Special and Local. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1878 INDEx TO NEW ADVERTISEMENT. H. R. Stevens-Vegetine. W. E. Telhan-Ice! lee!! J. P. Pool-Town Ordinances. R. B. Keene-Stoves, Tin-Ware, &c. L. P. W. Riser-Merino Sheep for Sale. SPECIAL NOTICE.-Busincss no tices in tis local column are inserted (a the rate of 1.5 cents per liUne each inser ion. O6iuaries, notices of meetings, con muncja1iow relating to personal inter ests, tributes of respect, &. are charged as regular advertiscments at $1 per square. Motices of administration, and other legal notices, obituaries, tributes of re spect and notices of nwings, as well as comnunications of a personal characte7 must be paid for in advance. Mr. L. S. Bowers, post master at Prosperity is our authorized agent at that place. DEATRs.-Mrs. Emma C. Davenport, near Saluda Old Town, died Saturday. Mrs. Margaret Feagle died at her home near Pomaria, the 1st instant, in the 69th year of her age. Mrs. Feagle was the mother of nine children, one ol them Mrs. U. B. White. and the grand mother of twenty-eight. She was buried at St. Paul's, of which Church she had long oeen a faithful member. .James Boozer, an aged colored man, who formerly belonged to Mr. Teague, died in town Thursday night. ICE! ICE!! For sale by W. E. PELHAM, Drug gist. . 23-tf. Those of our subscribers who are go ing to Glenn's Spring, Saratoga, White Salphur, or other summer resorts, can have their papers sent to them by giv ing us proper directions. If ypu want anything and don't know what it is, call round and see R. B. Keene, he bs got it. 23-2t. MAKE YOUR RuBys.--Capt. Folk, County Auditor is now ap his ofice - ready to receive returns of property. Attend to it promptly and sav.e the penalty which attaches to failure. A choice lot of Teas, at H. A. Burns'. The Committee to whom it was re ferred to devise and submit plans for establishing a cotton factory, are at work getting up information on the sub ject, preparing to make a thorough re port. ___ CLOSED.-The time 'for receiving .taxes under the first call expired on Friday last, and now the penalty at taches on all who failed to pay during the last month. The books will be opened again in October, SPALDING'S IBASE BALL GUIDE. THE AUTHORITY. Just reeelved at 22-2t HERALD BOOK STOR~E. WEIL ME.-Three JQ.dges me% a4 the depot Saturday-Hudon, going tQ }Tewberry, Kershaw to Abbeville, and - Thomson to Sumter ; all on their way to hold Court. When shall these three meet again? ____ g' Nominations not exceeding one square will be inserted for $., in adr vance. tf CoMINrG TO TIE.-We note with ex ceeding satisfaction that some who have been borrowers of the Herald for aye, have renounced the errors of their way by subseribing. For these and all other blessings we are truly thankful. For Arctic Soda Water, with delicious and pure syrups, fit beverage for the gods, and warranted to make one feel better, go-to 22-tf H. A. BURNS'. SPEIGHTS is doing -good service for Spartaniburg with his Daily, and the people of that favored s4xtion are of the character who appreciate it. Speights' Daily is a live, spicy sheet and is well bendled. Success to it. DOWN! DOWN!! DOWN !!!-The coun try saved, and everybody made happy by J. D. Cash, who is selling Bacon sides at 6, and shoulders at 4 1-2 to 5 cents. Think of it, but not too long bfor the supply will not last forevet. * L Another 2ot of those Fresh Crackers F'- in variety. and French Candy, at H. A. Burns'. 21-tf FmN A HEAD.-The Newberry Rifles expect to attend the celebration at the Old Fort, Ninety-Six, thie 18th instant, -and to take part in the parade and the shooting contest. They propose to charter a train, so as to go up and come back the same day. THoMPsoN, Dentist, over Mower's Store. Messrs. John and Charley Workman got their new steam engine, Eclipse, last week. It was ordered by Dr. J. L. Speake from Frick & Co., manufac turers, Waynesboro, Pa. The Doctor steamed it up on the Court House Square on its arrival, and it went like a top. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Er All communications relating to personal interests wvill be inserted ait * .regular advertising rates, one dollar per square, cash in advance. tf - ANOTHER PROBLEM.-A and B own ed 60 geese in common. They carried them to market to sell, each one to dis pose of 30 geese. A sold his 30 at the rate of 3 for $1.00, and B sold his at the rate of 2 for $1.00. Therefore A got $10.00 for his geese, and B $15.00 for his, making $25.00 for the 60 geese. A ~ ~ A ft.rn4aA ~A ~ ICE! ICE!! For sale at W. E. PELHAM'S Drug Store. 