The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, February 01, 1883, Image 3

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taswn-irt inserted-at ihe rate or *ee:w or mesags commeni o: pcr,ousal feterents, tributes sc cbarged as regnlar adrer t prstare. 1inistation,saod other legal oblaries, tributes of respect and as well as com-aUica ~ oaa character mst be paid pricc-of the HMaLD is moaths. $1.00 .for -six (or. three months and 2s iu'advance. Names in J> eeoa the :zabecripdio essotiequiaI paid. in? ead 8 telia to per will be lnserted. at regular Po" dollar per qagS, eash Sb.fand oumI at Go.P. per Advertising Ba here adl in con fr itinsewY -rk "s ter,at?#opeIt7. seat at that ptses 4nZ=wra - 'erona Indebted. r tub ates. 1es-Agal(NeieCS Notie :z Sl aohter. a dorrent, whenthere Is money in t,:. kno w hatf seouaskfor advice .and se& if it does tade. a want:of.a sewing o w,D B.Wk e,: who 1 and among them Howe Sewing Machine. -.51--t. and others desirinig a gen ieney business, b a day. ea be earn at onee, on postal, to Co, 193 and197 Fal ew Yor. 28, 52-Cm. wanting Guano, Acid, or ske will apply to J. C. g!d Town,S.C. The ^ ierman Kainit will t .points on C.& G. E. E.,. -3.-3m. . S is American Newsps "al statistics of all News :t,ie United States and Can from the:Cesus pestpaid on of ] ~Do Alars. &ddress . W. ., .,Advertising Agents, , Philadelphia. t Soffice is preparedto ex -Pintig such as Bitt Heads, l s Btrsiness Cards, Circu for parties and wed Co1ene Tickets, Receipts, Post- 1 'Hand Rills, &e., &c., 4 eheaply and 'tiously as t n any office uth. Come i *speimnea, ask prices, tqgi eagivinced. Da not senld abrqayLwhi slgi oi rel r of aBlak book, 1~k etter paper, Eus.a &at'aing else in the line,9f '~~lat the Timo.n Book s somiethiing there foryou.4 iie~fbeautiful cream laid * -en~Io3, for priuting wed-C invitations, just reeeiv. . The printing -will be a1neat. ~at~ai~, ote Head. Letter Head I etextra quality, just received at Job Printing done at ] Nffide with neatness and (ell ad see specimens and ,5meorys Little. Cathart'c to take, sugar-conted; no e~ enta a box. of DruggIsts I .burlCure Co.. 114 Nassau York . -Jun.. , -8mn. Ch sad Fever, and Bilious at-. ' euredi with ,Emor' Stan-t all-i infalinae emd: nov-C oeure (the 'tsost ,btnao long e Quiine antdall oth na illed, hya reeae etkinis of Pills. contatining a mh,ta d a chiil breaker, sugcar 006tains no Qu11mine or Mercury, or purginge-tLey-.are j oet,- certain in th)eir ation * inat11 cass; they *eetualy1 st*tema, and give .new lfean 4Tod, As a household remedyr For L iver Complaint sg t on the worst case. They Bad - . by Physicians, and a everywhere, or sent by -*et boxes. Emnory's Little Fl bst over maade, only 15 iCure Co., i tmaa Street, I th i to subscrihe. n <e gtheir orders to the ,or who sendtheccash I ,iluastrated.......s00 &...... 001i ... ,... ............ 00 1 Iee~'...'.......00 ........ .:-........ 4 e ...................4001t 8ook, mnonthly.f....2 00 1 y's Magatzi, monthly. s' 00 Men'tJy. -...,.....3 00t Magazine.tionthly..... 3 00 t thij-,;tltstrate4,........ 41.3 CaAd et,.-..........,.. 25 of pte o thall paprs and ia this eoic, from which per-. eoselections, all of which will at club rates with the HERA1.D bers. - - PUBLISHESR UEEALD. 1 i the Great Industries of the *s, alaTge ~>book will be names to the HERALD, if *by $4. 'Only two subscri dollars in subscriptions, book. ti. ribers to the HER ALD aret - for and receive a copy of Treatise on the Horse. A r book which we intend to free. tf. ctions this: heading we stated, last *the taxes on certain lands< *polls hadl not been account-< former Treasurers. Our infor- 1 obtained at the office of thei Treasnrer and Auditor, from a I n who is acquainted with the 1 4-who, on examining,. was un-t had anything indicating that had been accounted for. gentleman informs us that < nce found out thatXr.IU,B. in his posession, a Returna wi~that he accounted.fori kind mentiond during his. eolee. We. feetthatit is but'I Whites that'we should make atton Quotationsfor'ThurdaY. Good Middling -9 cents ; middling 8 3-i. ;3arket quiet. May is Tribe Increase.. We are told that a uegro man living on Mr. Smith Livigston's place, in this County. has 42 children and 324 grand children. And he is not a very uld man. Daths. Mrs. Jane Caldwell, died on the 26th inst. On the morning of the 28th, Johnny Livingston of Jolly Street, died of keniugitis, aged 14 years. Pfeasant and Harmless Norman's Neutralzng Cordial con tains no uoxioud 'd'or mineral but is purely vegetable.. most delicate nfant. can .tke It with peifect im pnity. No id effects follow its use. gee advertisement. Let the Work Golon. We learn that the subscription books for the Cotton eilis have been opened in an infornial~way, and that Mr. Hen ry Wheeler bis subscribed .