rm,nrn $ Wonsebola. JULY. T W,i T.1 S it9 10 j 12 13 141 15 16 117 1 19 2. 21 22 2:3 __ .24' 52;2!2 9~O - 3- - - -- IN TIE POULTRY iOUSE. A correspondtr. of the Coudry Gentleman says: Kerosene ard lard are as essential in the poultry house as soap and water in th nursery, and I would as soon think of going without the latter as the former. I never see a sign of a louse unless we are careless and neglect the remedy, or rather the preventive. I do not wait until ..Ahe chickens are ten or twelve days old, for by that time the mischief would be done; but I begin the Fe1 before, and all through the Winter, once in two or three weeks, zab the. roosting poles with a mix ture of lard and kerosene, half and half, and put a little on the corners of 'the. nest boxes. When I set a hen I use new, soft, clean hay, and on each corner of the box pour clear kerosene; it must not touch the-eggs. If very, late in the sea son, it will be best to repeat this a few days before hatching. I take the chicks. out as fast as they are dry, and keep them by the kitchen -,ina basket_ under a woolen b for one or two days. Then eiskhick's head is rubbed with t.f anti-louse mixture, and any insect that may may have laa: in wait in some unguarded spot wl Inever obtain a meal from that eT. Care 'must be taken not to ono iD6 much, or it will run in WMe eyes. Oneim a young assis t used it so freely that thirty c -~bee~amDe entirely blind, and dis&'from starvation. fnsare so infested with rats as to srons loss to their occupants, -'; ui~ arious remedies are resorted - - K~-o>heir destruction. None will. prove so effectual, however, as tomake a.simultaneous attack up o~ them "'dl along the .line," by setting ,steel traps, deadfalls, trip head barrels, delu'sion traps, to gether with a 'poison box, or box in Swhich yon. have.continued to feed them on cheese, buttered bread, &c., until they will almost come for calling, when saturate their bait with deadly poison, and they an&i their' neighbors will come floekig in to enjoy the repast, which ~as' soon as partaken of, and resolutions of thanks passed for the kindness, will cause them to retire j# handsomely to rest forever. This, and keeping a thorough-bred rat ter ier or two trained for the purpose, will soon make the place too hot for thems But to render their ex termination the more complete, co 'cert of action must be had by alf interested. Every farmer should take his'own premises in hand, and then, 'after so arranging his out buildings as 'to shut the destruc tive animals- out, he can make use of the above means with every prospect-of success. IXF.nmnE BA.-Warm poultices should be applied to the cow's *bag by means of a broad linen bandage tied over the loins. It hould have holes in it through which 'the teats- should be allowed to protrude. Apply the bandage first, and - then fill in an ample poultice of equal parts of ground flax-seed and bran. The udder should- be kept free from milk, both by allowing the calf to suck and by frequent stripping by the hand. Stimulants should next be be applied, with smart friction, by the palm of the hand, such as soap liniment or turpentine liniment. At the same time the bag must be Jconstantly supported by means of a sheet tied over the loins, and having holes in it, through which the teats can protrude. Feed moderately on sloppy food, and ad minister a pound of Glauber salts dissolved in a quart of warnm water, and to which add an ounce of ground ginger. If, in spite of these efforts for relief, abscesses should form they should be freely opened with a lancet and the mat ter evacuated. The resulting wounds may be dressed with an ointment of one part of Venice turpentine and two parts of hog's lard. COTTox.sEED MEAL.