Special and. Local. IDv= To Niw ADVERTISEMENTs. E. D. Chick-Notice. G. S. Chappell-Dinner House. -eiald Book SorNew BookX, W. Foot-New and Saf, Departure. X. L. Kinard and others-Notice to Tres passers, Stop that coughing; if you do not it ma kill you. A bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrul only costs you 25 cents, and its timely uso may save your life. The Piedmont and Arlington Life Com pany of Richmond, Va., has justly won th( high position it occupies among the leading companies of the country, and as the mosi successtal company of Southern or;gin, musl continue to attract the patronage of all whc sincerely desire the prosperity of our business enterprise?. ~ The business of life insurance is plain and simple when conducted by honorable gentle men. The Piedmont and Arlington has for a number of years conducted business in this State,-it meets every legitimate demand ol its patrons,-no higher praise is needed. The success of the Company should stimulate out people to renewed energy in building up like enterprises throughout the South. 8.ow MESSRs. KINGSLAISD & HEATH, like the rest of mankind who are endeavor ing to please the pablic by supplying gcods at cheap prices, are up in the race for public favor. Their stock of China, Glass, Crockery, Wood, Tin and Iron ware and Faney Articles is of end less variety and superior excellence, and at such prices as cannot fail to suit the depleted pockets of the people. Don't forget that this establishment is located under the Columbia Hotel, Columbia, S. C. , 3-tf BLAsx,Lm&s, &c.-Lien on Crops-form 2 and ; Planter's Special Contract; Lien on Crop with Mortgage; Noe and Mortgage of Personal Property; Conveyances of Real Es tate; for sale at this office. 2-tf. , LAu&ENs R. R. Scaommz.-The Laurens Train makis connection with the Greenville passenger on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays, and- leaves the head of the Road at 8 o'clock A. M., and returning leaves New berry after the down GreenvIlie passenger. THoMPSo., Dentist, over Phifer's Store. 35-tf. Attention school girls and boys and call for violet, blue and black inks, _ tnibokerspeHer% reglers, geogra phies, dictionaries, pencils,.slates, &c., a Ia.iet~ of fwhichjust received at Har. Book Store, up stairs over am=nsstore. commer 3ftn, BaAvia, and Reverek double oppste.es;EzceLior, Be4le,1ar land, Auburndale, Arlingceton, and Belle Helene Papeteries and i nitial papers at He R.nT Book Store. 41-tf. .Do-;not use inferior paper when. you write, but cal at HEReD Book Store and get Pirie's best note, fbest commer toe,atiEavouother wt l kinds of Sabey pape-d.41t Tisser ap Leaf Plutae, pars,o Board,herfaior, Buoarlinta.,Young a Holks'BGe k Store. 41tf Owsrae pA .ltin pforsl for sahe atn Thisoyfftis~ofpcaes.f0o49-, t DrThae f ormrl ore ISnewy wel leofde Scoof oknrsmption atublisahers roeiderwit alelns on Sationery. SOe hAeensicOl forsfor tie.a Whi 0.Giee toipac Mg s. S. 50o Gor, a 4 20 acres 2500nt.t. DETE.-rs meetin ofra the eo -. onre frmrly vnngi emeranc e llat diedf ponstmptionlock.ernfthe raesen aboe b calena, on a te ChWran M.Gree to C. Wison .Gorethe .S20ecrer, $2,50. S oe,E ouraf'ein.-A reaern dofn theDeo craticnitieand lea thea Tims: ilb -he oordia wagn, in Loetto,rance al, at hafwast 7ig dooste. InTe trie can kisso ac oalnther,adlae heolelyoutn of plmb fais wanse was boken afetonte raement diiurings Vaiilenieand epheadtis:h them4sto inha wagon deinu foreo,Ky. and-he wa oln ahig doorse The coidgt ipateach othner andsteaint. aneesy will ope temb His nose da. bhe roe alrted paeent,ouis hirin lhes o siee whether he aots are thumtat sheu waspff pelrueforvea lomi sng. Dmptint ofelnturesosooan. Ay'little moresnshin or theirut oyeld Taey Fros mightadypeig trough hnds on you and strangle you under his white sheet of hoar frost. REGARDLESS OF COST.