The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, October 06, 1880, Image 4

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OCTOBER. S T W T ' F S 1616 f3 4 5 6| 7 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 -18 19 20 21 22 23 !24!25 26 27 28 29 30 i311- - -K- L LET US HAVE SLEEP. How to Bid Your Sleeping Apartments c Mosquitoes. A writer in fiarper's Bazar speak. as follows of the value of "Persiai Camomile" in exterminating flies mosquitoes and other wandering wayfarers that interfere with th< peace and comfort of humanity The Pyrethrum roseum, of "Persia' Camomile," is the powdered leaf o a harmless flower growing in Can cassian Asia in great profusion where for centuries it has beer used to rid the natives of unwel come guests from the insect world It can be purchased of almost an3 druggist, at about seventy cent. per pound, already prepared fo use. With a finely powdered dus1 made from these flowers, the mos quito, the house fly, the wicket flea, and the disgusting Cimex lec tularius may all be promptly put. t< eight or calmly murdered-a mur der conferring on the human hear a joy too deep for words ; for cer tainly it is a joy to sit, as I do now at my writing table this hot night watching the expiring agonies o insects, and rarely feel a retributive sting to warn one of their presence In order to enjoy this vengeful delicious sport, it is only necessar3 to heap up in a little cone, one tea spoonful of the blessed drug pyre thrum, touch it withW a lightei match, and watch .the thin, blut line of smoke as it rises to the ceil ing and is wafted through the air changing the busy drone of inseci life into a weak wail of insect woe Pretty soon down they come plump on to the table, and over your pa per, spin on their tiny backs, and then sheath their lancets, curl ui their hair-like legs, and interest one no more. UJp-stairs our little ones sleel unmolested, though there are thou. sands of mosquitoes in the room; the pests are sick unto death,:and cling sadly to the walls, too feeble to think of tapping the rich, warn blood that glows~ in ruddy little limbs just below ; the fame of the pyrethrum has settled their busi ness, and while it lingers in the room, outsiders are unwilling tc -make an entry, though the windows are raised and the lattices only hal closed. Gauze bars were long since ban ished from our beds ; indeed, we have not used them for nearly sever years. They are hot, stuffy things at best, and one must be sadly driven to attempt to sleep undez such a cover ; then, as we know, the mosquito always finds his way through, no matter how carefully one may tuck up his folds about the couch. Smoke from the Persian Camo mile, or its dusty powder, we have found most efficacious, and your readers .will bless me when once they try it. The purity of the drug must be assured. This can readily be tested: It must have a bright buff color, be light, readily burned, and give pleasant tea-like fragrance ; one pinch should kill a dozen flies, confined in a bottle, al once. Where~ it fails of these properties it has been adulterated. In common use in large or breezy rooms, where from great dilution ii fails to kill, it nevertheless produces on insect life, through its volatilized essential oil or resin, undoubted9 nausea, vertigo, respiratory spasm, and paralysis. It acts upon them through the minute spiracles, the breathing tubes, that stud the sr face of their little bodies, and form the delicate net-work of veins in their-tiny wings. To inman beings it is, so far as I can ascertain, entirely innoxious and not disagreeable. That we-a family of eight persons, infants and adults-liave lived in an atmospherE of pyrethrum dust and smoke com -ie,drn hs rsn umr nother visit in thirty minutes. the sight of seeming millions of dead and squirming vermin on the door will do his heart good-that is, if he is human and not an an gel. Having drafted our