The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, October 27, 1880, Image 3

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Special and Local. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 27, 1880. INDEX TO NEW ADVEETISEMENTS. F. Trifet-X'mas. J. M. Thompson-Notice. C. F. Jackson-Go Not To. M. A. Carlisle-Public Notice. 3 Foot & Son-Down Again. M. L. Kinard-Visitors to the Fair. J. S. Fair-Notice. Sale of House. G. & C. R. R.-First Fall Excursion. Wright & J. W. Coppock-Ciothing Store. James Y. Culbreath-Managers of Election. E. P. Chalmers-To Jurors and Witnesses. Kingsland & Heath-Save all they Catch. Thos. J. Ma#'ett-Notice of Final Settle. menit. B. H. Cline & Co.-What was the Excite ment? M. A. Carlisle-Meeting of Executive Com mittee. Rev. S. Lander-The Williamston Female Gollege. The "Only" Lung Pad Co.-Kidaey Pad Lnng Pad. W. E. Pelh. m-Toilet Articles-OoU t; S..:s-Blue Stone. E Courtenev Jenkius & Co.-"Sunirner dean Augasta Co., Va "Rye Whiskev. POST OFFICE CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Up Train arrives................. 1 35 P M Up mail closes at............... 1 00 P M Down Train arrives ........... 4 08 P 1 Down mail closes at.............. 3 30 P 31 Lanrens Train arrives. ....... 9 28 A ai Laurens mail closes at...... ... 3 30 P M Office hours from 8 A. M. to 6 00 P. M., R. W. BOONE, P M Newberry, S. C,, Aug. 30, 1880. SPECIAL NOTICE.-Busincss no iiccs in this local column are inserted at a the rate of 1.5 cents pr line each inser tion. Obitruaries, notices of meetings, co?; nunications relating to personal inter ests, tributes of respect, &c. are ch-arged t as regular advertisements at $1 per r square. Notices- of administration, and other C legal notices, obituaries, tributes of ; speet and notices of meetings, as well as t communications of a personal character t must be paid for in advance The subscription price of the Herald is $2.00 for twelve months, $1.00 for six months, 50 cents for three months and 1 25 cents for one month, in advance. Names in future will not be placed on the subscription books until the cash or its equivalent is paid. U The charge for publishing nomi nations of candidates is Five Dollars, to be paid in advance-the nominations to stand until the election, or as long, S within that time, as the parties desire. 4 Please bear this in mind in handing in b your cards. r j All communications relating to personal interests will be inserted at regular advertising rates, one dollar per square, cash in advance. tf MTr. 3. H. BATEs, Newspaper Advertising C Agent, 41 Park Row (Times Building), New York, is authorized to contract for adver tisements in the Newberry HEEALD a3Mt our best rates. 1-f Tis paper may be found on file at Geo. P. :t Rowell &t Co's Newsp.aper Advertising Bu- .a rean (10 Spruce St.,) where advertising coni traets may be made for it in New York. Mr. L. S. Bowers, post master at Prosperity is our authorized agent at I that place. Deaths. - An infant child of Mr. James Saddler1 died of cholera infantum a few days ago. Mrs. Geo. McDufie Sligh, daughter of Mr. J. J. Paysinger, died Wednes day, the 20th instant-. Mrs. Alice Abernathy, the eldest j, daughter of Mr. P. H. Ducke'tt, died at sa her home in Little River County, Ar-u kansas, the 14th instant. t .Mrs. Crawford, widow of Mr. James b Crawford, died at her home in New- p berry the 22nd instant, in the eightieth p year of her age. h t Bluestone l Bluestone ! in stock at Pelbam's Drug Store. 1 Do Not Fait To read the card of Mr. C. F, Jack son, he. gives you good advice and makes no charge for it either, and he I never says anything he does not mean. I The Congressional Canvass. From all appearances Gen. Stol brand, the Republican candidate for Congress from this District, is making a very active canvass. For fine Clothing, go to M. Foot & I Son. it. Genius. fi We are pleased to learn that Mr. J. W. Taylor, of Cornet Band fame, has composed a piece of stirring music en-e .titled lHagood's March. We congraitu- I late him, and hope to hear the M:arch played .soon. W!r. M. L. Kinard, Well known to the readers of the IER Awl, extends an inlvit:LLiO. th,rough its coalmL: .o visitors ti cal on him! nn~d examine his s.tock. Gentlemres vi4n the FaLir with one of his eleganit suits will auLratct a&ll of the pulIic attention. O.iion Sets.1 lbis is the proper season for planting Onige Sets-they can he had Pelham,'s Drug ag. Tne Danger Of a public out.break is haippily al I yed, the excitemnt g .owing out of an invoice of new goods received at -.the popular store of B. ii. Chnew & Co. So don't he alarw- d, y e people, but go and m nke youir pwebasese just the same as if there0 wals no growdu tiere. No Court till November 3d. Judge Kershaw has wr'itteD to Mr. 1 Chalmers, Clerk of Court, to adjourn Court Monday the 1st. until Wednes day, 3d, nt 10 A. M.; this is done in order to give the people an opportunityj to attend at their election precincts elec -tion day. the 2nd.L J-andsome..