Special and Local. INDEM TO Nzw ADvzRTISEX&NTs. Dr. S. F. Fant-Giles' Liniment. J. J. Carrington-Sheriff's Sale. T. W. Holloway-Bankraut Sale. Aegs that notice be made of his coming and we comply. He will be here some si ime in 1acember. F Last Thursday night, on Mrs. Keler'sa >lace, a colored boy named Jim Harris was fearfully stabbed by a colored voman named Nora Kinard. The circumstances of the cae r s follows: Nora's husband had a fighit with Jim's- brother that evening and frer the difficulty was over Jim chanced :> walk through the yard, when some h r-ords passed between Nora and him- - elf; a scuffle ensued, in which Jim was ut three times with a large sized si ocket knife, once in the left breast, S nce in the abdomen and on the head. h 'he doctors entertain very little hope f his recovery. s] On last Friday a terrible accident oc- i arred on the Anderson Branch of the e 'r.&C. R.R. An extra train was go ig over Broadaway trestle when the. ngine broke through and fell nearly aventy feet in the water. The en ineer, Mr. Jack Wilson, so long and ~ Lvorably known on the G. & C. R. R, tE ras killed, together with the conductor, fr. Lafoy; there were four persons on it .ie train and thriee were killed. It is la tid that the engine turned completely et ver twice before it touched the water. bi 'he only man that was saved was res iied on Saturday morning out of the st ster, where he had remained all night, c< eing so fastened that he could not get al ut without help. tl OUTRAGE.-Our friend and worthy allow-citizen, Peter Rodelsperger, left. is home on last Wednesday night on a errand of charity-to sit up with the ck and dying-a duty which he is al- t' -ays ready to perform and generally ti its others the example. Some mis- b :eants finding out that he was away ~ om home, broke into his kitchen, ' hich is quite close to the house, helped iemselves to such victuals as they fe >und, threw the balance on the floor, ti >ok with them such provisions as they >uld carry, broke the dishes and de- Ie led those they did not break. Mrs. fr .heard the noise but had no idea that N ieves would enter the kitchen at such a hour, and attributed it to some dog. riend Rodelsperger is a quiet citizen ; B at if he should find out the perpetra rs of the deed we would advise them > take out an accident insurance policy. RICH LEGACY. Dr. JAs. L. GILDER Will be remembered y many of our old citizens as a Physician of b< reat note -in Newberry and Laurens Coun es. The Doctor has been in his grave many Mr. Clarkson's Academy is going to give an exhibition when school breaks up. Speeches, dialogues, &c., will com pose the programme. Since putting in the above we learn that the Exhibition will come off on Friday night at Temperance Hall, and it is hoped that the young gentlemen will act their part with honor to themselves and to their teacher. The patrons and friends of the institution are respectfully invited to attend. If you want to feel well and lively, use Dr. Bull's Vegetable Pills. Your druggist keers them. ABOUT THE TowN AND CouNT. Six days and nights of steady rain. Everything was damp on Saturday last, And the farmers are getting alarmed lest grass gets the upper hand of them. We advise them to use elbow grease without stint. As proof that the blackberry crop is all right, Mr. Robt. Reagin brought in two twigs on which were seventy large ripe berries. Another proof is the number of little darkies who carry the fruit around for sale. There is great mortality among little ,hickens, and the prospect is that tables will not groan much this summer-the lack of them will cause groaning. Too much attention cannot be paid it this season to the cleaning up of Fards-trash of every kind should be ;hrown out. A liberal use of whitewash is also re .ommended-it not only adds to the ap earance but conduces to health. It is said that there is more money in qewberry than in any other County in he State. We don't believe a word of t. If it be true we pity the other Coun ies. It is-thought by some folks that frac ional currency will soon be of no value. [his is a mistake. If any one has loubts, however, and