The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, December 16, 1874, Image 4

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d a a - p DECEMBER. S - T1W T FI So - 1 2 3 41 e: 6 7. 8 9|30 11 121 F 13 14 15 16 117 18 19 h 20 -21. 22 23 -24 25-26 t] 127,128 29 30131 - - ti THE STOVE VERSUS THE e FIRE PLACE. Substantial chimneys to two story houses will require each about five thousand bricks, and cost, when completed, sixty dollars each; whether inside or outside, it is a mere accident if they answer the t purpose for which they are built, t for whois there that has not scorch- c edl his shin in front of a roasting fire, while his back was freezing, S a in very cold weather? Ordinary c plantation fire rlaces will consume weekly a cord of wood, and withal leave the room as cold as if there had been no fire kindled. Hourly, a during cold days, the fire has to be C replenished, and the hottest part s of the chimney is its top, for nine tenths of the heat escapes up the r flue. The chunks may be drawn r together, and fresh wood thrown t on, but all to little purpose half l the time, for we Southerners are c proverbially expert in leaving doors Y open behind us in cold weather. a Possibly, cheerful fires may have t partially heated the sitting room,1 for instance; a member of the fam ily wishes to retire, "only for a minute;" the minute is prolonged r to an hour ; the door stands ajar I all the while, until the draft of fresh I air chills the room and inmates, I when on must go a few more logs t to re-supply the lost heat. This I policy,so universally practised at the t South, costs money. I care not if the wood is burned to get rid of it. The tree must be felled, the branch es lopped off, the wood hauled, then cut again to suit the fire place, and the fire built; every one of which acts has to be done by hired help. True, the farmers say, the land a had to be cleared, and the farm!i hands cut and hauled the wood, and others build the fires when c they having nothing else to do, &c., &c. t Against just such fallacious ideas I am contending. Glearing land may at a future time be opposed ~ as questionable economy, and sure- a .ly "hands" that are hired by the year should never be so idle as to u have time to do work that costs no-a thing. But I am asked, what substitute ' have you for the chimney ? ITan-1c swer, unhesitatingly, the stove.-' C As the cooking stove has supplantedu the Dutch oven, so should the heat ing stove supersede the fireplace inj most of our rooms. To-day is cold and icy, the wind blows briskly from the northeast. Three hours ago I entered the room in which I am writing, and for the first time this Fall, kindled a fire. o in a stove that an able-bodied man might carry under his arm, using three small sticks of oak woodt twelve inches long, and two small- e er pieces of dry pine. In fifteen minutes I had to move off from the: stove, and to this time the remotest corner of the room is perfectly corn fortable. Yesterday morning at daylight, a (2nd November, white frost) with a a few splinters and a gnarled stick i, of pine, probably twenty inch~ess long, and six inches square, I: kindled a fire in a stove ; at 9 A M1., three or four small oak sticks a were added; at 12 M., as many, more, and again at 4 P. M1.; at 9 P. M1. this room, sixteen by twen- e ty feet with a ceiling twelve feet' high, was warm and comfortable, and had been so throughout the day. Had either of these experiments o been tried in a room with a fire-:5 place, I w. ld have written with cold fingesks, and eaten my meals a with discomfort.f The objection to a stove is trite, that it dries as well as heats the air of r a room, and produces headache. There is science in using a stove as there is in the use of all imple ments, and it may be made to re * supply the very moisture it de stroys. A tea kettle, sauce pan, a boiler or any open vessel filleda with water and placed upon the' stove will furnish by evaporation , the necessary moisture as rapidly1 as needed.