riTh Her ald. THOS. F. GRENEKER. Enrross. W. H. WALLACE, NEWBERRY, S. C. THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1882 A PAPER FOR rEIE PEOPLE. TbbHerald is in the highest respect aFam Dy2e yt , devoted to the material in teresoftn people of this County and the It circulates extensively, and as ar AdvedAng medium offers unrivalled ad vantages. or Terms, see first page. It seems that the new anti-duel ing law does not deter men from c 4' resort to the "Code." We presum( that very few persons ever thoughi it would. The common law foi -two hundred years did not; th4 Constitution and Statute law o 1868 dd not; and the new law o 1880 will not. Two attempted duel in the State within one week showi how little the law is feared. There may be instances where i man is restrained by law from fight ing a duel; but, if so, they are ver few. If he is.not restrained by i regard for the Divine law, or b; native cowardice, Statute law wil not restrain him. There will b men who will hide themselves be hind the Statute law-men whos lives are of such a character as no to permit of the higher ground of I Christian standpoint ; but he wh can make up his mind to take th moral and physical risks involve will not be deterred by the leg* If a man is not truly and consciea tiously opposed to dueling ; if h believes it a right way to settle i difficulty; and is not afraid to tak the chances before the muzzle of pistol at ten paces,he will not b afraid to take the chances before Judge on the bench and twelve me in the jury box. But what we started out to as was, that the dueling law shoul either be enforced or repealed Because, if a law so solemnly an deliberately enacted as this was i permitted to be broken with impt nity it will tend very largely tc wards creating in the popular min a contempt for and disregard of al law. Ex-Judge Mackey has publishe an open letter to Senator Hampto: in the Kational Republican. H arraigns the Democratic party fo the Begistration law and the elec tion law and charges them in th most extravagant language with th perpetration of all sorts of fraudi Our readers will remember ths when Mackey delivered his Georgi town speech last November w predicted that he was laying a pc litical basis to stand on inthe evenl .7he was not re-elected to the Jdge ship. Had he been re-elected w have no idea that he would eve have found any fault with the regii tration law or any other law, a long as he was comfortably prc vided for. His defection is no loss to th K. Democracy. The striking of the Confederati Monument in Columbia by lighi ning the 22nd, reminds usof asind lar incident that occurred a few years ago in Iaurens County. Several years before the war Col James H. Irby and Col. Jno. E Wlim,of Laurens, had erectes a handsome marble monument nea Miton, to commemorate the bravy en who were butchered on tha spot by tories during the Revoln ~tionary War. The monument wa . known as the Uayes' Monument, ai called from a mall mountain c that name close by. In 1870 thi monument was strucik by lightninj and completely demolished. N< attempt was ever made to restori it. The Columbia correspondent o "xthe News and Courier gives an ac count of an attempted duel betweer Jno. G. Mobley and James H. Pear son, two young lawyers of Columbia the 21st. Arrangements had beer made, the parties had retired to the suburbs of Columbia,and the grouni was being stepped off, when th< Sheriff came upon the scene with warrant, and put astop to the pro eeedings. The principals were pul under bonds of $1,000 to keep the peace, the seconds under bondso: $500-and there, no doubt, th4 matter ends. -The parties have adjusted theil difficulty amicably. The Legislature met in extra masion Tuesday, for the purpose o: woodicting the State. The ses cover th2ast ten days or two weeks vent ashes ~ in the water uz4ixed the 10th o. enough to use. Never brood your cier in. It makes them weak b, difficnlt to raise. Subscriptions are being made for the purpose of