--The an nouncement made by Mr. Foot, that he will sell his winter goods regardless of cost is- a new departure which will give satisfaction. We can assure the public that what this gentleman says may be relied on, for when he says bargains, -~- bargains will surely be offered and no mistake. We therefore advise all per sons who have a little cash to spare to - call on him and,~buy woolen goods, blankets and clothing before this favor able opportunity closes. Try it and see *how much can be had for a little cash. The complaint last week of subscri bers failing to get their papers was not intended as a reflection on Mr. Boone, the postmaster, but was made against parties who go to the ofiice and ask for the papers of others, and who either through carelessness fail to deliver them to the rightful owners, or inten tionall1y appropriate them to their own use. The postmaster regarding the man whn calls for a paper in the name PLANT KU KLux.-The prolific char acter of Elkins' Ku Klux Corn, both in grain and fodder, are well known in this section of country, and in fact all over the State, and the longer it is tried the more popular does it become. Mr. Elkins has been planting it now for some time and with great success, and shows many testimonials from those who have tried it. For the benefit of such of our readers who may desire some of this corn we are able to state that it can be obtained of Mr. Eikins at Alston. S. C., at the following prices: One bushel, 84; half bushel, S2; peck, $1.25; half peck, 75c.; two ears, 25c., and one ear for 15c. Orders filled promptly. SCARED.-There was a bear in town last week, a huge fellow,yet accomplish ed and apparently gentle as a lamb, but notwithstanding his warranted docility, his sudden appearance in a gentleman's yard in the neighborhood of Gravel town came near causing the demise of a colored gentleman engaged in the wholesome pastime of cutti'ng wood. No sooner did Bruin enter the premises with Signor Greasyana, his keeper, and came in view of our dusky friend than he dashed down his axe and fled with the fleetness of the wind, clearing sev eral fences which lay in the way. With the exception of a terrific scare and the loss of much wind our wood-chopping friend reached home safely. His pri vate opinion of bears is that they are kin to the prince of darkness. . LANms, LAMPS.-"It has just been decided to light all the waiting and lug gage rooms of the principal railway stations in Paris by means of electricity. Electric lights were recently tried in the immense luggage room, or Salle des Pas Perdus, of the Great Northern station. The experiment proved suc cessful. By working the Graham ma chine with three-horse power as much is obtained as that given by a hundred gas lamps. The electric 1antern is placed at the height of ten metres from the ground, and sheds a soft clear light over an area of 20,000 square feet. The hall situated on the opposite side of the station, where passengers are placed on arriving from Boulogne or Calais, is still larger, for it comprises -an area of 30,000 square feet. Four lanterns, c ie in each corner, suffice to light it up as by daylight." Can't the Town Council get us one of those for the corner of Friend and Cald well streets. A 20,000 square foot ma chine would light everybody and his sweetheart to the churches around the corner. We don't want the biggest one; it might keep the chickens crowing for day all night long. Talking about churches and such, we would remind our readers that there are four kinds of metre, to-wit: Long metre, short metre, common metre and 1 metre by moon light alone. Now, if we could get that lamp all those metres could be sung on the same night even in the dark of the moon. One of those 20,000 footers is equal to Saturn's five moonlights with the Ring thrown in. IPERSOnLu.-The Rev. Z. W. Beden .baugh, of Columbia, paid us a pleasant visit last week, and we were glad to see him looking well. Mr. Herbert Beard, commercial trav eller for the popular Segar House of Perry & Slawson, of Columbia, dropped in on Thursday last. He was about making a raid on the cities of Jalapa, Kinard's, Martin's, Clinton and Lau rens. We are glad that the raid is a charitable one, and that he wants to supply the people with godid segars and tobacco. Mr. 