Special and Local. uT RSDAY, JAN. 15; 1882. "Z To EW ADETISEMENTs. -. F-.Fart-Norfee.4 Feflera-Nofice.e 'iks POWrwovas-p . Car4te-Difideld. "this Offie-EFound. LWIM i WwaW wid eo W . -haL F.4GM e *Pr Cbsht -S La r,A.M., D.D.-WilfiamstOn Col e,e . ellers-alling in Creditors of Se Hendrix. dec'd. ;jjUzh O'N. fHarrington-The South Caro !&a Boo4 and Bofactory. J. R. ara r.-Jones'Imeroved and ~OST .0FFICL. *UpTaa arrives... ...y l 1PM Up mail clo;es .- -2 50 P M -W UT Train arrives..........831 A .: Laurenas Train.leaves... ....... 3 5.5 P Nl Laurus U2ail close at... ...... 1 11) P X OjRc6,4ou3s from St;G A.. M. -'o. - &W . bl. I.Lw. ,BQO,NE, P M Nowbarry,'8r. C,DeM^8 #PEGIA OTIE.'1a2nc. n tices n ta locl wtiena are iurted the rate of 15 cents per line e icwi s - 0 Of ne~ dy,~com . -- - psronw intern t 'f epe &. are e at brga&Zr advteenft at Sk1 per squtare.. otics of ad-ministraion, and. odwr legal notices, obitaries, tributes of rc jVed awl notices of meetings, as well as communicat oiO of a personal character fnust be patid for in advance The subscription nrice of tJe Herald iS $2.00for twelve nonths, $1.00 for six nonths, 50 cents for three months aul 25 cents for one month, in dtunce. Names in future will not be placal on the sutcription books until the cash or its cquivaIent is paid. or All communications relating to personal interests will be inserted at remilar advertising rates, one dollar per kqure, cash in.advance. tf This paper inay be found on ile at GCo. P. .Bowe1 & Co's Newspaper Advertbiing Ba .eau (10 Spruce St.,) where advertising con tracta may be made for it in New York. Mr. L. S. Bowers, post master at Poperity is our authorized agent at .Deaths. A. W. D4 Cioer 4ied at his *oe near Pomaria December 20th, a.4hs 4th year of his age, ONES. 41-tf. Rev. 11s s R. A. B of thowe iliy k and ission iety of pbrch me an the fulIlfiet SGo to.H. A. BQR or Horsford's, .*W#.sa &ea 5pe Patapeco'audl Sier Mill. Baking Powders. 37.-if -Th. Cottage Hearth For February, with the opening chapters . of the new story by Geo. MaeDonaLd, entitled -"Weighed and 'Waot4n6," is received. It is a splen did aqathly. IPrice (140 o oluhbbsd *tA sie H ERASDt at '$3 fdr'the tw'. Stewed, Fried and B,r, at A. C. JONES' after the 18th October. 41-if. * e gemington 'apfaturing Co., of Ilida.N:J.: 16 .eea2*ssded a hundred dollar premium en their Cot -n Planter;.by thb Atlanta-Cotten Ex - te~ on the of this place is to be theagent SFor a choi.ce, large variety of' Chew a oag and Smoking Tohmeco, go to 87-if H.E A. BURNS'. . on .S rmanl, Jr., has (ne *4!the Jones' lwprQved d oe Long~ Staple Cotton" Sedi for sle. Tho seed yield very abundantly; and those wantiDg the very best seed will consult Mr. Spearman's advertisement in this issue, and then see him at his home near Silver Street. gg Buy the t,est Smoking Cigars on the market trom A. C. JONES. .41-if. A Debating Society. Several gentlemen of Newberrv :are tak1ng steps to organize a Debating Sbeiety.- A meeting fo'r the~po}e of organiz'ation will be held atu the maw otlice' of Hon. George Jobnstone Tuesd:d, 10th' instant. att 7 P. M.) and all wuo desire to -nin are'rednest-.-d tq he present'at thisa eeting. - E: Gq to H. A. BtTR W 'for yourPai at:d 'French Candy, Nuts and Fr'ai&s. 37-t 1Tb. P. D. C. The entertainment at Luthzr & Dom. inick's Hall, Prosperity, Wednesday night 28th ultimo, by, the Prosperiti Dramatic Club, was a very scesu affair. The actors plsyed theiruaflrii &fe~ orthe & -l. ~a chojq th'e nok-month tes. 37--P Wiflamston'FemaIe Colsege. We take particular pleasure in id$ aliaing attention to the card of o12 good friend, the Rev. S. Lander, oni .of the best ins -' u liaq"r wh.amaounces ththeW -illia ~to S.aIee Colege wifo en on Woodays F~eb.46, with seveaI nie* and%attta rte leatures. We corbia$y secous l'n4 ig~titntiop o ou deadep. .. fflwipreugxuais were award ed to exhibiitors from New berry at the tA~ana Exposition, which ..41 e,.ethc -SIstukimo: Mr. F. A. Se~ 1 the .3100 premium for the o (Cotton~ from South Carorma.;r.'H f1. Samuels, premium for Lace Hand kercliefs; Miss Rav Foot, premium foi Pcremade of Zephyr, Bends an( Chienlet,.,Mrs. 