23-tf. IMPROVE YOUR STOCK.-By reference to advertisement it will be seen that Mr. L. P. W. Riser has a few fine Me rino Sheep for sale. No better oppor tunlty can be affordi i the farmer to im prwe his stock, as M:. R. will dispose of them at very low figures. A fine blooded sheep is worth two of the poor old field stock. That Thrash's lMng restorer Will cure all Bronchial troubles, croups, cold &c. You need but buy a sa.nple bot tle and consult inside wrapper. Sam ple bottle 50c.; large size $1.50. Sold by all Druggists. For sale b. Dr. S. F. Fant. THE NI.EST.-Mr. Gaines ". Ray, living on Duncan's Creek in this coun ty has the most delicious Cherries we have ever tasted. He calls the varity the Virginia Cherry. It is large, light colored, sweet as sugar and very proli fic. He sold $9 worth from one tree last week. He has our thanks for a nice sample. KICKED TO DEATH.-Th'sday Mr. A. J. Kilgore started one of his colored hands to town after peas in a one horse wagon, with a mule hitched to it. The mule became unruly, and the negro in some way got tangled up in the har ness, and was so badly kicked that he died on Saturday. His name was Rich ard Stephens. QUERY: "Why will men smoke common tobaco, when they can buy Marburg Bros. 'Seal of .North Caro lina,' at the same price?'! 5-ly. The Town Council have bad five very neat and comfortable benches made and placed in.rear of the Court House. They are intended for the Brass Band, but during these dull days there is al ways a band of another sort there-a band .' loafers, the biggest band in town. "Look out for paint." And don't cut the7 benches with your knives -the fine is $2.00. Qgburg's Best and Free and Easy To bacco, at H. 4. 4urns'. 21-tf CouRT.-The Court of Sessions was opened Monday morning. The pre siding Judge delivered a lengthy and explicit charge to the Grand Jury, and Solicitor Ball handed out several bills. The hours of business were fixed for 9 1-? to 1. .-.2, and from # the balance of the day. Several uninteresting cases are set for to-day. The murder case comes off Thursday, Ges. Johnstone, Esq., represents the de'fendants. FEMALE ACADEMY.-Capt. Pifer, the principal of this popular institution ex tends an invitation to trustees and pa trons to be present to-day (Wednesday,) to observe the planner in which the work of the sphpool is popdupted, and the progress of the pupils. We ,would say to-those invited that it is a duty they owe to the school and its accomplished Iead to appreciate the privilege by a gneral att.epdance. The public eghibiton wyill take place on Thursday eveng at Thespian Hall. The more scientific medicine frees itself from the false theories of the past, the brighter appear the virtues *of DR. HARTER'S LIVER PILLs and Dg. IngRTER'S FEVER AN]) AGUE SPECIFIC. For sale ky all bruggists. AN EvIL-Much time is wjasted at every session of the Criminal Court here by ieason of the absence of wit nesses when a case is called, usually the defendant's witnesps. Case .after case is ''passed" and repassed while the State's witnesses, sometimes fifteen or twenty miles from home, are present at great inconyenience to themselves, and are put to the still greater inconven ence of coming back another day. The loss of time, however, is probably not the worst feature; for .it may become so that citizens rather than undergo the delay and the worry and uncertainty of bringing a case to trial will deeline. to prosecute. For invitation to attend the S. C. Dental Association in Columbia the 4th inst. And for an invitation to the Com mencement of Williamston Female Col lege, June 19th and 20th. Also to Adger College, WValhalla, for invitation to Commencement June 23d to 27th. Also, for the June number of the American Agriculturist, published by the Orange Judd Company, 245 Broad way, New York, at $1.60 per year. Also, to Hon. D. Wy att Aiken, M.C., for Report on Forestry, and other docu ments. Mr. W. C. Dreher, of South Carolina, is to deliver a German Oration on the occasion of the Quarto-Centennial An *niversary, Commencement and Stu dents Reunion of Roanoke College. We are indebted to him for a card of invita tion. The exercises begin on the 9th of June. To Mr. J. 0. Meredith for the first ripe peaches we are under many obli gations. Ripe peaches in May in this latitude is decidedly out of the usual course of things. They were delicious. Mrs. John P. Kinard sent us on Thursday last, from her luxuriant gar den at the Four Mile House, a fine as sortment of delicious vegetables, among which were a fine mess of the wax snap bean. Many tbanks. Wan ted ' -By every one who has an intelignt concetion of its value THE REAsON.