4AL BRU ARY 8 TA G' GR i . D A ton of Jry uneched ashes per acre will furnis nearli the same in Credients advised by the Sicentf' Farmer for the fertilization of or chards, which is two hundred to two hundred and fiftY Pon"0s O0 bone dust and three hundred to four hundred pounds of sulphate o potash per acre. Tis gives some seventy or eighty pounds of potash fifty or sixty 'Pounds of lime (from the bone), and ten to twenty pounds of nitregen. and some magnesia in the potash and fertili zer, all of which are called for to nourish orchards on insumlcient soil, as the flesh of most fruits con tain much' potash as well as lime, in combination with the fruit acids and the seeds phosphoric acid. Whether the ingiedients required are applied in the formula given or in the unleached ashes suggested. it is recommended to sow broadcast and lightly barrow in, leaving it to ie rain to more thoroughly incorpo rate with the earth. Such treat ment has proved successful in or chards showing signs of decay both in this country an(t in E.urope. Coal ashes and salt are e-mployedi with great beneCfit to some souis, especily in rchar2s hea:rng sour fruits. Orchards, the soil of which. from close pasturing or other causes, is nearly destitute of hu mus. will gradualiy deteriorate and finally die, unless restored to that state of fertility which is necessaryv for the thrifty growth 0f the tree and its existence in a healtby and vigorous state. Such orchards are greatly benefited by a top dressing of leaf-mold, rotteu chip manure. muck from a creek, broken bones. animal hair of all kin ds, and similar material generally at h1and on farms, which can be applied without other expense than the time and labor expended. When manures are used they should be well do composed. Fresh warm manure excites young trees into a very rapid growth, but the wood is watery and feeble. A dry soil of moderate richness is the one that produces and sustains hardy trees. Their wood is firm. and the buds are plump and close together and the parts well proportioned. F Romiai the Worldi. Wmarr msJ.-A well or dered farm, well chosen stock, corn fortabie Tuldings- a neatiy-kep' garden. road. way cr entrance way; gates well Lung, fenices; weilkep~t, shcado trees. ornamecntal shrubbery, oaint ;-:ihout and whitewash2 with n.-llthee reworth more 'o & farmer in money value than a few utnidred~ dollars caretmlly seraped toge-;cr and jeilously ho.rde-d and ieaned to needy neighbors at inter est. oinvestmnent pays sowell as ioe judicionsiy spent in far-m imn provceents. Draiini'g -wet land will nav 50 to 1090 per cent. cn its ccst every year: good0 sock~ wil pay coually well;good roas w:il return a~ good fenc ma 5:velswo. gardenl. a neat lawn. orchiard and sadeo trees, w neuCi neca nlou cost 1A., have added ten times that amount to the value of a farm. edie comfo~rt andl sel-respcCt sit.atough t:e oa for -hese m*r * n *ti cot d - . 4i~- o 1 -~ - Io eau 'ut i nea *,. .1~' I !~S 1~ a 'p.. *. i. .*~J*ip p ~.t lt ,je C' 1- 1o. (N EXCES.