< Tbe show cases of Dr. Fant are most bandsomely filled with fancy goods, and carry the mind forward to Christ mas times, and, indeed, that future time is almost upon us, In the assort mnent are to be seen beautiful bottles illed mih delicions perfumery. toilet DOWN AGAIN! SILL T TUMBLE! FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE FAR. MER AND CONSUMER. Yard wide Homespun, hc. y vard wide Homespun, 64c. Check Homespun, 9c. PRINTS, 5c.! PRINTS, 5c.! Come and see us, we will se:l all kinds of )RY GOODS LOW DOWN. BOOrS AND OES, AT LOW FIGURES The ladies are specially invited to call Ld see our stock of Dry Goods. The cheapest place to buy at, is M. FOOT & SON'S. Oct. 27, 44-1t. >ave All They:Catch. The herring fishing on the East coast f Scotland is the most successful on ecord, but it is said to be impossible to nre all the fish caught. The question rises why catch more fish than can e cured. Kingsland & Heath, of Col mbia, don't do business in that style, 11 the customers they catch are secured, boy never have to throw any overboard, or do their customers ever throw them verboard, for the reason that they eep a No. 1 stock and sell cheaply and us make fast friends of all whom bey deal with. Their stock embraces verything in china, crockery, glass, villow and wood-ware, besides a large ariety of ornamental goods. 44-tf "BLACK-DRAUGHT" cures dyspep ia, indigestion and heartburn. For sale by . Dr. S. F. FAST. Just received a new lot of Double eat Phetons, with: top and no top. Jlso, Buggies of the latest styles, ali andsomely painted, of best quality, at easonable prices. E. S. CoPPoCK. Oct. 18th, 1880. 43-3t. J. N. Martin & Co., have just re eived a full assortment of Lewis Cook's ake of Double and Single Seat Phm >ns and Buggies, with tops and no ps, which will be sold cheap. Call nl see them. Oct. 18, 1880. 43-3t " WINE OF CARDUI " cures irregular, For sale by Da. S. F. FANT. EDGEFIELD C. H., S. C., May 3, 1879. fr. L. T'. Hill : Dear Sir-Having tried HI.L'S HEP TIC PANACEA, and thoroughly tested s merits, I recommend it with the reatest confidence to the people, and espeak for it admittance into every ousehoid. It has given perfect satis ction in my practice, and I feel as ired the people will find it a healing panacea" for all irregularities incident the liver. I do not speak as one who as heard and seen not,-but from my ersonal experience as a practicing hysician. It should be kept in every ousehold, and meet with that recep ion that its virtue, and merits demand. heartily endorse it as an effective ver regulator. Very truly yours, W. D. JENNINGS, M. D). g-For sale to the trade by W. H. arrett, Augusta, Ga., and by WV. E. 'elam. 43-lm. "WINE OF CARDUI" makes rosy hesadclear complexions. For sale by DR. S. F. FANT. NOTICE. RANK LESLIE'S WEEKLY. The only Den:ocratic.Illustrated Newspa er published-will be sentL postpaid, for e weeks (until end of campaigu) for Thir y Cents, Agenms wanted in every town. end W cets~ for fjre. weeks subscriputon, r 6 cents in postage stamps for sam;ple opy and ilh.e:ated Catalogne, ''Jubs of our w-'ill be sent for five week.. for onfe llar. Mddress FR~ANK LEShLE PUB ISilNG CO., 15i D)E STREET, NEW 'ORK. > t "WINE OF CARDUI" four times a day 2akes a happy household. For sale) by)li. S. F. FANT. TuOM sos, Deutist, opposite Hleratld office .ieng for Sale. Blank JLiens2 for suppilies and for rent, M sale at this ofies. Forty years' trial L?a proved "SL.ACK )RAUGHT " the best liver medicine in horl.' For sale by Dni. S. F. FANT. The best Fruit in the ma:rket ailways t) he found ait 0-4t A. C. JONES'. "BLACK-DRAUHT" pyr~es cost iVe tess and Sick-Headache. For sal by DR. S. F. FANT. )ne Who Knows Say lRakir's Compound Fhuid Ex ract of Buchu anid Juniper is the miost leasant and efreetive remedly for all iseases of the Bladder or Kidneys that ias been offered to the public. Mild md pleasant in its action, it stimulates md invigorates the secretions, and ives health and tone to the prostrate r diseased organs. Pain in the Blad ler, Gravel, Prostration, Non-retention >f the Urine, Brick Dust Deposit--in act, all diseases of the Bladder or Kid 2eys are cured by it. Prepared only by Hunt, Rankin & Lamar, Druggists, Atlanta, Ga., and for sae by Dr. S. F. Pant. ANTIQOCH, TIROU; CO., GA. July 4, 1879. I am one of the unfortu:ng.e sufferers from Gravel or disease of the Kidneys, . ~ Court Newberry, No. 2, . 