Special and Local. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. C. Leahy-Citation. Lindsey"' C!othes Pounder. .ino. T. Patrick-Agents Wanted! S. & U. R. R.-Cbauge of Schedule. J. C. Leahv-Comp}aint to Marshall Assets. SPECIA I, IOTI!YE.-Puinc.". no tiec." in this bocal colhtinn aare inserted at the rate of 15 cents per line carh inser tion.. Obituaries, notiocs of meetings, con munications relating to personal inter est.", trindes of rc.ee &c. care charged as regular adlzertisement, at $1 per square. Notier,S of arlminis tration, and other legal notics, obitu arie.s, tributes of re spect pnl noticcs of meetings, as well as Cminnzncication., ry a perscnal charatetr nust be paid for in adcanec. The subscription price of the Herald is S2.00 for twelve months, $1.25 for six months, 75 cents for three months and 25 cents for one month, in advance. Nanes in future will not be placed on the subscription books until the cash or its equivalent is paid. Where shall we buy our Crockery. Glass and China Ware, and other arti cles indispensable in every well regu lated family? This is an important questioi, but fortunately it can be an swered without difficulty. Buyers, and more especially the ladies who have largest. experience in such things, like to make selection from a stock which is extensive in variety; and they are right, for they can do better than from a limited assortment which atfoids no chance to gratify their tastes or suit their pockets. At Messrs. Kingsland & Heath's elegant store in Qolumbia every possible desire aan be satisfied their stock is one of the largest and best selected in the State. Send an or der to, or visit them at their store op posite Columbia Hotel. 17-tf. GOOD ADVICE. Now is the time of year for Pneu monia, Lung Fever, &c. Every family should have a bottle of BoscnEE'S GERar SYRUP. Don't allow for one moment that cough to take hold of your chili, jour family or yourself. Con sumption, Asthma, Pneumonia, Croup, Hemorrhages, and other fatal diseases may set in. Although it is true GElIMAN Simur s curing -thousands of these dreadediseases, yet it is much better to have it at hand wbe -three doses will cure you. One Bottle .will last your whole family a winter and keep you safe from danger. If you are consump live, doenot rest until you have tried this: remedy. Sample Bottles 10 cents. Regular size 75 cents. Sold by your Druggist, Dr. W. E. Pelham. : . 13-tf.eow. ADVEETISE.-Ad.vertise and let the people of the County see that Newberry is a live town, and that her merchants. have goods to sell anid meani"to sell them;. If you cannot afford :to contract for a hundred dollar advertisement as in the goiod -old days, send in a fifty cent one. No matter how small the price or the-notice, send it in and show that there is life in the town. Make a run on somethiag, if it's only drie.d cod fish or dri'ed appl~es, and draw custom by which other merschandise will be sold. To THrE LADrs.-New and beautiful sheet nusic; comprising Songs, Duetts, Choruses, Waltzes, &c., at publishers' pricea at the Herald Book Store. To THE BOYS.-A few copies of De Witt's Base Ball Guide for 1877, This book is an authority. Call at once and secure one. To YotNG MEN AND MAIDENS who -write Bilfet Doux, the Herald Book Bcdok Store is the place where can be found paper and envelopes in the pret tiest boxes imaginable. - To SCHOOL BOYS AND GIRLS.-If you want slates, copy books, pens, pencils, books, pocket inkstands, &c., ask for them at the Herald Book Store. To THE PUBtic.-At. the Herald Book Store can be found the best of' paper and 'envelopes, and every other article'-of stationery used in this sec tion.- ---~- 13-tf. When Fdward Scholtz repairs your clock or watch it is warranted for one year. Try him. Satisfaction guaranteed. 35-1y DEATH.-An infant son of Mr. G. M. Girardeau, died the 16th instant of Croup. ASTHMA can be cured by using Shri nor's Balsamic Cough Syrup. Sold by Pope & Wardlaw. 20-2t. TRANSFER OF REAL ESTATE.-Geo. Brown to L. Carrie Moseley and Geo. D. Brown,.105 1-4 acres, $2,000. THoMPsos, Dentist, Square above Post Office. 35-tf. Rev. John Kershaw preached at the Episcopal Church Sunday morning and evening, and at Helena in the after noon. We have been requested to state that there .will be a meeting of the County Lodge of Good Templars at Newberry C.'H1.~on the first'Wednesday in June at 12 o'clock M. M. Quad says that "one of the land seape scenes in Nevada is an English tourist wriggling over the ground to get in position to kill a mule, believiQg that he has a sure thing on a grizzly." Under the Governor's Proclamation, the National Bank of Newberry, S. C., will be closed on Thursday nest, May 2ith. All paper maturing on that day must be attended to on Wednesday. JNO. B. CAR WILE, it. Cashier. OXVER THE Rtvaa.