The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, August 10, 1882, Image 3

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" Special and Local. THURSDAY, AUG. 3, 1882. IXDaX To Naw ADVERTISEMENTS. Nominations. J. Y. McFall-Card of Thanks. A. H. Wheeler-Taxes, Taxes. James F. Johnston-Bay State Engines and Boilers. Gen. Johnaon Hagood-South Carolina Military Academy. SPECIAL NOTICE.-Business no tces in this local column are inserted at the rate of 15 cents per line each' inser tion. Obiiuaries, notices of meetings, corn munications relating to persoal inter ests, tributes of espect, &c. ore charged as regular adertisements at $1 per aquare. . Notices of administration, and other legal notices, obituaries, tributes of re apect and notices of meetings, as well as communications of a personal char'wkr must be paid for in advance The subscription price of the Herald is $2.00 for twelve months, $1.00 fur six - onths, .50 cents for three months and 25 cents for 'one month, in advance. 11Tames in future will not be placed on the subscription books until the cash or tts equivalent is paid. g" All communications relating to persooal interests will be inserted at regular advertising rates, one dollar per square, cash in advance. tf This paper may be found on 1Ml at Gee.. . oweUl & Co's Newspaper Advertising u neau (io spruce St. ) where advertising con tracts may be made for it in New York. Mr. L. S. Bowers, post master at Prosperity is our authorized agent at that place. Deaths. ars. Henderson, widow of Mr. Mon -rce ,nderson, died at Spartanburg the 3d insta.t, and was buried at Hopewell .nureb FriOsy. Mrs. Sally Wbeeler, widow of Mr. Jacob Wheeler, and mother of Sheriff D. B. Wheeler, and Treasurer A. H. Wheeler, died at her home in Edgeneli County Saturday night, in the 72nd year dfber age. We regret to announce the death of Dr. J. W. Spearman, of Seneca, which sad event took place in that town on the 29th of July. Dr. Spearman was a native of Newberry, but for many years had made his home in Oconee. He h4* been in had health for years and finally died of consumption. He had many friends in Oconee.-Waihalla Courier. Texas Siftings. A most humorous paper, full of fun -and frolic, for sale at the HEanAw Book Store. Price 5 cents. $eware.of f.itations. The delicate odor of Floreston Cologne is entirely novel. Look for signature of ."iscox & Co., N. Y., on each bottle. New Cotton. Mr. J. D. Hornsby brought in on monday two bolls of open cotton from his field. Mr. John A. Kinard.brought in some open ootton boils yesterday, A couple of bolls were handed In on Wednesday by Mr. M. E. Nichols. Best ever made, Emory's Little Cathartic Pills, pleasant to take, sugar-coated; no orb ai U staudard Cure Co.. 114 Sas Street. New York. Jun. 1, 22-8m. Attention Is called to the advertisement of the Bay State Engines and Boilers, the gen eral agent for whose sale is Mr. James F. Johnston, Charlotte. N. C. The en gines are stationary and portable and are from 4 to 200 Horse Power. Be aides these he sells every other agricul tural implement needed on a farm. Mr. W. T. Gaillard is the agent for New berry County. 2lewberry Circuit The protracted meeting at Trinity Church will begin next Saturday; at Zion the Saturday before the 3d Sunday in August; at New Hope the Saturday before the 4th Sunday in August; at Lebanon the Friday before the 1st Sun day in September; at New Chapel the, Satzrday before the 2nd Sunday in Septemiber. A. J. S'roKES, Aug..9th, 1882. P. C. Class Ball Shaoting. Our thanks are tendered the commit * tee, S. D. Pelham and others for an in ,itation to attend the Grand Glass Ball and Inter-State Shooting Match at Hen dersoni, the 15th, 16th and 17th of Aug.. aist, which promises to be the largest gathering of "crack shots" ever had in the South. The Railroads offer exeur sion rates, and the prizes are in eash. being one of $100, one of $50, and one of $25. Everything is being arranged to make the occasion a pleasant one. We hope to be there. Shooting. Ex-Policeman Eli Franklin shot Robt. Brannon, the painter, with a pistol in the rear room of Mr. Maffett's barroom friday afternoon. Nobody was pres ent eageept these two and Mr. Win. .Caldwell, Mr. Brannon says he was shot without any provocation. The ball passed through his forearm just below the elbow, breaking one of the bones, and making a serious wovnd. As soon as he did the shooting Mr. Franklin left town, and has not yet *been arrested. So far as we can learn no warrant has been issued. Dots from Floyd Township. Candidates are scarce, but chills are plentifui. Peas are looking well, and have been extensively planted. * J. S. Floyd has gone on his annual trip to the mountains. The prospect for a corn and cotton crop is as good as we ever had. Smiyrna Church has closed her pro tracted meeting. Several additions. Mt. Zion Church received six new mnembers at its protracted meeting which has just closed. Bush River and Trinity Churches commence their meetings the 12th inst., to continue fur several days. A. 3. Longshore is spoken of as a candidate for the Legislature; hope he will permit his name to be announced. Resolutions were passed at the last Union Meeting at Mt. Zion Church looking to the formation of a new As-. -eociation out of the Reedy River Asso-i eiation, to be known as the Newberry assenintion. The roads are having their usual "lick and promise;" but George A. Boozer and John Longshore have had the au dacity to brave public opinion and4 the County Commissioners, and have put their part-of the road in good condition. Success to them. P .W Aug. 7. 