The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, October 04, 1876, Image 3

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Special and Local. INDEX TO NEw ADVERTISEMENTS. J. C. Lenhy-Citations. A J. McCaughrin-Notice. G. W. Bearden & Co.-Notice. Kibler & McFall-Drug Store. R. N. Lowrance-Mansion House. Geo. S. Mower-Executor's Notice. Mi;s Fanny Leavell-Sebool Notice. Wrigh! & Coppock-New Stock Clothing. DeN'T FORGET rr.-Now that the Fall business has commenced, we would re spectfully ask the mercantile com munity to remember that all kinds of Job Printing, such as Bill lead:. Letter and Note Heads, Statements, Tickets, Circulars. Cards, &c., can be printed as cheap-if not cheaper-and certainly with greater despatch at this office than abroad. Have your work done at home, and save money by the operation. 3t To RE\r-A part of a most desirable residence most eligibly situated, and within a pleasant walk of the Court House, is offered for rent to an approved tenant. Terms moderate. For particn lars apply at this office. 2t THS SAFE CousF..-Au experience of nearly ten years has sufficiently proven the strength of the Piedmont & Arlington, and the ability of its officers to manage a cor poration so extensive and so intimately con nected with the well-being of the wives and children of its patrons in every section of the country. No company has so rapidly and successfully achieved so prominent a posi tion. By following the obvious laws of life insurance,-careful selection of risks, care ful investments of funds--economy in man agement, this Company has coninued to prosper even during the few years of financial distress. By a truly conservative policy suc cess has been won, and now no temptation to depart from 4he safe course will lead it astray. e.o.w. Dickert's Restaurant is open for the season. 36-tf. Ju;t received a new stock of Watches and Jewelry at John 0. Peoples' Jew elry Store, CHEAP FOR CASH. Sep. 5, 1876-36-1m. When Edward Scholtz repairs your clock or watch it is warranted for one year Try him. Satisfaction guaranteed. 15-1y THOMPsON, Dentist, over Phifer's Store. 35-tf. DEATH OF MRS. ROSA BRowN. But a few fleeting months ago, this fair young lady, the beloved wife of Mr. Percy Ph,own, went forth from the hymeneal altar with the orange blos soms upon her brow, elate with joy and hope. To-day she sweetly sleeps under the falling leaves of Rosemont Ceme tery: ."And then we'll think of one who in her youthful beauty died, The fair, meek, blossom that grew up and faded by our side; In the cold, moist earth we laid her when the forest cast the leaf, And we wept that one so lovely should have a life so brief; Yet not unmeet it was that one, like that young friend of ours, So gentle and so beautiful, should perish with the flowers." See card of F. werber, Jr., Deputy Sur veyor. 33-mn. L. R. Marshall wants to buy a fewv good milch cows. See him at once. it Our townsman Mr. A. J. McCaugh rn has farnished us an interesting re cord of the rainfall in Ne wberry from Nov. 3, 1875, to Aug. 30,. 1876. It will atppear next week. As a general rule those who do not subscribe for a paper are the first to criticise its contents. Those who pay for their reading are more liberal and of course more honest. We commend the article headed " Advice to South Carolina Colored Men," from the New York Herald, to the attentive perusal of the colored cit izens of Newberry. It will pay them to read it. W. T. Wright will sell tin-ware. stoves and stove-pipe, and do roofing and guttering and all other job work cheaper and out of better material than any one in the up-counfry. If you don't believe it try him. 40-2t. We acknowledge with thanks a copy of the Campaign Text Book, being a summfary' of the Leading Events in our history under republican administra tion. It is a most voluminous docu ment. REA .-A series of religious meet ings, commenced on Mo'nday, will be continued during the week in the Church at Helena. The meetings are under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association and will be atten ded by the ministers of the town. 1DISTRESSING PICTUE.