--The picnic at pol. Clary's Spring-the Southern Sar atpga-last Wednesd~..y wa~ a big af A sp cimen of the Colorado Beetle or Potato Bug has been shown us by the Rev. II. W. Kuhns. It was found browsing in his garden. ExECuTIvE APPOINTMENTS.-M. A. Carlisle, Esq., received his appointment and Commission as Trial Justice the 15th instant. J. B. Fellers, of Prosperity, has also been appointed Trial Justice by Gov. Hampton. Our devil has not got the hydrophobia if he did spell it wrong last week; but he is mad as lits. A young lady came into the office the other day with her father, to see the mysteries of a print ing office, and while up here said she "wanted to see that little fellow set type." Efiects entirely disproportional to causes are frequently induced by the simplest circumstances. A little pim ple, indicative of the beginning of de terioration of the blood, will, by neglect of preventive means, develop into the loathsome Ulcer and sap health or pro bably destroy life. Dr. Bull's Blood Mixture prevents such catastrophes. Looking at Mrs. Whaley's new house from the outside, one would think it was deficient in fire-places, there being only one chimney; but that chimney goes up through the house where the corners of the four rooms join, aid each room has in excellent fire-place, all in the same chimney. The house is very neatly built. Mr. Redding, the contractor, who has been in Newberry several weeks, had a valuable horse stolen .from his home in Charlotte, N. C., since his stay here. Friday he received infor mation that the horse and thief had been captured in Sumter, and left im mediately on the down train for that place. Coxx vs. CoTrox.-A good many farmers are going to increase their corn crop by planting rows of corn in their cotton fields, across the cotton rows, six teen feet apart. This, we think, is a good plan, especially where there is a poor stand of cotton, and every farmer who has not planted enough corn to last him through the year would do well to adopt it. We made a slight mistake last week in giving Thomas' bondsmen. They are Elijg.h Philips, Henry Kennedy, Burr Rains and W. H. Snead.- These bondsmen are begin.ning to feel a little uneasy, as Thomas does not seem dis posed to return to stand his trial. We hope and insist that if the bond be for feited it wvil be pushed to the very last dollar. A LARGE. HOUSE.-On our recent vis it to Charleston it was our pleasure to go through the extensive etablishment of Mr. Henry Bischoff' under the polite guidance of Mr. W. T. Quincy. The area now occupied in the transaction of his immense grocery business is one acre, but we learn that it will be large ly increased for the fall trade.- The at tention of the trade is invited to the fa cilities afforded by Mr. Bischoff. PINE RIDGE ACADEMY.-We learn from Mr. S. D. Simmons that there will be a public exhibition given by this Academy, Lexington County, Friday the 25th instant at 7 P. M. Mr. D. C. Lake, of this county, who has had charge of the Academy for three or four years, has succeeded in building up a large and flourishing school, and those who attend the Exhibition may expect to be pleased. INOTICE THIS.-The Proprietor of Clary's Southern Saratoga Mineral Spring, will deliver a lecture on the Discovery and Curative powers of this invaluable mineral water on the eve ning of the 28th inst. at -- Hall, commencing at S o'clock. Mineral water from Col. Clary's Spring can be found at Dr. Pelhamn's Drug Store. M. WV. CLARY, it - Proprietor. Ansox.-Lewis Montgomery, Tobe MMorries, and Hamp and Burley Da vis were up before Trial Justice Packer Friday on a preliminary examination, charged with setting fire to Mrs. Fan nie Glasgow's house three weeks ago. The examination lasted from 11 o'clock~ in the morning till 9 1-2 o'clock at night. Twenty witnesses were exam ied. The Judge considered the dvi dence sufficient to hold the accused for trial, and they w'ere accordingly com mitted to jail, to await their trial at the next term of the General Sessions. PERSONA.-Dr. McIntosh has re turned from his visit to Florida, looking well. Dr. 0. B. Mayer, Jr., returned Thurs day from his visit to the .New York and Baltimore Medical Institutions. Rev. R. A. Fair will go to Edgefield Saturday for the purpose of organizing a Presbyterian Church in that village. Mrs. Wardlaw, formerly of Abbe vile; bas moved to Newberry, and has taken the house on Calhoun-st. forner y occupied by Mr. Simmons. R1ev. Thos. G. Herbert has just re turned from a visit to his relatives in Georgia. Lt.