plan of bat tle against these little foes, it be comes proper to speak of the care >f the wounded. To cure mosquito stings, I know of nothing better than a twenty per cent. solution, in ,ither oil or water, of pure carbolic Icid. This is to be rubbed well on the painful spot. To bathe one's tingling hands an'd smarting limbs with this solution, gives a cooling, grateful sensation that is hard to describe. Carbolic soap will do almost as well, or an ointment com pounded of carbol, camphor and cosmoline. Whatever preparation may be se lected-and perhaps the simplest is the best-in the carbol lies all the virtue, because of its localizing anesthetic action on terminal nerves, loops and fibres. Carbol. however, has no power, that I am aware of, to drive mosquitoes away, and its careless use in large quan tities might be dangerous. BRISKET oF BE.-The joint should never exceed more than seven pounds to eight pounds. For a small party 't should be nicely trimmed and made a bright brown, either by half roasting before the fire or placing a sufficient time in a pro per oven. The stewing process should be very gradual. Use filtered water and fresh vegetables-carrots, but ton onions, turnips, celery leaves ; or, failing these, celery seeds. And do not forget one tablespoonful of brown sugar, and salt of course ; but the sugar improves the general flavor. wonderfully. For the gravy thicken and brown a little of the stock the meat has been stewed in. Add one teaspoonful of Indian soy ; pour round the dish with the vege tables cut in tidy shapes. A few of the French mushrooms from the tin are a great improvement ; but these must only be put in at the last. A small tin will last two or three times. The meat washed or rather brushed over with a brown ing made from lightly burned su gar, looks much nicer than when sent up as it comes out of the cook ing pot. CURE FOR AeKICKING Cow.-A cor respondent of the Western Stock Journal says he o.nce had a valua ble heifer which was an exceedingly vicious kicker. To cure her of the habit he took a common garden hoe and passed the hoe end in front of her off hind leg and behind and above the gambrel joint2of the nigh hind leg. Then sitting down on the right to milk, he put the handle of the hoe well up under his arm and began milking. The heifer could not stir either hind leg, and after one week she could be milked safely without fettering, and proved to be a valuable and gentle animal. PLoUGHmsG CoRN STrUBLE.-All ploughing under or otherwise dis posing of rubbish from gathered crops should be done during Sep tember and October. If roots are to be grown next season where corn stubble is to be ploughed under let it be done deeply and all the stubble well covered. Root cul ture requires good farming, and rough, uneven ploughing, with loose corn stubs on the sur face, is not good farming. A well ploughed corn stubble may be worked with the disk harrow in the spring and well fitted for roots, which are preferable to oats to fol low corn. Mrs FEvER.-Milk fever is a dis ease of the blood consequent upon a disorderly circulation, and is a sort of appoplexy, the brain being in.famed and conjested, and the nervous system prostrated. Usual ly, a cow affected with this disease lies still, with the head on the flank, but sometimes dashes the head about violently. Mild cases alone are amendable by treatment, which would be to give a strong purgative-sixteen or twenty ounces of Epsom salts, with half an ounce of carbonate of rmmonia, light feed ing, and rest in a dark, clean, cool, quiet stable.-Amnerican Dairyman. THE MODERN CRAZE.-Jhe beet sugar interest has extended itself to Nova Scotia, which is also be coming noted for its thoroughbred cattle. To remove iron rust, apply osalic acid to the spot with the fingers wet with water, then lay in the sun Li.. i.. 1 35 Per Cenit. D)IS " 2 'I' LE . SSEND FOR PRIC An elegat (o appr ove and inv S Tonic for Dys~pe worn l-OUt m:rse oteVery g n CHAl\ REGISTERED. 