'Jacob Singley was up from Frog perity last week, and reports Chappell's dinner house a success. Mr. J. F. Rawson, the intelligent travelling agent for the popular Music House of Messrs. Ludden & Bates, of Savannah, favored us with a visit on Friday. . Ira B. Jones, Esq., f.rmerly of this place and now profitably and pleasant 1g located at Lancaster, dropped down on us one day last week. Glad to learn that he is doing well. C. P. Pelhamn, Esq., also from Lan caster, and brother of the handsome druggists of Newberry, visited this place on Thursday last. Sergeant James Taylor, of Maj. Stew art's command, on his return from at tendance on the Grand Chapter at Charleston, paid Newberry a brief visit. The Sergeant in common with the rest of Maj. Stewart's boys, have a lively and pleasant recollection of Newberry. ABOUT THE TOWN AND COUNTY. The weather is unsettled. March winds prevailed during a por tion of last week. Stealing a march on time. When it blows again hang up your meat that it may dry-provided there is any to hang up. As this is the season when high winds are in order fires should be looked after carefully. Many other things should be looked after also-the farmer should see that his agricultural implements are all in order and in the places where they' should be. Much valuable time is saved if things are convenient. Think of it, farmers-in time of rest prepare for work. There were a few spasms of activity in business last week-and some goods went off to the satisfactipn of the sellers -havn't heard whether buyers were all pleased or not. The HERALD Book Store is happily supplied with several new and service able articles in the stationery line, be sides many new and interesti o ooks. Tn addition to the above thWt,.iol The number of new subscribers las week and old ones paying up their due was not flatteringly large. We live i hope that next week the number will bi greater. The editor went to Columbia las week and saw Josh Billings, and think. that Josh had a dull gimlet, cr bored it the wrong place, for he didn't "strikt ile." Only one man in the audienc( complained that his sides ached, and h was taking pleurisy. It is best for men not to fly highei than they can roost. Back of the Baltimore Corner .and this side of the barber-shop you may now get an excellent iteal at any time in the day and until lateTit. nigiht fresh fish, plump oysters and elegant sausages. See and taste for yourself, and find how well Mr. Sill can prepare these delicacies. A new shop is springing up near the Post Office, to be oecupied by Tobe Dawkins, the well known expert in the art tonsorial. Between all these bar bers, the Bank and the lawyers, our citizens should not find it difficult to get a shave. Tobe is a good barber and very accommodating. We bespeak for him a fair share of patronage. Three good things, among many oth ers, which can be found at Mr. Foot's popular corner store-are syrup of un approachable sweetness and excellence and over which the children run wild with delight, mackerel of first water and of unusual mildness, and eating potatoes fit for th'e table of a King. There are other articles of equal merit to be found at this store. The scarcity of money is becoming chronic, and several merchants talk about seeking some place where it is more plentiful. Blank Liens of all kinds for sale at this office; by the single copy or by the quire. Whatever you stop in the way of re trenching expenses never stop your County paper. One or two regular readers of the HERALD complain that they will have to subscribe, because the neighbors on whom *they have been loafing their news refuse them the privilege any longer. We are rejoiced to hear this. The nian who borrows a paper of his friend, is a poor neighbor, a non-sup porter 'of one of the most important County institutions, and sets a miserable example to his children if he has any. Spring improvements are commenc ing all around. Mr. J. C. Wilson has given a very happy look to his prem ises. We like to see these evidences of taste. The work of transformation is active ly going on ini Gravel Town. New houses are constantly springing up as if by magic. The tax extension is to the 10th of March-hope everybody will be pre pared by then. On Friday of this we.ek, Thompson, one of the Pomaria murderers, is to be hanged. The same favor should have been shown the others. Pare water is one of the indispensa ble requisites-as a means to this end have your wells cleaned out. Two weeks and no monkey-but in lieu thereof a genuine bear of huge size-whose accomplishments made the outside pleasure seekers of Newberry happy on Friday last. NEWSPAPERs.