The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, December 28, 1882, Image 1

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s ad. NEWBERRY, S. C. THURSDAY, DEC. 28, 1882 A PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. The Herald is in thebigbestrespect a Fam =y N6 ar, devotr 'to the materialn -arest, ot this County and the te. t Itclatk% -x.,-nsively, and as ar. dyeremsn medima offers unrivalled ad vantages. Tor Terw, seedrst page. Card. .yoonnection with the IERALD cesses with this isse. As Editor I have tried to do my duty to the public and to the paper. My work has often been labor ious, 1ut never irksome. My relation with the publisher have beea friendly at all times, and in parting from him and the HEzALD I wish for them both continued prosperity. - . . - W. H. WALIACE. This severance of the relation exist ng between Mr. Wallace and the HERALD, it is but right to state, is pure ly a business transaction, he intending shortly to engage in journalism en his own-account. We regret his leaving us, pas our association together has been of te-pleasanteat and most satisfactory chirv*tar THos. F. GRENxzv The President of the United States of Colombia, Senor Zaldns, died at Baga on the 22d inst. The Vice-Presi dent has resumed the Presidency. The-country confidently looks to Con gress to create a good civil service law, and the people are not in a temper to stand a great deal of fooling about it. The closing'sentence in our Columbia letter last week read, 'There's the rat." V,> 'Now, lest some suspecting party might thik we had been too much at Bran gan's and was seeing "varmints," we explain that the rat should have been tOrub." The Legislature adjourned Friday. The only laws of much importanee pAed were the Rail Road Law and the amendment to the Usury Law. A lare amount of business was j .stponed .a:tv uext session, for the purpose of ving a short session. The Lien Law Athe Stock Law stand as they were. Merciants in Newberry and Colum 2 ad probably elsewhere. complain - lull trade. It is thought 'that- many S.eld on to their money in order to twirepared in case'f the repeal of the X.en-Law. Now, that it is known that theriaw has not been disturbed prob aly-imoney will flow more freely. $:bar-room quarrel at Covington, Ga.;resulted, on the 24th, in the shoot Ing to death .of. a white and colored mnan by Will Smith. S. S.Lewellen, Mate of the packet Ealeu, at Memphis, was shot and mcrtally woundedby a negro, on the Win. Vaughn shot and mortally wounded two brothers'named Boone, .great grandsons of Daniel Boone. of Kentucky fame, in Texas, same day, the result of a trivial dispute. Bent Slam, ,a wealthy farmer of Texas, in an altereation with Henry Daniel about the payment of some -- drinks, stabbed the latter to death andi fled. One Sa'bath day's record. $2000 Bible Reward. -- The ,,hlers of Rut/cdge's Mon!kly offer twelve vaI .' ow:.rds in-t.heir Mfonzthly for January, am "W which is the fol4osing: We will grin- .20.00 in, gold to the -person telHug us how imany ve.rses there are in the New Testamuent Scriptu:res (not the New Revision) containing but * ~two words each, by Ja'nuary 10th, 1883. Should two or more correct answers be Creceived, the reward will be divided. The money will be forwarded to the winner January 15th, 1883. Persons trying - for the reward must send 20 cents in silver (no postage stamps talken) with their answer, for which ~ they widl reeithpEehrtrary Monthly, ia which The name aind address of the - winier of tereward and the correet answer will be published. This may be worth $20.00 to you; cut it out. Address Rutledge Publishing Company, Easton, Penn. Arro~ITXENTS FOa COKEsBURY DIsT-W. D. KIR.KLANlD, P. P.. * Cokesbury sta................. n. 6j,7 NewberTy sta..... ...............J.n. 1.3, 14 Saluda et., Zoar..............Jan. 20, 21 Greenwood et., Greenwood..Jan. 27.28 Parksville miss................Feb. 3, 4 Cebuyet., GilgaI..........Feb. 10, 11 South-Abberifle cr.. Liberty..Feb. 13, 14 Abbeville.c., Sharon........ Feb. 17, 18 Lowndesvitresta., Smyrna....Feb. 24. 25 Tumabling Shoals ct., Bethesda... .March 3,4 - North Edgefield et., Rehoboth. .March 10,11 Newberry ct., New Hope. ... Miarch 17.18 .N. Newberzy et., Sonic Chapel. .Mairch24.25 Abbevillesta.........Marc'n31, April 1. The Distdct Stewards will meet in the Methodist. Churchz at Cokesbury on Wednes day, January 24, at 11 o'clock A. M. I be seec'a you, brethren, every one, to be at your post promptly. Good Advice. -You will prevent and curc the greater part of the ills that affiict man -- kind in this or any section, if you keep your stomach, liver and kidneys in -perfect working order.. There is no medicine known that does this as surely as~Parker's Ginger Tonic. It will keep .your. blood rich and pure, and give you grood hesiith ati little cost. * See other column. . Why Welcome. What makes Floreston Cologne wel come on every lady's toilet table is its lasting fragrance and rich, flowerl odor. Mr. J. C. S. Brown cut off his fore finger a few days ago, with a stra"w Eclectic Magazine. The January nuniber of the Eedic begins a new volume, and has as a frontispiece a finely-executed steel en graving, entitled 'The Wedding-Day.' The table of- contents embraces a great variety of interesting articles. The continued story was completed in? the December number. In the present number there are. two short stories, 'The Story of James Barker: a Tale of the Congo Coast,' and 'The Under graduate's Azint,' by F. Anstey, author of 'Vice Versa.' Other readable and valuable articles are: 'The Menacing Comet.' by Richard A. Proctor; 'Some Aspects of American Public. Life,'by James Bryce; 'Modern Miracles,' by Richard F. Clarke, of the Society of Jesus; 'Two Years After.' by Joseph Truman; -Miss Edgeworth;' 'Shake ,;pesre on Death;' 'Our Origin as a Species,' by Richard Owen, C. B., F. R. S.; 'Sketches from the Dutch Sea side;' 'Resemblances in Literature;' 'The .Husband to his Wife;' -Mrs. Kemble's Reminiscences;'"Atoms, Mol ecales. and Ether Waves,' by Professor Tyndall; 'Shooting Niagara Falls,' a strange story; 'European Life in Egy pt;' and 'Lift Thine Eyes.' The Editorial Departments are well filled and in. teresting, and comprise Literary No tices, Foreign Literary Notes, Science and Art, and Miscellany. Those of our readers who wish a magazine to instruct them, and who desire to keep pace with the current literature of the world cannot do better than- subscribe to this periodicalwith the commencement -of the -new volume which this number begins. The Eclectic and any $4 monthly will be sent for the year for $8, and this alone will furnish the average reader with a fair supply of periodical reading. Published by E. R. Pelton, 25 Bond Street, New York. Terms. $5 per year; single copy 45 cents; Trial sub scription.for three months, $1. 1882. Our Modr.Xy bows profoundly to its kind and appreciative audience and thank them for the help and com fort of their patience [and especially of their dollars) which have*been ours for these twelve months. This issue closes -the volume of the bo*k." Many to whom these lines come have now our warmest iuvitation to open their pocket hooks, and to adjust in an envelope, the useful dollar, be it gold, paper or pos tnfge stamps, check or money order, directing the same to be brought safely by Uncle Sammie to this very editor's desk. Good! That is the object of this little note. Attend to it, dear reader,. and we will spare you a homily on 1882, [and ourselves, too, for that mat. ter.] - The above sensible talk is from the sprightly Our on,y. which deserves a large addition to -its- paying sub scribers. Now is,the Time to Subscribe. Any of the Maazines or Papers named below will be farnished at nublishers'prices to any one bringing their orders to the HE.L.D Book Store, or who send the cash New York Weekly. illustrated..........