5i', 1-61 means SERH ighly recommended to te pblicforalldis I ae eqiigacertain A Great Tonic. and efficient TO3NIC: especially in Indiges -- tion,D iy papst a,i ~~~IRON BITR,InternaittenatF petite, Loss o A Sure Appetizer. Strength, Lack o . . .Enermy, etc. It en ERSIRO iches the blood, strengthens the mus I RON BITTERS and gives new life A Complete Strengthener. tO T --- <ren requiring recuper-' RSBR tion this valuable IRO BITER, ~ reX cnnot be too .A Valuable Miedicine. It acts like a charm on the digestive organs. meals will remove all IIIUII ERS dyspeptic symptomns. Not Sold asaBererage. T RY I T. IRON BSolRS,by al Druggists,I FornDelicate Females- BAL T IMOR E Md. Wholesale by DOWIE & MOISE, Wholesale ruggists, Charleston, S. C. 15-ly. A CARD. (PHO TOG AH APH.) larks' Superior Photos. Know everybody, by these presents reeting. That we are prepa red to do all nds of portrait and lan~dscape w ork im e finest style known to the art. Ferro ypes, photographms, from card to 8xI10 ches ini size, large and small, old anid ~oung, finished in India ink, crayon, water )i oil color, at prices never before ap )roched in this count Iry. The se.ason of landscape or out-door pie ares b:ing uponu us, we are prepared to he vh " of residences, or anmy k ind of )utdoor pictu;r, sweIreoscopie or single arge s iews. Iii .-uiicient encouralgermenit offere i ne '2.iii view upSewberry. If ou wish pictuires of your homies now is the Eeydyshould have a picture of their ~oe. Visit thWalr aL i nd leave your )rder. The m~ore that will take pictures e cheaper will rihey comec. CLARK BROS.I A pr. 21, 17-t f.I MHOW: Hw Lost, Hw estord! JTust pub)lished, a new edition of D)r. Culverwe-lPs Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (with out meldicineC) of SPERM1ATORI H<A or Seminal Weakness, involuntary iemial Losses, IMtrOTEscY, Mental amid{ ?hysial Incapacity, Imnlledienmts to Mar ae etc.; also, CoNSUPTios, ErlLumsY - fd FiTs. induced by self-indulgcc or exual extravagance. &c. The celebrated author. in this admirable ssav, clearly dlemonsrates, from a thirty a' successful practice, that the alarm g onlsequenlces of self-abuse may be rad alv cur-cd without the dangrous use of t'ral medicine or rihe applicatiorn of the nife; pointinig out a imodle of cure at on1ce rmple, certain, and( etrectual, by mens~ of' ~-hich every sutTrtr, ino matter what lis :mdtitioni may h,e, umay cure hims,elf cheap v. and radicai'v. *g- This Lecture should be in the hands f every yout it anid every mian in the land. Sent undekr seal, in a1 plain envelope, to ny addlress, post-paid. on receip)t of six Cts or two posttaae stamtps. A nn st., N.ew York ; Post OAlice Bo02:, 15001. July 7, 28-ly._____I CI l. li. aSa - an FAR THE BEST. tH Large, airy roomrs. Table unsurpassed, d that EXCELLENT SPRING WATra make 001141 to a seaside or rimountain home. ~ risk, Doors and Blinds. REDU ['HE PRICE 4 COUNT from CHIC S UPP,LY 'ES BEFORE ORDE ET BOURBON TONIC. mbination of Boneset and other fine tonics Kentucky Whiskey, such as connoisseurs alids must have, not a drop of any other L. rich, wholesome and delicious stimulant psia, Debil tv, Malaria &c. n, over-worked clergymen and physicians, sufferers from bronchitis and the feeble I class will find it a delightful invigorant. TBERS & BROWN, LOUISVILLE, KY. Pianos and Organs. ea - - WW W EM o - UP c==~ ~I, -.1 *1 ~ Oi ;:: tr _ * M * r COLUMBA S. C .eoedt str tw odor neto WheebHue A ful st oko.Pr eiie,Cei TILl 180 OTL WILASON .C Heath SumrReot I'esbcibrse tfulJom e nds nd heraveingpub i geealy d patclrytoeinqeto elh itseha ae thIbv ae oua >tlIadwilspr noefr n e att ider gust omfortbe Th talwl aml prvie wihgo aptzn e, an h rom eti sc odto ~teI, and will spare no effort on her part to ~der guests comfortable. The table will amply provided with good appetizing e, and the rooms kept in such condition tt fank cannot