-Daniel Webster said: "Small is the-sum that is required to patronize a newspaper, and- well re warded is the patron, I care not how humble or unpretending the gazette which he takes. It is next to impossible to fill a sheet with printed matter without putting something into it that is worth the subscription price. Every parent, whose son is away at school, should supply him with a newspaper. I well remember what a marked difference there was between those of my school mates who had and those who had not access to newspapers. Other things being equal, .the first were always. superior to the last in debate, composi tion and intelligence. tf .POST OFFICE, NEwBERRY, S. C., Feb. 19, 1876. List of advertised letters for week ending February 19, 1876: Abner, J. J. iNorman, Amnanda Cromer. Wallace C. |Peterson, Mary Henderson, J. C. Smith, Drayton - Hunter, J. C. IThannasally, Jos. Williamson, J. G, Parties calling for letters will please say if advertised. R, W. BOONE, P. M. AREIvALs AT PooL's HOTEL, Jno. Willis, Edgefield; J. L. Tinsley, S. C.; Perry Fant, County; A. D. CooDer, Os-borne ville, S. C.; T. C. Turner, Balto.; J. F. Bell, P. B. Ferguson, Laurens; W. J. Black, Char lotte, N. C.; B. M. Lannean, New York; J. D. Rudd, Texas; T. W. Ball, E. H. Lopez, Balto.; C. A. Spencer, New York: M. H. Marcy, Hartford, Conn.; C.T. Hoke, E. E. Keese, Atlanta; W. H. Cox, Philadelphia; C. P. Pelham, Jr., Lancaster, S. C.; .J. D. Kennedy, Camden, S. C.; Win. F. Nance, Town; Ben Violett, Ky.; Jno. Willis, Edge field; Wmn. A. James. Columbus. Ga.; W. J. Black, Charlotte, N. C.; .Jas. Mitchell, Edge field; A. J. Gibson, Newberry ; C. C. Rich ardson, Norfolk, Va.; GeQ. W. Clotworthy, Balto.; W. P. Jones, 'A tlanta, Ga.; W. F. Ewart, Jas. M. Crawford, City; M. J. Nevins, Balto. Rational Medication. Medication is only successful when it is rational, and it is rational only when it be eins at the beginning. In other words, to cure a malady, its cause must be removed. Weakness,either general or local, is the origin of the great majority of diseases. Reinforce the vitai energies, regulate digestion and se cretion, by strengthening the organs which perform those all-important functions, and dyspepsia, constipation, kidney and bladder complaints, uterine difficulties, impure cir culation, and the thousand and one ailments whbich are the consequences of debility, are completely, and in most cases permanently, removed. The b'~st, safest ut:d most agreeable Commercial. NEWBERRY, February 22.-Cotton market still continues active with good demand price at close 11 cents for best; some very in ferior grades brought only 5 cents. Bales shipped during week 250. LIVERPOOL, February 21.--Cotton quiet and unchanged-middling uplands 6 5-16; middling Orleans 6t. NEW YoRK, February 21.-Cotton quiet; sales 1,555, at 121a12 15-16. Gold 1.13a1.14. BALTIKORE, February 21.-Cotton dull and a shade lower-middling 121. AUGUsTA, February 21.-Cotton dull and quotations nominal-middling 111alf. - CHARLESTON, February 21.- Cotton easier and quiet-middling 12f. eriscelaneous. NOW I8 THE TIME -TO SU"SORIBE -FOR THE _IEWBERRY HERALD! Only $2.50 For a large 32 Column Paper, Every man in the County of Newberry SHOULD BE A SUBSORIBERI Every man who has ever lived here and has moved away, SHOULD BE A SUBSORIBER I IT FURNISHES AL TIlE COENTY NEW -AND CONDENSED REPORTS -OF GENERAL NEWS. IT CIRCULATES All Over the State i AND IS, THEREFORE, A g00d Medium foP AdvYising. SUBSCRIBE For the Newberry Herald ! ADVERTISE In the Newberry Herald ! T. F. GRENFKER, PROPRIETOR. Jan. 12, 2-tf. LAURENSVILLE FEMALE COLLEGE. The Scholastic Year consists of two Ses sions. The first Session from the 1st of October to ihe 15th of February ; the sec ond from the 15th of February to the 5th. of July. TERMs PER SEssION, IN ADVANCE: Primary Department............$10 00 Academic Department..........15 00 Collegiate I epartment..........26 (0O Contingencies................ 2 (0 ExTa'N STUDIEs, (optignal.) Music,....................... $5000 Use of Instrument.......... .....2 00 French....................... 