1882. F .W Come to See Me at W. T. Tarrant's. I take pleasure in informing m friends and customers that I am no with W. T. Tarrant, where I will I pleased to welcome them; also, se them anything they w'nt in Dry Good Boots, Shoes. Ir-ts, Clothing, Dre, Goods, Fancy Goode, Crockery. Ca pets, &c. Mr. Tarrant carries the Ia gest stock in the place, and we wi make it to your interest to give us yo trade. Any orders entrusted to m care will receive prompt and careft attention. Come and see us. Yours vet y traly, A. C. JONES. July 24, 1882. 30-4t LiCotN CO.. N. C., ,Jan. 2, 1882. Capt. James F. Johnston, Charlotte. N.C DE)AR SI--In regard to your inquir about the 25 horse power Bay Stat Boiler and Engine I purchased of yot would say that the engine was "tartc in October, 1881, and bas run with th best sttisfaction of any I ever saw, an steams the best. I have not used woo -only the slabs from the saw-an never lacked for steam or power. would say it takes about one-half cor per day. I can cheerfully recommen the Bay State Boiler and Engine to th public to be of the best, Yours respectfuily. JACOB A. CARPENTIi. Peterson's Magazine, For September. opens with a charr ing steel-engraving, from a picture the last Paris Salon; which is followe by a beautiful double-size. colored stot fashion-plate; and this by nearly fift wood-eugravings. including a colore pattern for a "Tidy on Java Canvas. The stories of the number more t.a maintain the high merit of this wel known and popular monthly: one, b ,Mrs, M. Sheffey Peters, "The Chain c Hair," is particular?y good; while Mr. Stephens' "Love in Tangle" grow more and more absorbing. No otbe lady's book combinesso many qualitie and has such sustained merit in ever department; it is, emphatically, as th publisher claims, "the cheapest an best." The price is but two dollars year. with very great deductions to club Spec;ne:s are sent, gratis, to thos really wishing to get up clubs. Ce tainly, everybody ought to ta.e thi magazine. Address, Chas. P. Petec son, 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphin Pa. It is a well known fact that Rheumatisn originates from a disordered or impure cot .dit.ict pf the blood. To relieve the systet of these .ecrtciatiug pains per:nanenti you must purify tn.e blood--root out th poison. S. S. S. is the ony reney know that does this. Others relieve the pain; i S. S., by renewing the blood, cures the dii ease. Price, $1.00 and $1.75 per bottle. Frank Leslie's Sunday Magazine. The number for September abound with pleasant, edifying and interestini reading, and is, as usual, profusely il lustrated. The editor, Rev. Mr. Ta; wage, has an admirable article entitle "The Horse ap4 his Rider," finely illui trated; and The Home Pulp=t spota.n one of his eloquent and characteristi sermons, "What are our Departe Friends Doing Now ?" "California Bi Trees," "The Disciples of Menno S won," will be read with great interes1 Marion Harland eontinues her high] Interesting serial, --A Good Fellow; and bgeside the other admirable seria "Weighed imd," there ar short stories, sketches, esa7a etc., b2 popular writers; some very excellerz poems, several of them beautifully. lustrated; and a large, interesting an instructive miscellany. There areal Editorg Coinments, Pers;onal Note and Commeras, The Co!!eetion Baskel The Drift of Religious Commietst, ets: etc. The price is only 25 cents a nuns be, or SS a year, sent postpaid. specimen number will lbe sent on th receipt of 25 cents, addressed to Fran Leslie, Publisher, 53, 55 and 57 Par Place, New York.. Progarcrag Of the Sunday Sch.ooj .Convention< Newberry Conference, to be held at Mj Tabor Church, September 6th and 7t1 1882: WEDNEsDAY. 10 A. M.-Worship. 10.30 A. M.-Organization. 11 A. M.-Address of Welcome. Responses. 12 M..-Music. Recess. 2 P. M .-Music. The mutual relation of tbe chure and her baptized children. Rev. J. I Shirey, J. A. Bedenbaugh, Esq. 3 P. M.-Music. The pastor's place in the Sunda School. Rev. I. S. Wmngard, Col. A H. Wheeler. 4 P. M.-Music. Adjourn. THURSDAY. 9.30.-Worship. 10 A. M-.- How shall we keep ota young people in the Sunday School Pev, J. Hawkins, D.D., Col. T. V Holloway. 11 A, M.-Musig. Sunday School Rey. ( W. Holland, D. B. Wheeler, Esq. 12 M.-Music. Recess. 2 P. M.-The co-operation of tb Family and the Sunday School. Rea J. Steck, D.D., Capt. H. H. Folk. 3 P. M.-Music. Opening Question Box. Routine Business. Music. Adjournment. H. S. WINGARD. T. W. HOLLOWAY. .r W. BERLY. Malaria, Chi-1s and Fever, and Bilious a tacks ~,sitively cured with Emory's Stai dard Cure Pills-an infallible remedy: ne' ~r fails to cure the most obstinate. ioni standing cases whei4 Quinine and all otl er rergedies had failed. They are prepare expressly ior malarious sections. in doub] boxes, two kinds .of Pills, containing strong cathartic and a chgli breaker, suga coated; contains no Quinine or 31.rcur; cauing no griping or purging; they~ a: mjid and efilcienit, certamn in their actio and harmless in all cases; they effectual. cleanse the system, and give aew life an tone to the body. As a household remed they are unequaled. For L iver Comnplaii their equal is not known ; one box will hav a woruferf!Jl effect on the worst ca.