OCTOBER. S NJ T WTF 1T S - 1 - - 1 S 4 5 6 7 8 r1 11 12 13 14 15 16. 17 181920 21 -22 123 24 25 26 27 28 291 13]1 - MANURE MADE. UNDER COVER. Of course all the advantage of making manure in covered yards, may be secured by box feeding. with less outlay for roofing, since more space must be allowed for a given mnimber of animals turned kose tvgether, than when confined in stalls; it is the protectior from rain and sun, the abundani ue Etter, and its thorougl incorporation with the excre me ;and the exclusion ,of ai2 by compact treading, which go tc make 'the superior manure ; all SRfitures of the method worl against the loss of valuable plani food. Nor does box feedin'g and &a ionuuiulation of the ma sure tmder the feet ofte animah ij imply offnsi v 'stalls. Mr. Lawreaee, 'above quoted, said thterybody noticed the general sweetness of his stalls ; it is only essential that enough litter be used to absorb all liquids, and this . sorption is more effectual if the straw is cut up. Olm ' ethod or the other box. feedingfor covered yards, should be adopted by every farmer whc lives where manure is worth sav ing, and who finds. himself com peled to supplement his stable 4aiAnrwith commercial fertilizers Stable manure must not be losi sight of in this increasing interesi in these concentrated fertilizers, for Vitn.aot produce our crops and aeenough for ourselves and otes,without its aid ;and therE tintMg in allthe list of commer cial mixtures, which give so good return for the money in it swell-made stable Znnure.-PEoF. CAEm, inl Ameri can Agriculturist for October. WHEEA H&nvarrma.-Wheat cut 4-eavoids waste from shelling and smakes- whiter flour, but the B'four from early cut wheat contains mg starch~ in proportion to the glsge than the flour from wheat cutgatter it is fully ripe. The mi c opeL shows that the starch ardeluten are not formed in the preeisely the same period ; cells in the interior of are filled with starch some days before the Sdell, next the bran, are tue full. Hence, wheat allowed ~.o#aa.ripe as possible to avoid Smakesa, not whiter, but bet r,because more glutenous flour Ianthat from wheat cut early. The t-~ oonmon practice of allowing wtot stand in teshock until * thrash,.has perhaps the fa ef.saving once handling, ftresains-in the field until ronekernel in a hndred gets irreparable mischief is ,&Pto the flour. Wheat taken 1rthe field and secured in the 1s2e,Or a well-madbe;stack,-as soon ~sit is~ pass through a roces jting in the ~traw' iv ~ eaves the grain r an freer from-mus than i ssses through Mh Bweatm prce6s in the gran Ca Prf. K & TOwNsHEND, .if ~A can Af cdEturist for October. OmCan MLcrrin -Wash a salt mackerel and soak it all night in cold water.- To prepare it for br Mat, wipe itwelto get off the salt crystals thiat: may be lodged in ,the creases, put into a broad pan of boilig water and cook steadily half an hour. Drain when dlone, and transfer to a hot dish. Pour over it a sauce made by stirring into a cupful of boiling water a heaping teaspoonful of cornstarch, two tea spoonfuls of butter, one of vinegar, and a little pepper. Instead of the vinegar you can put in a tea -spoonful of green pickle minced fine. Stir over the fire until smooth and as thick as custard, when add minced parsley, if con venient. Pour upon the fish, cover, and let it stand five minutes in a warm place before it goes to table. The comb of a fowl is a sure in dication of the state of its health. If it loses its bright, rich color it is diseased in some way, and as the disease approaches its worst stages the comb turns black. _ fur fOip ahtt. Atlanta expects 