$300 Saturday Night,. ........3 00 The Hearthstone, ".... 3 00 Beadle's Weekly, "....3 00 Frank Leslie's Weekly, " .........400 Chimney Corner, ".... ..... 4 00 Harper's Bazar, "...... 400 Godey's Lady's Book, monthly......... s00 Peterson's Lady's Magazine, monthly. 2 00 Leslie's Popular Monthly....... ......3 00 Leslie's Sunda X _e, monthly...... 3 00 Harer' M lusraed,........4 00 Ladies' Floral Cabiet,............. 125 Texas Siftings,......................2 50 Any witber pe for or magazine not on this Nov. 23, 47-tr. Southern Seed. We call attention to the advertise ment of Mr. J. W. Vandiver, of Weaverville, N. C., producer of Garden and Field Seed, who is prepared to sup ply the Southern market with .reliable and pure seed grown by himself, and warranted to be as represented. The relation existing between this gentle man and ourself has been of the most satisfactory character, and we can cheerfully recommend him and bisseed to the readers of the.HEnALD. -Write to him and get information as to prices both retail and to the trade. CARDEN SEEDS I have a better stock of fresh, s~2 Seeils than ever before; grown Amid the health inspiring hills of ,Western No.rth Ca.rolina. and better adapted to Southern soil, than any seyds in the worldl. Send and get enough to try them if no more. Pri~ es sent on alpplicationl. ec rod:er.. Jan. r1i83.,5N. . NOTICE. All persons holding demands against the estatte of Mrs. Mary Amelia Mc Morris, deceased, will present tlie same to the undersigned, attested as required hy law, on or before the 24th day of January, 1883. And all persons in debted to said estate will please make payment to me by that time. S. F. FELLERS, Dec. 26, 1882, 52-St. Executor. SESTAT NOTICE. All persons inde'bted to the estate of the 'ate Hcrdicai J. Boyd are hereby called on to settle the same to the undersigned by th'e first day of February, and all vlaims against said estate, property attested, most be rendered in by that time. D'c. D. ?. BC,YD, Adm'r. De.2S, 52-:5t.* MALE ACADEMY. Re-opening of the Newberry Mab Academy at the Academy building Harrington street near Mr. Maybin' residence. The Board of Trustees announce th opening of this school on Monday, ib 8th of January next, under the direc tion of Prof. J. F. Brown, as principal Prof. Brown is a graduate of Woffor< College, has had several years ex perience as -a teacher, and . we fee assured will meet the requirements 0 our community. This school wil receive the benefit of the public schoc fund, S. P. BOOZER, . ' Sec'y. Newberry, S. C., Dec 27. .1882, 52-3 NOTICE.. Pursuant to the order of the Hon. Jacol B. F'ellers as Judge of the Court of Prc bate for Newberry. I will sell at the 1ati reidence of Wilson E. Higgins, deceased -on Thursday the 11th day -of Januar; 1883-beginaiing at 10 o'clock A. M., al the personal property of said deceased consisting of three mules, one mare, on buggy and harness, one wagon and harnesn corn, shucks, cotton seed, &c. &c. Terms of sale-Cash. All property to be paid for before delis ery. A. J. S. L ANGFORD. As Admr. of Est. of Wilson E. Higgina deceased. Neerrm S. C De. 2:1 1882. 