's resolution, which had been agreed to in committee of the 'whole. was adopted by Congress. The committee which had been instructed to prepare the declara tion, had .reported on the twenty eighth of June, and on the fourth <day of July that paper was adopted, and our nation was brought into existence. No date marks the birth of a more. distinguished and pow. 'erful offspring; and: few historical 'truths are more familiar, than that Jefferson was the-'author of the declaration. LO! THE POOR CONVCT! "Irregularities" have been dis covered in the treatment of the convicts at work in Laurens Coun ty. The inhuman treatment of the convicts laboring in the phosphate works, called forth the apology that their health was ruined by "-the peculiar kind of work in which they had been engaged.'' Later developments show, however, that the convicts suffer most from the peculiar kind of treatment to which they are subjected. If the State is disposed to ignore the article of the Constitution which p)rovides that cruel and unusual punishment shall not be inflicted, it might at least extend to the convicts the benefits of the law prohibiting cruelty to animals. The subject has become a very troublesome one; but it seems to us that the remedy is very simple. The directors of the Peni tentiary may pretend that they are smitten with deep sorrow, and that their feelings of humanity are out raged; but who will believe it, when they take no steps to punish thme offenders ? Let the convicts be kept at the Penitentiary under the immediate care of the officers of that institution; or let the contrac tors to whom they are leased under #stand that the convicts must be ? humanely treated. EAsLM, July 2.-Mrs. W. T. Field, wife of Senator Field, of Pickens County, was thrown from a buggy at this place this morning by a runaway horse. causing the fracture of a knee joint and proba bly dislocation. She was badly bruised otherwise and it is feared that her injuries are fatal.--Pol,,er to, Nee and Courier. AT LAST. The Railroad Commission haf completed and published the stand ard schedule of freight and pas senger rates, together with the rules and regulations, required by law. The important interests involved the aim to do thorough work, and the desire to be fair to the public a well as just to the railroads, led the Comrmission to act slowly and deli berately, in spite of the impatienc( that was manifested on all sides This schednle is the outcome of the diligent -labor and painstaking o: six months. It is not intended tc be a finality; complaints will be heard, and reasonable change. made. The passenger tariff has been re duced to three cents a mile for per sons twelve years old and over, auc one and one half for those betweer the ages of five.and twelve. Thi, reduction will prove of advantag< to the traveling public, and canno seriously affect the roads. Thesc are the summer excursion rates ' o: our railroads, and the practice o: the roads themselves leads us t< think that the increase in trave will almost, if not altogether, sup ply the decrease in the passengel tariff. The average freight rates adoptec by the Commission are much lowel than those now in force on the road. in this State, and we may fairl3 presume that the railroad corpora tions will not cheerfully submit tc the reductions. We feel safe it saying that, if they can stand it the public can. These corporation, threw the weight of their influenc against the creation of the Com mission; and it is well known thai they regard the law as unconstitu tionaL This is another reason wh3 the tariff adopted by the Commis sion cannot yet be regarded a! final, for there is little doubt thai the constitutionality of the law wil be submitted to the test of th< Supreme Court. AN IMPORTANT DECISION. The Supreme Court has decidec that the Homestead right, as deriv ed from the Constitution, is not f new kind of estate. The purpos( was, not to create any new estate or to invest 'estates already exist ing with any new qualities, or t< subject them to any restrictions but to secure a right of exemptior by forbidding the use of any mesu or final process to sell certain prop erty for the payment of debts. Ib would not be competent for th( Legislature to