-An1 authority on stock raising says the extra value of the manure dropped by TUT T'S PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFUCTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of appetite,Nausea,bowels costive, pain intheead,with a dull sensation in tLe Fack partjain under the shoiader blade, fullness afr-eating, wih a disin clination to exertion of body or mind, IiHtijbiity of temper, Low spirit,s, of memory, with a feeling of having neg lected somecluty .weariness, Dizziness, Iittering oftheHeareidi~Dotsbefore the es, Yellow Skin, Headache, Restless ness at night, highly colored Urine. IF THESE WABINGS ABE UNHMED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTT'S PILLS are especially adapted to such cases,one dose effects such achange of feeling as to astonish the safferer. They Inc*ase the Appetite, and cause the boy to Take on Flesh. thas the system is nourished. and by theirTonicAction on the gte Organs, Fegular stoois are ro dud. "Price 25 cents. 35 Murray St, --y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE, GRAY HAI3 or WHIsKERS changed to a GLOSSY BLACK by a single apication of this DYe It CTimarts a natural cloor, acts InstAtaneously Soldb Drugg:ts, or sent by express on receipt of $1. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. (&rTt17 4L~ of Valuable Information and) a ai e =FUE an appltion STOMACH Feeble and Sickly Persons Recover their vitality by pursuing a course of Hostetter's Stomach Bitt.ers, the mnost. popu lar invigorant and alterative medicine in use. Genera debility, fever and ague, dyspepsia, constipati, riieumatism, and other maladies are completelv removed by it. Ask those who have used it what it has done for them. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generaly. CROCKERY -AND GLASSWARE. A nice assortment of CROCKERY and GL ASSWARE just received and for sale by W. T. WRIGHT, Who still has only a few of those CH EAP STOVES left. GaIl quick if you want one. Who still continues to carry on the TIN BUSINESS in all its branches, and keeps a full line of Tinware and Stoves. And last, though not least, who will do all the ROOFING, GL'ITERING and other JOB WORK he can get, just as cheap as he cnn afford it. Mar. 23, 47-1y. A PERFECT_DAISY! It is a perfect model of STRENGTH, NEATNESS, I COMPORT and DURABILITY! AT MODERATE COST. This Buggy is constructed of the very. bs~ select material, and is so perfect in construction (as well as simple) that there Nothing to Get Out of Order ! The motion is so gentle as to enable the most delicate invalid, as well as those in robust health, to travel with perfect ease. CALL AND BE CONVINCED, Manufactured and for sale a t J. TAYLOR'S CARRIAGE SHOPS, OPPOSITE JAIL1. - - NEWBERRY, S. C. Mar. 2, 9-6m. fil Outfit furnished free, with full in profitable business that anyone can engagetin. The bonuinssh is oas o learn, and our instructions are so simple and plin,n that any one can miake great poitfromi the very start. No one can fail who is willing to work. Women are as sucessful as men. Boys and girls can earn large sums Many have made at theC busi ness over one hundred dollars in a single week. Nothing like it ever known before, \ll who engage are surprised at the ease and rapidity with which they are able to make money. You can engage in this busi ness during your spare time att great profit. You do not have to invest capital in it. We taealthe risk. Those who need ready mone, shuldwrite to us at once. All fur nihed tree. Address True & Co., A agusta, Mine. Oct. 13, 42-ly. ALONZO REESE, SAVING AND HAIR DRESSING~ SALOON, Plain Street next door to Dr, Geiger's Office, 1 COLUMBIA, S. c. Room newly fitted and furnished, and gen tlemen attended to with celerity, after the most approved styles. Nov. 22. 