52-2t Let the Chips FaR they May! FLY NN, .h his success in securing such a large share in the -SH~ STORE!F .o nerit a continuance of their good wishes and DOWN PRICES i the front as the acknowledged 'LOW PEJIOES. riLL THEY COME! naers look upon the busy scene wondering why mu:g purchasers is disturbed, and why the New fri ar u.i all parts of the surrounding country. -rge is that he cami to the front at a time when to cut down prices and REVOLUTION I s.stem. His efforts have been appreciated to tb is, and he now assures the people that he will di se SRING PRICES P1 amplish what he has done in Union, where his ibe a man who wishes to rD LET LIVE. eople there he is earnestly striving to do the IS MONEY EARNED! ou visit the city, and wonder where you should noney to the best advantage. . Why should you 01 EAP CASH STORE newly arrived, and prices cut down to suit the rariety to select from in GOODS, A hoes, Hats, - AND OE CLOTHING. ir isi the Dry Goods way. They will be shown by o not consider it any trouble to show customers GS BUT ONCE A YEAR, reat rush of business during the happy season, urchasing a large amount of goods for a little Eeve WEL Managers. 1,5,000 TOE8 COTI)N 8EEB. Highest cash_price paid for Cotton Seed le, delivered in car load loss at any R.'R. De sine pot or Steamboat Landing in South Care - day lina, Georgia or North Carolina. Highest mce cash price paid for Kerosene, Lard and mU a Whiskey Barrels. T of_____ _ and d. OR SALE tell1 COTTON SEED MEAL. 175 The b.est and cheapest food for all kindsL For of stock, and the cheapest and best fertilizer atan the market. Write for pamphlets con taining analysis by Dr. C. U. Sheppard, 0 -32 State Chemist, and directions for iuse, to and CHARLESTON OIL W'F'G. (00., ear; - 28 Broad St., Charleston, S. 0. ec Dec. 7, 49-8m.* beob tfac-I SEclectic Magazine ~ Foreign Literature, Science, and Art. b 188-39h YER. t IThe ECLECTIC MAGAZINE reproduces from foreign periodicals all Those articles which i (are valuable to American readers. Its field of selection embraces all the leading Foreign' - Reviews, Magazines, and Journals, and the j tastes of all classes of intelligent readers are *consulted in the articles presented. Its plan - includes SCIENCE, ESSAYs, REVIEWs, 1I, SKETCHEs, TRAVEI.s, POETRY, NOVELs, SRORT STORIEs, ETC., ETC. Art! The folloiving lists comprise the principal *periodicals from which selections are mne and the namies of some of the leading Iu writers who contribute to them: PERIODICALs. I AUTHOns. F Quarterly Review. iHon W E Gladstone I> Brit.Quarterly Review.IAlfred Tennyson. Edinburgh Review. |Professor Huxley. Westminster Review.,Professor Tyndaull. 2 o00 ContemporaryReview Ricb A Proctor, B. A. . Fortnightly Reviewv. IJNormanLockyer FRS I 370 The Ninteenth Cent'y.!Dr. W. B. Carpenter. IPopul'rScienceReviewr E. B. Tylor. 5 25I Blackwood's Mag'zine jProf. Max Muller. Macmilan's agzine~ Mtthew Arnod. 10 50I Longman's Magazine,'E A Freeman, D. C. L. New Quart. Magazine'JamesAnthonyFronde Temple Bar. Thomas Hughes. Belgravia. Anthony Trollope. Good Words. William Black. 185 London Society. gMrs. Oliphant. Saturday Review. jTurgenieff. The Spectator, etc. IMiss Thackerayetc The aim of the Eclectic is to be instructive 27 00 and not sensational, and it commends itself particularly to Teachers, Lawyers, Clergy men, and all intelligent readers who desire to keep abreast of the intellectual progress of 33 50' the age. STEEL ENGRAVINGB. rnsh The Eclectic comprises each year two large rhich volame': of over 1,700 pages.. Each of these volumes contains a fine bteel engraving, free which adds much to the attraction of the magazine. C1 TERMs: Single copies 45 cents: one copy, - Ig one year, $5; five copies, $20. Trial sob ___scription for three months, $1. The ECLEc TIC and any $4 mangauine to one address, $8 With the Eclectic to instruct and any one of our lighter American monthlies to enter Prin-' tain, the reader will be well supplied for the 4 Iding year. Postage free to all subscribers. .