Special and Local. WEI)NESDAY, JAN. 14, ISSO. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. B. Fellers-Citations. c. F. Fant-Last Notice. I). B. W heeler-Sheriff's Sale. R. Y. Leavell-New Departure. Silas .Johnstone-Master's Sales. Peoples & Johnson-Hardware, &c. A. .1. Kilgore-Executor's Sale-Notice. Herald Book Store-Chatterhoxes- Mil ler's Almanacs. SPFCITA L N0 TIC E.-BuLsiness no tiCes in this local c-fu"in are inscrte'l at the rate of 15 Cents per line each inscr tion. Oitnarics, notice., rf mzcetFng.., corn munic li)ns relating to p% r.oidi inter ets. tribntes of respet, &c. are charged as regular a drertisements at l1 per sputare. _Notiecs of adninistrttion. and other legal notices, obituarics, tributes of rte spect anW notire" of mnetinys, (.egan and continued until 716 gifts. most of them valuable. were distributed thtroughout the large and delighted aundience. The pastor and family were kindly remem bered in the distribution. The audience was then dismissed to the church yard to witness a successful balloon ascension by Mr. Robt. Bruce; and all were disposed to linger in the balmy spring like air to witness the fine display of fireworks vigorously ex ecuted by the delighted youngsters. There were trees also at Luther Chapel, Newberry; Bethlehem. Po maria; Luther Chapel, Leesville Spring-Hill, Lexington; and Mt. Pleas ant, Barnwell. We feel authorized to say that all our people spent the Holidays in a very pleasant and delightful manner. The Newberry Herald. This veteran guardian of the interests of old Newberry has entered upon ano ther year of its existence, and, like the County which it so well represents, the older it grows the more Yigorous and prosperous it becomes. The proprietor and senior editor, Mr. Thos. F. Grene ker, is the Nestor of the South Carolina Press, and lie is ably seconded in his management of the paper by his junior editor, Mr. W. H. Wallace. The New berry HERALD is essentially a County paper, full of lively paragraphs of local interest, while, at the same time, it keeps its readers informed of what is going on in the outside world, and does not hesitate to express its views on Na tional and State affairs, especially when the interests of Newberry are more di rectly affected. Newberry is a thriving town, and the fact that it has a good newspaper is no small factor of its suc cess -Ncws an.d Couricr. Our esteemed neighbor, the Newberry HERALD, has just entered upon its six tecnth volume, with bright prospects of a prosperous future. We are gratified to see this, as the HERALD deserves a hearty support. It is one of our most valued exchanges, and is a credit to the town and County in which it is pub lished. Its Editors, Messrs. Thos. F. Greneker and WV. HI. Wallace, are able. industrious and enterprising gen tlemen, and issue a paper worthy the liberal patronage it receives from ant appreciative pulblic. ([Laurensvillc IIerald. This staunch and ably conducted paper has now attained to its "sweet sixteenth" year and looks as blooming as a 'big sunflower." Its Editor, Mr. T. F. Greneker, is one of the purest men in the fraternity of press-men, and we are truly glad to know that lie and his paper are "doing as well as could be expected," considering the dlisparity in their ages.