The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, August 09, 1876, Image 3

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Special and Local. INDEX Ta2\7w ADvERTISEMENTS. J. C Leaby-Notice. James Odell-Notica. MaMf Friends-For Solicitor. Thos. W. Holloway-Essex Pigs. Jbbn D. Suber and others-Notlic to Tres passers. LESSONs iN DEAWING.-MiSS Ida L. Kingsmore respectfully informs her friends and the public of Newberry, that she is anxious to get a few pupils to whom she will impart instructions in drawing at very reasonable rates. Spe cimens-showing her proficiency can be seen at this office. 31-4t. Kingsland & Heath, of Columbia, offer specialinducements to purchasers in China Ware, Wicker work and every kind o; bousehold goods. All who wish anyt'jag in their line would do well to exainine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. tf. PlEDXOXT AND ARLINGTON L'E IN SUaAxc CoxPANT.-Daring the past nine or ten years the Piedmont and Arlington Life Insuranc3 Company has been steadily growing In tndtmnesand wealth. Its agen cies are now established in nearly every sec tion of the country. Death claims amount ing to more than $2,225,000 have been paid in twenty States of the Union. As a South ern Company its largest patronage has been in the Southern States, and as a company emWodying the bezt elements ofthe business skill of .our people, is every way deserving that liberal support it has received. The Company Iis been more liberal to the peo pie of this State, and certainly no company can presentsuperior advantages to the people of this or aqyther State. e.o.w. Wten Edward Scholtz repairs your clock or watch it is warranted for one year. Try him. Satisfaction guaranteed. 15-1y W. J. Duffie, Bookseller, Columbia, has a few Pianos and Organs of cele brated makers to sell on the -510 per month installment plan. This is a first rate chance to procure a gbod instru ment. 10-tf. THoxmsoN, Dentist, over Phifer's Store. 35--tf. DEATH.-We are pained to record the death of Samuel Chapman, Esq., one of the oldest inhabitants of this County. Mr. Chapman, who had been sick for some time, died on Sunday, August 6th, in the 80th year of his age. He has been identified with all the in terests of this County during this cen tury, and by his death another landmark in the history of Newberry County is *removed. After a long life of useful ness here on earth he has passed away to his well 'eafned celestial rewards. The sympathy o. the entire com munity are with his bereaved family. Mr. E. T. Reagin presented us with a stalk'df6corn measuring fourteen feet anid elewen inches-in height. We ven ture to say that there are not many fields in this County that can show such grwth. - McCrery,Love & Co., of Columbia, hae a large dry goods trade. They can by making quick sales afford to sell goods atsa small profit. Now is the time to:make bargains. See their ad vertis'e send-for samples and'satis faiofVrl: follow, it P'ERsoA.-Mr. W. B. Burnett, the popular travelling salesman of the house . of Benjamin Russell, dealer in Boots and Shoes, Baltimore, was in town last week. Mr. Burnett is one of the most affable commercial travellers who come along this way, and the interest of his house will never suffer as long as he representhem in South Carolina. We have received a copy of the An nual Catalogue of the Due West Fe male College. Thi& institution is too well known i his County to need an extended puff in this paper. It will S- suffice to say that the Professors are scholais ehfistgrade, and all who send theiicialdren there will be amply repaid for the expenise by their marked improvieent. Mr. L. C. Moore, our energetic towns man,has our thanks for two fine "yams." The potatoes were grown~ by his bro ther, from improved slips, and are call ed the "Southern Queen." As this is quite early for sweet potatoes they were hugely enjoyed. May Mr. Moore live long, and prosper in his business, which he has just started. Give him a call if -you want anything in his line. CBESCENT LODGE, No. 111, I.O.G.T. -At a regular meeting of the above Lodge, held at Helena, August 1st, 1876, the following officers were elected to serve forAthe ensuing quarter: Silas W..Neice, W. C. T. Lida Davis, W. R. H. S. Belle ?enniington, W. L. H. S. Maggie P. Rives, W. V. T. JamesPcker, W. S. W. F. Summers, W. F. S. John F. Neice, W. T. Thos. B. Boozer, W. M. Isaac W. Lowe, W. D. M. Luda McGraw, W. I. G. A. J. Bowers, W. 0. G. George Gilliland, W. Chap. P. BCcCoy, P. W. C. T. KOSCImsKo LODGE, No. 32, I. 0. G. T.