-Gov. Simpson, of Laurens, Hon. F. A. Conner, of Cokesbury, and Jno. R. Abney, Solicitor of the 5th Circuit, were in town Saturday. We are glad to see that Maj. Baxter is improving. He was at Church Sun. - a;tefrttmeh a ~otf day;ethe first timeheahad beer,lout fo seveb rlI(e~5 vsIe capt fahe wonith - .NoTicE.-h'lie Independent Ordel Good Templars will meet at Udd I lows' Hall at 7 1-2 o'clock Thursi evening, and the Young Men's Christ Association in Temperance Hall 1 same evening at 8 1-2 o'clock. ' time of meeting is so fixed tlat thi may be a full attendance at both. 'I ladies are cordially invited to meet v the Young Men's Christian AssQciati their presence being especially desir as business of importance will be tra acted which can be materially hell hv tlel. O:Tr MIY 11STAKE..-Trial, Just Packer some time ago sentenced Fra Davenport to jail for fifteen days, a directed the Sheriff, at the time of co mitting him, to hold him after his sE tence had expired, under anotl charge. Last week Davenport's s< tence expired, and forgetting the otl charge, the Sheriff turned him o And now it is said that he stole a c Saturday night. The officers of t law are after him. And it is.also said that Burrell D enport, one of the prisoners that escap jail three weeks ago, has been and st is prowling about the county. W has he not been re-arrested ? U. S. JuIoxs.-The two men sele ed from this county for petit jurors the U. S. Court at Charleston, whi opened last week, were Rev. Fe Torrence and Ex-Representative Ish: Greenwood, both colored. In impv cling the jury for the Ellenton c, Greenwood was sworn in, there bei no objection from either side. Wh the Reverend Felix was called the fence objected to him for cause, and was proved that while on his way Charleston he had said that all th< "grand rascals in the Ellenton ca! ought to be convicted and sent to Si Sing." Felix was ruled off the ju; He denies that he made use of the h guage attributed to him. T!IANKSGImING DAY.-Thursday 1 been appointed by His Excellency I Governor as a day of Thanksgivi and Prayer. The Pastors of the Me odist and Presbyterian Churches hs announced services at their Churcl at 11 A. M., and the Pastors of the o er Churches, being compelled to away, have requested their congrei tions to attend services at one of 1 above named places. We hope the people will not ma the mistake that~they day is to be o of fasting, and: that the must put sackcloth and sit in ashes; for it shot be a day of feasting and general: joicing, with hearts grateful to God: His great blessings conferred upon as a State and people. We have just seen a large roll leather made by Mr. 0. B. Mattes< of Morris, Otsego County, N. Y., at 3 Jones's tanyard. Mr. Matteson con to us well recommended as a gent man-and a practical tanner of ma years' experience. He comes with 1 view of settling among us, and we< tend to him and all such men a hea: welcome. We also learn that Mr. Horace Hi< ok, who lives in the same section of1 country which Mr. Matteson came fro has come here to look -at the coun: for himself and others, with a view making his home amongst us if he pleased. He says he can bring ma artisans and farmers down with him. We hope our citizens will afford the gentlemen every facility for seeing< lands and people. SPI.ENDID PORTRAITS OF GORD AND YANCE.-We are in receipt of t magnificent Line Engravings of1 statesmen whose names head this a: tile. They form part of a series, e bracing the portraits of the distingui ed Living Southern Statesmen, wb is being published by that leadi Southern House, our friends Walk~ Evans & Cogswell. They are truth likenesses-speaking images of great originals, and executed in highest style of engraving. They both splendid works of art, and destir to take their places in the homes of< people, beside Stuart's Washington other masterpieces. The manly, noble, generous featu of South Carolina's friend, Gord, stand out as if endued with life. 'l fire of the undaunted grey eye, the tellect of the massive b)row, the. bat scarred cheek, all show the gallant n who has led his people in war and peace-the prominent statesman y espoused th]e cause of Carolina, and the hour of our trouble came nobly our assistance. The Vance Portrait is a remarkal likeness, an artistic portrait, and I trays to perfection the cordial, frien< but decisive features of this great u of the people, who, possessing thet derest sympathies, is the friend of er man, and a giant intellect, is the lea and controller of agreatcomionvea His assistance in the Hampton C: paignl can never be . forgotten by people of Carolina. These two pictt should be placed side by sie wit t of Harmpton. Our enterprising friends, Wall Evans & Cogswell, are publishin series of splendid Line Engravings, bracing the distinguished Living Soi ern Statesmen, and have now on tl list, Hampton, Gor@pn, Yface, apd H. Hill. Canvassing Agents are w: einery town in South Carolina in,roduc these works of art. Somi of WAR MAPs.