TLe i I*r I TI1OS. F. GRENEKER, EDITORS. W. H. WALLACE, NEWBERRY, S. C. WEDNESLDAY, OCT. 16, 187S. A PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. The Herald is in the highest respect a Faw ily Newspaper, devoted to the material i terests ot the people of this County and the State. It circulates extensively, and as an * Advertising medium offers unrivalled ad vantages. For Terms, see first page. State Democratic Ticket. FOR GOVERNOR: WADE HAMPTON, Of Richland. For Lieutenant- Governor: W. D. SrsoN, of Laurens. For Attorney-General: LERoy F. YouNs, of Richland. For Comptroller-General: JoMNN HAGOOD, of Barnwell. For State Treasurer: S. L. LEwHA-.T, of Richland. For Secretary of State: ' R. M. SDLs, of York. ForAdjutant and Inspector-General E., W. MoISE, of Sumter. For Superintendent of Education: HuGH S. THoIPSON, of Richand. FOR CONGRESS. Third District: D. WYATT AImN, of Abbeville. COUNTY TICKET. Poir--EmHoUSE OF RPREsENTATIVEs WM. M. DORROH. C. H. SUBER. GEO. JOHNSTONE. FoR CouN= ComIoERs: WM. LESTER. A. 3. LIVINGSTON. JOHN C. SW1TTENBERG. FoR PrOBATE JUDGE : J. B. FELTLERS. FOR SCHOOL CoimssIONER : HENRY S. BOOZER. FOR COnONER: E. C. LONGSHORE. 1876 and 1878. There are some important diffe1 ences between this campaign an< the last. We hear complaints an< surprise expressed that there is noi more enthusiasm exhibited. Th< reason of this is plain. There wer< inispiring elements in the campaig: of 1876 that are lacking in thi: In the first place, the national de mocracy were fighting for the Pres idency, and with strong hopes ( success. No state in the Union wa more anxious for success. than wa South Carolina, and none worke harder to bring it about. Non had greater reason to desire succes than she. She had seen, for eigl> long years, vagabond thieves froi theNorth, assisted by rascally scalL wags, and backed by United State bayonets in the hands of the repul lican party, lording it over her ow~ people. She had seen her halls< State disgraced by an ignorant, m: lignant and thieving crew, whos parallel has never been kniown in civilized country. She had see enormous taxes wrung from her ci izens, to be squandered in the mos wreckless and corrupt manner b those in authority. She had see: all this brought about and sustaine by the National Republican Part; and in 1876, when her people sa, a prospect of release, is it any woi der that they strained every nerv to free themselves? The namec Tilden was a tremendous power i: the last campaign. That elemer is wanting now. Again, in 1876, besides a contes for the Presidency, there was a vig orous contest for Governor. Th~ arch thief Chamberlain was rannini against Gen. Wade Hampton, the: and now the most popular man il the State. This contest called fort: all the force and energy, all the ex thusiasm and zeal of the people They were wrought up to the higi est pitch of determination in thi contest. *This element is wanting in the present campaign. In the 3d and 4th Congressionai Districts the people have nothin to fight for but County ofiices They have no President to elect and they are sure of the Governol and their Congressmen. All these facts taken together ac count for all the apparent indiffer ence in this campaign. We believe however, that the indifference i: more apparent than real. We be Ijevo the Democratic party in th4 as important as the last: as much so in its immediate consequences, and far more so in view of its effect on the Presidential campaign two years hence. If the Democrats fail to do their duty in this campaign the victory so gloriously won two years ago may be snatched from them, and two years hence they may be remanded to a condition of vassalage like that they endured from 1868 to 1876. If they allow dissensions to creep into their ranks and divide them they will bring upon themselves irretrievable ruin. Our duty is clear: we must hold together, and present a solid and united front. All personal prefer ences must be buried; all dissatis faction must be subordinated. We must elect the regular Democratic nominees. On with the fight; and let it be short, sharp and decisive. Dividing Time----Threatened with the Military. The Democrats of Sumter have been dividing time with the Radi cals of that County, after the man ner adopted in the beginning of-the campaign in 1876. Wherever they would hear of a Radical meeting a crowd of red shirts, accompanied by some of their best speakers, would proceed to the place and de mand that their side be heard. No violence has been committed, and this aggressive policy of carrying the war into Africa was working well for the Democracy, and disor ganizing the ranks of their oppo nents. It