-At the last regular meeting of Kos ciusko Lodge, No. 82, L. 0. G. T., the following officers were installed tc serve for the ensuing term: J. W. Taylor, W. C. T. Miss Lizzie White, W. R. H. S. Miss Fannie Chapman, W. L. H. S. L.:C. Moore, W. S.. L'tMarshall, W. F. S. Jr. A. Kinard, W. T. The Charleston Journal of Commerec now sends us its tri-weekly issue, we, of course, would rather have the daily because the news is fresher than the tri weekly. The tri-weekly is better than none at all of that first class journal. Since writing the above we re ceive the "Daily," which is du1y appre ciated, and if any one wants a straight out Democratic paper the Journal of Commerce will fill the bill exactIy. The political articles are forcibly wvrit ten and those on literary subjects evince fine talent, ample learning and rare taste. CAxp MEETING.-The camp meeting of the Methodist Church met on Thurs day at Ebenezer Camp Ground under *most favorable circumstances, the only drawback was the rain on Thursday and Friday, which doutless kept many from attending on those days, but as it was, large audiences were present on both of those days. On Saturday and Sunday the number increased consider ably, and it was estimated that at least 2,000 or 2,500 persons were present dbring Sunday. The arbor, which is a large and commodious structure capable of seating 1,500 people, was crammed. Many were on the outside sitting on benches &and standing around. Every one present seemed to listen earnestly to the different preachers, and certainly seed was sown which may for awhile lie dormant, but will soon spring forth and bear many a "fold." Rev. Wallace Duncan, of Wofford College, preached the eleven o'clock sermon Sunday. No short newspaper article could do justice to his masterly effort. His text was from the 22nd chapter of Genesis and part of the 14th verse, viz: "And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah jirel." He was listened to aittentively by the vast congregation; all who heard him were very much impressed. After the noon day services were over, the next best thing to listening to a good sermon came off. It is useless to say that we refer to the dinner, which forms such an impor tant episode in the proceedings of each day. It is enough to say that the.dinner was prepared by the ladies of New berry, and, of course, was the best that could be gotten up. and enjoyed by both Christians and sinners alike. Fried chicken had a prominent place on the bill of fare and other edibles too numer ous to mention were in profusion. Every one had as much as they could possibly desire. and there was no excuse for any one leaving hungry. After dinner the Rev. Mr. Jones preached and was listened to with close attzntion by dhe large audience. Rev. C. H. Pritchard, of this place, preached an instructing.and interesting sermon at night and was followed with remarks from several of the visiting ministers. This camp meeting is the second thats has been held at Ebenezer Camp Ground. The grove is admnirably adapt ed for that purpose; the arbor is all that could be desired, being built on the slope of the hill, gives all a chance of seeing without incommoding those be hind. The architecture of the arbor reflects great credit on the designers, it being both comfortable and substantial. The weather on Sunday was rather warm, but fortunately no dust annoyed those who went on that day, as the rains previous