-';A r.Ve for everything and every thing in its plce," is rather a hk t. after all, it ef, ci A"sri, s the do aiko - ho s4 ke . n he 4 :itehwn as to cf oth'r wife spels a r amou of tim. in that room. a she should strive o ender it ( 1 tno ndh iAt a dread to enter it. A at Cf venienuce in the ki tcn is a .m wall1 ocket. it zy be mae er nieyOf comn,1 brn htaving the ugek s--a large onec at t cttom, and two smla ine bol. In Ie g&r one may b i , 11nSteis . nels. ciC- : U n-. other string, ag forets, and other small artic4es. Another con verience is a bag for dirt towels and dusters, which may hang ian closet in the kitchen. It saves much time and labor on waIshing day. Alwas 1:ave a match safe and s%raper in the kitcben. It saves much disfigurement of wahs. Get your tinman to make yvon tin boxes w'1ithi tight-fIlttin1g lids to hold yeast c'akes, tea, coffee and spices. They preserve the flavor. A large apron made of oil cloth, and bound with braid, is useful when washing clothes or dishes. Squares of zine or tip are useful in the kitchen for sta1ndn1g saucepans on. If you are wihOut ice in the summer, keep driLking warter i n glae carteLn ware jars or pitchers. The evapo ration and condensation of the water on the outside of the jar Nxill ;Eep its contents cold. WHAT FAn.As ScCUn -That farmer will scceed who makes up i i S ind that the whole secret of success is in himself that it is the man and not the business that elCS. 1 Will SU ed if he bri o bear the sameic' amount of skill, for~etbought, energy, economy. ani jaagmei~nt th:at any' othier bianch ofl uiness requires. He will suc 'c"d if he sticks close to his farm, :c the mchanie :oes to his shop. and not expect to work three or rot onths and thenf take his ease thle res. cf the year. Thbat farmer will suCce who takes the papers, and diigests wLat he reads, and is not afraid of new ideas and new methods of industry. He will sue eeed if it is his intention that whatever he sends to market shall be thle very best, and so made and put u that when seen it will bc captiv'iing for its freshness, clean Lnss andc purity, and will be un hesitatigy taken on account oJ 1is well known character for hon. esty of weight, measure and count. Those who have farms may thinli themselves fortunate, for aithougib they will not thereby fna sudden roads to wealth, they will certainly prove that persistent farm labo1 wil bring a sure reward. It is w~orthy of notice, that the ad. vnturer and speculator, witl: blsted hopes and shattered healti. and fortune, have in the end tc come back to the farm for h ealtl and safety. Agriculture is the basis of national strength an5 wath, and a most certain and hob eral support of all who follow it in, telligently. 01:Ni; ELi hu.Take (3 iargc jac oranges and 1 lemon, ~ oun o au sugar and { ounce u: geltie;dissolve the sugar in i pin of water ; pour $ pint of boil ing water ever the gelatine ;whet i(1solved str-ain it ;put thie suga> and water on the fire;: wheu it boih add thue gci'tine, the juice of thE rngsand lemon, with a little o: the eel; lt it boil up. and ther eAte (ieservmrg 3 wnltes foi ergue1),) 1 quart miuk, 5 table spoonfa ls sugar, 2 teaspoonfuhi vaila pich of salt ; put in a pud dingj. dish, whiclace in a panl o: wter in~ the oven and bake. When nerl caked, add a meringue made withl the 3 whites and 2 taespoon fasbown sugar to each whfite, and1 an 1avorin. Bake a light brown I ms Cm-:A.-3 tablespoonfub of sI-Lte. ~-gound rice. TelUes of gs,3spoonuls of 'water, 2 o. cram 0 J pI(on1ils of Zine sugar 0T th rc add~ the sugar and mi t L soth ith wtr .gandT.!y omng pe o cicam, and stir -ew ovraclear iG:o Untit is "e if ihs' neete nbahr stve wil tr graig thmwii iose :utcrestcd in bP'~-' a-, I i~.tuvCS xv~i? try grC2~fl&~ ~ \Xli~. l~,1. i~ THE GENUINE DR. C. XcLANE'S Celebrated American WORM SPECFC OR VERMI FUGEE SYrMPTOMS OF WOi'S. TH_E countenance is pale and lead en-colored, with occason. flu s, or a circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pupils