repairing the Con federate Monument. The following subscriptions were made the 23d: The News and Courier Co., $100; Pres't W. Porcher Miles, of the S. C. College, $100; Prof. Woodrow, $50; Prof. Sloan, $25; Prof. Bar ney, $25; students of the S. C. College, $45.50. Mrs. W. K. Bachman, of Columbia, is the Treas urar of the Monument Association, and subscriptions may be sent to her. Gov. Hagood's Message to the Legislature recommends that in addi tion to redistricting the State, the Legislature should pass a joint resolu tion submitting to the qualified voters the question of repealing Sec. 2, Art. III of the Constitution which provides that no new Counties shall be formed of less than 625 square miles. We hope the recommendation will not be adopted; and if it be, that the peoplh f will vote it down. The restriction is f a wise one. A good many democrats are, fig uratively speaking, "betwixt the devil and the deep sea"; his satan ic majesty being represented by the political cliques and rings, and the i deep sea by the republican party. 1 Prudence suggests that they a 1 void the latter and keep on terre firma, where they can, at least, have something to stand on. t The only thing that we find t< regret about Senator Hampton'i letter is the long and silly editorial e that it has called forth. We believe if the Senator were to announce tha 2 and 2 make four some editorr would write a column editorial en dorsing it. "Good wine needs n< s bush". A certain up-country editor, wh< a is a candidate for the Legislature copies into his paper all the flatter ing notices that other papers pub lish about him as a candidate Wonder if he charges himself fo: Y these notices at regular advertisinl 1rates. How are the nominations to b made? The plan of primary elec tions in this County has given gen eral satisfaction, and we do no think it would be safe to depar from it. The accident to the Confederat Monument was a terrible caiamity but an appropriation by the Legia Slature to repair the damage woui Sbe a still greater alamity. SFour negroes were hanged a eKingstree Friday-a man and woman for murder, and two me1 Ifor arson. SGuiteau has been refused a r Sprieve by the President, and wi] Bbe hanged to-morrow. tFoa vaa MLaa.. Pounaria Dots. Bcrole, aitles, Etw. -POELAnBIA, S. C., June 26, 1882. > Befreshing showers last Thurada; evening enlivened the crops consider ably. The prospect for cotton anc corn is very bright. The farmers ar about through harvesting their smal grain-much the largest crop of oat and wheat ever raised in this portio: Sof the County. The threshers ar - now busy, and the owners of then jubilant. The Pomaria Democratic Club me a abort time sine and elected Messrs Thou. W. Holloway, Dr. J. K. Chap man, Dr. G. A. Setaler, E. R. Hip' and 3. David Suber delegates to the SCounty Convention. A resolution wa adopted that each delegate vote as h rpleases on the subject of a Primary o BConvention plan for nominating can t didates. The delegation is shout even ly divided on the matter. Our peopli are in a feverish and unsettled mooc Sin regard to political subjects. If to< many "bosse?' expect to try thei: fhand at the "maechine" in the matte sof nominating candidates, when votin1 time comes they will either have t step back or fall low. Your sugges tions in regard to "rings," "4liques, S&c., are timely. Quite a nice little exhibition wai had by Mrs. Wright's school on 22nd IThe exercises consisted of dialogues speeches and singing, and were cred itable alike to teacher and pupils Short addresses were made to th< school by Rev. H. S. Wingard and J. B. O'N. Holloway, Esq. The first cotton blooms of this soc Stion are reported by our young, enter prising farmer Willie 8. Ruff. The merchants of Pomaria, follow inlg the example of other places, havi decided to close their stores at o'clock, to allow their jaded clerk< rest. This is truly a humane act o: the part of our merchants, and wi commend them for it. rThe proposition to cut off a portior of Newtierry to tack on to "Peake County" is considered ridioulous by our people. \ The proudest man in Newberry County lives near Pomaria-for it's a girl. The colored people propose having a barbecue near here on the 4th oi July. POMAEIA. Nursing mothers gain strtth by using Brown's Iron Bitters. It aeta like a charm in restoring to healti and strength overstrained nature. FoR va HEEALD. Club Meeting in No. 4-Dele- List gates. &e. June .