allayed it entirely. No better spot could have been picked out for camp meetings, as it has all the advan tages of a good place and being cen trally~ located. This short accoun't ou$ot to close without complimenting the tenters, who by their open hospitality made the meeting a perfect success. Nothing happened during the whole mueeting to mar its harmony. All seebned to reat ize that it was a religious meeting-not a picnic-and behaved themselves ac cordingly. ABOUT THlE TOWN ANT COUNTY. Hot! A lull in politics. The rains have stopped at last. Centennial goblets are the latest. "The editor of this paper is now at the Centennial. "Kappa's" letter had to be left out thweek for want of space. The charades wvhich wvere spoken of sometime ago have fallen through. The Editor of this paper left last Wednesday on a trip for his health. A lot of Webster's Spelling Books just received at the HERALD Book Store. Drays and carriages that were hired out daring camp meeting made money. If you want anything in the Station eryv line call at the HERALD Book Store. A newspaper may as well try to please the man in the moon as to please every one. There seems to be millions in melons, by the rapid way they are sold when brought in town. "We are tired of mixed drinks," is an argument of a straight-outer, which crtainly is a clincher. Everything lovely in the Democratic camp, or rather it would be if you could get the party to work together. Chickens roosted high last week, and were very much depressed in spirits on account of the camp meeting. The Democratic party ought to have a barbecue soon. Nothing gains as :many votes as "barbecue hash." Everybody hopes to see trade brisk tis fall. The best way to revive trade The Radical split is widening Long, loud and continuous arguments are had every day by the partisans of both sides of that party, It is very hard for a man just after leaving a heated political discussion, to sit down and write an account of a camp meeting. Had no idea that there were so many fine "turn outs" in the County. But a cmipwo it.-vting makes you learn a great many things. Moonligt nights-camp meeting horse and buggy-gentle night brcezes, with a pale faced moon-fried chicken and still not happy. Cause--want more subscribers. This campaign is the first since the war that the Democratic party has at tempted anything like regular orzani zation, and if they do fail to carry things through, they will at least die game in the attempt. Chamberlain is making speeches all over the State, trying to get the renom ination for Gwernor. It is supposed that Newberry will come in his route, and a big demonstration will doubtless take place among his odoriferous fol lowers. - The names of correspondents are hal lowed secrets in a printing office, and any attempt to find out who wrote any particular article is futile and useless in well regulated printing offices. The HERALD tries to be a well regulated es tablishment. ARRiVALS AT POOL's HOTEL, Jno. Willis, Edgefield; Jno. L. Carlq W. B. Burnett, Baltimore; S. L. Atchison,E. G, Keitt, J. R. Davidson, Richard Sondley, W. 1. Kinard, J. P. Kinard, Newberry; A. Sid aey Smith, R. Ross, G. E. Hawkins, Cbarles ton; B. 0. Dancan, Naples; Dan'l Klein, Cineinnati; J. A. Leland, Mayesville; Rev. K. E. Broadus, Greenville; W. M. Wilson, lope Station; Dr. White, Beanfort", POST OFFICE, NEWEERRY, S. C., Aug. 5, 1876. List of advertised letters for week ending Aug. 5, 1876: Doon, Mr. Martin, Sarah Fellers, S. H. Satterwhite, K. T. Jones, Meally Sparks, Dave Hathis, Delia Wood, Clotie G. Wilson; C. W. Parties calling for letters will please say if advertised. R. W. BOONE, P. M.. SINGULAR FACT! Is it not strange that people run off after strange things, when they could do better at boe? Nearly every man, woman and child in the country knows Ayer's, Jayne's, Wright's, Radway's or Tutt's Pills, and very fcw know Dr. Jas. L. Gilder's Liver Pills; and yet, we venture the assertion, that any one buying and