Special and Local. IXDZX TO NYw ADvErTIsEYMIT. Sampson Pope-Notiee. E. P. Cha Imers-Notice. Theo. N. Kibler-Notice. Jane A. Maffett-Notice. M. Foot-Piano for Sale. James F. Kilgore-Notice. U. B. Whites-Tax Notice. Jno. B. Carwile-Bank Stock. R. M. Wallace-Sale of Land. W. M. Dorroh-Land for Rent. S. B. Calcatt-Hampton House. J. J. Carrington-Sheriff's Sales. Mrs. E. K. McKellar-For Rent or Lease. Jno. B. Caririle-Report of the National Bank of Newberry. The Culverwell Medical Co.-The Great: Cause of Human Misery. SPECI4L NOTICE.-Bu.iness no tic.s in this local column are inserted at the rate of 15 cents per line each inser tion. O6ituar~es, notices of meetings, corn munications relating to personal inter ests, tributes of respect, &c. are charged as regular advertisemnents at $1 per square. Notices of admi,ist ration, a. el other legal no.ices, obituaries, tri&ues of re spect a.?d notices of meetings, as wcll as communiations of a pcrsonal charaicr m cst be paid for in advcancc. The subscriptioa price of the Hralcl is $2.50 for twelvce months, $1.25 for six months, 75 cents for three months and 25 cents for one montk, in ad,,acc. Names in future will not be placed on the subscripiion books uniil the cash or its equivalent is paid. To clubs of w.ntg names, (the entire t list to be broglghi in at one time), the pa- ( per will be furzisheel at $2 each. Clubs 2 of ten, $2.25 each. The cash must ac company names. Christmas and New Year's are at hand. and people are looking about to see what to boy and where to bay. No t be.ter place in the land can be found ( than the extensive China, Glass and 1 Fancy Goods establisimeat of Kings land & Heath of Columbia, under the Colombia Hotel. They keep eve'y- l thing in their line, and many things which the generaliy of people know not of; and if a present is needed for husband, wife, sweeilbeart or child, that is assuredly the place to get it. If glassware is needed, or the table needs fornishing in china or crockeey, go to ( Kingsland & Heath. tf. When Edward Scholtz repairs your clock or watch it is warranted f,r one year. Try him. Satisfaction gunaranteed. 15.1y TEoxi'sos, Dentist, over Phifer's Stle See' card of F. Werber, Jr., Depa.- sur yeyor. s n We send the HERALD this week to those who are not subscribers and will be pleased if they will give us their names. Parties indebtedt to the HERALD either by note or account will save costs by paying the -same; on or before the 1st of < February, 1877. Mr. U. B. Whites, Special Tax Agent, collected, up to Monday night, y . $2,511.66 Frank Leslie this week has some ex cellent engravings; among them a pic ture of 'Vanderbilt and one of Ex-Gov. (now U. S. Senator) Grover, of Oregon. LIGHT ON THE SUBJECT.-They say the great Pennsylvania oil wvells are: nearly exhausted. At any rate, we have to pay forty-five cents for the com- 1 monest~ kerosene in Newberry. HoHE 'AGAIN-Two Jobns went to Anderson lately with their sweethearts, it is presumed in the hope of bringing them back, but we learn with deep sor row that they have both returned, sing ing "Fare-thee-well, and if forever, then forever fare-thee-well." Poor boys, our heart bleeds for them. Harper's 'Weekly this week is finely illustrated-a large picture of the late Comigiodore 'Vanderbilt on the first page, and also pictures of Speaker Randall, Gov. Robinson, of New York, Gen. Ignatieff, of Russia, and other dis tinguished persons of this country and Europe. ___ MUIJs.-We have often seen politi cal asses, but never political mules till we saw Mr. JTas. Reeder's team in town < Thursday. The lead mule carried a< Tilden banner, and the two next ban ners of Hampton and Simpson; the sad-t dle mule carried a colored Democrat, < and the wagon eight bales of cotton. MUN~ICIPAI..-The officers under the new administration .remain about the same as under the old: Clerk of Coun cil, Jno. S. Fair; Chief of Police, J. H. Gaillard; Policemen, John Brown, Jas.1 Lathrop, white; and Nestor Lewis and Butler Wright, colored. Mr. W. T. Jackson continues in the position of Street Marshal. SIGNS OF PROSPERITY.-The farmers generally have employed their laborers for the year, and are beginning the work of the new year earnestly and hopefully. Knowing ones say there -wvill be good seasons and fine crops; they usually follow severe winters. With a good government and good crops the people of the State would enjoy life as they have not done for many years. HAMrrON HoUs.-By reference to -card in another column the reader will perceive that Mr. S. B. Calcutt, formerly of Newberry, and for the last two years -proprietor of the Palmetto House, Spar tanburg, is now in occupation of his own place, which he has appropriately named the Hampton House, in the same town. Hie has fitted it up corn fortably, if not elegantly, and with all miodern appliances and conveniences, and with attcntivc waiters, good cooks, TiANKS.