-- obb. ABRA31s' ACADEMY, Da June 24tli, 1882. G After enjoying a sumptuous pienic Ladso dinner spread by the patrots of C. F. Part Tidwarsh's school, the Democratic d Club No. 1 of Cromer's TowtnPhip (No. 4), according to previuu. ap p,( inttuent, was called together tr r"-- - organize for the camopaigu of 1882. The Club being organized it proceeded to elect its officers, which resulted as follows : President, M. M. Buford ; Vice-PresidentR, J. S. Spearwan, C. F. Tidn,areb; Treasurer, W. C. Cro- { o:er; Secretary, J. W. Scott. After the election of officers the Club pro cceded to elect delegates to the County t Convention which meets at Newberry Si C. U., on the 17th of July. The fol- si lowing were elected delegates : M. M. Si Buford, J. S. Spearman, W. C. Cro mer, J. W. Scott, W. R. Elmore, C. F. Tidmarsh, S L. Atchison and J. h C Abrams. The Club adjourned to meet when ordered by the County Executive Committee. b J. S. SPEARMAN, President f! JOHN W. Scorr, Secretary. ir P. S -In behalf of the Club 1 ean 9i only repeat our motto of 1880. Our Motto is to be in the front ranks of the onward march to honest Deu, eratie victory in November next. We certainly have no fellowship for Itdt pendentism.Greenbackism or any other species of Radicalism. Whether the registration law meets the approbation of every one or not, we propose to adapt ourselves to the law and grasp it with a firw hold and abide by its results; for we honestly believe that the Legislature made the law in good faith and with no other object in view than to perpetuate the Democracy of our once down trodden but now re claimed Carolina. J. W. S. What Everybody Wants, Is a reliable medicine that never does any harm and that prevents and cures disease by keeping the stomach in order, the bowels regular, and the kidneys and liver active. Such a medicine is Parker's Ginger Tonic. It relieves every case, and has cured thouaands. See other column, [ Tribune. The Confederate Monament Destroyed by Lightning. Special Dispatch to the News and Courier. r COLUMBIA, June 22.-About five t o'clock this afternoon during a heavy t thunder storm the people of Columbia were startled by a terrific crash which followed a most vivid flash of light. ning. They little suspected, howev a er, that the thunderbolt had fallen - b on the Confederate Monument in the D. State House grounds, and that the crowning glory of that magnificent W work of art, the marble statue of a Wyj Confederate soldi'er, which surmount. to oc Sed it, had toppled from its base and - 'been shattered into fragments. As soon as the sad calamity was known, and throughout the afternoon, hundreds of people of every age and T rank visited the State H ouse grounds PER Sto view the wreck. T'he statue is al day most completely demolished. Mr. W.da H. Anderson, an old soldier of Jen- Jt Skins' Brigade, who chanced to be look- - ing towards the monument when the thunderbolt fell, says that the whole monument was surrounded by a per- Of feet sheet of flame, and when the crash came the hea.d of the statue instantly fell for ward to the ground. W hen it had reached about half way to the ground I the body swayed for a moment and then gracefully fell -over to the right side of the monwument. The head was Be cut completely off at the neck as if men with a sword, and falling struck on the upper base stone of the northern sa front of 'the monument. In falling ever the body struck the lower base on the galie eastern side, driving it out of place an o* inch or two. The cannon at the rear S of