$20,000. rhat is an encoUraging beginiiug, and we hope that the os wl' soon mexee thie i30,04 ned. Look out for liargains at M. Foot & ion ; and all Indebted must settle up. 2t Dn the Train. Mr.. L. B. ApMtin, a prominent muer :haut of I,envile, S.. C. says: L%a m ed of a-severe headaehe on :he .train comidg from the North, with Yoriman's NeutaIzinCordial. I also ured . a fellow passenger who was urfferipg very nmeh with Diarrhcea. It s certainly aftucellent.remedy and I iear tlyreconiendn it. iatfthey Emigrate. Last SaturyFt Jyfonr uegroe. nen, woinen ahd children--:nost of hem from L2ureus County, left this ilace for ]dtio an,, Tennessee. We ire told that =m*ay of the emigrants vho left here some time ago, are inxious to see Newbury again. If this uigration of th la',a ug, population aano otbereee fiet'k induce our .*ple to sow moreima1l grain, MtOO Reward Is o'ered for the eat re of two con., rits, Richard Brown and Wesley GWaker, who escaped from the Green. vood, Laurens and burg Rail gad works. Browrs very muscular tnd blsck; and Walker is a slick black. L liberal reward wil'be given for in brination which may lead to their apture. Address lt# R. P COLEMAN. n-a New Place. One of the institutions of Columbia s'. Jim Reese; the father Alonzo eese, before him was the best barber a Columbia, and. none but him was permitted to shave us in that city for wenty-five years or more. Well, Jim nyis equally as good, aid he is now to e found at Carroll's' Shop on Main treet, near Stokes's gestaurant. Give itu a eall, he will 'app;eite it, In anticipation aj in usfness y M. Foot&.Son they c on all in tebtyd.4o them to. come forward and ett eQir ope aecountsapy cash or tote, on or b fearch ;' 2t -ast $at men ~r4ttactodt. elAak, en Kiblefa -iI by ri of "Mar e"in'a keniinine voice." 'hey found 4tegronm lehaboriniga negro wench, ad arrested )hemboth. A dance was ig on at the place, and liter in the igtthe policemen bagged tibn others Lthe festive party. On Manmday the ro thies were up 'before the&Xayor's unrt. for disorderly behavior: In the treets, and were fined altogether, about 15, most of which was paid in e'ash. -o RoadRead i This is the injunction of that prince I clothiers, M. I,Kinard, of Colambia. rurther he says-that all of his lWinter toek will be sold at greatly reduced riees the object being to make room or an inmnense Sprnng stock. We now that Klnard means what he s nd if any one wants a bargain new is chance, and as delays are dan mbrace -the opportunity at once. riend has a growing and rapidl reasing family, the last addition win boys, and he is compelled to heaply and largely. one to Columbia )Ir. A. C. Jones, who received the3 ppointment last weel; as one of the lerks- to the Sinking Fund (Iommis ion, left here on Saturday to entger up o the duties ofisofilee. It-is agd at office, and entails upon him this esponisibility of drawing e1,200 a yeaq' vhich we trust he will be able to '~ rith dignity. We feel a deep an~ .bidin' interest in Crane-hie is ourt on-idaw, you know-and regret his enviig, but know that he will maintain ,position to which his av' rits have caill :d him, ort Calendars. On No. 1, the jury Calendar, there re 70 cases ; on No. 2, which contains he cases to be tried by the Court, there re .about 130 cases ; and on the other our calendars there are not a few ases. 0.a No. 2, is a case thatlias een called for 42 terms. The parties o the case are old and feeble, though hey were robust when the suit was >rought; and all the lawyers who began he suit, are dead. On No. 1, is a ease hat has been there for nearly 40 terms ; ad there are on these calendars, other ery old cases that.gshould be tried or truck off. special Announcement. .We take pleasure In announcing that ve have perfectedl arrangements with he pumblishers of the American Farmer hit enable us .t club that magazine rih the HEnAL> at the very low price if 82.25 per year, a trille over the egular price of the HERALD alone. L'inis is beyond question the fist time hat a reliable agricultural paper hams een oGered at so cheap a price, and we rust all our subscribers will avail hemselves of this unusual opportunity if securing a first.elass agricultural uagazine, ti SRat TaiL A gentleman of Newberry tells of a 'emarkable occurrence showing intelli ~enee in a rat. On discovering that a ertain kind of oil