The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, February 11, 1880, Image 3

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Special and Local. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 11, 1881 INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. P. B. Ruff-Settle Up. S. E. Stratton-Notice. J. B. Fellers-Citation. J. 0. Turnipseed-Notice. C. & G. S. Mower-Clark's Mile-End Spo< Cotton. E. W. Thomason-Bankrupt Stock c Watches, Jewelry. &c. SPECIAL NOTICE.-Business no tices in this local column are inserted a the rate of 15 cents per line each inser tion. Obituaries, notices of meetings, com munications relating to personal inter ests, tributes of respect, &c. are chargec as regular ad ertisenents at $1 pe, square. Notices of administration, and othe legal notices, obituaries, tributes of re spect and notices of meetings, as well a cow" nunications of a personal cuzracte must be paid for in advance The subseription price of the Heral is $2.00for twelve months, $1.00 for sia months, 50 cents for three months anc 25 cents for one month, in advance. Names in future will not be placed or the subscription books until the cash o' its cquivaXlent is paid. g' All communications relating tc personal interests will be inserted al regular advertising rates one dollar pei square, cash in advance. tf This paper may be found on fMe at Geo. P. Rowell & Co's Newspaper Advertising Bu reaa (10 Spruce St..) where advertising con tracts may be made for It in New York. POST OFFICE CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Down Train arrives ........... 1 11 P M Up Train arrives................ 2 34 P M Laurens Train arrives. ..........10 30 A N "eaves......... 3 00 P M Up mail 2 05 PM Down mal'clbes at.............12 45 P M Laurens maif closes at.... .... 2 05 P M R. W. BOONE, P M Newberry, S. C., Nov. 3,.1879. Mr. L.' S. Bowers, post master at Prosperity is our authorized agent at that place. Death. Mrs. Elizabeth Werts, mother of Mr. David Werts,Br., died near Silver Street the night of the 6th instant. She was about ninety years of age. Lent To-morrow is Ash-Wednesday. whicb is the first day of Lent. Religious. The Christians are holding services nightly in their Hall this week. Elder F. M. Green preaches, and all persons are cordially invited to attend. All Persons Having:rags, old iron, brass, copper, &c.,- for which they have no use, cani disnose of same to Mr. S. E. Stratton, whose advertisement appears in to-day's paper. PaarI Millet. Mr.D. B. Kinard, of Prosperity, has sent us a specimen of Pearl Millet, which he says makes first-rate forage. Mr. Kinard can give any information desired. Lectures. The Professors of Newbe rry College have arranged for a series of lectures, and the first will be delivered by Dr. Mayer Thursday next, at 2 P. M.-sub. ject, Hygiene. For Ireland. Messrs. R. L. McCaughrin, Silas Johnstone and E. A. Scott have for warded a contribution of $15 to Capt. F. W. Dawson, of Charleston, for the Irish Relief Fund. Cannot all our citi zens do something in this line? Disorderly Conduct. There is frequently more noise than necessary made by per:ons going outoi town Saturday nights. Sometimes this becomes a serious nuisance, as was the case last Saturday night. The residents on College Street will remember the e Qthat passed out of town in thal dUnabout 8 o'clock, walking 14i sur ilong, and yelling and shouting at the top of his voice-and such a voice A night in the Guard House would havt done him good. Newberrians in Charfston. The following Newberr-ians visitd Charleston last week, on pleasure 0: business bent-some to attend the Stat4 Grange Meeting, others to see the races - J. Ramage. C. B. Buist, D. R. Phi. fer, G. T. Reid, D). V. Seurry, Alar Johnstone, H. H. Evans, E. W. Stod. dard, C. D. Boozer. Jno. R. Spearman Rev. J7. A.; Sligh, A. J. Kilgore, S. H Fellers, A. W. Monts, J. A. Riser, S A. Hanter, W. D. Hardy, E. C. Sim kins, J. N. Lipscomb, T. W. Holloway Mrs. Ruff, Mrs. Henry, J. P. Pool, W S. Birge, and several others whoe names have escaped us. Great Bankrupt Sale Of Watches, Jewelry and Silver Pla ted Waie. Among our advertisementi will be found one announcing the sa14 by auction of a fine stock of Watches Jewelry, Plated-ware, etc., in Cash~ New Store, by E. W. Thomason, Auc tioneer. In speaking of the Myer -Bros. the Athens, Ga. Watchman says "this is the last day that the Meyer Bros. will offer in this city tbc bankrup stock of the noted California Store. A this was their first visit to Athens, the; labored under some