--Scleders ap of the 'el- Black Sea, Asia Minor, the Caucasus, lay Southern Russia, Rouniania, and East Lan ern Turkey. Engraved on stone, care he fully printed and colored. Scale, 1::1, lie! 000,000. Size, 22X2S inches. Price, re folded and in cover, $0.40. 'he This Map is very accurately con ith piled from the latest and most complete >n, material. It presents, at one glance, ;, the scene of the war, both in Europe ns- and in Asia. ied Published by E. STEMI.ER, 22 & 24 Frankfort Street, New York, by whom copies will be promptly mailed upon ice receipt of price. This publisher has nk made preparations for bringing out ad nd ditional War Maps, as soon as such m- may become necessary. i- A PAINFUL ACCIDENT.-Sunday 1er morning while Mr. Shelton Langford was riding across the old field just be eir yond Col. Leavell's his mule stumbled -it. and fell. Mr. L. was thrown to the a1f ground with great force, and both bones he of his left leg below the knee were bro ken. He was alone when the accident Lr- happened, but after a while some little ed negroes came along and by them the family were informed of the accident, and a buggy was sent for him. The young gentleman showed good grit. When first found he had rolled et- up his pantaloons and pulled off his in shoe to keep the blood .off them, for the ch broken bone protruded through the lix flesh and. skin. When Dr. McIntosh L was setting the bones the patient kept m- his eyes fixed intently on his foot, to e see that it was placed in the proper po ng sition; he hasn't uttered a groan since en the accident occurred. We sympathize te- with him in his sufferings, and hope it that he will soon get well. to ExCUnsiox TO NINETY-SIx.-The ses excursion to Ninety-Six of the Silver ng Cornets promises to be a very pleasant 0 affair, and will be participated in by a Y number of ladies and gentlemen from Newberry :Znd stations on the line. For the benefit of those who. are not yet informed, we take pleasure in stating he that one of the passenger coaches of the G. & C. R. R, will leave the depot 6 P. M. Thursday, for Ninety-Six, where a diversified and pleasing entertain s ment, consisting of music and the -drama, concluding with a ball, will be bgiven. The return will be made at 2 ~A. M. The price of tickets for the heround trip, including the entertainment at Ninety-Six, is fixed at $1.75, and these can be obtained at the principal nstores in town. We advise all who ewould take a pleasant ride by rail in ild the cool of the evening and under the r-b~eniin'fuence of the moon, with mu osic all the wvay, and at the same time us enjoy the treat at Ninety-Six, to secure tickets and be on board at six o'clock shar p. of Tr E PICNIC-Tbe most pleasant af )m fair of the.season came off Thursdayi r. Early in the morning vehicles of every tes description vere carrying their precious le- freight (this applies ~only to the girlh ny and baskets) to the beautiful grove near he Cline's Spring. Everybody and his wife - wvent;. and everybody else and his sweet tyheart. A few of the merchants tried to staiy in town and keep their stores open, k- but they got so lonely they had to shut he up, and the town was left to take care m, of itself. ry Ample provisions had been made of for amusement. A neat floor, laid be upon the ground and well polished, ny and shaded by the tall trees, served .better for dancing than frescoed halls. rse Most of those who didr't dance them mr selves looked ori while others tripped th~e light fantastic, wishing they could g do likeswise, but fearing to venture. o Others formed themselves into squads wo of two, Ain accordance with the law oi Lhe "naitural selection," and, seeking a quiet e'ti- and retired. nook, talked in low, dove Slike voices of-politics and the hard stimes, of course. The big swing was ii ich fine piece of workmanship and afforded dnnite -pleasure t the young .nisses er, and children, ful The Swedish dance, participated in the by a few, was a sort of compromise be the tween a dance and "a-bobbin' around rand around" a May-pole in the sfrape oi ied a tall pine tree, and not being attendec )ur with music, was not calculated to pul mnd an undue quantity of life