the statue was broken off. The Mars right leg was severed at the skirt of berra the coat. The hands, which rested sho on the musket, were broken off and ("y the left leg was driven into the ground gon several inches. There is nothing left on the top of the shaft but a fragment [r.. s. of the left leg which is broken off at the ankle and rests upon the broken stock of the musket. The statue was Attes hurled to the ground with so great J. force that where it struck the stone Ju base it was crushed into powder. This monument was erected by the 1 S. C. Monumental Assocaition, com posed of ladies, May 13, 1879. The Association was founded in February, 1865, and work was begun in 1869. The total expeuses of the enterprise__ amounted to Sf,?761,46. The statue surmounting the monument, which was chiseled out of fine Italian marble,So cost about $5,000. It will be impos sible to replace the statue and repair Or the other damages for less than thisJU amount, for although the shaft and cao bs.se still stand they were shaken out Road of their position, inclining a little to THg the right, and it may be necessary to take down the monument and re-erect The it ing An effort will be made to secure an NES appropriation from the Legislature, yer and subscriptions are solicited from Mile all who love the memc'y of the Con- limit federate dead. I am requested to say that subscriptions left witb The Netose, and Courier will be properly applied. ghera J. C.H. Th . a this How sad to see a child growing up at tb with an emaciated appearsnce, sores d{ covering the body, giving evidence of a A1it Serfulous taint in the blood. This rates can all be- eradicated by the use of a Point few bottles of S. S. S., which has aoy never been known to fail to cure the worst case of Scrofula in any stage. Ju, It is guaranteed if directions are oh - served. Price, $1.00 and 61.75 per NOl bottle. Al1 A Valuable Addition. oN cuttil Because it is beneficial to the scalp doinj and adds to personal beauty by re- heret storing color and lustre to gray or faded hair, is why Parker's Hair Bal1- this POST OFFICE NEWBBRRT. S. C., June 24, 18 of advertised letters for week en 4. 1882: Mrs. B. A. Likes. Jno. P. n, Miss Ellen Miller, irs Elisa e. Wallice Mance, Mrs. C. A Mrs. Rachel Milan, Mrs. W. B Mrs. M. O. Nance, Winnie (I n, Geo. Eeeder, Mrs. Luc ies calling for letters will please ,rtised. R. W. BOONE. P. rew ldvertisemsents STRENGTH vigorously push a business, hength to study z profession, rength to regulate a household, rength to do a day's labor with it physical pain. All this repre mts what is wanted, in the oftes eard expression, "Oh! I wish i ad the strengthl" If you an roken down, have not energy, ci iel as if life was hardly worth liv. ig, you can be relieved and re ored to robust health and strengti y taking BROWN'S IRON BIT ERS, which it a true tonic-i iedicine universally recommendec r all wasting diseases. _s N. Fa.sSt., Baim During the war I was in jured in the stomach by apeo of a shell, and have ere fromiteversince. Aboutfou 7arsag0itbrogto 7l months, and the best doctor in the city said I could no live. Isufferedfearfullyfron indigestion, and for overtwi yearscould not eat solid fooi and for a large portion of th timewasunahletoretainevel liquid nourishment. I trio Brown'sIronBittesa4daOi afertakingtwo battles I en able to get t ta>d garoun and am n BROWN'S IRON BITTERS I complete and sure remedy fo ndigestion, Dyspepsia, Malaria eakness and all diseases requir g a true, reliable, non-alcoholi onic. It enriches the blood,give lew Hfe to the muscles and tea o the nerves WYATT AIK FOR CONCRESS. e are authorized to announce H LTT AIKEN a candidate for re-el< ngress. Jun. 29, 26 22nd DIVIDEND Tax NAnoar. BaNK or Nzwaai NEwBEERY, S. C., June 26th, e Directors have this day dechi [-ANUAL DIVIDEND OF ] CENT., payable on and after th >f July next. JNO. B. CARWILI n. 29, 26-1I. Cash LN ORDINANC the Town Conel of 3 serry, South Carolina tegulate Shooting Galle a the