0. F., will hold its regular meeting tids (Tuesday) evening at 7 1-2 o'clock. Oct. 26, 1880. JAMES F. GLENN, R.S. Williamston Female College. Attention is called to the card of this deservedly popular College in this week's issue. There is no better Fe male College in the Southern country, and we advise parents and guardians to send [heir daughters or wards there. The ladies should all call and see M. Foot & Son. it. Had a Good Time. Col. Pool, Capt. Tom Boozer. Gen. Mike Bowers. Brig. Dunhar and others who went to Atlanta to see the sights, have returned and report themselves as highly satisfied. What they failed to see is not worth mention. They had a splendid time. We are Pleased To see that our tasty friend, Mr. Ed. Scholtz, has not, in the midst of his multitudinous household pleasures and fixing up, forgotten to make prepara tion for the busy or the holiday season. Already he is exhibiting many beautiful goods in jewelry and silver ware, and also in ornamented goods suitable for the approaching season. His assort mend, attracts attention. - M. Foot & Son have the largest stock of Boots and Shoes in Newberry. .They sell them cheap. it Gin House Burned, The gin house of Mr. P. Clark Smith was burned Wednesday evening last, together with five bales of cotton. The fire originated from a spark from the engine used in ginning. By great ex ertions the fire was prevented from spreading to other buildings. The gin was saved. The house was worth about $2.50, and the cotton about the same. There was no insurance in either. Dropping In At Pelham's the other day we were .nr'sed at the vast assortment of ,,ds piled on counters, floor and in every place in which they could be stored previous to marking and arrang ing for sale. Among the mixed mass we were pleased to see very many handsome goods for the holidays. It is astonishing what a large and varied assortment he has in stock. By All Means Go There. Visitors to the State Fair are invited to call at the new Dry Goods Store of Messrs. Desportes & Edmunds, on the corner under Wright's Hotel. The stock is large and in beautiful variety, and the prices in accordance with the times. They make a specialty L shoes of all kinds, and can please all tastes and wants. Do not fail to visit this store when in the city-you will be pleased if you take our advice. A large stock Cloaks and Dolnwans, at M. Foot & Son's. 1t Not Enough of It We acknowledge a brief visit on Wednesday last from our Reverend friend and brother, J. Marion Boyd, on his way to the old home near New Chapel. The sight of his pleasant face and genial smile was indeed refreshing, and we were rejoiced to see him in such splendid health. The people of Rock Hill have taken good care of him. We regret very much that his visit was so short, we did not get near enough of it. Religious. -Rev. S. P. Hughes left yesterday for Springfield, Ga., to attend the meeting of the Georgia Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, wvhich convenes there Thursday. The prayer meeting, in con sequence of his absence, will be con ducted Wednesday afternoon at 4 o' clock, by Prof. Rahn. Service Sunday next-preaching by Rev. Mr. Wilson, a young man late from the Seminary, and who wa~s ordained at the recent Convention of the S. C. Synod. The Closing Mass Meeting. There will be a grand rally inl the in terest of the Democracy at the Court Hose Mon day, the 1st day of Novem, ber. Distinguished speakers, local and from abroad, will be present to adcdress the peole; the "red shirts" will be out in f:all forte, and the occasion is intend ed to he in keeping with the good cause of home rule anid honewst government, whose) interests it will ativocate. Let every Democrat in Newherry County lay aside other matters for ta day and by his prsec and influence add to 'the sucs .of !!)