was mysteriously 1iuppearing from the bottle in which me kept it, he watched for the cause of ts disappearance, and-was astonished to nd that it was drawn -from the bottle >ya rat. The rat clambered to the op of the bottle, which was uncorked, Ld lowered its tail into theoll; it then rithdrew its tail and ate. the oil that lung to it. This operation was repecat id until the rat was satisfied, or the oil ias exhausted-3r the performance was aterropted. -That rat had, besides a ste for oil, .something .me,ommonly ike reasons This tale is not "of record in the lrk's o"lee, but If you d'oubt its cor etnesas; theclek can set you righrt. $urrendereo for Trial. In-.1878, separate indictments wer -dIwn- against Mr. Join Irby and Me ,Nnca of ;Iureus, for the murder o .Ut tht place. LeNiuch wa trie 'ot-vieted of ifbirder; but 'hi obt4ned a new Trial and was convicted of manslaughter, and is-now servinp term of years in the Penitentiary. Mr Irby alarued by lie fate of McNinich and dreadiug the itilienee of the popn lar feeling, which was running high fled to the West. Last Saturday he caused general sur prise by appearing . Newberry or his way to Is old home. He went t< Laurens accompanied by Y. J. Pope Esq..,. and .gave himself into the hand. of the law. On Monday, accompaniec by- Mr. Pope, and in charge of the Sheriff of L.ureis, he went to Comn bia to apply to a justice of the Supreme Court for bail. We have heard that his counsel will move for a change of venue, and, if the motion 'is granted, will try the case at Newberry. - A Champion Grammarian. A short time ago a negro man appli ed for a third W eteacher's certificate and did some rst grade parsing. He was<required to answer ten question on grammar; but as he saw no need of tell ng all he knew about 'the subject, he rolled-up his sleeves, in a metaphori cal sense, and tackled the first three questions in a way that bewildered the examiners. He may know very little about the profound subject of raiksplit ting, but the way in which he walked over rul ' and parts of- speee, show, that wha he doesn'tknowaabout -an as he willr eir oafch .ui pubic schools. He went about it thus: 1. ,Write a pentezce containg.g at adjective, a nQun, a pronoun, Verb, at adverb and a Ire ition, Auswer-'1 riead horse run away up the stiet;, he broke tih' bugga against the connor." 2. Analyze, and parse each word. Answer: "Bead is an. adjective de. scribing horse, Horse is a com. noun. run away is a verb tells how he run." 3. -'ame three ways of forming the plural of nouns, and give an example of each. Answer. "add s. to the singular boy to form The-plural, add ee. to form the plural of goose." Tou may not believe that one head can contain so much learning; but this is as trge as (ospel. Sniffles in Columbia. Our iend .iiflies Is once more-zbouj and i urseth thusly; It was9ny pleasure to take the trail' to Cohi!bia Friday night last, and on getting off the cars, the sight of fifty outstretched hands, each rasping a eoach whip, vlolently sMe ng in the ghastly light, produced a which ran rp and down the small of my back like greased lightning. These hands and whips were attached to the bodies of hael.fen who are foreed to silence on the arrival of trains, by order of Council, lest the timid and tired travel ter get seired and cross the line over into Lexington. Not a word was spo ken, and the siletice was appalling; I was appalled slightly, as the waving bands motioned to the shady hack, one f dwhichi we took, or rather which took as, 'ad drove rapidly off.., The oyster stew furnished me at Dr. Jackson's comfortable ranche, made me think that Louise's royal'-party were Lot half so well served. The oysters were Levin's first chop, and the, stew was by the happy pill-maker him. elf-it was,a capitalstew. On retiring [ foaud a tql1 individual in the room vith his feet in hot water, and mny first aho gt was that :ry versatile friend, the loctor, was preparinga second ete 'or me. - My stomach revolted. In a noment however I discovered that the tall man' was soaking a villainous look ing corn, which was successfully taken >ut. My next fear was that the opera tor wotild.make an attempt -to uneorn sie. We were all coroe-thtis every man had a corn. No s'ueh calamity befell ue, and soon after Isalept, and dreamed nat I had iade a.corner on corn, and wned several oyster.. beds. It was a pleasanjt dream, but I gt over it and up, and found the sun1 advance, and ~he individual who wrestled with the born gone. Aftei- Ilreakfastethe I oe or never turns a man out without that meal-I went out, and felt