disadvantages, bu by offering customers the greatest facil ities to have goods tested, and guaran teeing satisfaction or money refundet they have in a short time built up; *large trade, and we can assure ther an immense business should they vis us net fall. They have, and are offei Lutheran Conference. The Newberry Conference of the S. C. Synod (Lutheran) will meet at Beth Eden Church, Rev. J. D. Shirey's charge. Friday before the 5th Sunday of this month. Rev. H. S. Wingard hasj been selected to preach the opening sermon-Rev. J. A. Sligh alternate; Rev. J. Hawkins to preach the Sunday sermon; subject, "Pastoral Support" Rev. Prof. S. S. Rahn alternate. Sev- i eral questions of practical importance t - will be discussed during the session of - the Synod. j - A Slow Letter. 1 - Two years ago a letter was mailed at Silver Street Post Office, G. & C. R. R., to Miss Florence Pitts, Thornwell Or- j phanage, Clinton, S. C.; the letter con- t - tained a dollar bill. It reached its des- f tination the 28th of January, 1880, hav- s ing been all this time making the trip. The mails are required to be carried c "with celerity, certainty and security"; the celerity of this particular letter was at the rate of about sixty yards a day. c The explanation no doubt is, that the letter was opened for the dollar bill, and that the party opening it was afterwards moved by a guilty conscience to remedy e the wrong, and so remailed it to the proper party. - - r For the best Horse and Mule Shoeing a go to J. Taylor, opposite the Jail. Oct. 8, 41-6m. U Liens for Sale. b Blank Liens for supplies and for rent, a for'sale at this office. b A Household Need. c A book on the Liver, its diseases and tl their treaL.ment sent Free: Including treatises upon Liver Complaints. Tor pid Liver, Jaundice, Biliousness, Head ache,Constipation, Dyspepsia, Malaria, &c., address Dr. Sanford. 162 Broad way, New York City, New York. 5-3 If you are troubled with Dyspepsia, d Sour Stomach, Headache, Billiousness, ti or any disorders of a sluggish liver, a Portaline, or Tabler's Vegetable Liver a Powder, will cure you. Taken in time, ti it will save a doctor's bill and much c suffering. It has been used successfully a in many cases where other remedies tt had failed. Dyspepsia is a common ti complaint, and anything affording re- sE lief is gladly welcomed. Portaline is a only 50 ets. a package, and will cure e you. For sale by W. E. Peiham.t e.ow. T HOMPSoN, Dentist, opposite Herald office d If you would have pleasant dreams, buy a "NATIoNAL WIRE MATTRESS" a from Robt. Y. Leavell. 5-tf r H. A,Burns d Calls attention to his stock of Cigars, c Tobacco, Teas, Fresh Crackers, Can- c dies, &e, His stock of Fancy Groce- a ries and Confectioneries, of all kinds, is ii new and fresh, and his fig'res cannot I: fail to recommend him to persons de- 3 siring to supply themselves with arti- e cdes in his line. Burns' object is to b make people happy by selling them the n best things at the lowest pri -, Call $ on him and he will prove it to your sat isfaction. 1-tf. v Glad tidings for all sufferers with Coughs and Colds is the announcements 14 that Coussens' Honey of Tar is a never failing remedy. Deservedly the most popular medicine of the age it has i no rival as a cure for diseases of the i, throat and lungs, and each day adds fresh triumphs to its long list of vic- e tories over Coughs, Colds, aind mores serious affections of the throat and , lungs. One trial will convince you. 1 Price 50 cts. For sale by WV. E. Pel ham. e.o.w. CHATTERBOXES t AND 1: OTHER HOLIDAY BOOKS, v WILL BE SOLD AT s GREAT REDUCTIONS At HERALD BOOK STORE. C Life is a Pleasure d ofOnly when we are in the enjoyment ofall our faculties and in perfect health. Tbis can only be when all the impor- ~ tant organs of the body are performing t their functions properly. The Liver is -more liable to get out of order than any other organ, and produces more unpleasant effects. A dose of Dr. Gil der's Liver Pills occasionally, will keep ~ it all right, or set it right if it has gone *wrong. Sold by all Druggists. 