Special and Local. INDEX TO NEW ADVEETZIBERTS. John 0. Peoples-Notice. Duryeas' Satin Gloss Starch. D. J. Hentz-Administrator's Notice. James A. Caldwell-Eentor's Sale. W. G. Mayes and J. N. Martin-Notice. Mrs. J. Hartwell B1ease-Piivate Boardit Edw'd J. Evans & Co.-Seeds! Plan1 Bulbs! Mrs. P. M. Cromer and others-Notice Trespassers. SPECIAL NOTICE.-Business n tices in this local column are inserted the rate of 15 cents per line each inse tion. Obituaries, notices of meetings, co7 munications relating to personal in'e ests, tributes of respect. &c. a? e charg as regular advertisements at $1 p Square. Notices of administration, and oth legal noices, obituaries, tributes of r spect and notices of meetings, as well communications of a peroonal charact must be paid for in advance. The subscription price of the Hera is $2.50 for twelve months, $1.25 for s months, 75 cents for three months aq 25 cets for one montk, in advanc Names in friure will not be placed the subscription books until the cash its equivalent is paid. To clubs of twenty names, (the enti list to be brought in at one time), the p per will be j'urnished at $2 each. Clu of ten, $2.25 each. The cash must a company names A CHEAP CoMBATINm.-In co nection with the HERALD (which eve man in the County should have) we a prepared to furnish to all new subsc] bers from this date, the following e: cellent Agricultural Journals at reducc rates, viz: The HERALD and Suthe CuUiva;or for one year, $4.25, and tl HERALD and American Agriculturi; splendidly illustrated, $3.50. This li eral offer will enable farmers 1 secure a first class agricultural p per and the HERALD at reduced price neither one of which they should for moment do without. The CulUiva alone is worth $2.10, and the Ameria Agriculturist $1.60, and only at tt regular rates can either be furnish separately. ADVERISlE.-Advertise and let til people of the County see that Newberi is a live town, and that her merchan have goods to sell and mean to se them. If you cannot afford to contra for a hundred. dollar advertisement i in the good old days, send in a fif? cent one. No matter how small ti price or the notice, send it in and sho that there is life in the town. Make run on something, if it's only dried co fish or dried apples. and draw custo bywhich other merchandise will 1 sod. NO EXCUSE FOR BEING SICK. No person can use BOSCREE'S GE MAN SYRUP' without getting immedia relief and cure. We have the first ca of Coughs, Colds or Consumnpiion, any disease of the Throat and Lung yet to hear from that has not been cure We have distributed every year, fi three years, over 250.000 Sample BolI by Druggists in all paris of the Unite States. No other Manufacturer of Mec cines ever gave their preparat.ions su< a test as this. Go to your Druggis Dr. Win. E. Pelham, and get a bott!. for 75 cents and try it-Two doses wi relieve you. Sample Bottles 10 cen Jan 10, 2-3mn.ow~ When Edward Scholtz repairs your clo or watch it is warranted for one year. T1 him. Sadisfaction guaranteed. 15-17 THOMPsON, Dentist, over Phifer's Store See card of F. Werber, Jr., Deputy Si yeyor. 33-6m LABOE REFOIRx.-The Central Ass ciation met Friday in Temperance Ha: APPOINTMENT.-Gov. Hampton h appointed Mr. Jas. Packer Trial Ji tice for Newberry. Those who left watches with J. Speck for repairs are advised to re the notice of Jno. 0. Peoples, Assigne REMOVAL.-Gov. Hampton last we removed the following county officer Auditor R. E. Wiliams and Treasur Jesse C. Smith. A Mr. Jordan P. Pool, of Newbern has leased the -Mansion House, Greenville, which will be conducted1 Mr. C. C. Chase. Attention is .called to the annount ment made by Mrs. J. H. Blease, th she is prepared to receive transient ai permanent boarders. Col. Lipscomb and Mr. Mayes ha formed a partnership in dry goods a groceries, and will occupy the store t der Bruce's Art Gallery. MoR OATS THAN 04BRTER HAD. Mr. Thos. H. Adams, near Bouknigh Ferry, raised last year over one tho1 and bushels of oats on thirty acres. ~fJDING OVER.