-D. WYA TT AIKEN,I U in Rural Carolinian for Decem ber.a .__ _ . _ _ 11 Rhubarb leaves scattered around: k will 1-il1 and drive away crickets. o ROTATION.-A judicious a n d Lreful rotation of crops is absolute , necessary in maintaining the fer lity of the soil. This needs no; monstration, for it is universally Imitted. But how to rotate to ,cure the greatest advantages, is ie main question. No specific in be given to suit every case, e c a u s e "circumstances alter tses" very much in regard to this int. The system that would suc ed on one farm would utterly fail 2 another, and vice versa. Gov ned by general principles, the rmer must decide the matter for imself. Each crop extracts from ie soil the elements essential to its rowth and maturity, and by con nuous cropping, howeverjudicious ie rotation may be, the soil will ventually be exhausted. Hence ie elements abstracted must be re irned to the soil in the shape of rtilizers. This settles one point -that farmers must keep stock, ad the nearer they come to keep ig stock enough to consume what ieir farms produce, the nearer iey come to the most improved alture. The usual rotation is from the )d-corn, oats or barley, wheat, ad then grass. In good soil two rops of wheat can be grown, clo er being sown on the first, in.the ring, which will furnish one crop, nd one to plough under for second rop of wheat on which grass is )wn for future meadow or pasture inds. A prominent agriculturalist ecommends the following six years' Dtation : First year, corn, pota >es, and roots, with ground heavi F manured; second, oats; third, lover ploughed in and sowed with rheat in the fall; then timothy nd clover sowed on the wheat in e spring of the year; then let it e in grass two years. Other systems of rotation have eir advantages suited to the sur Unding circumstances of soil, cli iate, etc. In wheat districts, rhere the soil rests on limestone or laster, a simple rotation of clover wo years and wheat one is found to e good, always premising that plen y of manure is returned to the soil. [Ohio Farmer How TO ESTIMATE THE PROFITS F A FARit.-The farmer lives in his wn house. The use of the house, hich he does not pay for. is as much part of 'his income as the money hich a salaried man pays for rent, is f his, and should be counted as such an estimate of the profits of the farw. dl things produced on the farm and onsumed on the farmer's table includ og the vagetables from the garden, he eggs and milk. used in cooking, re as much a part of his income as he monev' paid for such things out of is salary is of the salaried man. If farmer gives his wife and children pleasant ride to town, using his own ores and wagon the value of their se is part of his income from his farm, truly as the money the man pays out f his salary for carriage hire is of his. 