'H. . LaPngint pre McFall & Satterwhite The partiemhip4erctofore existing between Capt. J. Y. McFall and Mr. D. S. Setrwhitea bas been :4inewed and continued. They will -move in a, few .day& into. the store om4he "t.St !% ark Corner" qowccpe T. Kiblor. : - it gW Fresh 06oiei Biuter at 35-cgnt. 9-tr. .A. C. JONES. tFrom Peake's. One of the negroes that were shot in as.5riammage with PNiceman La throp and Moss Christmuas've is still in a critical -conditiiu. The other one, *bo received ouly a sfiphtwoundW fell off tbe 1"R.-'bridge t66 same night and was killed. A mad dog was -killed at, Peake's the 4h. - - To Suitcribers in Arrears Enieriiig. 4,.the new yoar we earn estly ask all parties indebted to us whether for subscription or advertising to call and settle at once without fur ther solicitation on our part'. Th money is due us and we need. it. to pmish our business on tbrough another year. Will' you come 'in and pay. or shall we cutoff your names from the snbseription book and give the ac conts into other hands for collection? Speak quickly. t'Go to H. A. IURNS'for vour Lunn dry .4oap, Stardt and bluoing. 37-tf Robinson's Coffee Pot. We are pleased to say that a stock of Robinson's Precious Coffee Pots of which mention was made a week ago. has been receivod and are for sale at J. F. Todd's. These Coffee Pots are the ne plus nMra and are commended for economy and the dolightful etverage they are capable of making. We have one -an.l pronounce it the very he!t we h:ae ever s The coffee nade in ft is rith and full of cre:aw. We under sitand that MeArsi'q. Wheeler & Mosey. of Prosperitv. are also the agents for thhi sale. Truth is Mighty. If you would experience relief from all annoyances arising from an inactive Liver, Indigestion, ' Dyspepsia, Sour stomach, etc., use Poitaline, or Tabler's Vegetable Liver Powder, a never fuil ing remedy. for those'disorders. It will save in indalculable amount of suffer ing. Price 50 cents. White's Cream White Vermlfuge is' the. best worm killer. For saii-by Dr. W. E. Pelham. ' e.o.w. FOP0 NQpfqlk gYtior* Fresh Norfolk Oysters, fresh Fish, Ham Eggs and Hot Coffee, served in the very best siyle, at my lestauranL on Main Street, all hours of the day and until 9 to 10 o'clock at night.. A. 0. JONES. 46-tf . Too uch Wife. Jim Clary, colored, came with a -Womm to Trial Justice Warlisle's .of fice the 29th-ukimo for the purpose of being unitedin=the holy bonds of wedlock. The'Judge, knowing of no "impediment," performed the ceremo ny, and the happy cope "ent on their yaj rejoicing." Bt'heir honey .moon wis righlessly interrispted by a '"minion of the la," ina the personi of a Constab>lefromi Trial Justice Fair's o$lice t wo days thereafter, who to Jim ini on a charge of. bigaumy. It appears that -Jimi had a wife -living *whenshe was married thme 29h No More Hard Times. If you will stop spending so pinch on ufltthe!Cs, r:cjb food apidstyle, pay *god h4eltbyj'food; 'cheaper and'better clothing, get more real and substantial things of life every way,. and especially stop the foolish habit 'of employing ex pensive, quack doctors or using :so much of' the vile humbug medicine tbat does yon. only lbarp and put your'truzst in tat simplp, pqre regiady, nop pt ters;that curtes always .at a triding cost, you will::eee good times and have good Look Out; Thieves at Work.. . ,SeveLec rren'ess of late.jindicate that there'-is wn orgaeized 'band-of LhievJes abnEmde 'twnwo are iwatching for an opportunity to make a haul. When Mr B. .H. Cline came d*own town to bis store Tuesday' morning, 21h ul. be fond that an attempt had :been dnse di b4oc9f his door; thelc? idt~ o chpted ppwith. broken--wires and.pieoes'of nails that' it had to be taken off 'and to pieces? 0u the same morning Mr. WV. T.,. 