is a well known fact that nothing has so powerful an effect on the mind of the negro as a dis play of power. They desire to be on the strong side. Hence the moral influence of this style of cam paigning is great. Its force was felt so strongly in 1876 that Cham berlain, then Governor, perceiving that his constituents were becoming demoralized and captured, called upon Grant, then President, for troops and got them. The object of bringing U. S. soldiers into the State was not to kill or intimidate the whites, but to give backbone tc the blacks. Their simple presence was depended on to inflame blacks against whites, and to keep con stantly in their minds a feeling od gratitude and obligation to the Re. publican party for their freedom -There is no danger now that the Governor of South Carolina a ill cal: -on the President of the Unitei States for troops, and some maa think that troops cannot be sent t< bthe State without such a call. Con Sstitutionally they can't,:but uncon Sstitutionally they can; and he.knowi very little of the Republican party or the Republican President wh< Sthinks that it or he would regari the Constitution where party is a stake. Hayes has already indicatei Swhat his course will be if the Dem Socrats insist on "dividing time' dwith the Radicals. He has callei eon Attorney-General Devens to lool up some law to prevent this sort o: tthing, and that functionary hai found a law that he says fits thi case precisely. Section 5,520 o the Revised Statutes of tho United ~States says :. nIf two or more persons, in an: fState or Territory, conspire to pre ~-vent by force, intimidation or threat any citizen who is lawfully entitlei to vote, from giving his support o: advocacy, in a legal manner, toware or in favor of any lawfully qualifiei ~-person as an elector for Presiden' tor Vice-President, or as a membe> of the Congress of the Unitei States ; or to injure any citizen it pron or property on account o: scsupport or advocacy ; each o: ~such persons shall be pvuished by a fine of not less than five hundrei nor more than five thousand dol lars, or by imprisonment, with o3 without hard labor, not less that six months nor more than six years or by both such fine.and imprison tment." The Attorney-General has callec ~District Attorney Northrop's atten tion to this Section, and directei him to see that it be enforced ,The Democrats will act wisel3 riif they refrain from gising any pre text to the United States authority ~for interfering with our State poli -tics. Just as sure as Democrats .insist on taking part in Republican -meetings without invitation or per mission we will have trouble, and such trouble as will render their success in this State extremely doubttul. Perhaps the Republicans would consent to joint meetings and joint discussions. They have done this in Darlington, and the campaign in that County is being conducted on that principle. Let the Democrats make as big a display and as much noise as possi ble, but give not the slightest pre text for Federal interference. Gen. Gideon J. Pillow, an officer in the MViexican w'ar and Brigadier General in the Confederate army, died at Helena. Ark.~ the 9th Who are tMe Candidates? Several democrats of this County have been nominated as independ ent candidates. Only one of them, so far as we know, has said whether he will run or not ; Mr. A. J. Long shore has declared, through the HERALD, that he will not be a can didate, and would not serve if elect ed. What about the others? Will they run or not? Many democrats are asking this question. We don't dictate to any man, but if any of the above named nominees want to decline publicly they can do so, and it shan't cost them one cent. The columns of the HERALD are open, free, to all such. The Western Elections Last Week. The election in West Virginia the 6th and in Ohio and Indiana the 8th show slight gains for the dem ocrats. In West Virginia they re turn a solid delegation to Congress. In Indiana the democrats carried the State by 15,000--two years ago they had only 5,000 majority. The present delegation in Congress from that State consists of nine republi cans and four democrats: the elec tion the 8th inst. gives the republi cans seven and the democrats six. For the first time in many years, the democrats have a majority on joint ballot, which will secure them a United States Senator. Indiana already has two democratic Sena tors-Voorhees, appointed by Gov. Williams to fill out Morton's unex pired term, and McDonald. Voor hees' term expires next March, and he %*ll very likely be h; own sue cessor. The State officers are all democrats. In Ohio the democratic State ticket has been