'he correct rule for estimating the in. oie from a farm is substantially this: ive credit for evey article produced, sed, or expended in any way whatever o matter how small in value, as well as >r cas received for products sold, and >rincreased r:dlue of farm property,and harge against the farm for interest on ipital invested, and for all expendi ires. The farmer that will do this -om year to year, will not so much feel he complaining of the un profitableness f farming as compared with other pur its. The fact is, not one in a andred farmers take into considera on the luxury and comforts of fresh ~gs, butter, milk, fruits, etc.,that they 'ould have to pay high prices for if y lived in towns, or do without em. FArrn AS A REMEDIAL AGENT. he history of medicine is filled with counts of instances of the snpposed iscovery of specifies for the cure of itractable diseases. Many are the ecifis which at one time and nother have been extolled as sure ures of consumption, and their use in i hands of their discoverers has been ttended by cases of remarkable cures. 'he discoverer of the supposed spe ific possessed all confidence in its heal. ig powers and prescribed it for others, arnestly assuring them that he, at ist, had discovered the great remedy gainst this terrible disease, and that e could surely cure them. Often as it happened that thus a few cases f actual consumption in its first ages have been inspired with the de ree of faith sufficient to cure them. 'hen the faue of the medicine spreads; nd other physicians, having less con ,dence in it, and who, as a matter of urse, could inspire less faith in heir patients, have prescribed the medy. The result has almost in. ariably been that the remledy failed effect such cures as it had been re uted to have produced, and it speed *y fell into disuse. (Science of IIealth. RArs.-To banish rats plant aspho el near the barn or stable where they re, or put some in their holes. Rats ae such an aversion to this plant hat they will quit the premises where :is. If they are in drains or in ccl irs scatter sulphate of iron (copperas) 1 their runs. The copperas should at be dissolved. It is our best and eapest disinfectant. The sulphuric :id burns their feet, and they leave a short time without dying. This ill be appreciated by every house eeper that has to endure the stench a dead rat. / Colimia Idv 1874, FALl AND 00 R. & W. C. COLUMBI Are now openi!g the largest stock of READY-MADE -HATS AND GE.TS' F That can be found in the City. IN OUR CUSTOM We have a full line of FOREI SIMERES and VESTINGS, I der in the best manner, and gu All orders will have best att Goods sent C. 0. D., subject JOHN C. DIAL, COLUMBIA, S. C. DEALER IN Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Laths, Locks, Hinges. Nails, Brads, White Leads and Colored Paints, Varnishes, Brushes, Paint Oils, Glass, Putty, &c. All goods warranted as represented, and i prices guaranteed as low as any house in this city for same quality of goods. Nov. 4, 44-3m. G. DIERCKS, Wholesale andI Retail Dealer in Groceri6s, Wines, Liquors, CICARS, SmokingandChewingTobacco. CORNER MAI AND TAYLOR STREETS, COLUMBIA, S. C. FRESH OYSTERS SERVED IN EVERY STYLE in my Sa loon in rear of the Store. Nov. 4, 44-2m. JOHN C. DIAL, Direct Importer and Dealer in HARD WA RE, COLUMBIA, S. C., Has the largest variety of HARDWARE to be found in the State. Call or send or ders and be convinced. Prices and quality of goods guaranteed. Orders accompanied with cash or satis factory refererces, -will have prompt atten tion. Nov. 4, 44-3m. J. MEICHAN, Successor to G. X. THOMPSON & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealer in BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS AND L.EATHER, Traeling Bags & Umbrellas. CO0L U MB IA, S. C. Nov. 4, 44--2m. FALL AND WINTER ILOTHING~ AND HATS AND MENS' FURNiSHING GOODS. KINRD& WILEY, COLUMBIA, S. C., CLOTHI ana eHaT i pet andwl e kept so through the season;i the lares PRICES. HATS HATS HATS WOOL IN FELT SILK 50c. up to $8.00. Scarlet Shirts and Drawers in Silk and Merino. Boys' and Youths' Clothing, New Styles. Fashionable Cut. Business Suits, $6, $8, $10, $12, $15, and up to $80, SHIRTS. SCARFS. GLOVES. BR ACES. SUS PENDERS, TRUNKS, VALISES. SILK UMBRIELLAS, and GlNGiIAM, in great v arietics, LOW IN 1'RICE. Oct. 21, 42-tf. JOHN AGN\E & 8ON, COLUMBIA, S. C., Respectfully call the attention of pur chasers to their stock of HARDWARE, consisting of all the Staple Goods, such as Iron, Nails, Potware, Carpenters' and Black smihs' Tools, Carriage Hardware and Ma terials, Locks, Hinges, Screws and House Builders' Materials, POCKET and TABLE CUTLERY in great variety, and a well assorted stock of Shelf Hardware and House-Fur nishing Goods. AGIENTS FOR Dupont's Celebrated Gun and. Blast ing Powder, Cucumber Pumps, GARDNER'S FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. - IN THEIR GROCERY DEPARTMENT wIll be found an extensive assortment of Staple ar.d Fancy Groceries, Wines and Liquors, NOT scaPASSEn! FOR VARIF.TY, Qc.tL ITY AND LOWNEsS OF PIRIcE BY ANY HOUsE IN TlE CITY. Coffee at retail at 20tc. per lb., and upwards. Crushed, Powdered and Granulated Sugars at 121c. per lb. United States standard Fire Test Kerosine Oil, 2c. per gallon. THEIR CIGAR DEPARTMENT embraces an extensive assortment of Im ported and Domestic Cigars. Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Pipes and Smokers' Ar ticles in great variety, which will he found at the sign of the "INDIAN SQUAW," corner Main and Plain Street, in great variety and at lowest prices. Their 5c. Cigar is superior in qality to any other Cigar at same price. JOHN ACNEW & SON. Columbia, S. C., Nov. 4, 1874. 44 Seegers' vs, Cincinnati Beer.I The CincinnaLi Gazette makes the aston ishing announcement that Cincinnati beer is no long& pure, but adulterated with mo lasses, sugar of starch, fusel oil and the poisonous colchicum. Tbe Commissioner of Agriculture, in his report for 1565, says that Prof. Mapes, of Ne.w York, analyzed the beer from a dozen different breweries, and found all of it adulterated. Cocculus Indicus an.1 nux vom3ica entered largely in io its composition. J. C. SEEGERS guarantees his beer to be pure and reliable. He does not adulterate it, but brews from the best barley, malt and ope. Feh 4, ertisements. WENTER, 187: 3WAFFIELID A, S. C., .nmost ele unt and stvlis C CLOTHING [ISHllIR GOODS, DEPARTMENT GN and DOMESTIC CM vhicli we are making to o: arantee satisfaction. antion. to inspection. Sep.30,39-tl I. H. KINARI WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DFALER IN DIMY 001D MILLINERY, &c., iain Street, - Columbia, S. ( Respectfully informs the citizens of Ne erry avd surrounding country, that I tock of Goods -is large and various in ines, and an inspection is asked. The MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKING )epartments in the rear of the Store, unt he Superintendence of Mrs. S. A. Smith, ady of established taste and experien re not only handsomely arranged, but r upplied with every article which ladies c all for. One of the great conveniences hat a lady can not only obtain the goc lesired, but have them cut and made up his establishment