47-tf. iENJ. F. GRAFToN, STORY B. LADD, I HALBERtT E. PAINE. Late Commissioner of Patents. PATENTS. PAINE GRATON&LDD Pto ne,a-a AFnd &oiitr orAmeri ctonesan-a and oe Ptens.0 m 41 anFIFTH STRE r Wu tetuo . 4ratiTe ptEnt.lwi Wali~trnhe inC rtie Patnt l.and in lit aupree nd the Patent a!i(l in ~ in' Supreme and Circuit Courts of the Uriite~l states. P:un Dry Goods. Thnre ii a9w in R!ci at Sid e's Corner,rl A Full, Fresh and Ladies', Men's an( CARPETS, MATTE STRAW GOODS, UMBRELL PA WINDOW SHADES, CURTAII These god wore pirchaed nuder favt are OFFERED AT FAIR AND POPULAR ] C. BOUKIGIIT. May 11, 19-tf. Clot FA HINABLIE COLUM HAS JUST RECEIVED the Largest and Most SPRING ( that has ever been in the State, and AT PRICES TO 8 Su':ts o Middlesex Flannel at ;!2.. Meis Cheviot. Suits ALL WOOL Guarant Youth's Suits . to kJ0,11). Boys' Suits S1.5k , 2.00, i2.50 to R15.5. ALSO, a Fine Stock of TAYLf11S C] shadles of Silver, Tan, Ghoco!-me and White I htve added a sOck of .INE S] gentleman's outfit. Guaranteed not to rip another pdr. I am still keeping 'i making the Finest State. My Cuttter is styles as they make fashionable circles. Tailors employed. Samples sent on apj of (only) French and ways on hand. On Hland---White Duc~ Nobby Dusters a Specia W. 0. SWAI Oct 20, 43-6nz. C LU IIii IIare DIRECT IMPORITE ENGLISH AN TH E LA RCES' MECIIANICS' TOOLS of every descript Wagon un I Carriage Building and rTrinu Circular Saws of all sizes furnished to or< india Rubber and Leather Belting; India Lacing. Babbitt Metal, Machinery Oil;, F Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hlair. Laths, Gtini Window Glass, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, I Al AC RIGULTURA OF ALL Sugar Cane Mills, Suzgar Pans and Evaet Thureshers aind Sep ar.dtors, Woven W ire 1i Corn Shellers, Feed Cutters, Hoes, Axes, Solid Steel Plough s of all kinds, Plough Coil, Wagon, Well and Halter Chains, Ti Grain Cradles, Grain and Grass Scy thes, Has the agency for the celebrated WATT are sold at reduced prices. All goods guaranteed as represented. Or tory city reference will have prompt and carei Piedmont Seminary for Young La ies. uugLais ucati:on is iuateedl and the be.t mecthods and text liOOks are used. I.ocat,ed in the we,]-known Piedmonat flouse, one~ of the mlost charmning duunner resort- in the "up chot ourse of Study comprises the usual bri.mecs taught in the best Fematle Col leges: thte personal and constant supervi son of each pupil will be found to be a spe cialty ot the lInstitution,. as well as good and abundant lood, and the retining imu encelCs of a Christian homne. TERMS P'ER SESCION OF TWENTY WEEKs: Collegiate D)epartmenlt (including FREE Tuition~in Latin and French). 525; Intermie diate. (giving a sound English training), $20; Primary. Si2,50: Contingent Fee. $1.50: Board (including fuel, furniiture, lights and service). Ste. Pupils received att any time and charged from date of entrance. If notitied in time the P'rincipal will meet pupils at Columbhia a tew day., beflore the commuencemnent ol eacth Session. AO' Circulatrs and References canf be ob tained at the oicie of THEi NEWLiERRY llE ALD). Present Session ends JTune 17; Autumn Session begins $ieptemnber 12. J. 11ENRY IIAGE R, A.M., P'rincip)al. Spartanburg, S. C., Mar. 15, 1881. ll-ti iAVILION HOTEL, CHARLSTON, S. C. the O1d and Noted House, u1 Cohlmbia, S. C., Complete Line of 1OODS 1 Children's Shoes, NGS, OIL CLOTHS,l RASOLS, LACES, LINEN, NLACES, CORNICES. rable ani.p'ces by in experienced buyer, and 'RICES. Try them. EVOR. k CO. Fug. ARD'S JTHINI MPORIUM BI A, S. C., Complete Stock of 'LOTHING UIT THE TIMES! e'l at $10.50. ,LEBRATED STRAW HATS. Manillas in EEOES, the article found to complete a or break. 