'Tarrant found that his store door h'ad been tampered with in the same way. Tuesday morning. 3d instant, Mr. W. II. Jones fouod that a lot of old rags urod eettoe had beeweramm.sed into the *'eat hole" oif the l.:rek loor of his bar r~on aa *on fir.e L!Zpre vi*us cnight.. STu.esday niorn'iut Mr. Rmae's store dooer keys wer stoleI 'ut of th6 loek ; he b s noLyet besid from them, snd has tbeen comnelled to put on uew All these th1rigs ocurriog Withinl as sort. a time of each other'warn o gg'A fine selection of Canned Geods, at~ H. A. BlURNS'. 7t t.ins for Saie, lank Liens for supplies and for rent, for sale at this office. eiiTi pl-a,pin and sweet, at '?.A. BLfRNS'.. '7-tf g- Go'to H. A. B1RNS"for Pofatoes and dnioris. Zs-tf l1' yen wisnt a.good Ciga4.'sil on KendaVs Treatise-onVb the . I' reeon?~cets adsave mogey niey )or 8'rous. Club Rates. edibahR egiser il be club bed with the TIstr. as follows: Weelk 4y .Register and: HEAW $$.50, in ueekly Begister sud-H~Am.o $5, DEWy 1 Register and HEAL.D $$75.. ."Sa.felfTedand' EIraLr nat Semi-Centennial at the Baptist Church. The Newberry Baptist Chruh.h4o just completed the fiftieth year of its gIsten w1uecmmnemoration of Ibis eten , astAq;Rr Rev'6 erBroad. dus erei s , the 1st .ostanta i nteresti'd 'i diurse 6'Wthe history of the churcb from its organi zation to the present time. The dis form ; it deserves to be preserved A shurt summary of the,bistary of the Church. wil- pr4)e 4ntere4tgng to our readers ;.A a. t1iis we propose to give. Prior tIn88i there was no phurel organization aundno chcirih -5uildin! in the Town of Newberry, then a swalvillage of a few hundred ihliab 2 1~. c , ier of th ~y r (hie shile r Furman and Joo. M. Barn,, students of- -the. Furwau,Theologica! lostiute of South Carolina,. were condu-ting meetings inl various .arts of the Stite with mucb sqceW. They were in. vited to Newberry; in'September they cale, and began. to preach from a stand erected for that purpose In a grote that then stodd in the rearof the present residence of, Mr. A. M. Bowers. They soon atrracted 4 ci-owi which grew'from day to day; - people came from all parts of Newberry-and adjoicing Districts to hear them,-and very soon the most remarkable aud genuine religious awakening ever koown in Newberry occurred. As one of the results of this meeting, and chiefly of persons baptized duriuig its progress, the Newberry Baptist Church was organized on the 30th of tp(-em b-r. 1831, with 42 me,abers. The i,i-rers present at the orvaiiziti-n wcr.- N '. Hodaes. Jooathjan DaIviS, S. W41rthington atd ),itel M:m)?u1. T1m c-hnrch Buildiog-still U.:ed was erncted in 1832 ; the ground upui which it and the Parsonpge stand was given by Y. J. Harrington and Jno. T. Young. The Church Iluilding was remodeed in 1853 under a con. tract with Mr. Wallace -A. Cline. The Bell, wbieb is still uased, was pre. sented Nt . M -err Boyce, of gharles too, Sc R.he foowing4Miniaters have served ~hu h_as Pastors, in the order in wbicb eIr am iiwed: Jno. M Bi~e,^s det, Daniel Man. Tea7~ Siini. Gibson, J. SBan4L,t y ~l, Sinb*d-.Furmau, .W Eason a:- iti Brm g -The pastorAte of Rev. N. who was the most distia. gi of the early Pastors of .I4 Okyeby, hegan-in- 1832, eand lastedI 1kt Aotv eaf T tora of ail lasted sixteen years: The ability of: Dr. Brantly as a preacher, his scholarly attainments, and his success as a teacher, are still' remembered by many of the citizens of Ne*berr'. Qf tie.aors;Of .hb eher , Revs, i. i rne ..Hodge,Dan'l Mangsm, Sam'l G-ibson~ Thos. f'rean and M. C. Barnett are dead: Dr. Brantly is a Professor in Mercer 'Uni versity, Maeon, Georgia ; Rlev. J. T. Zealy is in Mississippi; Dr. Rich'd Fra,an is in Tc6xas ; Rev. Juo. Stout is Pastor at Society Hill, Darlingto.n County, S. C.; and Rev. F. W Eason is at Newberne, N. C. .Tjhe folloing s a list of the .Dea-. cons, in the order'of their appoiWi meet -,-Jo.