-.. The are used and prescribed by Physicu' s, at sold by Druggists eyerywhere, or sent b mal, 25 and cent boxes. Etory's Littl Cr.hartic Pills, best ever maid.e, oly Cents. standard Cure Co., 114 Nassau tree New York. Jun. 1, 22-8m. Liens for Sale. Blank Liens for supplies and for ren for sale at this ofiice. Kendall's Treatise on the Horse. This valuable b.ol is for sale at ti HERALD Book Store, pricegly 2.5 cenl for single copy, or five copies for $1.0( This book tells you what to do for you horse when sick, and treats of every dia ease to which a horse is liable. Get copy and save money and anxiety. Only for sale at the 51-tf HERALD BOOKc STOR. Club Rates.0 The Columbia Register will be clui bed with the HEALD.I as follows: Wee ly Register and HERALD $3.50, 1r welyEsgisIr and HERALDS$5, Dai Register and HER.h.D $8.75. The Weeldy Yeoman and HEEALD: I MEETING OF THE AGRICULTURAL A MECHANICAL SOCIETY. Formation of a Joint Stock Compan Il The Newberry Agrieultural and 2 chanical Society met in the Court Hot Monday, 7th, President Thos. W. Fi loway in the chair. The President es ed for report from the committee of c ir from each Township appointed at a p vious meeting to solicit subscription pay the debt. H. C. Moseley. of 3 9, Chairman. reported that the eomm Lee had never wet, and that he had n with no success. A. J. Gibson, of ) 2, reported no success. Dr. J. W. Fo of No. 5, reported that he had secur subscriptions to the aruount of .$65 yards paying thes debt; also that 9 had been a+sureci of suhscriptions to t e :amount of $140 towar.s a joint sto company. J. R. Spearman, Sr., of d S, reported no subscription. J. T. E e num. of No. 3. reported the same. t d I motion of G. S. Mower. the report d the committee was receivi as ' mnf, m mation, and the committee was d I charged. d The President then said, "Now, ge d tlemen, you see exactly the position e are in. has any member any propo tion to make?" Thus. S. Moorman sa We see that the property must b sol there is no alternative. le thereft moved that it is th sense of the Socit that the property m t st be sold. and Ut a committee of three be appointed n advise with the creditors as to the tit d and terms of the sale. G. S. Mow d moved to amend Mr. Moorman's : y tion by providing that.the matter 'e m d ferred to the Executive Committc The amendment was lost and the origi n al motion was adopted. The Chair a pointed as the committee Thos. y Moorman. Alan Johnstone and G. f Mower. Mr. Johnstone askea to ;. relieved, and J. N. Martin was a s pointed in his place. r The Chair stated that tl.e Executi ;, Committee had authorized Geo. y Mower, Esq., to appear in behalf of t e Society in the suit that has been ins d tuted against it. On motion of Y. a Pope, the action of the Executive Coi . mittee was ratified. e The Chair stated that the State Ag cultural Society requests each Coun 8 Agricultural Society to send three de gates to .he Summer Meeting of t State Grange and State .-ricOitui Society at Anderson the 15th instai Y. J. Pope moved that the Chair a point the delegates-adopted, and t n following delegates were appointed: M. Johnstone, G. S. Mower, J. T. E e num; alternates, J. C. Wilson. A. n Gibson, Jno. R. Spearman, Sr. T i. Society then, on mpotion of Thos. - Moorman, adjourned. Immediately after the adjournme of the Society, on motion of J. M. Job stone, G. S. Mower was called to t chair. On motion of Eduard Schol J. M. Johnstone was requested to as Secretary. Thos. S. Moorman stat the objeet of the meeting to be to for a Joint Stock Company for the purpc of securing the property of the Agrici s tural Society for the continuation of t d County fairs. ie tpe; :oved t: subscriptions be taken at onee, and tY a committee of three from each Tow ship be appointed to solicit subscriptio in their respective Township; and th Y shares be fixed at $5 each, with the pi viso that no subscriptions shall-be bin eing unless the total subscriptions amos iby rpengh shares $30. The aimer3 menit was Lost. i. T.. Wyngm moved d amn y making the sharks $16 Sadopted. J. E. Brown moved th-it t Chair appoint a committee of three Sobtain a chart-er, and that no subscri tion shall be binding unless a chari .be obtained-adopted, and the ch: Sappointed thie following committee: e . Brown, Y. J. Pope, Dr. M. A. Rs kThe Chair then called for subscri ktions, and the following were take Y. J. Poj>e 3, A. J. Gibson, 1, Thos. Moorman 3, J. A. Sligh 3, Thos. f Chalmers 3, Jno. A. Cromer 1, R. McCaughrin 5. J. E. Brown 2. J. *Wilson 3. M. A. Carlisle 3. G. S. Mo 'er, 10, J. N. Martin 3, Dir. M. A. Pa wick 2. H. C. Moseley 10. ,J. T. flynt 3, J. R1. Spearman. Sr., 5, Edun Scholtz :3. Dr. James McIntosh 3, Th< WV. Holloway 3. Jas. I. Fair 1. WV. Ewvart 1, WV. Y. Fair 2. WV. H. Hunt Alan Johnstone 3, C. D. Spearman J. C. S. Brown 1. JTno. P. Sloan 1,i L. Duceett 1. The Chair then appoi. b ed the foliowing comnmitt.ea t';. soui - subscriptions: Township No. 1-Jno. C. Wils< Dr. Jacies McIntosh, JT. E. IBrown. y No. 2-J. C. S. Brown, A. J. Gibst -. W. F. Ewart. No. 3-J. T. Bynium, W. B.;Oxn B. H. Maybi:.. No. 4-Dr. f. C. Carlisie, W. Duckett, Dr. M. A. Renwick. r No. 5-Dr. J. WV. Folk, J. B. R< ?gin. E. P. Mathews. No. 6-Dr. W. M. Dorroh, P. Smith, Eugene Longshore. No. 7-D. V. Scurry, F. A. Teagi ~Gee. T. Reid. No. 8-J.. .Spearman,Sr., M. We, G:B. Reagig. e No. 9-J.i A, Sligb, B.. T. C. Hunt r. Dr. A. S. Langford. No. 10-L. W. Bowers, J. D. A. K ler, Dr. Jno. Halfacre. No. 11-Jno. A. Cromer, D. J. Ren P. M. Derrick. Thos. S. Moorman moved that a co mittee of five.