10 00 Drawing and Painting...........10 0Q Ornamental Work............... 10 00 Pupils in all of the Departments have the advantages of daily Calisthenic exer cises. Board, (including Washing, Fuel and Lights,) $15.00 per month, payable quar terly in advance. Pupils from abroad allowed to board in private families of relatives and friends when requested by patrons; but such pu pils must be subject to the rules and regu lations of the College. It is important to pupils that they be en tered at the beginning of the Session, and that their studies be not interrupted by un necessary absences. No deduction for- ab scnce except in case of protracted illness. Pupils must be subject at all times to regulations in deportment as well as in studies. For further particulars, apply to JAMES FARROW, President. Laurensville, S. C., Jan. 28, 1876. 6-3m NOTICE. Pursuant to the order of the Honorable James C. Leahy, as Judge of Probate, I will settle my accounts as Guardian of the %state of Emma J: Hargrove, nee Abrams, in the jourt ot Probate for Newberry, on Wednesday. the 8th day of March next, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, and immediate ly thereafter apply for a final discharge as said Guardian. JOHN G. HOUSEAL, As Guardian of Mrs. Emma J. Hargrove Feb,. 9, 6-5t. Teachers' Protective Union. 'NEwBERRY, S. C., Feb. 5th, 1876. Ail Teachers in the Public Schools of Newberry County, are requested to meet at Newberry C. H., S. 0., on the first Friday in March, for the purpose of permanently organizing a Teachers' Protective Union. CHARLEY TIDMARSH, Pres. T. J. CLAYTON, Sec. Feb. 9, 6-3t*. Twin Cotton Seed. The subscriber offers for sale a limited quantity of the above named celebrated Professional Cards. JAMES T. CULBREATH, Attorney at Law, Will practice in the Courts of Newberry and Edgefield. Office over store of A. M. Bowers & Co. NEWBERRY, S. C. Dec. 22, 52-ly. E. 0. JONES, DENTIST. Rooms Over C. B. Buist's Store, East of XcFall & Pool's. Respectfully informs his patrons and the public generally that he has taken rooms as above mentioned, and will be happy to attend all professional calls made on him. Sep. 8, 1875-36-1y. Miscellaneous. -OR SALE." Ten (10) Shares Stock of the National Bank of Newberry, S. C. Apply to Fppl 16 R. L. McCAUGERIN. Feb. 16, 7l-tf. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the congre gation of Newville Church, of Prosperity, will make application for a Charter for the same to the Clerk of the Court of Newber ry County, within thirty days from the publication of this notice. P. E. WISE, Secretary. Feb. 16, 7-4t. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBEIRY. IN THE PROBATE COURT. Henry C. Moses, as Administrator of the Estate of John Moore, deceased, Piaintiff, against ' Sarah Moore, John Moore, James Moore, Rubert Moore, Harriet Amick, Jacob Moore and John R. Leavell, Def4ndants. Complaint to marshall assets, sell land to pay debts, and for relief. On hearing the complaint herein, and on motion of Messrs. Jones, Jones & Mower, Plaintiff's Attorneys, It is ordered that the creditors of John Moore, deceased, render in and establish their demands by the tenth day of March, 1876. It is further ordered that the said credi tors of John Moore, deceased, be enjoined from enforcing the collection of their claims except in this case. J. 0. LEAHY, J. P. C. 15th February, 1876-7-4t. TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ary Counts vs. Henry H. Counts, Adm'r of Belton Counts, dec'd, et. al. Petition for Dower. 8 And it is further ordered that the credi- a ors of the said Belton Counts, deceased, do resent and establish their demands before his Court by the seventh day of March ext. J. C. LEAHY, .3. P. Feb. 16,7-. CHIEA STAIONERY. PENCILS, 5, 10,15 and 20 cents each. COMMERCIAL NOTE, 10 to 20 cents per aifre. PIRIES and EEP NOTE-superior quali y, 30 cents.. CENTURY NOTE-elegant-in boxes. ENVELOPES, 10 to 50 cents per bunch-all ( ~olors. WEDDING and INVITATION PAPER with ENVELOPES to match. INK, 5 cents and upwards-all colors, lack, blue, violet and red. POCKET DIARIES, 25, 50, 75 and $1. BLANK BOOKS-Ledgers, Days and Re ~ords, from 50 cents up. SLATES, 5 cents-to 75. CHEAPER STILL. SUNDAY SCHOOL LIBRARY BOOKS will e sold at cost and carriage. Call at once, BESTAND LARCEST Assortment of NOTE, LETTER and BOX APER to