( day. Row at Laurens. There~ was a Repuhlicani political imeetig at Laurens Thursday. A large ILombter of niegroes c'amle in miounted and nearl y eve'ry ona~e:arrying abig clbi. They wetre qu?ite hlb lgerenit in their b,ehav'ior, and the whiutes, many of whom present, seeing the clubs of the darkies, wvent out and provided themselves with clubs :aso. Duirig the morning a light occurred between a white man and a negro, in which the white man was badly beaten with a club. TJ.his c;p?sed bad blood. While Pratt Suber, col., was introducing Stol brand at the stand near the depot, a mounted negro rode over a one-legged white man; the white man resented the indignity by striking the negro with a sLic, This startedi the row, and sev eral pistoI shots were fired. O)ne negrp was shot through the body and was killed. In the excitement and confu sion it was impossible to tell who fired the fatal shot. The Coroner's inquest found thbat lie came to his death from ,h. h.anQ sorme person unknown to Attention, and Don't Forget It. This week we send out a number of subscription accounts which we trust will be promptly responded to. When a subscription has just expired, or in some cases has run for a month or two, the subscriber can remit for 3, 6 or 12 months as suits his convenicnce best. When the time has run beyond that we expect back dues to be paid with re newal in advance. Some few are con siderably in arrears, and if these do not respond early the accounts will be put in suit. We shall stop sending the pa per if renewals are not made. Fancy Goods. The largest and handsomest assort ment of Fancy Goods in Newberry are now on display at W. E. Pelham's Drug Store. It consists of Toilet and Bureau Sets in different patterns and colors, Iridescent Ware of latest design, Bohemian and China Vases, Florettes and Violet Stands, Lovely Cologne Bot tles, Colognes in endless variety, Fra grant Imported Toilet Soaps, Face Powder, harmless and beautifying, Cel luloid Sets, holding Glass, Brush and Comb, Pocket Books, Parlor Lamps, in fine just such articles as make the pret tiest and most serviceable presents. They are offered at very low prices. The County Canvass. The Democratic meeting at Prosperi ty the 19th was not largely attended; only about two hundred people were present. A great many people did not know of the meeting, and many who did know of it were so very busy gath ering their cotton that they had not the time to spare. Prosperity is solid for the Democracy and the County Ticket, and will poll a full vote on election day. Everybody in that country in tends to come up to the Mass Meeting at the Court House Monday. Speeches were made at Prosperity by the nomi nees for the Legislature, and by Messrs. Y. J. Pope, J. Y. Culbreath and others. Down Again. And still they tumble, but always fall on their feet, and continue right side up. We allude to Messrs. Foot & Son who make an important announce ment to the farmer and consumer this week. Think of yard wide homespun at 7 1-2, 7 1-8 at 6 1-4, check at 9, and prints at 5 cents, why it's enough to run the people wild. This is not their object, however, they only want every body to run down to their store-only a little way down town-and see what a large stock they have and how low they sell. Everybody is invited, on the promise to make it pay, and as that is what everybody is going for now, we advise that the invitation be accepted. While down there look at the nice accommodation they have made for the benefit of wagoners who have to stop over of nights. They struck the nail right on the head this time. Personal. Mr. Elbert H. Aull has been elected Associate Principal of the Ninety-Six Graded School. Mr. P. D. Mazyck has been promoted from the office at Belton to Greenville. Mr. Lawrence Marshall was in town last week. Mrs. Wardlaw and her daughter Helen have gone to York. They will be gone for some time. Col. R. F. Kewin, representing Mac neale & Urban's Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, put in a short appearance at this office on Wednesday morning last. The Col. is an eloquent man and a SAFE one to do business with, and we endorse him and his safes with pleas ue. Having an urgent call higher up the country he was prevented from tell ing us the half of what be desired to say, but we feel very much in heart at his promise to return in a few days, and unbosom himself. In the mean time he begs us to say that the fatherly advice given to such of the Newberry merchants he was able to see should not be forgotten. The Lutheran Synod Met at Leesville last week, Rev. G. W. Holland, President of Newberry College, Chiairman, The following resolution was adopted relative to New erry College: Resolred, Thatt a committee he ap~ pointed to re ceive the College building and1 grounds when such tender shall be m:n:ie, upon the following conditions. to wi: I. Thiat thle prop)erty shall be entire ly free from deb)t. 2. That tife title to said property be at isfactory to said building comminittee. 