Special and Local. INDEx TO NEw ADvERTI&vNTs. Geo. S. Mower-To Rent. J. B. Ford & Co.-Bida Designs. W. H. Dickert-Confectionery andRestau rant. F. H. Dominick-Notice of Final Settle ment. Apply at this Office-Valuable Town Lots for Sale. Foster Blodgett-The Stewart Place Neither for Sale nor Rent. Dry Goods Merchants of Newberry-Stan. dard Prints at Ten Cents per Yard. Tuompso.N, Dentist, over Phifer's Store. 35-tf. MUsic.-Just received at the HERALD Book Store, vocal music, comic and sentimental, and some handsome chro mos. OLD SILVER WA-TED.-One thous and ounces of old Silver wanted at the Jewelry Store of J. F. Speck. The highest price will be paid for it in any quantities . 39-tf. THE Erizoonc has reached this County, but experienced horse men say that the disease is a mild type to that which prevailed here three years ago. Many hores in town and County ar slightly affected. We willingly oblige Mr. Dick in one of hisjequests, that is to publish his let ter, to be found in another column, but regret our inability to comply with the second. 'It is a matter which appeals to Col. podamead, and the President of tha South Carolina Railroad, the causes and reasons alone being known to then., The H:R&:r Book Store is now full of S&ool Books fresh from publishers together with all kinds of Stationery. 41-tf.. _ AXoTHEE VIsrrAnON.-It is neither lightning rod men nor insurance men this. time, but pump men who fill the streetu =n-dash about at the zisk of deaf men and ebAdren. As the land of Egypt was at sundry and divers times ovlr by grasshoppers and other th Afinthe s'ape of visitations, so is .thia,rComnty of Newberry visited by these Strangers who are hungry for the little-money that is afloat. We faiowledge receiving a cata logteo the Mercer University, Macon, Ga., for 1875 and''76, and notice with pleasure,the name of the Rev. J. J. Brantly,DR. ., among the distinguish ed faculty, as Professor of Belles Letters and Modern Languages. This Institu tion is in a highly flourishing co'ndition, the number of students enrolled being unusadylarge. The Catalogue itself is a handsome specimen of printing. Do not use inferior paper when you write, but call at HEALn Book Store and get Pirne's best note, finest commer cial note, octavo note, together with Repp, Initial and various other kinds of papers. 41-tf We acknowledge a card of invitation from Col. 3. A. Hoyt, the polite and efficient Secretary of the Anderson Far meme'and Mechanics' Association to at tend th Eighth Annual Fair, to come off on the 27th, 28th and 29th, this pres ent week. That the Fair will be an at tractive one and the occasion pleasant we are assured, as every effort has been mnadsby the-oificers of the Society to make it so. Our best wishes attend the Anderson Fair. WANTs TO BE HArrr.-Our jovial friend, the ex-Commissioner, during his recent trip, had the pleasure of see ing the great humbug Barnum, and was relating his experience to a friend wllbo~ leiargely in dry goods, when the'laiter said, "I have seen Beecher, and will never be happy till I see A. T. Stewart and?P. T. Barnum." We sincerely trust that he 'will have his wish gratified, that another soul may be miade happy. Attinn-school girls and boys and call for violet, blue and black inks, copy books, spellers, readers, geogra phies, dictionaries, pencils, slates, &c., a large lot of which just received at Hepan .ook. Store, up stairs, over Hermon'sstore. 41-tf. NOMINATING MEETING.-On Monday afternoon a meeting of the citizens, white and colored, was held in the Court House, for the purpose of nomi natig,suitable persons as Intendant andl Wardens. Col. Pope, Intendant, was called to the chair, and J. L. Blease, Esq., requested to act- as Secre tary. Col. W. G. Mayes moved that the present incumbents be re-nomina ted, and-the motion being put was unan imously carried. No greater compli ment could have been bestowed on the present Council than that just recorded. The election will be held on Tuesday next. A PATENT BRELE.-We had the pleasure of seeing the diagram from~ the Patent Office, and also the model of a new bit and bridle, which has been in. vented by Mr. W. M. Werts, of Prose perity, in this County. By its use a horse can no 'more runaway than he can take wings and fly, and we hope that this valuable invention will be made use of by our people. Mr. Werts has secured letters patent, and will pro. ceed to the manufacture, or sell rights for its use. NEW WiuNKLE.