'If they do, will be replaced by Apr. 1., 15 tf. p my rep ut ation for Uustomn Work in the alive to all the latest their appearance in None but first-class >lication. A full line English Suitings al k,. and Fancy Vests and 1ty. BTIA, S. O. tware. R AND DEALER IN D AMERICAN LID CUTfL ERY, [3IA, S. C. r VARIETY OF on. ing MaLterial. ler. Rubber and Hemp Packing. iles and Rasps of all kinds. Istones. rshes, &c. SO, L IMPLEMENTS KINDS. rators, Fan Mills. >r Screens, Bolting Meal, &c. Rames, Shovels, Spades. teel and Iron, Back Bands. e, Band and Rod Iron. Ec., &C. PLOUGHS and Castings of all kinds, which lers ascompanied with the money or satisfac ul attention. Oct. 6, 41-tf. GLENN SPRINGS, SPARTANBUJRG CO, S, C. The Proprietors of this Celebrated Water-1 ing Place respectfully announce that it will be opened this Season on the 1st of May, under the same management as last year. TERMS OF BOARD. Per day..................$ 200 Per week..................12 00) Per week for 2 weeks..... ...10 00 Per week for 3 weeks......... 9 00 Por week for 4 weeks......... 8 00 Cottages to Rcnt-per tenement-of 3t rooms -for the Season, $80.00) ; Whole Cottages-hi rooms-for the Season, $50.00. Gi Special attention given to shipping the Water. The Springs can be reached f:om Spartanburg at lowest rates by Hacks. SIMPSON & SIMPSON, May 1 1, 109-tf Proprietors. NEWBERRY HOTEL,' -BY A. W. T. SIMMONS. This elegant new Hotel is now open for the reception of guests, and the proprietor will spare no effort to give satisfaction to the travelling public. Good airy rooms, com fortable beds, the best of fare, attentive, ac commodating servants,and moderate charges will be the rule. June 9, 24--if. An oko ril A no Rnnlr no A et:irala J/Iiseel THE STUDY OF A The Lahor of Years Ac the New Inuteti PIANO AIS Mrs. W. Has Opened a STUDIO o Store for the R< Having Taught this Method in the Nort] ville, S. C.. now Offers her Services and tht AND VICINITY. &B- It is impossible to set forth ALL TE Ol System, in an Advertisement, but invit for Circular. IT SAVES TIME AND MONEY. It is s( understand it. It does away*vith years of drndgery. It takes the Pupil almost. immediately i con tinues the same ihroughout the whole C It i3 not a superficial imlethod, but appli( out any change whatever. It commenls itself at once to the educa1 This Method is entihely different from tI An opportunity is offered to all to gain n for Lcss EF-pens 4i- Many of my Pnpils in the - South which was gained at a nominal expensc. wl DOLLARS per Lesson. This Method fulfils the maxim that "Wh: ens life and inareases usefulness." Terms, 50 et sE Books and Sheet Music will FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS, CALI Feb. 23, 8-tf. THE TWIN SPRINI Patented, Nov. W E, theu BED, - t Helen a, S. perior to any G.WU. Choistan. Mrs. E. F. Blease. G. W. Garmany. The Springs can be had at J. 0. RiA Newberry, EXCJESIOR Cl Manufactured by ISAAC A. SHE AM%' FoE SALE EE W. T. V Sewing GREAT OP I am manufacturing three styles of Se UNHEARD 4 is to defy all competition. No family person out of employment after readin ANNOUNCEMENTEI No. 1. Style, The "Centennial" akes the Stitch directly rom two spooil, is war anted to do th e whole ange of. family sewing with the greatest ease md most perfect man mer, and sells . For - - $1"5-.o No. 3. Style, nakes at will either the Lock-stitch, C md is the finest Sewiug Machine ever EVERY MACHINE IS WA Sewing Machine Agents and others ;age in a prolitable business. Send fo The Patent Folding~ Apr. 6, 14-';m. OUR MONTHLY. ONE DOLLAR A -YEAR. Oun MonTH LY is a magazine devoted to gen ral and religious reading. Its cont:ins 24 ouble column pages and every endeavor will se made to make it worth the money. Every charitab!y inclinedl person should sub et