change the charac ter of the estate which the citizer has in his property, or to transfe: his property without his consent if, therefore, the Legislature hat declared in express terms that th< homestead should be held by th4 head of the family, in trust for hi! wife and children, such legislatiox would haye been clearly unconsti tutional and void, and the head o: the family would continue to holi the property by the same right a~ before, and would have the powei to use and dispose of it in the same way as he could any other propert3 which belongs to him absolutely either by sale or mortgage. -The decision is important, foi many persons hold the opinion thai after the homestead is set apart tc the head of the family, it must bE held in trust by him. for his wifE and children. He has the right under this decision. to use and dispose of it as he pleases. It is not a new estate, but merely so much of his absolute property e*x cmnpt from levy and sale. Undler this decision. mn what light must we regard the homestead~ set apart tc the widow, as the head of the fami. ly, out of the husbands estate. If the homestead is not a new kind of estate. is she entitled to home. stead out of the husbands, proper ty? The Commissioner of Agriculture and the~ Nes. & Courier think thai by thoroughly advertising our re sources, we can bring an influx oi imnmigrants into our State. We take this suggestive paragraph fromr an interview with the Commission. er: "Are farmers willing to p)ay morE to white immigrant laborers than tc negroe laborers?'' "Well, the immigrant laborers have generally commanded highei wages than the negroes and the3 cost their employers more in othem ways. They require better food and better houses, and it is expect ed that in return they will give bet ter labor. .When the employer ad vances the cost of transportatior and incurs the expense of properl3 fitting Up) houses for them and pays them the usual wages, $10 to $1~2 month and rations. (which, as I said must be of better quality than thai given negro laborers) they cannot expect to make any extra profil from their work the first year, and it is probable that the employer wil] lose money, although this is not always the case." Mrs. M. F. Ellerbe, Bennet'sville, S. C., says: "Brown's Iron Bitters has added much to the health of our household. We used it for dyspep GENERAL .JAMES CONNER. On Wednesday of last week, a motion was made in the Court of General Sessions, in Charleston, that the court adjourn in token of respect to the memory of the lion. James Conner. From the spoken tributes, we give the following : REMAnKS OF COL. 3fCRADY. When, may it please.your Honor, I read yesterday morning on the bulletin board the announcement. "Gen. Conner died at Richmond 4 o'clock this morning," it carried me back at once twenty-one years. It seemed we were still in the war, and that he had died of his wound he received at Mechanicsville on the 26th of June, 1862-died of the wound I saw him a few days after lying, suffering under at Rich mond. And as I mused. your Hon or, dream and reality blended to gether, and I realized that he had died at last of his wound-died, too, still fighting for his country after twenty-one more years of hard ser vice in the field and at home for the State he loved and hamd s:'ved uo well. It was just twenty-one years to the day of his death that he fell at Mechanicsville at the head of his regiment. But what an age in those years had he lived. Going back to the army with his wound unhealed, he led again, as brigadier-generbl, many a battle line until a shell car ried away the limb that would not mend. From the moment of his first wound to his last breath his life was one of pain and suffering -but he never complained. We, his old comrades, thought he had done full service to his State, and might give what remained of his strength and his shattered health to his family and his profession. But the day of trouble had not passed for his people, and in their ex tremity, bowed on his crutches. he was their guide; worn and maim ed as he was, when domestic war and strife arose he again was the captain of our citizen soldiery. how much our people owe to Gen. Conner's courage and to his caution, how