using a single box of Dr. Gilder's Pills, will never buy one of another manufacture. Dr. S. F. Fant sells them. 26-5t.. QUESTIONS FOR EVERY ONE TO AN SWER. Are you troubled with Indigestion, Consti pation of the Bowels, Dyspepsia, or any ther disease of the Liver? Have you suffer ad for years and found no relief from the use yf medicines ? Do you have a faint appetite, and are you troubled with feelings of languor? [ you have these feelings we know you have ot tried the new discovery MERRELL'S REPATINE, at Dr. S. F. Fant's Drug Store. [t is performing wonderful cures in this and ll other communities where the people use t. It is pronounced by all the best Liver Iedicine in the world. Two doses will re lieve the worst case of Dyspepsia or Consti pation of~the Bowels. Each bottle contains rifty doses, and a teaspoonful of-this medi :ine in a wineglassful of water three times a lay for one day, produces a most wonder El change. Where the system is run lown with the lost of energy and appe tite, or Dyspepsia, with all its train of evil, is effecting its deadly work, this .remedy, H.ERRELL's H EPATINE, never fails to bring about a speedy and permanent cure. Those who doubt the merit and virtues of this medi einie and live from day to day without try [ng the HEPATINE, have our sympathy, ut can not be cured unless they take the iedicine. 30-tf. Commercial. NEWERRY, August 8.-Cotton firm-mid ling 10. Bales shipped during week 74. NEW YORK, August 7.-Cotton Closed steady; sales 796, at 125S-16a12i. Gold weak BALTImOEE, AUgust 7.-Cotton firm-mid fling 111. AnGUSTA, August 7.-Cotton in active de mand-middling 11k. CHARLESTON, August 7.-Cotton firm middlig 11ka111. FOR SOLICITOR. The many friends of THOMAS S. MOOR MAN, ESQ , respectfully present his name as a Candidate for Solicitor of the Seventh Judieial Circuit. They feel confident that his well recognized ability in Union, his extended acquaintance in Spartanburg, to gethr with his high standing in this Coun ty, make him undoubtedly the most avail able man in the Circuit.. July 26, 30-4t* DEMOCRATS. C0T TON TIES. We are offering the EPL@JD ARtROWV TIE, garanteeing their quality, on very favor able terms. OVER FIFTY PER CENT. CAN BE SAVED BY USING THEM. Orders filled with promptness. Williams,Black & Williams, COTTO.TY F.JCTORS, CHARLESTON, S. C. Aug. 2, 31- 2m. ALONZO REESE, SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING SALOON, Plain Street next door to Dr. Geiger's Office, COLUMBIA, S. C. Room newly fitted and furnished, and gen tlemen attended to with celerity, after the motappoedi ses. Nov. 2. 47-tf. Dry Goods, Groceries, Xc. ESTABLISHED MML FOOT. NEW AND SA'E DEPARTURE ON WINTER GOODS! WHICH WILL DE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST! TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING GOODS. I will sell from this date, until a clear ance is effected, without regard to cost, Woolen Goods of all kinds, INCLUDING CLOTHS, CASSIM ERES, BLANKETS, Mens' and Boys' Clothing, &c. I MEAN WHAT I SAY! MY STOCK OF GROOERIES Is full and complete, and will be SOLD LOW FOR CASH. Graniteville Shirting, Sheet ing and Drillings, AT FACTORY PRICES. ELAINE OIL. Warranted 150 proof, and as goed as any oil sold. MIDDLETON'S FISH AMMONIATED PHOSPHATE. This justly celebrated Fertilizer has ac quired a reputation which places it in the foremost ranV'. I am prepared to furnish it in any anti ties and on the most liberal terms, and will take pleasuie in showing testimonials re ved from different parties who have used it. M. FOOT. Feb. 23, 8-tf. pn. wa &In-So CHIl Have in store their . FALL AND IVITEI8TOEJ OF DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, AND CLOTHING. In all the various lines, the stock is large and has been selected with great care. The ladie.s are invited to examine our assortment of Dress Goods, Trimmings, Laces, White Goods, Embroideries, &c., CASSIMERES ANID PIECE GOODS Of all kinds for gentlemen and youth. Besides the above we