-Mr. S. S. Solonions, Super intendent of the S. C. R. R., and Mr W. W. Davies, Supt. of the S. & U. R. R. will accept our thanks for favors re eciveu. Mr. Jas. Meredith, the model farmei of Helena, will please accept thanks For sundry favors-products of farix rnd dairy. TIE INAUGURATION.-It took placE in the Council Chamber Thursday morning. Mr. Pope, the retiring In endant, delivered a short and neat val dictory; and Mr. Tarrant, his succes >or, though unaccustomed to public speaking, made his inaugural address, in which he said-all that the occasion required, and no more. The neiv Council then entered upon the per Lormance of their duties. ADMITTED TO THE BA.-Mr. Francis W. Fant applied for admission to the Bar the 8th instant before His Hlonoi Tudge Northrop, and, after a creditable ?xamination, was admitted to practice is Attorney and Counselor at Law. 1r. Fant will practice in Newberry. Ie is a graduate of the University of irginia, is a gentleman of fine charac er and intelligence, and will no doubt ;ucceed in the profession he has chosen. ASTRONOMICAL.-This is by far the )est season for watching the the stars. fhose now in view are the brightest mnd the prettiest. The finest constella ion in the heavens is, without doubt, )rioii, about half way between thehori :on and zenith at eight o'clock at night. few degrees below him is Sirius, or he Dog-star, the most brilliant star we ,ver see. North of Sirius is Procyon, >r the Little Dog, quite bright. Now, ake Sirius, Procyon and the star in )rion's right shoulder, and you have a arge triangle withsides of equi length. Che Seven Stars, the Twins and the 3ee Hive also make a fine appearance n the East. A NEW EQUITY DIGEST.-Silas John tone, Esq., of Newberry, is compiling i Digest of the Equity Reports of South ;arolina from 1856 to 1868, covering ill the Reports from the point Conner's Digest ceases, up to the abolition of he Court of Equity, making with Con er's a complete Digest of the Equity leports, which is soon to be published >y W. J. Dufle, of Columbia. Being i son and pupil of the late Chancellor Fob Johnstone, who was for many 7ears one of the brightest ornaments of he Bench of South Carolina, and being "chip of the old block," with the ex erience of many years as Commission r in Equity for Newberry District, Mr. ohnstone is peculiarly fitted for the ork he has undertaken, and will, no loubt, produce a work that will be in raluable to the Bench and Bar of the 3tat. How THEY PAY THlE HAMP'ON TAX. -Mr. U. B. Whites, Tax Agent, open d office Jan. 10th. During the day e took in $1060, about one-seventh ol he proposed arnount. The people were anxious to pay. An old colored nan, Wnm. DeWalt, better known as 'Uncle Billy," insisted on contributing i dollar, though he owns no property md is exempt from the poll tax. M:-. tis Chick sent h's nephew, Mr. Hen lerson, over to pay his quota, and when Sr. H. returned-with a receipt for $13, ifr. C. said that wasn't enough for Rampton, and sent him back with $50 nore. Mr. S. K. Dick, our Georgia otton-buyer, asked leave to contribute i ten dollar bill-which was granted. 'he whole amcunt called for will be >aid, and paid cheerfully. Let nobody ag behind. "Money makes the mare "Keep a reliable friend always at' band," uch Dr. Bull's Cough Syi ap has eminently )roven itself to be. Thousands of testimon als.'fry it. Price, 25 cents. POOR MULEs.-On Friday afternoon, ust as the sun was declining, a wagon ;talled on Rikard's hill. As we rode ip it looked like a hopeless case-hall he team were hitched to the rear, the >ther half in front. It looked like the bject was to pull the wagon apart and nae two pieces of it. until it was no :iced that the driveranid a half dozen thers who came to the rescue each and L1 concentrated their powers on the ear team for the purpose of pulling ack and taking a fresh start. It was ;uccessful. In pulling up the hill after vards the poor mules received curses mough to last till the next crop is ready, yithout saying anything of the kicks dministered. One burly negro in iking at the off mule missed his aim md got his leg so high that he tumbled >eels over head in the sticking mud. Wagohing in winter is awfully pleas CoToN STEALIG.-Three bales ol :otton were stolen from the warehouse f Mr. T. W. Holloway at Pomaria on :he night of the 11th instant. About 3 >'clock in the morning, Mr. J. B. Subei und that his wagon and two of his nles were missing. With a party ol as neighbors he started Out in search >f them, and one mile this side of Capt. LIal'ett's met his wagon and mules. ue driver jumped down and ran, the party firing several shots at him with >ut effect. A mile from where the wvagon was met, at the Wheeler or I'hopson place, a bale of cotton was Found on the roadside, having been thrown off the wagon. The party had previously found one wagon, owner mknown, a short distance from the co~id, on Mr. G. B. Suber's place, fHOLDING THE FORT.