1-2m. ,True as Preaching. -The holidays are over and people I have subsided into the old every day I way of doing things; they are not look- I ing out now for Christmas and New I Year presents to please the fancy and 1 gratify their friends. The substantial and every day necessities now claim their attention, and we know of no place where we can direct with greater scertainty of getting what they want if - in the line of crockery, china, glass or s other ware and house furnishing goods ' generally, than at the magnificent store of Kingsland & Heath, Columbia. The1 t public are bound to be pleased and sat isfied there. Go there when down, or send orders when you cannot find time tto go 5-tf. ' 80. A SPLENDID_OFFER. '80. THE ~tNEWBERRY HERALD I -- An LOUISVILLE Death of an Ex-Legislator. Joseph D. Boston, colored, died at his bome in Newberry village the 2nd in 5tant. Joe formerly belonged to Mr. Wi. D. Reagin, of this County. After he war he became a preacher, but find ng politics more profitable he went nte that, and for several years during he flush days of radicalism wielded a itrong influence over his colored breth en. He was member of the l,egisla ure for two or three terms. He was iot a mean negro; and when not used is a tool by the "leaders", which was Infortunately too often, was conpara ively harmless. In 1876 he voted for lampton, and since that time has had to political influence in the County. or the last two or three years he has aught school. He died of consumption. rom which be had been a sufferer for owe time. tourt. We propose to stereotype the follow g sentence, to save rewriting it so ften: "There is a great deal of crimi al business on hand, which will occupy early the entire session." The business of Court has been push d forward with all possible dispatch. 'he hours for sitting are between 9 1-2 M. and late at night, with an hour's acess for dinner. The first case tried as that of Rich'd Houseal, colored, for rand larceny. The jury were locked p in the ju-y-room all Monday night, t failed to agree upon a verdict-they 11 agree, however, in saying that they ad the sort of a time that the parrot ad with the monkey. It was awfully Ad, and they had nothing to warm lem, internally or externally. They ,ood eight for conviction, and four for equittal. The Judge ordered a "mis -ial" entered Tuesday morning. the ext case tried was that of Sam'l Ityan >r hog stealing. This was the case in hich our friends Abrams and Bishoj iktinguished themselves by their detec ve skill. Sam "didn't know nothing bout it", but the jury convicted him yway. and the Judge sentenced him the penitentiary for one year. The me of Wm. I. Harp, indicted for the iurder of James B. Chappell, was next iken up. The Solicitor represented ie State, and the defendant was repre nted by Messrs. Geo. Johnstone, Pope id Schumpert. Six witnesses were amined on the part of the State, and wenty-two on the part of the defense. .ble speeches were made by Messrs. ohnstone,. Pope and Schumpert for the efense, and by Mr. Ball for the State. 'he jury retired at 2 P. M. Thursday, nid after a consultation of ten minutes sturned with the verdict-Not Guilty. The next case was that against Theo ore Mitchell, charged with grand lar any. The prosecutor, Caleb Hunter, laimed that he had a five dollar bill in barroom, that the defendant "hugged" imn very aff'ectionately, and that short r afterwards he missed the money. erdict, not guilty. This case present d a new way of "getting your money ack". Caleb and his wife, as wit esses in the case, got certbficates for 2.50 each-the amount lost. Mathias W. Miller, a gray-haired hite man, was tried for assaulting Dr. no. N. Lindsay; verdict, not guilty. The case against David W. McCul >ugh, indicted for buying seed cotton etween sunset and sunrise, was not ross'd. As was also the case against Viley Spearman, charged with obtain ig goods under false pretenses. The two cases against Philip Epstein, barged with trespass upon land by :ock, were beard together. They were ppeal cases from a Trial Justice Court. 'he defendant had been convicted by a 'rial Justice under the new stock law. 'he defendant's employees while driv ig defendant's cattle through the coun -y, allowed said stock to trespass upon ids along the roadside-defendant ras not present. The defendant's coon 3 took the ground that the defendant ot being present nor in charge of the attle when the trespass was committed ould not be held criminally liable for le trespass,. on the principle that a rincipal cannot authorize an agent to o a wrong. The jury brought in a erdict of guilty; but on motion for new rial the Judge granted the nmotion, on be ground stated. The Solicitor has o pross'd the cases. Simeon S. Abrams was tried for entry pon lands after notice forbidding the ae. The title to the land came into uestion, David Boozer, the prosecutor, laming it under purchase from Mrs. C. S. A brams, and the defendant claim ng that Boozer, having given Mrs. hrams a mortgage of the land and iaving