have in store a fine assortment of Hardware and Cutlery, Saddles and Bridles, Trunks or all kinds, HEAVY GOODS FOR PLANTATION WEAR, Ad many other articles which it is need less to mention. The hore goods WILL BE SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH. P. W. & IR. S. CHICK. Sep. 22, 38-tt. SHERIFF'S SALE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. Albert C. Counts, Petitioner. vs. Jennie Gary, Defendant. Petition to Enforce Mechanic's Lien. By virtue of an order directed to me in the above stated case, I. will sell at New berry Court House, South Carolina, at pub lic auction, On the First Monday in September, (Sate -day,) to. the highest bidder, the following Real Estate, situate in the County and State aforesaid, consisting of One-third of an Acre, more or less, and bounded by lands of if. S. Long, A. Mf. Bowers and the Greenville & Columbia Railroad. . Terms of Sale-CASH. Purchaser to pay fo-aes J. J. CARRINGTON; S. N. C. Sheriff's Office, August 1, 1876. Aug. 3, 31-5t. {12 NEW CLOTHING. NEw Spriand Sumrllothing1 Eil SCOTT & CO. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. We offer to the public LATEST STYLEs BUSINESS AND DRESS SUITS, for Men and Youths. GENTS' FURNISH ING GOODS, FIYE HATS, &c., at lowest liv ing prices. In our MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT CIMERES, for FASHONABLE 4INGS. These Goods WE WARRANT to be of BEST MA TERIAL and GUARANTEE TO FIT, making up ourselves, or ordering from selected Sam ples where preferred. CUTTING and REPAIRING done at short est notice. JOHN SCOTT & CO. May 10, 19-tf. NOTICE. In pursuance of the order of the Hon. J. C. Leahy, Judge of Probate for Newberry C~ty, I will make a final settlement of Cotton Gius. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST! THE IMPROVED IRON FRAME 310W1( COTTON &IN The cheapest on the mar ket when the quality is miusidered. In offering the "B1ROWN GIN" to onr friends (this the third season we have sold them) we feel assured that every planter buying one will be pertectly satisfied with the result of his purchase. Every one sold by us has given entire satisfaction. A list of persons having them in use in Newberry and Laurens Counties can be seen at our Store. PRICE ."EDUCED TO $3.25 PER SAW, d-livered FREE OF FnEIGHT at any Depot on Greenville and Columbia and Laurons Rail Roads. A sample Gin can be seen at our Store. and liberal arrangements as to time of pay ments, will be made to approved purchasers. Any other information cheerfully given by applying in person or by letter. Order early in order to have your Gin ready for the growing crop. S. P. BOzER, .AgenMt,. AT "BOOZER'S HARDWARE STORE," NEWBERRY, S. C. Aug. 2, 31-2m. STILL AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITION. --0 THOM-AS WYNXE'S Improved Open-Throat, Curved-Breast, Double X, Self-Ribbed, Cleaning-Seed PREMIUM AND DIPLOMA COTTON GINS, AT REDUCED PRICES. 0 MANUFACTURED BY THOMAS WYNNE, NEAR BELA IR, RICHMOND CO., GEORGIA. NOTIC E. - - The sobscriber respectfally informs the Cotton Planters of Georgln and South Caroli na, tbat he has lately added to the list of itstrevious inventions another IMPROVED RIB, which he justly claims superior over all Gin Ribs in use, and names his OPEN-THROAT, CURVED-BREAST, DOUBLE X CENTERE-VET, SELF-RIB, CLEANING-SEED GIN, Open to the World for trial. Price, $4.00 per Saw. My I3PROVED OPEN-THROAT, CURVED BREAST, DOUBLE X, SELF-RIB, CLEANING-SEED, PRE'.11UM AND DIPLOMA CorroN GIN, at $3.75 per Saw. I have another improved-Gn for Long and Short Staple, at $3.7.