-Clrk Moses, instead of stepping down and out, has the prospect of stepping up still higher. If the Supreme Court sustain the decis ion of Judge Reed, in the case of Willi man versus Ostendorff, Mr. Leahy is not Judge of Probate, and that office devolves on the Clerk, cx-officio. The Clerk of Court, Sheriff and Coroner hold oflice for four years, or until their successors qualify ; but the terms of the other county officers are limited to two years. The County Commissioners are not affected by Judge Reed's decision, because the act of March 24, 1876 fixes the time of their election at the same time as the State election. There is another difficulty, however, in their case: their term of office is limited to two years, and they have not qualified under their last election. So we have in Ne vberry no County Commissioners and no School Commissioner. At the election for Town Council Tuesday, the 9th instant, the ticket nominated in the Court House was suc cessful throughout. Below is a state ment of the votes polled: FOR INTENDANT W. T. Tarrant, - - - - 214 WARDENS 1st Ward, W. A. Cline, - - - 253 2nd " J. N. Martin, - - - 265 3d " Alan Johnstone, - - 241 4th " A. M. Bowers, - - 434 The other ticket: FOR INTENDAT Silas Johnstone, - - - 202 WARDENS 1st Ward, 0. Wells, - - - 195 2nd " D. M. Ward, -~ - 174 3d " J. Y. McFall, - - 206 Mr. Bowers was a nominee on both tickets. The number of voters was 446. ASSIGNEE'S SALES.-GGeO. Mower, Esq., sold several tracts of land, as as signee of H. H. Blease, Thursday, the 11th, in front of the Court House. They brought pretty fair prices for these "hard times." The Stewart tract, 344 acres, was sold to Philip Livingstone, for $5,600; the Mendenhall Mill tract, 400 acres, to J. C. Wilson, for $9,000; the Freane and Boyd tract, 74 acres, to A. B. Cromer, for $1,070; the Lane tract, 219 acres, to J. D. Smith Livingstone. for $1,550; the Adams tract, 130 acres, to J. J. Carrington, for $1,575; the Long tract, 296 4--10 acres, to T. M. Paysinger, for $3,155; Town lot, with store house thereon, to W. T. Wright, for $2,780; the Sugar Mill tract, 124~ acres, to Philip Living stone, for $2,400, One horse and two mules were also sold, and the other sales of personal property postponed to Sale-day in February. The average price of the land sold was $15.41 per acre-the total amount 27,130. The following County Officers have given bond: Henry Kennedy, County Commis sioner: Bondsmen-D. R. Phifer, B. H. Lovelace, J. D. Boston. John J. Carrington, Sheriff: Bonds men-J. D. Smith Livingstone, P. N. Livingstone. James C. Leahy, Judge of Probate: Bondsmen-S. P. Baird, B. M. Raines, Robt. E. Williams, H. C. Corwin, Jno. R. Tolbert. Munson S. Long, School Commis sioner: Bondsmen-A. L. Snead, R. E. Williams, W. H. Snead, Robt. Can non, J. D. Boston. Jesse C. Smith, County Treasurer: Bondsmen-B. L. Boone, E. W. Stoeber, J. Woodruff, S. J. Couch, Geo. W. Wa terman. T. J. Clayton, Clerk of Court: Bondsmen-J. D. Boston. Thos. Keitt, J. F. Sims, D. R. Phifer, S. L, Phifer. U. B. Whites, Special Tax Agent: Bondsmen-A. L. Wyse, H. P. Dom inick, Francis Bobb, L. W. Bowers. PERSOAL.-Mr. John C. Squier, Traveling Agent for the Columbia Recg ister, paid us a visit Friday. He spent several days in the county and met with pretty fair success, we are glad to say. The Re?gistcr is a very good daily al ready, and the proprietors propose to make it still better by enlarging its di mensions soon. We are pleased to learn that Dr. Fant is gradually improving and hopes to be out again soon. Rev. Dr. J. K. Mendenhall, of Green ville, has been spending several days in Newberry. Rev. J. R. Riley, of Laurens, preach ed in the Presbyterian Church of this city Saturday night, Sunday and Sun day night. We were pleased to see the hand some face of Col. T. Stoho Farrow, Ed itor of the Spartanburg ETcrald, in our office Saturday. Col. Farrow was on his way home from Columbia by way of Laurens. He says Chamberlain's Pub lican (or tax-gatherer) hasn't taken in funds enough to buy salt to season a jay-bird, and that Hampton's govern ment is running on beautifully. WONDER-FUL SUCCESS. It is reported that BOSCHEE'S GER MAN SYnrU has, since its introduction in the United States, reached the im mense sale of 40.000 dozen per year. Over 6,000 Druggists have ordered this nedicine direct from the Factory, at Woodbuiy, N. J,, and not one has re ported a single failure, but every letter speaks of its astonishing success in curing severe Coughs, Colds settled on the Brest onsumpmtion, or any disease AnoUT TIE TOWN AND COUNTY. The