would like to dis *se of what they have, we will take it ff their hands foi subscription or sta ionery. Now that the ground is soft the street Drce would fmd it easy to pull up dog ennel. It should be taken up before ,oing to seed. Newberry will be well represented at1 be Moultrie Centennial, and we guar ntee that barring the musquitoes they ~rill have a glorious time. A gymnastic club is talked of being I tarted here, for the muscular develop 2ent of the pensive young men, who 3 C eed some exercise after the fatiguing uty of brushing the agile fly off the eek counter.. There is some talk of the young ladies i f the Female Academy giving another ancert. That it will be a success we re sure. The plaintive wail of impecunious ( eople clamoring loudly for more rag- r aby is beard in the land. A full line of stationery at-prices to t< iit the hard times ean be found at the v [erald bookstore. Wash-women are advised not to leave ny clothes hanging out over night iere are a few rascals abroad in the . md yet. a Ice cream and lemonade were at a iscount last week in consequence of ie bad spell of weather. If there is a man in Newberry who as not had enough rain for the present C -he is requested to report. The creeks around town were unu- it ally high several times last week. uch long continued and heavy rains A ave not visited this section in years. Rain every day last week and no >rinkles either-.t Money continues very scarce, at least J tthis office. Take pity on the print s. C The Texas fever among the young a ien is dying out. E The streets last week were in a fear I condition, reminding one of the win r season. It is .feared that the recent rains have a. jured the crops to some extent. A rge quantity of grain had just been it it and the rain coming before it had ~ ~en taken up h'as hurt it somewhat. ti No one unless he has tried can under- w and the agony of trying to fill up this i' g lumn when there is nothing to write ei out.d Checkers, the standing amusement ofa is go ahead town, were entirely ne- ti ected last week. Cause-all discuss- t g politics. Every gCounty in this Judicial Dis ict has announced some candidate for e Solicitorship. Newberry should not k backward, but bring hers out and e are sure that in the coming race he ill occupy an iniportant place. This is the time of the year for the stive young to indulge in the seduc re green apple. We vote apple trees a nuisance un ss growing a thousand miles away.J om little boys and girls. others may continue to wail,d And slap the juvenile and make him rd toot; ti U at all this will not avail When the small boy craves green fruit. Coeadsbsrbioth EAD Ce sfandl subsiber the StRate. Pobetc fandiy nse inl the Stae. Plti arener fascning,ueth ay thnae veryinfasnatiang,rhrisaoh But getting a new subscriber is sooth Every thing as usual; nothing hap pens to vary the dull monotony of thi classic town. Over four inches of rain fell in thre( days last week. The illustrated papers are kept at thE HIERALD Book Store, and the next bes thing to going to the Centennial is t< come and buy one every Friday. The Young Men's Democratic Clut is now in a flourishing condition. Ev ery two weeks they meet, and judging by the way they discuss political mat ters one would come to the conclusion that they mean business, and intend tc do all in their power to purify the gov ernment. It will meet again on next Monday night. The most important thing offered for sale last week was a Bull Frog, which the owner, an average representative of the great unwashed, was trying to dis pose of for the paltry consideration of 15 cts. Not being an epicure, not wish ing to have the trouble of butchering the amphibious animal, not knowing how frogs tasted, and not having the requisite 15 ets., it was gracefully de clined. No one as yet has gone from here to the Centennial, and from the present appearance of things not many from here will attend. Every one, though, in the dim recesses of their true in wards, hope and believe that something will turn up, so that they can have a free pass to, and their board bill paid it, Philadelphia during their