-For some days past Tobe Dawkins has astonished us by his super-delicate handling of his razor, and thd extra quality of his hair grease. A change has come over the spirit ol his dream, you can see it in his lather his immaculate linen is glossier, and his manners more Parisian. We have only now discovered that he married a wife lately, hence the change. We wish him joy, and hope that his razor will always prove keen. Oranges and Lemons, at H. A. Burns'. 21-tf NEW WAY TO RAISE OATS.-Wed nesday night some persons went to Mr. Pope's o.t field in town and carried off several hundred bundles of oats that had been cut and were shocked in the field. The oats were loaded upon a one-horse wagon 6n Caldwell Street, between the two creeks. The tracks of the wagon and the scattered oats led the searching parties up Caldwell Street to Cline Street, and down that, across the railroad to the house of Bill Bangle, colored. He, Sim Abrams and Wm. Hill were arrested, tried by Justice Carlisle, found guilty and sentenced to jail' for 30 days, or be fined as fol lows: Abrams, $5; Hill, $10; Bangle, $20. They paid up. Periodic or Intermittent Fevers and Fever and Ague, together with other miasmatic diseases, all have a coomon Maarial origin. No part of the Mis. sissippi Valley is entirely free from them, yet they may be either prevept ed or cured by the use of DR. HAR TER's FEVER AND AGUE SPECIFIC AND LIVER PILLS. For sale by all Druggists. . PERSONAL. Mr. - Nance, of Chester, was in town last week. The Herald's Senior will visit the Jalapa spring for his health. Mr. Will Lane went down to Charles ton, the 29th ult., on the excursion. Mes$rs. J. P. Pool, and W. T. Tar rant go to Glenn's Spring this week for their health. Drs. Jno. R. Thompson and E. C. Jones go to Columbia to-day to attend the Dental AssopiAtion-be back Satur day, Rev. R. A. Fair has got home from Knoxville, Tenn.. whither he went as elegate to 'the Presby,terian General Assembly. Dr. Albert Cannon, one of the most sccessful fargiers of the New Chapel ection, was in town Saturday, anid left greenback at this ofIice. Mr. D. OQscar IIerbert, son of Capt. hesey W. Herbert, deceased, and Mrs. E. S. Herbert, of this County, has een awarded the 1st Honor in the raduating Class of Wofford College. here are fourteen in the class. Dr. R.'P. Clark, one of the most in fluential citipens of Jalapa, paid us a special visit one day last wveelk, which was highly appreciated. As the string f his latch hangs o,n the outside for the Ekitor we promise soon to pull it. Mrs. Betsy Sligh, while returning ome on Wedn.esday afternoon last, sus tained a severe injury i9 thg spraining f her ankle. The mule drawing her uggy becoming unmanageable she umped out, and in the act received the urt. Her sufferings are very grenit. Mr. - Everett Waddy, travelling for Ellyson & Yancey, Booksellers and Stationers, Richmond, Va., favored us with a visit on Friday. We were leased to find him a very clever and reasonable and withal handsome gen tleman, and regret not being able to ie him a large qrder. Mr. John Rothwell, Evangelist closed his labor of love on Saturday last, and took his departure for Ninety-Six. He la bored assiduously, le.cturing three timnes daily, and generally to large and inter ?sted audiences. .It is surprising that his strength does not yield to such ex baustive work. The Y. M. C. A. have n able and zealous coadjutor in this gentleman. May his efforts be crown ( with success. To Mr. W. T. Wright who has sold out to Mr. Keene, and who for the pres ent retires from active business we offer ongratulations fitting such a change. Ee is not nowv compelled to bolt his food half masticated in order to attend to the great rush of trade incident to this season, but can sit down quietly and chew his cud to bis heart's content. n whatever business he may hereafter engage we wish him success. R. B. Keene has purchased the stock of stoves, tinware, etc., from WV. T. Wright, and has opened in the store formerly occupied by Lipscomb & Mayes. Mr. Keene has passed through two fires since he began business here two years ago, but potwithstanding the fact that he lost heavily both times he has not been discouraged. He is a young man of great energy and good business tact, and we expect