dilate; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye-lid; the nose is irritated, swells, an( sometnes bleeds; a swelling of the upper lip occasional headache, with humm'ng or throbbing of the ears; an unusual secretion of saliva ; slimy or furrew tongue ; breath very foul. particularly, in the morning; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stomach, az others, entirely gone; fleeting pains in the stomach; occasional nausea and vom iting; violent pains throughout the abdomen; bowels irregular, at times costive; stools slimy, not unfrequent lv tinged with blood; belly swollen and hard; urine turbid; respiration occasionally difficult, and accornpa nied by hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convulsive; uneasy and dis turbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth; temper variable, but generally irritable, &c. Whenever the above symptoms Are found to exist, DR. C. McLANE'S VERMIF.TUGE will certainly effect a cure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN M.RCURY t in any form; it is an innocent prepa ration, not capable of do7;zo tie slightest iijuy to the mtost tender in;fant. The genuine DR. McLANE'S VER MIFUGE bears the signatures of C. McLANE and FLEMING BROs. on the wrapper. -:0: DR. C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS are not recommencied as a remedy "for all the ills that flesh is heir to," but in affections of the liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick Head ache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used prepar atory to, or after taking Quinine. As a simple purgative they are un equaled. BEWARE OF UZITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar coated. Each box 'rx:w a red wax seal on the lid, with the impiression DR. M\cLANE'S -Lav:rapper...bears the signatures of C. MCLaxE andU 1.iM1x Baos. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. Mci,ANIcs LivER PILLs, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being full of imitations of the name McLan e, spelled differently but same pronunlc!anon. - ESTA3!.!SH E0 1835. Successors to Chipnan, Hsmer & Co. 629 F. Str'eet W'ashizigull ix C. Patets proe';red jind aliitrie.e No FE13~ AInA:c::. N.cmg unie..s t:e jateut is CCrynt d. No iees i.r :nkn prelimim,ry.exauna lion. No adi(tionl lees for ol>t:aImoig and liAo Inefric' C .e i>efore thec Paitent Oliree, Exte-ions' ??efore Co~ugr1e:s. InCfring,.eaCent lguita a difl'eren: 'i~ a ne n.ai I litizni:Ou :er tamxiug to Inventions' 0- Patenits. SENzD sTAAMP Funi PAMPu L l- O SIxY PAGiEs. Unitd SttesGourts and Departmenits. Ch:ir m aa.ecte in the Supreme Court of the Untei>es (or 0of*ci ('aid;. Cor. of Comn 'Com!s'ion ""miIal '.orts oi war claums before te Executive Depa' rtmeuts. Airears of P~ay and& Ecunty. OFF1CER.J 'se taLEW an d s^.x Ans of the late vr, or *l'-i hers ar in many cawes entitled tei moner fromn the G.ove'r~nee. of which .they hav e 0nowI' e. Write fui! history 'a' ser v'Le, :Id 'tate amount of pay and( bounty rece-:e. E:else tampn. :un! a full reply, alter eC:Yinitio", will i;e givenC you tree. Ai OF'F;.e't1s,I on:an 5dAILOuS wound ed. rutue or JU injue : the nte w.:ir. h::wever ,-lghtv. an btsn apei.io::, mn:y nowv receiy c,- ''ion are entitledi to an IncreaCse. Send t.p nd)*C~ info'rmaition. will lbe f'urnished free. UnitLed States General Land~ Ofice. Conte ted L.and Cases. Private Land Claims. Mini- Pc-empienand IIomestead Cases, prec.i]e before thle Ge~neral ILand Office and D partmet of the interior. 1.1~ Thunty L.an:1 Warrants. Th'.