--Union Timcs. Various and all About. Weather bad. Streets again sloppy. Liver pads are all the go. Money is easy-old dieb)ts are being paid up. Subscriptions received at the IIERALD) Offiee as heretofore. Job work done with neatness and dis patch, at moderate prices. The new stores will soon he comn pleted. No man ever looked on the dark side of life without finding it.. A malicious enemy is not so bad as a clumsy friend. Chatterboxes and Holiday Books sold at cost at the HERA r. Book Store. The warm weather has causedl a great deal of meat to spoil through the county. As we go to press the election for Intendant and Wardens progresses can't tell how it will result. Mr. Abe Foot slipped off to Baltimore last week-the trouble is he can't keep goods enough to supply the demand. The foot bridge at the intersection of Caldwell and Friend Streets has been put in good order-thanks to the Coun cil. Reward Cards, New Life, Sunday School books, Child's Scripture Ques tions, and various other books for sale at HIERAi.i Book Store. Mr. J. B. Leonard now occupies one of Mr. Alfred Crotwvell's new stores and will soon have it arranged in app)le pie order, and with the best in his line. ~Single copies of the HEnaLD are worth five cents-we give this informa tion for the benefit of those who expect it for nothing. Might as well ask for a pound of sugar or a yard of calico for nothing. The pressed bricks for the front of Mr. Mower's and Mr. Lane's stores Iwere made in Richmond, Va. They cost $28 per thousand laid dlown in Newberry, and arc the prettiest bricks we ha ever. seen. some ncr)ple have a fashion of con fuinr excellent remedlies with the i:trze im1ass f ,atent aicdiciaes.' anid in this tltiy arc guilty of a wronr. There are some advertised remedies fully worth all that is asked for themn. and one at least we knew of-flop Bittcrs. The writer has had occasion to use the Bitters in just snel a cli mate as we have niost of the year il By Vity. ;and haF always found the-n to b c;ir 1ts :::d reli:able iin! all that is claim ,"d for them - Tr . - I - (7ladl tiiling r for all c'IlP'foer. uilh C(oihs and o S i tlt :lnOmhi::---w: that Co ussens' Honey of Tar is a never failing remely. Deservedly the must popular medicine of the :g it has no rival as a cre for diseases of the throat and lungs, and each day adds fresh triumphs to its long list of vic tories over Coughs. Colds, and more serious affections of the throat and lungs. One trial will convir.e you. Price 50 ets. For sale by W. E. Ped hamh. c.O.W. Commercial. NEWBERRY, S. C., Jan. 13, 1880. Ordinary...... .................... 9 a 9i Good Ordinary.....................103a11 Low Middling......................11 a11 M iddling .........................11;a12 Good Middling .......... .........12 a121 Good demand at quotations. Newberry Prices Current. CORRECTED WEEKtLY By J. N. MARTIN & CO. BACO\ Shoulders. Prime New. .... 7 Shoulders. Sugar Cured..... 91 Sides, C. It.. New............ 10 DRY SALTED MEATS Shou lers, New.............. 6i Sides. C. R.. New........... a 8 Sides. Long Clear........... S IiAMS Uncanvassed Hams........ 12 Cauvassed Hams, (Magnolia) 14 L.ARD Leatf in Tierces........... 12 Leaf, in Buckets............. 12 SUGAR Powdered.................... 16 Crushed................ 14 Granulated Standard..... .. 12a Extra C..................... 11 Coffee C....................... 10 Yellow....................... 10 New Orleans.................. 10 Demarara.................... - MOLASSES New Orleans Syrup... 75 New Orleans Molasses. 50 Cuba Molasses........ 60 Sugar House Molasses. 37 TEA Gunpowder.............. 1.50 Young Iyson............ 1.50 ALLSPICE............ .......25 'ElI'PE lt................................... 30 COFFEE Roasted or Parched...... 20 Best l1io........ 25a Good Rio................. 20a VINEGAR Cider Vinegar........50 White Wine Vinegar.. 65 CORS Tlennessee............... .10 MEAL Bolted... ................ 1.00 Unbolted................ 9 SOAP............................ Ga 10 srAtli....... ................ 10a la STAR CANDLES.................. 