- with M. A. Carlisle Chairman, be appointed to draft a 0< stitution and By-laws, to be reported next meeting-adopted, and the Cb t- appoi:ted M. A. Carlisle, Thos. ~Moorman, H. C. Moseley, Alap .Joi -. stone and J. T. Bynum. dY. J.Pope moved that next meeti e be held Sale-day in September. Th aS. Moormnan stateu that the sale of 1 rAgricultural Society grounds wet *e probably be arranged to come off tI n day, and thr,t it, was imnoortant to mi 3 before that time. Mi'. Pope then mio; y to meet the 12th of August at 3 P. iwhich was aotd y On motion of Thos. S. Moorman, d committees were required to report .e next meeting. t5 On motion of .Y. J. Pope, adjourn The Ebenezer Camxp-Meetimsg ~,Began Thursday night and clom t,Tuesday morning. The attendance ie large; the crowd Sunday was lamrs than on any p)revious occa'sion. 'I le following ministers were in attetndan a Revs. Stokes. Smuart. Kelly, Nee ). Pritebard, Tray wick. Power, Giih ir and M. M. Bloyd. Ther.e were four 3- cessions to the chureb. andi twenty-i a conversions are reported. There v probably not as much ba.d behavior there was last year; but there wam good deal. Two persons were tal 'up by the police. Yancey Berry young man from Edgefield County, ~ ~- tried before Justice Packer Mont b- and fined $10 on the charge of bei idrunk on the camp-ground. Mid. Sih 'I ly, of this County. was charged with ing drunk anid using prof:mie langu~ |on the grouinds,-aind pleaded guilty y I terd-y. lie was tied $15. VD Ex-Treasurer Whites Returned. July 31st a warrant was sworn out before Trial Justice Carlisle by David - Hipp. bondsman, charging ex-Treasu-. rer U. B. Whites with embezzling 8.- [ -CO of public money. Upon this war ,se rant the Governor issued a req'iisition up on the Governor of Alabama, and placed f - it in the hands of Messrs. David Hipp ne and Adam Auli, who started at once ^e- for Alabama. They returned Tuesday to with Capt. Whites. He has not been C.- imprisoned; hut is in charge of his it- i)oudsmen. and is free to go where he n et ehooses. The only purpose in bringing o- him hack is to get a settlement of the . affairs of his office, so as to ascertain e exactly how matters stand and what F *0- and where the liabilities are. he Capt. Whites would have come back ' he in a few davs of his own accord had he ek not bcen sent for. He had made his 0- arrangements to come, and had written Y- to several persons that he would be 1 )n back the 15th or 16th instant. of .- ( Dr- Personal. S. McG. timkins, Esq., of the Edge- e tield bar. is in towi. n. fMrs. W. G. Wilbur, of Charleston, is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. S. Coppock. G. G. Sale, I:q., went down to Cam :den Saturday and returned yesterday. v re . . Miss Laura Greneker, after a long visit to Charleston, returned on Thurs t 4ay, aeconpanied by Miss Lizzie Addi er Ira B. Jones, Esq., and family, of o- Lancaster. are spending a few days - e- with relatives in Newberry and Edge e. field. n Miss Lou Strong, of Charleston, daughter of our cousin, Mr. W. F. 8 Strong, is visiting the Senior and his bs family. p- Mr. Monroe iuef, formerly clerk at the Crotwell Hotel, left yesterday for re Winston, N. C. He expects to trairol S. for a tobacco house. n 5e Prof. Holland and family and Prof, C and Mrs. Rahn have gone to Highlands, N. C. Prof. Holland will return in a a week or ten days; but the others will tl be gone several weeks. t3' Innumerable Thanks. e- Some fine large peaches and pears are acknowledged from Mr. M. E. P1.yichois;a t. p. Mr. D. Walter Barre remembered the he editor Saturday with a huge watermel J. on. It was appreciated. c y- For an invitation to attend a barbe- i - cue at Jolly Street to-day the commit he tee are thanked. We will endeavor to I S. be there. 10 nt 'The largest and knest egg plant, or n- guinea squash, seen this season, came f he from the garden of our townsman, Mr. C :z. Eduard Scholtz. tl et Friend Thos. F. Harmon sent us in ed yesterday two large, delicious water- il Q2 melons. We are beginning to think a so that this is a glorious country. c he Miss Carrie B. Boyd, daughter of at Rev. J. Marion Boyd, gave us on Sat at ard.y at Camp-meeting the largest ap- e n. ple we have ever seen. It weighed ii ns over a pound. a at Mr. Seth Williams has our thanks for v 0- several delicious cantaloupes. We d- knew that there was some of this fruit ii nt in the County, and it will be a pleasure c ato record the sending by others. to Dr. Moffett's Teethina (Teething - Po'wders) 'will cure your child. isor he sale by all Draggists and Cduntry Mfer- I to chants. 