*s *'- it of the Comir.siionlers of the Ge ri tad ~ G iic sow "52.890 acres of U 3uut.y La' d W'rat 'ou0 t taning. These were a--semes nei:uerfct we give instructions to p'er.V ee! them.C Eah deperiment of our busines is conducted i ctat e rIan, ui(ier techargre of expe (-:reso (f error a" fraud man aT'fvrttorneys ar ~ -.Cended from pracee bfeoe the Pens~ion and )tVe oi cec year. Claima::ta whCose atorey 'h::':e: been thCussuspendedi will be gra tuk2 f)rised wi2h full infom0ation and ro er pape: on'a application to us. ' ...v e a:ge no fe utle.4s suiccessful. stamps foreurn, nostage sh'ould be sent us. ibera!. .;1 erangemets madei(1 with attorneys in GILMO ~RE~ & Co., P. O. liox' 4. Wa'dhingrton. DL. CI. I aeneasure in ex pressing my entire con.fi bcein' th redpiin-t ndifi r ielityd on h La-.v. Pa!reE and Coi ehiYlus of Gilor a& ao,ofts cit . jHWA HOTEL .a e .C ; i'.;,'a nbetoe at all een: a-nMito wit-: echriiv. afti'er ThCe C~lo-: ,.~d' ' 0CC V ' 'C~ N'1'.'. 22. 'i7- !'. P Q Invia- s b I ate go o T9.r- ' EDE R 1 N 101*4 PRICES, 0,; iNFNUECAL SHIALL A 1iUNT IN CA - W'ill bimy q'ar.1auntity of ~a1 goo2s. Pr Lid wys that pucas STo:K FULL AND VA10US PRIX2-F.A UNP ACAIi SATINkX A AO GUARANTEED! c C IC T1Fl'TTOM AND De sirs that everybody may be happy. A Dllar Saned is a Dollar lade. .Jan. 29, >-tf. TilE'OR.1 FU RCHGOTT, BENEDICT CHARLESTON, S. C. iFFER THEIR NEW FALL STOCK WHOL] SALE AND RETAIL At Lwer Price Tin are paid hv customecrs for inferior o aucetioni goods. Torta of the hinest and: best selected stot of Lace Gurtainis, Oil Cloths, Window Shades SILKS CLAKAS, Shawl!s, Blantkets. Flannels A.lpaem (Cashutn:es, Firs tf andSecond ..io.urnling Goods, Kid Gkhves, Notions, iusiery, Rib bonis, Silk Ties, La tlemnen's U uI (de r w ear, Liniens, Table and Piano( Covers. Towels. T1able Dtamaesk, Napkins and Domiestic Go'ods, anid thousauds of other goods too niumerous to met tion are nocw plueed before our old custoi'mrs of the State of Southl Caro)lina, anid we guarantee to the public and the pecople of this State es pecia!!yv. that th rough our HM IrrM And long e-tabliFh'd repuitation with buye1 and sellers where Of dollars have been exchanged throu.a ear house, that we will give better satisfa tion as regards Quality anld Prices Tu gools purchased from us than any oth' iG SAMIPLEs SENT ON APPLICATION. N. B.-Charges prepaid oni ai! goods ov< and :above 810, bent C 0. D. or for Post U flee Order. Er Please name this paperi ordering goods. Furchgott, Benedict & Co. 275 KING STREET, CHARI.ESTON, S. C. Oct. 30, 1878. 44-17. JIust puib1lied, a new editia of lir. CulverwelIPs Ce-lebrate E.ssay on the radical cuire t(wit -*min al Lo es I.M i'oTENer. Men tat an; Physlea Incacty Impdimnts to Ma, an'dl -r. idneed byx self-indutilgence or se: 2 .; - Pi ce, in a1 1euled enveloGp?, only s Th clbated athor, in this auirah!i in1g con.,eC(ti 1ences 01.0 !f-abne mayp' bet ra can v eured' w . ithoui't t iie (hl' anroius us0 < int'l meri ine or thell 11i appien;tion of 0) 1 'si:CCpie, ertain.Pl an ietubymas < condiion nmy be inn Sure hilfV chal. 'L r.tn Thi etiholdin thie han:; 1c. 'mier Age:y, il a V Phun nl- si Uay :l'Ir4pg-a t reiig of S;m1)0. i' ormed a connection with the Lama Purchasing Agency, I will give personal sr oervision to the aunvering of LETTERs 0: ,.or .mi nw-.vnrdine of S:enoles. Ptn zd J-- Z P4 J 1 - - ml0%)WO Ws TRY EIR cz ; COL M.I , S.' -. ml J;"ooil 411 PROPIdETOR. REUE PRIES: VERTCAL CANE MILLS, LIST OF PRICES, Q R~ollers, 10 i chi s diame er, 8:; o ]') 4." 