S T LW -T F S 4: 5 6 7 8 9, 12' 13 14 15 16i S 18 19 -20 ., 22. 2 4226 27,28 29 30 JJAT J14 A. BREED? Dr. D. D. Halsted answers the aboAqw. qusto a follows in the December Amencan Agriculturist: When any kind of farmaniinas --certain chraterigtics tbrogra series. ofi enerations, and they have biecome so firmly ixed aes-to be transmitted-totbe offsping, with a great degree of er yi n ch anim als t ken col lectirely .constitige:a,breed. The time that it has taken to develop and impress these breed character. cwy longn some wh other breeis have 6 e sprwgg.j.ug i a few generations. The work -ofstabhing's good breedis adifficult one, and demands rhgjialities in gthe 3-As E allhis effoit tend In other - a:mo.st have a-clear con the good pits d is alsoA m0 s na - se aeds b. bito deir em d thi aa fols-o a know g t is peenliar, and 'ajrdg S nfC0O. WEithodi beautyon m or s or, to the negect of da --he yet 851 'pndu oicetj erwuld not i. wheudresed By a'wise selection of animals fr some paticular points, it may seof Qthers, with. great care in getting'offiyring,ind ktabundant- good Sppd; ~pemaene of aay1 kidif * yb produser Thi some variation, -even among well - iin~i he ,must follow seeoiaie in bree~~g ~and fal waediet te best.' ~In answea toTlie guestion put at the heading ~A bree&=sM sa ae of sji - sertain chara ra e , are isea ugeK tinde om lying downonteud hard floor, neglect in meniigs ! ContinUd fricuion wihth ofr th hand oi.a proves of vice in veducinlg hardwess - welling of the ndder. Such c diin of the- udder is gene y of a chronic iiature, slo' reductlin and often not red able by any means. Beside frict a smell portion of the follow - nient may be applied mor and evening, but only to the dened parts. The udder shi bcarefully 'washed before half an ounee of~iodine, two ot ofglycerine, two ounces of curialojintment and two 0i ofnov oil; mix. The I shud be kept eorked in a plc nd the contents wR beoWdse. -t would be ben in the beginning of the dise giethe COW a laxative dc medicine, such as a pound half of epsomi salts, dissolve quart of hot water, to whici tion add a pint ofnmoses once of ground ginger. II be much difficulty in drawi milk from the agfected quart careful use of a milking t to be recommended. It is said that an equal q offresh sirts ofvitiol an jice will take, the stinss arl.Shake the mixture a ettle, wet the spots, an~ few mninutea rub-with a so MAN AND HIS BUTTONS. iMe ed. of SeviWgthem On,and the.DifM culties ]Eountered. Iid you ever see a man in the S iolitudi and privacy of his study 2 attempt to sew a button on by him- at iaef? It isVin- 1its details, one ue of the most interesting perfor- t aances in the worl& First, he -innts for a button. Generally to sacure it,. he robs Peter to pay o Paul, ad.uts. from another gar-- z ment. This 6utton may be much 1 .arger or much smaller than the size he Is -wearing. Next, he hunts a ijeedle. Probably he goes out and buys a paper of-needles. He A always chooses the largest needles, having an; impression that large ti needles will sew stronger -than F small needles. ~As to thread, be r gets the coarsest he - can find, and this he- doublese He would b threvdEisZ-ee 6e He takes his big needle inonehand -and his coars~black thread in the other. He bites off the thread to a de sired length. Then he tries to twist.it .to a fine point. Generally Si1e succeeds in making two, 41d11&soetimes three, fine