- per Saw. Com mon Rib Gins, such as other Gin makers make, at $3.25 per Saw. All of the above Gins have my Circle Flue attached. Purchaser paying Freight from my Depot. I will give.the quality of my Improved Gins: First place-running light, picking seed clean, ginning fast, turning out good sample, gin green, damp or dirty cotton without choking or clog ging between the ribs, over common gins. Old Gins re,paired witi all my improvements, if required. My address is Belair, Richmond Count y, Georgia. June 15th,187. THOMAS WYN A Liberal Discount for Cash or Good City Acceptance. -0 CERTIFICATES. RICHMOND FACTORY, GA., June 12th, 1875. MR. THO VAS WYNNE:Dear Sir--I have been using your Gin for two years. First year ginned three hundred bales; last year four hundred. With your sixty saw Gin I have ginned from six to seven bales per day-have a few times ginned eight. I consider it the most durable Gin I have ee use .' .GSOY EUBANK, COLU3rBIA COUNTY, GA., June 7th, 1s75. This is to certify, that I purchased last fall of Thomas Wynne, Esq., a forty saw Curv ed-Breast Cotton Gin, and I have tested the same thoroughly, and proniounce it by far the best Gin I have ever used. I run the Gin with two mules, and can gin thirteen hundred and fity pounds of lint per day with ease. Gins damp or green cotton without trouble, and cleans seed well. If you want a good Gin, buy one of Mr. Thomas Wynne's Curved Breast Gins. Respectfully, JAMES L. REID. CARNEsvILLE, FRAN Lnr Co., GA., January 14th, 1873. THOMtAs WYNNE, Esq.: Dear Sir-The Gin you shipped me 1 put to work by, water power that would onlly balance with one and a half (1.) horse power, and I can gin two bags per day ; and I can ass'ure you that I never saw a Gin that wotld excel it in cleaning the lint off the seed, and is the same by the lint, not to be ex~celled tnd I think with my (40) forty saw Gin, with a(4 t~rlyhorse power, I could gin (4) four iale er day. SANDY RUN, BARnWELL CO., S. C., Dec. 14th, 1872. MR. THOMtAs WYNNE: Dear Sir-The Gin I bought of you last November beats any Gin I ever saw. I have in the last twenty-five years used all the Bin.s made that I have 21eard of, from Boatwright's first patent to the present date, and I consider yours the best Gin in the United States; and if you 'wish, I can send you fifty certificates of good planters that have seen it at work. In short, your Gin excels all others invented for any and every sort of cotton, large or small seed, wet or dry, and there is no other improvement needed. Yours, very respectfully, LULYSSES SULLIVAN. I C H~.L LE NGE Aln the Gin Makers in the United States, or.their Agents, who believe their Gins superior to mine, to meet me half way, with three Gins for test, viz: 1st. Running light; 2d, Gin ning fast; 3d. Making good lint; 4th. Ginriing either green or damp cotton; 5th. Picking the seed clean, all grades. The Gin falling short to be sold, and proceeds applied to char iAl perons accepting my Challenge will notify me through the Augusta papers. THOMAS WYNNE, Belair, Ga. STANDING OFFER OF $25 to any one who will accept my challengeand compete with me. All Gins Most Be Paid For By 1st October Without Fail. July 12, 2S-2t. 1t. in aug. Dry Goods #' .7IUinerAj : T iscel1aneous. ICE! ICE!! ICE !!! GREA~T REDUCTION CLMI,S.C, INPRICES!~ igpae i C AHN n~m1t Owing to the scarcity of money the under- ns signed bas,,from this date, reduced his en tire stock to prices which cannot fail toPU EIEin yju ttes please those in search of OOD goods for lit tie money.deiedatDptiClmbaat1pr . Full and complete stock of hnrd hsIei auatrdo ue BiY GOOflS, NOTION, K ~c n rnucdbte n ue .Alirays on hand.PueuautrtdLgrBr,Wns FANCY COODS A SPECIALTY.tedMa17,2-f Latest novelties now in stock ECRU LACE, LACE TIES, GRENADINE, rii .JLLUSION, PIQUES, LACE MUSLINS, styles at 25 cents per yard. All orders promptly and carefully attend- Ti I ssili h akt n fe ed to.42yasotraispooneth C.: F. JACKSON, BS NUE LEADER OF LOW PRICES, *SedCOLUMBIA, S. C. Pr- 300 P rS w g Sedfor samples. l-f May 1st, 1876. -1-f Farmers, Farmers!COUBAS C COME AND SEEJue1,2-m Simms' Star Seed Planter and SAEO O T AOIA Guano Distributor. CUT FN W E R . I will take pleasure in showing it, and INTEPOAECU . believe I can sell you one. Drills cotton beautifully and will save you labor all Tadn .Dna,a xctr c through the season. Puts your gua.rovs down in any quantity desired. Plants corn WlimSepr.e l 1, 2, 3 or 4 feet apart, also peas. Drille' any small grain, wheat, rice, &c. Band on Copattoalinretrs&c machine will not run off. Coverers cover Alproshvn ead gis h splendidly. No casting about the Planter.EsaeoJhnABng,dcae,ar Any ordinary mechanic can make them,.eeyrqie oredri n sals This machine will save the labor of one tesm eoeti or,o rbfr horse and two hands. te1tdyo etme et Apply for terms to 3..L HY3.PN.0 L. R. MARSHALL, Auuts,1863-. State Agent. N. B.