much to his political sagacity in 1876 it is hard to esti mate, for the skill and conduct which dares to endure and hold the hand of violence leaves little mark or remembrance, save in the con sciousness of him who knows how near and great the danger was that he avoided. Gen. Conner was a strong man strong in his mind-strong in his will. Doubtless there are those amongst us whose views and wishes came some time in conflict with his, and when so they found him an unbending opponent. But his strength was the strength of a clear judgment and an honest conviction. Mis taken he no doubt was at times; b)ut not even in the moment of the keenest contest in this room did any member of the bar for a mo ment question the sincerity of his purpose. It was the common remark that no argument could ever overcome t11e clank of Gen. Conner's crutches in an assembly of citizens. But it was not pity for his sufferings that gave him such weight in our coun sels. Our people loved him for the dangers he had passed, and for the blood he had shed for them. But it was not on that acecount they followed his advice. It was because they trusted his judgment, and well knew that the popularity lhe wished is that "which follows. not that which is run after," "that p)oplarity which sooner or later never fails to do justice to the pursuit of noble ends by noble means." May it please yoor IIonor, I have known Glen. Conner from my youth upward. My introduction to hijm as a ladl at school was his interfer ence to protect a brother of mine from the violence of an older boy, a p)rotection to which. as it hapoen ed, his own strength was not sifli cient. From that time. more than forty years ago, I have known him always the same heroic characte!. I speak, I am sure, not only the sense of the Bar, but of main whoI( have followed G en. Conner in battle, of many who have been~ guided by his advice, and for whom hiis voice has been heard in this Court. of the community at large, when I ask your IIonor's permnission to second the motion of the At.orne-eneraml that your Ilonior should adjourn the Court, not as a cold n: ark of respect for his memory, but that some of the public business a: least may be suspended for a while that we m.o.y pause for a moment t-> think of one who spent his time aml his blood as well for the public. REMARKS OF JUDGE wALLACE. I have known Glen.- Conner. gen tlemen, for many years. With the interest andl pleasure of p)ersonal friendship I have observed his ea reer from its beginning to its close. It was filled with high aims, distin guished achievement and duty done. There is nothing about it to regret except its prematuire ending. lHe took hold of the duties and respon sibilities of life with a firm grasp. ThIe fruit of his early intelligent industry made his name familiar in every law ofice in South Carolina. That work was only the earnest of his subsequent attainments and achievemnts in the law and at the Bar which placed him in the front ranks of his p)rofession. As a lawyer lie was diligent and faithful. lie was liberal, candid amnd fair. iIe was able and learned. The death of such a man is always a great loss to the profession. Gen. Conner, like other great lawyers whose names are embalmed in the history of the struiggle for just government, was not a lawyerj only; . he was a self-sacrificing patriot. I need not refer here and nowy~ to instances in illustration of his unselfish patriotism. How un talent to the establishment of good government in this State in '76, iE fresh in the recollection of us all Gen. Conner was more than a lawyei and patriot. He was a manly mar -loyal and, true; he had a firmnes, of courage and a soundness of judg ment, a fidelity in friendship, tha commanded the respect and thi confidence of every one. His in fluence was always exercised in the interest of high and patriotic ends But, gentlemen, what is upper most in the breasts of all of us nov is a sense of personal loss. I was your daily associate and friend He was my friend also for morE than thirty years. I, like you, fee a sense of personal bereavement I mourn with you for his death The motion is granted. Let this Court stand adjourned as a mark o: respect to the memory of Jame. Conner until 10 o'clock on Frida3 morning. Superintendent Lipscomb ani Dr. Pope reported to the G overno last week that they had discovere' irregularities in the treatment o convicts on the Greenwood. Spar tanburg and Laurens i. R.. it Laurens County. A meeting o: the directors was held on the 27th and a committee consisting of Maj D. F. 