be found. AGO PRICES RING ELSEWHERE. .VIscelianeous. K{ENDALLUS~ KENDAWLS SPAVIN ~ CURE. THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY ever dis covered. as it is certain in its etfects and does not blister. RE AD PROOF BELOW. FROM REV. P. N. GRANGER, aPresiding Elder of the St. Albans District. St. Al bans. Vt., Jan. 2(rth, 1880. Dr. B. J1. KsNDALL & Co.. Gents: In reply to your l!ete I will say that my experience with 'KendzalPs spavinl Cure' has beeOn veryv satisfactory indeed. Three or four years ag'' I procured a bottle of your agent. and with it, cured a horse ot lameniess caused by a spatvin. Latst seaOn m horse becamie verv lame and I turne:1 nim out for a few weeks when hne became better, but whlen I p)ut him on the road he grew worse, when I I di.acoveredl that a rinigbone was forming, I procured a bottle of KendIall's spnvin Cure and with less than a bottle cured him so that he is not lame, neither can thae bunch be found. Respecttully yours. P. N.GRANGER. PERSEVERANCE WILL TELL. Stogton,Mass, Mach 1th, 1880. B. J. K EN DALL & Co., GEN~Ts: In justice to you and nmyself. I think I ought to let you know that I have removed two bonc spa Ivinis with 'E endall's Spavin Cure,' one very large one. d mn't k-now how long the spavin Ihad been t:Iere. I have owned the horse eight montns. It took me four months to take the large one off and two for the small one. II have used ten bottles. The horse is etielywl. not at all stiff. and no bunch to be se.n or felt. This is a wond erful med icine. It is a new thing here, but if it does for all what it has done for me its sale will be very gre it, Respectfuliy yours, CHAS. E. PARKER. KENDALU'S SPAVYIN CURE IAcme. Michigan. December W8h, 1879. I B. J. KENDA LL & Co.. GENTS: I sent you one dollar for your "Kendall's Spavin Cure" last summer which cured a bone spavin with half a bottle. The best liniment I ever uset'. Yours respectfully. HOMER HOXIE. STATEMIENT MADE UNDER (iATE. To Wr.u orIT .ML CONCERN.-In the year 1875 I treated wi'.n Kendall's Spavin Cure, a bone sparin ot severs.l months' growth, nearly hal f as large as a hen's egg. and comn pltely stoppedC~ the lameness and removed the enlrg:nent. I hrave worked thne horse since very hard. and he never has been hmne, nor coul'd I ever see any ditference in the siz'e of the hock joints since I treated him w'.ith Kendall's Spavin Cure. B. A. GAINES. Enosburgh Falls. Vt., Feb. 25, 1879. Sworn and subscribed to before me this 25th day of Feb.. A. D. 1S79. IJOrN 0 . JENNE, Justice of the PeaCe. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE ON HUMAN I FLESH. Patten's Mills, Washington Co., N. Y., Feb. 21, 1878. B. J. KENDALL, M. D.: Dear Sir-The paLr ticular case on which I used your -Spavin Cure" was a malignant ankle sprain of six teen months' standiing. I had tried many things, but in vain. Your "Spavin Cure" put the foont to the ground again, and, for the lirst time since hurt, in a natural posi tion.- For a famnily liniment it excels any thung we ever used. Yours truly, REV. M1. P. BELL, Pastor M1. E. Church, Patten's Mills, N. Y. KENDALL'S SPAvIN CURE is sure in its et fects, mil-d in its action as it dhoes not blis ter,. ye it is penetrating and powerful to reach every dleep se.ted pain or to remove any bony growth or other enlargement, such as spavins, splints. curbs, callous, sprains, swellings, any lameness and all en largements of the jqints or limbs, or rheu nmatismn in man or beait. It is now known to be tihe best liniment for ma:n ever used, acting mihil and yet certain in its effects. Send aidd ress for Illustrated Circular which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. No remedv has ever met with such unquali fed success to our knowledge, for beast as well as man Price Si. per bottle, or six bottles for $5. ALL DRUeGusTrS have it or can get it for you. or it will he sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors. Du. B. J1. K EN. DAL 0&C., Enosburgit Falls, Vermont. HUN,'l.