50_______ S-1y ( .Sniffles. r tir Claude Melnotte in one of his love J. passages with Pauline, romancing on nj- the dslightfu~l timee they' would'have at i the Lake of Comno, said "they would p-have no friends who were not lovers." e Ii: Hlow delightful. There must have been S. candidates from whom he wished to B~. iee, and he would no doubt have car L~. ried Pauline to the mountains of Hepsi- t C. darn, or even to Henderson, if she were I: w- willing. IIis head was altogether 1ev- ~ n- el. I don't pm worth a cent to candi d <ates or politics. A first class, red hot 'I r d politician is "lnt for treasons, stratagems a s. an i spoils," and politics is hottest in the 3 F. dog days, a proof of its dog-on-ed-ness. 1. The papers are filled with the mess, 1, and men who have nothing else to do. V. read and read till they become full, and yt think that the government of.tbis coun ui try wonld be safe in their hands. My t friend Claude went further and told ' m, Pauline that he "would read no books I that were not tal"s of love." Full cf I in, love, wasn't he. and he leaned to Miss P. like a sick kitten to a warm rock. ( a, Sniffles will take love in his own all the j time, and let politics alone. As fori p. running for office, I could not be in- I duced to think oi it, and Bmerline, that a- is my wife, would not take kindly to It. If the Presidency were offered I might e C. accept, because so much good could be done from that high position and the e, salary attached to it, the only reason that could influence me. I'd make a ts, change sure, and Mrs. would have a new dress every year, and the little ~ er, S.'s would each have a bicycle, and there is no tellipig whs.t all would gome Lb- if Sniffles were' President. t, Fine CFops-Readl aid RejoiQe. The complaint on account of good m- crops is general. -t Wade Morgan, who rents land from at Mr. R. T. Caldwell, has a fine crop. sir Mr. Alf. Reeder says his corn is grow- t S. ing so fast that you can hear the joints in- crack a hundred yards. I Mr. Perry P'ant has one hundred and ~twenty-five acres of bottom corn on heDuncan's Creek that cannot be beat in Ithe State. Some of it is so tall that a atman on horseback cannot reach the top with a walking-stick. ed Mr. D. W. Barre has seven acres of ., corn that ho cioesn?t think anybody pa beat. In riding through it on a tall j all borse the ears touch his (the rider's) at ishoulders. Mr. Barre is engaging the tallest men he can find to puil the fod d. Ider; and even with these he will havei to use step-ladders. Vle took a ride through the country od last Thursday with Dr. Gilder, he to y as visit somec of his patients, and we to ~er look at crops. Our route led us by the. tie fields of Messrs. George, Mah olin and -e: Alan Johnstone, George and .Jno. Ne'el Ii ly. and J. A. Crotwell. Mr. Alan ,John art stone has forty acres of hottomi corun on' w- the left of the Columbia road that is ye about as good as corn can be; it is a -a beautiful sight. Mr. George Johnstong as has a fine field of corn cn the opposite aside of the road, further down the en reek. The Messrs. Neel's cotton, on ,a the Prosperity road is excellent. That ras iseventy-five acre cotton field of Mr. lav Malcolm Johnstone on the left of the ng Prosperity road, just beyond Mr. Crot >g- well's, we don't think van be excelled. be- Mr. Crotwell's field adjoining this is1 jnst as goo<d. If one wants to see cot e-toni inf'id~d up wards of foni .red men killed in this battle of~ eyond Mr. Crotwell's house and take t survey of these two fields of about me hundred and fifty acres-he can nke it all in at one glance. We might ave extended the ride further, but the aiu delayed us so that the Doctor had earcely time to get around on his pro :ssional visits by night. Good Foundation. In 3 merican households the prevailing rnplaints are weakness of the stomach nd itQ corsequ'ences, Indigestion. Ner.vous ess,Rheunri4rn. 1ucb suflierer. can bay a ood f(,undatiou for healhh by using Par er': Gin. er Tonic as it tones up the str. tael and rrves. and k. eps :he kidney's ntire to c.rry nff the foul nmiter -- s 0. ica; une. arious and all About. Another week ended, And thd whirligig of time brings us ito another. The County Convention meets Satur ay. 12th. There will be a barbecue at Jolly treet to-day, The moon like some men, is bright st when it is full. There will be two crops of garden egetables this year. Mr. Peoples, during his late trip forth, bought a ton of shot. Hon. M. C. Butler has our thanks for ontinued Congressional favors. More new subscribers with the cash -it is pleasant to receive them. A reading room was one of the fea ires of the Ebenezer Camp-meeting. Mrs. Ruff, wife of Esquire Wm. Ruff, ill a few days ago and broke hor arm. Mr. Pool is building a Jarge ware ouse on the corner below the livery ables, Rev. A. A. Gilbert preached Sunday ight in the Newberry Methodist hurch. A little powdered charcoal put upon burn or wound will rapidly reduce ie pain. Threshed oats will be taken at this ice in payment of subscriptions to te HERALD. Peaches, apples and pears, and the .y is still they come. "hey' are more s never was. The