-T. 3. Clayton ma .a formgemand on H. C. Moses 1 week for th possession of the Cler office; but Mi-..oses still holds ov We call the spjal attention of c readers to the lettera of oOIr New Tc correspondent, "Bolbi. The letters are full of in ,and will: V pay a careful perusal. :. Sc ARm OFF.-On Tue Lay nio week an attempt was made.oba a of negroes to rob the smoe-fiou -Col. Cannon at Jalapa. The ' would have made a fat haul ha not been scared off before accompl ing their purpose, there being s u tity of meat and3 nthx provISionls stor in~ the buildaig. TIHAT CONVENION.-Inl our not last week of the proposed Horse a Male Convention we forgot to menti one of the most important subjects tl wil come before that body. The coun1 The Texas Tribune says, "The late 'atmospherical freshness' has brought on many cases of Coughs and Colds, and Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is in great er demand than ever." Business dull? Not at all. A mer chant in town sold by 9 o'clock Friday morning two hogsheads of bacon and to two barrels of molasses-all to the same man, who bought them for use on his plantation. at Editors and essayists have been a r long time trying to prove that Labor is honorable. Let somebody now set r. about to prove honesty is honorable, or d that truthfulness is honorable, or some e otber problem equally as apparent. NEWBERRY ISN'T BRoKE YET. zs There were about fifteen hundred per er sons in town Monday. The good prices that land sold for show that there is money somewhere. Personal property ,j also sold for very fair prices. M HoRTIcULTuRA=.-Housekeepers have r been quite busy during the good weath er in preparing the gardens for culti e vation. Many have planted the aro 5 matic onion, and some peas have been c- planted also, though it is rather early for them. Mr. W. H. Wiseman, the artist, left e yesterday for Dallas, Texas. Mr. i- Wiseman has made many good impres - sions while in Newberry, and carries with him the best wishes of the people, e to whom he is so well and favorably t, known. b.. to RELIGIoUs NOTICE.-Divine services - will be conducted in the Methodist a Church during the remainder of this r week. To-night (Tuesday) the Rev. R. ,n D. Smart of Cokesbury will occupy the i pulpit. The public are invi&ed to at tend. HOT SUPPER! 7 There will be a Hot Supper and s Promenade Concert at Temperance Hall Thursday evening, given by the is ladies of the Episcopal Church. y Admission, 10 cents; Supper for gen ie tlemen, 75 cents; Supper for ladies, 50 a cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock. I M Sheriff Carrington refused to recog e nize a commitment from Trial Justice Packer. Mr. Packer was appointed by Governor Hampton. Monday he sen tenced a negro to confinement in jail Rfor five days; but Carrington would tnot recognize Packer's atoiy n r th negro went free. . Mr. Louis Crede, who is, by the way, r the best Baker in the State north of s Charleston, has begun the manufacture Sof candy. He makes the ring-streaked h and striped sticks, chocolate, cream, ;t, and mint candy, and can, no doubt, turn out a first-rate article of the gen 11uine "French Candy." Judge Davenport, alias Renwick, ecolored, was up before a Trial Justice 1last week for stealing about forty dol lars' worth of clothing from a friend and brother. The rogues of this coun Sty, with becoming loyalty, make no ir- distinction on a ccount of race, color or previous condition. 'he American Lightning-rod Com pany have had agents at work in this s county for a month or two. Last week is- some of the employees, getting tired of waiting for their wages, took out an at tachment upon the teams of the com E. pany before Trial Justice Packer, so as dto secure their pay. Mr. W. F. Ewart, one of the hand ksome salesmen at Tarrant's, had a very s: fie felt hat, but he has none now. er Thursday he laid it on the.counter, and when he went for it again it was non invent~us. Friday morning Mr. E. don ned a borrowed stove-pipe, and now atnear-sighted people mistake him for an animated lightning-rod. Strange, but no less strange than true, Sthat the better we make the HERALD the less money some folks want to pay dfor it. Some even won't pay anything at all. The price is $2.50 in advance. yIt cannot be afforded at less. And d every man in the county not a sub scriber is cordially invited to take it at that price. QUARTERLY CONFERNOE.