'Bradley and Major T. W Woodward was appointed to inspeci the convict camp and make a report to the Governor. The committee, accompanied by Dr. Jas. McIntosh made a full and careful examina tion of the convicts. on the 28th and will in a day or two submit full report. It is understood thal the report will show that the caml is in a bad conditior and that somE of the convicts are unfit for duty recommending that all the convict, be ordered back to the Penitentiary Dr. McIntosh has submitted hiE report to the Governor, in which h< recommends certain changes in the diet of the convicts, and an enlarge ment of their quarters. It has noi been ascertained that there has beer any maltreatment or cruelty. Eigh of the convicts have been returned to the penitentiary as unfit for duty It is said that the members o the United States Supreme Couri represent $15.000,000. Judge Blatch ford is said to be worth at leasi $13,000,000 and is childless-no body but his wife and self. Stan ley Matthews is said to be wortl $300,000 at the very lowest esti mate, while Justice Wood's fortun< is stated to be at least $100,000 Chief Justice Waite is said to havE at least $150,000. Justice Fielc $750,000. Justice Bradley is sait to be worth $500,000, while Justice Miller and Harlan are both poo1 men. Their only income, it is said is their salaries-$10,000 per an num. What will Brown's Iron Bitter. cure ? It will cure IIeart Disease Paralysis, Dropsy. Kidney Disease Consumption, Dyspepsia, ,hRhen~ matismn and all similar diseases. It wonderful curative power is simnply because it purifies and enriches the blood, thus beginning at the founda tion and building up the system drives out all disease. For the peculiar troubles to which ladie: are subject it is invaluable. .It if the only p)reparation~ of iron that does not color the teeth or cause headache. All Persons in the Town of Newberry must cash their ac counts IN FULL be. fore asking for further Credit. S. F. FANT. july 5, 27-tf. ' NOTICE. Thue regulair meeting of the Mer chants Protective Association will be held in the office of Geo. S. Mower, on Monday evening next (9th inst.). at 81 o'clock. T[he (eecio1: of rilieers and other mnatters of initere.:t to the Asso(.ia ion will 1he trantsaeted. Punctuail at temlance dle-ired. J. W. ('OPPOCK, 1t Secretary. Presto Change! We conitemrplate a change in the copartnershiip of the pre tent lirm. and. an entire chiange& in tic.e 1 .yl( and Lli ty of our stock. on or i c.forc Septem ber 1st. andl( to ma:ke room for the chai. We Now Offer Our Entire Stock of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS At and Below New York Cost. In this~ stock will ls found a full line of StapIle and Domestic Dress Good. of every description. White Goods, Hamburg Edgings, Laces, Parasols, and Trimmings of every description. Notions of all Kinds. BOOTS ad SilOES of the Season. HA1 S aod all2TIR A GOODS, ad many of the Goods in this stock will be sold REGARDLESS OF COST. Country Merchants and the trade will fin" :t to their interest to examine or stock before purchasing elsewhere. For this is the Grand Clearing Out Sale of the season, and we are det rmnined to reduce our stock to its loweJn mr gin by the above daite. McALL & KTfERWHITE. .Mew &fdve New and Seas Are being received eve large and complete in Spring and St In full line will be offe Examine them. C. BOUKN March 28 13 tf The Log Remains the Saw THE NOVELTY SAW stationary, can be moved about with ah cotton gin or thresher guaranieed, with 4,000 ft. 1 in. lumber per day. or 2,000 or a 52 in. inserted tooth saw. f The Birdsall Traction 1 the roughest roads. through mud or sauc The Birdsall rto 8 I. p. engine mount< up to one bale Cotton an hour. Has mo on the market. The Birdsall Separator noted for its cl, Having the general agency for South 1 can sell on liberal terms and at reasonab Also agent for the AUGUSTA COTTC All gins