to see him succeed. AN UNDENIABLE TRUTH. Ycu deserve to suffer, and if yon lead a miserable, unsatisfactory life in this beautiful world, it is entirely your own fault and there is only one excuse for you-your unreasonable prejudice and skepticism, which has killed thou sands. Personal knowledge apd com mon .sense reasoning will soon shoWv you that Green's August Flower will cure you of Liver Complaint, or Dys, pepsia, with all its miserable effects, such as sick headache, palpitation of the heart, sour stomach, habitaal cos tiveness, dizziness of the head, ner vou pr-otran low spirits; &c. Its VARIOUS Very warm. Nice shower last night. Plant beans for late crop. Steam threshers in full blast. A few more paying snbscribers want ed. The best bean that grows is the Ger man Wax. Newberry hasn't had a single fishing party this season. Sow shirt buttons early in the morn ing-Sundays excepted. Keep up with Broadbrim's Paris let ters-they will amply reward you. The June apple season is in and doc tors are replenishing their Jalap bot tles. Dewberries have been selling on the streets several days for five cents a quart. Oats in bundle or threshed, fodder, peas, wheat or chickens will be taken for the Herald. What the State needs is fewer men who seek office, and more men whom the ofici seeks. Cherries and plums this season are not- as good as usu;ll. Many of them are faulty and scrawny. The new Pope is announced by cable to be sick. No relation to the family of that name in Newberry. Every farmer should care for his stock-the better their condition the more work they will do. Several young men of the town have united together and foimed an orches tra. They are practicing. Mr. Willie E. keeps a variety of arti cles in his hat, and among others rag baies and small ward-robes. The gip cock-tail does better under glass. It needs but little water, and its cultivation will give one an appetitefor breakfast. E. P. Mathews is a model subscriber. He does things in 'a large way. His splendid team was much admired on Wednesday last. The young woman who used to sing so divinely, "Oh, had I the wings of a dove," is now satisfed with a chicken leg. She is piarried. If you are a landlord and in any doubt as to what product to raise raise the rent. If you are not a land lord, try and raise the wind. The ma~n og horsebacg is r'eporte4 as appearng in a "gondola in Venice," ldoking yery rough, but with the pene trating eye of the statesman. If roguery isn't checked farmers will be cogiee to set a trap..gun to every shock of wheat and oats and every ear of corn in their fields, or they will be stolen. J. D. Cash has bacon enough to fur nish the entire County. Clark~ and hxis brigge had a greasy timne piling it up on Tuesday. At~the prices, 6c. per lb., anybody can eat bacon now. The sick man thinks of visiting the Mineral Spring near Jalapa. Cal. Can non and Mr. Spearman hold that the water contains valuable properties, and Dr. Clark adds hi? testimony. Helena is looking up. Several im provements about the place lately. If we will put the cotton factory half way between Newberry and Helena, the two places would soon unite in one big city. All the bacon is not piled up in one place-McWhirter has oodles of it, and can grease all of Newberry and the rest of mankind. All he lack.s to make the people happy is a big snap bean patch. It is said one man can take a horse to water, but op hun4reg canpot mak~1e him drink. Men are different from horses; -one man can take a hundred up to the bar and make themp drisk as often as he likes. Those wvho failed to-accept our invi tation to come in and settle on Sale day, are informed that an ext'ension has been granted. They can pay any time during the sitting cf Court, the earlier, however, the better. "Why is it, my dear sir," said Waf fles' landlady to him the other day, "tat your newspaper men never get rich?" "I don't know," was the re ply, "'ezept it is that dollars an sense do not always travel together." Signor Caro, prestigidator and ven triloquist gave a series of interesting and side-splitting entertainments here last week. He is well up in his pecu liar profession, and elicited great ap plause, but did not take off much cash. The Hoge school, colored, turned out in full force on Friday last, for their annual pic nic. A detachment of Capt. Eichelberger's company led by a drum corps headed the happy procession of pedestrians, wagops and buggies. The dinner is said to have been #ne. TAxJs.