-The first t's Quarterly Conference of Newberry s-Station was held in the Methodist Chu-ch, on Saturday and Sunday. The Rev. Manning Brown, Presiding Elder, de preached Saturday evening, and the st Rev. R. D. Smart Sunday morning. k's .The latter again preached on Monday er. evening. Services will be continued during this week. irk Senator Robertson, Jan. 29th, called se up the Resolution, recently introduced re- by Senator Gordon, of Georgia, declar ing the Hampton government the legal government of South Carolina. Among ht the documents presented by Mr. Rob ty ertson, was a letter from Joseph D. of Boston, a leading colored man of New als berry, S. C., member of the Legislature ey for the past eight years, heartily en -dorsing the Hampton government. d MORE BURGLARY.-Will it nevel Sstop .., If thieving continue to increase as it has done for the past few weeks ~cei nobody cag feel that his property is se ud cuire without an armed guard over it on Since the new Jear began we have had iat to chronizle a kL.rge number of theft! :ry and burglaries; and now comes anoth ~,. Thnr~dav night some nartv brok4 Taxes come in steadily, and New berry is the banner county-$6,000 al ready paid in. Our exchanges will please make a note of this. The Jury list was prepared some time during January and placed in the Jury box by Jury Commissioner Snead and Auditor Williams. These two of ficers are Chamberlain's appointees. Simeon Young, Chairman of Board of County Commissioners, it is said, took no part in the proceeding. If the ac tion of Snead and Williams be decided not valid, then it will require a special act of the Legislature to have Court held here at the two remaining terms. MESSRS. PERRY & SLAWSON.-The well-established and popular Cigar and Tobacco house of the above-named gen tlemen, we were pleased to notice on a recent visit to Columbia, keeps up with the times, and is offering great induce ments in low prices and in the superior quality of their stock. They have built up a fine business and gained the con fidence of their patrons, and are entitled to the share of trade which they have. We commend them to the public. MONDAY's SHERIFF'S SALES.-The tracts named below were sold at the following prices: 720 acres, $3,000; 21 1-2 acres, $800; 300 acres, $1,525; 266 acres, $500; 1-2 acre, town lot, $180; 1-2 acre, town lot, $132; 39 1-2 acres, $>00; 236 acres, $300; 2 acres, town lot, $4,650; 330 acres, $4,285; 286 acres, $1,745; 150 acres, $1,870; 107 acres, $525; 198 acres, 8910; Half interest in a lot at Prosperity, $70; 17 acres, $1,283; 62 acres, $500; 183 acres, $815; 62 a^res, $315; 72 acres, $500; 204 acres, $3,300. The Home tract of the Moses Ander son land, containing 330 acres, was bought by Mr. F. H. Dominick for $4,285. A SATISFYING PLACE.-There is no thing more desirable-than a good repu tation, and when once it is established it should be maintained at all hazards; and it is pleasant to say that we have in mind a business house in Columbia, the proprietors of which have not only gained that enviable claim by their past efforts to please the public, but are de termined to maintain it. We allude to Messrs. Kingsland & Heath, the popu lar China, Crockery and Fancy Goods dealers.. By this course they have been able to "hold the fort," in spite of ad verse times, and the pressure of cir cumstances. They keep a splendid variety of goods and sell at reasonable prices. There is no article of utility or of ornament but can be found in this store. We recommend them to house keepers especially. THAT GOOSE BONE.