- E. . PELTON, Publisher, I E. 8 5 Bond Street, New York, D21, 1.51-tf. iHew to the Lie, Where D. C. The popular live Dry Goods nn. -.i of ptrorn4ge Pitwce he comnUced :: NEW CA apaures the pablic of his deterraitn i support bi . DRACCINC still tuwer, and keep it LEADER O THE CRY IS S This sentence is nfPen repeated ni; rui! it is that the hitherto qiet prevai ing a Store of D .C. ID the rendezvous for bargain seekers I The great secret and cause. of thiz ,-h the people most-sorely needed some ons CREATE A Aniong the upholders of the high-priceq au-extent fai surpaesing his expecta.ioi keep on SLAUGHT] To the bitter end. Hia object is to ace tame is on every tongue, and known te IVE Ab Having secured the confidence of the p same here. MONEY SAVED Is a saying worth remembering when y turn your footsteps to invest your i falter when . THE NEW CH Offers such atti-actions Fi stylish goods. times. There you will.find an endless i Boots, S READYOM A In fact evf: -hing tHe hear: cin ni.h 4c experiet-e.d nd polite salesm, n, who d -over the stock. CHRISTMAS COMI And the pronriet:r has provided for a j when everybody can be made glad by : money, and by getting everything ERESl. DU KELLY & PUI Dec. 14, 50-tf. VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE For 1883 is an Elegant Book of150 Page Colored Plates of -Flowers .and Vegetal and' more than ~1000 Blustratiouo choicest Flowers. Plants sud-Ygea and Directions for growing. 'hLs and. enough for the Center e'i ors Holi Present. Send on your.srine and Post 0 address, with 10 centfland I will send y< copy postage paid-.iThis is not a qarli its cost. It it ited in both English German. If you afterwards order seeds duet the 10 et.: Vick's Seeds arc the Bei the Woridy The FWRna GuImE will how t ead grow them. . Vick' lower and Vegetable Garden, Pages~, Colored Plates, 500 Engravings. 50 eits in paper covers; $1 00 in*e clotbi. In German or English. Meck's Illustrated Monthly Magazine. ages, a Colored Plate in every number mnany fine Engravings. Price $1.25 a y Five Copies for S5.00. Specimen Numn sent for .10 cents; 3 trial copies sent ft cents. JAMES VICK, Dec. 21, 51-3t.- Rochester,?W. HENRY BAY CR, IMPO)RTErt OF B A N A N As, COCOANUITS AND DRANGI Anet Wholesale I).-aler.ln Apples, Potatoes, Onions, &c 215 East Bay, CHARLESTON, S. C. &- Country orders solicited and sai tion guarants-ed. Nov. 2. 44-3 53d YEAR.. LADY'S BOO] FOR 1883, WILL CONTAIN A 00MPLETE NOVEL IN EVERY ISSU Besides its usual rich array of Fashion, and Literary Matter. Only $2 per Year. Subscriptions will be received at this( in Clubs with this Paper. The NEWEERRY HERALD and GODEY's La BOOK for one Year. at $3.50. Look! Premiums to Club Baisers: ONE copy one vear............... TWO copies and'. engraving to ciuO rser.. ...-.-.-. TFOUE copies ad2engravings tocluzb raiSer.........--................ For a Club of FIVE, with a remittance of. ive one free copy of the La -dy's Book- for one year, and any 6 of the engravings the club raiser may select. -. For a club of TEN, with a remittance of Iwe will give one copy of the. Lady's Blook-for onie year..10 engravmngs and a handsome port.folio. 'For a club of FIFTEEN, with a remit tanice-ot ..........-............. we will give one copy ot the Lady'a . 1Book for one year.,15 engravings and a handsome portfolio. For .a cinb of T WENTY, with a remit i..r.,:e of............ ...... we will give one copy of the Lady's Book for one year, the entire 20 en Igravings ad a handsome portfolio. On application the Pnblishers will fa a list of the Twenty Engravings, from i you may make your own selection. Specimen copy of Lady's Book sent to club raisers only. Address all communuiations, PUBLISMERS GDEY'S LADY'S 8BS1 Nov. 16, 46-tf PH1T-a'N.LPE WANTED, A position as Assistant Teacher, or cipal of a Free School, by a lady he 'First Grade Certificate. Inquire at Scp. S, 9-f.HERALD OFFI( vy eeods and AWtons. -&T THE .EXCELSIOR DRY GOO1DS IMPORIUM -OF l HC We take great pleasure in informing ow ends and the publiogenerally, that we e prepared this season TO EXIHf BIT A LRGER- AND MORE ATTRACTIVE 'OCK OF DRY COODS Lan we have done before. Our stock is now about COMPLETE. .a ugh every day we awe making new ad ;ions which will be kept up through thq .son. ints, Ginghams, Linseys, Plaids and Stripes, Cambrics, Linipgs,. z5hirtings, Tickings, - Bleachings, Sbeetings, Red- Flanzels. White F.ans1 eraFannelr, - otton Fl4nnels, Jean, Tweeds, Kerseys, CasEmeres, Soitings, Sacking., Repellants, Black Oashwereq, Colored Cast,meres pacas, Serge, Blick Plush, Colored Plusb. -Black Velvets, Colored Velvets, Black Velveteens, Colored Velveteens, Crape Veilir;'s, P,..k I - Si -k. Back Trim:r.z Silks Iort.d rrimming Silk, Bl1ck Brocade Silk, Colored Brocade Silk, Black Satin, Colored Satin, Oorsets, Hosiery, landkerchiefs, &c. We invite special attention to our. ts' Farnishing Department, ich is now complete. Polite and courteoas attention - given to ry visitor, whether purchaser or not. When visiting the City don't fail to'dag d see us. Sep.'7, 86-tf. 'UTT'8 "TIF.ToRAu esm~ of Herbaland uuenoas proa p,wPmastheSUbStaneS-fthe E' Tuam otiagaia hic eil||"it'' e*f at cirenlation of the blo,and braugsthe evousystm.. Slightecolds .eae end tal to1t th z warns h prs t totewentyhaser beenfoundthatl atnitsueetas TlT3~CB itse d se p n1 ur.te stinatecugh. Apeasat eoriiehl rUTT'S P ILLS C? DIREI.Y~ IER ures (chils ad -Fever,- D3jspepsia ickBeache, BilIOUS Colie,Constisp mnal. Irregalaritee.WRyou do not."fee ry well," a mile pill stimulate thestamach storethe appetite,nmparta vigor to-the system A NOTED Bl'VN MS? aaTm:Dar-trDseaFo paiears a awel m,have good appetite, dieta fsie o ndsoi h. Th.; are'wor D'RE. R.T.'EPN,AL ofuisvile, eceipts FEE on app"ica'"" . E DUDA. S AE COM AND NGW I5 THlE TIME TO PRE PARE FOE TREK. EEST VARIETY. OF TROPICAL FRUiT 11 IMARKET, 'resh Oranges Every Week BANANAS, COOANUTS, OItANCES, MAL.ACA QRAPjS Northern Fruits.. Lpples, Figs, . Peanuts, aIs1ma, -Nuts, Citron, 'Curriants gg' filled with dispatch. D. BART & CO. CHARLESTON, S. C. .Kov. 30, 41-6m. Jotton---King-CottoI The patrons of the undersigned are r pectfay solicited to sell a small porti (the KISG, and settle upat once. I al uch in need of money, and know thu ny patrons wili relieve me...FFAT am enF.nF.-?. eWaster7s Sales. STAT-E OF -SOUTh--.ALIN. COUNTY Og 'SWM %RRY EN THE COMMON LEAS. Steffens & Werner .va.. fferon Davenp and others. Foreclofue. By order of ithe Court, dtced 29 Nc 1882, I .will sell, at public outeiy, beft the Court .House a Newberry, on xe.Fi Monday in January,. 18$3, all.that .tra land, (&be property of the defen'wt) In-' County and State, aforesaid, containing ( Bundred and :,Thirty-nine Acres, .more less, and bounded by lands of Asa Da Wm. M. Dorrob Carj'Johnsoi, L. Jot son, estate of J; Goggans and others. TzRms-The purchger wili s PMpg to pay in cadhlne4ial of tWr , puie money, and to secur the bulane., paja at twelve.months,. with interest from-. day of- sale-with 4ezve to pay su a Purchaser to pay for pers. -SILAR.JOSTONE1, kastler .Master's Office, 7 Dec., 1882. . 