15 FL(OUR, per bbl................ 6.00a 8.02 PEARL HIOMINY....................5o CAND)Y........................... 20 CONCENTRATED LYE..........1 ENGLISH SODA.................. 10 HIORSFOlRlY$ BAKING POWDER 25 SEA FOASI ;MING POWDEIl. 35 AXLE GREASE................... 10 TOBACCO.............. ........... 60a 1.25 N ATLS (101 keg... ..... ........ ..5 BAG G ING--Heavy.................. 12.i ARRtOW TIES, per bunch..........3~00 R ED CLOVER SEED-per lb...20 RED OATS-per .u............. 5 WT atches, Clocks, Jewelry. WATtAIES P2D JEWELM At the New Store on HioteI Lot, I hare now on hand a large and elegaint astmenIlitt of WA TCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver and Plated Ware, VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS, SPECTACLES AND SPECTACLE CASES, WEDDING AND BIRTHDAY - PRESENTS, IN ENDLEsS'TARIETY. All orders by mail promptly attended to. Watchmaking and Repairing Done Cheaply and with Dispatch. Call and examine my stock and prices. EDUARD SCHOLTZ. Nov. 21, 47-tf. Assignee's Notice of Appoint ment. IN TILE DISTRICT COURT OF T[IE UNITED STATES FOR TIlE DISTIG;T OF~ SOF LIH CA*\RO.INA.- IN BANK. RUPTCY. In the nmtter of F. N. Parker, Bank rat To wiroM IT .MAr CoNerN: The uinder signed, .\. A. (LA~RLISLE, hereby !:ives notice of his tpont.nent as Assign. o the Estate of F. N. Parker, of Newb.ry in the Count y of Newh1 erry, in sai al rk-) and who wafs, t wit, on the fimuy \Tarch, A. 1). 1 877, adijoiged 1.n: a upon01 the Petition of htimelf~i, by~ .:.id D)o trict Court. Dated at Ne-wberry, the 1st day of -Jam a uary, A. D. l8o. M A. CARLISLE, 2-3t. Assignee. PRIINTINGi OFIE i.OR~ SA LE. A RARE CHANCE TO BUY. THLE DEM OCRAT, published at Craw fordville, Gi. is offerted for sale, and a pur chaser ill find tt a grood chance to invest in a good paying busitness. THE DElMO(RAT is located on the main line of the Georgia R. R. t34 miles from Augusta, aud on middie ground from Au gusta, Atlanta, and Athens, and haS a large advertising patronage from all these cities. THLE DEMOCR AT has a large circulation, antd commIlands a liberal local and foreignm patronage. The desire to sell is from pri s-ate reasons, which a bona fide purchaser can learn by aipplictationi to W. D. SULLIVA:N, .Jan. 7, 2-30 Craw fordville, Ga. PLEASE RETURN Masotnic works by Inwod Olier or ris :i d1 D esa guliers, b elonging muTo esC oIf S. Montgomiory, to JUNIUS E. CHAPMAN. Jin. 7, 2-tI The Southern Cultivator. Now is the time to suibscribe tor this old anid retli:thle Am.ricultur'al .101oual. It is ina its XXXVIJII VotIlme, and standtts at the heol fagiutrlpapei's. It is nmm publishedl bi the C]sm:iN A t, Ga.tmi ~Price. -I . - 1.5 peV nnm Cl1ubs f 0. - 12-t " THEsof2 WEKL -ONST.UTIO" THF WEEi0 Y CONSTITUTION, IANs ND DEANS FROM FACTORY DIEtT~jj 1110 P[1~(IiE8 Every Man his own Agent LUDDEN &RATES' Grand Introduction Sale. Fi-: Tno) r.AN1) 51up'r1b Instroneit from11 TI-:N LEL\>ING NJAN1'FAt-iI:R1-:RS [0 be pI:wel in repre.eitative :-Unthtrni homICeI at F:cto ry R.ite's for INTRODUCTION and ADvERTIsE )f-NT. Sa'le inlaii1rt1aed N.v. 1. lS. aid proving snh1 an illiinmelnse succewill h clnt inuc'l until Nov. 1. 1-5. The only --.a of the kind t'vO' suecessfully carried out in Americal. Don't miUs this chance to in a GIGANTIC CLt-B of FIVE THoUSAND R'it('IAS Eti,. each of whom seculres.1an Instlrument at MANUIACTUREIlt's WHOL1-:SALE IATES. INFORMATION TO PURCHASERS, Don't m:ake the m1istai1co of .upposing uis to he merely "local agents, selling on com m1ission." Lnlerstand, and don't forget it, that TEN of the largest mlanufacturers in America including Chickering & Sons. Mason & Hamlin. Hallet & Davis. Guild & Church. Mathushek Piano Co. Peloubet'&;Pelton Southern Gem Co. Sterling Organ Co. have