Town of Newbe loath Carolinas it ordained, by the Mayor and.a of the Town of Newberry, in 0. bled, and by the authority< TioN 1. That on and after this r person who shall open a sh< ry in the corporate limits of the ewerry, shall pay two dollar for said privilege in advance. mToN 2. That it shall be lawful fi bal or Marshals of said Town of r, to enter the premises in which ing gallery shall be establishe ime of day or night, to preserve id premises. and ratified- under the corporate of said Town of Newberry, oi ] twentysixth day of June, in thi of our Lord'one thousand eight ded and eighty-two. YOUNG JOHN POPI t: Ma: S. Fn, C. & T., T. C. N. .. 29, 26 -1. 16| JULY 4th IlI CHEAP EXCURSIONS -VIA THE ith Carolina Railwi MONDAY, JULY 3d, and TUES l4th, Excursion Tickets will be all Stations on the Line of the ia Railway to all Stations o ,at the low rate of EE CENTS PER MILE (one way; TIlE ROUND TRIP! 'ickets will be good going or ri on any Passenger Train until l AY, JULI'5th, inclusive. ildren between the ages of 6 ar will be charged TWO CENTI for the Round Trip on same date , of Tickets. Fare will be less than 25 eta. nductors will only sell Excursion at above rates from Stations 1 are no Ticket Agents. is will be the Last Opportunity o ummner for parties to visit their fi various Stations, or to spend at the Sea Side, at these low rat4 :nts at the various Stations will< furnish further information, as from their respective Stations a on the Road, and will sell Ticki a dates to all who apply. D. C. ALLEN Gen'l Pass and Ticket A i. 29, 26-it. ICE TO TRESPASSE persons hereafter found comm respass upon my lands in the C wherry, either by hunting, fiu ug trees, riding or driving there< any injury to my real property iy notified that they will be vigol en.ed under Sections 20 and .CXXIX of the Revised Statu ktate. BARUCH DUNCJ ...e.... & n0.,- ne 2inn182 .tisceluaneous. ding AN ORDINANCE - To Establish a Board of HealtI nd. In and for the TowB of New, sa berry, and for Other Par poses Therein Mentioned. Bz IT O-:DAINz, By the Mayor and Al dermen of the Town of Newberry, in Coun cil assembled, and by the authority of th, same: SxcTioN 1. That a Board of Health i hereby established in and for the Town c Newberry, to be composed of nine citizen of said Town, and to.be elected by the Towi Council of Newberry, so that two shall re side in Ward One, two shall reside in % ar Two, two shall reside in Ward Three, tw shall reside in Ward Four, and the remain ing one shall be selected from the Town a large; and that in c'ase of death or resigns tion of any one or more of said members c said Board of Health, the Town Counci shall proceed forthwith to elect one or mor citizens in place of such members as As die or resign. SEcTSoN 2. That said Board of Healt shall, within one week after the eiection c its members, organize by electing one c -their number President, and the Clerk an Treasurer of the'Town of Newberry shal act as Secretary of said Board ; but in cas of the death, resignation, aboeice or sick ness of the President, the Bn.rd shall prc ceed to elect one of its memt,ers to :et a President. That all the acts and doings t said Board of Health shall he reduced t writing by the Secretary and signed by th, President or acting President of said Boar of Health-in a book to be furnished asi Board'by the said Town Council of Nei berry. Sxcriox 3. That it shall be a misdemear or in case any citizen of the Towt, of Nev berry shall retue to serve upon said Boar of Health after a written notification of hi election shall h,e served upon him, and upo r a conviction thereof before the Town Coue ell of Newberry, he shall be sentenced t pay a fine of not more than twenty-five do lars Sxcrtox 4. That it shall be the duty a said Board of Health to ins,.ect the prea isem of the citizens of said Town of Nei berry, and also the water courses, drain sewers, alleys, streets, bridges, culverts an ditches within the limits of said Town c Newberry ; and that