points oat of one end. Of course he can't ge lthese fine points through the-naedle's eye at once. He tries hard~tc maEe that needl an tbr gp on friendly term -with each other, .tat they won't. They z don't iant to get acquainteA Thy diot wish^to have anything to do with eakh other. Sometimes e it i&.tly needle that kicks.; -some-, Stiieephe thread.. Sometimes be- O imagids he has really threaded his W PA needle. It is an.occular delusion. wA ThIthegd has missedtbe needle's Aeye61 ialf an inch. It is harder in w-~k fiAn sawing wood. Atlast te iedle is -threaded. Now lie C tries to sew the buttoa.on without takiing his troasers off. his proves ' a frk He twists 4imseliinto an . ortble position, and so w6ddFW . But he can't iwso. e rime: the seedle into himself, - an zh.eonfiary thiead Al.ays insists Wa fo*ing,or in ddEbling :around the neit button. Tlie"ine part of the doubled thread'onfL work harmoniously with the oth.r q pa4.0 One part draws throdgh the button's eye.first and leaves the ~otier part behind. Then it gets hitched: up and the embassidor ah swears. Or the needle .breaks. g And then he siwears. He may n6d swa audibly. But the recording ._ angi.l knows what is going on -ins side of him, and debits him wt every item. He. sews hard. H kih has forgotteai all about the n fodthmbieHe3mb fo at- be.H' e's head and i do ures his thumb or runs.imder 1 Sthe nail. By and~ by hesews the Sbutton's eye full of thread. Hil big needle won't pass through any Smore. He~ must stop. He ends by winding the thread as many- times as itwill go under the button. And perhaps he leaves off with two or three inches of thread stic - w ctches - aine here everyo ime. At last the button is sewed on and he is proud of his work. ( New .York Graphic. - ROBERT s OER TIFICATE.-'Have y'ou recommendation ?' 'Yes,. sir.' Robert had been seeking a situa. t~ 'ion for almost a week ; and, now wit 'at he had-at last met with some 0ng that promised success, he eve as nervous - as a boy can be. ani f 'hand went down in his jacket 2 e - -a handkerchief, a strap, fcr G, H.ecommendtion 1e emp-go ig poethier pocket and anoth~er ing but - n - y ar a it is;suppose;yo Dt ald Wi on t he floor,' said s eak' have droppe es the gentleman wh u an er- by, waiting, as a bit of papL nctered to the floor. ttle 'No, sir ; that's only my pledg cool Robert answered, stooping to pi ten up the paper. fcial 'Your pledge' -: wet Yes, sir. My temperance pledg 'e o MayI seeit ! d a Robert haded it t hima ~in a tinued his search for thetfmss' solu- paper, growing more nervous a an the search proceeded. Yd there 'Never mind, my boy., I d g the need ay further reference,' said e the gentleman, after reading the pl ube is 'I am willing to trustSa puts his name to a prI this. That boy is his ho iantity7 ence.' - like lemon refer ut oft- A smooth bore. well in feared on the after a Istill terrible i -~jto bej c(loth, tumn. / Aeld,. but isj, / .editor's sane /S .TUsceU4neus. EXPESTORANT zo peof Heibe an,Mjftclginiu proa t,reate the substance of the .010 Wbrm, U1 at licsn themBrrnm!'"Tbe4,ind formna El oting coating, which relieves the ft- d tation that cu.s the cough. It cleanses te lanof all impurities, strengthens Lcnwa. enfee bled by disease,ivigor c531e Cireulaun of-the , and braces the rroussyst.m. Slight colds often end inT znsumtion. Iis daissonto neglect ':2.TApply the remedy promptly. A ito twenty yeairs warrants the asertion tbat oremedy hasever been found that is as mmpt initsedectsius TUT EXPECTORAkT. single dose rases-the hlegm, subdues La,mr.tion.aad its use xpe(hny cures theiufowt stiae cough. A pleasant cordial, ehl ren take it readf. For Croup lt'La xal3uabic and shio; be&n rvery family. In 25c. and 61 nottles. rUTT'S PILLSE CT DIRECTLY ON THE LIVER. Cures Chilis and Fever, Dyspeps-. 