without having to sewhere. Remember the store next dc o Columbia Hotel. Nov. 4, 44-6t. L. GOLDSMITH. P. KiN IIIX IRON1 Wo COLUMBIA, S. C. -0 GOLDSMITH & KIND, 6[ and Machinisi Have always on hand itationary Steam Engini and Boilers for Saw Mills, Etc., 3AW AND GRIST MILI Jotton Presses, Gearing, Shafting, Pullies, Ett CASTINGS of every kind in Iron or Bra We guarantee to furnish Engines a Soiers of as good quality and power, a .t as low rates as can be had in the Northt We mianutacture, also. the GADDY I 'ROVED WATERt WHEEL. which we 'cmmend for power, simplicity of constri ion,. durability and cheapness. We warrant our work. and assure prom tess and dispatch in 11il in orers.GD Jan. 14, 2-tf. Columnbia, S. C Ladies, Gentlemen and You Of Newberry and surrounding country C. IF. JACKSON, COLUMBIA, S. C., Jan sho w, and if once shown can sell y' TIHE LARGEST VARIETY OF DRY GOODI AND NOTIONS, AND AT CHEAPER PRICEE [han ever before exhibited in this mark His stoek enmbraces Dress Goods, Cassimeres, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, & IUFFLING and H[AMBURG EDGIN( roma 10c. upwards. RIBBONS, 25c. a yard, worth 500. and And a variety of other things equally 1 O rsai pomptly attended to. C. F. JACKSON, LEADER OF LOW PR'IC. Oct. 7, 40-tf. Stot'es, Tin WPare, 6"c. ~TO1T! 8TO1E8 TINWARE!!! Thc -mdersigned respectfully informs riends and the public generally, that hi repared to supply STOVES, hich in quality and price cannot be >assed. And with competent workmen and a upply of material, to do all kinds of TIN-W ORK, uci as ROOFING, GU"TTERING, &c. In the store are all kinds of TIN WA rom a gill-cup up. H. H. BLEASE. OOKNG STOVE COOKING RANGES, OF THE BEST AND LATEST STYLES Nood and Coal Heating Stoves, Fire Place Grates, Stone and Charco; L AIN. JAPANNED, STAMPE D and PLAi ISED TIN.WARE. in almost endless variety. ROOFIN(, GUTTERING, and all kinds OB WORK, at the lowest prices, out of t test material, in the best manner and w nuted to give full satisfaction, by W. T. WRICHT, Next door to Dr. W. F. Pratt. on Main .nd in front of J. B. Martin's Carriage a Vagon Depository, on Boyce Street. sep. 23. as-t f. TO RENT. The Store at present occupied by J. ash. One of the best business stands For particulars, apply to GEO. S. MOWER, rUnder HzRaLt oftice. Sep. 2, as-u: Jelicines. VEG'ETABLE LV.ER P\ - A mild aperiert ana gentle pu:gative, 1 commended forthe cure o: allli(angn:e h ""( '"*toach.ler and howe%. thc timely use nulh .icknes is prevented. T test of nif,y year have prov'n tieni to the safest. .ilrest tnl best of all the pi, ever offtered to the puilie. Thf-y 1 ufy: b blood, remove all corruption., and re.te the di-zellsed .ysteml to ierfect lwalth. an Antidote to Chills and Fever tlwy have i equal. For Sick Headache and Biliors Col they are a sure cure. For Constipation, Rhe matism, Piles, palpitation of the Hcnrt. Pa in the Side, Back and Loins, Nervousness. por-itive reiley. For Female Irregularitie 3 without a rival. When one oe not -t very well." a ,.ingrlo dose lp tie inach .n. bowr*,:!. reit 4e Ibe: .1 le. :t imparts vigor ti the sy.-:emn "ol I ever where. Oflice. Is .Muiray :treet. N%e w. Yor Dr. Tutt's Hair Dyne Is ea:,i applied. imparts a bvau:iful bla( or brown,.andlw-t ikVmg .-..l'it the world. Sohil .y all r .Pric S1.00 a box. - The ghastly record of deathsthat re-slt rro is pulmonary atfections is frightful. Ther' IL1 no disease that is so insidu11ous in it., tl:t as consumption. bl the neglect o( ".1lig colds" theyN. soon becoie deep e'ated al defy remedies which, if applied at the 01 set, would have averted all danger. 