stay; but like -il illusions will melt away, %nd after the show is over, they still at home, will moralize and philosophize an the folly of people spending money ror such frivolous amusements. A FLOWER THAT CHANGES ITS COLOR. Botany is a division of natural science which treats of plants, and a study of Vege able Physiology must be the foundation of )otanical knowledge-a study only possible )y the improvements in the microscope and n organic chemistry. As plants are not cattered haphazard over the earth, botanical peography must be studied, and, with this,_ >lant-history. Botany may be applied to the vants of every-day life, as in Agriculture, Iorticulture, or Medical Botany. Animals >ften exhibit a marvelous instinct in select ng medicinal herbs, and an observation of heir habits has often, even in the present ime, led to most valuable discoveries. And hould inan, with his knowledge and ap iliances, fail to discover less than the brute ? t is of Medical Botany we would speak, or >f the HEPATINE PLANT, discovered in southern Nubia, the Flower of which changes ts color with every change of the atmos >here. The remarkable changes and v'aria ions of this Plant and Flower have been for -ears our special study, resulting in the dis overy of its possession of wonderful medical roperties, the existence and value of which ave heretofore been entirely unknown to iedical science. After much labor and scien ific investigation, we have succeeded in ex racting its peculiar medicinal principles, rhich is a specific and cure for all diseases I' the Liver, Stomach and-Bowels; a perma ent cure for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Spleen' onstipation, Jaundice, and all Bilious Corn laints. Of course we cannot send ik living 'lower of this Plant to all who read of Hepa ne; but to all who will send their address ) MERRELL & COUDEN, Philadelphia, Pa., ith a three-cent stamp for return postage, e will send FEEE a fac-simile of the Flower, at will change and color just the same as ie real Hepatine Flower. - The Medicine, MERRELL'S HEPATINE, r sale by Dr, S. F. Fant, Newberry, S. C., nd will cure all diseases of the liver. 21-tf. POST OFFICE, NEWBERRT, S. C., June 17, 1876. List of advertised letters for week ending une 17, 1876: yrd, Aleck ;Kib1er, Miss L. W. aiks, Miss Susie IMiller, G. W. ynett, Eliza IWooten, Miss Sadie .Parties calling for letters will- please say 'advertised. B. W. BOONE, P. M. ERIVALs AT Poor.'s HOTEL, Geo. Poindext3r, Col. Win. Wallace, Col mbia; W. M. Crookshanks, Atlanta; D. A. .Jordan, New York; L. M. Fouche, .Nine .Six; D. S. Pope, Geo. J'ohnstone,8S. Pope, W. Gary, J. W-. M. Simmons, Dr. A. Wal ce, Peter Robertson, City; Jno. Willis, dgefield; J. C. Boozer, G. H. Beckmann, barleston; J. S. Blalock, Newberry; J. C. .Perry, Fort Springs, W. Va.; J. A. Clark, agle Mills, N. C.; J. W. Baker, Greenville. he Evil Fruits of Weak Diges tioni. There is no pathological fact more clearly ;certained than that the most formidable bases of nervous disease are directly trace Me to imperfect digestion. Insomnia, with s train of direfut consequences, proceeds. tore frequently from weakness of the s tom sh than from any other cause. Mere seda' yes are powerless to cure nervousness, and on. cease to palliate its symptoms. The true ay to strengthen the nervous system is to Lvigorate the digestive and assimilative or ,ns, upon whose unobstructed action its Luillibrium is absolutely dependent. The ~ily use of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters will y more to brace and soothe the weake: ed 3d irritated nerves, and induce sound, re eshing sleep--nature's grand catholicon, tan all the so-called nervines to be found in Le pharmacopceia or out of it. A wineglass il of the Bitters should be taken before each eal. 23-4t. Commercial. NEwBEERY, S. C., June 20.