be found in Newberry. All. of which and more are to be had at he HERALD BOOK STORE. Jan. 26, 4-tf. Seegers' vs, Cincinnati Beer.r The Cincinnati Gazette makes the aston- d shing announcement that Cincinnati beer a s no longer pure, but adulterated with mo- ' asses, sugar of starch, fusel oil and the b oisonous colchicum. The ?Commissioner f Agriculture, in his report for 1865, says C hat Prof. Mapes, of New York, analyzed r he beer from a dozen different breweries, C nd found all of it adulterated. Cocculus a ndicus and nux vomica entered largely in- E o its composition. J. C. SEEGERS guarantees his beer to be 'C ure and reliable. He does'noL adulterate C it, but brews from the best barley, malt and C ops. ~Feb. 4, 5-tf. 1] VIC K'Sa Flower and Vegetable Seeds 3 re the best the world produce. They are lanted by a million people mn Ameia nd the result is. beautiful Flowers and plendid Vegetables. A Priced Catalogue S ent free to all who enclose the postage-a 1I I cent stamp. VIC K'S Flower and Vegetable Garden s the most beautiful work of the kind in the world, It contains nearly 150 pages, hun Ireds of fmne ilustrations, and four Chromo Plates of Flowers, beautifully. drawn and solored from nature. Price 35 cents in~ pa er covers; 65 cents bound in elegant cloth. VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE. This is a beautiful Quarterly Journal, fine y illustrated, and containing an elegant y olored Frontispiece with the first number. rice only 25 cents for the year. The first o. for 1876 just issued. Address JAMES VICK, r Jan. 5, 1-tf. . Rochester, N. Y. t NOTICE. Iwill make a settlement on the estate of t David Atkinson, deceased, on the 18th day t of March, 1878, and apply for a final dis carge as Executor thereof. JAMES A. CROTWELL, - Feb. 12, 1876-7-St. Executor. REESE & CARROLL, SAVING AN HAIR DRESSING II, B. WIE13R & CO,, | INITIATE |I BY OFFERTIGI TO CIJfOMERS~ I -IN B0OTS AND 810E, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, &c. JILL AND BE CJON1INCED. D. B. Wheeler & Co. Jan. 22, 2-tf. Have in store their MALL AND WIINTER STOCI OF DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, A19D CLOTHING. n all the various lines, the stock is large nd has been selected with great care. The ladiep are invited to examine our ssortment of fress Goods, Trimmings, Laces, White Goods, Embroideries, &c., CASSIIERES AND PIECE GooDS Of all kinids for gentlemen and youth. Besides the above we have in store a fine sortment of [ardware and Cutlery, Saddles and Bridles, .Trunks of all kinds, HEAVY GOODS FOR PLANTATION WEAR, Ld many other articles which it is need ms to mention. The above goods WILL. BE SOLD HEAP FOR CASH. P. W. & R. S. CHICL. Sep. 22, 38-tt. SPECIAL NOTICE. GREENVILI.E &MD COLUMBIA RAILROAD, -CoLUMBIA, Jan. 1, 1876.f The following resolutions having been dopted by tbe stockholders of the Green ille and Columbia Railroad Company, at eir annual meeting in Columbia on the 9th of April last: Resolved, That for the more satisfactory rrangement of the Company's bond and eneral debt, authority is hereby given to' e Board of Directors to create a First [ortgage on the road and property of the reenville and Columbia Railroad Company, ibject to the following conditions and re ~rictions: That the amount of the mortgage shall ot exceed three million dollars. That not more than two millions five hun red thousand dollars of the bonds, made nderthe mortgage, be used for the ar mgement or settlement of the debt. And, That the balance, five hundred thousand ollars, be held in trust, applicable only to ch acquisitions and additions to the prop rty as have been authorized and approved y the stockholders The Board of Directors, in the exercise f the authority given to them by these asolutions, have executed a First Mortgage n the road and property of the Company1 the Farmers' Loan and Trust Company of 2e City of New York, in accordance there ith, and now offer for sale the Bonds made nder the said mortgage at 75 per cent. ash, or the equivalents of that price in any f the Company's outstanding obligations i whole or in part. These Bonds are dated uly 1st, 1875b, bear interest at 7 per cent. nd mature in twenty years. The Bonds od Coupons are payable in the city of New ork. Their superior claims to the confidence f capitalists are sufficiently established by e fact that the past exceptionally unfavor ble year to Railroad interests exhibits 'he gross earnings of the Green ville and Columbia Railroad... .