defeated by 10,00( majority. There was no electior for Governor or Legislators, bui for State officers and Congressmen The present status of the State iT Congress is twelve republicans and eight democrats-. The democrat. gain three by the election the 8th so that they will control the vote o: Ohio for President in 1880 if th< election be thrown into the House which is quite probable. In Iowa, a republican stronghold the democrats have made gains Two years ago the republicans elec ted their Governor by 42,000 mae jority ; in the election last wee] their majority was only 15,000-: considerable falling off. Her pres ent Congressmen are republicani throughout ; by the election las week the democrats get two of th< nine members. On the whole the democrats havy reason to congratr'late themselves although their ictories did no come up to their expectations. State News. In Columbia the night of the 7tl inst., Jno. M. Harris was shot an< seriously wounded by Wmn. Deni Dent was drunk. The Convention of York Count; has nominated G. L. McNeil for th Legislature, in place of Col. Con ard, who declined. Lewis R. Redmond, the famou mountain outlaw of Oconee County was married the 6th inst., to Mbis Addie Ladd, of Pickens County, sister of Amos Ladd who was killei some time ago by Revenue officere W. G. Field, Probate Judge o Pickens Covnty, performed the core mony. As a reliable and cheap remedy fo: the various affections of the throa and lungs, we heartily recommend Dr Bull's Cough Syrup. Small bottle 25, and large bottles 50 cents. FOR THE HERALD. NEwBERRY, S. C., October 7th, 1878. The Newberry Medical Society met at th office of Drs. Mayer & Mayer for the purpos f re-organization. Dr. Jno. M. Thompso; was called to the chair, Dr. Mayer acting a Secretary. The following officers were electe to serve during the ensuing year: Dr. J. 11 Thompson, President; Dr 0. B. Mayer, Jr. Vice-President and Dr. Pope, Secretary. Di Mayer, as Secretary, made his report, whic] was received. Dr. McIntosh moved that thi Iconstitution be adopted as it niow stands witl the exception of the clause relating to fee: ture consideration, which was carried. It we moved and carried that the time of meetinl be cbanged from the first Monday in Jan uaw,V July and October, to the Saturday suc ceeding the first Monday in each of thosi months. The President appointed Dr. Mc Intosh as essayist for the January meeting with Dr. Pepe as alternate. Dr. Mayer in vited the society to meet in his office. Th Secretary was instructed to notify the physi cians of the Coun-y of the time and place o the next meeting, and to extend to them ai invitation to be present. The Secretary wa also instructed to request the County paper; to publish the proceedings of this meeting So~ciety adjourned to meet at the office of Drs Mayer & Mayer at 11 o'clock, on the Satur day following the first Monday in January 1879. J. M1. THOMPSON, President. D. S. POPE, Secretary. Extra Liabilities to Malarial In feetion. Persons whose blood is thin, digestior weak and liver sluggish, are extra-liable tc the attacks of malarial disease. The mos1 trifling exposure may, under such condi tions, infect a system which, if healthy, would resist the miasmatic taint. The only way to secuire immunity from malaria in localities where it is prevalent, is to tone and regulate the system by improving wieak. en-dgsin nicigtebod n givned digoesome enimpetus the blod, and creiving These sltpaetu acomplihedry -ohn oefcieya otte' tmc cretion. These results are accomplished by .c.- - awaavalv n a Hnatetter's Stomach Hayes's Title. IIowever varied may be the opin ious concorning the validity of Hayes's title to the Presidency, there is not a question in the minds of either Democrats or Republicans upon one important point, viz: the unques tionable right of Dr. Pierce's Family Medicines to the title of the Standard Remedies of the age. Listen to the voice of the sovereign people. NEW ORLEANS, June 10th, 1878. Dr. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N. Y.: Dear Sir-Your Pleasant Purga tive Pellets seem to be particularly adapted to the wants of the people iu this warm climate, where biliou affections are particularly prevalent I re-zard them as the best ca.,hartic I have ever tried. Yours truly, JOHN C. HENDERSON. BoSTON, Mass., Tlay 14th, 1878 Dr. PIERCE. Buffalo, N. Y.: Dear Sir-Your Golden* Medica Discovery has cured my boy of - Fever Sore of two years' standing Please accept our gratitude. Yours truly, HENRY WHITING. Grange Department. Newberry Pomona Grange, No.4 The regular meetings of this Grange wil be held at Odd Fellows' Hall, in Newberry on FRIDAY following Sale-day in January April, July, and October of each year, at. 1 o'clock in the forenoon. A. J. KILGORE, Secretary. At the October meeting of Newberry Pc mona Grange, the following officers wer elected for the ensuing term, and will be it stalled at the regular meeting in Januar next: J. S. Hair, W. M. E. P. Chalmers, 0. Dr. F. M. Setzler, L. R. T. C. Hunter, C. M. Werts, S. S. A. Hunter, A. S. T. B. Chalmers, T. Alan Johnstone, Secretary. B. H. Miller, G. K. Mrs. B. B. Hair, Ceres. Mrs E. V. Chalmers, Pomavia. Mrs. M. A. Culbreath, Flora. Mrs. L. E. Folk, L. A. S. Executive Committee-A. J. Kilgore, J. k Johnstone and L. E. Folk. The fifth degree will be conferred on ti evening of the next regula'r meeting of Nem benj Pomona Grange, viz: Friday aft Sale-day in January, 11379, at early candl light, upon all membe'vs, in good standinj who so desire. Dr. C. W41Beuson's Celery ani CHA( MILE PILLS are prepared expr.P!y to cui Sick Headathe, Nervous Headache, Dy peptic Headac*je, Neuralgia, Nervousne! and Sleeplessness, and will cure any cas Price 50 cents. For sale by all druggist DOWIE & MOISE, Agen ts, Charleston, S. ( - For sale by Dowie & Moise Wholesale Drin Sgists Charles ron. 51 POST OFFICE, NEwBERY, S. C., Oct. 12, 1878. List of advertised letters for week endir October 12, 1878: Deevitta, Miss Lela Livingston, Preston Ekberg, Mrs. Emma Miller, Miss Liza Lake, Mrs. R; E. Toliver, Pleasant Parties calling for letters will please sa if advertised. R. W. BOONE, P. M. .7rew J&dertisements. THE GENUINE DR. C.XcLANE'S Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC VE RMI FUOE SSYMPTOMS OF WORMS. IT HE countenance is pale and lead Ien-colored, with occasional flushes, or a circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pupils dilate; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye-lid ; the enose is irritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds; a swelling of the upper lip; occasional headache, with hummmng or throbbing of the ears; an unusual secretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongue ; breath very foul, particularly ,in the morning ; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stomach, at others, entirely gone; fleeting pains in the stomach; occasional nausea and vom iting ; violent pains throughout the abdomen ; bowels irregular, at times fcostive; stools slimy, not unfrequent ly tinged with blood ; belly swollen and hard; urine turbid ; respiration occasionally difficult, and accompa nied by hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convulsive; uneasy and dis turbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth ; temper variable, but generally irritable, &c. Whenever the above symptoms are found to~ exist, DR. C. McLANE'S VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a cure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form; it is an innocent prepa. ration, not cap5abe of doing the slightest injfury to the most tender infant. The genuine DR. McLANE's YER MIFUGE bears the signatures of C. MCLANE and FLEMING BROS. on the wrapper. -:0: DR. C. McLANE'S ~-LIVER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy "for all the ills that flesh is heir to," but in affections of the liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick Heads ache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. SAGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used prepax atory to, or after taking Quinine. As a simple purgative they are un equaled. BEWARE OF IKITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar coated. Each box has a red wax seal on the lid, with the impression DL. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS. Each wrapper bears the signatures of C. McLANE and FLEMING BRos. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. McLANE's LrvER PILLs, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being full of imitations of the name McLane, spelled differently but same pronunciation. FOR RENT. .Ww w .miiseuaneous. EstAblishedl EDOT JAinged 1857. !!!M. FOOTE 1878. REMOVED , TO Chick's Store on Old Stewart Corner. Attenltio!lis1' respect;.illy called to m y SA EE and WELL S.ECTED STOCK of FANCY AND STAPLE ORYGOODS, DRESS GOODS, DOMESTICS, LINSEYS, TWEEDS, CASSIMERES, TRIM MINGS, NOTIONS, &C. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, GROCERIES,&c. The above goods will be SOLD U, LIVING PRICES, GRANITEVILLE SHIRTINGS, SHEET INUS and DRILLINGS to merchants at Ma~nufacturers prices. It vou study your interest you will come and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. M. FOOT. Oct. 16, 42-tf. The Great Question of the Day, Where can I get the best and the most for the least money, in FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS! AND THE Latest Novelties, Necessities aul Notions OF THE SEASON? SOLVED SATISFACTORILY! And especially so to my friends and pa trons in Newberry, Laurens, Edgefleld and Lexington. 