when such said Boar of Health shall adjudge any one or all < the same in a condition injurious to healt of all or any part of the citizens of th Town of Newberry, causes of injar shall be removed, avot ed or abated as ma be by'said Board of Health directed; an that when or in case of the failure of an person when required to cleanse his pren I ises or any part thereof, or to abate a nu r sance thereon; or in case of the interfei ence of any person with a Marshal or Mai I shals, or other employees of said Town c Newberry while eng.ged in r--moviug an causes of it.jury to health or nuisances upo premises within the corporate limits of sai i Town of Newberry, any person so offendin i shall be liable upon conviction thereof bm fore the said Town Council of Newberr to all the pains and penalties provided i the Act of the General Assembly of Lt State of South Carolina, entitled An Act t renew and amend the Charter of the Tow of Newberry, approved on the twenty-fit ' day of January, A. D. 1882 SxcTioN 5. That it shall be the duty i the Board of Health to take such steps i they may deem best to protect the inhabi ants of the Town of Newberry from an m. D. contagious or infectious diseases; and ti ,ction whenever in the exercise of this duty sal ..i. Board of Health shall deem it best, the -- shall presen.t in writing to the Town Coni cil of Newberry, any recommendiations the *may desire to accomplish these purposes. iY, SxcrtozI 6. That for the purposes of ti 1882. transaction of the business of the Bonedri1 tred a Health, a quorum thereof shall consist< NUR five members; and that said Board sh: first meet once at least in every fortnight. 8cvtoN 7. That tI" members of sal , Board of Health sball sere for on:e year. ier. SzEnoO 8. That -the members of ti -- B.iard of Health shall be elected every yet Eexcept the present year, on the seco -Tedy in June, and for the present yes emoa 2nd June, 1882. Masa .o h o of Newberry shall obey the written dire tions of said Board of Health. ggDone and ratified by the Town Council Newberry, in Council assembled,c rry [r.. 5.] this the~ second day of June, in ti ,y-. of our Lord one thousand sigl hundred and eighty-two. hIder-. YOUNG JOHN POPE, LdrAtt:Mayor. moeil JoHN S. Fata, C. & T., T. C. N. f the Jun. 8, 23--tf. date, STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ion COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. I per IN COMMON PLEAS. >r the Harriet F. McCarley, as A&dministratriz New. John McCarley, dec'd., vs. Tbe Newbers said Agricultural and Mechanical Society. d, at The creditors of the New berry Agriculf order ral and Mechanical Society are hereby ra quired to render on oath and establish b seal fore the undersigned their respective 4 ithe' mands, on or before the first day of Augul year 1882. hun- JAMES K. P. GOGGANS, - Special Referee. Newberry, S. C., June 21st, 1882. 25 TO RENT! 82 The two rooms on Law Range, ov Johnstone & Cromer's offce. Suitable fI offices or sleeping rooms ; will be rente together or separate. Apply to JAMES McINTOSH. Ju.15, 24-Im. "Land of the Sky." THE GLOBE HOTEI HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. sold .s C5 iIASE,lk Proprietors outh a the ALTITUDE 2,252 FEET. FOR Every attention promised, and satisfa tion guaranteed. iturin-TERMS MODERATE. ED- Try the Globe. d 12 Jun. 29, 26-tf. per Y R and N I ~ lPI~ Everybody is delighted with the sastef1 Tick- and beautiful selection made by Mrs. Li rhere mar, who has svan nu.LED to please he customers. New Fall circular just issued ered Send for it. ends Address MRS. ELLEN LAMAR, few 877 Broadway, New York. Nov. 26, 48-tf. oeer atl WRIGHT'S HOTEI s on COLUMBIA, S. C. ,This new and elegant House, with a t modern improvements, is now open for t reception of guests. -- S. L. WRIGHT & SON, RS Mar. 19. 12--sf Pro rietors. ttin Any~ Book or Articl hing, in the Stgtiggery Line a're NOT IN STOCK, ously Wil)brordered and furnished at publisher 26 of o thianufacturers' regular retail price. :s of Leave your orders at the dN) HRALD STATIONERY STORK. 