1,000,000 visitors to its Exhibition. The cultivation of tobacco is to b e attempted in Ireland. Annie Muller committed suicide, n Detroit, because her sweetheart "ave his trousers to another girl to nend. The Government bought 68 miles >f black cloth with which to drape the department buildings in Wash ngton. Gov. Long, of Massachusetts, re nominated by the Republicans without opposition, is a woman suffragist. Though Mr. Arthur is the son of a Baptist minister, he attends the Episcopal service, to which denom ination his wife belonged. Over $20,000,000 is now lying in the United States Treasury waiting for the holders of past due and salled bonds to ask for it. Guitean wishes a suspension of public opinion for one year, and public opinion wishes a suspension of Guiteau for about twenty min utes. Rev. Monroe Hawkins, member of the Arkansas Legislature, sen tenced to State prison for horse stealing, has been granted a new trial. The 13 trees which Alexander Hamilton planted on his grounds in New York City, in honor of the 13 States of the Union, are still standing. In the case of Sergt. John A. Mason, who shot at Guiteau Sep tember 11, 'and who is to be tried by court martial, his counsel will plead insanity. 'Death having removed all dan. ger of misconsruction,' telegraphs Minister William Walter Phelps from Vienna, 'let me subscribe $5, 000 to the Garfield Fund.' At Charlestown, Ind., Charley Ruddle, aged 19 years, took six grains of strychnine, because his sweetheart rejected him. He was bailed out and will recover. While a Texas minister was bap tizing a man, and just as he raised him from the water the candidate said : 'Better souse me again par son, for I've bin a party tough cuss fur the last 10 years.' A weeping widower fell into his wife's grave during a funeral at Decatur, Ill., and as he climbed out his language was so shockingly profane that the clergyman felt compelled to reprove him. Miss Margaret Hicks, a young lady now living at Syracuse, is an accomplished architect. She took the architectural course at Cornell University and afterward studied her art for three years in Europe. A colored man near St. Louis, hearing that Garfield was dead, cried like a child, and then declar ing that he did not want to live any longer, went to the woods and' committed suicide by hanging him self. The Appletons say they have sold over twenty thousand copies of Jeff Davis' book in the South, and still have many orders. As the books range from ten to twenty dollars per set, this sale is unpre cedented. Senator Hill, a few days since, wrote to a personal friend: 'I have had a terrible ordeal of suffering, but I am now free from pain, and there seems to be a fair prospect of a permanent recovery. My gen eral health is perfect.' The New York Sun suggests Blaine for Secretary of State and Conkling for Secretary of the Treasury. 'The lion and the lamb, the horse and the ass, would then lie down in peace together, and Gen. Arthur wduld be the great leader and trainer of them all.' The theological faculty of Yale College has decided to use the re vised version of the New Testa ment, voting it 'better than any other English version because it follows a more exactly the Greek text as originally written, and is a more clear and correct translation." It having been charged that the population of Kansas has fallen off on account of the Prohibition law in that State, Gov. St. John says: The only place where there has been a decrease of population is in the Penitentiary, where there are 66 less now than there were six months ago.' The last letter written by Pres. Garfield previous