49 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLtm COUNTY OF GREENVlLLB. IN COMMON PLEAS. Samuel J. Dootbit, al fon S. Moorman et al. By virtue of a ecretil ordier made the ab9ve eptitled cause, 1iJ ello'si day in Januiuy nelt,.Lt. peMbesf,A helegat houra of- uea .wbs Court House, the following s.sriid estate, to'.i it itiwtact .Uf ii ate, lying and.bxug ja tho.Cony..ofX4 berry and State. afo res&K,'ouded lands of Mr - Worthy afd teb 'En River, -containing Nine .Hundred Acn more- or les, belonging; toe estati Reuben-S. Chick; deo*Zwk and known the River or -Hodge'-pbce. TEREs-One third of the petchase moz to be paid in -cash, the balance- on a die of twelve imntha, -with hntrestfrom day sale, 'the. credit portio-, to be secured the bond of the purchaser and a -moritgi of the premises. -Purchaser to phy for pers.. .-8J. DOaTHIT, Master,. Receiver of Estate of Reuben S. Obi deceased. Nov.-28, 1882. 49-4 News copy. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLIN COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. IN COMMON PLEAS. James A. Crotwell ind-others, vs. Wirga Wells, Executri, and Jothers. By order of the C6urt,I will i-e-dell, the risk of the fora!er purciaser,at ul outcry: on- the Firsf. Moday in-Jaita 1888, at NowberyCorteHusltTi-i estate:- of the - late-:-e6rge- F-Welx,o ceasedi.consisig of s~0e Thirteen E dred Acres, mors or.,essiuated-i County and--Sat eforesaid.And boun4 by lands of D. -..Sewrry, Simon Broo John Watissand.others, yhich will, sod.iu fire separate tras, to. wit No.1L-House.Trsct-470 apres, more *No. 2-School-house Tract-.202* acf more or less. No. 3-Mountain Field Tract-240 a' more es4s. No. 4-Shiloh Trac-1,5 r less. No. 5-Wesley Smith Tract-342 acl more or less. (Two acres for Graveyard eed Plate 9fb. poe41 ed the dai a besi the oilfff the~ . Tunis-The pue- erq tio pay in cash one-third of the pwreh sroney,.an .o.Ascnirehe -.baine.-ag In one.and two years, wtiterist f the d.y otasle, bykonsd-morgg The!oothso occuiIe&iy -~H lace, Esq. as:a-Law-Offse, oweV uy'se on Law; Raage. .. Dec. 21&1-2t. A Good Appearance. I wodtt * into. iii nice .tin ThAI ~ o.4o kbh z oi oce Zver aeeftYl 1Wi4:ti 'woan who beenu agtn ie ie6 ~iFis cut 'ples.ta s i' y? uston WvVill si lwi oWeD w3Nie airts, dershira i'Jtriswers. 'It costs nosl Ito call and see - COLE dBIA, S. C. Oct2 1-f debted to the same wil.peeeql ward at once and settle their accounts. FANT & McWBIRTE .Dec. 21. 5i1-8t* -(Direct importation.) PERUVIAN GUAli (Dire-ct tron thie Ageut of the Peruvi .Governanent.) -FISH GUANO, -(t6 to ~tper 'eei. Ammionia.). Nova Sectla Land-C.t Fint' Z.rOUnd anad et high gradle. Forsale ')v 7HERIAN&N Eft#VNELE - s WEAW, - CHARLdEST s S. C. Dec. 14, 50-Am. - . .1. GoGGAM. i.. nZI GOGGANS &JERMEE Attorneys-at-L NEWBERRY, S. C. * "mist Aatiota en- Bhulmana .1aaaer's Salws.. J 17 STATE OF SOU'R. ANOiL1A& - STA - C0'NTY OF NEWBERaY. _C1AOMON PLEAS.' ina IL Sndy an- ocher, 1s. t. A. .; -svd- others. a - PI(rtinr.; y an o rder- Of .6 4 uuW wte id o o oi., 158d, Io wilu Tfrte AfDl r, fors te Caprd bousdedb la*u N B iM NOT-b~, 142.n 1 We 24 ' 0tbr. '- A.A)i rt zisturu O ffcea it Deif, 1882 fid -s i f irsdi'oM la"d of 'le hktebrsm Adm be Sober di*d seized and posinesd, -i- 'th" As. Cannon's-Creek, W the.Ommny . im.; orafemid, coutnW Thir'U i,or tess,% iWd bounde bj IA&a 09 6. B. .es m-gubir,.1ohi D'-Wedem1hh%-a*h6dC ."- swdm 'Ttaii'-Cah. Puirchse %o -s JAY& ohk SILAS JOHNSTONE Wastef. NstWers Offie, 7 Dee:, 18ft. '0-t. re STATE OF SOTH CAROLINA, h COUNTY OF NEWBEERY. Wh .whol 4 IN COMMON PLEAS. Deco A. McMorriga _s, J. . Oih and W.' . Webb, Trustek &C. By order of the-Cort,-ded .28th No. vember, .1US2, I will.11, at public outery, aa before the Court House at NeApberry, on B the First Monday in January, 1883, all that re lot of 1end whtreos* the Itei.i A *Qh *nfomerly-reaidud, Inai heo4rr*ef'Iewbeery,. 