-We are indebted to our effi cient and obliging Treasurer for the following facts: Whole amount of Taxes collected in Newberry County during the month of May, 1878, for all purposes, $8,279 32.5, being less tha2n on-sth of the whole tax. The num ber of Polls in the County is 3,940, of which 238 have paid, leaving a balance of 3,702 to be paid next October. Treasurer's Report to the Schoot Co?nmis~ sioner of Nocobprry County, frpm May 1st to Jiune 1st, 187T8: District School. Polls. Township No. 1, $407 64.5 $61 50 2, 32 56. 15 00 4~ , 45809.0 6850 4, 1397.0 10850 "5, 12397.5 22050~ " " 0, 203 28.5 2250 GLENN'S Spr,-G.-This popular re sort is fairly open for the summer sea son, and several persons in this localit3 are preparing to go there for health ai recreation. To those who have not ye1 tested the efficacy of the water we tnkt pleasure in saying that it is the best ir the Southern country. The proprietors, Messrs. Simpson & Simpson are untir. ing in their efforts to please their guests, not only in supplying comforts of the table and well appointed rooms, but in affording social entertainment. W have no doubt that the house will be fall this season. Our experience there last summer was of the pleas:nt--st charater. AN INSTITUTION.-There are many places of interest in Columbia, and vis itors to that city should not omit to visit any of them, Not the least in im portance and attractiveness is an insti tution on Main Street, immediately op posite the Columbia, which for the con venience of the public is kept open from six o'clock in the morning until nine o'clock at night, every day in the week, Sundays excepted, It will well repay a visit. The great Paris Exposition no doubt will present greater attrac tions, but the distance and expense will prevent many frap going there. Not so as regards the place allnd,d to here, and which is under the direction and control of Messrs. Kingsland & Heath, gentlemen of large experience and taste. Admission free, with the privi lege of purchasing any article on exhi bition, prices of which will be given by Mr. Friday, the polite master of cere monies. 20-tf PETTENGr.f'S NEWSPAPER DIREC TORY AND ADVERTISER'S HANDBOOK FOR 1878.-If any doub e-isted ip the journalistic or business mind anywhere, that, a newspaper directory could be fabricated which would come up to the age, in its entire adaptation to the wants of aavertisers and newspaper publishers, Mr. Pettengill has dissolved it. His Directory for 1878 is, to begin with, a marvel of neatness and com pleteness. It contains general and special information ef 8,615 newspa pers. The lists are given by States, in geographical sections, and by counties. There are also lists of classes, such as dailies, wpekies, mopthlies, yeligioua, agricultural and horticultural. The book is handsomely illustrated. There is no appearance of any effort to estimate circulations. We bave this feature presented in three wvays: Every circulation sworn to is printed in full-face; all other cig$tc which are reported. are those given by publishers themselves; and in ases where any doubt hais existed in the comptroller's mind as to the igures reported, the circulation is mitted.- There are many others wich do not report eitculafiops at all. The Directory is a fair'presentation of the status and claims of every paper recorder in its pages. It is full of in formation valuable to newspaper pub lshers and advertisers. State SUifday s 8ekOo Ouven. tion. A quorum of the committee ap pointed to get up -a State Sunday School Convention held a meeting and agreed on the following points : There will be a convention this year. Thie time and place to be selected hereafter. The programme will -be published at an early day.. The representation will be the same from each county as in both houses of the General Assembly. A chairman is appointed in ech county, whose duty rhall be, where there are no county conventions in working order, to call a committee con. sitting of one representative man from each of the leading Protestant chur ches, which committee shall have full power to appoint delegates to the State Convention. ~It is 4eslred that the eauntry schools be well represen ted in these appointments. The comn mittee will see that efficient Sunday school workers are afpointed, .an.d such as will attend the convention. Should any of the chairmen ap pointed refuse to serve, or a mistake be made in the name, so that it can not be ascertained who is meant, some person interested will please write at. once to the