weather-sorry we can't make a favorable report this week. The thermometer stood at GG deg. at 3 o'clock Sunday. Cotton comes in slowly. And so do new subscribers-the cry r is still they come, however. e This is about the tim-e. according to the HERALD Almanac, they should be coming in rapidly. Business is only so-so. c Hog in and hog out was cried all of Tuesday, but on Wednesday the boys fell bak on their first love and hur- -a rahed for 1Iampton as lustily as ever. E The retiring board of Intendant and Wardens would give a supper, but that the weather is so bad that 'possums can't be had for love or money. As an evidence that there is life in the country, we heard a little fellow only four years old crying because he could get nothing to do. It is regretted that Mr. Jas. Brown's account of sales on the big Saturday was not reported. He says ne sold 5,000, more or less. The market was glutted with beef Wednesday of last week; quality fair to good. c Wood is still high-and several d promises to haul in loads are not kept. p b A number of farmers have not yet n sown wheat-various phases of weather have prevented them. It was feared the late severe freeze til had killed out oats, but we are glad to 1 learn that such is not the case. .a Considering the weather, the roads in some places heretofore so bad are ( yet in tolerable good condition. In spots, however, the condition is bad enough. n Thursday and Friday last were charm ing days compared to those of weeks e past. A Beth Edenite says there is no Sat- C urday in the year that the sun does not d show itself, if only for a moment. Let a us have tie observation of others. We t want proof. Thursday last there was as large a number of people in as on any regular Sale day. Sales of land attracted them. A party of nice young men went birding on Thursday afternoon, and brought home with them each a brace of tired, mud-bespattered legs and a splendid set of appetites. They were game to the last, though they found no game. Mrs. Kennedy gave an opossum sup per on Friday night which was well at tended by upper tendom. The 'pos sums were done to a turn, and when a the boys were done with them, the wait ers, who were very numerous and hadS waited patiently, went for the remains. ( In shady places the roads are still fall of snow and sleet-likely to remaina there some time. ~ b We have been told that several mar- n riages have lately taken place at and f4 arund Prosperity, notices of wvhich b ave not been sent to the HERALD. C Whose fault is it? We are always & pleased to publish them, and will do so whena the notice is furnished. Remember that from this date the a FERALD 1S cash in money, or its equiv- G alent-such as wood or wittles. One B or the other must be paid before the E paper goes out. One paid up subscriber a is worth half a dozen unpaid. P There was a runaway match in the Martin's Depot section the other day. When young folks set their head to - marry, old Nick himself can't stop 6 them. A significant sign of the times: The leading Radicals in the upper portion of the county are naming all of their late born male babies after "Marse C Wade." Land owners complain of hunting parties laying down their fences and leaving them in that condition. They are forced, therefore, to go for tres- C passers. They don't mind the game if t fences are le~ft in same condition asd found.h The sermon in the Methodist Church on Sunday morning was one of that~ b haracter which should be preached at i< least once a quarter. It was practical ih and to the point, and showed up many ii of the prevalent faults. The cap fit in a number of cases. "Be it ever so humble there's no place n like"-offlce. There were between forty v and fifty applications for office before I the Town Council at their meeting u Monday night. The local withdrew * his petition for chief of police early inm the afternoon. SIN~GULAR FACT ! Is it not strange that people run off after strange things, when they could do better at - home? Ne.trly every man, woman and child 6 in the country knows Ayer's,. Jayne's, Wrght's, Radway's or Tutt's Pills, and very few know Dr. Jas. L. Gilder's Liver Pills; and yet, we venture the assertion, that any one buying and using a single box of Dr. Gilder's Pills, will never buy one of another manufacture. Dr. S. F. Fant sells them. 26-5t. Something New---Agents Want- a a ed.d BADEN PROLIFIC FLOUJR CORN. This coiai excels any otiler for bread and.is best for stock. It ripens six weeks e.rber than ary other kind, and grows from 6 to 4 ears on a stalk. .r Tne importa3nt points we claim for this new varety of corn are these: 1. One stalk of' this coin bears from 6 :o 14 ea?.s; one h'ul with two stallrs makes f:om 10 to "3 eara producing from one acre of g -otznd about ' three or four times as many bushels on the S same soil and witn the same cultu-a as the I common corn. 2. The co?:n is heavier in tl weignt, has as large an ear, thinner husk, and makes corn meal, for fam=ly use. sweev er and more nutritious; and valua~ble for feeding stock. 