lonesome on missing the mud, which prevails every where nm Newberry, but only in spots Columbia. BuIt mnyspirits soon re dthe questions asked me in refer our late fires, and why we had epartment, were quite reviving, rtI felt refreshed ; I did not lire rot, and simply said that Newberry mad beea raised on fires, and would find It hard to exist iWithout them, her mo mey would otherwise lie idle. The Co lumbians like to pile the agony. After shaking hands with M1. L. Ki iard, W. C. Swaffield, Dr. Jackson, A. Palmer, S. Beard, the Register and Yeo men men, Wateman of oyster memory, and a score of others, and besides meet ianother who dodgd nme, for a little - erence of $5, I toka hack and got away to the railroad in tume to inispect the new union passenger depot. This inspection was made uinder the polite guidance of Mr. E. A. Loyal, the gentleman who superintend.< thme paint ng. It is an elegant structure, and an bonor to the South Carolina, and the Q~. & C. Railroads. The ladies' and ad genatlemen's reception - rooms are oonvnient, elegant and'lbeautifully de erated, the painting and ooloing be ing exquisite ; while the seats, the clo. sets, the entire arrangement, leave no thng to- be desired. "The ticket offiee is be&ween the reception rooms. and is fxed uip with.all the modern improve mentls. The refreshment saloon to the lef~cf the ladies' reception, is a com fortable and elegant room.. Up stairs are !the different offices, and around in all tdirections run insulated electric wirb for signalling. The entire build ino i's a splendid piece of work. tbefore taking the rail back, a boy vfith a bucket of'oysters, wa heard asking for 5dat ood looking gemman vith ude brown o5br coat,'-feeling assu red I was the man, I folded the bucket to my arms, and since then the oysters into an internal ste w, with many thanks to Mr. B. Bateman for so nice a pr sent. My friends ,are advised to get their oysters from him. Eclectic Magazine, The February number of thi% excellent periodlenlecomes promptly to hand freighte.l with the usual admir,ablv chosens a.sortmnt of seasonable good things. There is some thing for every variety of taste, andl y*et the high standard of nierit at which te editoa alms is jnaintained throughent. The contents of the February natober are as folloas:t "The Yallacy of Materialism," a joint discuuion by George G. Romanes and the Lord Bishop of Carlisle; "Four Month, in Morocco," a fascinating record of adven ore iut atrange laind; '-A True Ghost Sory.' b Gerard Lewis, Clerk; "6ar~ unto Star,' by Richard A. Proctor; "A Lesson on Democ racy," by James AmbooyFoue, "Goe the" Wea- stern 'Divana;". "-A ?tivat A mong the -Basques;"'-An. Fair,"- a -tory ku sia chaptr"An Autumna Morning;" "Ameri can Millionaires-" "Walt Whitman," b . C. 3lpreavIEmi ' by ProfessorJ E. Harld 'g~u "Joa Harrison, the Chronometer Mie," 'by Samuel Smiles; "The Water WeDrink" by Profeasor Simp son, M. D.; Ltery Notice.; FrioLit erary Notes; Science and Ars;'and Miscel lany. Published by E. B. Pelton,25 Bond Street New Tork. Terms, $5 .per year; singi copy, 45 ent; Tial subserlptionfor thre mnts, 1. Various and all About. Cotton fire. Nothing to. fight it with. SMu4 all dried up. Dr. Fant cries "mud and water" this week. Koppell is selling out his rhne stock of groceries. We regret to lear. that Jalapa has the mumps. What will Newberry do when a fire oecurs after her streets beome dry? "What most frequeatly becomes a womnan? A little-girt t We thought Arnasoka was fire proof at all points. We learn that Mr. Koppel is selling 'out -with the intention of moving to Laurens.. Our friends in the country are solicit ed to give us items of news transpiring in ther neighborhood. Jalapa town is peopling up-W. C. Sligh and W. L. Waters have moved into line, also S. J. Riley's family. The insurance adjusters have not de cided. to make-their head-quarters at Newberry. Persistent advertising is what has done the business for the Herald Book Store, its trade has largely increased. 1everal days ago, a Mollohon man waded into-jndian Creek, and caught a chill. :'e.coloreil fethodists had,a "ipauo rani y" at their?lhurch, $nhy night ; they say "you orter been'tiar." Cant we have alittle rain and mud, just to: vary, the monotony of-these Ares! C: abref4 4le'y" proposes to jkeep abreaszt of the best street in town, in the matter of fires. The other day. Mr. Martin Hunt, of Greenville killed 11 hogs which aggre gated 2,500 pounds in weight. Mr. Jacob Kibler has moved into the house between )r. Juo. C. Wilson s and the railroad, near Ijelena. A member of the teachers board of examiners wants to know how you spell the plural of "valley.' June Mobley, a notorious negro Radieal, has been appointed postmaster at Inion. Who pallec .!vn thn briek wall in front of the jail yari! Answer and g6 HEAD. Look at Chase's L -ter Heads, they were printed at this office, and we are prepared to duplicate for any one who wants as nice printing. The card of Mr. Salter, our resident Photographer. is b)f.