-It is said that many of the negro women are threatening their husbands with leav ing tbem if they vote the democratic ticket. If they persist in their deter mination the voice of many colored grass widows will be heard in the land. There will be weeping and wailing and gnasuing of teeth. McCreery, Love & Co., of the Grand Central. Columbia, are now offering great attWtions in Fall and Winter Goods, at unprecedentedly lowy prices, and their stock is not only great in va riety but of best quality. The Bargain Counters in this establishment are re newed daily and are not the least of the attractive features in this store. Orders promiptl3 attended to. Township 5 met at Jalapa on the 23rd, and addresses were made by W. H. Wallace, J. Y. Culbreath and T. S. 1\ioorman. Eso~. Tue colored nersons A good friend and suiNeriber, whose Postofilee is -t Martin's Depot, will accept thanks fcr his appreciation not only of the pleasure experienced in reading the HERALD but for the indal gcence given him. He may count on the HERALS visits as long as we con tinue to publish. A large imitation of so worthy an example will help us ex ceedingly. DAY or A-ToNEMENT.-This festival, one of the most important it the Jew ish calendar, was observed here on Wednesd-y and Thursday of List week, cc(Y1linkn!r *c'd endmZ wih the sun sel of th- x +:ne-. 'e ordinance for this d ty of fasL ls found in the twenty-third chapter of Leviticus, in eluding the twenty-sixth and thirty- I second verses. The day is strictly oh served all over the globe. R11T.-A piney woods friend called in the other day and deposited a box f potatoes which he said he had failed to sell. "It's an ill wind whi,4 blows nobody good." We are glad to say that he was cheerful under the circum tances-and that his suggestion for every one hereafter to do as he did with whatever articles they fail to sell is a Dapital one. He says it's a good way to pay the printer for the larOe amount of work which he does for nothing. That friend's head is level. LUTHERAN.-The Ltheran Tennes see-Synod will meet at St. John's Church, Lexington County, on Thurs day inst. The Lutheran Synod of South Caro lina will meet at St. Stephen's Church, Lexington County, on Tuesday the 10th inst. At Beth Eden Church, in thisCounty, a two days' meeting was held in pre paration of the communion of last Sab bath. CLOTHE YOURSELVES.-The card of Messrs. Wright & Coppock, the popu lar clothiers of Newberry, speaks for itself, yet it may not be amiss in the HERAD say that we have ex amined their stock and have found it large in variety, and that the prices are far below those of last Fall. There is no reason whatever for the citizens of Newberry to wear old clothes any longer when new and elegant suits can be had so cheap. NEWBERRY CoTTON STATEMENT from 1st Sept., 1875, to 1st Sept., 1876: Stock in Warehouses 1st Sept., 1875-Bales---- -- ----103 Received-Bales--- -- ---22-,312 22,416 Shipments to Ports Bales - - - - 21,525 Shipments to Spin ners--Bales - - 712- 22,237 Remaining in Warehouses,Sept. 1st, 1876-Bales - - - - 178 A. J. McCAUGHRIN, Sup't Cotton Exchange. If your liver is torpid, if your appetite is roor, if you wan your sr>mach thoroughly cleansed, if you can aot sleep, if you want a ood digestion, use Dr. Ball's Vegetable Pills. REua10ULS.-Aveleigh (Presbyterian) Church closed on Friday last a profita ble series of religious meetings which lasted nine days. The pastor, Rev. R. A. Fair, was assisted by Dr. F. Jacobs, of Clinton, and the Rev's Frierson and Pierson. It will be gratifying -to the friends of the Church to know that this labor of love was crowned withisuccess, in that eight accessions .were made to the membership, including those of tender years as well as of mature life. Immediately before the Sabbath ser vice there were three baptisms, two in fants and a young lady. At the con clusion of the morning's service ai very interesting report wasread,showing how acceptable are the labors of the pastor, and that there is a bond of union be tween him and his people wvhich makes Aveleigh a live and working Church. The report in its,several particulars not only gave evidence of the prosper ity of the Church, but afforded instrac tion. ST. LUKE'S CHUHncH.