chairmnan of the committee. County Conventions already formed, or formed hereafter, will appoint or elect delegates. No delegates from special schools or organizations will be regular. The chairmen of counties will get up statistics, stating number of schools, tcachers and officers, adult scholars, and children. Also other statistical information will b,e thank fully received. The committee would urge the im portance of county conventions. They would . also ask that all Sunday School workers, male and female, would give their influence in getting up a convention that shall be an hon oi to our State, and greatly promote the canse of Signday schoolis through out her bordiers, The following named persons are hereby appointed chairmen: Abbeville, Rev. J. L. Martin ;An derson, Rev. WV. 11 Strickland; Aikeni, Dr. E. J. C. Wood ; Barnwell, PRev. Buist; Iyeagfort, Tiev. C. A. Ban yard; Charleston, J. Adger Smythe; Chester, Giles J. Patterson; Obester field. Gen. WV. L. T. Prince; Clar-en don, Rev. Mr. McMilian ; Colleton, Col. B. Stokes; Darlington, p3. W. Edwards; Edgefieli A. JT. Norris; Fairfield, A. S. Douglas; Georgetown, Dr. Win. Capers; Greenville, Samuel Stradley ; Borry, Joseph T. Walsh; Kershaw, WXm. Waljage; J.angaster, John W. Twitty; i apreps, Mr. Fikei Leigton, Wobn. U. A. Meetge; Marion, J. P. McL-ucas; Marlboro, H. fl. Newton; Newberry, Rev. Ii B3roadus ; Oconee, J. W. ~8tribbling, Orangeburg, S. F. Dibble ; Richland, A. J noamead -Sprtanbur, 1Rev. FOR THE HERALD. For Congress. 3in. EDIToR: It is right and proper tha the names of persons, who are expected t< he run for office, should be brought to tht notice of the people some time before th< Nominating Convention meeto, so that theii iner its ai;d qualifications for office may be canivassed and thereby the proper men put before the people for election. With this view attention is called to the winie of Col. D. Wyatt Aiken, as a suitable person to be re-elected to Congress from the Third Congressional District. He, like our ga:llant standard-bearer, Hampton, came to the frO t and took position in line (not in a bomb-proof) when our beloved South was being invaded, and pledged his life, his fortune, aud his sacted honor to sustain her cause ; and well did he keep that pledge, for he never left the tented field except when carried away by his brother soldiers, wounded and bleeding for the sacred cause of r'ght and principle. When the South was overpowered by number., and the fearful struggle ceased, ie retired to private life and devoted his indomitable energies to developing the agricultural interests of the South. He, too, like our beloved Hampton, wvas among the first to come fprward and array himself on the side of reform and spend his energy and talents In pptting an end to the corrupt government (the like of which was never known before) fastened upon us by the car pet-baggers, and which was fast sapping the very foundations pf agd goyernment, and suck4ing the life-blood of the people. He took a bold stand and had not a little to do with breaking the chain by which we seem ed to be spell-boand. Since he has been in Congress he has been devoting his whole time and attention t2 his duties as a mem ber of Congress, and in furthering the in terests of his own State, not losig sight of the great and ai* Important question of minifugration to the South, and-especially to South Carolina. He is known far and wide in the North and North-west, through his late position ;n the Qra4e A.sooiation, and the iotarest he is known to take in the agricultural welfare of the country, and hence he is in a position, as a member of Congress, to be of no little benefit to the South, and especially to South Carolina, in indicing immigration. When a public servant is efficient and has done his duty it is right and proper that he shogld 1e rpt4ine4 in his position, not oniy as a reward for his past services, but also because the public has a right to his inituence and services. We know not yet what desperate efforts the Republican parny may mnake to recover its con.trj op;, the South. Let us, there fore, present a solid column in the coming election, with the noble, patriotic Hamp ton as the standard-bearer, and as his aids the men who nobly stood by him and held his hands up in hiis gallapt dash at corpticn, and hisebrts at good govern ment ; and let the watch.word be a pure, econonuical, and honest government, with equal rights for all before the law, and we need not fear the result. QR GF