-The benefit of advertising is proven in the fact, that the goosebone patentee, to whom attention was called in a recent issue of the HER ALD,has had an offer from a distinguish ed savant of Columbia-Dr. E. J.-for the purchase of a right for the State. We offer our congratulations to the lucky patentee, and trust that in the prosperity which will follow this sale he will give the HERALD a small lift in consideration of the free notice made. We are sorry thodigh that congratula tion cannot be offered to the buyer, as the purchase of the right will be a tri nling expense compared to that which will follow. To make the bone as re liable as "old reliable" a fresh goose must be killed once in every twenty four hours. Perhaps the doctor will hit bpon a plan to raise geese by the wholesale. RIDE ON THE RAI,.-Snliffies is an unfortunate man; every now and then he gets into trouble, stumbles into the wrong pew, or puts his nose (acciden tally of course) into somebody's busi ness, Last week he took a ride on the rail, and entering the cars he looked around for some benevolent looking chap by whose side he might sit in safety and enjoy a "feast of reason and flow of soul." Alas for Sniffles, he is easily deceived, he flopped into a seat next to a man who looked as if he had traveled and knew the difference be tween home-made and hotel hash, and true to past experience be was done for. He struck oil, but it was of the character known as dangerous, and in consequence Sniffles suffered martyr dom. The individual proved himself a talking machine, there was a flow but there was no reason in it. Sniffles and the man sat over the trucks, and as the man's tongue was evenly balanced in the middle, there was no stop, every jolt of the coach set in motion either one way or the other, the only differ ence being that the topics were diver sified, as every jolt broke the thread, when a fresh idea was started. Sniffles thinks he may be mistaken-the man may have been a woman; if not, nature made a great blunder. The next time he rides by rail he promises to be more careful. The Rev. R. A. Fair, of Newberry than whom we know of no more able, no more earnest, no more humble fol lower of Jesus--preached in our midst four times in the course of last Saturday and Sunday-besides delivering an ad dress to Sunday-School children. No thing is more apparent than that Mr. Fair is a very decided favorite in Edge field. His sermon on Sunday morning, upon the text, "As I live saith God I -have no pleasure in the death of the .wicked," gave universal pleasure and l instruction, and called forth, upon eve Sry side, encomiums of the most flatter -ing kind; while his treatment on- Sun ay nio-ht of four certain expressins in ABOUT THE TowN AND CoUNTY. The weather is clear and fine. A good friend in the Bethel section told another that every man in the coun ty should be a subscriber to the HER ALD. We agree with him. Several complaints are made that oats sowed before the late cold spell have been killed; others report crop good. Wheat is generally coming out finely. The few fine days lately experienced have started out-door work on farm and garden. An amateur gardener wants to know which plan is best, to plant in the moon or out. Out, by all means, and in the ground. The moon is so far away we have never been able to experiment in that direction. Subscribe for the Newberry HERALD -it is acknowledged by those who know to be the best county paper in the State. The farmers' best vest-Harvest. Dynasties may crumble; planets may be blotted out; George Washington's body servapt may eventually die; but the HERALD will continue its weekly visits-so pay up your subscription. One of those loads of wood so long on the road arrived last week. Judg ing by the small deck load it must have encountered rough weather, and lost considel ably on the voyage. Others are still out, but we trust they may make the trip in safety. Remember that obituaries and tri butes of respect are cash in advance, and legal advertisements