$540,000 'he current operating expenses... 295,000 eaving applicable to interest... .$245,000 he confident expectation of the Board is that the $2,500,000 -of Bonds now offered will absorb eve y obligation of the Comnpa ny, and leave the net earnings as shown above, subject only to the charge of interest on these Bonds, which, at seven per cent, would be........................ 175,000 alance of earnings over expenses and interest...............$ 70,000 Provision has also been made in the ar ugement of the Bonds of this issue for eir Registry at the option of the holders. Any further information which may be esired will be furnished on application to 2e Treasurer, at the Company's Office, in 1s city. W. J. McGRATH, Pres. C. H. Masonr, Treas. G. & C. R. B. Feb. 9, 6-tf. EDW'D) J. EVANS & CO., iURSRYm Am EDMN YORK, PENN'A. trenQ Garden and Flower Seeds, Grass .)iscer~ PERRY & SLAWS - COLUMI Every merchant who is disposed to is requested to give us a sample order. We will ship in any quantity on 30 Plug Tobacco, 10 inch, 5 to lb., Plug Tobacco, 11 inch, 4 to lb., Plug.Tobacco, 10 inch, 5 to 1b., Plug Tobacco, 11 inch, 4 to lb., Plug Tobacco, 11 inch, 4 to lb., Plug Tobacco, 11 inch, 4 to lb., Plug Tobacco, 11 inch, 4 to lb., Plug Tobacco, 12 inch, 3 to lb., Plug Tobacco, 11 inch, 4 to lb., Plug Tobacco, 9 inch, 7 to lb., Plug Tobacco, *11 inch, 7 to lb., 3 ounce Twist, (very bright, 3 ocnce Twist ................... 6 Inch Twist............ 12 to lb., 6Cinch Twist ............ 12 to lb., 6 inch Twist ............ 12to lb., Pancakes............22 to lb., Gravely Honey Dew Tobacco 3 to lb. Alaska Smoking Tobacco, 25 lbs. ass Durham " "" " Per & Slawson's Triumph Smokin Ti s the finest Tobacco we hand Maccaboy Snuff Briar Pipes (assorted) from $1 to $5 will give you an assortment of the CIGAR DE1 CHEROOTS, $12.50 per 1000. C It Is impogsible to give an Idea of the quaI aLMOUnts to $25 or $30, you might let us send! tur them if u are not satisned that theyar mrd-*10 per tKousand. X. B-lfyou prefer to see saxple before c ed, and we will send s=,Ple Plug. Notice to Persons Holding Claims Against the County Which Have Not Been Re gistered Under Former Re gistrations of Past indebt aess. All persons holding claims against - New berry County, which became due and pay able prior to the first day of November, A. D. 1875, will present the same for Regis tration to the undersigned, within thirty days from date hereof, at the office occu pied by the Board of County Commission ers. J. C. LEAHY, Clerk of Board of County Commissioners. February 2, 1876-5-4t. Progressive Age copy twice. THE FALL SESSION OF TE NEWBERRY FEMALE ACADEMY WILL COVMENCE 01 THE 15TH SEPT. i. P. PIFER, A. M., Principal, WITH COMPETENT ASSISTANTS. The advantages aff'orded by ~this institu ~ion for a thorou:gh and complete educa ~ion, are second to no other. in the State, while the . Tuition is low, viz: from $12.50 to $22.50 .n advance, or on satisfactory securities. Boarding in private families at moderate -ates. - For further particulars enquire of -the secretary of the Board, Mr. S. P. Boozer, >r of A. P. PIFER, Aug 18, 33-tf. Principal. hALL AND HT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING FRANK LESLIE'S WEEKLY. HARPER'S WEEKLY. HARPER'S BAZAR. DAYS' DO1NQS. CHIMNEY CORNER. .. LT THE -NEwBmr HALDv. Dec.1, 4--tf. BOOK STORE. CHEAP FOR CASH ! J. B. IJ0ONAD & CO., Wholesale and Betail Dealers in MANUFACTU RED robacco and Segars, Bespectfully cals attention to his very arge stock in the above line, as also in Donfectioneries, Candies, Canned G.ods. Together with Wines and Liquors, )f all grades, and warranted pure. All ot which will be sold LOW FOR CASH. hA lon exdparie in thsbusines, and -ants us In guranteeing satisfaction. An. -xmntini asked. J. -3. LEONARD & CO. Dec. 1, 48 J3m. WESTEROOK NURSERIES, WILSON, N. C. C. W. WBSTBE00E, Proprietor. 