1: er Tutt's Expectorant has proven itselfthe m a valuable Lung ila-sm ever discovered. distinguished clergyman of New Yor!k, pi re nounces it the "greatest ble.4sinn ofthe ni an teenth century." an,l says "-no fatnily siou ibe without it." It is plea:ant to the tasl and a single (lose will often remove the iic m obstinate cogh. lli1fce, la lurnay tre o New York. Apr. s-ly or. - SIMMONS' HEPATIC COMPOUN D.OR LIVER CURE s pronouinced by Dr. C .. Simtlnt., w: was the lortlier proprietor of siinoi Liver Regulator, as being far superior any Liver Medicine now offered tle p::l It has a largeo circulation and is st ill gaini ground. Although thifis a neVW e. tion we unhesitatingiy say we can p)rodu as good certiftietes from as good nen oarland can furnish. This Medicine is noW for SIe at 1tuitif: turers rates by DR. W. F. PRATT, Sole Agent for this place E. L. KING & SONS, MANUFACTURERS AND PROPRIETOI COLUMBIA, S. C. Feb. 2., S-ly. s SPECIFIC MEDICINES. DR. OREENIS FiT CURE. The Great Remedy for EpilepS CURES Fits, Spasms, Convulsions. a.11nd Nervo W~akfulness, acts promtlyl3, often1 arre'.sti the Fits from the first day-e utse, even whc thev have existed for years. COMPOUN~D E. 00Rfl)LI The Great Vegetable Alterative( "Scrofula, Secondary Syphlalis,. Erupt 1ions the Skin, and all d.ieaes' aritug fron 1 wsire lilood. adMEDICATED HONEY!' 'A Sovereigni Balm for ( oughs. Colds. Bre re* chitis, A,,tlma, and1 all disease ot thea Ie pas.sage's andi Lungs. Ity its tinly u. many supposed eases (of Consumni in pt- p)romtptl.y relieved and the Lttngs testor to healtht. -NEUR ALGI ASP ECIFC s for the exeruciat ing palins ofi Neu r:dy Rthemnatisma andI Sciatica. For sale by Dr. S. F. FANT, New'ocrry, S. Preparedl only by DRS. GREEN, LINDLEY & BENTLEY, DeeI"1.-!y CHARLOTTE, N DR. H. BAER, N WHOLESALE AND) RETAIL NO. 131 MEETING STREET, CHIARLESTON, S. C. May :3, 18-tf. Gil EVERY LADY_SHOULD TAKE lI, PETERSON'S MAGAZ/N The Cheapest apd Best in the World. -0 POSTAGE PRtE-PAII) oN ALL. Sue'nttTto: --- This popular Motithly .\hagazinie gis more for the money than any ill the wler fotr 1575, it wilt be great ly unlprov'ed. C. wil! cotain One Thousand 'Page's. k'ourte Splendid Steel Plates. Twelve Colored It ,lilt Patterns. Tw'~elve Manlnoth Colot Fashions. Nine llundlred Wood Cults. TwI 5. ty-Four Pages of Music. All this will n iven for only TWO DOLL.\RS a year, pc -age prepai ytePbihr radl less thani \agazines of the class of "Pet sont." Its THRTT.LING TALES AND NOVELETTE! Are the best publishedl anywhere. All t most popular writer's are emiploy_ed to wr originally for "Peterson o' In 157. in ad t ionl to the usuaIl quantity of shoert storia FIVE ORtIGINAL COPYI:IGII'T NU"VE ETT~E will he given, by Mrs. Ann S. S p hens. Franik Lee Benedict. Jane G. Aust I arietta 110110ey andI Daisy Ventnor. MiMMOTH COLORED FASHION PLAT: Ahead of all others. These plates are< g raved on steel, Twvicl' THEI U:SIAL stz:. a tire tunequnalledl for beauty. The'. will superbly colored. Also, Houllsehold a1 other receipts; in short, everything it< esting to ladies. SU'PERUT PREMIUM\ ENGRAVING hi Tc,everv personi gettinhg uip eithier (o1.t is lollowing clubs for 1575 will be senlt gralt is coepy of our new and splendid mIezot int, Ifraitnig. (size 21 int'ce by 2e) "W;ehn, Iton's First Interview With hlis Wife." l iS a FlvE DoL.LAR ENGRiAVING, and the i desirable premniutn ever otYeredl. For har clubs. as