Hopewell people have wisely >ncluded not to have any camp-meet tg this year. The campaign has begun, and the [ERALD will be an authority, therefore t every man take it. The girl crop of Newberry never was uirer, brighter or more promising. ur young men are happy. Several of iese parting their hair in the middle. Composed of the best known tonics, 'on and cinchona, with well known romatics, is Brown's Iron Bitters. It ores indigestion, and all kindred tron les. Mr. Levi Etheridge has a ;afe sey pteen years old, and he bas been driv ig her fourteen years. A few days go she kicked his buggy into kindling rood. The force of the HERALD has been icreased, and this time in the family f our foreman Mr. Jas. H. M. Kinard. -bouncing girl, weight about nine ounds. ~pev. M. 3. Broaddus, of Clinton, re'ached in 'the Newberry Baptist |urch Sunday for the Pastor, who reached that day at Beaverdam, Lau ans County. A trio going to camp-meeting Friday ight dropped a shawi rid had to re Irn and get a lantern to search for it. [appily it was found, and the camp ieeting einjo)yed. If you want writing papers of any ind, and envelopes any size, or sta onery of any kind, get them from the rgest and cheapest stock at the HER Lu> Book Store. *The Board of Health at its meeting 'uesday passed a resolutiop to abolish 11 pig-pens and pig-styes in town. 'hey are great nuisances, and arc very jnrious to health. Some public expression of thanksgiv ig should be made to the Divine au >or and giver for the good seasons and me abundant provision crops with rhich our people have bee blessed. .et the different pastors in to an decide then it shall be. A week or two ago Messrs. James 'oleman and Belton Davenport, of kdgetield, were riding in a buggy when came uncoupled and threw them out. ir. Davenport, who has only one armD, ras very -badly hurt, and foi- several ays it was thought he could not re over; but he is now out of danger. The following are applicants for eneficiary appointment to the Citadel tademy from this County: WVm. T. ones, H. H. Blease, Jr., James P. Ki ard, H. H. Rikard, Jacob S. Wells. 'hey, and any other applicants, will o examined the 29th insta~nt by a ~onnty ibard of Exaininers, to consist f three persons to be appointed by the uperintendent of Education, There was a considerable row among be darkies on Mr. B. F. Griffin's place ne day last week. One darkey who ras soliciting aid for repairing the Bush tiver colored church was told by ano her darkey that if be, the first named, :ot the money he would pocket it for iinself-and this led to the row. One red at the ote- w;ea aibout a half ozen others took a hand with rocks, ticks, etc. Mr. J. E. Cooley, who ives on the place, went to Trial Justice 'eterson, got a warrant and had the marties arrested; but the matter was ettled. [ere lies an old woman who always was 'tired, . 'or she lived in a house whereo- help wasn't hired. [er last words on earth were, 'Dear friends, I am going Vhere sweeping ain't done, nor churning, nor sewing: And everything there will be just to my wishes. or where they don't eat there's no washing of dishes. ['ll be where the loud anthems will always I,e ninlg, lu; baving nu voice Ill get rid of the sing. mrg.. Don't mourn for me now, and don't mourn for me never, - . ~or I'm going to do nothing* forever and ever.' Happy womnan. Barbecue at Jalapa, I will furnish A FIRST CL ASS BARBE ~UE AT JALAP'A FRIDAY, THE 18th )F AU~GUST. Preparation is being made or three hundred people. The best of neats will be bought and best of cooks to >repare it. Price to suit the times. The andidates are expected to speak. *T. B. DAVIS. Commercial. NEWBERRY, S. C., Aug. 9, 1882 Ordinary. ... ....................10 a101 Good Ordinary .....................10a10j Low Middling ......................10all Middling ...................... .11 a11 Good Middling .....................11,a11i Good demand. Newberry Prices Current. CORRECTED WLEKLY By J. N. MARTIN & CO. BACON Shoulders. Prime New...... a Shoulders. Sugar Cured.... Sides, C. R., New............ a 16 DRY SALTED MEATS Shou]ders. New.............. 10' Sides. C. R., New........... a 15 Sides, Long Clear........... a 15 HAMS Uncanvassed Hams......... 16 Canvassed Hams, (Magnolia) 18 LARD Leaf, in Tierces.............. 16 Leaf, in Buckets............. 18 SUGAX Powdered................. 16 Crushed.................. 12j Granulated Standard..... .. 12;a Extra C..................... 11 Coffee C......... ............ 10 Yellow..................... 10 New Orleans.................. 10 Demarara.................... - IOLASSES New Orleans Syrup... 85 New Orleans Molasses. 50 Cuba Molasses......... 60 Sugar House Molgsses. 40 TEA Gunpowdee...................... 1.50 Young Hyson.................. 1.50 ALLSPICE............ . 25 PEPPER.................................. 25 COFFEE Roasted or Parched...... 25 Best Rio.................... 20a Good Rio................. 16a20 VINEGAR Cider Vinegar........ 50 White Wine Vinegar.. 65 CORY Tennessee................... 1.25a2. - MEAL Bolted................. .. Un.ied.................... 1.80 BARLEY........ ............ 2.00 SOAP............................... Se 10 S"ARCH..............,...... 6a 12 STAF, CANDLES................... 