100,000 Choice Trees. Vines and Plants yet n hand in my Nurseries, of the very best rarieties, well adapted to Southern culture, tprices to suit the times. Planting may e done1 with succs In Februr and y and satisfactor having the advantage me oe d. Extra aryPeach Tres Lnd Strawberr Plants fr mare platn 'rices. Addres, c .WSEO Feb. 9, 6-im. . W ilson N. C. HAIR'S. TANYARD. I am now ready to receive HIDES and 'AN them one-half for the other, and I parantee satisfaction to all who send me ~OOD HIDES to Hair's Tanyard. J. D. POPE. Feb. 8, 1876-8-tf. [ARE LOT ENVLOPES, NOTE, LETTER, CAP, And other kinds of Paper, * AT THE IERALD BOOK. STORE. Fancy Note raper in Sox68, Of different folds and patterns. asseo,gs. ON'S PRICE LIST, A, ST. P. ave a few e0 i poun b co, ays time. 50 lbs. toB= at *eifts. 50 lbs. toBoz at 50 eents. 50 lbs. toDm-t 55--ats. 40lbs.to 2 ,at Zcents. 40 lbs. to lot at 60 Genas. 40 lbs. to Box, at 65 cents. 30 lbs. to Box, at 75 cents. 30 lbs. to Box, at 75 cents. 40 lbs. to Box, at 70 cents. 30 lbs. to Box, at 55 cents 20 lbs. to Box, at 5 Oents. 30 lbs. to Box,at 85 cents. 30 lbs. to Box, at 75 cents. 8 lbs. to Box,at 65 centi: I8 lbs. to Box, at 75 cents. 18 lbs. to Box, at D cen. 75 ceut .30lbs.toBox,at 100Cent. rD, 11 50 cents. , ,1 60 cents. eTo pccn 1 00 cents.. le, put Upn Jj lb. p ackOAM ......... centk per dozen. One dozen different kinds. A RT MENT. [GARS, $16, $18, $20 and upwards. lity by a Price List, and as a saMple lot only ron, say ten boxes, assorted. You may re cheaper tban any you have bought b.T $5 Tdering, please state style of to -NOTIOE. Havin^ de a-seftlewt~foi- 'i-a S of James Lofton, deceased, I will apply to the Probate Court" foi Newberry County, on the 7th day of March, 18,for' *na1 l discharge. B. C. MOsES, Administrator 0. T. A. James lftos, dec'd. December 10, 18'5-60-12. WATCH L0STi A Double-Cased GOLD WATCL The finder will be rewarded. by leaving it at the HER A LD OFFICE. Feb 9, 6-39 TAX NOTNCE' In accordance with the requrements of the law made and provid ,I wib6eia my office on and after MONDAY- THE 9th DAY OF JANUARY,1876,-for*tbe 00590o. tion of State and County Taxe. Ir the fiscal year beginning November the i0th, 18'l5. The following ishe ley: Total State Tax, 11 mills;: 0onw Ta, 31 mills; Widows and Orihans,' VI ; Past Indebtedness, 11 mis; Sobeola& Township No. 1, lj mills; Township-N. -, 1 mill; Township No. 3, 2 mils;' Toiship No. 4, 2. mills; Township-No. og 2Wvlb; Township No. 6, i mills; Township. 7, 2 mills; Township No. 8, 2 miii6 TWrn ship No. 9, 0. mill; Townshipko.10,I mill; Township No. 11, 2 jMjl. On and after February 15th, a penalty of Twenty per cent. will be added. on a, do linquent taxes. JESSE C. SEfN Jan. 5, 1=-1m. ,0. T . . CHARLESTON S. C. SOLUBLE GUJAWO, (Soluble Bone Phosphate of Lime 18.56 per cent.; Ammonia 3.14 per osnt.) Apdl 1st, $44; Nov. lst, $50. 0oWsin Opion middlings at15 oents-$65. .(Soluble Bone Phosphate of Lme 22.83 per cent.) 'April let, $28; No,. Is, 3; Cotton Option, $45. - Special inducements to Grangers o as orders. For p&rticulars apply to - C. E. WHMLANS, Treums OR To Leavell & Spearman, Agents at- ew berry, 5.-C. Wheeler -and Moseley, Agents si Froe. perity, 5. 0. T. W.~Holloway, Agent at Pomaria, S.C. Jan. 26, 4-3m.' -ORAND TCELEAR QF18 MIS Who wants to make room for the nh Trade, and has determined to 'ari his Winter Stock t4 that end. Without sr.t contradiction the best goods fbr the least money can now be found on his ountes, DRESS GOODS less than.N. Y. es Ladies and childrens FELT JACWET. Ladies and childreus KNITTED JACK-. Genta ladie and chiden OO 00 and HALTF HOSE, BLANKETS, QUILTS, &c. A large and elegant stock of OASI EBRES, TWEEDS, JEANS, &c., aE as prices unsurpassed by any oher house in this city or elsewhere. C. F. JACKSON~ THE TLEADER OF LOW PRIEI, M?N~ STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. Jan. 19, 3-tf.' azhusg. TII LAliBST AND U8? STOCK OF CLOTHING AND CENTS' AND YOUTHS' F /R NA8 I/ND SO0L? EVER ETNTRITER IN NEWBEUY. DRESS SUiTS of finest qualities, at puices in accordance with the times. BUSINESS SUITS, in variety and at prices. BOYS' SUITS, $5 to $10. 'UNDERCARMENTSI -4 all kinds and qualities. BOOTS, SHOES and HATS, EB0ANS A S?ECIALff, Besides every other article kept in a kas class Clothing House. AGe2gTS rox KEEP'S CELEBRATED HALF-MAE WES, ?~~ ~E~D flflP7U~I