and mettl in their pedestals. res Here and there lovers of the mallel nand the ball whiled away the time fra e that intensely absorbing game callet in- "Croquet." tie- The Silver Cornet made the grov( ian resound with music, contributing muci in to everybody's enjoyment, and calling rho back to the minds of the men the i4tl in of September, when that same grove to rang with the campaign speeches oi Hampton, Simpson, Aiken and Ball ole the remembrance of that day giving ~ lor- zest to the enjoyinent of this. 1;Besides Newvberry's own fair daugh man ters, Cokesbury and Columbia contribu en- ted of their beauty and wit to the pleas. ery ures of the day. der The dinner-welt the preparat.ion 01 Ith. that belonged exclusively to the ladies tm and was, of course, all that could be the wished for by the most fastidious epicu. tres roan. hap The sun had almost set before th( large crowd began to disperse. :er, After tea the disciples of Terpsichort g a reassembled in Temperance Hall an ym.- enjoyed another pleasant dance. tith- Thursday was a red letter day fo 1eir Newberry. Would that we could hav~ ~.more subh. a- COMMODORE VANDERBILT ,to Handsomely endowed a University in' thi ~ Of Soath; but Dr. James L. Gilder left a ri~he: AROUT THE TOWN AND COUNTY. It is decidedly cool-ice. Another ball on the tapis. Monday was the hottest day yet. Were the May apples all killed ? Helena has a fine patch of wheat. F:ms and sunshades are in demand. Newberrians are eating Irish pota toes. The playful canine is still waltzing around. Can't somebody start a soda foun tain? Another mad dog was killed in town Monday. Street sprinklers are much needed they are cheaply made. The young men in town have organ ized another base ball club. The young men say they beat the Benedicts dancing Thursday. The perspiring Newberrian looketh for the ice-crean , but findeth none. A coop of chickens came in Friday for sale. They went like lightning. Base balls, Moore's ink, and checker men for sale at the Herald Book Store. Mr. Cline has a brick-yard in opera tion on the railroad beyond his shops. A bachelor member of the Bar has been taking lessons in one of the fine arts. There is as much variety this season in the style of hats as there was in Jo seph's coat. The Odd Fellows will have a Ball in Odd Fellows' Hall the night of June 13th. " Mr. Iamp Harris has nearly com pleted his dwelling house on the street leading to Helena. In the election.for Chief Justice, Cor win and Bridges voted for Willard, and Keitt for McGowan. The blackberry crop looks promising and. we have strong hopes of living tiil the middle of summer. Excumsion''train to Ninety-Six Thurs day for the Ball and Concert by the Newberry Silver Cornet Band. That little cannon brought up from Charleston wakes the welkin, and all the boys who see it are delighted. The brick-yard is in full blast. Those tarheels know how to work. They are turning twelve thousand bricks a day. Two or three Northerners were pro specting arond Newberry last week. They like the. country, and will proba bly move down. A gentleman in town says that boys in the summer ought not to be allowed to wear anything but--but-see Tom Hood's song. .Aneter lock "and' key~ h:tvo been stolen from the' cemetery gate, and cows browvse on the shrubbery which adorns the.lots. It is to bad. -Ttfere was a black cloud of witnesses in town Friday to testify in a case. of arson.. As they .passed along Caldwell street chickens went to roost, thinking night had come. Mr. Tas. F. Kilgore has-been selected as Referee to take testimony at New. berry in the Senate contested case of Lipscomb versus Corwin. The exami nation of wvitnesses is going on daily.. The Truck of the Hook and Ladder Company was beautifully decorated with flowers by the young ladies Thurs day, and the young firemen made a fine-appearance in their unifor-ms of red and black. Three workmen laid twenty squares of flooring in the Smngley building Fri day. Quick work. They were work ing by,tejb. The floor is put down in such a way that not a sipgle nail is visible, He ought to have known better than to "pop the question" Thursday in the bright glare of the noon-day sun,1i you wish to be successful choose moons light, gaslight (or lamplight, not toc brilliant), or, better still, twilight. A distinguished Judge remarked Thursday at the picnic while looking at the graceful dangers, that no place can show a finer array -of beauty than Newberry. He's about right too. With a slight sprinkling from Cokesbury and Columbia, we can beat the State, A little four year old in town, not getting as much milk at dinner as he wanted, informed