ThE PEOPLE. VEGE TINE IS RECOMMENDED BY *ALL PHYSICIANS. VALLET STREAM, QUEENs CO., LONG IS$.NKg 4. Y. MR. H. R. STEyWNS : Dear bp -ke the pleaSure of writing you a sm 1l certificate concerning Vegetine prepared byyou. I have been a sufferer with the Dsepsia for over forty years, and have hd the Chronic Diarrhcea for over six months, and have tried most every thing; was given up to die, and did not ex pect to live from day to day, and no s cian could touch my ease. sa. yorge tine recommend d $9nire spesaI commenged iaigit, and I contined doing so, and a'an ntg *ell woman and restored to perfect health.' All! who are afflicted with this tei-rible- disease, I would kindly recommend to try it for the benefit of their health, and it is excellent as a blood puri fier. Bly Dr. T. B. FORB3Es, M.D., for MRs. WM. H. FORBES. *VEGETIN.-Whien the blood becomes life less and stagnant, either from change of weather or.of climate, want of exercise, ir regular~diet, or from any other 9.93 the VEGETINE will renpw the INd carry off the putgi.I h'umiqrs, pleignse th~e stomach. regu ate the bowels, anid impart a tone of vigor to the whole bQdy. VEGE TINE For CANCERS and CANCEROUS HUMORS. THE DOCTOE'S CEETHICFIl ASHLEY, WASHINGTON Co.. ILL., January 14, 1878. Mn. HI. R. STEVENs: Dear Sir-This is to certify that I had been. suffering from a Rose Cancer on my right breast, which grew very rapidly, andXall my friends had given me up to die. when I heard of your medicine, Vegeti%e, recom' mended for Cap~er pa~d Cane'rous Humors. I com4eitaB, t'tke it, and soon found my self beginning to feel bqtter; my health and spirits both zelt the benign influence which it exerted, and in a few months from the time I commenced the use of the Vegetine, tihe Cancer came out almost bodily. CARRIE DEFORREST. I certify that I am personally acquainteg with Mrs. DeForrest, and considep 4I; one of our very best woe. n. FLWES A~I, DISEAsEs OF THE BLOOD.-If VEGE TINE will relieve pain, cleanse, purify, and cure such diseases, restoring the patient to perfect health after trying different physi cians, many remedies, suffering for years, is it not conclusive proof, if you are a suf ferer, you can be cured ? Why is this medhi cine performing such great cures ? It worica in the blood, in the circnlating fin*d. It can t ruly be called the Grgat Egagg4 Pari1ier. The great sogmrep pf disease orignmates in the blood; and no medicine the.t dloea not act directly uu~on it,' to purify a.nd renovate, has any.juRI claim tipon public attention. VEGETIN'E I REGARD IT AS A VALUABLE F A MILY M EDIC11%1 JAN. 1, 1878. MR. H. R. STEVENS i, Deay Sir-X take pleasure in saying, that I have used the Vegetine in my family with good results, and I have known of several eases of remarkable cure effected by it. I regard it as a valuable family medicmne. Truly yours, REV: WM1. McDON4M4. The Rev. Win. McDo.gld is well known through the Un'atog States as a minister in thg M. E. Ohnrch. THOUSANDS SPEAK.-VEGETINE is acknow ledged and recommended by physicians andl ap)othecaries to be the best purifier gud cleanser of the blood yet dPiggvercd, and thousands speak in it praise whQ have been restog t1g hgq4ltba VEQETINE Th~e & D1 S1 kVe it. MR. . 1 STEV- N haesl eeiefraln miea, a- hadtves ol Veelento atong ftioe n idi ie otecletsts Sato.B.DPIETM..Drgi. S.a.zE PIET, .D,Ist. Hazleton, Ind. Obituary. DIED, at his residence in Newberry Coun ty, May 21st, 1878, Mr. A. L. LARK, aged 81 years. He had been quite feeble for several months, but had been confined to his bed only nine days, when death the monster came and claimed his picy. He had not made any profession of religion up to the time of his death. but for some time he had been talking to his neighbors about the Holy Scriptures; and one day wben suffering more than usual, he remarked, that "Whom the Lord loveth, He chasteneth." He seenied hopeful of recovering until the day before he died, when he gave up, and seemed to be sleeping for about fourteen hours, when be died without a struggle. His remains were interred at Cross Roads Church, where his much loved wife had been laid away about seven years ago. He leaves two children and a circle of friends to mourn his loss; but let us hope that our los is 11 --.en's gain. "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away; blessed be the name of the Lord." POST OFFICE, NEWBERRY, S. C., June 1., 1678. List of advertised letters for week ending June 1, 187: Coleman, Mrs. Doro-;Maffett, Miss Ida thy |Maffett, Presly Dowings, J. P. Rook, Boyce Glenn, Rubin Williams, Miss Rebec Holloway, Miss Lizzie c Johnson, Mrs. Ircanna Worthy, Mrs..Jane Little, Robert Parties calling for letters will please say if advertised. R. W. BOONE, P. M. .POST OFFICE CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Down Train arrives .........., 3 P M Up Train arrives.................2 07 P M Laurens Train arrives. .......12 40 P M " leaves............ 