>re wh public, and all persons are iuacrecl to read and act gpoi it, Judge Haskell has been elected Pres ident of the Laurens R- ad, and there is little doubt that he will be elected President of the C. and G. R. R. The roads are drying up, but the im mense chasms here ana there still prove a terror to the poor mule, and horse, as well as the driver. .ewberry has a man who finds light in reading the poagressional ge cord. Wonder if that man could digest the hind leg of a fire-dog ! It is said that the insurance men speak of cancelling their policies and pulling up stakes in Newberry. Bant they have criedl "Wolf" before. It is estimated that 22500000 watches are turned, ou t yearly in various parts of the world. If they are night watch es, we need some of thenm in Newberry. Monday night the lire alarm was sounded, but before the hook and lad der company got itself together, the fire went-out-in Mjr. Speers' chimney. The Gaffney City parolinian will ae cept our- thaiiks' for an invitation to at tend a Railroad meeting in that city, on the 30t. The senior editor desires to make ai pile of money, between one and ten hundred dollars, and offers to bet that he can beat the quail eater in eating thirty sparrows ini one day.g The number of new subscribers to the Herald is very gratifying. Several who have never felt the need of a good paper, now take it. We hope to con tiue to merit their favor. The JBlue Dack Speller though old as .the everlasting hills- continues its hol.d on -the public- small boys favor. This and other books to be had at the Her aId Store.- . A muan in town wants to know what the fir6 had to do with the grand fancy ball. He thinks that the stock of drugs and whiskeys in town is. still large enough to supply one ball. It is said that live ladies, living with in a niil of Danielsville, weigh re spectively 200, 240, 212, 204 anid 190 pounds. Total 1,112 pounds. In first rate order! Dr. S. F. Fant of Newberry, and Col. T. B.-Crews oY Laurens, have been drlawn! as petit jurors for the April Term of the- U. S. Court which will convene on the first Monday in April. McFall & Satterwhite mean business in offering their remaining stock of Win ter goods at and below liew York costs, Be up and doing, ye buyers of New berry. You will get bargains, sure. Waile we glory in the knowledge that Dr. Clarke of Jalapa can entertain his friends on turkey, ,orrow that 200 lbs. of seed potton 'lifted from his premises by an expeif. The conversation maintained -with such gusto on the porch of the Metho dist Church gunday night, was exceed ingly annoying to those inside.* Take your talk elsewhere, young men, IT IS WITHIN THE POWER OF EVERY MA to double his crops anu permia. nently improve his estats and thus secure to himself and posterity en during prosperity, by the use of the A.4hley. It seems to us that the spirit of the law;~ which forbids the erection of a powder magazine or a pig pen in the midst of town, would require the re mioral of a cotton platform that has been erected there. M. Foot & Son, in anticipation of change in their business, offer their stock of Clothing, blankets, and all other Winter goods at greatly reduel prices, all of which they are deter'min. ed to close ouit oh or before March 1st, On Tuesday Mr. Y. J. Pope appeared before the Supreme Court and argued for an order allowing ball to Mr. John Irby. An order was grnted, allowing bail in the sum of $4,00. Mr. Irby, it is thou t, will find no difficulty in giving We are indebted to Mr. C. A. Calvo, proprietor of the Regiter, Columbia, for a copy of ahan me and showy c alender, in pamphlet form, beautiful ly illustrated and most artistielly print ed. It will beatedby the host of,Register s sit is by us. It Is -brhnful of varied and useful infor mation. - Jau. 27,1$S3. Having bought the interest of "M. Foot in my business this day, I wil nue at my old stand. Will be glad o si my friends. W. H. JONES 0 Official Bond. - G Treasurer Gary has. given his official bond, with the following persons as sureties: Dorsev L. Gary, Thos. V. . Wicker, and Williams E. Welch. The amount of the bond is $20,000. Unfortunate. -Biscouraging