'Ok MeMa.Che,3lidUs Col;E.'obst a on,Ples; PalrAtationtc Aj ffeart, DiZZiness,orpid 1iver. and cmale3LreCular1U6.61fydudr.L"1ed ry we." a iinele pill stimulates the s'm:ch, storesthe app" tc,i:npamrts vigor to t.o eycm. A NOTED DIVINE SAYSI Da. TtrT:--De-r S: kor ten y.ars I haTo. en a martyr to Dy%pepaic., Constipatiou'and ile. Lratpryourpillaere ommLended A me; 1 - se:a a (but with lite faith). I am >w a we! :nau, have good appetite, digesticu rA trieet, reigular stools, pI-s gone, and I have A Lined *ty poundssolidlesh. They areworla Le .r weirltin d. REv. r..S,.SImPSON,LcuisviRe, Ey. A (Mce, 25 Murray St.. VewTork. U Dit. T MANU AL of Usefa' BeepsF Eon appca?lnn. A At TENTS. lend a roughsetch or a model of inven on to GEORGZE. LEM,A Washington, D. C., and a Preli l PXainataon will be made, without ie charge, of all nItdStates th ws class of inventions andS you 1-9r ather or not.a atent can be o n G morent paten$ble, LwInpsrequired by the GovueuLnt Thistlsa A. A when 'plcto smd.When alwd and the final Government fee 20)i parable. An attorney whose eends on success obtaining aPatent willnot is t your Invention is patentable unles itreully is fr as his best judgment can determine; hence, x can rely on the adiLie given apter a preliminary Lmination is had.IDiesiMn Patents and QAe Wistration of Labels, Trade-Mark, ad B. -Issues secured. Caveats prqared m filed. Plicationsin reviv ofRejectad Abandoned, C. Forfeited Cases made. If you bare undertakeni ecure.yourown patenband 4 as'llibl band gof the case may lead to success. Send me a D. itten request addressed to the Commissioner of ents that he recognise Gzoz E. LImxoN, of E. sington, AD.. as yonr attorney in the case, gly the titleof the invention and about the date of F gyour application. Antxauination and report z emo kithW-e Remember, this o2fce has been sincel5,and reference canbe en t clients in almost every county in the . Pamphletrelatingto Patents free uponrequest. 1EORGE E. LEMON, G torney at law an So tor of America H. ,. andFoeg P tnt, Fifteenth Street, WASMNGTON, D. C. S tenton this papr. W K. P. GoGGANS. D. 0. HERBERT. 3 I ROGGANS &HERBERT, * So Attorneys-at-Law, NEWSERRY, . C. "Strict Attention to'Business." Le (ov.2, 4-1y. A Ar T HE.SUN. NEW YOE, 2888, Liore people have read Tnz SUN during Le year just now pasng than over before Ar ice it was first prited. No other news- Ar p4r'published oththislde of ths earth' s been bough.dread in any y.ear by so Le my men an-6~ . - Le Ve are credibly informed that pepe buy, Ar Ld, and like THE SUN for the flowing tsons, among others : tecause its ne ws columns present ,ctive form and with the ble muracy whatever ha for human id; the even and misdeeds, , odsense, -the imp-roving non-pbl~py h oal ense-all the news of the busiest world at resentrevolvn mn space. . Because people have learned that in its -emarks concerning .ersons and affairs L'HE SUN makes a practice~ of telling them he- exact truth to the best of its abiltr bree hundred andi sixtiy-five day laten 'ear, before