3. Tha:t the building be sueb as, in the judgment of the committee, is a good substantial builing. copstructed in workmanship of good grade, andl of the full value of fifteen thouisand dcl b ars. 4. Thal:t all amosNts no0w due upon the subscriptions shall, when paid, be turned over to the0 committee for the benellt of the College. Resolved, That upon conmpl~iance with the foregoing conditions the said comn mitee shall lbe authoriged to surrender to the citizens of Newberry thep bond exeuttd by them. Revs. Wim. Stoudemire and J. HI. Wilson were ordained as ministers. Messrs. G. S. Hacker and Geo. S. Mower were elected to fill vacancies in the Board of Trustees of New be;'ry Col lege. Rev. J. Hawkins read the report of the Trustees of Newberry College show ing that institution to be in a very pros perous condition. The Sy~nod epdorsed the Walhalla emale College, presided over by Rev. Dr. J. P. Smeltzer, and recommended it to the patronage of Lutherans. Orangeburg was selected as the next plae o rm the meeting of Synod. The Sale of the Greenville Railroad. Mr. Barnwell, Master for Richland County, yesterday delivered the deed of conve'yance of tbe Greenville and Columbia Railroad to Messrs. W. P. Clyde, T. M. Logan, James Bryan and Wm. A. Courtenay, pursuant to the decree of court, at the purchase sum of of $2,930,600, one-third of which was paid in cash and bond and mortgage given for the balance. Accordingly, under instructions from General Con ner, Receiver, possession was delivered ] to Gen. T, M. Logan on behalf of the - purchasers. Under the new management It. L. McCaughrin, Esq., will take general charge of the property. Col. T. M. it. Talcott has been appointed general manager, J. W. Fry, Esq., general su perintendent, Sol. IIaas, Esq., general freight agent, and A. Pope, Esq., gen eral passenger agent. The general superintendent has is sued a circular requesting all officers, agents and employees to continue in I charge of their respectiv departments and duties until further notice. [Columbia Register, 23d. M. Foot & Son are determined to un dersell all. Go and see them. it. t Supervisors of Election. The following Republican Supervi sors of Election for Newberry County, N were appointed the 21st instant by Judge Bryan in the U. S. Circuit Court at Charleston: Newberry-Z. W. McMorris. Gibson's Store-W. W. Lazenberry. Maybinton.-James Titus. Cromer's Store-Newton Duckett. s Jalapa-H. E. Lewis. Longshore's Store-A. W. Long- ( shore. Williams' Store-Perry J. Lindsay. Dead Fall-Mark H. Williams. Prosperity-Calhoun Young. a Jolly Street-Isaac Maffett. -Pomaria-H. F. Williams. Glympbville-Elmore Richardson. The following Democratic Supervi sors of Election for this ,County were appointed the 23d: Newberry C. H.-O. L. Schumpert. Gibson's-J. O. Turnipseed. Maybinton-B. P. Aughtry. Cromer's-L. P. W. Riser. Jalapa-J. S. Gary. Longshore's-W. E. Higgins. d Williams'-W. W. Wallace. Dead Fall-F. M. Sebumpert.s Prosperity-S. L. Fellers. Jolly Street-D. H. Werts. c Pomaria-H. C. Ridlehiiber. Glymphville-W. H. Lane. c J. N. Beck, of Toledo, Ohio, says: -My father, before wearing the "On- ~ ly Lung Pad," could not sleep nights - on account of his violent coughing, ~ since wearing it he has slept soundly every night.