reports have reached us from variow parts of the county, as to B. the prospects of the next grain crop. Many of our fanners were busy with their cotton last fall, and failed to sow Dl grain; much of the grain that was sow ed failed to come up, owing to the sev erity of the winter; and this year there a has been no opportunity to sow.. We hear, too, that many of our farmers L. have, up to this time, been unable. to get labor for the year. We hope that s what now seems discouraging will not prove serious, and that the grain crop may be as abundant. as that of 1882. Spring oats are better than no oats at all. Personal. Mr. F. A. Schumpert has moved to town. Miss Ella Sligh is teaching school at Beth.den Church, Mr. O. MBR. Holmes of Spartanburg A is in town buying cotton. P1 Miss Lilly Herbert, daughter of Rev. T. G. Herbert, is spending some time iith her uncle Mr. J. A. Chapman. Mr. Jno C. Wilson has been appoint ed one-of the regents of the State laun, cc atieAsylun, - The friends of Mr. Wallace Cline will be pleased to learn that he is gradually getting better. BC We regret to learn that Mr. Koppel's 8 brother who was on his way to this FI country, went down on the Steamer P1 Cimbria. CC Another Fire. - HI jast Thursday night Iollenaq hpman discovered the cotton on the TC platform behind Martin's Store to be N on fire. It being "early in the nigit, A] between ten andeleven o'clock, a crowd se was soon attracted to the place by the P fire alarm; and by prompt and ener: Tr getic work the fire was sqn pqt out, w Nineteen tales of eotton were partly Bt aestroyed, and the platform was slight ly burnt. The cotton was insured, with - the exception of six bales belonging to M., Foot & Son. It is believed" that the cotton Was set on fire in the absence of the policemen, who had been called away to take charge of a brawler who th was keeping up .a reviving state of dev- in ilment at a negro dance in Amasoka. ce The platform contaiued some 200 l1es Pr of cetton; It adjoins a nurlpe of wood. d i en buildings a:'d late'in t he'uight the ry lire might have caused a very serious to lose. EU On Friday the damaged cotton was sold to M. Foot & Soon at ive cents a pound, Mr. J. R. Matthewes acting as auctioneer. Still Another Fire. . -S' Tuesday morning about 5 o'clock, the watchman at the depot discovered that tije warehouse near the passenger stat "as on fire ; and he roused the a < tow crying "Fire," and repeatedly W disch.arging his rifle. The fire was put ty out, after doinig very little injury. In tr-.I one corner of the .oecond story of the M house, a space about ly feet squar'e Is B< separtetd from the rest of the r6onl by' h, p)artitionls-this 'was formerly a kind of lam office. Thie fire began in this small th, room, ntear the partition ; it partly W burnt the partition and then burnt a Nt small hole through the roof. In addi-- i.o tion to this it consumed about a bale of Fc cotton samples belonging to Mr. L. W. ed Walter. The building, which belongs foi to Mr. T. C. Bool, is insured. Qn the sh first' floor Mr. 3 alter had at th4 time ah of the fire, miore than 200 tons of guano.. Where the fire began, we saw pieces in of rich, finely splt pine which plainly Pr showed that some one had kindled a fire there ; and near the place was found a bag, apparently an old corn - sack, containing two old coats-nQne qi 8~ which things were theye the day before. A window opens from this small room, H or office, to the outside of the building, and the unknown person is supposed to have made his entrance and exit through this window-which was not fastened. The origin and cause of the ye fire are involved in nlystery IT IS/ BACK-BREAKTNG BUSINESS hi TO TUG AWAY all day at a mass of wet, half-rotted corn stalks and litter a in a horse lot. A half day of such work 9 will take the pluck out of the stron i n man. A sack of Ashley is wot a1 day's hauling of such stuff, and can be quickly and uniformly distributed. St A DELICATE CHILD IS MORE subject to wom than a healthy one i in the economy of nature, one a'nimnal is e~' made to subsist upon another, and the weaker gos down. At the first indi- M cation ofworms administer Shriner's Indian Vermifuge the infallible remedy. D For sale by Dr. S. F. Fant. In fevers, malaria, biliousness, heartburn, etc., nothing is so benefi cial as Brown's Iron Bitters. POST OFFICE. at Nawaar C. H., S. C., Jan. 27 1883. 