ib)e for it, as the entire sub.scription is devoted o the support of the orphans in the T~x~~ur.r. APPITAXAGE .0 [U-C SIPLIFIED. -0 ,1 compliohd in WeCk by ve iMetlod for the rID ORGANiT aI -0 * CIark~ ver R. Y. Leavell's Furniture ception of Piipils. i with Unparalleled Success; also in Green Method to the CITIZENS OF NEWBERRY E kDVANTAGES this Method has over the e all interested to Call at the Studio, or Send i Simple that even a Child of Five Years can '1 ito the Science of Musical Compositions, and ourse of Instruction. !s to all Music precisely as it is written, with :ed class of the community. ie Old System. Musical Education in a short time and e than ever before. are now successfully Teaching this Method, ile my expense for Tuition alone was FOUR I itever shortens the road to loarning, length- I s. Per Lessont. be Furuwshed on Moderate Terms. , ON OR ADDRESS, [RS. W. H. CLARK, Newberry, S. C. .ZB & T.S C. Poo.. . T. Tarn. m.F anuat. JaeMItyh JI. OB iL J&iu CE.Capan T. C. Pouel. W. T. Dealt.n W. H. Wallace. Z. P. Moses. I D. W. T. Kibler. A. W. T. Simmons. -I 1U. B. Wbites. R. L. McCaughrin. VIRD'S, and at the Furniture Stores in Mar. 16, 1881-11-tf. 30K STOVES! THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Fourteen different sizes and -kinds. Five sizes with Enameled Reserv oirs. .Adapted to i all requirements, and priced to sut alpurses. LEADINC FEATURES: Double Wood Doors, Patent Wood Grate, L Adjustable Damper, Interchan~geable Auto- ' matic Shelf, Broiling Door, Swinging Hearth. tj Plate, Swingihg Fiue-Stop, Reversible Gas- c Burning -Long Cross Piece, Double Short r Centers, Heavy Ring Covers, fluminated. Fire ]oors, Nickel Knobs, Nickel Panels, etc. Unequaled In Material, ini Finish, and in C operation,. ~PPARD & CO., BaltImnore, Md.d mmErH, Nlewberry, s. C. achines. t PORTUNITY! wing Machines and selling them at such ) PRICES! ! G need be without a Machine, and no .a thisP ~XTAORDINARY !! ! No. 2. Style, The "Best," a strict.y first-chLss Shut tle Machine is warrant- j3 ed to do the same work as the Singer and to be A a Sunerior Machine in every respect. Price, - s .Li "The Triune," lhain-stitch or Spiral Embroidery stitch invented. Price, $30. .RRANTED FOR 3 YEARS. will find this a grand opportunity to en r Circular and Terms to - L DNYT LOT]I, A Manufacturer of Le abl and the Latest Styles of Sewing 'hine Cabinet Work. A No. 645 NORTE BROAD STREET, to. PEILADELPHIA, PA. Ni A TRE4TIsONTHlElloRE AND HIS Containing an "Index of Diseases,"whc ies the symnptomns. cause, and the bes or treatment of eaecn; a taLble giving all the wi principal dr.ugs used for t e horse, wih the Sn u illatdnpwe a Pail Roads. olumbia & trotville Railrvau. _G E PA.SSENG ER DEPARTMENT. Col.UM RIA . S.. Jul)" 3(ith. I&S1. Oi ::.d ufter Thursday, Juue 3-tu, 1S1, the ASSE.NGER TRAINS will run a.s berewiti ni ivati upon this road and its brauches. !):tily. e.xcept un d ays. No. 42. lP PASSENGEl. ,eave Colunbia.A I- - 11.:.( a -Im ' . ton, - - - 12.(8 p l " Newberrv, -- - - - .it p m " Hodges, - - - o43 ) ni " Belton. - - - - 4.7 p in ,rrive Greenville, - - - - 6.19 p M No. 43. DOWN PASSEN(iER.. ,eave (reenville, - - - 10.33 a In i; Belton. - - - 11.57 a M " Hodges, - 112 p m Newbe!rry, - - - 3.48 p m " Astou, 4.46 -p ta zrrive Columbia,F - - 5.5u p M PA&TANBURG. UNION & COLUMBIA RAILPOAD. No. 42. UP PASSENGER. kave Alston, - - - - 12.10 p n Strother, - - - - 12.51 p M Lyles Ford, - - - - L8 p m Shelton, - - - - 1.19 p M Fish Dam, - - - 1.40 p m Santuc, -- - - - - 2.01 p m " Union, - - - - - 2.33 p l " Jonesville, - % - - 3.0, p M " l'acolet,- - - - - - 3.16 p ni " Spartau burg. S. U. & C. Depot. B 3.5; p ir Lrrive sp:rtinburg, R. & D. Depot. E 4.13 p m No.43. DOWN PASSENGE. ,eave Spart:,isurg.R. & 0.