-There is no rule without exception as was shown or Friday. Our Clinton neighbor, Mr. Geo. Copeland, broughti three bags o: fine cotton to town,for which the top o: the market was asked. After an activi and spirited contest between the buyers the lively and irrepressible Ruan offer ed him $160.00, weights unknown, ~foi the lot. This was refused, and S164 asked. Ruan held to his propositior until the difference was split at $162.50 and the cotton turned over. Afte: weighing, and at top price, the thre< bags amounted to $165, and in favor o Raan. CENsUs.-According to the figures of W. H. Snead, census taker, which we find in the Progressive Age, the popula tion of the County is as follows: White Males, - - 3,493 Females, - 3,648- 7,141 Colored Males, - 7,940 " Females, - 8,245-16,185 Total, -- - - - - - 23,326 A CORDIAL INVITATION is extended to our friends to visit the HERALD office next Monday. Some few of them are indebted to us for subscription and ad vertising accounts, the subscriptions of others are about expiring, while there are miny who owe us nothing but good will. We cordially and affectionately invite all three classes to visit us, the first to pay up, the second to renew for another term, and the third to subscribe. Come up gentlemen, we need the help of all. MESSRS. KDzGSLAND & HEATH, pro prietors of the popular House-furnishing establishment situated under the Col umbia Hotel, in the city of Columbia, are now daily in receipt of new goods in their line from the Northern markets, and their stock of China, Glass, Wood, Tin and Iron Ware is the completest ever brought to the city. In the fancy line, also, they have a superb assort ment. Housekeepers and seekers of ar ticles in the ornamental line are advised to give them a call. 37-tf. HAS A GREEDY WOwr.-Sniffles has a greedy worm but as he was born with it we contend that he is not alto gether responsible-it was nature which bestowed it and not he himself, and therefore if he chooses to devour any thing nice which falls to his lot all by himself, and even turn the key in the lock of his room door so as to guard against the contingency of any of his friends coming in, we think that the responsibility should be thrown upon nature. Sniffles cannot help it, it is the nature of the beast-or rather of Sniffles. Marion, Batavia, and Revere double Repp Papeteries, Excelsior, Belle, Gar land, Auburndale, Arlington, and Belle Helene Papeteries and Initial papers at HERALD Book Store. 41-tf. COMMENDABLE.-Mr. J. S. Dominick, from the Piney woods section, brought in a sack of aice home-cured bacon on Friday last, which found a ready pur chaser in Mr. T. F. Harmon. It had a look of the good old time about it. An encouraging feature is exhibited in this, that it was raised and cured in the sec tion where report says nothing is made, and shows that there is life in some portions of our County yet. It is such a rare thing for farmers to sell bacon nowadays that we cannot refrain from complimenting Mr. Dominick, and ad vising others to go and do likewise. EFFECTS OF BARLETCORN.-He came to town while the dew was on the grass and while inspired by a drink of pure sparkling spring water, engaged goods which were cut off and rolled up, while toddled around elsewhere., Alas, though, forour mercantile friend,histod ding led to the place where wine is red in the cup and tangle leg is strong, and imbibed so deeply as to forget the goods ordered. When last seen he was tod dling under the influence of toddy in rear of* his wagon loaded with goods bought at another shop. The bundle first engaged is still rolled up. BURGLARS ABOUT.-Variouls small robberies have been perpetrated in town and County of late. Mr. O'Neills store in town was entered some nights since and a small haul was made, and an at tempt made to enter Dr. Pratt's drug store. Mr. Hays, living just out of the limits, was visited a few nights ago by some of the thieving gentry, and a num ber of household articles were taken from one of his rooms. It will be well to keep an eye open for the rascals and give them a taste of what a shot gun can do. KEEPE TO THE RIGHT.