1 List of advertised letters for week ending or Jan. 27,1883: hi Bedenbaugh, Mr. L. C Maffette, Mr. J. K. C4 Coleman, Adam Morrida, Miss Mary se Caldwell, Mrs. Beck -Nelson, Mr. James y Clebaine. C. S. Perkins, Miss Lilla Davis, Mrs. Lizzie Ryan, Mrs. f Dogerson, Miss Mary Sims, Mr. M. G. Davis, Alice IThompson, Mr. A. C. Ia Kibler, Mr. W. Williams, Mr. ILewis G Parties calling for letters trill please say ifradveitised. E. W. BOONJE. P. U. In hi he NOTICE. TeSuperintendents of Highways and D Bridges and the Overseers of Roads are here by directed to have the roads put. in good 01 repair Immediately. if' na cessary they shall P require the road hands to work for four days. By order of the County Commisloncrs. ol .JAS. K P. GOGGA.NS. Jan. 31, 1883, 5-2t. CekCuiyCm RO880N'S COT TON ANi) CORN FERTILIZER.( EQB80N'S CONIOUND ACID PHO8PHATB. -These grades are rich In all the esseintials con'tituting llrst-class articles, carefully prepared from best materials. Our longI experience in the trade, together with Prof. Shepherd's analysis, are guarantees that they are adapted to the waits of comnm era. For sale at market rates for cash, time or cotton. J. N. ROBSON & SON, Jan. 11, 2-Smos 58 East Bay COL.T FOR SKLfT Iwlelonsale-day, February 5th, before the Court House, a6me shree year old stal lion colt. It works weR to a a~nd Is a Sue riding horse. If not sl ore th~at time will beoSereud o yshe- hibebklier6di thadyTe:eltis emf1rehb.jsad Il . aWBERRY, S. C.. Feb. 1. 18.83. rdinary..... ... . a - Dod Ordinary.. a >w MIddling. ;......... . 8}a 81 Id.lin;r ... - -a .9 odMiMig...::............. a9j Good . d. c . --y Prices Current. ... t.- - WENEL y . i MARTIN & CO. *" .sa 't'1TteNew...... -a -.1:. r, ytr r Cur-..... '. . 1t., New........... a32 tY SA.:. i. EATS an..ur... New..... . 10 i...- t*. i., New.. ........ a 11 Clear........... a Ilj LMS Unc,. -.assed Has........., 14 i >, . >- --d taangdMagnuIia; '16 tR L.,'. in Tie.rceas... ...c.... Ib L.c- Yb Iucket.......... 16 GAR . i .. t re.r" . ....... r........ 16 llt1ee .:.... ............. 11 Y >.....-....~.. . . .. I New Orleans... ......... 10 Ve.narara.................... - )LASSV..S Nt )L Ql Syrup,new erop, 93 NewOrlea Iolase. 50 Cuba Molas.s....... 60 Sugar House Molasses 40 G up.:"rder.... .............1.50 Youu iy yo . . .... .50 ;LSPE..................:..... 3 - IFFEE Itoasted or Paeobed...... 20' G"ost lid... .............. 15ia NEG Lt- Cider ineir........ 5 Woite Y i.egar.. g6 tfeuneeee.:..:............. 75a CAL Bolted . .......'.... .1 0 [RLEY......:.................. 1.5 AP..............................: . e 10 ARCH.............................. 6a 12 AR CANDLES.. ............. l OUE, prbbI.......... ......00a 9.0 NDY... .... ........... 24 HCENTRATED LYE............ 10 [GL1SH SODA. ................ )RSFORD'S BAKING POWDER 1 A FOAK AKING POWDER... S CLE GREAE................... ..10 BACCQ. ......... Goa 15 1f l05 r.... ........... 4. GGING-Uesvy................... . 11a IROW TIES. per. bunch............. 20, LICED ARROW (IRE ........... 126 D CLOVERi SEED-per 1b....,.. 10 D OATS-per u........ .... 46a46 19OTRY IIAY........ ......... 1 75 EA', per m - .----,, .--......1 155 .15 ' pe ' lb8. ... ...., ....... i 1W oice of FInal Settlements APPLIG.0ION FOR DIACHARGE. rOTI0E. is herehy givcn, that the undet sInted will mi ke a final settlement of ir sceo:nes as"sx"cuturs of'the list will d te-tau:e7t of. :Mr3 Helen 3'Neall, dew iced, before lloa J: -. Fellers, Judge of ohq:e fu, 'O wh.rryt'ounty, on Wedaen r, l- tv- :-fhsi. (21st) d,y of Fcbrua l8S3, ."."l wil. oil t he same d. api:ly the "ni i .1 i l- or .. final discharge La '1 Paidl Ex- centorv TUOMAS J. LIPSCOMB, JESSE W GARY, Executors. Jan. 17, 1'88, 8-St. ATI OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. Sale under Mortgage. By %inn.. if a power of sale granted in e"ttn deed of mortg-tgr made by Wm. E. lligins, decetarrd, late of said Coon to Thiomais J. MLffeti, and afterwards nsf-rred and assigned by the said 1'. J. freit to me., I will uaej before the Court use at Newberry. at poblic outcry on firat MoudLy in F&.ruairy ns-xt, all the ids de.ri'ed in the a ;id ino, tgasgo, to-wit:~ It planfariona of land ou which the said in. W. E liinis lately resided, lying in wberry County, St>ste of South Carolina, 3taiing (2u6 4-1'.) Two Hundred and Six ur tenth Acres, more or less, and hound bt landai of T. .f. Maffett, William Lang -, Young Longshore, Andrew J. Long >re. John T. Peterson and E. C. Long >re - l'maxs or Mr.z-One-half cash, balance one y, ar secured by bond and mortgage. i.ehaser to pay for papers. -JA NE C. PETERSON. Jan. 10,' 1883, 2-4. 'ATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. arrier F. McCarley, as Adi's, vs. The hTeuberry Agricultural and Mechanical Boeiety. By order of the Court, dated 29th No. mnber, 1882. I will sell, at Newberry Court mese, on the First-Noqday in February, D. 1883, at public outcry, to the highest Ider, the following property of the de. Idant, to wit: Lot of Silver Plated Warp, d all that lot of land, with the buildings treon, situate in the Town of Newberry, the said County and State, containing ght aud Three-fourths Acres, more or a, and bounded by lands of.Gedrge John me, liy Pratt -Street, Bust Street and hnstone Street. TEaMs: Persoimal property, all cash, Real t.ate, one-third cashi, and the balance on a edit of twelve months, with interest from aday of sale, to be seeured by bond of e purchaser and a mortgage of the prem s, with leave to the purchaser to pay the tole in cash. Purchaser to pasy for all cessary papers. DANIEL B. W HEELER, S. N. C. Sheriff's Office, Jan. 18, 1883. 8-3t ieeuter's Sale of Real Estate. Under tb'. power given me by Mrs. Is ella Birge in her )ast will and testameat, will se:l at New berry Court House,8.& 0., salesday next, February 5th, 1883, to the ghest- bidder therefor, ati that piece, par. I or lot of land, situated in Prospern.y, Ne qcity,'Soill; Carolina, con niq mordor less, and bound Lln sby street separating it >m 1lU f Tmpera.nce Husy, by ads of Francis Bobb, by lands of George DeWalt, by lands of S. 1a Fellers an.] rlands of lirs. S. L. Barre, the sanie be g the land whereon Mrs. Birge resided at er death, except lot sold to Francis Bo,bb. Tass-Three-fortha of the purehase oney cash, and the, balance to he secured rthe -bond of the purchaser, p.4yable 1st ,cember next, with interest from the da' sale and a mortgage of the premises sold. archasers to pay ten dollars for papers. CEO.S8 MOWER, Excntor of the last rill and testament Mrd. I-abella Birg.-. Jan. 18. 3-8t. 8:B. WHERagLLR'S LEDUCED PRICES I TAPLE DESY GOODS, Hats, Boots, Shoes -AND CLOTHlNG,, I Greatly Bedeed Piees CROCE RIESI iyou. waa BAEGAINS;ad nwis the mn.oxae tons L m4. AreaoR by .rbdY the WILCOXWI LCOQC-y' And their Agents throghoet thofor ~ TO THE PEOrLE u AND AJOIN WC CObNTIE DECL A RED,AND KEIDME BY THE DEM0CRAT/C AND RlE/i C1} B --THAT UNDER H NEW3ERRY O0 3a You can at al times1nd the BES,AND WNL HEAVY AND DQESTI( Sugar, Bacon, " Coffee Lard Flour, Meal, Also, a feU line of CA|itN1D Fremeh and Aericastaiidy 4 a Assrtd rak~s,IFa~g V., ', SOLD AT PRWES TODEFV0O1 P A large and ch9ow selee in of 1Cistas3a at low pres. ' Call and nvince yourself Nov.8,44 .SAVE NdEY 8 3 'SP* _R~ -O6Ayti 1Pe, " = ACbesp ageBa Kade rom Green -os3m&* w htW Prime M 9r lb8., Ia Rew -~ 'e6odboao4vtsor Boat t dWor> ;Cash3 7~ Addres U&U1T Ar MO -~4~leM~n - Jan.A S-- . - 8. - -TT EXCELSIOR i DRY GOOS0 EMPO IF We t.ake great pTeasnrT ffi iorming our friend a4 i e public gen r y that iri ar-e prepared this season f EIBI K L ARGER AND MOREI ATTRACtIVE RI'OCK OF DRY GOODS Than we have done before. -Our stock is now about COIPLETE, al though every day we are making new ad ditions which will be kept up through the season. Prints, -n~f Gingham, Lids and Stripes, i . Cambrics, Linings bhirtings, Sheetioga, Red Flanes, - II - White Flanmels, Opera ilaitnels, Cotton Flannels~ - Jeans, TweeW Black Oushuerei., -Coloted Cashmeres Alpas Serge, t Black P'lush, Colored Plush, Black Velvet., >Colored Velvets, Black Velveteens, Colored Velveteens, WLA Crape'Veiings, -Blaek Dress Silk, ,Black Trimming Silk,diettWC*Ssa fnestvawi Colored Trimming SIl,O L3 y h iget a~p~o Blaek Brocade Silk, inlreqattyrteam.*L i Colored Brocadee?ilkr Bla&kSatin, . a.8S4 Colored Satin, Buttons, -'.nwkr Corset., - Hosiery, . U . U W~~ Gloves, Handkerchiefs, &e. We nvie secil atenionto ur eda a buins S-t a 6.3$" uraislag gireb3t whic Iitoo omplte. Aur wilkow evey vsior,whehe puchseror ot budirect ~ tomreatand wrt te A A When visitinget:euCntytyof'r 4eG s and seerue. ILQ0E,,18,8-- I Poi Jancourteoeles, Patteonge. o a n wEm4a5e 3eid. . evWereso, wethser PrChamers1 ork of. ' T~ouetrr o1ei .A Worhn vtin made Cuity to' a to all anduee of. -h edc 'ae n f~Wo Tat tEyban OFSO.rCROI ATCOSUT A J$ . Bye Co B.oes Probate eedget . osnew ber ourth Hoade, SuiCt ton the grat dahiUmYOFNWBR~ etsof Febr arynd,aistro pwbicth here In tel saw' cres oat 1e o'h eeloc ta e rnodt efhee w of eisarengfe tha uces cJoseph Bedfanh,y decaed.hth sMtewa aa nd*-rphso n ul ndm andr this kindedand ceitonury, otsAin osep Bednbagh deeaed, nazenos that the. B. ndLLperS b.o e iN. STT &SUH th 1u th rosc, t.b-hld10,e berry CorLHue S.AC., n te1t da . of Feray nexDfe ulcto ee ateseMu of t1 'lc n h oeon osowNtc shrb grcla3s fg