3. That it will grow and pio duce a profitable crop on ground where otber cor will nbt grow to maturi.f. 4. It ripens - earlier and is not liable .o be caught by frost. 5 The rains are large, pure and white, and an ordinary yield is from S0 to 100 bushels to the acre, on medium land. A fine qualiL' of Flour can be made from it. When groind it produces a florr" anala go's both in appearance and taste to flour made from the best white wheat. Even an epicure would fail to distinguish between. bread made from the two. The Corn shelled II wegs6 b otebse-hc s5lsI heaieghs n nyb tothe: ul-ichty.lb hea iEa any othe: POSlTPAD. t PRICSac. BY. 10 6AI PSTAcks D. .5 3 Sak.... 2.5010 6 "acs....7.0 Eac sac cont.---. 2.5 0!1 0 " ound - - Sampl sacks wionteas on000 emoundlgrams. sape usoetals. write frs onthm wilb t: a ona Write for TEsT1momALs tl Sheriff's Sales. SHERIFF'S SALE. Jno. S. Renwick and J. McM. Calmes, Against Samuel S. Abrams. Foreclosure of Mortgage. In pursuance of an order issued from the ourt of Common Pleas for Newberry ounty on the 6th of April, 1875, signed y Hon. L. C. Northrop, Judge of this Sev nth Judicial Circuit, I will sell, )n the first Monday in February Nxt, front of the Court House, to the highest idder, the following Real Estate, to-wit: 11 that tract of la: d situate and lying in e County of Newberry, bounded by lands f Wm. Scott, Samuel McKee's Estate and muel Young's Estate, containing, Three Hundred Acres, ore or less. Terms of sale cash. Purchaser to pay r papers. J. J. CARRINGTON, s. N. C. Sheriff's Office, 9th December, 1876. 3-3t TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. IN THE PROBATE COURT. Thomas S. Moorman, Petitioner, Against Houson C. Kenner, et. al., Def'ts. Petition for Partition of Land. By virtue of an order to me directed in the ove stated action, I will sell at public out S at Newberry C. H., S. C., n Monday, Sale-Day, the Fifth Day of February, A. D. 1877, the property of Samuel E. Kenner, de ased, that tract of land situate in said )uuty, containing: two Hundred and Sixty-Six Acres, ore or less, and bounded by lands of Mrs S. Hodges, Mrs. Celena Haacock, and hers. Terms of Sale: One-third of the purchase ney to be paid in cash and re-aainder to paid at twelre months, with i.iterest from L:e, and secured by a bo,d o: the par aser, with mortgage of the premises. Purchasers to pay for papers. J. J. CARRINGTON, s. N. C. Sherif 's Office, 9h Dec., 1676. 3-3t. PATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF. NEWBERRY. IN THE PROBATE COURT. iomas V. Wicker and Thomas S. Moor man, as Ex'ors., etc., of Ane ew M. Wick er, dec'd., Petitioners, Against Nancy Wicker, et al, Defendants. ~tition to Sell Land to Aid in Payment of Debts. By '.'rtue of an order to me directed in the ove staled ac.ioni, I will sell, at public out , atNe wherqyC. H., S.C , n Sale-Day, Monday, the Fifth ~Day of February, A. D. 1877, the property of Andrew M. Wicker, de ased, that *VALUABLE LOT, ~aate in the town of Newberry, in said >any, on th~e South-east corner of Adams id Pratt Sr:eets, f-onLnue on Pratt Street rent-s.x 2-2 feet and ranning along Ad is S..eet one hundred and eighty-three et, and bounded on Last b: lands of Mrs. ower and o1.aers, containiasg a Store House id )Residence comnbined, and knott a as Bah more Co: xe.r." Te:s of Sale-O (e-third of the purchase oney to be paid in cash, but purchaser to y more if he desires, and the remnainder to paid at twelve months from day of sale ith interest from that day, and to be se ired by bond of purchaser and morr,gage of emises. Purchaser to nay for papers. J.3J. CARRINGTON, S. N. C. Sheriff's Office, 9th Dec., 1876. 3-3t SHERIFF'S SALE. Sarah A. Stringfellow, Plaintiff, .Against orge 13. Tucker, J. C. Hunter, Jno. C. Richards, Win. Munro, as Adm'r. of Wmn. J. Keenan, James B. Steedman, and others, Defendants. Court of Common Pleas. In acc'>rdance with an order of the Court Common Pleas, in the above stated ac m, I will sell, at public auction, in front the Court House, n Monday, the fifth Day of Feb ruary, 1877, that tract of land in Newberry County d State aforesaid, on Enoree River, known a part of said George B. Tucker's Enoree lantation, containing 'wo Hundred and Sixty-five (265) Acres, >nded on the South and South-west by nds of Thomas Whitmire, Trustee for airs of H. Whitmire, on the West by lands Joseph Duckett, on the North-west by nds of the Estate of Peter Duckett, dec'd., the North by lands of Thomas Whit ire, Trustee, and on the South east by noree River. Terms of Sale-One half cash, and the tlance on a credit of twelve months, with iterest from. day of sale. Purchaser to ive bond and mortgage of the premises to cure the credit portion. Purchaser to y for papers. *J. T. CARRINGTON, 8. N. C. Sheriff's Office, December 9th, 1876. 