6 ii0 ' 14 " " 8 LAhJoiCe pie hcoml-ti;d' wih Fr.u:w. WXith t Fran: e, 'elo leSs~(2 on c. M ii!. HORIZONTAL 3 Roll er Mill, for steam or Water Powe~r, $150. sEND YOUR~ ORDE.P. FOR~ SYRUhP KETLES TO JOHN ALEXANDER, COLUMBIA, S. C. A pril 3, 1878-14-1y. DR. E. E. JACKSON, j COLUMB!A, S. C. ii.emoved to store two doors next to A full stock of Pur~ .Medicinies, Chemni carik Perfueries, Toilet Articles, Gardeni and F'ield Seed, aways in ,tore~ and at deCrs rm t)) i : 1nde-1 to. p 1r. !1 1,2--tU, I-s at1 the New Store on Hiotel Lot. I hav no on hand a l(rge and '1iiat W AiES, 01.0'1(8 kWEL.RY, Silver and Plated Ware, r 'v101IN AN GU1TA!t STRINGS, : n SPECTACLES AND SPEACTACLE CASES, *f IWEDDING ANDO BIRTiHOAY PRESENTS. All!Ocriers byV and! promptlpy attendeCd [o. 0 Wiehmaking an:d Repairing I Donei CheQaply unJd with Dispatch. * Ca and examine my steek and prices. v "EDUJARD SCHOLTZ. C ov 21, 47--tf. a SUWESOR To: W2LM JGNES & PAREER, - (etwee Pool's H ote.l and thle P'o:. *)111ce,) p Ip ' u sl* the E NTIfR E STU' OCK -''ej ''' :4 a,bile Manaufac:ory of -s i& Parker, I ampre * a L di of wor W' in this ~ line. -andi-~ forU~- JaleHR, 1. It)L k. M ETE, - s LECLEjTHER, UPPR L A) &c.,1 t r ii tierk best od ers REl.xNGt I; alwokdn t re dMc~ Ehi an niSar rch ines. So -- C) g'z* .a a -- e C57.0. J.wU . 8 9 ~ ~ 0 R "D (D 0 0 ca) -s ID 00i ICA REMOVED TO se Storc li WU ; A COMPLETE sTOCK OF ANOYANDSTAPLE liYI800J8, D) tESS GOO'DS. DOMESTICS, LIN.SEYS, 'iwEl:DlS, CAkSSI FElmS, TR13[ )iUNGS, NOTIONS, &c. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, 1RO0ERIES, &c. The above goods will be? GRA NITEI ILLE SIHRaTINGS. SIIEE~T 0. \GM :ul ')RIL. ?LNG:3 to mnerchants at It vonu smtP y your jiteret you will comtC M. FOOT. 0OWTE R'S CORNER Opposite A. M. Wicker's Old Stand. Ati which place may be founid a good se ,ON i,0TIIS. ';f tie bes lirands IE.NNE,1. SH.\WLS, BOU BOOTS and~ SHOES, Including the Stitch Down. Withi miost of the articles desired for fami V us'. Tese goods arc all FRtESIL. and selectec speciallIy for this mrarket In'~ AN EXPERT ir 1 trade. t J R1M'1 & 80NI Oct. 1t;, 42-t f. itatonery andr Einding E. R.STOKES HAS just openeoi, in the new and hand >me bui!ding imir.iately opposite thn bomix otitee, on Main street, a comnplet ock of ST A T10NERY, oaprising Letter, Cuop :ui Note Paper, o : sizes, qutalities and of every description i. Ppers of Cap, Demy, Double-C:tp, Me hunf, R'yl Sunper-Ioyal, and Imnperia Se, which will be sold in any quantity, o; w: sa actured into Bla11k Books 0f any sj7:e .1 ri d to any paitternl, and bound in arn -I, at snort notice. EN X'E LOPES eniess variety-all sizes, colors and quali BLANK BOOKS f every variety. Memnoonmdum and Pasi onks. ~Pocket B'ooks, Invoice and Lettc: Ok, ieceip)t Books, Note Books. AiCi i*: ICS andt DR~AUGHITSMEN wvil ra comnple:e stock of materials for thei: r.c Drug Paper, in sheets and rolls 'i B u itns, Postal Paper and Boards, 01 aper Peni, .ae Colos, in cakes amn >x Brnn,bes, Crayons, lDrawing Pens. S1I(OOL ST.iTIONERt t every description; o. gre.ot variety of con "ien-i~:md useful articles for both Teacher: id Pupil. A LSO, Photograhl Albums, Writing Desks. Port lios. Cabjas, with boxes, and a countles: iriety of FANCY ARUTICLES. Also, a most elegant stock of Gold Pen: id Pencil Cases, super:bly-mounted Rubbei INKS. Black, Blue, Violet and Carmine, Indelibh ii Capring; Muella::ec; CThess and Back unmion'MenO atnd Boards: Visitingaond Wed. ng Cards. and everything usually kept in a 'irst 4Iass Stationery H@use, 'bir-h theC snoscriber in tenids this shall be. ie wil s Il eeniduct his~ B[ND)ERY :ad LAN\iEh OK 3,1AN Ui"ACTOR~Y aind PA Et'-11-NG~ ESTAHLiSHIMENTF, wiche sb nsucceCs!ii: operation for over ri; a ers in' this State, cad to which he ilL cotnnue~ to devote his own tersonal at ntion. Hin stock will be kept up fall and >mp ete, and his prices wilt he found always asonblle, and he hopes to have ao share or itroniage. E. R. STOKES, Main Street, Nov 1.5, 46-tf Oppo- ite Phonix Office. IThN BINmR 1109[8E. Passec.