-Cotton m at dull, at 10 cents. Number of bales ship ad during week, "3. [AMES PACKER, HOUSE, SICN AND IEIORATIV PAIllTER, Having removed his residence to Helena, asires his friends and patrons in Newber r County, to understand that he is still in e field at his old trade, and hopes to erit in the future, as he has received in ie past, a liberal share of the peoples ork. His terms will be moderate to suit the mes, and his work, as it has always been, ie best. Any person wishing to see him on bnsi ess can leave word at.J. D. Cash's Store. May 31, 22-1mn. ~RERNH IL E 110 TEL Miscellaneous. DRUGS, &c, Trommer's Extract Malt, Bertrand Frere Olive Oil, Sylvester's Seidlitz Powders Horsford's Acid Phosphate, Kennedy's Ex tract Pinus Canadensis, Dr. DeJongh Cod Liver Oil, Baker's Cod Liver Oil an Phosphate Lime, freshly prepared Citrati Magnesia, together with other choice drugs Popular Patent Medicines and elegant phar maceutical preparations. For sale cheap for cash at PELIHAM & WARDLAW'S Drug Store. TOILET GOODS, &c A full stock of Dentrifices, Tooth Brushes Hair Brushes, Handkerchief Extracts, Col ognes, Toilet Powder, Bath Sponges, Spra3 Atomizers, and Toilet Soaps, including th< new and fragrant Centennial Soap. For sale cheap for cash at PELHAM & WARDLAW'S Drug Store. PAINTS, &c. Paints, Oils, Colors dry and in oil, Lamp Black, Plaster Paris, Varnishes, Putty, and Window Glass of sizes from 8x10 to 26x42 a specialty and particularly cheap. By ford's Insect Powder and Gun, and Dutcher'i Fly Killer. For sale cheap at PELHAM & WARDLAW'S Drug Store. Kerosine Oil, Lamps, &c. Hand and Stand Lamps, Burners, Chim neys, Shades, Wicks, and Aladdin Security Oil-the safest and best household oil in use. For sale at PELHAM & WARDLAW'S Drug Store. White Wine Vinegar and Blue Lick Water. Imported Vinegar, lst quality, double strength, and guaranteed best in market. Just arrived from Kentucky, a fresh lot of the celebrated Blue Lick'Water, (tonic, alterative and aperient,) which with other goods are offered cheap for cash, at PELHAM & WARDLAW'S Drug Store. Physicians' Prescriptions Compounded by the Senior partner him self with scrupulous accuracy and care, and reasonable charges made for the same. Orders from the country solicited, and will receive prompt atention and lowest prices. Newberry, S. C., May 29, 1876. 22-4t. Round Trip Tickets. The South Carolina Railroad will issue ROUND TRIP TI6KETS to New York, via Charleston, from this date, at $36. This is the best and cheapest route to go to the Centennial. S. B. PICRENS,. General Ticket Agent. June 14. 24-tf. .ESTRAY COW. The subscriber gives notice that an ES TRAY COW is on his place-known as the Graham tract,. 3 miles from the Court House-which the owner is called upon to take away after first paying cost of adver tising.-- Said cow has a red head an'd n.eck and is white spotted on the body, right ear piece sloped out, left ear cropped-has a young calf. MARK CONNOR. 'Jane 7, 28-St. ESTABLISHED 1785. THE CHRONICLE & SENTINEL, AUCUSTA, CA. One of the Oldest Papers in the Country. One of the LEADING PAPERS in the South. The Largest Circulation in Eastern Georgia. The Official.Organ of Several Counties. * PUBLISHED DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY. THE DAILY CHRONICLE AND SENTINEL is filled with interesting Reading matter 'of er6- ;description-Telegrphic L ocal'; Ed aGnera.l ewjTnersg Corrspndec points. Subscription $10. THE TRI-WEEKLY OHRONICLE AND SENTI NEL is intended for points convenient to a Tri Weekly mail. It contains nearly every thig of interest which appears in the Daily. Su risti ns.CHnONICLE AND SENTINEL is a mammoth sheet, gotten up especily for our subscribers in the country. It is one sngies besides Etorias, all th cttrn~ niews of the week, a full and accurate review of the Augusta Markets and Prices Current. The Commercial Reports are a special fea ture of the edition. Subscription, $2. Specimen cojIs ofan ssue st free. Oct. 6, 4O-tf., hlLDBOK lTII. IJHEAP STATIONE1. PENCILS, 5, 10,15 and 20 cents each. COMMERCIAL NOTE, 10 to 20 cents per 'quire. PIRIES and REPP NOTE-superior quali ty,830 cents. CENTURY NOTE-elegant-in boxes. ENVELOPES, 10 to 50 cents per bunch-all colors. WEDDING and INVITATION PAPER with ENVELOPES to match. INK, 5 cents and upwardd-all colors, black, blue, violet and red. POCKET DIARIES, 25, 50, 75 and $1. BLANK BOOKS-Ledgers, Days and Re cords, from 50 