3-3t. SHIERIFF'S SALE. S. Duncan, as Executor, &c., of John A. Bangle, dec'd., Ts. Win. Sheppard, et al. Complaint to Call in Creditors, &c. In pursuance of an order of the Court of robate in the above- stated action, I will 11 at Newberry Court House, n Monday, 5th Day of February, 1877, public outcry, the following Real Estate John A. Bangle, deceased, to-wit: That lot of land in the Town of Newber ~, containing ONE AORE, re or less, and bounded by lot of Eliza ~th Dansby, the home place of the said hn A. Bangle, John Archer and others. > be sold in two parcels, of half an acre Lh, more or less, according to plats to be ~hibited on day of sale. - - - ADVICE GRATIS. The Hon. Alexander H. Stevens says:- - The Globe Flower Cough Syrup has proven most valuable remedy to me." Gov. James M. Smith, of Georgia, says: 'I shall always use it with perfect conf ence, and recommend it to the public as a emedy which will afford that satisfaction xperienced by me and mine. It excels verythiog for coughs, colds and obstinate tug affections." C Ex-Gov. Brown, of Ga., says:-' 'He finds C is Globe Flower Cough Syrup a most ex- b ellent remedy." e Such endorsement by our great and good ( en deserves the at:e-ition of the afflicted. 'ose saf'ering fro.n coughs, colds and lung ffections should use the Globe Flower Cough Yrup. It will positlvely cure consumption. For sale by S. F. FANT. 44--t. ti SheriII's Sales. S TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. rn The National Bank of Newberry, S. 0. . Against H. C. Corwin. Foreclosure of Mortgage. S By virtue of an order of the Hon. L. C. orthrop, Judge of the 7th Judicial Cir ait, in the above stated actiou, and to me irected, I will sE.ll, at Newberry C. H., at ublic outery, and to the highest bidder, etween the hours of 10 o'clock in the fore oon and 2 o'clock in the afternoon, On .Sale-day in February Next, iat being Monday, the 5th day of said al onth, the following Real Estate, situate, c ing and being in the County and State C oresaid, consisting of )ne Hundred and Fifty-two (152) Acres, , ore o: less, bounded by lands of Absalom he'l, John Sims, and lands formerly be nging to the Estate of J. N. Herndon, de ,ased. TERMS-One half cash ; balance on a m -edit of twelve months, with interest from H a. of sale, credit portion to be secured By 01 bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of ie premises sold. Purchaser to pay for b< .pers. d J. J. CARRINGTON, S. N. C. ci Sheriff's Office, 13th Jan., 1877. 3-3t f12. TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY.- g COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Henry Koon, Plaintiff, Against T M. D. Suber, Defendant. Foreclosure of Mortgage. By virtue of a Judgment Order in 'the >ove stated case, dated 8th January, 187l7, ime directed, I will sell, at Newberry, C., P )n Monday, (Sale-day) 5th day of February Next, a public outcry, ed to the highest bidder, ci etween the hours of 10 o'clock in the fore non and 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the C >llowing Real Estate, situate, lying and. ing in the County and State aforesaid, ~ 1sisting ofa ~even Hundred and Twenty. (720) Acres,. ore or less, bounded by lands of John H. C raham, R. S. Davidson, George Feltman, ai .V. Gist, Mrs. Lucinda Brooks, Mary tC .oon, etc. ae Terms cash. Purchaser to pay for pa- y ers. a: J. J. C ARRINGTON, s. N. C. Sheriff's Office, 13th January, 1877. 3-3t f12 'I p: TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, b COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. ci Henry Wheeler, Plaintiff, . Against bares L. Gary and Jennie Gary, his wife, - Defendants. Execution Against Property. By virtue of' an execution issued by the lerk of the Court of Common Pleas for me County and State aforesaid, and to me irected, I will sell, at public outcry, to the G ighest bidder, On Sale-day in February Next, etween the usual hours of sole, all that >t or parcel of land situate in Newberry, ithe County and State aforesaid, contain One-Third of an Acre, ti tore or less, and bounded by the Green ille and Columbia Rail Road, lands of A. [. Bowers, M. S. Long and others. Levied pon as the property of Jennie Gary at the iL of Henry Wheeler, in the above stated al Terms cash. Purchaser to pay for paa er. 3 . J. CARRINGTON, s. N. c. sheriff's Office, Jan. 15, 1877. 3-Stt1 TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY.-b IN THE PROBATE COURT. h D. H. Wheeler, as .Adm'r., &c., Plaintiff, la Against0 Henry Summer and others. E By virtuie of an order issued out of the 'rofate Court for the County and State b foresaid, in the above stated case, and to II e directed, I will sell, to the highest bid-. g er, s On Sale-day in February Next, ~ etween the usual hours of sale, ?wenty and One-half Acres - of Land, tore or less, situated in the County and T tate aforesaid, and bounded by lands ~of revi S. Bowers, Wesley Long, et. al, and e "Calk Ferry" Road. Terms Cash. Purchaser to pay for pa ers. J. J. CARRINGTON, s. iC. c. Sheriff's Office, Jan. 15, 1877. 3-3t I P SHERIFF'S SALE. S. P. Boozer and J. 0. Peoples, Againsta E. A. Payne and J. w. Payne. o By'virtue of an Execution to me directed ithe above stated case, I will sell, at pub- r: outcry, in front of the Court House, to me highest bidder, )mtefrtM na nFbur ntejrtMnday inFbur 3 e olwngealxtaf, towi:Oc efolwnRelEtf,t-i:O em 'ato'ad,cnann Sheriff"s Sales. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLIN2 COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. IN THE PROBATE COURT. Sallie Johnson, by her Guardian, Against Newton F. Johnson, as Adm'r., et al. Petition for Partition. Pursuant to the order of the Hon. Jame 3. Leahy, as Judge of Probite, I will me wo tracts of land in the County of Nei )erry, On the 1st Monday in Februar Next, it Newberry Court House. One known as the "Joe Chupp place, ontaining 136 ACRES, )ounded by lands of the Estate of Henr: 3urton, dec'd., Gilliam Senn, Wilson G kbrams, et al. One known as the "Jesse Chupp place, :ontaiuing 100 ACRES, )ounded by lands of James Speers, Gillian senn, Wm. P. Johnson and others. Plats to be exhibited on day of sale. TERMS--One-third cash ; balance on :redit of 1 and 2 years,- secured by bon Lnd mortgage of the premises, wLh interes rom day of sale. J. J. CARRINGTON, s. x c. Nov. 21st, 1876-3-8t. SHERIFF'S SALE. xeorge Brown and Thompson Young Ex'ors of Robert Carmichael, deo'd Plaintiffs, against Nm. W. Davis, Trustee, &c., et. al., De fendants. Foreclosure of Mortgage. In pursuance of an order issued from thi 3ourt of Common Pleas for Newberr; )ounty, signed by the Hon. L. 0. Nor brop, Circuit Judge, on. the 17th May .876, in the above stated action, I will sell t Newberry Court House, 9n the First Monday in Februar? Next, etween the usual hours of sale, to thi iighest bidder, the following described teal Estate, to-wit : All that tract of land, with the appurte tances, situate in the County of Newborry state of South- Carolina, containing Phirty-Nine and One-Hal Acres, nore or less, bounded by lands of Wu ester, Henry S. Boozer and others. Terms Cash. Purchaser to pay for pa >ers. J. J. CARRINGTON, s. N. C. 8-St. SHERIFF'S SALE. ohn C. Workman and John A. Worlshan - and others, Against William H.. Webb and J. E. Webb. By virtue of sundry 'executions to me di ected, I will sell, in front of the Cour louse,. On the first Monday in Februar Next, o the highest bidder, the following PEI BONAL PROPERTY, to-wit: TWO Sets of Househol< ind Parlor Furniture. Carpets, and other articles Parlor and Kitchen Stoves Kitchen Tables, &c. One lot Garden Tools. One small lot Carpenter' rools. Plow Stock and Two Sin gletrees. Two Wash Pots and Fou: Wash Tubs. One Cow. Levied on as the property of W. Il Vebb and J. E. Webb. TERMS CAsH. J. J. CARRINGTON, S. N. 0. 8-8t. SHERIFF'S SALE. Henry C. Moses, as Adm'r., &c., Against ' Sarah Moore, John Moore and others. Domplaints to Sell Land to Pay Debts, & By virtue of an order of Hon. James ( [eahy, Judge of Probate, in the above state ase, to me directed, I will sell at publi utcry, on the On the first .Monday in Februar .Y.ext, ll the lands of which John Moore die ~eized and possessed, the same being a trac f land containing Two Hundred and Thirty six Acres. more or less, situa.te in said County an tate, and bounded by lands of D. I Wheeler, John Long, Emanuel Waits, an eirs of Jacob Hiller. TE RMS OF SALE-One-third cash ; ba ince on a credit of one year, with inters From day of sale, secure .I by bond of pu: haser and mortgage of premises. Purchasi to pay for papers. J. J. CARRINGTON, s. N. 0. 8-8t. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINI COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. IN THE COMMON PLEAS. Benson M. Jones and others, Plaintiff Against William H. Webb and others, Defendant By .virtue of sundry executions to n :lire~cted in the above stated and other case: will sell at public outcry to the highe: aidder therefor, On the 6rst Monday in February 1877, the following Real Estate: All tbat lot of land situate in the- tow :f Newberry in the County and State afor' said, containing TWO ACRES, more or less, and bounded by Main streel [eKibben1 street, Harrington street and b ot known as "Warehouse lot," of heirsc Benson M. Jones, deceased. The same b4 ng the lots whereon is situated the bric itore occuied by