-8S. .Carwale ..Y...J.flar rigton,. Thos. Pratt,. Draytoa Nauce, dhnBetn@tealh.0 'TMenden all, G. T. Scott, Win. H. Harring toi,; J6dB%.OCarwile,bJnoi-':Leavell, W' i liht 'ad pp nesfleIn tosh. Of these Jno.. g. Carwile, Y. J Harripgton, Thos. Pratt, Draytoni Nadie, Joh-n Bekta AO'Neall,' M. T. Mendenhein and;G. T; Se'nt are dead. Win. H. Jlarrington is living in Mis sissippi. Thbe Sunday School ofe the Church *s organized in 1832-, tand has con r,iiugl wtbut interr tion ever since. H_rf w the first tn r4mfo nmsie was inro eed into thp wophipini1l ; pd the eellene pipe orgai# now in. use .was boght-in 1%5 . - Mr4: Elizabeth- Higgins'-and Mfrs. Elvira Rutherford are the only survi vo's now livingr in Newberry of all the members who united in the organiza tion of the Church or joined shortly thereafter. Two niembers of the Kniureg,'Thom as { Poipe and Wr Ha~Jas Lavell, hie hc ordaine'd as Ministers. The formeitr. after a short but enainttly usefui career' died at Grunwoo,td. S. C.. ci the $rh of Jul . J875, at the age, uf.6; the Iatter is no*, an ba.s been fo Ia-M#riA-yeK Pastor of the First Bats;hrhat Manchester. NeHar?sg.re Suy Canned Gods Fancy Groceries, Cigars and Tobacco, fro A. C.JONES. 41-tf. Rey. R. D. Smart Preaeched his Arst ser-mon as Pastor' of. the Newberry Methodist pharch Siday morning from t 'ttt; "Ero dii xiv-18, 18pelak uio the'chilairen dTIs}ael, (hWat they g;o'forward." The sernon 'was intend'ed to show the duty of Chtistian? (o j f9rWard in the 'lip'o f duty notwithstan ding difliehities, trusting in God, who will remove the difiulties, as he did.for the children.. of Israel by parting the waters of' the Red Sea. -The preacher took occasion to make some very appropriate reflec tions concerning the old.and the new year ' -Theste who have used Coussenis' Coin pound qorieg of Ttr. 'unalige9ly as [[ .t isnnegaledas c nr.e for gD . 14,.apd all diess fth Throqt and lug.' (tIf dhgi ly; the awost poplas~cough remedy~ in. the country, because sit is never .failing. Price 50-cents a- bottle. White's Cream Wite Vermifuge is the best worm kHler. For sale by Dr. W. E.-Pelham. FDr. ~offett's Teethina .' eehing sle by all Q t anu try er ghant.'~ r G 32 54 SOME OF THE HAPPENINGS OF 1881i - ' JANUARY. 3d. Laurens R. R. sold to the Clyde Compan. for $30,000-including in ifi4h $1 tfiis6n of the Episc a t1buih died at Wilmington.: N. C. 15tb. Col. C. W. Dudley, of Bennetts ville, S. C., died. 21st. Lynching of Dave Spearman d Sad& Fair at4opority for rval*. #24tb. iTrial of thas. Stewart. Parnel and other prominent Irish Land Lea guers at Dnblin resulted in a mistrial. 28th. Frank McGrtth, col., hangest at xig,S. !for murder. FEBRAffY. 3d. C. 1H. SimoWta, W. H. Parker and J-* . Hart appointed Codifiers by the Judges of the Supreme and Circuit C>urts. 6th Carlyle (lied. 1t~ Bee, of Q- o,0 r of lington. for killing Col. Shannon n ; duel--resulting in a mistrial. MARCH. 1st.' Beaufort Court'House burned. 4th. President Garfield inaugurated. 13th. Czar of Russia killed in St. Pe-. tersburg by Nihilists. 18th.. Jim Black, coL, hanged at Ma ri4os foarp.r. 25th. W. fl. 4obertson appointed by President Garfield'Collecto' of Cus toms at New York. 28th. Mahone takes his stand with ,he Republicans in the U. S. Senate. APIL. Ist. Lease of Air Line R. R. by the 4wiehwand f- Ianville R. R. Company. 1st. Dr. A. W. T4onlpson, of nion, died. 4th. Sale of Spartanburg & Asheville B. R. for $111,000. 6th. Saw'l W. Melton appointed by Ihp President District Attorney for South Carolin4. 6th. E. NI. Boykin appointed Super intmlent of Immigration. 6th. Dr. John Simpson, of Glenn Spring.Q. died. 9th. Gen. M. W. Gary, of Edgefield, died. -9th. Judy Metts, Dol., jy-ched in Laurens County for bouse-burning. 14th. Murderers of the Russian Czar hanged. 19th. Disraeli (Lord Beaconsfe), died. 19ti. Gen. Joe Lane diod. -.22nd. Countorfeiting d'etected, in. S. Ci PSitentiary. 22nd. Abram Martin hanged at Ab beville, S. C., for murder. 