electioni as well as afe,about he whales as well as about the small fish,- t n the face of dissent'as pany and fear- E essly as when supported bygeneral appro- i, aL. THE SUN~ has absolutely npurposes ta o serve, save the informatIon of tsreaders ? nd thle furtherance or the common good. y Because it is eveuyod's newsppr. No q ian is so hum1le. t-at SUN .s ndiffer- lE nt to his welfire and- his rig1s No man n t so rich t it can ow inustice to -be a one ociation of men, nilsm a t fpo matter wha uh o nds and wi rnlssfo a k for the inte rnessmong usad ambition of has -resulein te sre oit, ing-poptllar verdict against ui hioiswh d for, honest government. our tiendwa -rty is in power, Tun SUN ou , za continue to stand-like a j5i the best ests of the people aginst >Ilihed, because sses, the encroac nents ncmol DAY-Eight pages, $1,20 a g year. IKLY-$1 a year, Eight Ens. st matter of the daily 15ssa .N are sent I tral Department of ain :cet reports, and literr ya~wt d domestic intelligen SEELY SUN the newsp - r's household. To e I, an exr co fre of a thA ' ' scientific, 5 ten with ,Publisher, UN, N4. Y. City. o. ogi As, a" AND (IRANPES, SAnd Wholesale Dealer in PPles, Potatoes, Oulons, &c. 215 East Bay, CHA&RLESTON, S. C, w Country orders solicited and satisfac ion gnaranteed. Nov. 2, 4-1-3m. j poleare always on the look out frchances to increase theIr earnings, and in time become b wealthy; those who do not Im-a 'rove their opportunities remain in pover- A v- We offer agreat chance to make money, re want many men, women, boys andgll :> work for us right ini their.own loities, ny one can do the workprperly from the rst start. The businessw1pamoe ha mn times ordinary wages.-xesv out t furnished free. No one who e~ ti to make money xapidly. You de ote your whole time to the work Ool onrpa.re moments. Full information s 3tar sA frdAddres grzx Rail Roads. slambla & Greevile Raffroa PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. .CoLM(W*A. 8C., Nov. tly,1882 )n aniaftMonday, November 8, 1882. LSSENGER TRAINS wiUnas herewith; ated upon this road and itsbrauches. Daily, except Sundays. No. 52. UP PASSENGER. aye Columbia,A - - * 11.42 a Alston, - - 12.51 p " Newberry, - - - - 1.56 p Ninety-Six, - - - - 839 p " Hodges, - - - 4.28 p Belton; - - - - 5.57 p rive Greenville, - -- 7. p No. 53. DOWN PASSENGER. ave Greenville, - - - 11.15 a s Belton, -1243 " Hodges. - - 217 p " Ninety-Six,---- - 8.2 p " Newberry, - 4.50 p " Alston 5.56 P rive Columbia,x - - p LRANBUREG, UNION a COLUM3IA kAILZOA No. 52. UP PASSENGER. ave Alston, - - -- - L.B p Strother, - - - - 1.43 p Shelton, - - - - 2.10 p Santc, - - - 2.50 Union, - - - 3.27; Jonesville, - - - 4.02p Tive Spartanburg, - 6.02 p No.53. DOWN PASSENGER. ave Spartanburg,R. & D. Depot, H 1.35 Spartanburg, S. U. & C. !)epot,G .1.42; Jonaville, - - - 247 Union. - - - 3.29; Santuc, 4.t2 p Shelton, - - 4.48p Strother, 51.- - - . TiVe at Alston. 5 50 V LAUENS RAILWAY. ae Newberry, - t- - 4.58; -e at Laurens C. H., - 8.15; aRe Laurens C. H., - - - 9.u:, ,rive at Newberry, - - * 12 3: AnDSVILLE BRANOR. aye Hodges, - - - 435 p -rive at Abbeville, -5.35 p ave Abbeville, . - - - 1."i p vire at odges, . - - - 2.10; SLUE RIDGE RAILROAD AND AIIDaRso aAScH. aye Belton at. 5.57 p Anderson 63 sP mendleton . 