T. J. Lipscomb. the stor SheriWs Safes. . SHERIFF'S SALE. Martin J. Young, as E x'er., Against Jamem B. Chappell, et:al. By virtn.' of an izrder of the Court of Common P!eat; for N. brryr Couiity, signed by His Ho!.or. L. C. Northro, J11uge of the Seventh Judw:il (ircai!, in the above stated ease, I will sell in f: ont of the Court r- House, On the first Monday in February Next, the Real .Estate of which the late Moses Anderson died seized and possessed, lying, situate and being in the County and State aforesaid, in two or more lots, plate of which will be exhibited on day of sale. TERMS OF SALE-One-thi--d cash ; bal ance on a credit of one and two years, with 7 interest from the day of sule. Credit por tion to be secured by bond of the purchaser, with two good sureties, and a mortgage of the premises sold. -Purchaser to pay for papers. J. J. CARRINGTON, S. N. C. Sheriff's Office, Nov. 13, 1876. 3-3t. SHERIFF'S SALE. Dowie & Moise, - t Against J. A. Simpson. Foreclosure of Mortgag. By virtue of an order of the Court of Common Pleas for Newberry County, sign ed by his Honor, M. Moses, Circuit- Judge, on the 6th April, 1875, in the above stated case, I will sell, On the first .ornday in February ' Next, the following Real Estate, to wit: All my undivided half interest in that LOT or PARCEL of LAND, lfmg and be ing situated in the Town of Pro'iperity, in ! the County of Newberry, andtState of - South Carolina, fronting on Broad street 25 feet, and running back at right angles same width, 80 feet, and is bounded by lands of 'J. M. Kibler, lot No. 15, and by said street; the same being the-Lot con veyed to mer the said J..A.'Simpepn and Jacob C. Counts, by J. M. Eibler, by deed bearing date July 24th, 1875. Terms Gash. Purchaser le pay for pa pers. JOHN J. CARRINGTON, S. N. C. Dec. 13, 3-St. SHERIFF'S SALE. James Y. Harris, Against. Jordan P. Pool. Foreclosure of Mortgage. John Vinuyard, Jordan P. PooL. Foreclosure of Mortage. By virtue of sundry orders to me di rected in the above stat.ed case, I will sell, at public outcry, at Newberry Court House, On the 1st Idonday in February next,. the following Real Estate, to-wit: .One STract containing THREE and 87-100 Acres, Vmore or less, lying, situate and being in the town of Newberry, in the County and State aforesaid, bounded by Ros'emont Cemetery, College Street and other lands of Jordan P. PooL. jAlso, that Tract of Land known as the COLLEGE PLAC.E, containing SEVENTEEN ACRES, more or less, bounded by College Street, Rosemont Cemetery, and by lands of James If. Baxter and John S Hair. Also, that Trac; or Plantation of Land known as the LAKE PLA.CE, containing SIXTY-TWO ACRES, -more or 'ess, situated in the said County and State aforesaid, and bounded by lands of J. S. Hair, Mrs. Elizabeth S,windler and Mrs. R. C. Hair. TERMS-0ue-third Casbi alanee on a credit of one and two years, with interest from the day of sale. Credit portion to be secured by bond of the purchasr,with two good sureties, and a mortgage of the pro mises sold. Purchaser to pay for papers. J. J. A RRTNGTON, &.K C. Sheriff's Office, Nov. 13, 1876. 3-3t. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. IN THE COMMON PLEAS. Win. M. Dor oh, et al, as Ex'ors.; &c. vs. Anne Lon~gshore, et a!. ''Partition. c In pursuance of the ord.er of Judge L C. Northrop, in the t-bove stated case, I will sell, at public outcry, at Newberry C. H., On Monday, the 5th Day of Febru a. ary Next, t all the Real Estate of which Levi Longshore died seized, consisting of -Four Hundred Acres of Land, more or less, the Davenport tract to be sold separately from the balance of d said Real Estate. Plats and partientar de E scription to be furnished on day of sale. d TERMS-One-third cash ; the balance on a credit of one and two years, the credit lportion of the purchase money to be se ' cured by bond of purchaser with two good r sureties and a mortgage of the premises, r with interest from day of sale. .Purejbasers to pay for papers. J. J. CA RRTNGTON, S. N. 0. Sheriff's Office, Nov. 18, 1876. - 3-3t SHERIFF'S SALE. James L. Hutcherson and Mary, his wife, and Jesse Dobbins and Eliza, his wife. Against Elizabeth Coate and others. e Partition. By virtue of an orderof the Court of it Common Pleas, for Newberry County. sign ed by his Honor, L. C. Northrop, Judge f r, the Seventh Judicial Circuit, in the above stated action, I will sell, in front of the Court House, c On the first Monday in February Next, the following Real Estate, to-wit : All that tract or parcel, of land lying and situate near the town of Helena, County of New y berry and State aforesaid. . Lands -belong ~f ing to Elizabeth Coate, deceased; Flats .and particulars will be furnished' on the k day of sale. e TERMS-One-third cash ; balance on a .- ce-i of+twelv months, with inteeoa from