2 15 P M Mails close for all trains.......... 1 30 P M Up and Down Trains pjass at this place. Rt. W. BOONE, P M Newberry, S. C,, March 19, Commercial. NEWBERRY, S. C., June 4.-Cotton quiet -middling 9j. Number of Bales shipped during wee4, 74. Newb rry Frites Current. CORRECTED WEEKLY By J. N. XTIN & CO. BACON Shoulders, Prime New....... 5 Shoulders, Sugar Cured...... Sides, C. R., New............ 6. DRY SALTED MEATS Shoulders, New........ Sides, C. R., New.......... a 61 Sides, Long Clear........... 6j HAMS Uncanvassed Hams.......... 10 Canvassed Hams, (Magnolia) LARD Leaf, in Tiere.......... 121 I.4 f, n 3ac ets............. 13 SUGAR-2 Powdered.................... 16 Crushed...................... 14 Granulated Standard..... .. 12a Extra C................. 12j Coffee C.....1...... Yellow ............, ....... 10 New Or,. ,.... 12j MCL e51marars........... MLASES New Orleans Syrup. 75 New Orleans Molasses. 40 Cuba Molasses.......60 TEA- Sugar House Molasses. 40 Gunpowder............... 1.50 Young Hyson............... ALLSPICE....................5 PEPPER........................380 - Roasted or Parched. 20 Best Rio............... 26a Good Rio.............. 28a 25 VINEGAR Cider Vinegar....., 5 White Wine Vinegar.. 65 - COR& Tennessee...............685 MEAL Bolted...................1.00 Unbolted............... 90i SOAP......................... 6a 10 STARCH........................lO1a 16 STAR CANDLE3............... 16 FLOUR, per bbl.......... ....... 8.00a 9.00 PEARL HOMINY.................. 5 CANDY.................... 15 CONCENTRATED LYE........... 15 ENGLISH SODA............... 10 HORSFORD'S BAKIN(i POWDE1, 26 SEA FOAM BAKING PWY{DE2... Sif AXLE GREA@................... 15 TOBACCO:...'..~...... .......... 60s 1.25 NAILS (10) keg..................38.50 BAGGING-Heavy................15. ARROW TIES, per bunch.......... 3 00 RED CLOVER SEED-per lb...20 RED OATS-per si............., N ,7ms8enrneous. U can make money faster at work for us than at anything else. Capitalinot required; we will start you. $12 per day at home made by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted every where to work for us. Now is the time. CostTy outfit and terms free. Address TEUrE & Co.1,,ugusta, Maiune. 21-ly At BOTTOM PRICES. JUST RECEIVED A FRESH LOT OF CRACKERS, CANNED GOODS, PLAIN AND FRENCH CANDY, L.EMONS, FRUITS, &C. At . H. A. BURNS'. March 20, ]3-10mo. BANK BILLS For State Taxes. We have on hand and. will sell in, amounts to suit Taxpayers, BILLS OF THE BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA, which have been proved, found genuin.e and Stamped in the Dabney, Morgan & Co., case, and are now under the Seal of the Referee, The Courts have 'decreed "That Bills so reported, proved end stamped by the Referee, so that they may be identified, are adjudged genuine bills of the said Bank for the face value thereof, issued in the ordinary business transactions of the Bank, and not issued with reference to Confede rate Treasury Notes" and are receivable for Tax'es. These Bills are guaranteed not-to have been tendered for taxes since the above decree was made. COCHRAN & ALEXANDER, 26 Broad Street, May 8, 19-im. Charleston, S, C. Tf'S business yon can engae in. $5 to 3-.0 pei' day made byany work er ot either sex, rlghtin their own localities. Particulars and sam ples worth $5 free. Improve your spare time at this business. Address STINSoN & Co., Portland, Maine. 21-ly BlAK BOO0g! BLAK BO900!! ANOTHERS LARGE LOT JUST RECEIVED AT THE HERALD STORE.. ' FROM FIVE CENTS UP. . Jan. 3), 5-tf. SILVER AND GOLD PPRR RATEB BOAR.D Clothing. ;Ph: AND SUMMER STOCK F JF QL1ITI AT Unprecedentedly Low Prices! WRIGT & J. W. 0Paro0 Ree'pectffully anounc to the citizens of Newberrv, that they have now in stere anl elegant. aud cheap stock of CLOTHiNG FOR ?REN AND BOYS, which embraces .a 1-re varietv of the ATEST STYLES AN; PATTERNS IN SUITS, which they can sell st lower prices than evet belore offiered in this market, and to -'ich they now invite attention. Thy m0k. a specialty in FINE DRESS COATS, PANTS, SMl!RTS, ke., an examina ion