%:pot,I 1246Dm Spa I tai burg, S. U. C. Depot,G 1.19 pm acolet. -4 p In " Jnei.le. - -4pm Union. -2.35p m Santuc, --,.2 p m Fish Dam, -3.19 p " Shelton. -3.37 p Lyles Ford, - 46pm Strother. 4. p mL Lrrive at-Alston, .6- 48pm LAUREWS RAILROA&D. ea6e Newberry, rri-ve at Laurens C. H., - 6.4 p M eave Laurens C. H.. 830 am .rrive at Newberry, - - 30p m ABBEVILLE BRANCH. eave Hodges.- - 3.47 p m .rrive 'at Ab'ville, - - . 4.37 p im -ave Abbeville, - 312.16pm .rrive at Hdges, . - - - 1.p m LLUE RIDGE RAALROAD AND ANDESON BRANCa. eave Belton at. 5.0 p m SAuderLon .34 p m 4Pendleton .p m ,eave Seeca C, .47 p m zrrive at Walhalia 47 p m eave Walbaila at, -9.23 a In erve Seneca ID, 9.4 a m i Pendleton, 10.30 a n " Anderson, 11.12 a m ,rrive at Belton, 11. a In On and after the above date 7 through cars ,-il be run between Columbia and Henderson ille without change. CONNECTIONS. L. With South Carolina - lroad from Char leston. With Wilmington, olumbia nd A sta Railroad from Wilmington a an points North thereof. With eharlotte. Columbia and Augusta Railroad from Charaotte and all points Noiithereof. With Asheville & Spartaibarg Rail Road forpoints in Western North Carolf.a. With Chanta and Charlotte Air Line Rail . way for Atlanta and all points South for West. . With Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line Rail way from Atlanta and beyond. .With Richmond & Danville Rairoad. .With South Carolina Railroad for Charles ton. With Wilmington. Columbia and Airgusta Railroad for Wilmington and the North. With Charlotte, Columbia , and Augusta Railroad for Charlotte and the North. . With Asheville & S pranburg Railroad from HendersoDvi' e. [. With Richmond & Danville Rail Road from Charlotte and beyond. Standard Time used is Washington, D. C., hich is fifteen minutes-faster than Columbia. J. W. FRY, Superintendent. A. PoPE General Passenger Agent. outh Carolina Railroad Company. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after May 15, 1881, Passenger 'rains on this road will run as follows un i further notice: GREENVILLE EXPRESS. GOING EAST, (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) .eve Columbia at - - - 6.00 P. M. rrive Camden at--- --- 8.45-P. M. rrve Charleston at - - - 10.45 P. M. GOING WEST; (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYs.) ,eave Charleston at - - - 6.00 A. 31. ,eave Camden at - - - - 6.15 A. M1. Jrive Columbia at - - - 10.35 A. M1. . WAY FREIGHT AND PASSENGER. GOING EAST DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. Leave Columbia at - - - 6.30 A. M1. rrive Camden at - - - - 12.49 P. M1. .rive Augusta at - - - 3.20 P. M. rrive Charleston at - - - 1.5,5 P. M1. GOING WEST DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. Leave Charleston at - - 0.95 A. M1. eave Augusta at - - - - 7.55 A. M. rrive Columbia at - - - 5.:30 P. M1. *Passengers leaving Columbia or Charles mf on these trains will have to changcecars t Branchville to reach Charleston at 1.55 P. [., or Columbia at 5.30-P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS. GOING EAST DAILY. eave Columbia at - - - 9.00 P. M. rrive Augusta at - - - - 7.25 A. M1. rrive Charleston at - - - 6.35 A. M1. GOING WEST DAILY. ave Charleston at - - - 8.10 P. M1. eave Augusta at - - - - 7.00 P. M1. xrive Columnbia at - - --- 5.30 A.M. On Coluimbia Division N.ight Express rains run daily; all ot.her Trains daily ex ypt Sunday. On A.ugustafDivision all Passenger.Trains in daily. Sleeping Cars are 'attached to Night xpres Trains-berths only $1L50-between olumnbia, 'Charleston and Augusta. On iturdays and Sundays, round trip tickets ae sold to and from all Stations at one first ass fare for the round trip, good,till Mon iy noon to return. Connections made ;Columbia with Greenville and Columbia ailroad and Charlotts Columbia and Au asta Railroad at Charlotte Junction by sin arriving at Columbia at 10.35 A. M., id leaving Columbia at 6.00 P.