26th. Congressman M. P. O'Coupr, of Charleston, died. 29th. Rev. J. I. Bonner, D.D.,-P fti Apof ge WestJemale CollegeWded. *AT. sLt.Ae- Jao. Preston, of Colm ted. - 4th*&,C Press Association tiet- at Beaufort. - 5tb.udge Tonomas Thomson, of Ab bevflle; died 10th. Capt. ,W. L. DePass, of qam ltb. Celebration of Cowpens Cen tennial at Spartanburg. 16th. Resignation of U S Senators Conkling and Platt. of New York. 17th. Revised Testament issued sim olt'neousfy jn tbisApiinty andEiE g*. - ~h. Jo. ~ ygjolored~;hapedat gdeeld for .u4e 21st. Co).'I'ofn tt, of Pennsylva nia, died.-'. .JUNE. 3d. Ben James, colored, banged at Marion:for murder. 9th. Sam'l Dibble elected to Congres from Second S ()1District in place of M P ('Connor, deceased. 18th. First cotton bloom reported ins this Counity...... 1 22nd. Gen.Cs..aquittede. at Dar lington, S C, on his second trial for the itihling-ef-Cok Shannon in a duel the .5hof.July, 1880.. 22nd. Col. A C Spain, of Darlington, DDLY ad realdent (rfield shot iaWNah in'gton by Charles & Galte'au. 123th. Gen. John C IPemberton died. 162.,ard-Mskeed enator in place of Conkling. #ka &G MpIsam elected-Benator 27th. South Carolina R Rsold for $1,750,000.- including&. i4edaibrancks AUGUST. -10th. President iarleld s- ed. azs extraditiog paper-the qpy 'oEial se o bybhmi a~e his hemg shot. th.Lewis R%dmn( ,the "n1ted atlawu pleaded guilty to ten indict. mienlts in the U S Court at Greenville sedf#id-' fo "Albany Penitentia~r for ten years. 26th. Joe Munday hanged at Edtle field for murder. 27th. Furious storm on seacoast, es pecially in Savannah nd~ vicinity-idss of life 4., and a niillion and a half t1>lla'rs worth of property destroyed. SEPTEMl!ERt. 1st. Clyde Syndicate purchased the Virginia 1i dland 14 R. 6th. President Gargeld was removed !:Mw Vasbington to IUong Blaneb, N.4 lalhi. S~enattor Burnsid,oRhe Island, died.d,ofRle 19th; Pre.sident Garfield died at icon ~anch frorm the Wotppd receiyed- @V~ - ~th. Arthur inaugurated as P'resi dent. -- 27th. State Prohibition Convention, met in Columbia. S30th.. B W Hicks, white, hanged at Spartanburg, for wife-murder. ~Ct anta ~plin opened. lth..'iack Williams,'colored,-lynch ed inOrangeburg for rape. - 13th& Gov. WStof Lo~uisiana, died. Lb., ~defeld hu - o'YEMB R. 4th. R,obert Williams, colored, lynch. ed near Pelser, Greenville County, for rape. 22i4d General Assembly. met. 24th. National Thanksgiving. 25th. First killing frost. 25th. Rich'd James was aanged at Meig,-ad -ebriJohson'at Sumter; DECEMBER. -4th.Aren. Judson Kilpat.rick, Mlinis teftodCiilig dwd. -tth ~dmWForney, of Pennsylva 9th. 'Vienna Thieatce burnedang '(Q &~n l Stock Law enacte. 30th. G'abiel White, colored, hanged at WValterboro' for murder. SOMB.-OF 'EH1 DEATHS THAT HAVE OC CURRED DTN THE. C,OUNTY DUBain . .THE YEAR. Bth. Mar. JnoSimb.el-Ti f r 25th-Mrs. Anne Payne. 28th. Mrs. P N Carpenter. 31st. Mr. Thos Hardy. FEBRUARY._ _ -5th' Mi. Janes M Baxter. 6th. Mrs. Nan%y Wick. 12tl. Mrs. W I Herbert. -24th. Mrs. Wade W Suber-Mr. Pat Scot. .fMARCH - 4 9th. Mrs Dr Jno ReThompson 10th. Mr Jno M H'armon. -Tt. AMiss Mar -Martin. 19th. Mrs Rebecca-S Merchant. 2qn. .Mrs. 1,aura. iier., -25tr. Mr Jds-Shanno. A P1rb.. .ithV MriFridk!Has00 19th. Mrs Dr W W1 es ~22nd.~ 1rMadiaanF Workman. 23d. Mr Thos Spedrman. 24tf. Miss Katie Yair. JUNE: Mtrf lis giser. 1OtLr. -Mr Jno'D Eb7g. 18th. Mrs G S Slih. 19t.h. Mrs:Rev:J C Boyd-child of Mr J W FrnkTini. 20th. Mr Joseph W HAwTin!-Ms Minnie AfcKittrick. 27tb. Mr Jno't Leoised JULL . hth. Mir Hillard Bishop. 11th. Mrs F M Lirdsaj. 23d. Child of Dr D A Cannon. 25t8Miss)NaE(iirk. T 'St4t. Mrsr'J V *elk-MafWinF Nance. AUGUST. 12th. Mr Wip TRunio.Tf 16th. Child.of Mrs *4a5Davi 22nd. Mr Jo Peyton Wilson. 2JU 1k * E Migs ore" ,&0. I&, R kingswore. 30tLh. Mr Jno M Neil. SEP EMRER.z . - 2nd. Mr Peter Saber. 19th. Child of Mr Jno Croaker. 20th. 'Vr'David l Buzb6rdt.' .26th. -At Jacob Cro&ch 28th. Child of Mr.J.B Clary. 1st. Mrs Mordecai J Boyd. 3d. Child or Mr F WHig 7th. Mrs Mary Cromher: 6"XChild of Mr 0A Dickert. loth Mrs Jo Lishore. fit. Mr R C Chapmar. - 18th. Miss Crri0 Sem. - 20th. Miss Lilla~Toof. Miss Mary Theodosia Writ. NOVEMBER. .nd. Child of CoLD A Dickert. otfi. Vissitie 1jelli White. 