--Right Rev. W. B. WV. Howe, accompanied by Rev. Mr. Kershaw, paid his annual visit to this parish last week. On Saturday night Mr. Kershaw delivered an appro priate address, and on Sunday morning the Bishop administered the Holy rites of Baptism and Confirmation and cele brated the Lord's Supper. Six persons were confirmed. The Bishop preached morning and night in his u'sually clear, chaste and incisive manner. His ser mon in the morning was a vivid por trayal of the beautifil narrative of the widowv of Nain, in which the wonderful compassion .of our Lord's humanity, the consolation afforded through -His redemption and sovereign power, as the Resurrection and the Life, were sig nally shown on that memorable occa sion. Some of the causes and effects of this, among the most touching of our Lord's acts while on earth, were most happily adverted to. The discourse at night was based upon the text " What is life?" The gifted speaker did not presume to attempt a demonstration of this great problem by the light of science, but touchingly presented the striking truism that " It is even as a va pour that appeareth for a little while, then vanishethetway." His allusion to the (lark volume of false thoughts, wri tings, words and acts which are daily emblazoning upon the tablet of memo ry, was at strong .and touching ap~peal to a life in earnest in its duties, and in the uscs of the true, the beautiful and C OU N T .-Judge Northrop opened Court Monday afternoon. As soon as the Grand Jury was organized, the Fore man approached the Judge and was for some time engaged in earnest con versation with him. It was understood that the Grand Jury through their fore man was very urgent that the Judge should discharge the juries-Grand and Petit-at once, as it would be most pre judicial to the public interests to hold theen. The Judge had the Solicitor called and proposed to wait until next morning before charging the Grand Jury. The foreman, however, sug gested that if His Honor would consider their suggestion at once, it would save much expense and time, and that in an hour or two they would be ready with their presentment. The Judge then took a recess until late in the afternoon. Upon reassembling the Court, the Grand Jury made the following presentment, which was ordered published. Rules were at once issued to carry out the special orders of the Court at the for mer term and the juries discharged the Court observing that he felt con strained to obey the behest of the Grand Jury, but would hope to clear the Equity Docket before leaving. There is but one prisoner in jail-and he has beeft released on bail-and that for a slight offence. This speaks well for the peace of the County. There are no funds to pay Court expenses, the fields are white with cotton, and the lawyers are nearly all at the front engaged in the great work of redeeming the State. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, NEWBERRY. COUNTY-OCTOBER TER*. Hon. L. C. Northrop, Judge 7th Juli cial irct?4: The Grand Jury would respectfully report, that they have bee informed that there is no County funds in the hands of the Treasurer to pay the expen ses of the present Session of the Court, and as a majority of the Jurymnen are daily laborers they cannot afford, in justice to their familes, to lose the time, and wages they would earn, in attendance upon the Court; and as this is a very busy season of the year in gathering the crops, we would respectfully suggest to your -Honor that in our opinion it would be well to adjourn that part or portion of the Court requiring the attendance of a Jury. The Grand Jury would respectfully ask of the Court what action, if any, has been taken by the Court, in regard to the va rious presentments made by it, at the last term. Respectfully submitted, S. P. BOOZER, Foreman, his MANN X FLOYD, mark. his S\MITH X DAVIS, mark. his RENRY X BOYCE, mark. his EDWARD X YOUNG, mark. P. RODELSPERGER, J. D. CASH, JESE DOMINICK, J. M. SILL, his WILLIS X SAUNDERS, mark. CHAS. M. LONG, his LANG. X DEWALT, mark. *his JOHN X FERN, mark. .JNO. G. PIESTER, W. 11. H AR RIS, JOHN T. PETERSON, his DAVE X BOOZER. mark. Newberry, S. C., Oct. 2, 1876. LOST AND FoUND.