15 FLOtR, per bbl..............8. 0.00 PEARL HOMINY......... ......... 4 CANDY ..... ..................... 20 CONCENTRATED LYE............ 10 ENGLISH SODA. .............10 HORSFORD'S BAKING POWDER 25 SEA FOAM BAKING POWDER... 35 AXLE GREASE................... ..10 TOBACCO........................... 60a 1.25 NAILS (10) k ... ................ 4.50 BAGGING-Heavy.. .......,........ -2a14 AREOW TZS.r bunch............. 2 00 SPLICED ARROW TIES............ 125 RED CLOVER SEED-per lb....... 20 RED OATS-per tu................. 75a 80 TIMOTHY HAY................... 1 75 OATS, per bu.....:................. 5 WHEAT, per bn........................1 15a 1 25 e'liscellaneouj, :.. 4. eT01S, JOHN DORSET. STOKES & DORSEY, BOOK BINDERS, Black Book ManvfactUrers, --AND B4PER RULERS, Main Street, Columbia, S. C. OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE. July 20, 1882. 29-tf SUBSCRIBE FOR THE WEEKLY PALMETTO YEOM%AN, CQLUMB1A, S. C. It is an 8 page paper, designed for the peo ple, filled with interesting matter-Family Reading, News, Markets, &c. Subscription: One Year, $1.50; Seven Months, $1.00: Three Months, 50 Cents-payable in ad vance. For SIx Names and Nine Dlollars an Extra Copy for one year. Specisgensft nish~ed. The DlAILY TEQMAi , an fer nooni paper, is 44 a year. C. M. McJUNKIN, 40--tf . Editor and Publisher. Clubbed with the HERALD at $3.25. PATENTS Obtained, and all business in the U. S. Pat ent Office, attended to for MODERATE FEES. Our office is opposite the U. 3. Fate t 'Of. nee,- an ?btain patent in les time thantretnote from WASHI.NCToN. Send MODEL oR DRAWINo. We advise as to pat -'ability free of charge; and we make ARGE UNLEs WE OBTAIN PAT. ENT. We refer, here, to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Order Div.. and to offHeialsI of the U. S. Patent Office. For circular, ad vice. terms, and reference to actual clients in your own State, or County, address C. A. S!4QW .CO., J)ul. 20, 29-6m ' WASHINGTON.D.C. "Land of the Sky." THE GLOBE HOTEL, HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. 0. Ce CHASE,_Proprietor. ALTITUDE 2,252 FEET. Every attention promised, and satisfac tion guaran teed. TERMS MODERATE. Try the C-loge. Jun. 29, 26-tf. STATE 01F SOUTH CAROLIN4A, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. IN COMMON PLEAS. Sarah K. Johnston and Budd C. Mathews, vs. Thos. Mi. Paysinger. John P. Kinard vs. Same. The creditors of Thomas M'". Paysinger, late Sheriff, in his official character, are re quired hereby "to appear and prove their claims," respectively, before the Master, within three months frog~ tae date h.ereof (to wit, on or befoie th'd twenty-first day of September, 1882,) or they will "be de barred of all rights in these proceedings." 'SIL AS JOH NSTONE, Master. Master's Office, 21 June, 1882. 25-3m. eow DR. E. E. JACKSON, ORLItGIST AND ilEIlST, COLUMBIA, S. C. Removed to store two doors next to Wheeler House. A full stock of Pure Medicines, Chemi cals, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles1 Garden and Field Seedr,, alwaya in store and at moderate prices. Orders promptly attended to. Apr. 11, 15-tf. ITREITISE ON THE HORSE AND H!S DI8EASES. Cont.aining an "Inde x of Diseases," which gives the symptoms, ca-use, and the best treatment of eacn ; a table giving all- the principal drugs used for the horse, with the ordinary dose, effects, and antidote when a poison ; a table with an engraving of the horse's teeth at different ages, with rules for telling the age of the horse; anid other valuable mnformation Cali and get a copy. For sale' at HERALD) BOON STOREe NYST I O I I I N D P O R T I From 6 to 2O( VALUABLE CUT-OFF EN We present below a few certificat"s from Read them, and you will learn I sell the las trouble to keep up steam with my bnii. . Don't fail to write for circula-s siad pi.:et SAW MILLS COMPLETE. CORN MILLS A FOR SETT1NG, THRE.SHERs AND SOUTHERN STANDARD COTTON COTTON CLEANERS, MOWERS PULLEYS. PIPING, JAMES F. Gen'1 Ai College Street, - - W. T. GAILLARD is my Agent for Newt Aug. 10, 32-3m. Dry Goods a henever you visit our ( J ust call at that store so nE You'll find it will pay you 'J seful, fresh and attractiv New, stylish and lasting, a ood bargains in Dry Goo S o give us a tri4_ asks W. W_ S_ Y -DEA] DRY GOODS AT 132 M~AIfl COLUMJ July 27, 21-tt. Ph MENDELSSOI Grand Offer for the $850 Square Grand PIANO STYLE 31 tae'ifpet scale, beautiful carved legs and lyre. heavy iron frame, French Grand Action, Grand H can in any way tend to the perfection otth 4? Our price for this instrument, box cars at New York. with fine Piano Covcr, St Just reduced from our late wholegae, facto by tar, the greatest bargain ever offered t Tremendons den azd for tt is style!1 Send i onnortunliy. opThis Paio wil be sent on 15 days test t: bth ways if Piano isCs t s as eret $160 up. Oer 500 in us,and nt on din timnonials ever awarded any piano manufa SCat one-third pAcee. Catalo Jun. 8, 2.