his mamma that he was going to buy himself two cows. Being asked what he wvanted with two, he said he wanted a sweet milk cow and a clabber milk cow. As unsophis ticated as the young housewife who asked her milk-maid what cow gave the buttermilk. "Newherry is in a had fix. Nearly all the county officials are declared in Not a bad fix by any means, consid ering the kind of officials they are, ,7ASK YOUlT1 DRU~GG IST FOR SHRINER'S Indiani Vermifuge and if he fails to ^supply you, address the Proprietor, David E. Foutz, Baltimore, Md. Wholesale by Pope & Wark law. POST OFFICE, NEwBERRtY, S. C., May 19, 1877. List of advertised letters for week ending May 19, 1877: Baldwin, J. W. IJones, E. P. Bennett, W. C. !Lewis, John Cannon, Jacob |Schumnpert, El1sha, Fargy, Allen ISmitig, J.L4. Floyd, Anthony P. Sondley, Mrs. Mary Jones, L. 0. Parties calling for letters will please say if advertised. R. W. BOONE, P. M. ARRIVALS AT THE SIMMONs HousE. R. Froneberger, S. M. Ha~cker, F. C. Ra -i,D.0 J rnis .~inr hretn Ji;. .iser Liret,V Afaln,. Chaleson i ny me.. - marre Halt S. C.: Wm. M. S. H. Iari'rox, Agent for the cele brated LINDiLEY NURSERY, located near Greensboro. N. C., is now on his an nuai tour soliciting orders for Fruit Trees, Vines and Plants. to be deliver ed at Newberry C. II., in November. Trees warranted to live 12 months. Printed instructions in regard to plant ing, pruning and cultivation given on day of delivery. I make a specialty of a fine Stiawberry named the MoNARCH Op THE Wr.s, which ripens ten days earlier than the Wilson Albany, twice as large, and is as sweet as the sweet est. This is one of the most prolific berries in this country. I will canvass the County of Newberry, and can be found while in town at the residence of Mrs. Bradley. 18-1m. A Wonder-Working Remedy. No remedial agent has ever been offered to the sick and debilitated at all comparable to Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, in cases of re mittent and intermittent fevers, constipation, nervous ailments; rheumatism, and disorders involving constitutional weakness or physi cal decay. It literally "works wonders." The botanic ingredientswhich its spirituous basis holds in solution, act like a charm upon the stomach, and through the stomach upon the brain, liver, bowels and nervous system. There is nothing in its composition that is not salubrious. It contains some of the most po tent tonics of the vegetable kingdom and the juices of the best aperient and anti-bilious roots and herbs, combined with a perfectly pure stimulating element. The Bitters are peculiarly adapted to those engaged in ex hausting or unhealthy occupations, as by its use strength is sustained and the ability of the system to resist atmospheric and other influences prejudicial to health largely in creased. 18-5t Commercial. NEWBERRY, May 22.-Cotton nominal middling 9z. Bales shipped during week 76. NEW YORK, May 21.-Cotton quiet-up lands 10; Orleans 11; sales 238. Gold firm, at 1.061. BALTIMORE, May 21.-Cotton quiet-mid dling 10g. AUGUSTA, May 21.-Cotton steady-mid dling 10. CHARLESTON, May 21.-Cotton quiet middling 10k. Newberry Prices Current. CORRECTED WEEFLT By J. N. M ",RTIN & CO. BACON Shoulders, Prime New....... 8 Shoulders, Sugar Cured..... 10 Sides, C. R., .New............. 11 DRY SALTED MEATS Shoulders, New............. Sides, C. R., New.......... 10 Sides, Long Clear........... 10 HAMS Uncanvassed Hams....... 15 Canvassed Hams, (Magnolia) 17 LARD In Tierces. ............ 17 In Buckets................... 13 SUGAR Powdered.................... .16 Crushed...................... 16 Granulated Standard..... .. 14 Extra C.................... 18 Coffee C................ 12& Yellow.................12 New Orleans............. 13 Demarara............... 13 MOLASSES New Orleans Syrup. 90 New Orleans Molasses. 80 Cuba Molasses......65 TEA- Sugar House Molasses. 50 Gunpowder............... 1.50 - Young Hyson............. 1.50 ALLSPICE....................25 PEPPER.......................... 30 COFFE E Roasted or Parched...8a 88 Best Rio...... ........ 28a 30 Good Rio.............. 23a 25 VINEOA R Cider Vinegar........ 50 White Wine Vinegar 65 CORtN --Tennessee.............1.05 MEAL Bolted...................1.15 Unbolted.............. 1.10 SOAP......................... 6a 10 STARCE.......................i10a 16 STAR CANDLES................ 18 FLOUR, per bbl................1.00a13.00 PEARL HOMINY.................. 5 CANDY.. ........ 18 CONOENTRATED LYE........... 16 ENGLISH SODA. ............... 10 HORSFORD'S BAKING POWDER 25 SEA FOAM BAING POWDER... 