15th. Mrs W E Welch. 18th. Childof Mr H H Evans. 24tb.'Child of Rev J- A SUigh. 28th. Child of Mr A J S Langford child of Dr Jno R Thompson-Mr Ja cob Singley. 30th. Mr Jas B Livingstn. -DEMBER. fst.- Mrs Kafie Sligh. -4h.-ra Dr-2B.Kanry 12th. Mrs Maria Davia, 20th. Mrs Levi Slaws6-W D. Cro mer. 2A4.,ir'emoeiH Mposar 29th. Aster Tomme BNieas. gSotitif Carolina'8o* hee Fac. tory. - - A. U. Dibertr Zroprleldr, ge~ ~dda Salesroom in Newberry, for the purpose of getting ~e ubli eir- ijs. Measur n oof und.A Allj;poo ~'ran ,dnioes ine unless stamped A.0. Djbert, C.olumbia, S. 0. The -nsie:audRei4egjine Sewed and Brass-@erevred for men, boys, w*driiMailie, in Jimuch Calf;) Kipg specialty. Every one should use these goods, and help develop South Carolina's manufactures. -, HUGH O'N. HARS.JNGTON,: it General MaaediAln(d.e Petsoal : ' "O6l/B. W. 13all, of Laurens, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Thos. B. Hammil.o JaciF Miss -Minnie Herbert is visiting friends in Spartanburg: Dy. 4. S3. Sates left Newberry %Jen. C. G3arlin~o of Green Dr. and Mrs. Garman ent down to Sumter lasC'hes. ' btrla se Id'ea. 'omoving to Sumter. et will belh6me to.day. Mr. Randali. 7~o~ et-Mjie toz, returned 6oi.e Yn ', aving i4. silas Johnstoir' . Welch egpect tSifi J iogtaig for ?lorida; the former on an iDspeotiD5 toir aqbined with busi ness; the latter chbiefly for pleasure sg tke g* t*ofglis health. Sale-Day. .The- first Sale-day of . 1882-brought quite a large crowd to towzy 4 con siderable cuantity o( land was sold, but " ~ ron El ven moderate...rices~ a Nii following :in nie:N. Baxter vs. Lucy W. Barte: e.t 6 "Ja et V. lbre$ah fo ~,5Q;~J. jof t e Springfeld Tract, a4s~cres, to .r 0.13. Mayer, Jr., for 860; No. 2 of Springfield Tract, 69 acres to G. G. DeWalt, for $900. ThpseT~. .Mopre, Ad,m.r vs. ErP. Ake~ etsl-Lat No. 2 of tile E. P.Aake land in town, 2 acres, to A .Jna for $5 SLoT 'Harorove vs. Jno. W. Har giove, et aI'-Tract No. 1, 169 710 acre~s, to W. F. Robinson, for '$1,5; Tract No. 2. 177 1- acres, to1'. Hlar nyhi. for . S366~ Tract No. ~ f83 -1()acres, tolT. v. Abi-dins, for E Chalmers, G rk;,v B. Heb Master rented for 1 year the fol lcaingJands of the.IL S..Chick estate: Theflodges.PlIace, 900-.acres, in New berry County, to BobLMoormnm for $688; the Goshen -Hill Piac,i o Coninty, to Janinietend * 1. SThe grtt-ag ad a oloa Eliel AC7 Piester vs2 obti'G. Piester 180' adred, to R^bert Y. evifo ~enry 1Hendrix, admVr, s.' Rebecca jJ. Ilendrix.et. al'-99 34 eresto.L The Printed Sip. -. Jbse of onr subscribers whose teri of subscription have just expired. .y..eU as.thm._io.are. indebted are i quested to observe the printed slip * csed in the paper this week. Wi 4beformerwve As' a renewal with t cash, the latter are asked 'to settle once -,, e;hal= 0 azount of $1 for s monoi!_2%f6e dtieyear,is a trifle each-aiher, i"ibe total amount gonsiderable to the publisher who has Pay-the prfiterc'everv week, aid - en for the p:aper on which the tEiRAUi printed. Pay up. gentlemen, if y ait, the paper:.continued . to yon, ai do so quickly. Your money or : X a d D: fh. *astdl Titt lease, ten yen old, son of Mr. J. llartwel Bliear". N-eiberry, shot himself accideiLal wbile ying wilh ai old pistol in M Zt. lite's tu sihp 'Thursday, 29 tiltim. ~ Thelitie'fdllow had gone in the shoplo pay Mr. Whitesome VoGe a.tiyVbfeti :J*ere pided np n'o single 6arrel pistol, which was supposi to be unloaded, put tfie mazzle again his body, drew the h4mmier bak i1 hie thumS' and"ifi putting on a ci when the lpmmer slipped and; the pi tor:fired, :The ball entered his sid eiming death in a few minutes. Tor nile was itrighf, intelligent bo ,: at -i.death is.a.great aftliction to his p rents, who have the sympathies of ti whole-communit,y. ViroanafaIlAbout. - Chrstaaid New ars-D a: over, T-A&the JittIe people_#Jl