-uIN& LAmrin. Agts., Atlanta. Ga., also, ThoMPSON & MUTH, Baltimore, Md. Jun. 9. '24-{m. DOWIE & MOISE, Agenits, CHARLESTON, S.C. Fisk's Patent Metal ie Barial Cases. Alto, Walnut and Rosewood Coffins and Caskets alvays on hand. WilI persoully superintend the prepara ton of grnves, building of vaults, usmng in their construction best hydraulic cement, rendering them perfectly waterproof. All orders promptly atteuded to day or niht. Omeie ini rear of Leavell & Speers' Marble Yard. L. M. SPEERS. A pr. 23, 1879-17-tf. OUR MONTHLY. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR-. On MoNTa LY is a magazine devoted to gen- f eral and religious reading. Its contains 24 e double column pages. and every endeavor will t be made to make it worth the money. Every charitably inclined persou should sub scribe for it, as the entire subscription is devoted to the support of the orphans in the Iren>wEL f.Of PH AN AGIE .7iiscellanaeous. D. i, C. Is as ft oint. :,i irresistable cure for DRUNKU cnnesa, Tntemperanr an'. -the use of Opium. To hba'.eo, :rcu:i. S. : i t :, its, rem' in. . al Rtaste, dere and ha: t f u :>: any of the::. ren 'ard irre. table comlt the subriety ou them-1 sei-hs ,.-:::seir irie:n .. it pre -:;t.. th:it a lrute p1yical ar.d moral pro::ran l that fol,, ti .. r n breaking ol '.:ci :::o. pr m .'2. 1 e0 ::t n . . uersons, $:2, or at yuur dr 1::.:iitS, '. i:'. Te::,pe,r:::ee 8 i s : , T ree-mmend It. Hop Bitters Mig. Co.. R dzieN. Y. Soie Agents Hop Cour Cure d.:or a'i p:,in. oosens the counh, Quins tie nerves, p:cttucts resL, aLe never faiis to care. The Hop Pndfor ctnmac'. T.ver ard Kiineys, Is superior to all othcrs. .: b. aLbsri.a.1. It is perfet-aso dra: its. TheHop nittera Mfg. Co., o: i. :1... . . -rny. repar, these remadies, alto t'.e ii p >: r.:. v. a :. " ' t berera;-e nr-irtoxicr.t.r.!t theP;: :- t .u.d,-,na eve7 FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCC!STS, DUIIAL CAEN1 1 , HAPMAN &0 Respectfully announce that they have o hand the largest and best variety of BI RIAL CASES ever brought to Newberr" consisting of Fisk's Metalic Cases, Embalming Cases, Rosewood Cases Together with COFFINS of their own Malk Which are the beet and cheapest in tt place. Hiving a FINE HEARSE they are pr, pared to furnish Funerak in town or coui try in the most approved manner. Particular attention gives to the wallin up of graves when desired. Give us a call and ask our prices. R. C. CHAPMAN & SON May 7, 1879. 19-tf. 1 TREITISE ONTRE1 1 01I AND HIS DISEASES. Containing an "Index of Diseases," whic gives the symptoms, cause, and the be: treatment of eaetn; a table giving all ti principal diugs used for the horse, with tf ordinary dose, effects, and antidote when poison ; a table with an engraving of tif horse's teeth at diiferent ages, with ruit for telling the age of the horse ; and othe valuable mtformiation Call and get a cop: For sale at HERALD BOOK STORE. A ug. 18, 34-tf. IIRITHi'LL HOTEL, MRS. EMMA F. BLEASE PROPRIETRESS, NEWBERRY, S. C. This commodious and spacious Hotel fow openI andi fully prepared1 to entertai all comners. The Furniture of every description is nov and no etrort will be spared t.o make all pe: sons patronizig the esta1bishment%t lhon The Rtoomis ini this Hotel ar spacion: well lighted. and the best ventilated of an Hotel in thme up-country. The Hotel is furnished with fine cister an-1 wvell water. and the table is guarautae to be the best ini the place. TERMS REASONABLE. July 21, 1880. 