will be seen below,.an extra (eO r- of the Magazine will be sent in addeitioni. ol TERMS (Always in Advance) $2 00 A YEA P'OSTAGE PRIE-P'AID tY THlE P'UlLiilER. PloesT.eE PREF-PAID jthe Club. with a colPy 2l Copies for 6:I.ib Ithe u..tii. *xP;)"Washm:Inli-11 :1 '' '- l.r lute'rview W it i h I RI' I ~Wife. tot hepersonlg 11ilg uip thle Clubh. Copesf(t' lQf( P IosTAei: P::l:-PA' t>p 0 Cpie fo $1.00the Ciob, wit h het Ih I ~ extra copy of t he Mai 9 ". " i.00) zine andi the superbmi W ife." to tIhe plIeOnIg ting tip the Club. Address, post-p)ai. SGpe ilARLES J.~ PET~E.i:N, 30; Chest nut St.. P'hiladelllia, Pa1 O.14. 41-tr. I. Harness, Collars, Hlames, &c. e WXe arc now'.clfer:ag New 3McClellan Saddles, from f.. to Ilarness, froni $1 to $0 t-' Collars, Hog Sin, at 7 5c. to .! .25 ca; iPlow Bridles at gl p 1r do!cln. Finle >onnnelirsetts anld Sht; toe S;-ad -- madie too order. Give us a call. We m;auifetur', lhe CIIAPEAUJ & HlEFFRO, GS 3IEETING STRiET, CHnAntLEATON, S. C. .iseellaneouKs. ir L in f- 1 J S*ki 1fornia - . 1w tilt! lo.ei -~. - --iy a , Lc t.:rzw ted - a T ., kti. r:i:sieAperie:t. 1);a t A R H. IcDONALD Q CO.. 0- Dpua & Ge-n. Agt, San Francieco. Califor uia, & cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts.,N.Y Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. ldt A 1'. 9 .4 -1 -1i. The mvn:-I-A ried. having, ez:al;ished latnal a1 Labor 0Olice in th town of Ne' berrv, S. C., nill buy andi s l at: nd, or 1; it:iate sale for lalids. Also provide I 0or.r to wo;i for wages or to work f, .art of tie crop, or to rert L.nds. lI , wil, no prcm-t hom.-i t1r inm Lrants, and will co-op-rate wi:h the rec:nl Co establis ;d imimgrat,ion agonc.cs 1r1 J; j. it . H oilman is emloyed to Iss .e n t - n:aagenen 0o thi. ollice, and1- Rv a . II W. Kuh11s at C. G. .itg: , Esq.. la eo tcnled to attedil to the intIrprlWeLti an, l ' i- pn-lelic-' 1. if. 11 :r Apr. 15, 15-(f. N\EW SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOF (In stire formerly occnpied by Webb, Jor & Parker.) Satddles, Bridles, Hlarness, &c., ma:le a rep:ure4i. Hi.ka bought and exchanged for good: Orders promptly filled. Work garanited. A share of puhii mitronage- is reSpe re fu'.y solicited. J. N. BASS. S!Nov. 4, 4i4-tf. SA Representativ3 and Chatmpion of Americ Art Taste! S"- PROSPECTUS FOR 1875-EGHTH YEARi THE ALDINE THlE AlRT .JOfiNAL OF AIEiliCA WII gUED .\ONTilLY. Ac - giten Cotnctption, wondlitii LtI carried Iout. TheC neces.riity of1 a lu>plarnl i: dni 'r.i -ati rti its, hai l waysii been it rcot-: and manyIld attit hav be in:Cle t E i bThe wantic The : iucc ioi filturei hi ch .r1 ve'the indi.L 1100erencel .i. o' the :l tiieie toLtli ii o i:~ta can 0 u-- a E pri- L ppE i; no isah h.-I wtt:li aIyto n a-1ei.i tZit w etil e hei n the a lbie b f ne i-lled wih nhaian t iksu wl.Eeri: lia lh-T!for -1.01 wilrecr ibe dA LwINE, wh('ilet ildi a ll i e Ilaity. ha lne o fc ter tl.ra ry S tiin ! Cjtit rtllE LII 1. ioanlri .t IS Crin:1a tpilue ir , ad l raeflit er oalture :id colectio of pcue.ierrs pc batofTIl E A LINE Ail beNiON.tap ilr. ThefOl WA p ile ori : iiomlet rifal T c:a A iN tuilet e tQ .~ h e ilitil i f I tline pai a: n rvn ing-ailtint ' any oti sae orn nu . )he at vo $,U lun '- for ltenli( : s isoo s ; ' ithn . fll. is the troto f ie s n ThlentO inal f-taf TlE I.\Ll E. nuisi R.bii tar inl nonrro Ful. pariulart cOhaeltn WiTiiEALDS.i tOielivi.truricani. l itlilntion TE AdoEs ntie arht. It ie noilon ait tolit' t :.ite bro: einippeciatie at.l A:L:.e :nE,t .