25-4 Jan. 2, 1-tf. I Dry Goods and .7%'tious. JST -E W GOODS A eA C -AT TH- B DRY GOODS T d EMPORIUM if -OF e I BIHICLINE&CO. DRESS GOODS f e -AND d TRIMMINCS, d SILKS and SATINS, i CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, LINENS, COTTONADES, d e PLIIN AND FJIY LA y d HAMBURG EDGINGS -AND- . - - INSERTIONS, yb I cent per yard and upwards. In. IADIM', ESS8W AND CHILDREN'8 Y a F1Ni SllOES. 'y Call and Feamine our Stock. ~.Polite and courteous attention given to Severy visitor, whether purchaser or not. Ic H.0& 0. Mar. 3l0, 13t. 'S d -- 'flRIfll fEl 7, For the Next Sixty Days ~ i WE WILLMAKE SPECIAL.PRICES In all Our Lines of a Merchandise.d a _Our Bargain Table 2 Contain. several hundred pieces of 0OLOTH -ING and other goods3 which will be SSold Without Regard to Coste (I Our Large Stock of a n-~C * (WITK SEIRTS A SPECIALTY,) Is offered at prices that cannot fail to please. BL Wie have in each of our lines some ODDS - AND ENDS which we are determined to SELL OR GIVE AWAY. oGOOD BARGAINS await any who can use dthese goods. I Come and see us, and we will tell you why we are selling so cheap. - V1IHT& J. W.CIOPPOCL. 5 IRON. h Pure Hammered Swede's Iron. Best Refined Tire Iron, 1 to 2 inches. S Band, Hoop, Round, Square and Oval c a. Irons, in full stock, at lowest market prices, at t BOOZER'S HARDWARE STORE, c No. 2 Mower's New Block. s Mar. 30, 33-1y. p - FOR SALE. ONE SIX-HORS.' TOZER ENGINE, in thoroughly good order ; price, 6550. ui Also one WOODS' MOWING MACHINE ; - price, $40. r Apply to J. N. FOWLES, -' Jun. 15, 24-1m. Newberry. S. C. GLENN SPRINGS, -SPARTANBURG C., 8. C. ~, ,~ The Proprietor.answer the cornplaint in this action, of and heari hieh a copy is on fi!c in the office of the ave-d lerk of said Court, and to serve a copy of anorher b our answer to the said complaint on the bscriber a&t his office at Newberry Court "$ Ii.i ouse, in said State, within twenty days wara fer the service hereof, exclusive of the FROM EXF sy or such service ; and if you tail to an- oence t wer the complaint within the time afore- ceive by r tid, the plaintiff in this action will apply you to bet >the Court for the relief demanded in the curative oniplaint.wmi neve Dated 6 April, A. D. 1882. - d To 0. L. SCRUMPERT, money by ttest: Plaintiff's Attorney. Only Im ..1 .P.COH.Lxsas, C. C.P. . H J To the 'Defendants, Adam B. Counts, dam Mi. Counts, Henry Counts, William soL AGE2 omts and George 0. Counts: Take notice at the Summons in this action, of whichST E te foregoing is a copy, was filed in the of- 00U2 ce of the Clerk of the Court of Common IN les for the County -of Newberry, in the -N C ate of South Carolina, on the 6th day of Chas. C. pril, .A. D. 1882. and J. 0. L. SCRUMPERT, T-cr Plaintiff's Attorney. cThearu 15th day of June, A. D. 1882. 24-fit to adc~ TATE OF SOUTRH CAROLINA, manIds, re or before COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. iN COMMON PLEAS. Mas"ter' ucinda Brooks, Plaintiff, against Jas. B. SATIiE Gibson, Defendant, og gg Relief. I IN C4 By order of the Court, I will sell, at pub c outcry, before the:Ooura House at New- E. P. Cha erry, on 'he First Monday In July, 1882, se lire interest of Lucinda Brooks, the laintiff, in all that plantation or traet of The cre Ln. lying and being in the County of New- Kibler, d erry and State aforesaid, containing 100 render on res, more or less, known as the Miller - lace, and bounded by lands of Micajah D. fove tema uber, lands of Lucinda Brooks and landsfoehef f R. V. Gist. Mse' Tais-The purchaser will he required -ate > pay one-half of the purchase money in ash and to secure the balance payable at elve months, with interest from the day The foll f sale, by bond and mortgage of the pro- by the Be rty-with leave to pay all in cash. Pur. Resolve baser to pay for papers. Board be SILAS JOHNSTONE, Master- which he Master's Office, 12 June, 1882. 