-ly. Clothing. Por the Next Sixty Days WE WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES In all Our Lines ' Merchandise. Our Bargain Table Oontains several hundrcd pieces of C LOTh ING and other good.s which will be Sold Without Regard to CQst, Our. IArge Stock of FURNISHINE~GQIIII8, (WITH SHIETs A SPECIALTY,) Is offered at prices thgat c.annot fail to g.iase. We have in eagh of our lines some ODDS AND ENDS which we are determined to SELL OR GIVE AWAY. GOOD BARGAINS await any who can use these goods. Come and see us, and we will tell you why we are selling so cheap. THE GR~AND NEW BOoK Th8atrcal aod irCUS ifel OR AGENTS ABE O or ruE ~SAW D US'T STAGCE, WANT ED Am.J Eevealing the mysteries of th~e Theatre, Circus, Variety Shovr, Concert Dive, 'tc. &c. Homet and ?rivate Life of Actors and A:tressea. Most wonderful and inteiesting book ever published. Exposing the secre1 do ngs of Giddy Ballet Girls, Back Doo: M shers, Matinees, Midnight Suppers, &c. The veil lifted from the BLACK ART, How Women are fired from cannon; Met eat tire; Heads are cut off and hurndreds al other mysteries perforuzed. l1.0 BEAUTI. FUL ILLUSTRATlONS, and ELEG ANT COL GEED PLATES. POSITiVELY the lastest selling book ever published. A gent's can vassing out#t, 5:0 cents:~ Illustrated circu lar anti ll particulars FREE. Agentst act quick and secure territory by addressing SUN PUBLISHING CO., 210 & 212 Pine Street, St. Loua Mn, JuL. 27, 30-4t. D.*WYATTI AITKEN FOR CONCRESS, We are authorized to announce Hon. D. W YATT AIKEBN a candidate for re-electioi ites, &C. -o M ors-_e Pow . .! 61 tiES FOR COTTO GlIN& -0 p. -ch.w r< of the BAY .ST.1TE ENGINEk. rF. !.t Boilerv and Best Engines now made. No i- engines and boilers fully warranted. h -fore buying. I also furnish ND WHE,%T MILLS COMPLETE READY SE "ARATORS. BOSS COTTON PRFaS, P1ESS. PRATT GINS, LUMUS' GINS. AND REAPERS, SHAFTING AND JEl TPUM?S, &c, &c. JOHNSTON, ;ency for N. C., S. C., and Georgia, CHARLOTTE, N. C *t -y County for the Boss Press. ,u MIillinery. apital City, at and so pretty; to enter it too, e the goods that we keep, nd everything cheap, ds on our counters are flang, J. Young. [ EB IN ID MILLINERY, t STREET, 3IA, S. C. snes. [N PIANO Co 'next 60 days only. Piano for only $245t rood case, elegantly finished. 3strings, 70(6c cantante agra8es, our new patent oerung serpentine and large tany moaldIng,>Oll ammers, in fact, every improvement Which instrument, has been added. d and delivered on board ool and Book, only oW - ry price, $3, for 60 days only. This is now, ie musical public. nprecedented suooesl a your order at once. Do not lose this rare -il. Please send reference if you do not send.. il ornded and frcarepaidb7us 1. Several othier spca Brans:Pin, atisfied purchaser. Don't fall to write us be latalogne. mailed free, giving the highest tes.--. cturer. Every Piano fully warrnted for 8 gcie of 3,000 choice pieces of popular Music IDEL.SSOH N PIANO Co., P.O0. Bar 2,058, NEW YOEE T F0E THE FOO0 CHOO*S4. BALSAM OF SHARK'S OIL Positively Restores the Hearing, and is the Only Absointe Cure for Dafines Rnown. This Oil is abstracted from peuliar ae cies of small WarrE SHAggI, canght in-se Yellow Sea. known as CARCHAEODOK..ROw. DEL.ETU. Every Chinese Aisherman kodew ir. Its as a restorative of ern' wvere discovered by aBuddhistPrieBst thrie year 1410. Its cures were so numerons anud many so seeminglymfraculoue, tbatthe reme'yws(d ly proclaimed over the entire Empire. Its use becameso *tatfor over 300 years no Deafness isted among the Chinese eens charges prepaid, toany .. a $.00per bottle. Hear -a the Deaf Says . It has performed a miracle in myease. I have no v.nearthly noises Inmy head ~ anihoar much better. s have been greatly benefited. My deafness helped a great dcal-thbink another bottle will cure me. "Its virtues are UNUsT an.jnd its CURATIVE CHA)RACTER ABSOLUTE, AS 1NE~. -WRITER CAN PERSONALLY TESTIFTE7 BoTW FROM EXP'ERIENOS. AND OBSERIVATION. Write at once to HAYLoCa & JENrNEY, 7 Dey Street, Newr York, enclosing $1.00, and you willre .eive by return a remedy that will eable you 10 hear like anybody eise, and whose curative effects -will ne permanent. You~ will never lertdoing so?"-EDIToa .or MEECANTILEREIW -'Co avoid loss in the Mails, please send money by REGIsTERED LETTER. fOnly Imported by HAYLOCK & JENNEY, 7 Dey St., New York~ soLE~ AGENTS FOR AMERICA. .Jun. 3, 2$-ly . FARMERS Growing Sugar Cane and in need of CANE MILLS AND EVAPORATORS, will fand it to their intesest to call on me before making purchases, as I ain agent for one of the cheapest aud best Factories in the country. S. P. Boo'4Elt July 19, 29-4t. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, - COUNTY OF GREENVILLE. IN COMMON PLEAB. S. J. Douthis, Master, Plaint;if agaiass Thomas S. Moormnan et al., Delendants. Coniplair.t for Relief. Bvitefanodrmaei the above against the estate of Reuben S. Chic ceased, are required to establish the sae bfr nonor by the 4th day of octobee next, or be barred. S. J. DOUTHIT, Master. July 26, 1882. 30-5t FAMINM IMPLERMT8! The subscrcier is the agent for the fbi Iow ing Agricultural M.achines, viz. M'COiRMICK'S HiAR VESTINR MAGRINE, THE SPRESS & G, REAPER, MEADOW KIND MOWER AND RAKES, & The ::>ove named machines have the very best testimonials, and are warranted - to do their work in the best mnanner. Parties wishing to see me can do so every Saturday. I had aix years experience with these Machines and will show how they are run. Mr. T. o. Pool will attend to sales during my absence.