-&e Adv. That Independent Ticket. r Last week we gave the views of some of the nominees on the mysterious In- C dependent ticket. Messrs. DeWalt, I Schumpert, Lake, Livingston and Folk said they would not run and would not serve if elected; Maj. Kinard declined , to be interviewed, but said he would f like to be Sheriff, and Mr. Thomason said he would serve if elected. This a~ week we interviewed the others. fi Col. E. S. Keitt, whose name appears for Representative, says, that if has been nominated it was without his con sent; being asked if he would run on the ticket she answered thytt he was not in politics, but was attending to his t< business; being further asked if he would serve if elected on the ticket hep replied, "I1 am like -.modest girl: I f will not kick before Pm courted ;" ' meaning that it would be time eno'ugh to say whether he would serve or not after he was elected. ti Capt. J. C. Swittenberg, whose name appear.s on the ticket for County Coin- I missioner, says that he has not author ized the use of his name ; that if he has I heen nommnated he does not knowit that he is not a canididate', and that if elected 0on the ticket hie would not serve. J. P. Sims, col., whose name appeals on the ticket for thy IIuse of Reprev sentat ives, says. tha:t if he !. lbeen I nominated it was without his knowleudge or con-en t; that he is not a caundidaite. andl wouldl not nueepI t a1 nomnina:ition!II un der~ anyi~ (cnsideCrationu ule ss it were by ai reguhir nointingiii! )enrunin or iI priunary~; thati he~ wVo1lh not? rve if eecited o n an indendeuihnt t.ickt, as such a course woulI be against thle in-n teests oft the people of thIis (0 Cuty. This disposes of the whole of the mysterious tieNket. except one0, a~ colored man, whom we have not been d! to see. The result is that Messrs. DeWalIt. Sbumplert. Sims, Lake, Kinaid, I. iV-t ingstoni andutSwittenbherg- decire posi tvly hia t I hey would not se'rve if eleet-I ed1: Mr. Thlomason says hie would, andl Col. Keitt is nioncommiiittal. Prep are youriself for tihe sovere andl I sudenCi ebanges o.f climate of winter andl spring, by prfocuing a bottle of Dr. Bull's dough Syrup. A Musical Ten-cent-tiah- * r Not precisely another grand 1876 r centennial, but rather a grand lot of t grand music foi- a small ten cent silver: piece. See it? Of course not, unless a you are a regular reader of the &%uthern MUsical Journal, and so are ap)pre- e cative of the dollar's wvorth of beauti- It< ful music whieb every monthly number l I) prsnnadwnhcssbttf Ct petos ndwhiche ols brt ceos, Prmu he ui wihi r-Ii tosaynothiger <yeathe subscrbr Iot isf| ertainly thebest musicalic isopre-| h ofnthedaey arly msicrsibeerally i CAroidii edtncet o certainly the biggest musical bonanza 9 of the day, and music loyers generally Various and all About. Fine weather continues. Cotton rolls in abuundantly. Nice rain Thursday-dust laid. Our lawyers are brushing up for Court. The little folks are beginning to ask tbout Santa Claus. The mystic 329 appears on all promi ient places in town. StaLioncry in large variety at the 3ERALI) Book Store. Jno. Davis, col., died in town Sun lay night of heart disease. Mr. E. S. Coppock picked a mess of trawberries on Tuesday last. Mr. 1). Kibler has delicious mack rel, and as cheap as can be fuund. We commence this week to strike off iames of subscribers who fail to re iew. Several Dew houses are being built it Prosperity, and the town is quite ively. The authorities of the G. & C. I. R. Lre building a commodious car shed at olumbia. The dengue or broken bone fever has tot yet reached New berry, and we trust t will not. The Humpty Dumpty troupe should 'isit Newberry by all means. A good Louse would greet them. Now is a good time to remind church aembers to pay up their preachers. loney is easy now, so don't forget it. If this number of the HERALD falls ato the bands of any one who is not a ubscrib,r, we ask that one to suibscribe. Read the certificate published by E. ,ourtney Jenkins & Co. The article 4vertised is for sale by Dr. S. F. Fant. Foot & Son are independent of the reather clerk; with their force pump nd hose they can lay the dust at any ime. The three one-story brick buildings a front of the Newberry Hotel have een greatly improved by the paint rush. Dr. Speake had another fine new ngine in town Tuesday afternoon last. le is acquainted with the best man facturers. A sight of Dr. Bruce in front of his ,rug store at Prosperity showed that be ;in fine health. We had only time to ake bands. Our exchanges are filled with ac ounts of serious accidents by cotton ins. Carelessness in a majority of ases is the cause. Remember November 1st, and help a swell the growd at the Cour t House -and then remember the 2nd, and lancock and Hagood. Don't stay at home'on election day to ;ather cotton or attend to any other du es. Cotton will do you no good if the ads get the upper hand. Found, during Fair week, an Over oat. The owner can have same by roving property and paying for this dvertisement'. 