the same. Tired of working for nothing. A handful of fresh chloride of lime, sprinkled in rat holes, will keep them away for months. Sit by a friend's fire if you will, but don't poke it. That is a luxury which the owner of the fire alone ought to en joy. A man who got peppered the other day by some small boys says it's against the Town "audience" to use slingshots. The rolicksome drummer has been drumming around extensively for the past few days. He wants to be in a good position when Tilden's election is declared. Then, won't he get the or ders? The second story of Masonic Hall, where the congregation of the Chris tians meet, is being 6x3d up in quite a neat style. Some of the Trial Justices are doing a pretty brisk business for the litigious. Mrs. Tribble died at the residence of her son, Mr. A. K. Tribble, January 30th. Rev. R. P. Franks, of the Greenwood Circuit, was in town last Wednesday. That was a funny little chap who "planted" a spare-rib thinking it would sprout a pig. He thought if the rib of a man once made a woman, a hog's rib put in the ground ought to spring up. The Council and the weather deserve credit for the fine condition of the streets. The heavens became black on Satur day, and a drizzle put streets in a mud dy condition again. .We canknot do it and live-that is, work for nothing; and it is surprising that there are so many who are incon siderate enough to expect it. Anything in the shape of an advertisement must be paid for at regular rates. If we see proper to bestow a charity or give a notice gratis that is our business, but it is foolish for anyone to demand it. The merchants of Newberry had a pretty good run of business last week. Farmers are busy at work and the prospect is good for a successful year. We venture the assertion that there will be more money made this year than during any year since the war. It will be made by economy. The trade in guano is nothing like as heavy in former seasons. Don't forget our advice, ye farmers of Newberry: plant corn, and plenty ol it. Nothing like full cribs to make you feel independent. Don't forget, too, that the HERALD advised you to this course. Corn will pay for the paper when cash is scarce. Those spring guns set about in va rious places are going to be the death of some of the negroes who are in the wholesale thieving business. Notwithstanding the inclemency oj the weather on Sunday last, the various churches open were very well attended. The citizens of Newberry are hold ing night watches and expect to catcl some of the thieves who are preying or the community. They may as well look out for squalls-4.he thieves, wi mean. .A twenty-four hour shower corn menced on Saturday night abont 10 o1 11 o'clock. Parties indebted to this office wh< have been waited on with long patienc4 will please bear in mind that mora suasion will not be in order any longer JALArA ITEMS.-The people of the flouishing little village of Jalapa havy erected a very neat academy. Misi Mollie Cannon has assumed charge. Several farmers are resowing oats where the October sowwg was kille< out by the cold weather. Mr. Robt. Campbell, who has beel sick two or three weeks, is getting wel again. The Sw+ite,.r Minera Spring i FOR TRB HERALD. FRIEND GRENEKER :-The seaso of the year has arrived when farmei should be looking around to ascertai the best and cheapest plan for farmin most successfully. Therefore, for th benefit of my brother farmers of you County and Laurens, I send you receipt for putting up, in my judg ment, a first class fertilizer, which, i you think worth a notice in you paper, you will please republish an( ask the Laurensville Herald to copy Respectfully yours, W. H. F. A CHEAP HOME-MADE FERTILIZER -We have been requested to repub lish the following instructions for ma king a superior fertilizer, by a farme who has tested it side by side witi Peruvian Guano, and pronounces it effects equal to those produced by tha high-priced manure. If that is th case, and we have no doubt of