4:. .e- ad Gounty and State af6w K,-ooQtaiWnte t a- .alf-an-Acre, more nd bounded eyl CadrelluW ~BO Ha Wl eale Academj lotdto and ta- Taxs-2m ieF putirierr i-be rei eob b imr -aQSt We, tSO !u6q7.aq_d twQ r"tw_'e yia twpe *s, thb da ;&C and" gh penu 'of the premies,'with leave to paya ia Is Purcbaser,to Dy,nveyn e ~$1LA~S 0BNSTQNE, Mshet. ey aer's ple3 . of STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA., Ud by COUNTY -OF NRWBERRY . IN COMmON PLEAS. sti P - Charles C. Teague,.Ex'or., vs.. A, B. Mills ind:J.P. Blar, E'ors., and others By order 'of the CotiissedWNov. 1882 1 'will el at -pablic outary b&ed the Court House at Newberry; on - -tir* onday if Jaa .ary,1883- vb szt trac V Ai A A, land, .in the- County -and' Stair aforisaid containing One. Hundred-Aqr, woreor less, and bounded~bjlands oP pock, Misses Whitman, the endeial pond'and lands of the eate of Ki ret .; s Tzaxs-The porceser- wilVerequired pe atto payiscash one-half. of the.pyrhase mqney, andoseme ithe 'balihce r t e nosin'a ri'dateiom the 7._e, y e, a prope sold,'wbih ! &Ve to: paY th 1 W bid in casL. The purchuser to pay lorpa Led SILAS XmNSTO Maer.. kts Xater's Ofie ~,e 182. hO^-S STt1E OF SOUTH cAEOLlNA COUNTW X'IN COMM L . Me&nhrin ..W. Rer, et... es or By ordi iat d Monda-in -annary, 1883, all *Wa f efont inosg e 9sdred oni5.4cree,. moEs or:!9%p setiWi.tact bais ure-u~at t Sm Terms-The purchaser will be r~t of t. pay in .ash one-ulg ofs.ubgmP or moe,and seasinbalsaI ,,e iLes. monlhe, wish lazrS Ease 4ay afsaIe,byndand4 aodragsg. .1 lb. SITS JafiNSTO1N* Rster. Offirc0me, i Dec., 188. ~4 a TiTE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ce C1ONTy. O NEWBERRY. IN COMMON PLEASR. -Janl1Tebbe sn 'y trbbl ~yrdte.f.heut, Iwll el bs oqtcry, befor. .iCourt oer~ n the First otainJ.wr bif~dd~ a id'pc ~ dsi(e Fa the Cont and State aforesaid as folio*~ imaeWo~ B.-F, i3 En' o Ifan it, ~f, 1ae ry-of sh& ers fit. -Thu-River PIaes, [ying ou- Little ier beoended by-land. lof en- Wasibingto Floyd, Uar*rJtohnso., i,LS-Magimr-ed if(arae CdigcminingOneBeadred .nd .For$y Agres,- more op less. - Trx-Purchacer req'ur'ed to pay oue bir xash ~ad Ws eccure the balance ot :le- .parchas inaitw e ih i.-;;r4t rom de day; OeS~ b6 b and a mr.tgsme ofK riep 4ai, a sojy for neessary 'ipope 4 hs - MSIL0B1NTOlt isater. tom laiWater's OMiale7 Dee. 1882, -49-41 vitha - ..I-2 UCOUNTY OF NEBEY ng IN COMMON~ PLEAS. -J A. Eibter, Adsn'r.. .vs. John Livin'gstoa --and-others. Partidon, Reliefd e. By orde: "of thboo ,I vii uelli at-pub. ~ tic outcry, b,ewer ourtHose at Ne, berry, on :the First Monday -in Janey, 1883I, all that tract -of tlahd gormerly be. ,gigto the-estate of John "PvngSoR . dleceased, and upon wljeho MrpretI4 9. wgso resided at the ime of-her et, fo- u.:the Conty and State fores?.d, co tan for -c Hdrd L~s ore1ul, y-oe-helr'tfrciae n - hs, a$.th ,ecafre -b talMtce-~b atlve-m1odt're,1iith .sar4tefi d e; f b nd-idd:-a rgge of 3b -- Master's Oflice -Dee., J882. - he 4 STAT~E 'OF80TffeARG COUNT' O, WENBENRY. ; 3 OOMMON-P1&&. Ye -.~ - ~ Three osure. se -dati:-~ B Wadlington and estateti. -s,~o sedoi thebaIc 7' -l - SILASAt%JB0 Master. Mas,ers Offie. 7 D gu., 1882 49-44 e' w -A' ge 1i Ott*' M er Xae. as Ada sYt "Aam kur maw e d f't1*. ert ts er, l82lI iliel,ar ewbery a, ega.kir*n *onday.:adldili nra isloaer w Wsre i that los ofpsand, wit the bl ~e ar.d I~~ are-~ spn Ofal,to1effinrad b miortagsisiZpse with:lEave se*be parilsueeyqrafi e in cash Purche! rdaSe I RTE OF SOTH AO L1BO N vltinoe oilersseet '.assa y 1im, idder, all that tract of. and } 5, l"e2T 1 B4 80DAdO*1OreW boirnded-b kf s of H. L M. -W ta, at the suis o(~e axa--Oash- ueuIS eof KMaT.PCru@ oberstl hz~~im ep aeaLto - ~RN8~-Gy a e. 7,4--6-n n, w.d mre crze wnm s re -, - - I - iasa rg a and al e i- """ sa -fnr -