appointed u1s their Sol,:T':x WIR u: SALE AGENTS anl given us exclusive control of their instruments for tie South. The.e Man uftacturers supply us. under special con tract, with 1 hous:nds of Inst ruments yearly at onlV a small per cent. ovcr prime cost of manlufacture. All advantages gained >y our direct connection with manufacturers and our immense purchases We giVe direct ly to purchasers under our New Plan of Selling ! No Agents! No Comnmissione ' Instruments shipped froml factory dlirect to purciuaers and all middle men's profits saved. Every man his own Agent and entitled to Agent's rates. The only House South selling on this new plan. Buying from ua is practically buying from the Manufacturers ald our prices are as low as Manuiacturers ever give. See these Special Offers: PIANOSORGANS $19 7 Oct. Rose- J Stops. Hand ' wood, Carvedisome Wainuts' 7 legs. Catalogue price.IcaSe, with Goltl orna $525. Rmentation. 71Oct. Rose- 1:3Stops. Three '?"- wood, largeIsets of reeds, size.Carve(d Legs.Ser-j age size. extended pentine Plinth. Cat.-top Etagere case of price, 860. Irich referred. For $10 extra on a Piano or $4 on an Organ, we assume freight to any IR. i. depot or steamer landing South. Senit on 15 daiA TEST TRIAL, we nay fiiht, both ways if not satisfctory. Order and test in y-our own home. Severest tests of compnetent miciansC~ invited. Purchasers choice from TEN LEADING; .MAKERS andl TWO HIUNDJItED DIFFERIENT STYTLES. Slpecial rates to Teachers, Schools. Churches and Pastors. send for introduction S:ale Circular giving full in format ion. Atidress LUDDEN & BATES, SAVANNAH, GA. Wholesale Piano & Organ Dealers. D)ec. 17, 51-4m. If you want a fine suit of Clothing for Sun day 'vear, or for the holid.ay season, call on WRIGHt' & J. W. COPP'OCK. If you want a Baisiness Suit for every day, call on WRIGIIT & J. W. COPPUCKi. If' you want an Overcoat to keep the cold out, call on WRIGHT & J. W. COPPOCK. If you want a Coat, or a Vest, or a pair of Pants, a Shirt, Uudergarments of any kind, a Cravat, pair of G!oves, Collars, call on WRIGH T & J. W. COPPOCK. If you want an Umbrella to shield von froni rain, Shiocs to protect vour feet, a Trunk to put your clothes in, a Valise &c., call on WIGH T & J. W. COPPOCK. Any or all the above at loxwer prices than ever before effered, by WR IGIIT & J. W. COPPOCK. Nov. 26, 48-tf. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, NEW1LERRY COuNTY. P>y Jacob B. Eller's, Probate Judge. W he reas EbTencz' r P. Cinalher-rs, h;ah Ad miniistration, de Ioni, non, of thle Esnire and, eIti'eS of Gieorge A. Long. decea-ed. These are thereftore to ci*.e -.i::d admiioniSh all and simgut.r the i:indred and ecditors of the said decease'i, that they be and appea r, betore me,I inl :he Coiurit of Probate, to be held at New'rr Court ilouse, S. C.. on th~e iyh da of(i Februar nex, after p)ubicate1ion here: of, at 11 o'clock ~in the forenoon, to L' the e .se if an theybe, whyn th said 'dmnriraion' should ::0n be gran'ted. G7xiven ' un:Q my and, this 20)th day o1 December. Amino D)omini, 187i. .J. B. FELLE:RS, J. r'. N. C. NOTICE. I will sell at the residence of the late Mr's. Marganret Bowers, about two milies fromi Prosperity, S C., on Thursday, the t2nd day of Janiuary, instanit, all i4he per sonal property' of the said decase'd, to-wit: One HIorse', Two M'1es, Cows and Calves, Fine F"atteninig Hogs, Stock iilogs, Corn, Fodder, Shuncks, a Baldes G;otbon, G3otton Seed, Bhick'mnith TooN, Two Wagons, One Buggy, llousehold and Kitchen Furniture, etc. Termis of Sale-CASHI 1 .JAMES P. BOWERS, As Admn'r of }&t. of Margaret Bowers, dee'd. 2d January, 18S5i-2, :St. NOTICE. The .nop-artnership heretofore existing between J. E. BROWN