--ers on both the~ up and down :,it's ive 'lie us;o:.l time for DINNER at hton, thoe juneon of the (G. & C. Rl. I., tilthe S. U. & C. R. R. iFn.-wl .en a .1 -ui the ch.arge rea 1 1 sce1la eou'. U DII 1, Uluf I bI i1 i -0 RE,.T' NEW.si .PEiN EVEiU PU11L.161ED AT TlE -A!ITAI. ()F SOCTII CAOLINA. (I Cli:Ci LATIuN L NDE AN) oNsTANT1.Y IN ci:i-:.\ $1N i. VE INl'ECTF'L!. NVITE THlE AT TE ;NTl of Ih n adog conn iioy to the excllent nwwsipe p .C 1e11anw pul-li ,in l Cln:nbi:I. TI * D.;EI-TE11 is the on.iy 1) z1wr ever ubii e at lte capil of S-nui Calroiln which is conducted as are tIh tle-dg .;iies (fthe priicipal cities of tho - 111.trV. Wehav :f: ; i : .111t0 sin g iV.h!- curpi of Witors-genth-tin well k;o4W!1 t11 (.' Cver iie .SUae foI their larning, ab1i;ity :an .d :a D11eocalic rn il.; Ielin w I:aV. ) ervi the :11e a 1l the South on eve.v .:inww ieaily - t $2 (0 less per year. TIE WEEiL.-' IEGISTERC is a large, hadom11ely, ot tn-u) ei,gilt page paper, 2j x12 inches, Contaiining forty-eighit columinsI of reading.. matter. embracing all the news 01 th week and the most important edito ral and local news. TER1S-IN ADVANCE. Iaily Register, 1 yea ..................r7 00 SIllolths............... ' 50 3 C . . ....... ............... 1 75 Tri-Weekly Iegister, 1 year.... .... .... 5 00 " ii montlis........ 2 50 "..." ... 1 2~ Weekly Register. 1 year................. 2 0 3 months............. 50 Any ierson senlding us a Club of tvn sub scribers at one time will reeive either ot the papers free, postage prepaid, for one year. Any person sending us the money for twenly Sti-bers to the Daily inay relai for his services twenty dollars of the amount; for twenty subscri)crs to the Tri Wceklv, liftecn dollars of the amount; and for twenty subscribers to the Weekly, five dollars of the amount. As an ADVE[TISING MEDIUM. TiE REG TSTER affords tnequaled facilities. having :t large Circulation. and numbering among its pa;ironl-, the well-to-do peopic of the middle and nipper portion uf the State. Terms rea sonable. For any information desired. address CALVO & PATTON, PROPRIETORS, Columbia, S. C. g- Parties desiring copies of THE REGIS TEU to exhibit in canvassing will be sup plied on application. .Jan. 15, 3-tf. THjiE ONLY YMAL f0OLLE E IN T-E SOUTH. THE SECOND SECTION OF THE WILLUAMSTON, S. C., OPENS MiONDAY, SEPT. 9. THE FALL SESSION CLOSES DEC. 20. Ne*w eiasses are: formed at the beginning of each See: inn;i so that pupils may:I join the schxoo; Sept. 9th, as conveniently and profitably as at any other time. Rates ior thne 15 weeks: Boanrd, exclusive of washing, $45.mu ; Regular Tulition, $7.50 Sto $1 5.n h ; Inistri:umen tal Musie, 1 5.0)0. No extra charge for Latin, Calisthenics, -or Health-Lift, or for Kindergarten Lessons in the Primary Departnent. Renlving entIirely on its own mnerits as a live, thorough selhOOl, it confidenitiy expects a continuanlce of the liberal patronage it has thtus far enijoyed. Our new Cataloguie sets forth the~ wonder ful advantages of the One-Study Plan, and the other valuable