30-ly. Preserve Your Old Books E. R. STOKES, Blank Book Manufacturei AND GMENR1 BOOKBINDER Has mnoved opposite the City Hall. wher he is fully prepared, with first-class wvork men, to (10 all kinds of work in his line. BLANK BOOKS RULED to any patt-eri and bound ill anly style desired. My facilities andc long acqua'intance wit1 tle business enable me to guarautee satisrac ion on orders for B-mk Books, Railroa< Books, and Books for the use of Clerks o Court, Sheriffs, Probate Judges. Masters ii Equity, and other County Officials. Pamphlets, Magazines, Mus ic, Newspaper ind Periodicals, and all kinds of publication ound on thme most reasonable terms and i ie best manner. All orders promptly attended to. E. R. STOKES, Main Street. opposite New City Hall, Ot. 8, 41-tf. Columbia, S. C ENJ. F. GRIAFTON, STrORY B. LADD HIALBERT E. PAINE. Late Conmmissioner uf Patents. PATENTS. PAIN~E, GRAFTON & L.ADD, .ttorneys-at-Law and Solicitors ot Ameri can and Foreign Patents. 12 FIFTH STREET. WASHINGTON. I). C Practice patent law in all its branches in he l'atent Onice, and ini the Supreme and ;ircit Courts of the United States. Pam. >hlet sent tree on receipt of' stamp for p)ost ge. sep. 1, 1880 3+-t f. Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Rail Road. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, 'WitarsGTON, N. C., May 26, 1880. Commencing June 1st, 1880, ROUND 'RIP TICKETS to tile IINRAL SPRINGS AND 8U1IR RESORTS -oF Irgina, West Virginia an4 North CarolIn; Vill be on sale at the Coupon~ Ticket Of ces of this Road. For Tickets. Price Lists nd Time Cards containing all needful in >rmation, call onl the undersigned or Tick t Agents at Wilmington, Florence, Sum er or Columbia. A. POPE, General Passenger Agent. Jtne 9, 24-t. u1 U WAu I a AIa m Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. \UT~IIES AMN0JE\1t'EL!fl At the New Store on Hotel Lot. I have no- on hand a largec and elegant as=ortlment of WA TCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver and Plated Ware, VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS, SPECTACLES AND SPECTACLE CASES, WEDDING AND BIRTHDAY PRESENTS. IN 1N1)L%.SS V.,RITY. All orders by mai promp1y atte"ti.t t". Watchmaking and Repairing Done Cheaply and with Dispatch. Call and examine my stock and prices. EDUARD SCHOLTZ. Nov. 21, 47-tf. J.iscelaineous. .NO MORE. OR GOUT' ALI CYLIC SURE CURE. MaIufacturei uiy 1nLekr t1e above Trade Mark, by the EUltOt'EAN SALICYLIC IED IcINE 00., of Paris and Leipzig. '..IMEDIATE RELIEF WARRANTED. PERMA NENT CURE GUARANTEED. Now eXclusively used by all celebrated Physicians of Europe I- and America. The highest Medical Acade my of Paris reports 1-> cures out of 100 cases within three days. Secret.-The only dissolver of the poisonous Uric Acid which exists in the Blood of Rhen matic and Gouty Patients. CURED. CURED. CuRED. H. S. D)ewev, Es;i.. 201 Broadway, Intlam matory Iheumatism. J. Leav'vev. Esq.. 455 Washington Market, Chronic Itntuilinatigu. Mrs. E. Towne, ;:; East Nintil street.(chalky formation in the joints), Chronic Rieuma tisin. A. M. Prager. 74 Newark avenue, Jersey City. Chronic i,Imnatism. John F. Ch:tmberliin, Esq.. Washington Club. Washington. D. C.. Rheumatic Gout. Wm. E. Arnold, Esq., 13 Weybosset street, Providence, R. I., of twenty years' Chronic Rheunat ism. John B. Tarngate. 100 Sanchez street, San Francisco. Neuralgia and Sciatica. FOR MALARIAL. INTERMIITTENT AND CHRONIC FEVERS, CHILLS, OR AGUE, e SALICYLICA IS A CERTAIN CURE, Superseding entirely the use of Sulphate of Quinine, as it will not only cut the fevers, but will achieve a RADICAL CURE, without any of the inconveniences and troubles arising g from QUININE, $1 a Box, Six Boxes for $5. Sent free by Mail on receipt of money. - ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT, but take no imitation or substitute, as our Salicylica (copyrighted) is guaranteed to re lieve, or money refunded, and will be de ,ivere frt on receipt of orders, by calling WASHBURNE & CO., S,OLE AGENTS, 212 Broadway, cor. Fulton St., (Knox Build h ing), NEW YORK. W. E, PELIRAM, Sole Agent, e Feb. 2->, 1S80-0-ly. a T>R. J. W. SIPsoN. J. WISTAR SIPSON. SIMPSON & SIMPSON, r gROgaRIKTnMS GLENN SPRLNGS, Spartanburg County, So. Ca. OPEN TO VISITORS ALL THE YEAR ROUND. Accessible from Union C. H., on the Spart.anburg & Union R. R , sixteeni miles South-east of the Springs, and from Spar. tanburg G. HI., tweh'e miles North. Trhere are good Livery Stables at each of these poimt s. R-E arsoy DoARD, COTTAOE RENT, aC. For Single Meals.. ...............