abandoned its possession, had no enger any title. There was also a con lit in the testimony as to the "notice", he prosecutor testifying that he tacked ipa written notice, which the defend Lt testified he did not see or hear of. ['he jury said, Not guilty. The case against Spencer Wallace, daria Robertson, Brantley Rutherford, enj. Harrington, Jr., and Joseph imes, grand larceny-stealing money 'om Jno. F. Banks-was not pross'd. We understand Mr. Banks has recover ad his money. The Court of General Sessions was djourned sine die Saturday morning. The Sheriff has only one prisoner Sam Ryan-for the penitentiary. Saturday was occupied in taking judgments by default and in "sounding" Calendar 1, preparatory to Monday's work. The Court is now engaged in the trial afjury cases in the Court cf Common Pleas Presentment of the Grand Jury. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. IN THE COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS. To the Honorable William H. Wallace Presiding Judge : The Grand Jurors for the County for the present year respectfully beg leave to make the following presentment: Having just entered upon the discharge of the duties of a Grand Jury for the present year, they have visited the Clerk's, Sheriff's, Judge of Probate's, County Comriissioners', County Audit or's, County Treasurer's, School Com missioner's and Coroner's Offices, and are happy to report that they have found the same in good condition. They desire, however, to call attention to the following matters in the different offices: 1st. They find on deposit in the Clerk's Office $2,580.40 which were tendered for State and County Taxes of Bills of the Bank of the State) to the County Treasurer; they recommend :hat proper steps be speedily taken, es pecially in relation to County Taxes, to ietermine the controversy existing over ;hese Bills. 2nd. They find that the sum of $3,200 .vhich was left on deposit (by Jesse C. 3mith, late County Treasurer,) in the qational Bank of Newberry, S. C., and vhich was ordered by this Court to be urned over to the present County Creasurer, still remains in the present Creasurer's hands without having been isposed of on account of uncertainty as o what fund or funds the same belongs, nd in justification to our own County Creasurer we would say, that in accord nce with his instructions from his su >eriors in office, viz., the Attorney xeneral and Comptroller-General, he s bound to hold this fund until the mat er is definitely determined. We beg to call the attention of the >roper officers to an Act of the General lssembly of this State, entitled an Act o regulate the distribution of moneys ecovered from officers of this State in uits brought upon their official bonds r otherwise, approved Dec. 22, 1875. They also beg leave to call the atten ion of the Attorney-General and Solici or to the fact that Jesse C. Smith, late County Treasurer, is a defaulter to a :onsiderable amount of money, and hat suit should be brought upon his )f$icial Bond to recover the moneys ustly due by him to the Public Treasu 4th. Complaint has been made as to he office of Coroner, and in justification o him in the discharge of his duties we vould say, that when a Homicide oc ~urs he, the Coroner, is the first officer o be sought, and tl at no other officer as the right to perform his duties, only n case he cannot be had or his services rocured. 5th. We desire to earnestly urge upon he County Commissioners their duty a repair the Jail and Court House at he earliest moment the financial condi ion of the County will permit. We id that some of the Public Roads are n bad condition, especially the roads 'rom Hughey's Ferry to 0. WV. Wick r's, from Langford's Mill to Dr. T. W. 3oozer's; and would suggest that the .ommissioners exercise care in appoint ng proper persons as Overseers of the loads, and enforce the faithful per ormace of duty by such Overseers. We would congratulate the County 30mmissioners upon their economical lisposition of the finances of the Coun y, and also in their appointment of a nost efficient Keeper of the Poor House n the person of Mr. H. C. Wilson, the aid Poor House being visited by -the Irand Jury and found to be exceeding y well kept, and at as little expense as t can well be. 6th. We have not examined the Trial ustices' offices of the County on account >f information received from the Solici or in open Court that they did not come ithin our jurisdiction unless complaint is to incompetency or malfeasance in >fice was made. 7th. We desire to call attention to the ;tate of the Dockets or Calendars of the Jourt of Common Pleas, Calendar No. Lcontainig 142 cases; Calendar No. 2, 132; Calendar No. 3, 22; Calendar io. 4, 14; Calendar No. 6, 26--total, 136-many of which are of long stand ng. In the opinion of this Gran d Jury lelay of administration of justice on the ~ivil side of this Court is an evil of se :ious magnitude, and would recommend ;bat an Extra Term of the Court of Dommon Pleas be ordered by your Eonor at an early day for the purpose :f clearing the Dockets as far as possi ble, or if your Honor's time be so occu pied by your official engagements as to prevent you from so doing, that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court order such Extra Term in accordance with law. 8th. We present Phillip Koon, a citi en of this County, for violating the law governing the sale of Intoxicating Li quors by retailing the same during the year 1879 without a License as required by law, and within haif a mile of a Church known as Soule&s Chapel-wit nesses Elijah Wells, J. H. Chappell, R. S. Boazman and F. Werber, Jr. All of which is respectfully submitted JNO. K. NANCE. R. T. REAGIN. A. M. WYSE. JOHN M. GLJYMPH. E. J. LAKE. H. M.BARGER. W. F. SCHUMPERT. A. B. CROMER. P. M. DENSON. J. W. McKITTRICK. S. A. WHITMIRE. S. J. McCRACKEN. . H. LONG Run Off. The passenger coach on the Laurens R. R.. jumped the track last Saturday near Gary's Lane, and was slightly damaged. Conductor Peake was pitch ed into a briar patch, and the umbrella of Col. Th'os. Crews had some of its ribs broken. No other damage was sustained. Our hurried interview with the Col. did not allow us time to ascer tain v:hether or not he would bring suit against the road for the injury to his umbrella. Various and all About. The cold weather of last week put a quietus on the wheat fly. A Columbia correspondent of the Beaufort Crescent says that Hon. Jas. N. Lipscomb will undoubtedly be the candidate for Secretary of State. Dr. J. K. Gilder has comnenced building on his lot in front of Mr. Win. Langford's. It is one of the prettiest lots in town, and be intends to put a handsome residence on it. Measles has been quite prevalent in Prosperity and the surrounding country for a few weeks past. The disease is of a milder type than usual, and we have beard of no fatal cases. Policeman Franklin made his first arrest one day last week. He did it fearlessly and promptly. He didn't stop to enquire whether his prisoner was rich or poor, white or black, or anything of that kind, but promptly marched that prisoner to the Guard House. It was a cow. We quite agree with the fellow who gets off the following: Oh, that Mon day could be postponed to the middle of the week! Everything goes wrong side up Monday morning. People get out of bed in a huff, eat breakfast because they are obliged to, and come down town in a fit of the sulks. The fact is Sunday just gives us rest enough to make a man feel the need of more, and Monday finds him mad because he can't get it. Lose not thy own for wadt of ask ing it I Lose not your infant for want of Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup, which any druggist will sell you for 25 cents a bottle. Personal. Mr. T. B. Crews, of the Laurensville Herald, paid us a "pop call" Friday on his way to Columbia. Dr. J. D. Bruce, of Prosperity, was in town Sunday. His new home seems to agree with him, for he is looking stouter than we have seen him for a long time. Mr. C. H. Beard, traveling for the Columbia Regist er, paid us a visit last last week. The Register has a large number of subscribers in this town and County. Mr. J. Wallace Ainger, of Charles ton, traveling for the Eclect ic Magazine, visited Newberry last week. We are glad to learn that he obtained several new subscribers. Dr. 0. B. Mayer, Jr., one of the most enterprising and skillful physicians of his age in th]e State, has gone North on a twvo months visit to the large hospitals of New York and Baltimore. He ne glects no opportunity for perfeeting himself in his profession. Mr. Jno. D. Brown desires us to say that he did not apply for the position of private policeman at either the first election this year or at the second elec tion to fill the vacancy. He applied the first time for the position of Chief, supposing the salary would b)e $40 per per month-he was elected; but the. salary being reduced to $35 he declined. Mr. Brown has made a dirst-rate police man, and we are sorry to lose him from the force. Two Organs Regulate first the stomach ,second the liver ; especially the first, so as