to his assassina tion was addressed to Gen. Han ne,nlr ariA onn~4suiil 1~h~ i~cn.al rvF Cloti CLOTHING. CL HIN. L. I CLOTHINGO. CLOTHING. COLVMI IS PREP'AR CLOTHING.FALL AN] With the Largest CLOTHING. L0T CLOTHING. CLOTHING. GE FURN CLOTHING. To Be Found CLOTHING. To all of which CLOTHING. CLOTHING. ML. Sep. 28, 39-tf. FALL CUS'I SWAF' MERCHAN COL U[] Has employed a Cu ence in his CUSTOM Fall, who will, with i, stylish cut of his gari the most fastidious. AN ELEGA FOREIGN AND DO SUITS, $25 Al Aug. 24, 34-tI. Fruis and FRUIr. Hand-Picked Virgini APPLES. ORANGES. BANANAS. PEARS. POTA TOES. A full supply of good sinrc ses awaysere Bi Prompt attention given to orders. C. BA R 55, 57 & 59 Market Street, Oct. 5, 40--Cm. Dry Goods, There is now in Stock al Shiver's Corner, A Full, Fresh and D RY G Ladies', Men's am CARPETS, MATT[ STRAW GOODS, UMBRELLa PA WINDOW SHADES, CURTAI: These goods were purchased under fav< are OFFERED AT FAIR AND POPULAR]1 C. BOUKIGT. May 11, 19-tf. Hlar DIRECT IMPORTE ENGLISH AlN HARDWARE A COLUM] THE LARCES' MECHANICS' TOOLS of every descript Crcear Sawso al ses frnishedtoo Lacing. Bbitt Metal Macinery Oils s Widow Glass. Pains Oil Varnishes, I A] ACRICULTURA OF ALL Thresher and Searators, Woen Wief Corn S l os Fed Cutters Hoes, Aes, Coil, Wagon, Well and Halter Chains, Ti Grain Cradles, Grain and Grass Scythes, Has the agency for the celebrated WATT are sold at redced prices rpeene.0 tory city reference will have prompt and care: Preserve Your Old Books ! E. R. STOKES, Blank Book Manufacturer GENRIL BO0KBliNDR Has moved opposite the City Hall, where he is fullyo pare with fivrst-cis Inwork BLAnK toOK dUEo alkidowrinyi patern BANK BOOKS REDt any stedeiqaintrnt nd bunin nb te esgi aed. sfc My1 facine Rand on facusne ofithk o the business enable me to guarantee satisfac tion on orders for Bank Books, Railroad Books, and Books for the use of Clerks of u~,ng. CLOTHING. NARiD'S CLOTHING. EmFoDIM, CLOTHING. nAs. C., CLOTHING. D FOR THE ) WINTER CLOTHING. and Best Stock of H I NG CLOTHING. CLOTHING. ISHING G0OS CLOTHING. in the State. CLOTHiNG. he invlite attention. CLOTHING. CLOTHING. ? CLOTHING. 'OM TRADE. FIELD, T TAILOR, TA, S. C., tter of much experi DEPARTMENT this ,is son, noted for the nents, be able to please NT LINE OF MESTIC SUITINGS. D UPWARDS. Vegetabtes. PRODUCE. a Peanuts a Specialty. LEMONS. COCOANUTS. RAISINS. ONIOR'S. CABBAGES.. :and. No Commission or Auction Goods han ore depend upon first class stock. T &~ C O., *. -*- CHARLESTON, 8. 0. .Votions, Ac. the Old and Noted House, in Columbia, S. C., I Complete Line of i Children's Shoes, NGS, OIL CLOTHS, .RASOLS, LACES, LINEN, ~ ACS,CORNICES. yrable auspices by an experienced buyer, and RICES. Try them. EX'OR. I Co. tware. R ND DEALER IN ~D AMERICAN JID CUTLEY TAS. C. r VARIETY OF [I IIARDWARE IN TilE STATE aing Material. Rubber and Hemp Packing. iles and Rasps of all kinds. dstones. crushes, &c. SO, L IMPLEMENTS KINDS. r ~reens Bolting Meal, &c. el and Iron eBa,a Bands. re, Bd and Rod Iron. PLOUGHS and Castings of all kinds, which der accomp nanied with the money or satisfac CROCKERY -AND I GLASSWARE. A nice assortment of CROCKERY and GLASSWARE just received and for sale by W. T. WRIGHT, Who still has only a few of those CHEAP STOVES left. Call quick if you want one. Who still continues to carry on the TIN DTTTESS in all its branrches anrd keenpsSa .Iisceil? A GRAND J.