peuliarities of the Insti rution. For a copy, address REV. S. LANDER, A.M., PRESIDENT. Aug. 2, 1878. .37-17. A Oag f ou want to MA iE . S. M~ON EY leaatjly~~ -- O an is.address FINLEY, IAVY&C. Atlanta, Ga. 22--1v ANOTICE. To the Traveling Public. Th uniideri .gne d w ould res pect fully in form his frien,:s and the general public, that he has opened a BOARDING HOUSE at the crnier of Nance and Frier,d Streets, not fir fromt he Depot.. As the~ rooms a e a eli appointed, the tO,ie tbundantlIy sup r>iied with wel! co'oked food, aud the ser ents polite an~d attentive, he hopes to give satisfaction. A. W. T. SDIONS. Mar. 28, 13-tf. TOBIAS DAWKINS, FASllI0NBLE BIR BEli, NE WBE RR Y, S. C7. SHOP NEXT DOOE NORTH of POST OFFICE. A clean shave, a neat cut. and polite at tention gutaran ieedl. May 3, 18-tf. DR. J. W. SIPSON- J- WISTAR SiPSON. SIMPSON & SIMPSON, PRoPRIli.ToR5 GLENN SPRINGS, Spar'tanbuirg Counity, So. Ca. OPEN TO VSIORs ALLTHYEARROUND. Accessible from Utnion (3. 11- elith Sprtiianbug & Un:ion R. iR , 5!Ixteen miles South.*east of th. Sprb.-, a:.d fronm 'p:r tabne g C. ii., tw iv~.e mi!s E rth'. There are goodl 4in~ -ry ;:tl5-* at eaen l thes RATEs OF BOAnD. coTrsL REST, &C. For Singie Meals- ---- -- - --- -- -? 7 For.a Day.. . -- - - -- - - 01 For a Week per Day.... - .- 1 75 For a Monmh per Day. --..........-I 1.5 Cottage Rt, per tenement, 3 rooms per mionith......------.-------. 1 00 Cot tage Rent, whole cottage, 6rooms ner mnonth........--...--------.- 1-7 00 Water per Gallon (vessels extra at cost).........----------------15 Feb. 0, 8--tf. ;!5K t MILL 1N litv in won:e:, Advice o O UEi a. and ','.'. Ce.bd:y .ac to M1arriag.:e Coiiguga: d.1U:ieiS,-erce i L : a r.' !age. Law ofl):oice, Jg :c. u -an c ac Women. Cu:e. A Cnfident:r' work o 320 -:n,scr.t fo:-50 cen t h r F 1 . ie .'us h :-t rii ::nre o: un: Fe py. ; ::r : y A* lu -fp een cot nrin::e (liseVss ;-r-:- tt::t, C,ver -:. .s. "Me.icat Advice." a :c-e:urc c: -.:h7d . o e l , L r tr . ,. 00 ar.d ve-r i' 1i' t:strat:cn-. e:: *:.wiz . :.:.:i r.t '.ish ,'isa . other w ok. --.-a: m :ri.: - , ti - -. er<.ct :;. n t r i. . t:- P'ricec . k:!e:D. 8::s' D.epencary. N.12i Nur:h it :., C: r.us.3 : .r,'l-n 11 4 . a t.k peroor st:Zer:n: fron, T Ti:RE to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P sP,!e r::e t: dress. 1t un '...::: r: s: - zier v,vuzt.- --Not a Truss.) Tbe "w-:r.dy of 0ice 1:!'h Century. Brharn's Infalible PILE CURE. .tanufactured by the :tanPNocCrcC Co,hIz.n,L,... ' elAR- J(. I-eeerfallta co ere Herorrholds or ;!Ie-. when a ture Is poebible. .E 00 Ur' Price List and bona t de tectimonlai J.:9 furaished on applicaien MRrPTI FREE! For t:i,- socvC:rp ofeiaxWak: s:s 'l.oanhoo.1 niidk all disortiers brou;ghtI on by.1ind is Zrtiot)n .r exte-s. Any Dr.;:gist h:.s tho iorr. db-u% SDr. W.1AQEN & CO., No. 30 West Sixthj Ntreet-, C.ne4ininati., 0. x PM antd 31orphin-a habIftcured. iT'~~I~-~ 1: *j C R r. .'.r Lc . ci: om w rL:.iX;:.,.M, G r,=e CO., lZid. W te s3 to:7. Revnvers Y> .0 Over 100 latest Novelties gv.- wauted. So.Supp1yo.Nashvie,Te=n Apr. 17, 16-1y. a week in your own town. $5 Outfit free. No risk. Iender, if you want a bliness::t which per.,ons of either te x en Iake great pay all the tizne ther work. wri-ite for particulars to H. H AL ;.M:r &, Co.. Portland. Maine. 