-It is a wvon der that accidents from a careless in difference to the rule of driving to the right do not often occur. It is the conm monest thing to see two drivers,coming from opposite directions, hold to thc middle of the road until the horses al most touch heads, then commence wabbling to the right and left, each un certain which side the other will turn. How stupid this is, and how dangerous. Now, if each driver of a quadruped some of whom would be better in har ness-would just remember to keep to the right and be sure also to give suffi cient room, there would not be the slightest danger of a collision. Dave Crockett said, "Be sure you are right, then go ahead," and we say drive to the right when an opposite vehicle is met, and you can safely go ahead. Keep to the right, fellow-citizens, be you white or black, and you will always be right. A NEw FEATURE, and one which the ladies will be pleased to learn, is that Mr. W. H. Dickert, the purchaser of the Confectionery and Restaurant of Capt. Speck, has determined to throw open the inner as well as outer sanctu ary for the delectation of the ladies of Neberry. We look upon this as a pleasant privilege and one which the ladies will enjoy with zest; a nice little lunch of oy'sters, fish or other delicacy, Swith a good cup of coffee, adding as much to their comfort and enjoyment as to the so-called lords of creation. Mr. Dickert is right in this, and has struck a popular chord and one which entitles him not only to the thanks of the ladies but the gentlemen, as the latter will have the exquisite privilege of enjoying their midday lunch in the best of com pany. We add that Mr. D. assures the best attention and good order, and f tht his cuisine will be of the first order I o merit Sucess atend his effort. TInE CAUSE.-A Liberty Iall-ite says the reason why the Laurens train got off the track some weeks since was that 'there was a passenger on board who had never rode on the rail before. Our friend will accept thanks for this infor mation, for neither the public nor Col. Peake has been able to ascertain the cause of the run off. If there are many more Liberty Hall men who have to take their first ride, it is suggested they all get on at one time, so as to prevent 1 many repititions. Let them all run off at one time it will save trouble and ex pense. TIIE LAURENS R. R.-Col. Peake is getting so far away from us on his rapid stretch to Laurens, that we seldom see him in our sanctum now, and we are pleased to gather the following item from the Laurensville 1erald, which says that "work on the Laurens Rail road is progressing satisfactorily, the Road being completed at this writino (Thursday.) to a point within about half a mile from th'e T rail. Col. Peake thinks that when he reaches this point, he will be able to build half a mile a day. At present everything is pro gressing as rapidly as could be expect ed. The work already completed is said to be first-class. "Col. Peake has a railroad experience of many years, and we have every con fidence in his energy, tact and integri ty. All he requires, and all that is ne cessary for our people to do, is to give him the material aid promised,. and lie will give us a safe, smooth, first-class i Railroad at an early day." Tissue Paper, Leaf Paper, Bristol Board, Perforated Board, etc., etc., at HERALD Book Store. 41-tf. FRoM oUR JALAPA ITEMIZE.- J The health of our town continues good. Diptheria has abated, and but few chills and fever. Farmers in the suburbs are busy picking cotton, and sowing of oats is the common topic. Wm. H. Eddy has had the interior of his store thoroughly remodelled, pre senting a neat and tidy appearance. Trading of horses is again in style with the Doctors. In the quarter mile t race between the M. D.'s, the Sr. beat the Jr. one hundred yards. Pacing being the gait. Our esteemed aged friend Mrs. M. E. Butler, exhibits some old relics in shape of a pair spectacles and case 250 t years old, and a tea spoon 100 years f old. They should be sent to the great Centennial next year. We learn that our market is to open with choice beef in a few days, Robt. Wright being again in front. If the butchers of the town of Newberry can not supply the community we invite it to try Wright. t Jalapa needs a Notary