-Agents wanted in every Cour y. __ar._15,__1I-M BER Ma.1 O ITf Inpr NceOftICE.ode ByapfyngtheeunrigednL. BERC.illahy,delivered byotheeCarrLoad, InprJncOHNe re f h o. tRi Roa DeoSa EErr,atES, jCO.LUay,JugeofPrbaeSorNe-C.,.graes RerryeCounty, Inwillsmthe public thatement ingntq ~Amnstao teLme plaed isoC ordHINE @ s *15pete order, he is prepared for the season to fur nish PURE ICE in anyquantities, delivored at Depot in Columbia, at $1 per hundred. This Ice is manufactured of pure, sweet spring water, at 30 deg. below freez ing, and is pronounced better and purer than any other. Pure unadulterated Lager Beer, Wines, Liquors, Segars and'Tobacco by the whole sale and retail. Orders solicited and satisfaction guaran teed. May 17, 20-tf. TH 101@ GK" This GIN is still in the market, and after 42 years of trial is pronounced the BEST IN USE. Price $3.00 Per Saw, WARRANTED. Address, E. MOKKIS, COLUMBIA, SsC. June 14, 24-Sm. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. IN THE PROBATE COURT. Thaddeus S. Duncan, as Executor, &c. vs. William Sheppard, et al. Complaint to Call in Creditors, &c. All persons having demands against the Estate of Joha A. Bangle, deceased, are hereby required to render in and establish the same before this Court, on or before the 1st day of September next. J. C. LE A HY, J. P. N. 0. August 1st, 1876-31-50. - LUMBER. By applying*to the undersigned, LUM BER will~ be delivered by the Car Load, at Rail Road Depot at Newberry, at the fol lowing rates berry County, I will make r final.settlement Lumber sawed to order,' @ $14.50-per M-. Dry Goovis, Boo4 BARGAIN ( GRAND CLEAR: 11KV GOOD8, B00TS, CARPETS, NA McCREERY,]I 00-LUMEB COMMENCING MON 0 In accordance with our Semi-Annual custa most attractive stock of DRY GOODS, HATS. PETS AND MATTINGS, at such prices as hai We 11 ve bought within the lat ten days f New York, -25,000.00 WORTa OF GOODS, v benefit of. Orders from the country always receive ou The following partial price list will convin 2 Cases Fancy Prints, fast colors,...... 5 Cases Fancy Prints, Madder color.... 10 Cases Fancy Prints, Standard colors... 2 Cases 4-4 Printed Cambries............ 2 Cases 4-4 Pacific Cambrics and Lawns.. All newest and best brands Prints...... 5 Wamsutta 4-4 Bleached.......... 5 Cases Androscoggin 44 Bleached. 1 Case Colored Grenadine Dress Goods... 50 Pieces New Style Dress Goods.......... 5 Cases 4-4 White Pique............... The largest stock of Boots and Shoes i Mens' and Womens' Brogans and Shoes at $1.1 2,500 yards Hambargh Edgings atj Insert We will replenish our Bargain Counters da better goods for their money than they have eN No use in grunzbling about hard times wh( ordinary low prices. Call early and often to secure Bargains. 0 Samples sent by mail when requested Express, C. 0. D., FREE OF CHARGE. M'CREERY, L May 17, 42-1y. COLUMB SPRING OPENING 0 -A J.. I-I,..=]I: WHOLESALE AND I DRY GOODS Al -AL OIL CLOTHS, MILLINER MAIN STREET, C .P'R I C E Long Cloths..................from 61 a 15c.' Brown Shirtings..........from 6,1 a 10c.1 Prnts..................from 5 a 10c. Check'd and Strip'd Homesp'ns from 6 a~12c. Ginghams................from10c. up. MP ANID EVEntY ARTICLE KEPT IN A k'25 TCL SEWING MACHINES, ATTACHEENTS, HEE Mar. 15, 11 -tf. Clothing i NEW .S CLOTHINU . R. & W. C: COLUMI LARGE STOCK.! BLUE FLANNEL SUITS DIAGONAL COATS AND BOYS' SUITS F ANTE BELL Apr. 19, 16-tf. - Clothin. FOR CASH. 1VIIMT & 611WJ, No. 41 Moflohon~ Row, NEWBERRY, S. C., Offer at and Below Cost ! A large lot of CLOTHING, UA.TS gnd SHOES, carried over- from-last Summer. 