-We have been informed that a gentleman living in the upper part of the county, in the neighborhood of the " Charleston House," was brought to grief cne morning last week at the loss of his apper teeth which he had -placed in a tumbler of water on retiring the night before. The lower sett were left, but with them only what could he do with the morning's beefsteak? Visions of death from star'vation entered his mind, while he swvore vengeance against the thif. He did not die, however, and the next night he determined to wait and watch in the event of the thief's return for the other teeth; so he lay him down on " his little bed " and with bated breath wvaited. He did not wait long ere he heard something coming down the steps,and directly saw a large rat making towards the chair on w bich stood the tumbler with the teeth. Nim bly climbing up, the rat seized its prize adI made off, followed by the owner, who watched the animal until he en tered his hole. Upon tearing down the ceiling he was made happy in Anding both the upper and lower setts placed together in the form of a circle-the rat evidently intending th'em as a wl for a nest. We are pleased that the finale was so pleasant, and that our fiend is again the happy possessor of the teeth without which he never could have held his own in a neighborhood where the ladies are so charming, and goodl eating is so abundant. The China, Glass and Crockery Store of Messrs. Kingsland & Heath is in the same old place, under the Columbia Hotel, Columbia, ;nd notwithstanding the pressure of the times keeps up to its old standard of attractiveness. It is always full of the newvest goods and at prices to suit the pockets of the people. tf AnOT THE TOWN AND COUNTY. Weather delicious, cool, bracing, Mosquitoes are withdrawing, And all kinds of business reviving Except that of printing. Heavy white frost on Monday morn mg. Political atmosphere is serene and all along the line is quiet. It does one good to see Court House square filled with wagons once more. Sow oats, sow oats. The farmer can not be too strongly urged to this. Streets crowded on Monday. Court, cotton and canvass cause of concourse. Turkevs are being fattened for Christmas-there are none in our yard. Jalapa is healthier at this season than the oldest inhabitant remembers. The colored glee club sing well, and their serenades are enjoyed. 'Possum and 'tater suppers are now in order. The democratic ticket, State and County, grows in favor every day with the colored voter. We congratulate our friend at Ki nard's T. 0. in that he has done some thing for his country. - The disgust for the Chamberlain ticket grows stronger every day. There is no good in it. Frog Level had a big time on Thurs day last. Everybody was out, both white and black. There is a practice under the sun of Newberry which ought to be stopped, and this is asking the editor to do work for nothing which should be paid for. Pool's Hotel was in lack last week among the arrivals we noticed Peas and Beans; a little Bacon to season them would have made things better. We have been running two or- three hundred subscribers since Spring on the promise of pay in the Fall. The time has come. There was a baby show in town last week; specimens exhibited were fair to look at, and the happy fathers and mothers had cause to rejoice. Never was there a quieter time in Newberry on the eve of an election. It is a good indication of a return to better times. The devil will surely ge; the man who won't pay his debts when he can, or wrho contracts a debt without any intention of paying. The clubs are admonished not to re lax in their efforts although the pros pect looks bright and hopeful. Work steadily, work all the time till the end. Col. Lipscomb has removed his stock of goods to the large brick store in Am asoka-former stand of Capt. Webb. We wish him a big trade. Democratic barbecues and basket pic-nics are the order all over the coun try, and great credit is due the _ladies for the good work they are domg in this direction. Mr. Alfred Crotwell will accept our thanks. When be says anything he means it. We hope he will get 15 cents for cotton before the season is over. A smart little fellow-not in New berry-surprised his mother by saying, "God is every where; He is all over me; and when you spank me you spank God." Hie's a spanking boy, Newvspaper men all over the world long ago settled down on the folly of trying to please everybody. The HER ALD is in line. Some men are not worth a single effort. Many colored men in the county would join democratic clubs, but they fear they would have to fight their radical fi-iends from now till election day. Drugs remain firm, not so druggists. Our young friend Sam, in the execu tion of a gymnastic on Thursday last unexpectedly found himself sitting on the granite step of his store. Glad that a friend is occasionally found who shows his appreciation of the HERALD by settling his dues, and thus recognizing