&L., to and om all points on both Roads. At Charles >n with Steame3rs for New York on Wed rsdays and Saturdays; also, with steamer >r .Jacksonville and 'points on- St. John iver and With Savannah and ChiarlesZQn ailroad to all points South. Connections are made- at Augusta with eorgi.a Railroad and Central Eilroad to d from all points Soutb aid West. Thfough, tickets can be purchased to all yints South and West, by applying to. A. B. DESAuSSUDA Agent, COlambia. D. C. ALL EN, G.P.& T. A, JOiN B. PECK, General Superintendent. NOTICE To Tourists and IHeaIth-Seekers. umer Schedule to the Mountains of West ern North Carolina. 'ARTANBUR6, UNION & COLUMBIA R. R. SHEVILLE & SPARTANBURG R. E. On and after Monday, May 16th, 1851, the lowing Schedule will be run over these yads daily, (Sundays excepted): DOWN TRAIN-NO. 1 ~ave Hendersonvile............800 a. mn. "Spartanburg............12.10 p. mn. " Union...................2.14 p. mn. rive at Aiston...............4.25 p. . i UP TRAIN NO. 2. ave Aiston.................12.10 p. mn. * Union................. ..2 15 p. in. "Spartanburg...........4.00 p. mn. Tie at Hendersouville..........7.00 p. mn. DOWN TRAIN NO. 3-ACCOMMODATION. ave Spartanburg.............6.00 a. mn. "Union..................8 20 a. m -ive at Alston...............11.25 a. mn. UP TRAIN NO. 4. ".Unio......................7.50 p. m re t Spartanburg......... 9.15 p. mn. [his train makes close connection at Als Swith down train on C. & G. R. R. from wherry. 30se connection is made at Aiston with in from Columbia on Greenville & Column SRoad. At Columbia, connection is made ma Charleston. Wilmington and Augusta. Lt Spartanhurg, connection is made at r Line Depot with trains from Atlanta I Ctiarlotte, also with Stage Line to Glenn rings. artics desirous of visiting Csesar's Head oteConso nees a epoie other pitfitrst clancnvyne frmte provey b-si edrovil traoal :h first class conveyances from the Livery i 23,:- in Monriarcnnv-illa e renennahia | *tI iscelitteo20Ut. TW 3E-: 43ia.-A AT KIDNEY RECULATO .AYD IURET. KIDNEGEN 1% high?y recmen) ded and unsurpasxd for WE.'sd.' JIDNEYS. DROP%1Y BBCVS L2' 3ASE, LOS of ENERY, - VO DEEgL,lT .,or any, OBSTE CTiON8 a n: AVEL or D NEA,%. A I%Or YE Lwv FEV ER1. BLOOD and KZ D'%EY POSONNG-, in infected wan ari..i secl.iol. Vr-Sy the diFtJlaLtion of a FOREST t.AF with ,JUNIPER RFRMES and BARLEY AtALi ve hare di!acovered KIDNEGEN, which acts sprc:iy on. the Kidneys and Urinury Organs, removing depo.i in ths li!adder and any straining, smnng,het--'r irn.'ation In the water pIseages. giving them tre:ati; r and c:nsing a healthy color and casy flow o, urine. It cAn t>e taken at all times, in all climates. wit boct inrv to hstm. Unlike any other prepartin fcr Wiey Cileuties, it has a very plessznt and ag-e:tle tuAt znd iavir. It ct-ntains poative diuretio prmpeeA and %.iA not nauseate. L1udlex -s .e-xwiU like.it, and Gentlemen will ind Kl1\?CEN the best Kidnpy Tonic evn- used! NOTICYF.-ach bottle bears the signature of LAW. RENCE & MARTIN. as) a Pr-pri.-:ru t7:-ernne4 &rmp which permitsKIDNEGEN tobe-d-ndwith-mt c4:se) dr,ggistsgrocersadotherpersanseveriywhere. Fu up in Quart-stw Boulerfor Gteral and F:nil% m. LAWREACE & MARTIN. Prop'rs, Chicag, 11. ir:Sold by )ru;it, Groces and Declers evr: h G. W. ABNEY, ATTORNEY - AT - L AW, Office Over Boozer's Store, Mower'aBuilding. Will practice in the Cor of Edgefield and Newberry. All busit fs entrusted to me will 4e promptiy attended to. Sep. 15, 38-tf. AGENTS I -We want- flimte-dmmber-of active-en ergetic canvassers to engage in a pleasnt &nd profitible business. Good men 'il.I Thd this-a rare chanee - Such will please answer this advertiie ment by letter, enclosing stamp forkeqft statiug what business they .4ave .been;.en gaged in. None but those who mean busi ness need apply.. Address - FINLEY, HARVEY & CO. Nov. 17,18-47-2yr -- CROTWELITL -fTU MRS. EMMA F. BLEASE" PROPRFETRESS. NEWBERRY, S. C This commodious.and spacious Hotel-sI now openi and fully prepared to entertain all comners. - .