cent s up. SLATES, 5 cents to 75. OBIEAPER STILL. SUNDAY SCHOOL LIBRARY BOOKS'will be sold at cost and carriage. Call at once. BEST AND LARCEST Assortment of NOTE, LETTER and BOX PAPER to be found in Newberry. All of which and more are to be had at the ' HERALD BOOK STORE. Jan. 26, 4-tf. THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN NOTE PAPERS. The Elite, Harmony and. Century Papeteries.1 T'ogether with other articles in Stationery Just received at the HERALD BOOK STORE. Mar. 29, 13-tf. REESE & CARROLL. Dry Goods, Groceries, X ESTABLISHED Ms FOOT, NEW AND SAFE DEPARTURI ON WINTER GOODSI WHICH WILL BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST! TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING GOODS I will sell from this date, until a clear ance is effected, without regard to cost, Woolen Goods of all kinds, INCLUDING CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, BLANKETS, Mens' and Boys' Clothing, &c. I MEAN WHAT I SAY1 MY STOCK OF GROCERIES Is full and complete, and will be SOLI LOW FOR CASH. Graniteville Shirting, Sheet ing and Drillings, AT FACTORY PRICES. ELAINE OIL. Warranted 150 proof, and as good a any oil sold. MIDDLtTON'S FISH AMMAONUTED PHOSPHATE. Tl&Justly -celebrated Fertilizer has ac. quired a reputation which places it iu the foremost rank. I am prepared to furnish it in any quanti. ties and on the most liberal terms, and wil taepeasure in* showing testimonials re. ved from different parties who bave used it. M. FOOT. Feb. 23, 8-tf. Havein store their PALL AN WINTR NTOI) OF DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, . OLOTHING. In all the various lines, the stock is large and has been selected with great care. The ladie.e are invited to examine our assortment of Dress Goods, Trimmings, Laces, White Goods, Embroideries, &c., CASSIKERES AND PIECE GOODS Of all kinds for gentlemen and youth. Besides theiabove we have -in store aine assortment of Hardware and Cutlery, Saddles and Bridles, Trunks or all kinds~ HEAVY 90008 FOR PI.ANTATION WEAR, And many other articles which it is need less to mention. The above goods WILL BE SOLD) CHElAP FOR CASH. P. we & R. S. CHICK. Sep. 22, 38-tt. NEW CLOTING. Sprin ad Sume Oothmn IOil SCJOTT & 06 OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. We offer to the public LATEST STYLEs BUSINESS AND DRESS SUITS, for Men and Youths. GENTS' FURLNISH ING GOODS, FINE HATS, &c., at lowest liv IJAur MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT CASSIMERES, for FASBolBE SOTS. These Goods WE WARRAuNT to be of BEST MA TEA an,d GUARATEE TOFIT, maigu ples where preferred CUTTING and REPAIRING done at short est notice. JOHN SCOTT & CO. May 10, 19-tf. LUMBER. By applying to the undersigned, LUM BER will be delivered by the Car Load, at Rail Road Depot at Newberry, at the fol lowing rates: Lumber sawed to order, @ $14.50 per M. Dressed Ceiling, (tongued and grooved,)...........@ 18.50 " Dressed Flooring, (tongued and grooved,).......@ 19.50 g, This Lumber comes from Orangeburg, and is. of superior quality. J. N. FOWLES. May 10, 19-3m. KEEP COOL. Orders left at my house (opposite Dr. P. B. Ruff's) for ICE CREAM will receive prompt attention. Freezers from three to eight quarts will be furnished nicely frozen and packed with Ice. Prices to suit the times. Families, parties or~ pie nics fur nished on short notice. To my friends in the country who like Ice Cream I would say I'll take country pro'Iuce in exchagge. I would also say to my friends anywhere within twenty miles of town, if you know of a pic nic or barbecue let me kuow and I'll be there with Ice Cream for sale. Don't forget L. R. MARSHALL. May 31, 22-tf. mun ~iDnAm jWIImUIlITJAT wi& Dry Coos, Bool BARGAIN I GRAND CLEAR DRY GOODS, BOOTI, CARPETS, Mi McCIIEERY,]J COLUM:E COMMENCING MON In accordance with our Semi-Annual cust( most attractive stock of DRY GOODS, HATS PETS AND MATTINGS, at such prices as h: We have bought within the last ten days f New York, $25,000.00 WORTH OF GOODS,i benefit of. Orders from the country always receive on The following partial price list will convin 2 Cases Fancy Prints, fast colors,....... 