the fact that printers have to live as well as other kind of people. As the season when the young folks will want to danee is approaching, we give them the colored preacher's idea about "the time to dance": "Yes, dar am a time to dance," said this di vine, " an'. it's when a boy gits a lickin' for gwine .to a ball " A grentleman across Scott's creek purcha'sed a basket of chickens from a darkey; the number paid for was five, but when taken up there were six. Was it a mistake in simple addition, or were the chickens borFowed without knowledge as to the number? Corn stealing is on the rise at Ja lapa. Co1. Cannon, L. E. Folk. Maj. Kinard and Hayne Chalmers have all lost more or less. Col. Cannon also had his smoke house broken open and cleaned out of everything eatable. A Mollohon candidate don't make big speeches, brit makes good points in a brief wvar. Among the good things promised is that when the democratic ticket is elected the ladies will have the privilege of enjoying moonlight walks, and with pnhanced chances for getting good husbands. They deserve all this and more for tlle good work they are now doing. The watermelon season is about over, but young love's dream is al ways in season. Isn't this nice: "Dear Samie, Pap's watermillions is ripe. Come and iring some poetry like you brought afore. My love for you w:ll ever flow like water running down a tater row. IBring a piece as logg as your arm, and have a heap more about them raving ringlets and other sweet things. Come next Sunday and don't fule me." Hickory shirts are sometimes wvorn and tea is made of certain barks, but to expect printers to live entirely on wood is simply preposterous. Every hotly in ten miles of Newberry wants to pay for the IUERAL in wood. A little flour, corn, oats, chickens to vary the bill of fare will give pleasure. At a republicn nmrnetingo in the coun We have received a copy of "The City Record," the official journal of the Bureau of Vital Statistics of New York and extract from the report upon milk inspection, the scientific deduc tions of Dr. J. Blake White, assistant anitary inspector, from experiments made by him under directions of the Health Department what may prove aseful to farmers, as Well as to con iumers, for tEsting the purity of speci 11ens of milk To the physician who is frequently consulted as to the value 3f a given specimen of milk for the ourishment of infants the observa tions are particularly valuable. The ;cries of experiments which were con lucted from various farms in the vieinity of New York are highly in tereting, and show a wide range of -xperimental research and chemical analysis, and from which the following Facts are deduced from experiments at 30 Fahr: 1st. That no healthy cow, as a rule, yields milk of less specific gravity han 1.029; if exceptions do occur Ahey are so rare as hardly to deserve mentioa and are not of permanent luration. 2ud That the mixed milk of any aumber of cows never has so low spe ,ific gravity as 1.029. 3rd. That the 100 mark upon the. Board of Health -lactometer equals pecific gravity 1.029, adopted as a tandard by the Department, is a com putation far below the average; hence ioy sample of milk tested in the city nd found to fall below the standard ,an be justly adjudged grossly tam pered with.-Beaufort Tribune. MORE TROOPS FOR SOUTH CARO [NA.*-WASHINGTON, September 27. -Ex-Gov. Scott, who is here,' ex presses the opinion that it will be ne essary to have more United States -roops to.inspire the negro voters with onfidence in that State, -ard that without them Hampton will be elect d. Senator Patterson has returned From Philadelphia, where he went to we the President, and reports that the ,roops necessary to preserve order in iken, Edgefield, Newberry and Lau rens Counties will be furnished. [Special to I. Y. Times. A CARD. Mr. U. B. Whites, Chairman Ex. Com. Prosperi!y Dem. Glub: I understand there s a report in circulation that my life was threatened at Prosperity, at the meeting n the 28th inst. In justice to the Execu tive Committee and the Democrats at that reetin2g I must say that I apprehende-1 no langer, heard no threats and saw ,no .pis ols drawn. I did not see but one pistol in the crowd. I was cordi4lly invited by he white citizens and guaranteed by you and the cit.izens a respectful hearing. As [ am in favor of peace I hope rmy friends both white and