44-3t. The Palmetto Yeoman is responsible r the assertion that the corn crop loost everywhere will be heavier than er some years past. Cheering. Hack Cannon is as genial as ever, nd his good wife has not run out of iled chicken. Hack runs Wheeler & osely's Steam Mill, and has been run own with work. There was a fight Saturday between r. McGiwpsey's wild cat and a bull og. After one or two rounds, in which be cat got the best of it, the dog failed 2 "come up to the scratch." Only 25 cents for one hundred old apers at the H ERALD Oflice. G~ood >r rapping paper, making bed spreads nd papering rooms. Cheapest paper ut, come and get a supply. 44-4t Mr. Josepb Hunter and Mr. George ant have proved beyond all doubt that ne horses can be raised at home. The air which took the premium at the air are beauties. Citation notices or applications for diistationl be pai for inl ashi. Herieafter no suclh n:oticces w il e publ ishedu eitherC1 in the II:n.u.) or* wQs ules paS ~ id for in1 :advance. 44 4t A ilying :and vi-: v !rh:f trp) v:as ua.h-' Pr-osperity last Tou, and the o spita:: o. f its eltiz''nS was fo t olili 1 e u:naba:ted. It WV:3z s' ve.ry lasn at wve l:hal repelat it i-hortly. Eya co;y of Kndall::I 's Tie::'.i-c on~ 'Ir Dl -ic at Ilf:nAu.1) Book sure. 44 at Tue Greei::lec & Coh-mia lIt: Load ex- to Ch-lon is0 tu.e crow-I a go dwn from: N.-w berry.i The liison for visiting~ theI city by the se-a ;a delightful one. The Lu?t1heran Vitsitor wj!! be kep)t arm1t thiis w inter, jild ging by the quain tv of pine0 wood we saw catrried~ up in t he ofiec. 1ts edlitor, the Rev Jacob, Iw kinls, has1 imiproved his pape~r vaat A visit to the farm run by Joe IIun r ad Geou. Fanlt revea;hld the j;leasatnt et that they under-stand how to f::rm. veytiing abtoml th.e prennse3C s i1 mor er~ andi welTl kep1t. We pa:rticla:rly ed thje attenitiont paid b)y t hem to their Lock. Mrii. Jas. 0. Meredith, w.ho runs the 2odel farn at Helena, as well as a ailroad, is not so busy but that he has .me to remember his friends. Last cek he sent ns:; liberal and goodlly antity of fine yamns and ruta baga irnips. Thanks. The Thompson Street Church (Asso ite Reformed) has been moved back the rear of the church lot. The P'as >r and congreg'ation found that its e:rfless to~ the street and the conse nent noise interfered with the services. 'he building, which has a tower S0 feet igh, was rolled back a distance of 20 set. Mr. WV. A. Cline superintended ie job. FAITR NOTICE. Card '- .1 se11_' Henry N Comerud. Ordinar.. 7I Good Ordinar .. ... ... . .. . .. ':r Low Middling..... .- . 9 Go",d b :Jidldlin 1............... .. ' . ' Gt,od demad at qutation[. Newberry Price curra . By J. N. MARTrIN & Co. BACU\ Shu!:'.rs. P'rime New... Gu a O Shouhieris, Sugar Cured.......... ..... Sides. . I.. N w............ a 1" DRY SALTED 31EATS Shoulddr. New.............a Sides, C. R., New.......a1 SidIes, Long Clear.............. '1 H AMS Uucanvasised HIam........ Canvaet lats, (3a nlia 15 L A RD Leaf, in Tierces....... 12a ( f R Nu.kets............ 1 L SUG AR ed.. . ............. Cr. ded....................... 1 ' Gr:nulat.ed Standard..... ..12ia F.xtra 4'..................... . 1 Yeliow.................. New Orleaus-. .............. 1 Demarara................. - 3I0L ASSES - New O'larlens Syrup... 75 Cuba o asses.......... 60 T EA Gun powder...................... 5? Yon Hyson ........ ... 1I ALLeSICE.............. ...... 25 e ....... .................... - COFFEE Roasted or Parched... 25 st 111o.... ........... 5a Good Rio................. 20a VINEG AR C!der Vinegar......... 5 White WiUe Vinegr.. 35 CORF oanessee............... 9) 31EAL Bes.. .................... 0 GUboIted............... 2'> SOA>............................. .5a 10 Vi'IC........................ 12 'AR CANDLES................... 15 FLOUR, per' 1>............... 6.0a10.0' PEARL HMIINY................... 3 C ANDY .......................... 20 CONCENTRATED LYE......... 10 ENGLISIH SODA. ... 10 HORSFORD'S BAKING POWDER 25 SEA FOA1 IAKING POWDER... 35 AXLE GiEASE...................... 1) TOBACCO........... ......... 60a 1.25 NAILS (10;keg.... ................ 4.~0 BAGGING-Heavy.............. 