35 AX LE GREASE.................16 TOBACCO...................60a L25 NAILS (10 keg.................. 4.50 BLUE GLASS! If you wish a soft, pleasant light to read by, get a Blue Glass Lamp Chimney, or a Combination Chimi ey and Shade from POPE & WARDLAW. DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES. We have just received a splendid assort ment of HAIR and TOOTH BRUSHES, TOTLET SOAPS, from 5c. a cake upwards, and an entire new supply of DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES and FANCY GOODS in gene ral, to which we invite the attention of all, more especially the ladies. Our stock of BRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, YARNISHES, GLASS, SEGARS, TOBACCOS, PIPES, CA NDY, Brandies, Wines and Whiskeys For Medicinal purposes, Is ful and all recently purchased, which we will sell as LOW AS THE LOWEST, and upon reasonable terms. . PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUJNDED at all hours by our Dr. D. S. Pope, who can be found at uight in room over rear por tion of o,ur store. Respectfully, POPE & IVADIAW, No. 5, Mollohen Row. Ne wberry, May 15, 1877. 20-tf. J. N. MARTIN& CO., Agents for Piedmont Shirting and Sheeting. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES-FOR THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA. In iR--W. A. Fuller, Bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that by order.-of His HonQr Judge Geo. S. Bryan-a meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt will be held at Newberry C. H. before the un dersigned Register on Wednesday the 23rd inst. for the purpose ot considering a pro posal for the compensation of his debts, to be made by the said Banikrupt, C. G. JAEGER, Register. 6th May 1877--19-St. TOBACCO. PURE, FRESH AND RELIABLE DRUGS AND ALL TIIE ELEGANT PREPAItA TIONS IN USE, SUCI AS Trommer's Plain and Ferrated Ext. 3Mali for the restoration of enfeebled constitu tions. Trommer's Ext. Malt with Pepsin, fo Dyspeptics. Troimmer's Ext. Malt with Cod Liver Oil for Consumption. Fellow's Comp'd Syr. Ilypophosphites for Consumption and Scrofulous Diseases. Baker's Cod Liver Oil and Lime. Dc .Jongh's, Moller's, Marvin's, Hegeman's an New Foundland Cod Liver Oil in any qnan tity. Sulphate Cinchonidia, (a Cinchona Aika loid) a substitute for Quinine and one-fourtl the price. Equally eticacious as a Tonic Anti-Periodic. Anti-Neuralgic and Febri fuge, and unlike Quinine it produces n< headache, causes no ringing in the ears an< does not disturb the digestion. It is fas taking the place of Quinine. Pelham's Elixir Calisaya Bark and Iron Pelham's Elixir Gentian and Iron. Pelham's Efferves. Sol. Citrate Maguesia Made every week. And numerous other goods can be ob tained AT BOTTOM FIGURES, at PELHAM'S DRUG STORE. PROPRIETARY MEDIUE OF STANDARD QUALITY, LIKE Green's August Flower, for Dyspepsia an, Liver Disorders. Boschee's German Syrup, for Coughs Colds, Consumption, &c. Shriner's Indian Vermifuge. Foutz's Horse Powder. Shriner's Balsamic Cough Syrup. Green Mountain Asthma Cure. simmons' Hepatic Compovund, in dry ant liquid form. Holman's Fever and Ague Pads, (sur( cure.) Bradfield's Female Regulator, or Woman' Best Friend. Tarrant's and Bailey's Aperient, Knowles' insect Powder. Egyptian Eat Destroyer. And other useful articles are daily sol< AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES, at PELHAM'S DRITG STORE. TOILET REQUISITES. Pelham's Excelsior Cologne. Pelham's Floral Lotion. Pelham's Rose Tooth Powder. Lubin's Extracts, and other lasting odors Glenn's Sulphur Soap, and other snperio Toilet Soaps. frenchT Dresslig for Ladies' Shoes. Celebrated Giant Cement, that mend; everything. Syringes, Instruments and Atomizers. Capsicum, Porous, Belladonna and othe Plasters. Large lotofTrsses, of all sizes and make; And a thousand like articles of use ano comfort, CHEAP, at PELHAM'S DRUG STORE. WINES, LilUORS, &c. Hennessey Brandy, many years old. Duff Gorton Sherry Wimo, many year old. Madeira Wine, many years old. London Dock Port Wine, many years old Choice Old Monogram Rye Wh.iskey, man; years old. Golden Key Gin of finest flavor. Sweet-Mash Country Corn Whiskey, ha age and direct from mountains. TOBACCO, a very large lot of Chewin; and Smoking Tobacco, at remarkably clos figures. Cigars of favorite brands, Imporf,ed an, Domestic, Aladdin Security O1l, the best burnini fluid ini the world and more brilliant tha: Kerosene, Turpentine, Machine and othe Oils. Green and Black Teas.. Fine French Confections, Lamps, Lanterns, Matohes, c., &c., an< everything that pertains to a well-appoin1 ed Drug House.; Having no old acdounts to carry, m; prices beinfr cash and light expensps, I cas well afford to sell Drugs at figures hithrert unheard of. An inspection of my stock, which is al fresh and judiciously selected, is respeca by requested. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY GUMPOUNDE by the undersigned. WM. E. PELHIAK ar Place-Leavell &Sprmns May-16, 20-tf. pm!. &ImIcKIc INVITE ATTENTION TO THEIR WHICH IS LARGE IN VARIETY. PRICES IN KEEPING WITI THE TIME8S IN EXMINATION AKE DOMESTICS of all Kinds We make a specialty ai DOMESTi' GOODS, and have, therefore, in store large and complete stock at lowest prices. P. W. & R. S. CHICK. SHOES AND HATS A splendid stock of SHOES of all kinds for ladies, misses and gentiemnen, at los down prices. Stock kept up to regula standard. A fine assortment of gentlemeEa and boys HATS, various styles. P. W. & R. S. CHICK. NOTIONS, IN VARIETY. Now in store a full stock of NOTIONi of all kinds, to which additions are mad regularly. P. W. & R. S. CHICK. SADDLES AND HARNESS. We are agents for the sale of superi< SADDLES and HARNESS, and keep c hand a variety in this line. As we sell manufacturers' prices, we promise bargain: Examine goods and ask for prices befom buying elsewhere. P. W. & R. S. CHICK. A pr. 25, 1'7-tf. FOR SATE. 1 991 ACRES OF VALUABLE LAN] located in Newberry Gounty, and bounde by lands of Mrs. M. E. Gilliam, Hortor Miller and Buford. There is no mortgaa on this land and there never has been will make a warrantee title to the purchase For further particulars, write to REV. J. E. WATSON, Oak Hill, P. 0., Apr. 11, 15-tf Lexington Co., S. C. Notice for Final Dischiarge The undersigned hereby gives notice thn he will make a final settlement on the E tAta~ Af T.iiw.inn lj'pllppq d~i~n~d on Fr p i Fancy .Irtiles. Dr. S. F. FANT, DRGIT. With a large and well stkcted stock of PERFUMERY AND' i TOILET ARTICL ES, Brandies, Whiskeys, Wines, Porter, Ale, IPPLE AND WHITE WINE VINE~GAR; Of the purest quality. TOBACCOS, Ci6AAs and CIGARETTES Of choice btands. All of which I propose to sell at REDUCED PRICF8. I call special attention of my pations and a the people penerally, to the. following ;pre parations, which have been compounded under my supervision- with-thre-grestest-de ,ree cf accuracy and nicety, all,of. which I I claim to be equal to any on the markt: FANT'S AGUE Ax) FEVER OURE, neve fails to have the desired effect. FANT'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRAc' o Btcsc, for all derangements of the Kidneys and Bladder. FANT'S COMPOUND ELIXIR OF CALISATA BARK AND IRON, for. GeneralDe bility, Losa of Appetite, &c. FANT'S Toxic BITTERS. Try them -and -- you will use none other. FANT'S ('COUGH MIXTURE, for relieving Coughs, Colds, Soarseness,;&c. FANT'S EssicE JAMAICA GINGER. Dou ble the strength of any. other on the market.......... FANT'S FEMALE REGULATOR, for Amenor rhaea and -Dysmenorrhea. The cheapest and most effectua.preps ration of any on the-market. FAL1'S SoorntN. SYR';P, for children s f .fering from Teething, Indigestion and Bowel Affections generally. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY CCMPOUjNDED at all hours of the day and pight. S. F. FANIT, May 9, 19--tf. DR. E. E. JACKSON, CQL.UMBIA, S.,C./ BRemoved to store -two doors next to -Wheeler House. 1A fuHl stock'yTf Pdr~e ddicines, Cheini e cals,.P1erfumeries,. Toilet Articles,-: Garden Sand Tield Seeds, always in store ana at 1 moderate prices......... ~ Orders promptly attended to. Apr. 11, 15 *tf. Carolina is Free? -And now, my friends and custoners, I beg you to celebrate the. glorious.evees by taking advantage of the GREAT BARGAINS hI nice goods now offered by 'C. F. JACKSON, THE L.EADER OF L.OW PRICES, COLUMBIA, S. C. This is headquarters for Standard Prints ~at 64t and Sic. Handkerchiefs, Towels, a Cassimeres, Tweeds, and, in fact, I can give you Bargains in every department, and I guarantee you goods and prices to give per - fect satisfaction. Apr. 18, 16-tf. *Professional Cards. V P. B. EUFF, M. D. ANDREW WALLACE, 3!. D. SRUFEF & WALLACE, NEWBERRY, S. C. e - Particular attention paid to diseases peculiar to Females. Apr. 25, 17-3m. W. H. WALLACE, A ttorney-at-Law, e 'NEWBERRY, S. C. Office over Harmon's Store, adjoining HERALD Office. Oct. 25, 43-tf *NOTICE. To the .Traveling Pubic. *.The. undersigned would respectfullyd . form his friends and the general public, that he has opened a BOARDING HOUSE at the corner of Nance and Friend St.reets, not far from the Depot. As the room2s are' well appointed, the table abundantly sup -plied with well cooked food, and the . ser vants-polite and attentive, helpeTsto give Ssatisfaction. =4. W. T lMION.. Lt Mar. 28, 13-tf. HT AVV 1 EfAY! H WA-"V B