- - The Furniture of every description is new, and no effort will be spared toumake all pet' sons patronizing the sablish,meritat hotwe. The Rooms in this Hetel arc spaciouis, well lighted. and the best ventilated-of .any Hotel in the up-country. The lotel is furni'sTi with fine cistern and well water, and the table is guarantaed to be the best in tne place. TERMS REASONABLE. July 21; 1880. -30-ly. Preserve Your Old Books! E. R. STOKES, Blank Book Manufacturer AND GEERL B00KBIN~R Has moved opposite the City Hall, where 'a he is fully -prepar-md, with -first-class work men, to do all kinds of work in hris line. - BLANK BOOKS RULED to any pattern and bound in any style desired. My faeilities and tong acquaintance with the business enable me'to guarantee satisfa'c tion on orders for Bank Books,- Rafiroad Books, and Books for,the use of Clerks of Court, Sheriffs, Probate Judges. Masters in. Equity, and other County Offcials. Pdmphlets,.Magazines, Music, Newspapers and Periodicals, and all kinds of publications ound on the most reasonable terms-and in the bes t manner. - All orders promptly attended to. E. R. STOKES,. Main Street, opposite New City HalIt Oct. 8, 41-tf. Columbia,S.Cr Election Is Oyer. Now go and hear the -votes counted at CLARK'S GALLERY, where. the Auest Works that have ever been exhibited Newberry, are 6n exhibilon. And wb there sit for your picture, anid take to-y. homes some of -their-mperior photogra We warn you that delays are danger go ere it is too late. Mr. WV. H. Clark feels conadent,te experience of fifteen years, that}e a produce a class of work that wij please and give perfect satisfaction. / Copying old pictures and entarging to any desired side, also re&icing to the smallest, a specialty. . ---- Fo, style and quality of work, refers tm te editor of this paper. ~ B~S Nov. 10>, 46-tf. - -. SSOutfit sent free to those whdc Wislito engage the most pleasantand'profi table Detsiness known. Everythig , new. Capital not requ.ired. - e- 1 afl furnish.you everything. . $103 a day Ad up wards.is easilymnade withot ta .aw'ay' from home oyei-night. No risk whatever. Manay ne~w workers wanied at once. Many : e mak'ing fortdne s at the business. Ladies make as much as men, and young boys an& girls make grgpay. No onle-who is wil ling to -work fails to made mo're every' day than can be made in a- week at any ordinary mployment. Those who engage at once will f!rnd a short road to fortumte. Address [L. Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine. Oct. 13, 42-ly. HARVEY REESE, IN NEWBERRY HOTEL Being desirous of giving egrdsifac-~ on, I have spared no pamgs to make my. ' hop comfortable and agreeable to all who isit mue. I will still conduct the business, nd solicit plain and fashionable work. Sat isfaction guaranteed. I thank my numer us patro.us for their generous support in he past. Sep. 22, 39-tf. HARNETT HOUSE, (Fornmerly PLANTERS' HOTEL.) MARKET SQUARE, AVANNAI, - - - GEORGIA. M. L. IIR ET & 00,, Propriotors, This favorite family Hotel, under its new ranagemneirt is reeommended for the ex ellence of its Ct-IslNE, homelike comforts, RO1PT ATTENTION and MODERATE RATEs. Mir- Ladies and familes visiting Savannah ill ffind at the Ilarnett House a select and legant home during their sojourn in the ity. 31ay 25,1-tt. 2MEW 011 SI0PPINR