Public, and as suitable persons we would mentiont E. P. Chalmers. J. C. Butler, G. W. L. Spearan, Robt. Campbell, Wmn. C. Svittenburg, W. L. Waters and others if necessary. Our P. M. must go 7 miles to havet his quarterly accounts proven. Will I not his Excellency give usa Notary Pub lic and not a Trial Justice? The Jalapa schools-two-are flour ishing. A DUT THE TOWN AND COUNTY. This is October and the fourth Wed nesday-it is regretted that mention was not earlier made of the month. Subscriptions received during Novem ber, however, as 'tis better late than1 n ever. Have you purchased school books yet? Bought a supply of paper and envelopes? Have you ink, ~pens, pencils? Have you hymn books, prayer books, bibles? Int short. everything in the book line? No, not yet. Well, come to the HElU LD office, up stairs. Would you beautify your rooms, 4 make wife and children happy? If so, come up and get a beautiful chromno from the HIERAID Book Store. Phifer says shoes are tight-and Dr. Johnstone that teeth are loose. Both can be remedied%y getting a fit in one and having the other taken out. Possum suppers are now all the rage, and the boys who indulge in the luxury when honest folks should be in bed, go about with raging headaches. Possum and taters does the business. The best job printer in the Southern country attends to the jobbing depart ment in this office. Invitation paper and envelopes for weddings and parties always on hand at this office. Have your work done at home. Do not go back on home in dustr. Speck's jewelry store is all ablaze, and resplendent in beauty. The pump men, while driving furious lv down Caldwell street to Main, came near colliding. Pumps are not in such demand as to render it a necessity to drive at reckless speed. Citizens, do your duty in the coming municipal electio~n-vote for the best men by all means. If there be but one ticket, let every man vote for it. Horse drovers aecoming in,an their lively driving make foot pads get about in a hurry. Wanted-a few of those men who feel satisfied that they can run a news paper in a style to suit everybody. We would be pleased to hire one or more to help on the HERALD. While on this head, we wvant a fellow to do a little collecting; lie must be one of those chaps, who, if told that it is not convenient to-day, will take delight in calling to-morrow and next day. Our experience this week is that busi ness is fearfully dull. Our Mollohon clothier gives in on the turnip question, but not on the aog; lhe has got the dogonedest dog ever seen mn this section of country. He had him iported from~ Bush River. Go. Lane is all right on fruits, segars and tobacco, and can supply any amount of customers. Try him. Pelam & Wardlaw arc to be indicted for violation of the law made and pro ilei in exposinig a fifteenth amecnde ment to the inclenmency of the weather. Orders for books or stationery of any kind to the HERALD office must be ac companied with thc casil. It is hard these hard times to run an acconmmoda tion line. So be governed accordingly. L. R. Marshall's oysters are splendid, and if any one doui>ts the truth of the asertion, all that they have to do is to go and try a few. No charge for ad Uncle Julius has an immense pile of brick in rear of the old Tupper house. new hotel, the pride of Newberry, il be the regult. Uncle Julius is a goood brick. What has become of ye drummer. .Ww mi;s him sadl, and the merchantsi no longer dodge at the siglt L- a nM face. Now is the time to plant out shad trees, to sow oats, rye and barley. Se to it, citizens and farmers. Beautif your homes-sow grain for stock. Bv means of stencil apparatus cot tonists are informed that the fleecy arti Dle will be weighed by A. G. Maybi for 10 cents per bale. The notice i tacked up on one of the !Scott's cree] bridges. Monday was a charming day, and hi brought his youngest and only child t< own. We are pleased to say that hi was happier and had much less troubl ,n this occasion than when he cairie( bome one of Speck's clocks. The mis arable clock commenced striking whei he horse struck a trot, and continue< is long as a wheel would turn. One of Iar mon's clerks had a hart ime of it a few days ago. Find on xvhich one is alluded to and ask him al ibout it. Saturday last was an awful big dai or