~I -0 THE STUDY OF Mi 0-. The Labor of Years Ace the New Inductiv< PIANO AN Mrs. W. Has Opened a STUDIO ove Store for the RecE Having Taught this Method in the North w? ville. S. C.. now Offers her Services and the 3 AND VICINITY. - It i. impossible to set forth ALL THE . Old System, in an Advertisement, but Invite al for Circular. IT SAVES TIME AND MONEY. It is so Si: understand it. It. does away with years of drudgery. It. takes the Pupil almost immediately into continues the same throughout the whole Cour I is not a superlicial method, but applies t< out any change whatever. It nmends itself at once to the educated This Method is entirely different from the ( An opportunity is offered to all to gain t. A2 for Less Expen'e tj , Many of my Pupils in the South are which was gained at a nominal expens(>, while DOLLARS per Lesson. ThL Method fulfls the maxim that "Vhatei ens life and increases usefulness." Terms, 50 ets( i| Books and Sheet Music will be FOR FURtTUER IARTiCULAlPS, CALL O: MI Feb. 23, S-tf. TIlE TWIN SPRIN(-, Patented, Nov. Z1, W E, the unde EED, ma at Helena, S. C., perior to any we SING4LK PiAR. E. H. Christian. Geo. McWhirter. R. W. Boone. M. A. Carlisle. G. W. Holland. Mrs. E. F. Blease. G. W. Garmany. The Springs can be had at J. 0. IIAVIl Newberry, Drugs A Fancy .lrticles. Wholesale and Retail DR UGGIST, NEWBERRY, S. C. PrescriptiOns compounded with accuracy and nicety at all hours. Tbe Precrciption Clerk's bed room up stairs over Fant & Whirter's Grocery Store, front room. Jul. 2'7, 30-tf. DR. E. E. JACKSON, DJUGIST AND GJlMIST, COLUMBIA, S. C. Removed to storer twoudoors next to A full stock of Pure Medicines, Chemi cals, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Gardena and Field Seeds, always in store and att moderate prices. Orders promptly attended to.s Watces, Clocks, Jewelry. At the New Store on Hotel Lot. I have now on hand a large and elegant assortmenL of t WATCHES, CLOICKS, JEWELRY, Silver and Plated Ware, r ( VIOLIN AND GUIITAR STRINGS, p SPECTACLES AlD SPECTACLE CASES, 8 WEDDIN6 AND BIRTHDAY PRESENTS, 2 IN ENDLESS VARIETY. All orders by mail promptly attended to. Watchmaking and Repairing Done Cheaply a:ad with Dispatch. Call and examine my stock and prices. v EDUARD SCHOLTZ. Nov. 21, 47-tf- h WESTERN_MANUFACTURE, 7 A SUJPERIOR LOT OF BUGE*PH~OI -A,ND- 0M CA-A-S., C A RRIA GES. neous. Il QISCOVERY! JSIC SHIPLIFIED. umplished in Weeks by. Method for the D ORGAN H Clark r R. Y. Leavell's Furniture ption of Pupils. ti Unparalleled stcess; also in Green ethod to the CITIZENS OF NEWBERRY LDVANTAGES this Method has over the 1 interested to Call at the Studio, or Send. inple that even a Child of Five Years cam the Science of Musical Compositions, and se of Instruction. all Music precisely as it is written, witb class of the community. Id System. tsical Education in a short time and an ever before. now successfully Teaching this Method, my expense for Tuition alone waa FOUR ier shortens the road to learning, length- I Per Lesson.. Furnished on Moderate Te:rms. 1 Oi ADDKESS. LS. W. H. CLARK, Newberry, S. C. t8E6. No.18498 rsigned, nOW using the TWIN SPRING nufactured by ,ZOBEL & CO., take pleasure in stating that they are su Shave ever nsed. T. C. Pool. W. T. Tarranit. S. F. Fant. James McIntosh. J. 0. Havird. .Junius E. Chapman. W. W. Houseal. '4. G. DeWalt. W. H. Wallace. Z. P. Moses. D. W. T. Kibler. . A. W. T. Simmons. U. B. Whites. R. L. McCaughrin. D', and at the Furniture Stores in Mar. 16i, 1881-11--f. IN MUSIC! Prof. RICE'S nternational System of Rapid Musi cal Instruction ! Magical SELF TEACHING OF MUS8IU! IP1D, SCIIlfi(0 \01O fEFL 2 l'he Only SHORT CUT in the World to MUSICAL KNOWLEDGE! All may now learn music I W1ho never learned b>efore, And all 'who have learned, .May now learn lte more. As this system is so thoroughly generic