'rhis stock is of good style an.d quality. Our New Stock of CLOTHING Is lai-ge, and equal io, itf not superior, to anything we have ever kept, and will be sold at reasonable prices. We will also take measures for suits to be made from samples on exhibition :at our stoTe and guarantee fit. Especial attention is called to our FURNISHING GOODS, Among which will be found FINE LINEN BOSOM SHIRTS at a reduction of 10 to 15' per cent., and the popular KEEP'S CELEBRATED HALF-MADE SHiRTS, ai $5per dozen, or at$1.33C. each for a less number. Our stock of Cassimere and Straw Hats or this season is worth attention. all and examine for yourselves. WRIGHT & COPPOCK. Apr.;19, 16-3m. EDWARD SCHOLTZ, (FoRELY WITH CAPT. J. F. SPECK,) REPAIRER OF WATCHES AND CLOCKS, Store between P. W. & R. S. Chick's and D~B. Wheeler & Co.'s, I Shoes, cappetse. )OUNTERS! [NG OUT SALE LTTINGS, &c., 4oVIE & CO.'S, I.Ak, S. C.. DAY, MAY 15,1876 m we will, as above, offer the largest and ND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, JAR e never before been heard of in this market. -om the large Auction and Bankmpt.Sales in rhich we intend to give our customers the r special attention. !e you that we mean just what we say: ......a 4 cents peryard - 5 - " " 6t ...............t124 ": .............8at8 8 ..............at12f " ...............at10lO" ............. 61 c" ... ........t12 " n the city, at 20 cents per pair and upwards. 30 per pair, worth 81.25. ings at a great sacrifice. ily, and give our customers more goods. nd ~er bad. iyou can supply your wants at such exta and all packages over S10 in value sent by .OVE & CO., IA, S. C. F NEW DRY GOODS (ETAIL DEALER IN ND C A RPETS '0, - !, FANCY GOOI), ETC., 'OLUM[BIA, S. C~ Cottnades............ .fom 12. 6k c Jeans................ from 12e. up Cassimeres.........;.....:.froif25eup' Dress Goods............ Hosiery, Gloves, etce.........t anupwads' is DRy GOODS HOUsE AT COsrONINGr E&. ..N DLES, OIL, ETC, AWAYS ON. EANW SWAFFIEID JS, ,IA, S.C. C' LOW PRICES 1 FQR iMEN AND BOYS. VESTS.. ROM $3560 TO $16. LATEST STYLE -HATS. UM P'RIGES;~ 1rv INdENT ODUDE 'OF AMMOI IA Cures NearIgs, lacae-AcheyRheR3 Sore Throat, Erysipelas, Bruises or Wounds of every .kind in man or.nimat Dr. William OsodPg,of.No.2654th wit sti?ess and .pa3s~~Ink h~ske, and at times Magal cau2sediy an injur. received-pn -the Hudson iRver Railroad Tried every remedy that skill or science could devise,W wiout benefit. GLS LNru1E.'i IODIDE OF AMEVONIA gave4ssS~ relief and effected a complete cure. DE. S.F FANT, -Agent. Aveue, 1e ok.Ol 50 and. *te1 bottle. Juy 26, 0--m. - ILHOOD: OLIOST, IIOWY SJust published, a neweition of JDr. CulverwelP's Celebrated lEsay on the radical cure (without m~edicine) of SPEMATOEH(EA or Seminal Wekns. In voluntary Seminal Losses,IPT~XSS, CosUMPTIos, EPILEPSY and FITS, iAcd by selfinduTgence or sexual extravagas8ee Dr Price,.in a sealed envelope,~ oily seir cents. The celebrated author, in this :adnimble. Essay, clearly demonstrates; from a thirty years' successfal paiet5hp.the fSien consequences of slf-abuse may brdc1 cured without the -ae'&SO4lelS medicine or the app can of the knife; pointing out a mode ofcure at once sml, certain, and effectual, by means o:fwbh every sufferer, no matter what his conditiUa may be, ma cure himself cheaply7 private- i.i ly and raiM. hl. i h~bid MP TisTctr'htl'eA1h of every.vouth.and every man In the l~4 Sent under -seal, In apli any adres post-paid, on weceip cent or two post stamps.4 A ddresstheJPubl1he5 - Post-OffieBor,1 TESSPRIN4* he.subscriber respectfully informns the public.of Newberry, that he has fixed upon theollowing rates of charge-feirhis Mine- - ral Water : .For Families, per week. ... ...50 Cents. For individuals; per week. . .25 Cents. Jugs of any size will-gb A.d for25 cent-the first fillingin-every case 4eego~f charge. - Thsl atliTdeyis, gaanted is.-a- ~lgehtage rient and certain appetizer, 4nd udl apt