and JU'LIA A. IKlMLER~ is this d1 .v dissolved by muntu.d c ons'en t. All persons inid'-hted to said fi rm are requiestedtosieheseonrb fore the i st of Fe bre::ry next, as allI n otes and -iceounts not setth-d hix that tine wi ll be pilaced in thte lhi:d; of ani at torney for collcCi 'n. J. E. BROCWN, Newhery S. C. Jan ikt inn K B t. SEED POTATOES. liai Barrels of nest varieties of SEED POTATOES to arrivYe. J. N. MARTIN & Ci. Ja.7, - _. LOOK AT I COLUTMI :Tnvit'? hii-: trind I n : Newhetrry ,nti: - 1st. Ti;hat he has rtn inu1su low. 31. That over r'th- wl live and let live: and 4th. Tiiat he will tiju t (rt Winter. 75 and 1 por yard. New :' 2~ of5. per card. M i 's Cassinr(, of a!! stvls an! pri. as low as in New York. .nlo-her lot of all Si:k Ribbo: . ':t I' -..., worth 25 and ::a. lI.:nen d ') I1 r'.!on Twel,, froll ci-. to OUHEN O Vi DO NOT FORCEi WHO HAS IN STORE Ti1E CL R OL OT] That i ever been COL0I. BIA. En CUT IN THE LA A1,o. an elegant assortment of OVERGOU. T L"lsters. A full line of GENTS' FURNISING i0t A SPECI Do not fail to cnll and examine my goods h,c M. L Oct. 15, 4I2-m. Hfardin COLUM~rE ALWAYS HAS THEI LA! Building Hardware, Hou Mechanics' ' IN TiS STATE:. Carriage and Wagron Bail ling and Trimmiing 'i Packing and Lai. Babi Metal Machn Grnd,tone, Pan 0 O XX Wn lo Gb AGRICULTURAL Sugar Cane Mills and Evaporators and Sugair 1k Fan Mill Gearing, Fan Screen W:re, Ha:: Sheliers, Straw andi Stalk and Shuck Cuter and Shovels, Piow Iron, Plow S:ee!, Plow Iron, ilorse and Mule Shoes. Steel I'ura Sweeps. Back Bands, Hied Bolts, ( Wagzon, Coil, Well and I:Ilter Chi Grass~ Scthe. Has~ the Agency WATT'S Which are sold at greatly reduced price [G All Orders, aiccompanied with the Monia. prompt and careful attention. Sewing J Who has once used the PEOPLES' MA wln STAE O SOTH AROINA NEWBERY CUNTY ByJco . eles Es. rbaeJde Whereas, E. P. Chams,aslr o h Brat him. Llters, ofq AdPnroatio J oge the Estate and eflects of Daniel Suber, de eeasedL. These are therefore to cite and admor'ish an andl singukir tae kindredl and ereditore of the said deceased, that they~ be an:d apuear, before m:e, in the Court of Probate, to~ be held at Newbe@rry Court Hlouse, S. C., on the '2nd day of Febru.aryv next, afo publication her.'of, at 11 o'clock in the forenooni, to shew cause, it any thoy hare, wasv the -aid Administrah.n uhoul no h 'ra:d. G'iven: under myv hand, tis 22:d day of Decembher, Anri o D oni, 1K9 J. B. FE LLER-, Jt. P. N. c. Dec. 24, 52-6at. -OF CIGARS, TOBACCA, Soap, Starch, Soda, -ANDI ~FR?UTT'L~S [A , S. (9., -r y, t " r: ,".vin tact, : 1 1 t 1 !li '.':P . : o ,. ti ti:r i Oe i' t Ia kns:rg .ll AlT 'wyOLUMBIA r TO CALL ON a I.A.E~GF.?T STOCK OF EIl Casslneres arid Cheviot Sdit: LTEST. STYLE, S in Fur, Beaver ,4In h K rs ev and ~IDS IN) 1iEVK WEAR ALTY. 'ore piurc)1I1-ing~ elsewhere. COL MBIA, S. C. AL LANGES SOC. eTST S 1ITYLE so urnhaing Goods,re Fools ENtAc, COLsUMBI, SAC TA, S.O.~r, Itng 0: L i b~ IorIii Lath, GEST Vr\RIETY OF Soois Eto., c ~ ils .2~t;s Circa! B.twan. Gammrs Bhetig Lras )s C.:enta, P:aoer air,ts, P::ty GrV rdsh, Gain and uhs 2. Tohenrste and serator,Fa 3Ils igo Cands folr s'oge ot>ws. Conton or Satisfactory City References. will have Oct. 15, 42-3m. HUIXE will prefer it over all others, i .IGENVTS sellin it find it just tKth PEOPLE want. It sthe '-huttle lc si:h ru1 eaU i does,c the~ widest r-m ze c,f work, and rids th,. b'bbius~ without runnirng the rks of the mnin l:t. Write for de Sinti ve rircu lars ~ n ful particutrts. 30 & 30J3 Buttonwrood St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. kug. 2?,.5-6m. Don't Fail to Call on WHOi t{ARANTEES 1TISF1UTi3N IN 000DS AND WITH Thani Anyhere in OOLTTMBIA. IN1~j BS IN