black will deny and correct the report. Respectfully Yours, RILEY McKISSICK. Witness ; A. HI. Sr.sBY, his SAMUEL X YOUNG. mark. POST OFFICE, NEWBERRY, S. C., Sep. 30, 1876. List of advertised letters for week ending Sep. 30, 1876: A~dams, Thos. Galiman, T. W. Cappell, John Johnson, Pinckney Brown, Mrs. Mazy Johnson, Elizabeth roft, Tisbie Lilley, Charles ampson, M. H. McCullongh. W. P. Daldwel, Jno. C. Perrin, Sam'l Eason, Hannah Sdhneider, M. E. Taylor, J. D. (2) Parties calling for letters will please say f advertised. R. W. BOONE, P. M. ARRVALs AT POOL's HOTEL, J. L. Lopez, W. F. Marshall, S. W. Porter, J. P. Strohecker, Edw. J. Gage, St. Idecara ene, Vincent Milrnor, J, C. Boozer, Charles an E. Bean, Louisville, Ev.; Jno. Willis, Edefield; C. L. Stegai, D. T. Walker, Rich nond, Va.; W. T. Linton, Baltimore; W. J Lake. L. U. Moore, D. S. Pope, C. W. ones, W. T. Gaillard, l'. J. Lipscomb, City; U. S. Tough, Kansas; Wmn. Henry Smith, Rashville, Tenn., T. J. VanGilder, Philadel phia; Thos. Steen, Greenville, S. C.; J. T. Bailey, Atlanta; A. Denson, Jno. B Crooks, I. S Blalock, Newberry; R. N. Lowrance, W. J. Rogers, S. M. Mallory, Columbia; T. M. Lake, 3 Mile House; R. B Lyons. Union o.; J. A. Cannon, Pomaria; L. C. Nor throp, Spartanburg. To Shake, or not to Shake ? Aye, that is the question. Is it .better to quiver from head to foot in the paroxysmns t fever and ague, or to banish the atrocious iisease by a conrse ot' that standar.d anti ebrile remedy, Hostetter's Bitters. There :annot be much doubt as to the response of the malaria-stricken to this inquiry. From very locality on this continent whose inhab itants are tormented with the shivering plague comes an increasing demand for the nly genuine preventive and eradicant of malaria provided by science. The denizens f fever and ague districts well know bow utterly inadequate to do more than give a Lrief respite are the so-called remedies of the faculty. Quinine, arsenic, bismuth what are these but poisonous palliatives, which cease after a time to produce any beneficial effect whatever, and if persiste4 ig wreak irreparable misphief upon the system. Everywhere they are being abandoned by ineligent persons, and that genuine vege table specific for int ermir tent and remittent iease, Hosteter's $itters, substituted in their place. 4Q-tf. QUESTIONS FOR EVERY ONE TO AN SWER. Are you troubled with Indigestion, Consti pation of the Bowels, Dyspepsia, or any >ther disease of the Liver ? Have you suffer d for years and fogad no relief from the use >f medicines ? Do you have a faint appetite, and are you troubled with feelings of languor? [f you have these feelings we know you have not tried the new discovery MERRELL'S EEPATINE, at Dr. S. F. Fant's Drug Store. [t is performing wqnderf'ql cgres In this and all other comnignities where the people use t. It is pronounced by all the best Liver Mediine in the world. Two doses will re ieve tbe worst case of Dyspepsia or Consti pation of the Bowels. Each bottle contains rfty doses, and a teaspoonful of this medi ine in a wineglassful of water three times a day for one day, produces a most wonden. Ful change. Wtlere the system is run down with .he lost of energy and appe tite, or Dyspepsia, with all its train of evil, is effecting its deadly work, this remedy, MERRELL's UiEFATINE, never falls to bring about a speedy and permanent cure. Those who doubt the merit and virtues of this medi cine and live from day to day without try ing the HEPATINE, have our sympathy, ut can not be cured unless they take the Medicine. W--tf. SINGULAR FACT ! Is it not strange that people run off after strange things, when they could do better at home? Nearl eve,.y man, woman and child eommerw1ar. NEWBERRY, October 3.-Cotton market active, with closing prices 91a9l. Bales ship ped durina week 904. LIVEOnOL, October 2.-Cotton dull and easier-middling uplands 5 15-16; middling Orleans 61. NEW YORK, October 2 -Cotton easy; sales 1,075, at 11a11 3-16. Gold easier, at BALTIMORE, October 2.-Cotton quiet middling 10'all. CHARLESTON, October 2.