$ 75 For a Day.......................200 nFor a Week per Day.............1 75 For a Month per Day............ 1 15 CtaeRent, per tenement, 3 rooms per mnonth...... .......... ...1 (100 ,Cot tage Rent, whole cottage, 6 rooms r per mo~nth.... ... ... ... ,. . 17 00 SWater per Gallon (vessels etaat cost)........................... 15 Fe b. 2'), 8-tf. WANTED. One Hundred Raw Hides, WEEKLY, At PINE GROVE TANNERY. MARTIN & MOWER, f PROPRIETORS. Oct. 1.5, 1879. 42- tf. H. L. FARLEY, Attorney at Law REAL ESTATE AGENT, SPARTANBUR4G, S. 0. PROM PT ATTENTION TO ALL BUSINESS, Mar. 10, 11-1y. WANTED. N. -BY J. . MARTIN & CO0, Aug. 18, 34--tf. NEWBERRY HOTEL, -BY A. W. T. SIMMONS. This elegant new Hotel is nowv open for the reception of guests, and tize proprietor will spr oeffort to give satisfaction to the travelling public. Good airy rooms, comn fortable beds, the best of f:are, attentive, ac- a commodating servants,and moderate charges I will be the rule. June 9, 24-tf. HARVEY REESE,1 IN NEBRYHTL1 IN R~ff HOTELt~ . Rail Roads. Greenville & Columbia Railroad. S71 .TZ On and after Monday, August 30, 188. the Passenger Trains will run as follows daily, Sun days excepted: UP. Leave Columbia, - - a - 11.35 a m Aisto:, - - - - L.41 p i New berry. - - - - 1.35 p in " Ildcs, - - - 4 p in " lkelten. , - - - 5.2. p in Arrive Greenville, - - - - 6.35 p ni DOWN. Leave Grnviiie, - - - 11.10 a mi Leitoi, - - - 1:22 a In Hodges, - - 136 p m Newberry, - - - 4.-' p n A lton. - - 5.15 ip n Arrive Columbia, - - - 6.07 p is ANDERSON BRANCH AND BLUE RIDGE DIVISION. Daily, except Snndays. UP TRAIN. Leave Belton at. 5.27 p m Anderson 5.56 p m " Pendleton 6 38 p m Perryville 6.59 p m Leave Sei.eci. 7.!4 p m Arrive at WaIhaiia 755 . an DOWN TRAIN. Leave WVilla at, - - 9.35 a m 1., dvr seNeca. 10.0i a m - I'.-. '"e. - - 10.12 a mn Pemli-".n. - -- 10.45 a m " Aiderso. - - 11 35 a m Arrive at lielton. - - 12.10 a in Laurens liailroau train leaves Laurens at 7.00 a in. and !.(5 p. in.. and Newierrv at 9.55 a. in. and 4.15 >. in.. daily except Sun<ays. Abbevi le Branch Train connects at Hodge's with down and up train daily, Sundays ex cepted. Leave Abbeville 12.40 a. m.; leave Hod ges 4 15 p. n. Up and down Trains on the main stem make close connection at Columbia with the up and down day I'as.sen_er Trains on the South Caro lina Raifroad and the through Passenger Train on the Wilniingtou. Cilumbia and Augusta Railroad; at Alston witL trains of the Spartan burg. Union and Columbia Railroad; at Ser.eca with Charlotte and Atlanta Air Line Railway from and to Atlanta for all points South. J. W. FRY. Gen'l Supt. J P. .\ r:aDITH, Master Transportetion. JADEZ NoRTON. General Ticket Agent. South Carolina Railroad 'iampany. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. CUANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after July 11th. 1860, Passenger Trains on this road will run as follows un til further notice: GREENVILLE EXPRESS. GOING EAST DAILY. *Lcave Colunibia at - - - G.15 P M* Arrive Cam:den at - - - - 9.10 P. M. Arrive Charleston at - - 11.00 P. M.. *II Sundays this train will leave Column bia at 2.15 P. M., and arrive at Charleston at. 7.30 P. M. GOING WEST DAILY. Leave Charleston at - - - G.15 A. 3 Leave Canuen at - - - 8.00 A. 31. Arr ive Columbia a.t - - - 11.30 A. M WAY FREI(IT AND PASSENGER. GoiNG EA T DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.. -Leave Columnbia at - - - 5.10 A. 3r. Arrive Can:len at - - - - 1.40 P. M. Arrive A ugust. at - - - - . 