to perform their functions perfectly and you will remnove at least uineteen twentieths of all the ills that mankind is heir to, in this or any other climate. Hop Bitters is the only thing that wilgive perfectly healthy natural ac tion to these two organ~s. A. WEEIK in your own town, arnd no Sc.apital risked. You can give the buss a trial without expense. The best opportunity ever offered for those willing to work. Iou should try nothing else until you see for yourselt what you can do at the business we offer. No room to explain here. You can devote all your time or only your spare time to the business, and make great pay for every hour that you work. Women make as much as men. Send for special private terms and particulars, which we mail free. $.5 Outtit free. Don't complain ot hard times while you have such a chance. Address HI. H AL LETT &CO., Portland, Maine. 2.5-ly. North Carolina Presbyterian. Nn efforts are spared to make this organ of the North Carolina Presbyterians both at tractive and useful. To do this we present such a variety of moral arnd religious reading as will be read by young and old, rich and poor, clergy and laity, learned and unlearn ed. Our special aim is to publish a live pa per. It numbers among its correspondents Rev. Drs. Drury Lacy, J. Henry Smith, J. B. Ad ger and A. W. Miller; Rev. Messrs. Jos. M. Atkinson, E. H. Harding, D. E. Jordan, J. Rumple, E. F. Rockwell, P. H. Dalton, L. C. V'ass, H. G. Hill. W. S. Lacy, W. W. Pharr, F. HI. Johnston. P. T. Penick, R. Z. John ston, S. H. Chester, J. W. Primrose, S. M. Smith, R. 0. Reed, J. M. Wharey; Prof. J. IR. Blake; Mrs. Cornelha Phillips Spencer,. Mrs. H. M. Irwin, and many others. Price $2 65 a year. Address, JOHN McLAURIN, Editor and Proprietor, Jan. 28, 5-tf. Wilmington, N. C. The Southern Cultivator. Now is the time to subscribe for this old and reliable Agricultura! .Journal. It is in its XXX VIII volume, and stands at the head of agricultural papers. It is now published by the CONSTITUTION, Atlanta. Ga. Price. - - - $ 1.50 perT annum. Clubs ofl10, - - 12.50" Clubs of 20, - - 20.00" T11 a rrri V n nautnTITiITlfnaI Commercial. N:.WBERRY, S. C., Feb. 10, 18). Ordinarv . .. ............... !n10 Good Ordinary.....................10 a11 Low Middling..................... all M iddling .......................111a12 Good Middling ..........12 a12 Good demand at quotations. Newberry Prices Vlurireat. )e,R-CTEI) WEFEK.Y By J. N. MARTIN & CO, BACON Siioulders. Prime New....... 7 Shoulders. Sugar Cured..... S Sides. C. I.. New............ 9 DRY SALTEI) MEA1TS Sloulder. 1ew.............. 6~ Sides, C. I., New........... a 8 Sides. Long ('lear........... S HAMS Uncanvassed Hams........ 12 LARD-Canvassed Has, (Magio:ia) 14 Leaf, in Tierces.............. 12 Leaf, in Buckets............. 12 SUGAR Powdered.................... 16 Crushed.... ....... 14 Granulated Standard..... .. 12;a Extra C..................... 11 Coffee C...................... IG Yellow................ e..... 1u New Orleans................... 10 Denarara.................... - MOLASSES New Orleans Syrup... 75 New Orleans Molasses. 5u Cuba Molasses......... 6 Sugar HIous.. Molasses. 37 Gunpowder............... 1.50 Young Hlyson................... 1.50 ALLSPICE.......................... 25 PEPPER................................... 30 COFFEE Roasted or Parched...... :0 Best Rio.................... 25a Good Rio................. 20a VINEGAR Cider Vinegar......... 50 White Wine Vinegar.. 65 CORN Tennessee................... 1.0 MEAL Bolted... .................. 1.00 Unbolted.................... 9. SOAP. ....................... 6a 10 Sl'AR ..CI ..... ... ................. Ia 16 STAR CANDLES................... 15 FLOUR. per bi................ 6.0Ua 8.03 PEARL H31NY........ ..... .. 5 CANDY..... ................. 20 CONCENTRATED LYE.......... o ENGLISH SODA. ............. 10 HO}:SFORD'S BA KING P'OWDERC 25 SEA FOAM YAKING P1OWDER... 35 AXLE G REASE...................... 1, 'OBACCO.................. ........... Ma 1.2: NAILS t:' keg..... ............ 6.10 BAGG IN -Eeavy........................... 124 ARROW TIES. ler bunch........... 