-Cotton easy middling 10101. Dry Goods, Groceries, Sc. 1057. ESTABLISHED i057. MVL FOOT. NEW AND SAFE DEPARTURE f ON WINTER GOODS I WHICH WILL BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST! TO MAKE hi0OX FOR SPRING GOODS. I will sell from this date, until a clear ince is effected, without regard to cost, Woolen Goods of all kinds, INCLUDING CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, BLANKETS, Mens' and Boys' Clothing,&c. I MEAN WHAT I SAY! MY STOCK OF GROCERIES Is full and complete, and will be SOLD LOW FOR CASH*. Graniteville Shirting, Sheet ing and Drillings, AT FACTORY PRICES. ELAINE OIL. Warranted 150 proof, and as*good as t any oil sold. - M I DD-LETON'S FISH AMMONIATED PHOSPHA TE. This justly celebrated F etie hans tac, Iamo tprared to furnish it in any onanti takeaneasure in shtowig testimonis re ceived from different parties who have used Feb. 23, 8-tf. Have In store their FALL AND MITER STWi DRY GOODS,4 BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CLOTHING. In all the various lines, the stoclk is large and has been selected with great care. The ladie.s are invited to examine our assortment of Dress Goods, Trimmings, Laces, White Goods, Embroideries, &c., OASSIXERES AND PIECE GOODS Of all kinds for gentlemen and youth. Besides -he above we have in store a fine e assortment of Hardware and Cutlery, Saddles and Bridles, Trii'is of all.kinds, HEAVY GOODS -FOR PLANTATION WEAR, An3d many other articles which it is need less to mention. ,. The above goods' WILL .BF, SOLD CHEAP FOR CASU. P. W. & R. S. CHICK. Sep. 22, 38-tt. NOW IN STOCK! A good assbrtment of H E ATING STOVES on hand, and more to arrive soon. A large lot of T IN-WA RE, made up under my own eye. All of which will be sold cheap at WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL I JOB WORK done at short notice and reasonable prices. Speciil attention given to ROOFIN(G AND GUITTERING! Sep. 27, 39-tf- W. T. WRIGHT. SED WHlEAT. One Hundred and Fify Bushels of AM BER W HE AT, and One Hundred Bushels of WHITE WHEAT. For Sale by MAYES & MARTIN. Sep. 27, 39-tf. Notice to Trespassers. All persons are warned against trespass ing on the lands of J. F. Oxner and Nancy1 B. Oxner. Any one caught thereon shall be dealr with to the full extent of the law. Clothig and Hats, R. & W. C. SWAFFIELD, COLUMBIA, S. C., Are now receiving : IFALTL A~N1T WI N. ER STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTH1v, GENTS' FURK!SiING GOODS, EATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, Et Etc. We are selling a NO. 1 SH IRT, three ply Linen bosom, inished with the exception of the button ho1cs, for $6.00 or a half dozen, and a very fine quality for $7.00. Send your orders.. We guarantee satisfaction both as to )rice and quality of our goods. Goods sent C. 0. D. subject to inspection. Sep. 20, 38-tf. Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Carpets. UNPR1ECE0EN1T.EQ', BlIRGAIIN UK FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, &o., AT WXcCI[9E1EJM MY,0LVME C0*'S, COLU-ITMBIA. S. C. We are now opening our FALL and WINTER STOCK )BY GOODS,. NOTIONS,*. BOOTS, SHOES,. HT1, U 1, ind beg that all in want of goods give us a call bfore buy ng. - You will find our Stock full of the most desirable goods o be found anywhere. We buy for CASH and sell for JASH, and with the long experience of our buyer, -who is n the market all the time, we propose to give you goods tt prices which cannot be duplicated this side of New York. Call and be convinced. Samples sent by mail when requested. Orders promptly ittended to, and when over $10 in value will be sent free >y Express, if accompanied with the money or requested to >e collected on delivery. M'CREERY, LOVE & CO., sep.2042-1y. COLUMBIA, S. C. Dry Goods A" e&iliinerL .Tew eJdvertsemsnts. A FARM and. HOME OF YOU R OWNM. Now is the Time to Seeure it ! The best and cheapest lands-in market are RE T R D TIN in EASTERNJ NEBEASKA, on the line of the ~REAT REDUCTI N JION PACImC RAILEOAD. The most hvor S Iable terms, very low rates of fare and frelght CIPRI i - to all settlers. The best markets. Free epasses to land buyers. Maps, descriptive Owing to tile scarcity of money the under- -senit free everywhere. Address 0. F. DA igned has, from this date, reduced his en. VIS, Land Commissioner, U. P. B. B., Oma ire stock to prices whichi cannot fail to ha, Neb. >lease those in search of GOOD goods for lit le money. TAMEERING cured by Bates' anpliances. Full and complete stock of c~. o 5 0 O, jt.adrs SO& ilOOl M .DE.STRONG'8 SANATIVE PILLS. I U u gg a roved by successful use throughout the Alway on for over Alwys n hnd.A QUARTER OF A CENTURY ! FANCY COO DS the bePraeand AntiBlous Medi A SPEIALTY Rliemriatism, and all kindred disorders. Latest novelties now in stock ,DE. STRONG'S PECTORAL STOKACE PThLS SCRU LACE, LACE TIES, GRENADINE, !Cure Coughs, Colds, Fever, Female Gom-? ILLUSION, PIQUES, LACE MUSLINS, I plaints, Sick Headache, Dyppsia, and all iI.BBONS, all widths, and the new .jDeaemetsof the-tomb Proprietr styles at 25 cents per yard. C. E. ITULL & Co.,-New York. toe llorders promptly and carefully attend- )$5$7SY C. P'. JACKSON, ugsa n. P0. KB, Maine -~EADER OF LOW PRIQ ES, MRE2oE0 Na30 Any one that has a letter to writ'Lbu COLUMRTA, 8. C. 