25 P. M. Arrive Charleston at - - - 2.00 P. M. GOING WEST DAILY EXCEIT SUNDAYS. *Lav Charleston at - - 9.00 A. :M. Leave Augusta at - - - - 8.00 A. M1. Arrive Columbia at - - - 5.37 P. M. *P)assengers taking these trains chang~e cars at Brancehville to reach Charleston at 2.00 P. M1., or Columbia at 5.37 P. 3.. NIGHT EXPRESS. GOING EAST DAILY. *Lecave ('olumbia at - - - 9.30 P. Mf. Arrive Augusta at - - - 7.50 A. M. Arrive Charleston at - - - 6.15 A. 31. *P)assengers who are not in S eeping Car,. change at Branchville to reach Charleston at 6.15 A. Mi. GOING WEST DAILY. Leave Charleston at - - - 9.05 P. M1. Leave Augusta at - - - - 7.40) P. M1. Arrive Columbia at - - - 6.10 A. Mi. The Express Trains run daily, all othecrs daily ex'ept Sunday. On Camden Braich Trratins do not run Sundays. Sleepin:g Cars are attac.hed to Night Express T1rains. Berths only $1.30 between Columbia, Char leston and Augusta. Round Trip Tickets are soldl on Satuirdays and Sundays fromf all Stat ions, good till .\onday noon to retutrn, at one Iirst class tare. Connections madel, at Colubia~ with C. C. & A. Rt. Rt. nui 0. & C. Rt. it , to and fronm all points on each Road; at Charleston on Wednesdays an<l Saturdays with Steamers to anid from New York. 'The Night Express Trains to and trom Columbia make clos~e connections at Kingville with Newv York Express Trains, to which is attached a Pullman Steeping Car running between Augusta and New York without change. Connections made at Augusta to and fronm all points West and. South. For through tickets to any point., apply to A. B. DESAUSsURE. Agent, Columbia. D. C. ALL EN, G. P.& T. A,. JoiiN B. PECK, General Superintendent., SPARTANBURO, UNION & COLUMBIA L Ra SPARTANBURG* & ASIIEVIIXB B. E.. SPARETANBURG, S. S., Sep. 27, 180. On and after the above date the folloijr Schedules will be run over these Roads daly" (Sundays excepted): UP TRAIN. Leave Alston........--.......3.00 p. " Union.-------..........6 45 p. mn.. Arrive Spartanburg............8.30 p. m.. Leave Spartanburg--.-.---.. .... 1.30 p. in.. Arrive at Henudersonville..........00 p. mn.. Close connection is made at Aiston with. train from Columbia on Greenville & Colum bia Road. At Columbia, connection is made From Charleston, Wilmington and Augusta.. At Spartanhurg, connection is made at Air Line Depot with trains from Atlanta nud Charlotte, also with Stage Line to Glenn Springs. At l!endJersonville, connection is made with a first clase Line of Stages to Asheville, rriving there the same evening. Parties desirous of visiting Cear's Head >r other puints of interest enn be provided with iir:t class conveynnees fromi the LiveryI stables in Hendersonvill. at reasonable ratmes. TRAIN SOUTH WVill leave Hendersonvile........6.00 a. mn. Geave Spartanburg............10.10 a. mn. ~eave Union..................12 10 p. mn. &rrive at Aiston...............3.17 p. mn. These Roads are in excellent condition; urnished with first class Coaches; provided vith all necessary appliances for safety and omf'ort of Passengers. At Spartanburg ed Iendersonville the Hotel accommodlations rc now amplle for a large increase of travel. 'hey will be found well supplied with good ountain fare at reasonable rates. JAS. ANDERSON, Supt. (IDNEY REGULATOR AND DIURETIC. KDNEGEN is hih1y recommeanded ,nd :anz rpw.ssd for WEAK~ or FOU : DNEYN, DROPSY, BR EG H T'S L'5% ASE, LON%S of ENERrY, NERVOUS EILi'1'T, or any OBSTRIUCTIONS rising fromi (RAVEL or BLADDER IEAISES. AI%o for Y EL LOW FEVER, SLOt)D and K IDNE Y POISONING, in fcU4'I aarial section. EP"By ibe distillatiion of a FOREST LEAF with JNIPER BERRIES and BARLEY MA LT wehae .s:over-ed KIDNEGEN, which acts specifically on the idneys and Urinary Organs. remnovmg4 deposits in the . !adder and any straining, sma'rtin.g, hea,t or irritation in e water pseages, giving themu a- a.gth, vigor and nsing a healthy color and easy flow of urine. ~It canh takeflnat all t imes, in all climates, without injury to e sstem. Unlike any othmer preparation for Kiaey itciia tbs e ypleasant ad agreeable ate. at fl~nr h ~ uoaIt!'~e diuretic~ n~vs~-ti~..