7.28p aye Seneft C, . .1S p rive at.Wlhsla 8 - 5 V aye Malhilla at, - - 1.5 ave Seneca Da 10.3; a Pendleton, - . U.18 a Adoania, - 1(6 p ive at Belton- 12.46 p - CONECTIoNs. With ith0arolina pii1roadfrom Chi With 2&Ai1Vio, Columbia and Au.uj 'alroiid Trom'Wilgiidngtda anid Wit C' 'Cosumbia,,and Auguw Malad fiNIe and''a-poir North t~ With A-be 1' Iie for points in Western North Carolina, Wi!h A. & C. Div. R. & D. E. E., from: points Soath and West. With A. & C. Div., R. & D. R. 1t., from J lanta and beyond. Wit -. Wit South Carolina Railroad or Charlk to. - ^With Wilmington. Columbia and Augus Rai!road for Wilmington and the Nort With Charlotte, Columbia and Augus Railroad for Charlotte and the North. With Asheville & -Spartanburg Railro from Hendersonvlle. With A. & C. Div., E.& D. E. E., fr< Charlotte and beyond. tandard Time used is.:Washington, D. Ich is fifteeu minutes faster than Columbia. .. * - J. .-.. F&rY;Saeift4iL Oiin.emeAl Faienga Agent. I.CARgwKLt, Ais't Geeral Passenger Ag "mb'sT0. C. . - - il Carolnna Raniway; Corna.ag - ASSENGEE-DEPEETMENT. CHINGE OF SCHEDULE. ft ankd alter-A&pi - SD(, 1WqJ? aswe* Lbnabn tdS dwll ran. as ftllw furthernzicites GREENVILLE EIPRESS. GOING EAST, 'A=LY.) ,ve Columbiaat - - -- -.25. dve Camden at -- -' - 9.38 P. dveharlestoanat. - - -. .00-P. I Charlestonat -~ - . 7.00 A.J aadat - - - - S.A.a w.eeobiMbia~ t - -.- 9.30 P.1 dve Augusta at - - - - A..] dive Charleston at - --8.20 A.] -GoING WEST DAILY. wve Charleston at - - - P ve.Auusa at* --.- - 4.5?P. dvClmi:ki - -5.10 A.3 rarn daily except trains on Cal which are daily except San Sl.eeping Cr i,&ced toNlg uinbla and Charleston. -orf da nd Sundays, round trip tickets are nd from all Stations at -one first class ar the round trip, good till .Monday n o return. Ercursions tickets ga-for ays are regularly on sale at six cents Ifle for round trip to and from all statlc onnections made -at Columbia with 4 mbia and Greenville Railroad bytrain tvingat1128 A- M., and deprigat .-M. Connection made at C. & A.. J1 on with Charlotte, Columbia and Augm ailroad by train arriving at Columbia .28 A. I. and de at 5.s5P. PJ. em all points on both n1lman Sleeper between ~ashington, via V em ithout c .or New York C ston wi y- also, with daeaton Ralodto all .ections are made at Augs Georgria Railroad and -Central-B.l and from all points South and West. Through tickets can be purchased points South and Westr byapying I - A&. B. DESAUs Agnt, oh D. C. ALLEN, P& JomN B. PECK, General-Manager. Charlotte, Columbia k Augusta OFFICE GENEa..L ABssENGaa AGE2 Schedule in e@c Setember 3, 1882 No.53 DAILY-MAIL AND ERREs Arrive at Columbia, B.............t Leave Columbia, B..,,..........g Arrive at Ch-trlotte, C.......... Leave Charlotte..........-.5.1 No.47 DAILY-MAIL AND RfEis: Leave Augusta. A............... c A rrive at Columbia. D............10 No. 19 LOCA L Flin-mair. d aijy exceytSm ('A ilh easenger Goach attached. A1rrive at I.harl0-te...............;. .SOU rH WrAlED. No. 52 D)A1LY-1.uL AND Exy'agsm Leave Statesvie................. 7 Arrive at Charlotte.............. , Lev Charlotte. C............. .: Arrive at Columbia, B............3 Leave Columbia, 1- .--..........G. Arrive at Auut,A-...........10.5 o. 48 DAIL.r-MAuL AND EXRss Leave Colutubia, D.-............ Arrive at A ugusta. A- .....