3L F JACKNON9 The ORIGINAL LEADER OF LOW PRICES in the CITY OF COLUMBIA, answers the all-absorbing question, and states with Spleasure that he has now in store A HAND *SOME, L ARGE and ELEGANT_STOCK in all the various lines of the business, bought from first houses, and selected with particu lar regard to all tihe diversified wants of the public, and which iWILL BE SOLD! IF YOU WAN VARIEY 1 COME SIF YOU WiANT LOW~ PRCE F OR SiF YOU IIANT AIS8FACTION j SEND -TO JACKSON, O F COLUMBIA. )ir- Samples sent by mail to any part of the coutry. Oct. 16, 42-tf. MOWER'S CORNER, Opprite A. M- Wicker's Old Stand. At which place may be found a good se lection of LADIEr BRESS GOODS, LONG CLOTHS, of the best brands, FLANNELS, SHAWLS, BOU LEVARDS, &c. CASSUIERS, ScoTch TWEEDS, DOESKINS and H E AVY KER SEYS. BOOTS and SHOES, Including the Stitch Down. With most of the ai,.clesi desired for fam These goods rare all FRESH, and selected especially for t,bis market BY AN EXPERT in the trade. Oct. 16, 4-ef. NEW IIOTEL. This commodious edifice, situated on MAIN STREET, NEWBERRY, S. C., and known as the BLEASE HOTEL, is now o4Zwn, and invites the people one and all to call and kniow what done at all hours, to wit: .An Extra Good Breakfast, Dinner, or Supper, for TWENTY-FIVE ENTS. Forty or fifty regular boarders will be taken at proportionately low rates. The convenience of location, excellent spring water, well furnished table, etu., commend thia'house to every one. Oct. 16, 46-tf. THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUJMAN MISERY. Just Published, in aScaled Envelope. Price si.x cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Radical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spe~r matorrhea, induced by Self-Abuse, Invol biliy, and Inipediments to Mariage gene ntal and ahsia c apacity, &c.-By ROBERT J- CULVEEWELI, M. D., author fThe worl-renowned author, in this admi rable Lecture, d-early proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-A buse may be effectually removed with out medicine, and without dangerous surgi cal ol)crations, borgis, instruments, rings, at once certain uind effectual, by which every suiferer, -no matter what his con dition may be, ma cure himself cheaply, pr hi atel anre will prove a boon to a drs n rept ofsxcnts or tw pos tage alis es AddEs tCUblERELsEIAL, T41 Ann St.,LL EA COR., PotOfc o,4586 Ann t., W ly. Pot Ne oTICE58 .Oc.1,7-y NOTICE. A ii ~ di~m~inAo ~irnhi~t the .Xew X Jfiiscellaneous. THE LA TEST THING OUT! S BOARD AND LODGIN8 75 CENTS PER DAY. j HORSE Olt MULE FIA.) 25 CENTS. CHISTN & SIfidT W Respcetinlly announce to the travelling G public that they are p1repared to turnish 4ood Board and Lodging at 75 cents per ay, antd SINGLE MEALS AT 25 CENTS. p c Their Livery and Sale Stables I eAre large, commodious- and tiwll ventila ted, anl the best in the up-country, and C supplied with competent and experienced I hosLlers. SINGLE FEED ONLY 25 CENTS. 1 Comfortable large sheds for the accom modation of stock, and good water inside. I Study your interests and save money by patronizihg CHRISTIAN & SMITH. Oct. 16, 42-1mn. TO THE TEACHERS oF NEWBERRY COUNTY. The following books published by D. Ap pleton & Co., have been adopted by the State Board of Education, to be used for five years in all the Schools throughout the State: Appleton's Series Readers. Cornell's First Steps in Geography. Cornell's Primary Geography. Cornell's Intermediate Gt graphy. Quackenbos' Primary Grammar. Quackenbos' English Grammar. Quackenbos' Illustrated Lessons in Our Lan guage. Quackenhos' First Lessons in Composition. Quackenbos' Composition and Rhetoric. Appleton's Model Copy Books. To secure an uniformity, ar*d as a matter of economy, it is to the interest of the pa rents and teachers that these books should be put in the Schools at once. To facilitate the matter and to save extra expense to the parents, I have made arrangements with Mr. T. F. GRENEKER and Mr J. A.CHAP MAN, Booksellers, to exchange these books for the old ones now in hands of the schol ars, and to sell those not exchanged at re duced rates for the next three months. For further information on these and all other books published by D. Appleton & Co., please address, W. P. HIX, GEN. SOUTHERN AGENT, 4 . COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct. 16, 42-lm. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. All persons indebted to the Estate of J. W. H7endrix, deceased, are hereby notified that a settlement must be made on or before the 15th day of November, 1878, and all demands against the said estate must be presented, properly attested, to the Judge of' Probate by the sai-l time. F. D. GRAHAM, Adm'r. Oct. 16, 42-St. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Charles D. Burton, Plaintiff, against Mary Garland and Ulysses RC. Garland, Admin istrators, &c., and others, Defendants. Complaint for Relief. By virtue of authority vested in me un der an order passed in the' above stated case, dated 12th October, 187t6, I will sell in front of the Court House door, in New berry, on the First. Monday in November next, all tbe Real Estate of which Wadrop died seized and possessed, to-wit: That tract or plantation of land containing THREE HUNDRED ACRES, more or less, and bounded by I.u"s of Bluford F. Griffin, Jr., Richard S. Satterwhite, L. L. Young, Andrew Livingston and others. TERMS-One-half cash, balance on a credit of twelve months, with interest from day of sale, the credit portion to be secured by the bot.d of the purchaser with a mort gage of the premises. Purchaser to pay for papers. EBENEZER P. CHALMERS, Adm'r., de bonis non, with the will an nexed of Elijah Waldrop, dec'd. Oct. 12, 1878. 42-St. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. IN THE COURT OF PROBATE. John C. Schumpert, Petitioner, against Eliabeth Schumpert, et al., Defendants. Petition for Partition of Real Estate of Jobn Schumpert, dec'd. Under an order of Court, granted on the 12th day of October, 1878, in the above sta ted case. I will offer for sale, at Newber rv Court House, on the Fourth day of No vember next, during the legal hours of sale, all the Real Estate of which John Schum pert died seized and possessed, in two sep arate tracts, viz: One tract containing ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY OR FORTY ACRES, bounded by lands of George A. Schupert, Estate of E. K. Schumpert, Es tate of Sampson Bickley, dec'd., and Joseph Bedenbaugh. and an;other tract containig Sh.ENTY-F1VE AND THREE-FOURTHS ACRES, more or less, and bounded by lands of 3. 'J. Schunmpert, J. R. Boulware ajd Bush River. TERMS-One-half of the purchase money to be paid in cash, and the other half to be paid at the end of twelve r.,onths, with in terest from day of, the purchaser to give his bond secured by a mortgage of the premises to the Judge of Probate. J. C. LEA HY, Judge of Probate N. C. S. C. Oct. 12. 1878-42-3t t10 00 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. By virtue of an Execution to me directed, I will sell, on Monday, the Fourth day of November, A. D. 1878, at Newberry C. H., S. C., within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, the following property, to. wit: TEN ACRES OF LAND, more or less, situated in the County and State aforesiid,1 bounded by lands of George Lester, George Brown, E. L. Dominiek ar.d others. Levied on as the property of Mary Wood, at the suit of John A. Cannon vs. Mary and Ehiza beth Wood. TERMS-CASH. Purchaser to pay for papers. D. B. W HEELER, s. N. c. Sheriff's Office, Oct. 11, 1878. A2-3t 15 00 STATE~ OF SOUTH CAROLINA, NEWBERRY COUNTY.] By James C. Leahy, Probate Judge. Whereas, E. P. Chalmers, as Clerk of Court, has made suit to me, to grant mmn ; Letters of Administration of the Estate and I effects of Eliza S. Elisor, deceased.< These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors e of the said deceased, that they be and < appear, before me, in the Court of Probate, a to be held at Newberry Court House, S. C., t on th ay of November next, after c Xew X Miscellaneous. TATE OF sorTH CAROLINA, S COUNTY 0F EWBERRY. enkiis, Chandler & Go., vs. J. M. Kiler. Execution. By virtue of an Execution to me dil etted I the above stated case, and of sundry ther Executions against the P-fendant, I ill sell, on Monday, the Fourtii day of No. ember, A. D. 1878, at Newberry C. H1., S. , witlii the legal hours of sale, to the ighest bidder, the following described roperty : One Lot in the village of Pros erity, in the State and County af>resaid 0 ontaining ONE-EIGHTH OF AN ACRE, t ore or less, bounded by lot of est. of L. . Kibler, Wheeler & Moseley and the M, arv's Ferry Road. Also, one other lot, ri ontainming ONE-SIXTEENTH OF AN ;M F CRE, more or less, bounded by the Mc ary's Ferry Road, Broad Street, and by tj Dt of George Fellers. Also. one other lot, v onaining ONE-SIXTEENTH OF AN LXRE, more or less, bounded by the Mc ary's Ferry Road, by Mill Street, and by t above described. Levied on as the >roperty of J. M. Kibler. TERMS OF SALE-Cash. Purchaser to pay or papers. D. B. WHEELER, s. N. c. Sheriff's Office, Oct. 14, 1678. 