24-St and age TO MTLL MEN, **nd"r*I And Others Using Machinery. the persoi No. 1 Babbit Metal. Secreary Wire Cloth for Sieves and Screens. By rd Sheet, Square and Round Rubber Pack ag. Russia Hemp Packing. Jun. 22 One and one and a quarter Rubber Hose. ____ Best quality Rubber Belting, 2 to 6 in., store, any other size at abort notice. - Belt Heoks and Lace Leather. 11u Golden Machinery Oil. The sul Oil Cans, Zinc Oilers, Screw Wrenches, lowing .A c. All at lowest market rates, at S. P. BOOZER'S M'CORI Jun. 1, 22-4t Hardware Store. -T TATE a ~PSOM SPRING WATER! very best to do thei On draught and in bulk, at FANT'S Parties UG STORE. Those desirous 01 seeing Saturday. nalysis of the water will please call and with thei .amine Ciraqular. they are r 5. F. FANT, to sales d .Sole Agent for Newberry. FRLE Jun. 1, 22-if. lIar. 9, PANY, RCHANTS. FOR .. - DISTEIBUTES MUCK, MARL, ASH ES. LIME, COTTON SEED, fANURE.aC.. EVENLY In DELT. AND BROADCAST. ASINDISPENSABL, AS THE MOWER AND REAPEM EiEEY MACHIE. WAREANTED. SEED SPREADER. PRATT GINS.. DENSERS&. ['& Co.; LESTON, S. C. ?IANO co 30 days only. r only $245. ganty finished,St;eg3, ?F e, our new patent - and large tany act, every imprvmn has been add ered on board $24500 'o days only,. This Is now, ' nbli . Unpreedented mcemt at once* Do not Iose this ran. end reference if you do not eeu d and freight charges psId by . ther special Bargains;~ Piaos, baser. Dca't fall to write s lte . .ied free, giving the blem* - ry Plano- aliy anted te hoice pteces of pgpPlar Masto )HN PIAMO-O., .ox 2,O8, NEW YOUK CITI. -OE THE roo CSOo's AM OF SHARK'S OIL.> Rstores the Hearing, and is t oluta Cure for Deans 1Ea is abstracted from pecunar. i.11 WalTm SHARK. caught Ii t. known as VMUAaOr Rose svery Chinese tlsherman knowA -te as a restorative of haI~ ,vred by aBadtdhlst?Friesnsos (10. Its cures were so numerocm so*semingly mrancos,ethattIe a officially proclaimed over ej pire. .Its use becameso UIIU -er .0years no Deafznesa has.ez mg te Chinese people.e Meat, -epaid, to any address at $U01p90 What the Dear 8ayr rformed a milratcle in myese no UrCeartly nioisew. lmyghed nuchi better. c*en greatly b)eneZ,ted. ess helped a great deal-tho a yttle 'will cure me. , ; . nes are UNQUEsTIONABf.B 3 R CRARACTEu ABSol.UTE, AS AN rEn.NA3.LY TESTmY,2 tREX'CC: AN) D )BsERVATIlON. Wrf.. IIAYLOCKC r JENE1.7 DeyStreet, ,enclosing 41.00, and you willied eturn a remedy that will mWM rlke an body else, and whos - frts i,epermanent;. Noe - r regret doing so."-EDITOR C. LE REVIEW. .void loss in the Mails, pleaseS') se REGstERED LETTE.R. ported by YLOCK & JEN gt, (Late lAYrwcKt & ) rs FoR nr ER7CA. Jun. 8, S'y OF SOUTH CAROLINA. [TY OF NEWBERER )MMiON PLEAS. Toague, Ex'or., vs. A. B.Milk P. Blair, E:t'ors., an~d other;. ditors of the estate of Elizaheck ,deceased, are hereby required on oath and establish their .do. pectively, before the Master, o. the first day of August, 1882, SILAS JOHNSTONE, Mastee, - i Office, 21 June, 1882. 2#-6s OF SOUTH CAROLINA-~ [TY OF NEWBRRY. )MMON PLEAS. mers, Adm'r., vs. C. W. Kinar! et a.. Relief. ditors of the estate of Sparca 0, eceaed, are hereby required to oath and establish, their respee. ads before the Master, on or be. ret day of August, 1882 SILAS JOHNSTONE, Master. i Office, 21 June, 1882. 2.5-6g NOTICE.. owing resolutions were adopted ard of Health June 20th: d, st. That the Secretary otshIa instruted to procure a book In shall record the date of .bir$is, of all persons dying within the limits of this town. iaathe owner of the premises: or' is occupying the same be request. rs such births and deaths to-the of this Board. r of Board. J.aS FAIR, IN IMPLERMIT8! "crier is the agent for the foi. riulsural Machines, viz.: lC'S IIARVESTIKS IAMIHE, IE GREOB & CO, REAPER, KINS MIOWER AND RAKES, 40, ove named machines have the - testimonials, and ~are warranted rwork in ti.e best manner. wishing to see me can dosoerery I have had six years experiienes s Machines and wiHl show hoeir~ n. Mr T.0. PoolwllaSnd ring my absence. Da A. SCBUEPWT,