'it. No press or water used. Sendstmfo a Snd orsamles {circular. EXCELSIOR'CO., 17 Tribune Bul Mayndo st,ms 18-4tf, ing, Chicago. Ill,.9 May st, 876.The Greatest Discovery of the Age. DR. TOBIAS' VENETiAN UNIENT~ .Over 29 years before the pubho. War ratnted, or the money returned. to cure Dys ____ ________ entery, Diazrhea,Colic, Sama, Cru.and NEWE RY S. A. vomiting, taken internall. Perfcl Inno -B1sRt Sepemer 187 cent; see oath with each eottleand Choic Notice is hereby-given that a Convention PRheur i th Lis Bac anhst B te, f the Union Republican Party of Newberry nal1y. Not a bottle has ever been returned, ounty will be held at Newberry Court House, although millions are sold annul. Price n Friday, the 6th day of October, at 10 5i0.ets. D.' TOBIAS' HORSE LINIMr in 'clock A. M., for the purpSose of nominating Pint Bottles, is the Best in the Worldfothe Senator, Clerk of Court, Sheriff, Judge ofj cure of Lameness, Old Sores, Sprains.Colic, 'robate, school Commissioner, three mem- RB TOmeeASEE hers of the House oflRepresentatives, three rior to any others, or no pay. They allay jounty Commissioners and a Coroner. For; Fever, Purify the Water, Soften the Skin, he purpose of sending delegates to the Give a Fine Coat, and.Improve the A te. jounty Convention. Precinct meetings will Price, 25 cts. Perfectly innocent, asCo1. D). ie held on Wednesday, October 4, 1876. T he McDanmels, who has seen the recipe testifies llowing is the apportionment of delegates, tostel ate Linnimge. He ar som 1z: - Thousands of certificates have been receiv gewberry, No. 1, will elect 19 delegates ed, speaking in high terms of the above jaldwell, " 2, " " 6 " medicines Sold by thle Drnggists. LIPP daybinton, " 3, " 7 " MAN BROS., Savannah, Georgia, Agents. 'romer, " 4, " " 11 " ede,'s, "6, 10 '' numberig more thn eit tosad Wi loyd , a ie a e a Gazetteer of all the towns and cities in. ioon, 7, "8 wuhich they are published; Historical and gendenhall, " 8, " " 9 " Statistieal Sketches of the Great Newspaper toney Battery, " 9, " " 9 " Establishments; Illustrated with numerous jannenQll " 10, "~ " 8 " engravings of the principal Newspaper leler,' 11, " " 7 " Buildings. B3ooii or 3J0 PAGEs, just issued. The precinct meetings will be held at the 4"iel pOst-pil t o ayaddress, for35ts sual place of meeting. In Townsbio No. 1 r -ruEprce tEsoPE P.OY.- Centa he precinct meeting will be held at the Court Grounds. P'hiladelphia, or American News louse. The Township Chairman will call Co,, New York. he meeting to order and temporarily preside. EVERY ADVEETISEE NEEDS fr. The following gentlemen are appontd 'ownship Chairmen, to-wit: poe Dennis Moates, of Newberry, No. 1. NOTICE. Isom Greenvzood, of Caldwell, No. 2. Balaam Glenn, of Maybinton, No. 3. Al esn netd t David F. Lyles, of Cromer, No. 4. Al-esn netd t Griffin Conner, of Reeder, No.5~. .!the undersigned are solicited Larkin Jackson, of Floyd, No. 6. to stlth sa eby h 1st Peter L. Spearman, of Moon, No. 7. stl h ae te~S Belton B. Boozer, of Mendenhall, No. 8. dyo oe brnx.N James DeWalt, of Stoney Battery, No. 9. ayo oe brnx. N Bachman Bowers, of Cannon. No. 10. fUrtCher indulgence will be Tolliver oxner, of HelIer, No. 11.l All delegates will bring proper credentials 17enl. S. F. FANT. ~f their election. . ISep. 6, 36-tf. JOS. D. BOSTON, ____________ SSept. 27, 29-2t. Counity Chairman., FOR RENT,. MEDICAL NOTICE. Th Dwelling House and Lot opposite My office is at Dr. S. F. Fant's Drug the resi-!enice of Mr. 3. B. Carwile, lately tore, where I ean be found during usual occupied by L. R. Marshall. Apply to flie hours. i Dec. 8, 49-tf. L. I. JONES. My residence has been changed to house i n Calhoun Street, two doors from Presby erian Churc'a. SUREVEYIING. A. WALLACE, M. D.| Aug. ~0, 35-tf. I The undeesi~oed is prepared to do all