especially tne Gullett repaire4 Ribs, Bristles, Gin Saws, Belting, &c. d Manufacture the VAR ZANR iearran/ed to make a fiue sample, clean the Roll. For sale a lot of Gullett and Barr order at reduced prices. Address O. M. STC 5 july 5, 27-2mos. diti fo t e , t a a met.Fr fute patcuas. pl -- L Co O o AT NTS RHS The pulic ar wane agans hiin ~O SAL -iu er, who isa coracti cor th yrear ay pesn hiodruing ona ition. foot power, with all attach ments. For further particulars apply july 4, 27-t. NOTICE. The opftie ar nei er t hist in o under cotrmac of e r Pointhe rnsurarsnc hirins is by bortgual withot mey cossentved,land posecu ater 1to thJull nexteto the ns Ijwuld5 respetfulskacntnac ofthe Cierpatronage heretofore ex ingender the firmnm f ln Poo reingo the Insurnee busii-b Inwould espektforl ask Glennueance ofeliberal patronage heretofore exde Ito Glenn & Pool. T. C. POOL. Junme 27, 1S83, 20-3t. NOTICE. All persons5 inldebted to mec :nust settle '.t on1ce. jure 4, 2:3-tf. L.. A. EAST. J. K. P. GOooA 58. D. 0. nE RBERT. GOGGANS & HERBERT, Attorneys-at -La wV, NEWBERRY, S. C. "Striet Attention to Business." Nov. 2, 44--ly. Sampson Pope, K. Dl., PHYMIMt AND MJRGEON, Office-Opera House, VE WBERY, S. C.I In addition to a general practice pays especial attention to tihe treatment of diseases of Females, and Chronic dis eases of all kinds includling diseases of the Respiratory and Circulatory Sys tenms-oi the Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Rectum. Liver, Stomachl, Eye, Ear, Nome and Throat, of the Nervous Sys tem and Caneerous Sores and Ulcers. (Correspondence solicited. April 2, 14-ly. BOOK STORE BOOM! Note Paper, first-rate qluality, 15 ets. a quire. Note Paper, second( qulality. 10 ets. a qmire. Letter Paper. good quality. 20 ets. au Legal Cap. tir,st-rate, 30 ets. a quire. " " nedium, 20 ets. Bill " irst-rate, 25 ets. I ""medimn, 20 ets. Envelopes.stuperline, 15 cts.per pack. " econd quality, 10 ets per pack. "common, 8 ets. per pack. Andl every thing else in piroportionl. HERALD BOOK STORE. june 27, 2C-3t. Something Pretty. Beautiful Paper Dolls for Misses. HEAL Boo Sty ore DyGoods. DEMO RALIZATI If your pocket-book is rather Jig F and you wish to make the conten buy as much as, possible, you nat ly consider where is the best house t visit to most advantage. It is a we known fact that one house in parti lar is taking the cak tP ry'" i nice new Goods in prices an defying competition. U U is determined to clear out his e Summer stock at prices thatt - ivs W tonish every one. He believes better than tocary over nex Goods that shoald be sold no*.' y prices quoted before will be etin ed, and in addition will be found endless variety of other Goods ot c the previous list. The latest novelty is thebeau line of Dress Goods in eve color eluding the Crushed fawberry Cream, Navy Blue, Black j reen, In Mourning Goods a great variety i always on hand. Remember the prices of Calicos 3 1-2c. to the best qualit 7c. For .the benefit of those who hii not seen mur list of prices it is givente below : Ladies' Hose, 5c. worth 10c. " " 8 " 15 " " 10 " 25 Men's*i " 5 " 10 " "6 " 15 " " 10 " 25,. The following alarming prices are repeated Unlaundried Shirts, pure Linen4fronts, 50e~ o~~4 Cambric Handkerchiefs, - - 24 " 5e ""-~ 5 " 10 Paper of Needles,-- - - - 24. " 5 1.2 Yairds Trimming for - . 16 ' Parasols, - - - - - - 124 1: Towels, - - r " - - - - - - 7 " 15 "- - - - 10 " 20 D. C. F LYNNV was the first to introduce Goods at these bewildering prices, anda advertising very often means~ exag geration, sranigers entered this storM with caution and doubtsbumt whenth3 Goodsewere shown as advertised, Je count4ennees assumed av appearnce, and after purchiases,left us withkh ofa their eenfidence anoWt6 Please remember I have Genuine WagmsutaTatd wide, 12e ~ F3init of the Loom, - - 10 Another lot, - - -' 9 wortlf Still anoth6r,- - - -.- &;..' As the first rule in this house is polite attentio ers, the public will be shown the Goods with whether they purchase or not. Straw Hats almost given away. Boots and Shoes in immense variety. . Ready-made Clothing lower than the lowest, inei Linen Goods for Summer Wear. Ladies' Ulsters at bottom prices. Ladies' Collaretts, Scarfs, Gloves in profusion. Come Early and Make Your Se1et~ Gents' Ties, Scarfs, Collars and Undes~I Very Cheap. B. C. E L N M KELLY & PURCELL, Managers. April 21, 17-tl. 