trade. Various stores were crowde( rom early to late with the colorei ountry population. In one store - vhite gemman was asked to wait unti Uonday for the Rio coffee needed or ;unday. That the people of Newberry neec ight is evident, and many of them ar etting it. Dr. Fant in one day lasi veek sold enough lamps to serve tw< )r threo big camp meetin-gs. The forest is now clothed in its rich st livery. It will (1o one good to ridt r walk out and away from the traffi )f town and see what nature is doing Capt. John Aull, at the Steam Mill .ecently had two fine sheep stolen from lim, which unfortunately he has noi een able to recover. The citizens of Newberry living out ;ide of the two lively market towns ?rosperity and Pomaria-will be re oiced to learn,through the pens of sonic >f their ready writers, how those flour shing sections are doing. Application will be made to the nexi xencral Assembly for the incorporatior )f the town of Helena. BEWILDERING.-Tbe visitor to thE tore of Messrs. Perry & Slawson is in langer of having his wits go on a woo athering expedition, so extensive is he display of stock which fill counters, helves and show cases, in segars, to acco, pipes, canes and a hundred othei Iancies for gentlemen, and these arc ot all the causes which are calculated o le.ad to a slight wandering of the ancy. as the entire arrangement and [esign of the store is in the most elab >rate style of art. It is decidedly onc if the neatest and most' perfectly fin shed stores in the city of Columbia, 4hould the visitor be affected, we gladly tate that an antidote can be at once had n any of the numerous choice brands ol heir segars, a few puffs from one ol vhich will immediately restore himr o his former condition, the reaction oi vhich will be so pleasant that .an in estment will be at once made in a vhole bo,:. These gentlemen do be ides a large wholesale business, and he trade are invited to send orders. .emem ber the place--one door below r. C. Dial, Columbia, S. 0. 37-tf. "0 Lord," prayed a Methodist minis er. "keep me hunmble and poor!" "0 ord, if Thou wilt keep him humble,' aid the deacon who next 'prayed, "we vill see to it thiat lie is kept poor!" Mr. James Corrie, Dentist, in Baltimore, vrites: "I have used Dr. Bull's Cough Syrui ersonally and in my family for two oi bree years, and am prepared to say that here is nothing to compare to it as a remedy or Coughs, Colds, etc." An Important Fact. The voluntary testimony of thousands es ablishes beyond all doubt a fact of viral im. >ortance to the sick and debilitated, viz., thal -lostetter's Stomach Bitters is an abiolutt pecific for remitteut and intermittent fever lyspepsia, constipation, biiues, menta leprsion, sleep!cssness. chronic diarrha tud all diseases of the stomach, liver ani >owels. The unmedicated stimulants usual i) >rescribed in these cases only aggravate the yptoms, instead of removing them. The 3itters, on 'the contrary, act as a correctivi md invigorant, without producing the un leasant and dangerous consequences of th< ld school practice. The action is mild ani oothin;g to the irritated stomach and bowels >romoting digestion and preventing flatu eny, nausea, headache, and all intestina rregularities. A wineglassful before meab~ ;realy assists digestion. The convaleseen nay use thmem with great benefit, as a mean! f restoring strength and cheerfulness. 40--4t. Familiar faces are always gladly hailes imong us. This is certaInly a fact regarding ur. P. P. Toale's advertisement which ap ears in another column. We can safely sa: hat Mr. Toale is the Champion Manufactu -er of Doors, Sash and Blinds, to which he mdds a large list of requisites for the comple ion of any building. To the needy we sa: send for his prices." 39-tf Commercial. NEwBERRY, October 26 -Cotton muarke ctive, with large offering; closed at12 cents Bales shipped during week 1,336. LIVERPOOL, October 25.-Cotton easy rices have declined a fraction-middling up Iands 7; middling Orleans 7t; sales 10,000 NEW YORK, October 25.-Cotton steady ales 930, at 14ta141. Gold weak at 1.15a1.15k BALTIMORE, October 25.-Cotton dull niddling 131. CHARLEsTON, October 25,-Cotton quie md easy-middling 13k. AUUSTA, October 25.