i ud applies to all music precisely as writ-E en, its priniciples can never be forgotten. g Bow delightful! how simple ! are the a pontaneous expression's from those who 1 ve this system a THoROUGH examination. It is published in three grades, and a eparate grade for Guitar. The price is fix. d SO LOW that everybody may nd should possess this WONDERFULLY scIEN me labor and time-sa?ving System. We gnarantee to every person who will tudy and practice only 15 minutes a day, S1 learn more of the science of music in bree months with PROF. RICE'S SYSTEM IF OBJECT LESSONS than by any otherS many years. As the public have noct been accustomed A > so much condensed musical knowledge, bis may sound skeptical. We can assure re o this is no hocus-pocus arrangement, R ut SOCND SCIENTIFIC FAoTS, which we sire eady to demonstrate to ANY ONE FREE OF L HARGE. Fail not to investigate and rocure this System, for it is one of the reat boons to mankind.A EAH GRiDE IS ONLY $2; OR L #5 for the ENTIRE THIREE GRADEs, incluld g the Guitar Grade! The above offer will hold good for a A: bort time only. More than Five Dollars' -orth of scientific musical knowledge can L ius be obtained for this paltry sum. This A ystem is of equal advantage to the ad. anced student as to those who know no- iL ling about music. g7- Agents and Teachers of this System A auted in every.. town in the state. To onest workers a hanidsome income is guar- to ateed. enid for pampihlet aids on Music ~ d our extraordinary induce- tr lents to Agen5- Ibi gr FREE MUSIC TO ALL. .S ~fr rn Cbarlestonl, Wilmingtonl and Augusta. ,pa~ A. praxug oncini aea a At LineDetahith cntins mAaeat dal .dCalte lowthSaeLn oGen tr L eo htins ro.Alat u dPCartte eso ofwit tgin tos' Glenadc rings. ponwohntrs b rvdd Parst clasrs ofvyncsfrng hea' Liery S pbe nHaesfvll traoal l otefono fitrstcnb roie th first class conveyances from the Livery C. n ables in Hendersonville at reasonable m tes. io r .PIiscellaneoUs. 11 TOKVIYEDY! A BEA Tli BOOK FOR THE ASKING ! By applying persvnaly at the nearest of ice of TiF SINGEii MANUFACTURINtt ;). (or by pvstd card if at a distance) any ,ict.r pe,so: wili be presented with a beau ifully dlustrated copy of a New Book elti led CEMUS REWARDED, -OR THE 'ory of the wioqachiflc, Onta- -ing a handsont and costly steei en raving fi .inSpicce ; also, *2 finely en ra1,td wood c'. nd and .,i :ti in an Piabo a;e blue and gold lithographerd cover. No harge wh 't ve,r - m ad f;or this ha: - me on which c. be ,:t.i.i u on y by Ippli atio:n at the branch and subordina:e ofliecs f The Singer Maretfacturing Co. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. Principal Office, "'I Union Sqare, May IS, 20-Iy New York. HOP BITTERS. (A Medicine, not a Drink,) CoNTAINs HOPS, BUCHU, M1NDR AKE, DANDELION. AND THE PrEEST A ND 1sTNa.EDcALQUALI TIEd OF.&LL OTIIEI: BITTrERS. T II EY CURE Al! Dseaes of the Stomach. Bowels. Blood, Liver, K Idney, and Urinary Organs. Ner vousnes - SWepes"snessand especially -q em a.e Complaints. -4 $1000 IN COLD. Will he paid for a case they will not cure o help, or for anything Impure or injurious found tr themn. Ask your druggist for hop Bitters and try them before you st.p. Take no Other. D.I. C. Is an ahsclu: :i Irresfs:lb e cure for Drunenes, use of opium, tob.cco and nara tics. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. AlI above rold by drgist.. Hop Bitter 3?fg" Co., R oebhte ,r, N. Y., ' T"ronto,Ont.j G. W. ABNE Y, ITTORNEY - AT - LAW, Office Over Boozer's Store, Mower's Building. Will practice in the Courts of Edgefield nd Newbterry. All business entrusted to 3e will be promptly attended to. Sep. 15, 38-tf. IP D AGENTS We want a limited number of active, eni rgetic canvassers to enaein a pleasant ud pronitable bus iness. Good men 'wiii nd this a rare chance TO MAKE MONEY. Such will please answer this advertise aent by letter, enclosing statap for reply, tating what business they have been en -aged in. None bnt those who mean busii ess need apply. Address FINLEY, H ARVEY & Co., Nov. 17, 1880-47-2y. A tlanta, Ga. iedmont Seminary for Young Ladies. A high-class School for Young Ladies, t Spartanhurg, S. C., where a thorough Cd cation is guaranteed and the best maettres ud text books are used. Located in the 'ei-knlown Piedmonst Bouse, one of the. ost charming Summner resorts ia~ the ':p ontry." usa Te Conrse of Study compieh sa ranches taught in 'the best Female GJol ges; the personali and constuat superv ion of each pupil will be found to be a spe liaty ot the Institution,, as well as.good ud abundlant food, and the refining intiu uces of a Christian home. TERMs PER SESSION OF TWENTY WEEKS: Collgiate Department (including FEE uition in Latin and French). $2l5; Interme ite, (giving. a on English training). $20; 'rimary, $12.50; ContinRgent Fc, $1.50; ;oard (including fuel, ,furniture, lights and ervicc), $65. Pupils received at any time and charged -om date of entr:nce. If notified in time the Principal will meet upils at columbia a few days before the ommuencment of each Session. Mi- Circula.rs and References can be ob dined at the office of THE NE'vBERRY HER Present Session ends June 17; Autumn ssion begins Setl)emblm-e 12. J. IJENRY H AGE R, A.., P'rincipal. Spartanburg, S. C., Mar. 15, 1881. 11-tf ORTaddress EnsoN BROS. V -bi Att.orneys - at - Law id Patenut olic itors. 017 Seventh Street, ashington, D. C. for instructions. Rea )able terms. .Relerences and advice sent EE. We attend exclusively to Patent asiness. Reissues. luterferences, and cases jectd in other hanOs a specialty. Caveats licited. Upon receipt of' model or sketch id dscrip)tion we give our opinion as to ttentability, FREE OF CHARGFR.~ We refer the CommuissioneOr of Patents, also to Ex ammissioners. Established 1866. Election is Over. Now go and hear the votes coanted at hARK'S GALLERY, where the finest Art orks that have ever been exr.ibited in awberry, are on exhibition. And while r sit for your picture, and take to your >mes some of their superior photographs. We warn you that delays are dangerous: ere it is too late. Mr. WV. H1. Clark feels confident, after an perienee of fifteca years, that. he can oduce a class of work that wili please d give p~erfect satisfaction. Copying old pictures and er.larging to, y desired side, also reducing to the alest, a specialty. For style and quality of work, ref'ers to teditor of this paper. CLARK BRO'S. Nov. IQ, 46-tf. NEW HOTEL. This commodious edifice, situated on LN STREET, NEWBERRY, S. C., anid own as the ILEASE HOTEL, now openi, and invites the people one and to call and know whbat can be done at all urs, to wit: An Extra Good Breakfast, oner, or Supper, for TWENTY-FIVE INTS. Forty or fifty regular boa.rders will be :en at proportionately low rates. Fhe convenience of location, excellent -ing water, well furnished table, etc., nmted thiis house to every one. Jet. 16, 42-tf. lespecte!!y offers it.s services to thoGse -es who desire to secure for their ighters the thorough And symmetrical tivation of' their physical, intellectual, l mondl powers. it is conucted on at is called the "One-Study" lan, wih a SE.ANsA:. Gouass of dy ; and, by a system of Tuitional Pre 2mns, its Low Rates are made still lower ALLwh arage 85 per cent.