'tisetnents. onable Goods! ry day. Our Stock ih all departments. immer Goods red at great Bargains IGHT, EX'R. & 00., COLUMBIA, S. C. Stationary whilc Travels. MTTT is mounted on wheels o: nost as much as ease as a portabli good 10 horse power engine will et 3.000 feet with a ( horse power. Ia: O-ine has no equal, will travel ove and carry saw mill, thre'her or wagon A or sem-portable drives a 60 saw git re power to its weight than any engim eaning qualiti.,s and fast work. "araolina for the above machinery le prices. IN GIN WORKS. I in the best manner. Orders for Gir lied promptiy. )T CROWN GIN which is , ed perFecty and not choke or break th "tt Cotton Gins new and in perfee ONE, Agent, Augusta, Ga. An Ordinance. An ordinance to amend an ordinane entitled "An Ordinance for Regulatin, the Market, " ratified on the 13th dai of March, A. D. 1883. Be It Ordained by the Mayor anc Aldermen of the Town of Newberry South Carolina, in Council assemble; and by the authority of the same: That section 2 of said Ordinance b< so amended that the same said sectioi shall read as follows: SECTION 2. That for the use of per sons residing outside of the corporat< limits .f the Town of Newberry, wh< shall send or bring the fresh meat of 4 beef or beeves, a goat or goats, sheep or swine into the Town of Newberr3 for sale, there shall be reserved one stall in the public market, which said stall shall be known as the "Farmer': Stall," provided that no one shall bt allowed to use said Farmer's Stall ex cept for the sale of the fresh meat of e beef or beeves, sheep or swine, or a goat or goats of his, her or their owr raising: and that such person or per sons so using said Farmer's Stall shal pay therefor to the Clerk and Treasur er of the Town of Newberry, the sun of fifty cents for each beef; the sum of twenty cents for each hog ; and the sum of fifteen ceits for every sheer or goat sold therein. Done and ratified u:nder~ tihe corpor ate seal of the Town of New bei ry, Sou;h Carolina, on thi: (SEAL.] the twen(y-fifth day of June ii tihe year of our Lord (one thou sand eight hundred and ?ighty. three. YOUNG JOHN POPE, Mayor of tile Town of New berry South Carolina. Attest: JoI[N S. FAmR, ' C. and Tr., T. C., N june 25, 20-2t. Boarding House ! Having leased and newly furnished the JWIIOX 00O120G BULDJNG, in tile Town of HIendersonlville, tile n-l dersigned will, on tihe 1t (lay of July, next, open the same as a SUMMER BOARDING HOUSE, prepared tc accommnodalte a large flnmber of Visi tors during tile season. A beautifin oak grove surrounids the Building, while the Campus of EIGHT ACREE is delightfully sh1dled andl quite attrac tive; in which is a well of the Coldest Free-Stone Water. Fine Mountain Views can be had fron points near the House. The building is of Granite, the Rooms large and well ventilated. The table will be furnished with the best the market alffordls. Terms reasonable. C. M. PACE, PROPRIETOR. june 27, 20-4t. School Examinations. - Thec regular semIi-annual examina tion of applicants for certificates to teach in the public schools of this County, will be held at Newberry C. [I., S. C., on Friday andl Saturday, Tuly C and 7, 1883. Colored applicants on Friday. and white appllicanlts on1 Saturday. The Board of Examiners will hldl no special examlinations. By order of tile Board. J. C. BOYD. S. (., N. C. june 11,24-4t NOTICE. Pursuant to the order of Jacob B. Fellers, Esq., as Judge of Probate for Newberry County, S. C., I wvill make i final settlemlent of the estaute of William S. Caldwell, dleceased, in the Probate Court for Newberry, on Fri [lay, the 27th day of July next, at 11 o'clock inl the forenoon, and inunedi Itely apply for a final discharge as Ad ministrator of said estate. JNO. C. WILSON, As Administrator of Estate of William2 S. Caldwell, dee'd. Newberry, S. C., 18th July, 1883. June 19, 2.->-5. THE BLATCHLEY PUMP! BOY THlE BEST. BLATCHLEY'S TRIPLE ENAMEL S PORCELANLNED OR BSEAMLESS TUBE :COPPER-LINED .'PUMP C. C.LATCH4LEY,Manuf'r, 308 MARKET ST., PhiHad'a. Wriaotmeroenmor.nuarest asat Mar_. ,1't-Am.