it, fo our informant is a reliable gentleman and would not deceive any one, th information, if acted upon, will sav to this District alone, thousands o dollars. We hope some one will try it Take 7 barrels of dry muck, 1 bar rel of wood ashes, 1 barrel of grounc bone and 1 barrel of raw plaster o Paris, mix these together; then tak 50 lbs. each of common salt, glaube salts, nitrate of soda and sulphate o ammonia, dissolve well in about a bar rel of water and add to the first mix ture. Mix all well together througi a screen and keep dry for use. Two thirds of the above ingredients can b obtained on every farm, and the chem icals can be had of any wholesal druggist, while the whole that wil have to be purchased would not cos over $20. The above quantities wi make about one ton, and can be mad at one-quarter the price charged for ton of Peruvian Guano. (Union Times. POST OFFICE, NEWBERRY, S. C., Feb. 3, 1871. List of advertised letters for week endi; Feb. 3,1877: Allen, Isaac A. Entcbinson,Mrs Mar Atwood, D. H. King, Miss Mar' (2) Boyd, M 3. Fannie Lominick, Bobbie Campbell, J. B. Lane, Sol. To W.M.Batler Lodge, Maett, Jane A. No. tJ, A. F. M. Mangam, H. H. Davs, Abram Reid, Miss Jennie Duncan, Sallie E. Weston, Mrs. Mary Franklin, Saeah A. Weatheroy, Thos. I Parties calling for letters w'li please a if adverttsd. E. W. BOON!,?P. M. Disease Grows Apace, Lik.e a ill wind, and cannot be masters too early. W hat is a t ~hz a:aack of sic ness to-dy maf, if nna..ended 3, become se ious case in a week. Small ailmen sould be n.ppe~d in the bad before thu blossom in:o se blow a maladies. if~ ta adv:ce we-:e attended '.o, mnany a heaiy b for me?'eal actende'ce migat be avo de When t:ae I'-er is disorcer d, the stoma< foul, t'ee bowels obsk. .zcted, or t~2e ne.i dis.~Aed, reso a shoalid at once be had tiat sapreme :e ne& T, Hostet er's Stoma< B! ..e-s, a few doses of wnichi w'R res'c heat:'v ac.'on and put the system "I peCE order.'- It is a wise p:ecaution 'o keep .t' incompaabl p:-een've in the house, sin it checks, waa u a :va"ed promptutade, d orde s wuich b:eed o..e:s far more dange os, and in sher lasest developments a themselves of.eA fatal.. 6- it. SINGULAR FACT!I Is it not strange that people ran oft afi strange things, when they could do better home? Nearly every man, woman and ci in the country knows Ayer's, Jayne Wright's, Radway's or Tutt's Pills, and ye few know Dr. Jas. L. Gilder's Liver Pil and yet, we venture the assertion, thrat a' one buying and using a single box of I Gilder's Pills, will never buy one of anott~ manufacture. Dr. S. F. Fant sells them. 26-5t. ADVICE GRATIS. The Hon. Alexander B. Stevens says: "The Globe Flower Cough Syrup has prov a most valuable remedy to me." Gov. James Mi. Smith, of Georgia, says: "I shall always use it with perfect cos dece, and recommend it to the public as remedy which will afford that satisfacti experienced by me and mine. It exed everything for coughs, colds and obstini lung affections." Er-Gov. Brown, of Ga., says:-"He fin the Globe Flower Cough Syrup a most e cellent remedy." Snch endorsement by our great and go men deserves the attention of the afflictl Those suffering from coughs, colds and ln affections should use the Globe Flower Con Syrup. It will positively cure conslnmptic For ea.e by S. F. FANT. 444f Dr. S. F. Fant is giving away a handsoi book entitled "Pearls for the People." cc taning much valuable information a many interesting articles. It also contain: history of the discovery of the "Hepatini for diseases of the liver, dyspepsia, coni pation.and indigestion, &c., and gives p.. tive assurance that when the Hepatine used it effects a permanent and lasting ci of these diseases, which prevail to such alarming extent in our country. Take 1 Hepatine for all diseases of the liver. 