5 Cases Fancy Prints, Madder colors.... 10 Cases Fancy Prints, Standard colors... 2 Cases 4-4 Printed Cambrics............ 2 Cases 4-4 Pacific Cambrics and Lawns. All newest and best brands Prints..... 5 Cases Wainsatta 4-4 Bleached......... 5 Cases Androscoggin 4-4 Bleached. 1 Case Colored Grenadine Dress Goods.. 50 Piece? New Style Dress Goods......... 5 Cases 4-4 White Pique................ The largest stock of Boots and Sh~oes i Mens' and Womens' Brogans and Shoes at $1. 2,500 yards Hamburgh Edgings and Insert We wil replenish our Bargain Counters do better goods.for their money than they have el No use in grumblingabout hard times wh ordinary low prices. Call early and often to secure Bargains. 0I" Samples sent by mail when requested Express, C. 0. D., FREE OF CHARGE. M'CREERY, L May 17, 42-1y. COLUMB SPRING OPENING 01 -Al WHOLESALE AND I DRY GOODS A] -ALE PIL CLOTHS, MILLINER MAIN STREET, C ---C PRICE Long Cloths...........from 6faI15c.' Brown Shirtings...........from 61 a 10e. Prints..................from 5 a 10e. Check'd and Strip'd Homesp'ns from 6ia12e. Ginghams................from 10c.ap SAND EVERY ARTICLE KEPT IN A FIRsT CLA - LOW PRI .-.0 SEWING MACHINES, ATTACHEENTS, NEE Mar.15S, 11-tf. CLOTHINO LARGE STOCK I BLUE FLANNEL SUITS DIAGONAL .00ATS AND -BOYS' SUITS F 4NTE BELL] clotMag. FOR CASHI.. No. 4 Mollohon Row, NEWBERRY, S. C., Offer at and Below Cost ! A large lot of CLOTHING, HATS and SHOES, carried over 'from last Summer. This stock is of good style and quality: Our New Stock of CLOTHING Is large, and equal to, if not superior, to anything we have ever kept, and will be sold at reasonable prices. We will also take measures for suits to be made from samples on' exhibition' at our 'store and guarantee fit. -- Especial attention is called to.our FURNISHING GOODS, Among which will be found FINE LINEN BOSOM SHIRTS at a reduction of 10 to 15 per cent., and the popular KEEP'S CELEBRATED HALF-MlADE SHIRTS, at $15 per dozen, or at $1.88c. each for a less number. Our stock of* Cassimere and Straw Hats' for this season is worth attention. Call and examine for fourselves. WRIGHT & COPPOCK. Apr. 19, 16-Sm. EDWARD SCHOLTZ, (FOEMERLY WITH CAPT. J. F. SPECK,) REARRO RAESPARE COCKS -WAf nTHEn AND.&E.S CLckS Store between P. W. & R. S. Chick's and s, Shoes, Carpele. JOUNTERS ING OUT SALE T LiOVE & CO.'S, IIA, S. C., DAY, MAY 15,1876. m wewill,as above, offer the i9ge and i AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOX81, CAR--. re never before been heard of in this nmtke. rom the large Auction and Bankrupt SJes in Fhich we intend to give our customers the r special attention. ceyou that we mean just what we say: ........... 4 centsper yard ....... ......at5 " ... .......at 8c ............at 121 '> ............at10 ............. .....at 61 ..............at:124 ........~........l2I n the city, at 20 cents per pair and npwrds. 30 per pair, worth $1.25. ings at a great sacrifice. ily, and give our customers more goods .a4d er had. ,a yon can supply your wants.a su. extr and all packages over $10 in value sent ,OVE. & IA, S. C.R NEW DRYCr obS. ETAIL DEALER I DCARP-E, O, i, FANOIK GA009 EC. OLUMBI, Si Q LM-7 Cottonades..............from 12c. ap. Jeans................. ..f*n 12b?up* Cassimieres,............rm5.p Dress Good's.........f-teg.g Ho*Iery, Gloves, esc.....atgreg S DRY GOODS HOUSE Ar CO ESEONDXGLE - DLES, OGIE, EC LAS LAT STC STLEHA LPWPCEE" F OR MEN9 AN BM8 ,eseesee seeseemqs mese seGIVEN FOR A CLVI0 088ee - For this Ppes eesee ees~p _e___ee_eee TEYI! -I [CE! ICE!! ICEXf1 JOHN 0. SEEGliRS, COLUMBIA, S. C., Respectfully informs the yubic' that hay cng placed his ICE MACHN in-complete rder, be is.prepared for the season to4ur ish .. PIJRE ICE in any quantities, leliverel at Depot in Columbia, at $1 per Lundred. Tis Ice is manufactur~ed of pur,~ weet spring water, at 30 deg. below I ng, and is pronounced beg,er and purer han a.ny other. . ' Pure unaduleatd.Laget..Beer, Wine - ~iquors, Segars and Tobacco by the whole' ale and retail. i Orders solicited and mXtierctten guara, ded - OF HE FOW-IL OTEFLLWBG FRANK LESLIE'SW EHLY. HARPER'S WEEKLY. '~