-......10.2 No.18 L'CAL FR EIGHT. daily exceptSui; (With P'assenger Coach attached.) Leave Charlotte--.............5.0 Arrive at Columbia............,.. g CONNECTIONs. A-With all lines to and from Savar Florida and the South antd Att,nta, )i and the Southwest, B-With South Carolinz Railroad to from Charleston. C-- With Richmond and DanvilHe Ralil to and from all ints North adCr Central Railroar an.a D--Connect with the W. C. & A. E. E Wilmingtn and all points on the Atis Coast Line. Pullman Sleeping Cars on Trains No and 53 between Agsaand Washing D. C., via Danville,Lybhu andC Iottesville. Also, on -raand 5; bween Charlotte and Richmond.an5 Numbers 47 and 48 ron solid between saand Florence and carry Puan ree between Augusta and Wilin Abovten Augsaand W1Jlgtoe G. B. TALorr, uprned-4 Ii. SLAUGHTERx, General Paeegej D, CARUDWRLL, Ass't General ra, kgent, Col~ubia, S. C. ' tshevile and Spartaaber.g 7FlM On and efter Thrsday,Spo assenger trains will be run '~ icepted) between Spartanb"y n *ersonvlfle, as follows' UP TR.Aig eave R. & D. Depot at abug.2 rrive at Hendersonv e....-7 3 eave Hendersonville....... . Both tr smak oneetinsfo- Col La and Charleston via Spartanburg. U, ad Columbia and Atlanta,d 0e fr Line. . Afi3- .A.NDU2RSON Superintender W. H. WALLACE, Lttorney -atKLa NEWBERRY, S. C. Oct 25, 43..C do The Grot A LARGE THREE STOR IOnly Hotel with Electri Only Hotel with CENTRAL OFFICE OF TE XRS. EMMA in . PROPRIE lu .D. This-commodious and spacious Hotel is n< I oomerS. k The Furniture of every description is New m persons patronizing..the establishment. at home a The Rooms in this Hotel are spacious, wel V Hotel in the up country. m One of the BeA's Sample Rooms in the Stat AU horses entrusted to our care will be wt In m The Table sh,l.be furnished with the ver: m i M ClotM In IiL ML. HI raInsTi9lNi .'CLITi 41! V? I take pleasure in. iaforming my i:iads as m chased the wrgetst-rtck of M FALL AND WINT M For'7-e-, Y,nth: :tnl bu , .v .-rbe m BEEN MAKED DOWN. I:Ef, T:' R IN S'A Fim:- line of 2 GENTS' FURIN I G 0011 'Or %IL TBE LAI I ' GENTS FT Men's 3uits and Overco Youths' Suits ai If'G ll and examine my -stoi 'nen in t j All orders addre,sed to Hr S4 will r ta* Opposite Grard Citral, In. Dry Goods au henever you visit Uur Cal ust call at that store so neat -Y.ou'll find it will.pay you to .- - a Main St., it is, Number 1 L Jsefl, fresh and attractive t ~ ew, stylish and lasting, and ood bargains in Dry Goods : O give us a trial asks WY. J. en i 1A d1 July 27, 91--t. Pt ll - --- - - nbia.AGENTS FOR &5nm 5p r .1am pmj SAW MILLS, malT --A: aconTHE AMERICA3 an Parties wishing the above, address SPE AKE & BRO . Mar. 30, 13-tf. AM '8 Y. CULBREATE.JW. ERNEST XERCHANT. t": CBULBREATH & MERCHANT, ..Attorneys - at - Law, **Of NEWBERRY, S. C. ~ ~ Will practice in the State and Fed ner eral Courts. Aug. 10, 32--Gm. FARMERS 181 Growing Sugar Csue and in need of ays .CANE MILLS AND ET APORATORS, 'mi: find it to their interest to call on me bye:cre making purchases, ae I am agent for p mn o- of the 5heapest and best Factories in apm S. P. BOOZER. um -J,uly 19, 29-4t. NEW YORK gfOFFINR .Eveybody is delighted with the tasteful ad beautiful selection made by Mrs. La entmes New Fall circular jus issuaed. .Adress MBS. ELLEN LAMAR, 877 Broadway, New York. Y BRICK BUILDING. .c Bells in Newberry Cistern Water. LEPHOE EZCHARG. F. BLEASE, TRESS, E", S. C. w open and fully prepared to entertain it and no effort will be qpred to make al lighted, and-the best ventilated of anq :11 cared for at Christian &Smith's Stables ) PER DAY. best. Nov. 2, 44-1y. fig. ARD'S USES. d the public gen'rally, th&t