44-tf I JIarried, In Laurens County, on the 31st of Janna at the residence of the br'de's mother, by': Rev. T. C. Ligon, Mr. E. S. McKiNLY, North Caroliaa, and Miss ADELIA CwAGa Laurens. January 31, by Rev. R. A. Fair, Mr. Jo D. BOOzz,a to Mess JANE E. LANGEORD, of Newber:y County.. Febiaary 1, by the same, Mr. DA1 TEAGUE to Miss HATTIE HENiDRIxx, all Newbe.y Coun,.. Commercial. NawBEREY, February 6.-Cotton quie middPfng 11k. Bales shipped 454. L1ivmooL, Febra: 5.-Cotton mar Seasier and prices have declined a fractio> Smiddling uplands 6 11-16; middling Orlea Nw YORK, Febraalf 5.-Cotton qui sales 20)5, at 12[a13. Gold strong, at 1.051. BAT:MOR3, February 5.-Cotton quie middling 1.21. AUGUsTA, February 5.-Cotton qi middlius 12. CHARLEsTON, Febr.zary 5.-Cotton du: 1mid'ing 12j. Valuable Town Property I Dry Goods & .1fIluseery THIS AND THAT IN BARGAIN JOB LOTS! The Popular Idea Struck AND NOBODY HURT. C. F. JACKSON, COLUMBIA, S. C., STakes pleasure in announcing to his nu merous friends in Newberry and country surrounding, that he has struck the popular idea, in furnishing Job Lots of Goods At Tumble Down Prices! r Something new and attractive constantly 1spread to the public. PRICES ALWAYS SUIT. My stock of FANCY and STAPLE GOODS,l as wel as NOTIONS is varied, large and r fresh. An examination is solicited, and satisfac Ition guaranteed. C. F. JACKSON, f MAIN STREET, - - - COLUMBIA, S. C. : Jan. 24, 4-tf. i Ary Goods, Groceries, Pe. f NEW GOODS. LARGE AND VARIED STOtk FOR 'ALL AND WINTER. Prices to Suit the Times!I VL FOOT Respectfully calls attention to his large and complete assortment of DRY GOODS, y Consisting of LADIES DRESS GOODS and CALICOES of beautiful patterns. WHITE GOODS, of all kinds. DOMESTICS, in large variety. 1. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, JEANS. y HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS. BL ANKETS, &c., &c. OL OT HING, - For Men and Boys. ;BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. 01101O0E GROCERIEN, h~ And many other articles too numerous Sto enumerate. .s ELAINE OIL, -e Warranted 150 proof, as good as any Oil sold. AGEN' FOR at M IDDL.ETON'S H FSH A1WMONIATED PHOSPHATE. s; I return thanks to my friends and the 37 public generally, for the very liueral patron *-. age bestowed on me in the past, and re er spectfully solicit a continuance of the same, with the assurance that every satisfaction will be given. M. FOOT. Nov. 1, 44-tf. - AND IN LARGE VARIETY. fi-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ jF. I. kIII.IC Have now in store, and are offering at da UNPRECEDENTEDLY LOW PRICES, a ~. well selected stock of FALL and WINTER SDRY GOODS, SBOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CLOTHINGl, &c., Which are .complete in all their lines, and 1embrace every article needed by the ladies n- in DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, &c , or ad by ge-itlemnen in PIECE GOODS, UNDER a WEAR, &c. ~"That our assortment in the above is .large and superior and cheap, only needs s-an examination to prove. is JEANS AND WOOLEN GOODS, HOME ir SPU~NS, SHEETINGS, BLANKETS, in an great variety. he In addition to above we take pleasure in calling attention to our superior stock of HEAVY PLANTATION GOODS, Together with ry, HARDWARE an,! CUTLERY, he SADDLES and BRIDLES, and of TRUNKS of all kinds. ofIn short our stock is full and complete, and with price3 so low thati we feel confi dent ingiving satisfaci'on. P. W. & R. S. CHICK. ofOct. 11, 41-ti. EDWARD SCHOLTZ, ANiD " JEWEmL L ER, Is now to be found at the store formerly t- occupied by John F. Speck, where he will --attend to all business in his line with fideli ty and dispatch. gr WORK WARRANTED TO GIVE .. SATISFACTION. .gt ,Aug. 30, 15-ly. or3T~~ . clothing CLOSING CTC R. & W. C. COLU]M] We have opened our CUS' tir. J. E. Phisioc in charge. neasurement sent on applica ut cash on delivery. A Stoves, Tin iTflE8! g 1JVE81!! I' NEWBERRY eadp arIers FOR KEENE & Have just received and are contini COOKING AND H Lmong others can be fbund the FARMER re made of the best material, heavy cast exp We also keep on hand a large stockco WARZ, in fact everything that is usuallj OUSE. JOB WORK A Such as REPAIRING, ROOFIN( 03P All work crecuted with despatch an Oct. 11, 41-C'. Drugs o Fancy Jrticles. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The partne&ship heretofore existing be twen WM. E. PELHIAM and J. C. WARD LAW has been dissolved this day by mu ual consent. . WM. E. PELHAX, J. C. WARDLAW. January 29, 1877-5-8St. The undersigned have-formed a partner ship under the r.ame and style of PELHA & ARDLAW, will CNTINUE THE DRUG BUSINESS at the same stor< ocupied by said firm, adjoining the Jewel ry Store of J. 0. Peoples. All persons in debted to the late firm of Pelham & Ward law, will make payment to us, and thus4 holding demands against the firm will pre. sent them. We have on hand a full stock of DRUGS, PAINTS, .GLASS, PERFUMERIES,. TOILET SETS, FIBSH GSilDE SEEDS, &c., &c. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COM POUNDED at all hours of the day and night by Dr. D. S. Pope..PPE J. C. WARDLAW. Jan. 80th, 187l7-5--tf. CJlothing. NEW STOCK CL OT HING Unprecedentedly Low Prices 1RIOl & 00PPO(0I Respectfully an'ounce to theicitizens < Newberry that they have now in store a elegant and cheap stock of CLOTING FOR KEN AND B0YU which embraces a large variety of th LATEST STYLES AND PATTIERNS I. SUITS, which they can sell at lower price than ever before offered in this market, an to which they now invite attention. They make a specialty in FINE CLOT] COATS, OVERCOATS, PANTS, SHIRTf &c., an examination of which is only nece' ary to convince any one of the differenc in ries between this saon and thas grades, together with FINE GAITER AND SHOES at prices which defy comp4 iCall and make an e!aminlation befor purchasing elesewhere, and see if yo cantsveeny canntIve &money.~K WRIHT Ml&Conow, NOc.4 40l-tf.Ro Oct 4 4- Atf. am and Hats, OUT SALE F TER CLOTHING U COST? Y WAFFIELD, 3]rA, S. C. roM DEPARTMENT with Samples and directions for :ion. Prices to suit the times, Jan. 31, 5-tf. Ware, Se. ST OVES, xTIN AND WARE. AUSTIN, tally adding to their large stock of IEATINC STOVES, DEXTER and KENTUCKI&N, all of which ressly for the Southern Trade. f PLAIN, PREbbEI) and JAPANNED TIN ke)t in a FzRST CLASS STOVE and TIN SPEC IALTY, 1, GUTTERING, SPOUTING, &c. I ;,atsfaction guaranteed. .lliscelaneous. GREAT CLEARING-OUT SALE OF DRY GOODS, CARPETS, 1WINDOW SHADES, Boots, Shoes and Hats, ATTEE GRN OINIA DRY GOODS ESTAIfl OF McCREERY & BROTHER, COL.UMBiA, S. O. D. LOV, we wil aepoie sae o u cost to make ioom for a choice andelegn stock of SPRINC DRY COODS. Tefollowing are some of the leading TaetyBrussels Carpets, best makes,sat Extra Spr and Ingrain and All1Wool, at Wnow Saes and Rg below cost. 4-4 Wauasutta Bleach,at1. Boots anahosat half price.omat0 have bargains to offer our customers. 8m i snbt on a picaton and expreesage Grand Central Dryod Estalihmnt, T. A. McCreery. B. B. cre Jan. 24, 4-3t. NOTICE. A pplications i'ill be received by the un dersigned for the places of Keeper of the Poor House and Physician for the Jail and Poor House for the balance of the fiscal year, until the 15th February next. SIMEON YOUNG, Chairman B. C. N. 0. January 25, 1877-5-3t. "HAS NO RIVAL WORTHY THE KAE." Iusic.] CHURCH'S [lusic, KNUISICAL VISIToII, An Independent Journal of Kusic. $20.00 WORTH OP KUSIC DURING TH YEAR! Stories, Sketches. orsodne etc-, by the best Writers, Choice or Elegant Volumes or Musi:. "SONG PEEWUX," u"C.ASSI RmEIUZ," WIAL PEEIUX," -111E TO EVERY SIUBSCIBEI. ductoTs eof the most popularliving com Subscription price, including premium, Aent wated. Address, ' y0N CHEURCH & CO., Cincniati; 0. Jan A31, ,GETLM R ACESAEd instnG Eo itrodce A& splendid book, The Centennial Exposition, DESCRTRED AND ILLUSTEATED, e neal 80 pages,rc llsrions sperb th betad chaethsoofthe Great S and clergy. Is selling immensly.neld weeks Act quickly, If aal.Now oreer e BROS, Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa. uJan. 31, 5-5t. BANK STOCK. National Bank of Newberry Stock for sale. ApplyN to.CEIE,Csir *Jan. 17, 3-Nf.BCAWL asir NOTICE.