have aj ethodionigrait. . - Oar town Lwps a, saber as any. the &atdurig-the Hotdys: G. C. Sale, Esq., has opened a la iAi ~tlikew Kwei Block. Mr. A. C. Joaes has moved ini Ith'e Wheeler~ hoe uollee8See iaei had is,-e prett; cdl weathenr'bE late,:'a the.g3ntle 'red J4a doubg4ess observed. - M .., Lvingstbb ha" -MOV into Mr. M. Foot's brick house on ti street'eadiug to ffelena. To write, fOr a'AeXspapr'iis Or tbiug, to edit a paper is anoTer; 'n ;,umake a paper va is sWll another. Our Washington letter thii wec gies fie"tr ue~ iu-'-arTc :es' -o ie'TI g,ilati'o of'tUe House Cowcnittee 'The -(German" at the. Newberi Hotel Friday night was 'one of tl 'most ezjoyable sdiieety- events of tl season. his is the season to turn over new leaf in your life. Reform at one if you have any bad habits, ad I happy. There is a jo"ddealif ,u-ian n 1UreiQa4h6JUaiI--U likW30J-Stay-4; late at night What think you this, boys? The ?4ethodis& ladies. will give hot supper' during Court week, t object-being o raise. funds for t Parsonage. TheM'esirs. -Koppel are putting i -Aarge baig in ~afthe.Mor 3hyhave ntly e~ed #d r tl OG'era HousE -Mr.i.kt Greneker and family w mojve to Helena to-mJrrdor an'd occuj th& Pennington hobs.: "yp,oejte~ t oldtR?. RK Shops. ~ Mr. J.'BerOr WYer 4e e busieli.(f usipoatoes on i of. ay. So far -he has sold 47 bush4 at $1 per bushel. Joseph L. Keitt, Esq., has mov to egemad has gpent pi ce Offne'&Co.'e'tore. The hiot Eu1pper at-Mr. Henry: Boozer's:esidence Wednesday eve ing, 28th litt., for the benefit oX Sm na- i5~ nete4 tee o glr$s neyar 4W 1ooik Store. . Quick sales ai hoproM&a oanmot,to. STheho C Toyet iven ,their ite' friendsa holi~ r~ese know. We send, printed slips of indebte 'esi to subseribers i'n irrears and those. whose time has just exprp 'and look for cheerful and quicE Ag66d ime to 'commence"a"si scription to then fl$j9 is now, t beginitg "faeV volume,' T nee :1 - e - . - , a eie ti ttnii n our reI era to the advertisement of the .Bucke M'f'g Co., MIarion, Ohiio, iu and&her o umn. They offer rare indaceements earn an honest living. - 2rw In token of. he abiiity of -the Hi gnoice todo neat and cheap pri .lng, Mr. BeD. H. Cline, one of C most active and successful merchan made us a handsorne New 'ea presentc. fo3re morrage, Ihwondrouscare She seeks the mirror And bangs her hair. After marriage, With angry glare, She grabs her slipper And bc.ngs ag,r'e'. A letter from Florida bei gence that Mr. Clauidius E son of Mr. Samn'l Eichelbere, at his father's li,n lear Okala, grown. An appeal is gia i the publie a4 eveM a hospital as Waakit ten~ 14 bQood sl.late Presld'ent, be called the tGarfield Hospital. P .Mastei~ Boone will receive and forwa a con QtribQtiJas thk,t citizens Th1 ae tbe bereditary transm .sioK' o~ disease is. clearly establish 4S'Brof41.a the most dreadeckanida haps thea most diaipult to ena M rk t te long .i6f cure this scourge. 'In~no instance ,ha been. known to fail, evevrafter ca had been pronounced Isopele. ?ri .1,O an ,~ bottle. Mr. Culbreith' has named his new Ms place "Oak1ey Ilall," aftepr Gen..Gary's as place ijfied. .; Having been trouhied with a very th bld Coigh for about two yearayd ie having tried almost every cou1ngix- M at tuieat wis ever made,i hav. f"bdu i none that has given me such great rer to lief as Dr. ,Bull's Cough Syrup. and,I is enestly rtebimend it to all 'afiek. to BF.i. F. B< l!Pr.Pa,N Sh -. iS .The .ood time so Iong tafkcd of has >u at;t oe N&w Years .rese'tsar-e B fathg td -itiMck Mird fiW -D."17 20 St .]arge and elegant.,ish.trg4i44 and-offered to fill it with a noble ,ob- i SbIer' NWii er trom 1is Cbrmistdds of st 'Two- ese 6 tesss strikes ashat s6nethin is goiglt4 Shappen. - to There is stiliIQ!iai4eable taik,about emigration uamop ih c orcdgeople. s The ~'ad part'-of thie matter is hat thosdiWd goare' among t' iri h most prestieous alng he - Lp such. can gt away, .One.of-qsfe- o s- left Sirver .Street two weeks ago. h,d. e, been working for Mi.'Tia. t'~Weits for seen-ears;:was a first4atework. er; aad gave<"p:$500.