300 RED CLOVER SEED-per Ib....... 20 RED OATS-Ier tu................. 5 a Iugg ies 3UE&IEl! BUGlil! The subscriber having bought the stock of the firm of J. Taylor & Co., will continue to conduct the business in all of its various branches of WHEELWRIGHT WORK, BLACKSMITHING, PAINTING AND TRIMMING, All of which will be done in first class style. I have a c,hoice and well selected stock of seasoned material and will build Double and Single Seat Buggies for 'sale and to order, of iany stylec or pat tern, promptly, and guaranitee satisfaiction, as I will employ none but the best and most careful workmen; and spare no pains to make my work first class. OLD CAPR!AGES AND BUGGIES reno vated and nmde to look equal to new. REPAIRING done ini the best manner and with dispatch. HORSESBOEING and PLANTATION WORK promptly done. All of the above will be executed AT LOWVEST CASHPRIC E8. A liberal patronage respectfully solicited. J. TAYLOR, Shop Opposite Jail, NEWBERRY, S. C. TERMS GASH. Drugs #' Fancy elrticles. DR. E. E. JACKSON, 9RIUGGiST AND l ClEMIST, COLUMBIA, S. C. Removed to store two doors next to Wheeler House. A full stock of Pure Medicines, Chemi cals, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles; Garden and Field Seeds, always in store and at moderate prices. Orders proniptly attended to. Apr. 1], 15-tf. W/hen You Vii CoIumbia Don't Fail to Call on C. F. IACKXOX WHOl GUJARANTEES SiTISlACTION IX GOO98! Than Anywhere in COLIUMBIA. IN C. F. JACKSON. Dec. 17, 51-tf. NOTICE! All persons ha;in~ diman l~ ~ai ..t th D r y G o o d s a LOOK AT COLTMU Invites hi? friends in Newherrv and the p 1st. That he has an nusu 2nd. That every a1ti was low. 311. That every article will b live and let live : and 4th. That he will )ight it o winter. Black C u!Chre-all wool, at 5), 65. 75 and $1 ptr yard. New Styies of Dress Goods, at 25 ets. per yard. Men's Cassimere,, of all stylrs an.! prices. is low as in New York. b Another h>t of all Sik Ribbons, at 12i c1s., worth 25 and :;5. Linen and Cotton Towels, from 5 cts. to p $1 each. sewing Jp Who has one used the PEOPLES' '- f i9 Watches, clocks, Jewelry. - . ON JEW E L R V At the New Store on Hotel Lot. I have now on ha'd a large ami [elegauIt assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver and Plated Ware, VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS, - SPECTAcCS AND SPECTACL'E CASES, WEDDING AND BIRTHDAY PRESENTS, IN F.NDLEss VAtUD.TY. All orders by mail p.romptly attended to. Watchraaking and! Repairing D)oue Cheupiy endi with Di.spatch. Call and examine my sto'ck anid pr:ces. EDUARD SCHDLTZ. sTATE OF SOUTH CAROL[NA, ji NEWBERRY COUNTY. r By Jaceob B. Feilers, Probate Judge. Whereas, H irriet F. McCarley' iaih made 1 suit to me t grant her Letters of Ad ministratiou, of the Estate and effects of IC IJohn McCarley, deceased. These are therefore to cite and ad:nonish all and ,ingular the kindred and creditorsj of the said deceased, that they be and I appear, before me, in the Court of Probate. to be held at Newberry Court Hoeuse, S. C ., t on the 16th day of February next, after r publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the t forenoon, to shew cause, it any they have, why the said Administration should not be C granted. Given under my hand, this .31st 1 day of Ja nuary, .An:o Domini 1880. J. B. FELLERS, J.r.x. c. s Feb. 4, 6-2t. I STATE OF SOUIul CAROLINA.~ NEWBERRY COUNTY. a By Jacob 1B. Fellers, Probate Judge. Whereas, Ebene zer P. Chaliners, Clervk ofa Court, hath made suit to ;me, to gr ant him Letters of Administration of the' derelie Estate and effects of D)ennris Lark, decease'd. These ar thecrefore to cit.e and awiuihb all anid singular. the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, that :hey be and S appear, betore me, in the Court of Pro bare, to be held at Newberry Cout Hiouse, S. C., on the 25th day of February next, n after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenjoon, to shew cause. ifayte have, why the said Adiministrtion should not be granted. Given under my' hand, this 10th day of January, Anno Domnn, J. B. tE LLE~RS, J. r. N. C. Jan. 14A. 3-66S. STATE OF SOUTH CARULINA, NEWBERRY C'OUNTY. By Jacob B. Fellers, Probate Judge. Whereas, Ebenezer P. Chalmers, Cierk of Court, hath made suit to me, to grant him Letters of Administration of the dere-e liet Estate and effects of John Lairk, de ceased. These are, therefore, To cite and admuon ish all and singz;iar -the kindred and crei ors of the said deceased, that they be and appear, before me, in the Court of Probate, t to be held at Newberry Court House, on the 25th day of February nzxt, after puitii cation hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, e to shew cause, if any they hav.e, why the said Ad:ministr.ton should n;ot be granted. Given under my" hand, this 10th day L' January, Anno Donmini 1880. Jai. J4 B. FE LLERS, J. P. N. c STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, NEWBERRY COUNTY. By Jr.cob B. Fellers, Probate