I have -par. ER CLOTHING in th-- (ity, and tho GKtD;. HAVE .;.LL PRO Fil'.; AN D QUI CK 600 1AND NECK WEAR, 'F-T TYLES [E SHOES. ats. id Overcoats. Suits and Oveioats. he Gity. tceive prompt attentiou - COLUMBIA, S. G. I .Trilln.ery. oital City, and so pretty, enter it too, 32. he goods that wve keep, everything cheap, on our counters are f Young. - ND MILLINER BIA, S. C. nees, Pce THE FAMOU COTTON GINS. ?0, iFRUIT DRYER. ,Kinard's T. 0., 8.0C. OSNABURC Undershirts and Drawe: Will Cure Rheumatism I Andare manufactued by. LANGLEY BR0&r 166 [lng 8t., -chai1estoe 8, AT: VERY. REASONABLE RATES. -Oct. 19,-42-2m. A $c8eool large Ptou! h.o ju'stif ladies who will t~axre ish brunslji Latin. MIus~ic ont Piano, Organ and Guki Kindergarten System Galischenics a Fancy Work. For furthrer information, inqunire a - HERALD OFFICE. Sept. 28, 39-cf. do bero1 e.*nwm a lel areeir will furnish youeveytis. -ayTa ,m.akgfrtunes. Ldesmank*.uRa as'dtware, HART & SOLACEVNTS Z AbOW DISC ItUkLER.IZ) TOMAS K OOTHTG, $MQMASP6 THE A MHRRIAH BABAEDFENRW -AGENT FOR Genuine Eaxmers' iend --FOR 8ALE STEEL BULL 2VNGV 'SCOOTERs 2 BOLTS GBASS BODS SINGLETRES,. ZOUSEREPINYG GOODS, CABPENTE ISTS' ard BLACKSMT . -A.FINE ASSOCTME ENG*L%,:.AXRIJAN A! MUZZLE AND BREECH - -STAT-AENTS1 KEMP'S MANURE ANOCOTI at . -h t asam.. . _w It ofwandtbuw u o la.ul. ite bor cuc.s,.*ns oEr rOA B by bm& ZhwamagoIb *am,U d so EY-..Itssootdagana.w.u-.mroperne to= m Do: t dog dcrb eie d ECART &C. 2 npeeiea ForCU thSe Store8 Ae wATeLL assortment o Sive sanelebao re BYE& itssotRngalumlecare gystem after the -ozhbwsenelvd uras bwtb deceived ~ -A iTA e.aola. asso.ESentro. atlernand Platepare, y IOINAD UIRD STRHOLTZ A Greatces e eD-abn miresr AXD ADIC L ES orAseialZ anes,. __ voluntary mad.il o.Impl teny, ter. Wous Deility an ept'o-air SaFit:Ma and Pniemystckan rincpsit SAthreai-th "aren ook "ua Mi.e.j oA Lexperenc t~ h:d tE.wu ccaAequen w ~Aith dangeos surical o'perationor bouge, ntruments ringsce by coriais;56 pl,ontr ou mo of ctency, cer and~ eectul, byd wichpevelrysterer,r ialely, al;(flUR~t~~ jle~y aifhr Thi Lte ~~il rov e.abont The ousa d and tow uss,nd . iiti t many.ddress, orece.ipt osix ~ een s w postg 01sIrb :tams. AddessfcuLI~envd c bougi~, lt1nnt, Newg or. cordaY. g s rfrebmeel Box , privct.l an, ra-. thosadsard he IsCitu8 * posag - mp.ee.es A PESOKS R R U RST D. Main Street, Columbia, 5.' C ' Aweek made at homaby the indu tous. Best business now before r, us. o ai 00 time. ucawon spare time. your whole time to the buies. business willpsyo nearly as well. No one can fail to -a~ en. AE outt and ei re oe made fast Nc easily, and honorably. Address TaUz I: CO., Augusta, Maine. 47-y 4 IRON. mioe Swede's Iron. - B e.fisted Tir/1roa,-1 to- 2-inebes. ii su Dad. Hoopi Round, Squarel and Oma Bel Irons, in fll stock, at lowest market prices, G * BOOZEE'S HARD WARE STORE- - ec No. 2 '9wer's New Block. Mar. 30, Sn-... j .u ?VG HARROW FAE S13 *DAg gt1dE A SOFL - VIff WARE; WOnDW er', co0om.s',MO1~ 78'TOL& troG. roAC1K -ne poeratIalashe -Sas eah ouObs @ias _ epth~ heEICA n e Y.a. -e -m-motGE & c strC tialnes aerof rl.fh avenhanfa gtted t pIies mWail,1ciia. ~a &smiers. - - tr padmarka. knt'ee obtain t Lta thow Dredoft om tente ndy eens . k,ad toe h r Diubls .. and o om gne,:Se eeenamni tems rfeeJo.cc ei td MODE OLrhMsist. W2 atnabflyreea ornd] b* St-oba n s ther tem.ad fner sto -~ za di isld iers, Tsn Sc ej all at owes mark