- ' - T TE ie Mr. Thos Cook received :a.: ietter a few days; ago. iroa Mr. JauiesM. A Go;don. who receoty moved with.his r' .-.. - .-. CO fauii fron ths County to Aransas. e Mr.' ordon bodjhit0'a6resi-f "utiP . improved land ibNevida' ,6dty) six' V - ndjes!rom Preeq&a t6e. County seat, at, 65 per aerej ad also .80, acres ad-, CO joining with. .uildings an iwpprove- m nen6s' in I fe aid fatnily a'rd pleased*ith their z'ewAo6e- -id are BA w all in good .bealth.:-. - . r ST, Wand&rerstor; tne.4-' FL The Awriom-0zdy .btought cA t.o the -fQ)JOeing: Xewberriaus to. their. E 4 old . home from Tew- Mrsr. D;. EM -t- k SE r Sampson Pope, r. iugh 'N. A H arridgt:o and fatnilY; a''d"fi. ohn E. :Webb, Their ouerous:-frleads Ea ie her e eglad to?. welco*"e hen.:6ak. S Mr Webb e9mes on -a visi;, the RE others come to stay. Mr. Haington T1 opens in Ne, eny.! as -ialiaa du,etit shows,- a - she4 store fon the sale. of shoes manufactured iz 'the Stat k 1enitentiary. -', s. Our .Puzze f ,er. & 'Ai1CSWET8 TO'TS o m i0 0 ElqGxA.. ..at fir you don't suc ceed,'.ry again. a TRAOsITION.-Sparta. Satrapl e, WD SQUARE.-. .P R 0 WL e - -W-TI ;' a. W I E L D' fCeOSS-WORD ENIGMA. In opera, notin- song; a In stalwart, not ivnstrong - 2 In cri;;ket, nQt in bog in dipper;-not-in'in , -dhalter,.nt.in'str" In,raine, not in gap;- . .*I In auction, not mn sale; - In dtmgeonnot inijaiL 7 es The whole if-you would rightly.gaes ie You'll.find ,what we shpuld all posses~ DEL.LE GoRDoN - 1ii CUETAILMENTS. ~y i Crtil resdnable, afi leave a t Stitle. - 'J Qurailashp,ad.lae a bin-. drance. . S I S. Curtail to -binder gres*tb, end . ean to'makeSsele~s NA5 aas is WIDDN'AN~CIEN~TI - B..id you:give Elizaiwtk&aiiyiigs? L6 --2 Jerashia, gigat.sm -c -~. in enne pep~p. 8 . bthe haveniid-wasoiting in : great cakes.a , .. 44..Thiei-d'are Asa, MAfae Toni In - 'CHARAD) - - inal; -iy third s an insect;i my whole is one -who strives. OUR~ WILLIE. ~DLAMOND-UZZLE. - . 4 id 1. A consonant. 2. An enclosure. to .:S.,A caronA. --' 4.A consonaat ~ -. d Tnes gea .supm~Lir Of PR to BULI.' oUGH. SYRUP overj 4, . alipther cough renmdicsjs a ts. e. by the imense popla demand4 fot that old established re edy. -o - 1 he -4 he it ur -- .e ra For thte Cre of Ghinrths; CoNs, H:ioarseneCss,-CrCup, Asd*naJBrOg ch his, Whooping Coug ac;ip Conisumtioni.p ant he relief pi con pgesod advzii * sagestTe Disease For ' '.y:aml Druggists.-Pric; -2 .4 clea shavo, s wat ut, andS liblite 'at or tention nrnteedA Xai .18-t85 -DISEASES. Conainieg aa "Inde IetDMgses~ whiich. gives the spingtoms. ca-use, a the best is- treatment oftescn -a tabe -giviirrg a h d, .prnciprgsinsd for tho.barse, wida-the h pr- 9 ~Asy Cos ,ecta, an pgredote -when a a.ia r wihn enigraviio "the tit tdfreegesenwthrrues of for teWingithe age ofbe horseiao anðer valuable mfomatiop. -(.11 and.gete-oop. itFor sale at. HERRALI Rek STOREIL ComnerciaL warRRty,. ., 1.8 . -d inarv.......................... 9 &10 ,nl (rtinm ry .....................10 a10 ddM lin., .........................10JR101 0181 Shoalde NO - -4.... . - w-.~ erry'.Prek 4at. Sioulders, rime New. .. Shoulders. Sugar . 9 :SA.96g.tIew.. Md e N es........ ...... l. . , Side, C. ,N w...,.. a & 0 - 6a :Sd ,'0gC., s..... .......; r. a ve d ,(w ..e G -.'roe -rasy4q L I Ea ... e.. e........... . - MaAf. - ir: i N BestR...i. ... d : - iIEGAR S WiNze VfnW.r. 66 RLEY W e... ... 6.7. .e* L.R CANDLS........6 ar { -- -- Gunpode r................ LS C E........ ... ... ... . iTREHAB.....f.. . .-.... - B E .......... G,ILS (1: k i . ... . AL-ER- EE D- : b "OELEL0 -P..:.y: . 1.... . be4, (Torwb-~Wuo~*~ TE -C-44 a ILS (10)e I.......-... ..... .i 30 T. pe.u ...... GI ' li.E~ai>AE~ oW'T a..g;A g D LOVE ED-e lb... su2 IwnDt CodFh~ )ntry ahtte ton pr ion sec,e wnw Noe 10, 4lx - tf. r. B rn Ph1lre lxtil.or~adat . A ra ids e a iz '~ EARNETT YEAR. a agftirs feO12nncO Isild ustradlArtan n er. - 2 . -'5-f .EC 0 the ~w~fb in