42-3t f7 50 V TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. lche National Bank of Newberry, S. C., vs. Eugenia E. Young. Order of Foreclosure. J In obedience to an order from the Court 0 >f Common Pleas, to me dit ected, I will t ell. on Monday, the Fourth day of Novem- S er, A. D. 1878, at Newberry C. H., within F .e legal hours of sale, to the highest bid- ( Jer, the following Real Estate: THREE 1UNDRED ACRES OF LAND, more or e situate and lying in the County and 3tate aforesaid, bounded by lands of Wm. Ray, Mrs. Margaret Atchison, lands former Ly belonging to Samuel Young, deceased, ind the boundary line between the Counties )f Newberry and Laurens. TERMs oF SALE-One-half cash, the bal tnce on a credit of twelve months, with in erest from day of sale, to be secured by C bond of the purchasz .ith a mortgage of a the premises sold. Purchaser to pay for papers. D. B. WHEELER, s. s. c. Sheriff's Office, Oct. 11, 1878. 42-3t f7 50 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. James C. Leahy, vs. Charles Brown. In obedience to an order for Foreclosure, in the above state case, from the Court of Common Pleas to me directed, I will sell, on Monday, the Fourth day of November next, at Newberry Court House, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, all that lot or parcel of land lying and be. ing in the Town of Newberry, and State aforesaid, containing ONE-FIFTH OF AN ACRE, more or less, bounded on the North by lot of Elizabeth Ratley, on the East by lot of A. F. Thompson, and on the South separated from lands of Silas Johnstone, Esq., by an alley way, and on the West by lot of Lemanda Neel. TERMS-CASH. Purchaser to paiy for papers. D. B. WHEELER, s. s. c. Sheriff's Office, Oct. 12, 1878. 42-3t. . 4to 00 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. Joseph Caldwell, as Trustee, &c., vs. Rb sannah Eison, Thomas Eison, Julius Eison and Marie Eison. Order of Foreclosure. In obedience to an order from the Court of Common Pleas to me directed,1 will sell, on Monday, the Fourth day of November, A. D. ]878, at Newberry C. H., within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, the following property, to-wit: One lot of land in the viilage of Maybinton, in the County and State aforesaid, contah1iing THREE AND FIVE-EIGhTHS ACRES, more or less, bounded by the Gordon's Fer ry Road, lands of William Oxner, the Col umbia Road and lot of John D. Sims. Also, one tract of land containing.ONE HUN DRED AND FIFTY ACRES, more or le:s, lying in the County and State aforesaid, and bounded by lands of Benjamin Maybin, Mrs. J. B. Glenn, James Henderson and William Oxner.] TERMs OF SALE-One-half Cash, the bal ance on a credit of twelve months, with in terest from day of sale, to be secured by bondi of the purchaser, withra mortgage of the premises sold. Purchaser to pay for papes. ~D. B. W HEE LER, s. N. C. Sheriff's Office, October 11, 1878. 42-St. J1 00 STATE OF SOUT H CAROLINA, COUJNTY 0? NEWBERRY. Mary ". Scurry, vs. Mose Spearnian and. Willis Spearman. Order of Foreclosure. In obedience to an order from the Court of Common Pleas, to mue directed, I will sell, on Monday, the Fourth day of Novem ber, A. D. 1878, at Newberry C. H., within a th me legal hours of sale, to.the highest bid der, the following property, to-wit: TWO BUNDRED AND NINETY-TWO AGRES [)F L ND, more - or iess, situated in the ounty and State aforesaid, bounded by [ands "of John C. Ste'wart, Mary Reeder, Bustacia C. Ubappell, Julius B. Smith and ~thers. TERMs OF SALE-Cash. Purchaser to pay 'or pze. rs. D. B. WHEELER, S. N. c. Sheriff's Office, Oct. 31, 1878. 42-3t f7 50 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY.- f IN THE PROBATE COURT. ranes D. Glenn, Petitioner, vs. Samuel E. Glenn, et al., Defendants. Partition Real Estate of Posey Glenn, de ceased. Under an order in Partition, dated the )th day of October, 18'78, I will offer for 'I ale that tiact of land containing TWO I lUNDRED AND TWELVE ACRES, more ( >r less, and bounded by) lands of John S. .enwick, M. A. Renwick, John D. Glenn s md others, at Newberry Court House, on g he Fourth day of November next, on the ti 'ollowing terms, viz: One-half cash, the alance on a credit of twelve months, the a urchaser to give his bond secured- by-a ti nortgage of the premises sold, with inter- - at from day of sale on said credit porion. J. C. LEAHY, Judge of Probate N. C. S. C.J Oc. 9, 1878-42-3t f'7.50. . STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, NEWBERRLY COUNTY. l James C. Leahy, Esq., Probate Judge. Whereas, E. P. Chalmers, as Clerk of the ~ircuit Court,' made suit to