12a14 ARROW TIES, per bunch....... ..2 5: RED CLOVER SEED-per lb....... 20 RE) OATS-per tu................. 50a Omc>: oF DEMOCnATIC EXECUTIVE CoMMITTEE, N]EBERY, S. C., Oct. I2en, 15S). The folloingui aor.ointments are made for publie :.nmzs in the County of' Necwerry: Herbert's M iii, Oct. 29. Liberty IHal!, Oct. :30. en; he'rry C. H., Nov. 1. These meetings n~ ill be addres:ed by the different candidates for office, and also by speakers from abroad. Everybodly is cxpe.cted to turn: out. By order' of Executive Co:nmitteec, M. A. (IARLI:ILE, County Chairman. L. WV. SI.MKIs, Seer"tary. 42-3t. 5TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWB3ERRY. IN PRIOBATE COURIT. Culen Lark, Ex,cuttor, Petitioner, against Sarah B3. Mitehll, Execntri.s,a;nd Patrick Js. Goleman, Defendants. to sell land to pay debts, &c. Ordered, ou motion of' .James M. Baxter, Att'v for P'otitionrw. :!essrs. Suber & Caid well, At:'ys fo)r Sarah B. Mitchell and Jas X Gulbreath, Attoriey for P'atrick J1. Cole mani, conlsenlting, That the above stat"d ca,se be set down for a full and tinal! hearing in this Court on uesday, the 26thz day of October. 1SS0, at 10 o'clock, A. M., wheni a final rettlemntlC will be made on the estate of Andrew Lee Lark, deceased. Jt is i'crther Ordered, that. notice to all parties in interest be givnu; hereof by pub ic advertisement unil the day afortecid. .3'. B. FEL.LERA, J. P. N. C. 11 October. ISSO. 42-3t. L gCut Smnoking Tobacco s mid, moist. fr'agrant and sweet Smokes ool. and goe.3 twvice a far as granlatled to acco. ALLEN~ & GINTER, Manufactulrere, Ric-nmond, Va. e -~ a LA. IC-'US en ie'itie11. A 2 a':t pe io wouild' with heu inG. Wth igt T are Cth, ieago i F Ot! eus dayja i ii. r. aiLtt~ radical mre cert in Iit is Noy, turbl aP1sl eha-. ente bylv~t nui. Circulars' free.(11(11 51 PariGlErfSTaiNR S p. ,Ciag,Il OR.erosE>rRY ersO, iz Orio.n from hupure bioad. try Boy.l's Minia ure Galvanic Uatterv. Weirn on eh.-st. A adical cure for 1:het~uuatism. Satnine Soc. *articulars for st am p. ovoov wr nom n'nim of le Ae. *I}, ict: I can sell ods at such LOW ittR PI C ES. T', se r.t e!r:1nc:C to th1+ c" ial wi.nts f cvV .. ,.,nd with tn oxp'ri'nce of twen'y - he Dir : h. xi t y e m t - t' ie: m}i:T)1 = >e.11t 'r"t t 'e I (,Z Yard ed m the ein of d ok b.; he libra pa-r':no here reinluy h invtceth C 120 M::i 0te ,1;0 1,044 S. C. LEADE CF Lt e:ilCES. e p. 2'22, t -- tf:. NOICE! In pll:st;.nce ot an orde'r of the Probate Court of this ('ount will si, at the late SidtRibce of John McGirlev, deceased, on Nov. S, all of the Personal Property of said deEased, consistin- of b I1OR ES, covs, HOGS, CORN, FODDER, COTTOSEED, GINS, Household and Kitchen Furiture, &C. Terms of sale-C I1l. HARRIET F. McCARLEY, Adniinistratrix. Newberry, Oct. 14, 18P. 4-v rNotice of Sale of Lands. No. , lo the r'eeoal eropert of shaeDai ealid dce,consisting of 0ars oeo es oouUEiS, ad fnr et,D.D IOE.Rs, og .DWl,HnSoe Cr.GoWS,Knrd ryo L-nso 1.ouseh d tand, Kitchn Furnitures, &c.e orTessrm haou 5ars of 2Neberyt, Octii4, 1880 4cr-s3or Nii foiena ofOTSal oans Int :b~tat will bel t exbry .Hi,bited on tertday of N vme,(aedy et all the realh estaeditwth inteviet, cvoni stinloe-cre pooroe orcueds oudby landsofprcherytha et Dr.wD H. sets Georg G. DWalt, HenreySoe. and othaers.) a e aes Thicuable oflatat will bvieWolt,i deea. Octat,cot .nn 21ae, moret ori le, ithabot35 ac ranes oiiA. Coplorefst.riton 2. Oner tracot, cotiin 150l aces, meore th ess wotharelin house ad a ulc Inece,sary htoubuidldg wi the aTown o0 aecr , ;oiginl' fortestrsi,cnan Plnet oth tranac, wiore exhibite onh daytrm ofer fNnead~rigo tees:n boneid borlcash o -t . hi-d onr 12s monh crdi-thiterest ra E.rCicn .Taymo: ae-pcaer poriont be reured toby Boneid ofh purchaset atoley two caohed teurede motage oabreies Prcas rs tho ay fo papers. h~n : Excuo f last w~2'ill'.- of David DeWalt, deeaed Ot~. 1, 42s.i to STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. IN CO3D10N PLEAS. SJier, Joh Rei~. Siider,~I and lsT the Court lO use1 at. Newberry, t pubi :e utcr, (n th first1 Mod in Novembe Newber, and.~ S:..te aoresai c 'oii one, for fa cr,m r or les on tb Eostern cNer of Nance an -.arngo eStrets an bounded b lot of D.RP ferm, Jas.. Buer Mrs. Saa E.Ci J.Mcnohd . C. Pool. to payj fone-tiJPrd fteprhaemnyi Aoge ofw the prms,-nicyfo h weemryp gJ-s. Treid pateae ilas Blow r. ire to iSur the~ pope:y :itian CastrsGll - 7thJ * e.. 1880. 4a -:r . STAEORSUT CALNA, oiCeoUNT Fa NEBFeRY. INwlm astlmci CO ADIONniLEAS. Notice of Final Settlement. T wm meM a c.a.14.-.a ... A 2..,:.,:-...