-Cotton dull ani nominal-middling 121, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, &c. Just received at the HERALD BO,01 STORE, over Harmon's Store : SCHOOL BOOKS, SLA TES, P'ENCILS, INKS Blue. Black, Violet, Crimson, COPY BOOKS, CAP, LETTER and NOTE PAPERS, ENVELOPES, all kinds, FANCY STATIONE RY generally Call up Stairs over Harmon's Store. T, F. GREER Oct.13, 41-tf. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the Estate c James M. Davenport, dec'd., are hereby re quested to conme forward and settle by a before Dcc. 1st. All Notes and Account not paid by the time mentioned, will b placed in the hands of an officer for collec tion. J. D. CASH, Oct. 1 S, 1S75-42-5t. A dm'r. NOTICE Is hereby given that on the 4th day c November, A. I). 1875, I \vill apply to th Probate Gourt for final discharge as A ministrator, de bonis non, of the Estate c John S. Chapline, deceased. R. S. 01H1CK. Ot. 1, 18'i5--40-4t. Plow Iron and Steel. A large lot of PLOW IRON and STEEL just arrived. A O'. MAr. 1IARiON'. Ifar 15 10-...t t' vratches, Clocks, Jewelry. UIERKS & DhIS' NEW JEWERY ST0R, I Corner Richardson and Taylor Streets, COLU.111BIA, S. C. Now open a iull and splendid assortment of JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES, FANCY ARTICLES, GUNS, PISTOLS, CANES, SPORTMEN'S GOODS, &c. The proprietors are well known, and have an experience of iany years in the busi ness-31r. Diereks having carried on the I JEWELRY BUSINESS oI his own account in this citv for many yeras:past. Mr. Davis has had a long experience in the old and popu lar house of Radel i f'e & Co.,and for the last four and a halt years in the employ of Mr. Wi. Glaze. We respectfully invite our old friends and customers and the pubic to call and inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere. WATCHES. CLOCKS andI JEWELRY RE PAIRED in the best manner. Also. ]N GR AVING done at short notice. Work war ranitedl. Sole agents for the celebrated SPENCER DIAMON SPECT%CLES. DiERCKS & DAVIS. 1R. DIERCKS respectfully Informs his friends and customers of the up-conntry that lie has removed his GROCEIRY DE PARTMENT to the rear, where he has one of the largest and best assortndnts ol F AMILY GROCERIES to be found in the city. Attached to this branch is my 1ESTAU RANT, where all kinds of refreshmnunts are served in best styles day and night. Oct. 20, 42-3m. G. DIERCKS. orn - . "O 1"1 NOTE LOST. THE subscriber hereby warns any per son or persons against trading for two Notes which he has lost, one on W. H. Ed dy, for $47.50, and one on J. S. Johnson, for $300. J. P. JOHNSON. Oct. 20, 42-St*. NERBIII STEAI MILL FOR SALE. By virtue of powe- invested in me at the last meeting of the Stockholders, I now of fer for sale the above named Mill, situated 2 miles North of the town of Newberry. The Machinery is in good running order, con sisting of THREE SETTS OF ROCKS, two for Wheat and one for Corn, (all Burr's,) CIRCULAR SAW MILL, COTTON GIN and PRESS, also about 90O ACRES OF LAND belonging to said Mills. Any one wishing to purchase such property would do well to -call and examine for themselves. r JOEN P. AUJLL, Pres't. Sep. 22, 38-at. - NOTICE. I will make a final settlement in the Probate Court, and apply for my discharge as Administratar of the Estate of Mrs. S. *fC. Reid, on the 13th day of November next. S. W. CANNON, Administrator. f October 7, 1875. 41-4t* NOTICE. I will niake a final set tlenment and apply fr a discharge as Guardian of Jno. M. Reid, in the Probate Court, on the 13th day of November next. S. W. CANNON, Guardian. O., 1 8 r, 41-4t* Dry Goods, Boot CHEAP DRY IOOS AT . GRIEND CUTRIL DRY C 01 WM. D. LC C 01 LU I HE citizens of Newberry County will save house. They keep a buyer in New Yorl goods by every steamer from anction and whe CASH. They keep the largest and most varie< and sell as LOW as the same goods can be bou CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHAD] JEANS, TWEEDS, C.kSSIMERES, CLOT BLANKETS, FLANNELS, DRESS GOC LACES, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, UNDE SOAPS AND PERFUMERIES, which & Co.'s prices by the package to the Keep's Partly Made Shirts, at The CHEAPEST, the BEST, and the BEST FI 09- Samples sent when requested, and all pa of charge. Oct. 20, 1875-42-1y. Clothing a CLOTHING AND H -. JUST REI NEW AND ELEG FO MEN, YOUTHi C HATS: BeaTer, Silk, Cassimere, UNDERWEAR- -SHIR -0 Splendid Bargains in Our I 1 -0 Our stock this fall is LARG KINARD & WILEY, - Oct.20, 42-3m. R. & W. C.. CLOTHIIG Al We have received our stock and we are now OFFERING We have made up ourselve :ur custoIners can depend on I'ICLE FOR A LITTLE MC It will pay any man to lothing, our stock being unus EST ever offered to the publi< Goods sent C. 0. D. subject R. & W. C. COLUMI Sep. 29, 39-tf. STOCK OF CLOTHING AND CENTS' AND YOUTHS' FU/R NIS HINI? 500D 8 EVER EXHIBITED IN NEWBERRY. DRESS SUITS of finest qualities, at prices in accordance with the times. BUSINESS SUITS, in variety and all prices. BOYS' SUITS, $5 to $10. UNDERCARMENTS, all kinds and qualities. BOOTS, SHOES and HATS, BROGANS A SPECIALTY, Besides every other article kept in a first cl.ass Clothing House. AGENTS FOR KEEP'S CELEBRATED HALF-MADE SHIRTS, $16 PER DOZEN. Examination of goods and prices solicit ~IRIET & COPPOCL Sep. 29, 39-f INO, 800OTT & 00O. NEWCLTE EUS OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. C LOTI-ING AND ENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, In styles and prices to suit the times. Cutting and Making Suits to Order-a Specialty. The public most respectfully invited to examine our Stock. Sep. 29, 39--tf. NOTICE. The Cour.ty Commissioners will receive sealed applications for the places of Physi cian to Poor House and Jail, and Keeper of the Poor House, for the next fiscal year, on or before the 6th day of November, 8. Applicants must be prepared to give good security for the proper discharge of their duties. Applicants for Poor House must furnish two horses and one two horse wagon, and must perform all necessary work. Should additional help become ne cessary the same must be furnished by Keeper at his own expense. Also, for lease of certain portions of Poor House Farm and Quarry. Rental of Quar ry, cash ; Poor House lands to be secured by first lien. SIENYUG Sirmn Oard. Chairman Board. October 5, 1STh. 40-4t. s, Shoes, Carpets. BOOTS5 SHOES, &C,. [HIE O0DS ESTABLISHIMENT )V.E & CO.., 3I.A, S. C. money by buying their goods at the above and other markets all the time; they receive ever they cat be bought CHEAPEST FOR stock of any house this side of New York, ght in that city. We keep a full line of S, IAAPER HANGINGS, BOOTS, SHOES, HS, 11O3ESPUNS of every description, DS, SILKS. LINENS, TOWELINGS, EWEAR, and Colgate & Co.'s TOILET we sell by the single Diece at Colgate wholesale trade. We are agents for Fifteen Dollars per Dozen. rTING SHIRT ever introduced to the market. .ekages over ten dollars sent by express free VM. D. LOVE & CO. nd Hats, AT WAREHOUSE! EIVED ANT CLOTHING R A AND BOYS! Stiff and Soft Felt and Wove. S AND DRAWERS! 'ine Shirts-$16 Per Dozen. 9, ELEGANT and CHEAP. - COLUMBIA, S. C. SWAFFIELD, M]32I.A. I IIAT HOUSE. of CLOTHING and HATS, BARGAINS in the same. 3 most of our fine goods, an.d getting a SUPERIOR AR >NEY. call on us before buying his ually large and the CHEAP to inspection. SWAFFTELD, JIA, S. C. .iFlseuaneous. NEWBERRY MALE ACADEMY, NEWBERRY, S. C. THE EXERCISES of this Institution will be resumed on TUESDAY, tHE 19TH OF OCTOBER. The subscriber having been recently elected Principal, will aim to place this School on a footing with the-best Classical and Mathematical Institutions of the South. The desigh of the School will be to fur nish boys with a liberal and thorough edu cation, which will prepare them either "for entering College, or the study of the learn ed professions, or for the more practical pursuits of life. By a thorough and practical course of studies, and firm, but judicious discipline, the subscriber hopes to. merit a generous patronage. For particulars, apply to Maj. L. J. a ones, Chairman of Board of Trustees, S. P. Booz er, Secretary, or to R. H. CLARKSON, Oct 13, 41--tf. Principal. IiH THEE BE UGHT The Largest, Bet Cheapest I STOJK OF LAMPS I EVER EXHIBITED IN NEWBERRY. Dr. S. F. FANT'S Sep. 29, 30-tf. DRUG STORE. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By order of Hon. Mf. Moses, Judge of Seventh Circuit, under date of August 16, 1875, we will sell, at public auction, at Newberry, S. C., ON SALE-DAY NEXT, NOVEMBER FIRST, 18'75, THE LOT OF LAND, On Pratt street, in the town of Newberry, S. C., measuring 107 FEET, more or less, on Pratt street, and running through to Harrington street, and containing ONE ACRE, more or less, and bounded by lands of W. II. Webb, Peter Simmons and H. B. Scott, as by Plat made by Thos. M. Lake, April 2, 1875; the property of the late firm of Webb, Jones & Parker. On said Lot is A Commodious Warehouse, 32 x 100 feet, with brick basement. TERMS OF SALE-One-half Cash ; bal ance in twelve months, with bond and mortgage of the property. Warehouse to be insured and policy transferred to the undersigned.. S . P. BOOZER, JOHN 0. PEOPLES, Receivers of Webb, Jones & Parker. Newberry, S. C., Oct. 12, 1875. 41-3t TO TRESPASSERS. Positive notice is hereby given, that if any person or persons are found tresspass ing on my farm or about my premises day or night from this date, that they will be dealt with to the utmost limit of the law. ept 29, co-..m J. J. AM.IK. Dry Goods, Groeceries, av. JONES, DVIS & BORNIGUTS, SUCCESSORS TO R. C. SHIVER & C0., AND DE ALERS D; DRY GOODS, Capts, Oil Cloths, Mattiings, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Etc., COLUMBIA, S. C. The attention of purchasers in every part of this State is called to consider a very imi port-nt fact, namely, that the old estab lished house of R. C. SHIVER & CO., is not closed but reorganized upon the only basis that business can be carried on suc cessfully, STRICTLY CASH, And we assure our patrons that we shall continue the same honorable course of deal ing with them that was such a distinguished feature with the house of R. C. SHIVER & Co. We have now in store the best selected stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Window Shades, Wall Paper, Etc., Ever seen in this city, selected by one of the firm, who superintends the business, and consequently knows the wants of this com munity better than buyers residing else where. The entire stock will be offered at prices never before equalled in this section. THE PRICES WILL STARTLE AND ATTRACT YOU AT SIGHT. We inwite you to send at once for SAMPLES OF THESE NEW AND HAND SOME GOODS, And, if shown to your friends and neigh bors, we are sure it will be to your advan tage to send us a large order. We pay freight on all bills amounting to $10 and upwards. All orders must be accompanied with CASH, or we send them C. 0. D., and guarantee satisfaction. Best 6-c. Prints in the city. Long Cloths 8J, 10, 121c. None equal to thein in the State. Well known brands of Alpacas and Mo hairs, just imported. Hosiery Department-Full of well assort ed goods at popular prices. Gents' Furnishing Goods complete, as a department. Our Boot and Shoe Department is second to none on this continent. From the cheap est Brogan to the finest Hand Made goods. The most complete and best managed Carpet Department in the world. Cloths, Cassimeres and Jeans are bought by the case and sold at a very small ad vance. Brown and Bleached Shirtings.and Sheet ings sold at factory prices. Flannels and Blankets at prices that will astonish. We Shall Ezpect an Order from You or a Call When You Visit Our City. D. JONES. c. BOUKNIGHT. J. H. DAVIS. E. s. BOUKNIGHT. Sep. 29, 39-3m. Corn, Barley, Oats and Rye. 1,000 Bushels CORN on , hand and for sale. 200 Bushels BARLEY. 500 Bushels RED SEED OATS. 25 Bushels RYE. For sale at HARMON'S, Next Door to Bank. Aug. 25, 34-tf. TilO0. F. HARMON Would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that he has just returned from New York and Baltimore, where he has, with great care, purchased a LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF GOODs, embracing DRY GOODS, GRO CERIES, HATS, BOOTS and SHOES, And many other goo-ls kept in his line. Come one and all and examine for your selves. Thankful for the very liberal patronage I have heretofore received, I hope by strict attention to business to continue to merit the same. My motto is "Quick Sales and Short Profits." THOS. F. HARMON. Sep. 15, 37l-tf. A LARGE LOT OF Bagging and Ties. - Salt. Bacon. Flour. Meal. Fine N. 0. Molasses. Sugar House Molasses. Sugar. Coffee. Rice. Pearl Grist, &c. For sale at HARMON'S~, Next Door to Bank. Aug. 25, 34-tf. NOTICE Is hereby give'n that o-1 the 4th day of November, 1875, I will apply to .the Pro bate Court for final discharge as Guardian of the Estate of Edith E. Henderson. R. S. CHICK. Oct. 1, 18'l5-40-4t.