me, to :rant him Letters of Administration of the ~state and effects of Catharine Lark, dd These. eteeoet it n doih~ Thes ansigre thefe toicie and crdiois 11 taed sidgla teased httee and tr f peard efoeed, that Cuthey Prbe,n ppar befre ebinrth Court Housroae,C,' Ste ld aeby our Houet, a.ft.,r .Mew *Miscellaneous. rATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. IN THE PROBATE COURT. illie Slider, Petitioner, vs. Charles T. Sli der, John R. Slider and Frances A. Sli der, Defendants. Petition for Partition of Real Estate. Under an order of Court, granted on the venth day of September, 1878, in the >ove stated case, I will offer for sale, at ewberry Court House, on the Fourth day November next, during the legal hours sale, that HOUSE AND LOT situate in te Town of Newberry, bounded by lots of . R. Phifer, James M. Baxter, Mrs. Sarah hick, Jordan 1'. Pool, and Nance and Har ngton Streets, said lot containing ONE OURTII OF ONE ACRE, more or less, on ic Joilowing terms: - One-third cash, and e balance on a credit ot one and two ars payable in eq;ial instalments, with in rest on each from day of sale. J. C. LEAHY, J. P. N. C. Oct. 9, 1878-42-St t7.50. TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. IN PROBATE COURT. r. F. Kdon, as Adm'r., &c., of J. D. Koon, dec'd., vs. Mary Koon, et al. Order of Sale. By virtue of an order in the above case, will sell, on -Sale-day, the 4th day of No ember, 1878, at Newberry Court House, in id State, the remaining interest of Est. of . D. Koon in SIXTY-SEVEN 3-10 ACRES f land, after expiration of the life estate of ie widow, Mary Koon, therein, for cash. aid land bounded by lands of W. P. Ham, st. of G. W. Ilakiwanger, Est. o Bettie ounts, et ad. J. C. LEAHY, J.P.N.C. Sep 26, 1878 -42-3t f5 0 TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. elzer, Rogers & Co., vs. John P. Kinard, and otl.:ers. Order of Foreclosure. In obedience to an order from the Court f Common Pleas, to me directed, I will ell, on, the Fourth day or Novem er, 1878, -t Newbetry Court House, with a the legal hours of sale, to the highest idder, all that tract or plantation of land, Fing and being in the County and State foresaid, cont-aining TWO TiOUSAND 'WO iUNDRED ACRES, more or less, .nd bounded by lands of Thos. M. Lake, r. G. Rikard, H. H. Folk, John S. Ren: vick and others. TERMs OF SALE -One-half cash, the bal nce on a credit of twelve months, with in crest from day of sale, to be secured by ond of the purchaser with a mortgage of he premises sold. D. B. WHEELER, s. N. C. Sheriff's Office, Oct. 14th, 1878. 42-3t. 7.50 STATE OF SOUTH OAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. IN PROBATE COURT. Ym. F. Schumpert, vs. Mattie Schumpert, et al.-Petition for Partition. By virtue of an order in the abatestated ~ause, I will offer for sale, on Sale-day in ~ovember, 1878, all of the ReaI Estate, but FIVE HUNDRED ACRES, of which lisha K. Schumpert died seized and pos ~essed, in three tracts, as follows: The Mill 'rracl, the Home Tract, and Tract Number lhree. Plats of same exhibited on day of ale. TERMs-One-third Cash, and balance in ne and two years, *ith itere~st fromi day f sale. Purchaser to give bond. and mort age to secure credit portion. J. C. LEA HY, .J. r. N. c. Oct. 15, 1878. 3t f5 00 IL W BDNER ilOIJ. Passent'ers on both the up and down' rains have the usual time for DINNER at ~lston, the jtinction of the G. & C. R. R., nd the S. U. & C. R. R. Fare well prepared, and the charge rea onable. MiRS. M. A. ELKINS. Oct. 9, 41-tf. -- GUARANTESED. FOR SALE BY L. J. M'MJ1mIN J. Newberry, S. C., Oct. 5 1878. '41-tf. TO RENT. I will RENT the WILLuAMSTON HOTEL, rith 19 Room9, all furnished, to a rrespon ible person. Appl toS. D. DJEAL, Proprietor. Oct. 9, 41-1It Williamston Springs. ElHINRY GOODS8I Wrs. Sophia Mower Redus Respectfully announces to her friends and he public generally of Newberry, Laurens .nd other sections, that she has returned rm the North with a full stock of MILLINERY COODS,. EMBRAcING .All the Latest Novelties in. 'rimmings, Velvets, Feathersa Oraa ments, &c. 'ogther with a fine assortment of Ladies' rndervests, Ladies' and Children's Hosiery, soves, Ruchings. Ties, and other articles. In short my stock is complete, has teen elected with care and with an especial re ard to the wants of the ladies Wfthis see Every article warranted, and prices in ecordance with the times. -An eramnia on is solicited. Oct. 2, 40-tf. E. A. SCOTT, 1frth Bru2ish~ and Mercazntile Insu ance CompanyfL do Gnd CASE CAPITAL $10,000,000 GOI uen Fire Insurance Compa London and Livro, CASE CAPITAL $100,000 Both old, reliable and fina isurance Companies. ISRE YOURe Oct. 2-l.