21-ly BIBLES, BIBLES. Testaments, Testamentsa Photograph Albums. Autograph ANDums. Lur:. Qtarto Family Bibles from $3.25 Illup--n ir .' IL-:'u :or o gi:% ed;;e Testaments ,Vill t h -.s ps. it!nnll-m ::ntment of P:1:ogrnph al;d HERALD BOOK YTOR E. Sen. 25, 3')-. THE UNEQUALLE JAS, .EFF11 DOUBLE PORTABLE '") STEATIONARY SAW, FLOUR AND GRIST MIJA aTU G,1PULEYS AN~D !ANGRS -eddm, POOLE & HUNT, Mar. 13, 11ly RaRi Roads. Greenvile & Columbia Railroad. Passenlger Trains run daily, Sunday excepted, :onnecting with Night Expiress Trains on South Carolina Rtail Road up and down, and with the Carlotte, Columbia and Augusta and Wiiming ton, Columbia and Augusta Railroads. On and after Monday, November11, 1878, the following will be the Se-hedule: UP. Leave Columbia, - - - 8.15 a m "Alston, - - - - 10.00 a m - " Newberry, .. - - - 11.23 a m " Iodges, ' - - - 246p m " Belton, , - - - 4.20 p m Arrive Greenville, - - - - 5.55 p m DOWN. Leave Greenville, - -- -8.4am " Belton. - - 1.0ai " Hodges, - - 10p " Newberry, -- --alpm " A!ston. 4.-p Arrive Columbia, - - -6.5pi Andrso BrnchandBlu Ri - Rail Rad. Aoudrs,onsday and lueRidgy eave RAn erson'for WValhalla Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. UP TRAIN. Leave llelton at. 4,23 p m " Anderson 5.15 p m " Pendleton 6.10 p in " Perryville Q.50 p m Arrive at Wa!halla 7.80 p m DOWN TuAIN. Leave Waihalla at, - - 7.00 a mn -- erryvilie, - - 7.40 a m "rendieton, - - 8.SJ a in "Anderson,' - - 926 a m Arrive a't Btelton. - - 10-15 a mn Laurens Bran.ch Trains leave Laurens at 7.30 a mi. and leave Newberry at 2.33) p. m. on Tues das. Tihursdays and Saturdays. Abbeville Branch Train connects at Hodge's ivih down and up train daily, Sundays ex epted. THOS. DODAME AD, Gen'l Supt. JABZz Nonrox. General Tieket Agent. South Carolina Railroad Company. (CHA R LESTON, November 9. 1875. On and afterSuunday next, the 10th instant, tiIIe Passenger Trains on this road will run a follows: FOR AUGUJSTA. (Sunday morning excepted.) Leave Charleston at.915 a in and 7.30 p mn Arrive at Augusta at.. .5 00) p m and 6.55 a mn FOR~ COLUMDIA. (Sunday morning excepted.) Leave Charleston at ....7.3I) a nm and s.3i0 p mn A rrive at Columlbiat.1..35 p mn and 7.25 a mn FOR CHARLESTON. (Sunday morning excepted.) Leave Augusta at.....3 a mn and 7.30 P mn Arrive at Charleaton 'at4 20 p mn and 7.1.5 a mn Leave Columbhia at.:....3 2.5 P mn and 8.00 P mn Arriye at Charleston at. 9.45 p ni and 6.15 a mn SUSIMERVILLE TRAIN. (Sundays egeep)tedi.) Leave Suninerville,......... -....7.39 a mn Arrive at CharlestOn................8.40 a mn Leave Charleston.................3.20 p mn Arrive at Summuerville. ......... 4.30 P mn ACCOMMO!)ATION PASSENGER AND FREIGHlT TRAIN. (Daily, except Sundays.) Leave Columtbia at...............6.23 A. M. A rrive at Branchv ille at .......12.4 Noon L e re Ilranch vie at............1.05 P. M. A rrive: at CoiIlub?a at...........6.45 P. M1. P'.rak:hst, Dinner and Supper at Branch ;.s concto made at Colnmbia with le C1nmrlot.w, Columzbia ar.d Angusta Rail ttaW w points5 North. y':.y'ngers fo points on the Greenville n.: ,C,:nnb;a Rtailroad. will hereafter leave on .-0 i'. .M. Tra in. S. S. S)L.OMONS, Glen. Suti. s. p~ . !:-s. Geni. rane..Agnt. PATU &ASEI~ LLE R. RI., AND SP.RTANBUR& UNION & 00LUMBIA R. R. To-t f&llowbi' P- "enger SCcedule will be run on and afe Motudty, .5 ovemaber 4, 1878: DOWN TRAIN. GP' TR AIN. Arrive. Lecave Arrive. Leave. o ulen-cs..... 1.40 p. mn. 1".30J a. mn. a . ......... . 2.0 22 p. mn. 9.40* 1'.00 el r ....... 2.4 i9.21 Pryoui City... 3.2' 8.45 . andruml.... 3.0 8.21 a pobea. .. 4,3 '7.6 [nmnn..............4.8) 8 aton..... 4 40 7.22 Air Line Junct'n 5.2' 6.50 s ar:anburg. 5.40 6.00~ a.m. 7.10 6 80 L'eolet ........ 6.54 6 o esv ile....... 7.38 6.o5 i~~ ai~