Judge. Whereas, Ebenezer P. Chahners, Glerk of Court, hath made suit to maw, to grant him Letters of Administration, of the dere liet Estate and ellhets of Lura 11. La' k, de cea sea. These are therefore to cite and. admaoniTh all and singula ir.h tie .a:.. c:editorI of the said deceased, that they be ad appear, beftore me, ini the Court of 'i obate,e to be held at Newberrv Court Hiou-e, S. C., on the 25th day of February next, after pulcto eef t iocoki u pubricntont hro, ats if a'eoey the ae whyno toe shew Adnse,tio ny heyl haoe granthe saive Adinstrtio h,nd, thi 1bh graynted Ja ny undeo Dmyhnd, tis 10h daJf.auay B.n DminiS 188. .N.C " 1 n 1:er r voc , o y e .C ON, [A, S. C., sar'efull eleAccted andi bioughit e sold onl th-e pinileOf onl this line if it t:'iks all B!a n't, J,,ut?.4: . A ) h new . 1'. of ik Tie. Co;.ius Anl C>tra :ie I.Ak u I.:nb re E g .-t: r:w . !n rOI:: i:a, or if m ire o::'.v1a-'i s:e :'s. S:copics aml riees sen:t On :p p l l. Oet. 15, 42-f. Hf E .si -Wer it or a!1 others, JT 1ilt it np' it just PElOPLE w:at.. It isthe sh;uttlonbk stitch, runu'al the' bas without runin S: r_e i of the r ichine. \'rite for, d'e" e, e~ rnunrs -m-% ful! ptieular. 30 it, 3 1 Vod ~.i PHILADELPHIA, PA. ug.20, 34-6m. isce1ACneons. ANOSAND ORAN FROM FACTORY Ev ery Man his own Agent UIDDEN &BATES' rand Introduction Sale. FivE Troas.NI super) Instrumients from ::LE. iinNG M.tUFACTLUERS to be placed i reresentative Southxern homes at F'acto Rt. for INTRODUCTION and ADVERTTSE Ts. nibe ina ugarmted Nov. 1. 183,. and r,vin:/ .<ueh an immxense success will be ont inued until Nov. 1. 18.;. Thc only sale the kind ever successfu!ly carried out in .mnerica. Don't miss this chance to join a IGANTIC CLUB1 of FIVE THOUSAND PURGHAS Rs. each of whom secures an Instrument t MA~NUF' ~.1LACRR's WHOLE.SA'LE RATES. WFORMA TION TO PURCHASERS. Don't make thle mistalke of supposing us > be merel y "local agents, selling on comn lission." Uniderstand, and don't forget it, int TEN of thme largest manufacturers in mnerica including hickening & Sons.. jMason &~'hmlin. Callet & Davis. jGuild & Church. [athushek Piano Co. Peloubet & Pelton. onthern Gem Co. ISterling OrganCo. ave appointed us their SO.UTHERN WHOLE-. .ALE AGENTSand given us eXClusive conti'ol f their instrtuments for tiie South. These [au ufacturers supply us. under special con :act, with tamousands of bustrumnents yearly t only a Small per cent. over prime cost of manufacture. All advantages gained by ur direct connectlin with manufacturers n d our immense purchbases we give direct-: to purchasers under our few Plan of Selling! No Agents:! No Commissions: Instruments bipped from factory direct to pur'chasers ndt all mniddie menci's profits saved. - Every ian his own Agent anmd entitled to--Agent's t.tes. The only House soui. seiling on this ew planf. Bnying froin ne--is practically uyipg from tume Manufacturers and our rices are -as low as Man ufacurers evrer ive. .See these Special 0Aers:. . PIA NOSOR G A NS 125 7 Oc t.Rose-~ 9Stops. Han d-$ 7 g.Cataloue price. ease wthGol'i orna Ge'ct ose- 13Stops. Three 1$7 wood. uag ets of reeds, ize.Carve~d L egs.Ser -irge siza. cxtended entinc Plinth. CaLt,.p Etageres case ot rice. S-:00. .nh designm. 9971 Oct. Squ:u .. Stops.Three$8 * rand. extrase'sof reeds, su ~rge size and mag p r b M ir ror T op iieently or:ueutj 'ech Walnut, Buri d caa Catalogue~ inlaidl and Goid Orna ric. $,000Q. . menital Case. All guarmteed i stru'ments fr-om reliaible ytkcers. Sold under Sir yea' starantee. ii:ppedc d:reet ronm Factory, or .trom sav nnah, if preferred. For xslo extra on ~a 'iano or $i on an Organ. we assume freight ) a,] ay 11. H. epot or ste'ame r landing South. eut on 15. 'lays TEST TillAL, we pay freight oth way.s if~ not satis:actory. Order and .-st in your owni home. Severest tests of omipetent musicians invoited. Purchasers hoice~ lr*om TEN LEALii(; M AKERS and Two :I!rirnm IFFERENT STYLE~s. Special rates a TeaeherC1., Schools, Ch areles and Pastors. end for Jmuetoci Sal'' Circular giving all infornmation. A ddress. LUDDIEN & BATES, SAVANNAH, GA. Vhoiesale Piano & Organ Dealers. Dec. 17, 51-4m, If you 2anlt a fine -ui: EC:omiinz for Sun y wenar, or fr ~he a.:ii; ySe.3o)n, al aWRiGuII I & . W. COPPOCK. Ifyo wan *.* Bm'enes Sal: for every daiy, all o:x WRiGHT & J. W. COP'POCK. If youm want an O)v.reoat to keep the cold uit, call on WRIGIIT & J. W. COPPOCK. If you wvant a Coa:. or a Vest, or a. palir of 'ants, a Shirt, Undergarmecn:s of any kind, Crava, pair of G'oves, Collars, call on wRoGaT . W. COPmn Cn .