~ will EiALri Ncil.aerteolngr. beni ot int ie tonleritbrp l. Ther.whiewillin bert es patrolns or T1ilE rate D'N,ash :t iirh d LeiSt i. t be prodt on fthe iibno t I tt Ar.-ian t a ticts lalent1m ll0S . awityh en givenspoaiinsens totni for1~leign eapte ter-gn t.subtier a.ill te ptJlsr aUn - 1d h ltu ti obtainleSt from rt*t hom eo iori . be Tpieii- i fintuttio f Amerliii n t e at ev.orgialwiTilE A LDIN. is IanYi ar oItntfaue MaDn its : maNiient a Oact.ry treainfto. etistancnb ford ler lanyinferio page.X Th liat ofTHEA LIN' islalihtN and racfu :: voll~~inpnhnen ,w thy fteatitc uA dint hLinte.iteee ith Dolle popla Aini est. o. theIwork. FO YOUtMDIFR MEALS .atAdsoii Htetotel er td mmbr,an etitled to adth i'~ Mililo jqr Bin i wfting EW kuTI EX 1.1 0 2S Em oI~Rp w T0 3 fft,53"' E. R.STOKS H .s in-t .;uCur::e,i e a ..a s *uf-2 mm ':-' po- h P,1;oix otv.e, on "L.:n streer, a completi 6TA IONE AM . Conp; -n,T Lctr, Vat and No- I ', Fhut P 1:en, o . !"!m.1.9-d :LitI.a. : 2 any ''-'er - - 7al , v.or ed r any2 j.; I.Z IT,n en.!l :- variety-al! | 2 ies.11 ;ol iSN. vvi Ii: 2.l.~'!'. V ' cr (' - 1r, ci* .'. nm.: 22' 11- 'A'1! Nti -)~ ~~ ~~ I k' .' 1ltt I '.o9r .*1 '(e I - s I - t2 . 2s U:.ep I; o. N 12 '2'2 I LIIn I i .0d'. 1 PelAwil" -- tInd : . i: :-t ,:-ek 2:' m a , .r ' . I : ..i c : n . i - 7v n- ;. \ I ''' 1 ''2] PE' -;Z FSIA I . L N T 1 V) :!id l'm: hu e obv.i:h r F . . ' K.\ I ' r-' (. VA. ('2f wi)c.' 27 I 22e V i. - . '1 mi r ine : -mAClv :.: l I os he o d: ibe ad 109 2 5. s a y S-treet PS..;!TAi :.Ti tes tin Ih, mote wirb s ;:p t RSTCLES,nS W RK c- EOiR SPECIALT2. - t 2 -7 'LX'2" 11C t -- - 'Nos. 3 Broad Street and 109 E:ast Bay Street, ICHARLESTON, S. C. STATIONERS FIRST-CL Ass WORK OUR SPEC1ALJY, WEI.: 'Tn1N2-I 'a w ' . 1.'ri I.WETIVING PRIES. Piries Paper a Ed m. j'dding an.d .Qail Zhviti II.LATEST STYL '. 2);d(37".71 .- . - II:I onim7alwilmC o r :22) o be te;:: ". - Inhn a ei up l o ie:ie h ge jj40 tr I'.I ' .R A I r '2' 2: ' O : . AI 2i:us it fl b .ns . :. .'2 . u s cribe"r regee:i l a..'I for 22cminat no2 ' dort on hi p r wil e:p ' t ." o ren'2 Newberr -. C., July .! Photog raphy. 21.--COME ON 2FORALLTHINGSARENOW READ AT TiuE 7.PHOTOGRAPH GALLER' aving1~"' ju t'tu2rned from12 ihe Northet eS,22 and)2 the. 13 ton:d1' Photographb-:') Pl :o do good work :hian ever.' 2'efore, by 2 iE (1v12ata:es of the late51t 2222pro0vemen:1 2, a: \iy s tock is' ,a:.e than ever, anId amo212 w.1'..hich a1re, a1 fine 'ot of U Abums, Fancy Picture Paper Weights, & -' I am22 prepared'2 to0 take PHOTOGRAPHS, FERROTYPES Copying and Enlarging Old Picture Cai ( n ohi!' the0 pretty ' weat2heri t: n,2 2'embe :ba.t del1ay' are dai:gerous, and < :2o) lI 21 it off. -' A prool is ah-:a.Vys furi2ShedI for' n.epecCth -~ heC2ore the picture ispitd 2I The sulreSt way2'. is to coni.c' 2. nL::ee a' et~ pi1ctures at2 the N-'w.berry Gale'ry. of t "'ver ready Photogrcpher, W. H. WISEMAN. O c t. S, 47.-tIf. COLUMBIA, S. C ) .sitors t th city are rep2etfulle *2vi 1d1t v i y room1., wher e.m.2 b .2 2'2SI spci en o icurs n lstyle orthe 2 as A.2~ : t 2 M.. 2 2E . THOMPSON & JONES. Dental SurgonsL E1! W3ERRY C. zi., S. C. Grad')'ua'te2s ofD the 'viv7~~1.~a College T[HIS STYLI WORTH 40L AS A SPEOIA AT THE ST. TOT L LIDT EXIUIBIT Tf VARIETY OF N AT TIE Sl v your orders ais -ue t( MANAGING AGEN AND T :LIGHT RUN1 tGST AMI Hiil" AWt I.'ad 11nL the'.s THi (EL ET-AEY COTT, For Churches, Parl( Oni Ih 1st of October next. MAN UFACTORY OF SH THE PAILAI Mded of the best mater ch:ua~s. Granges and ( lubs, TU( . Yori en jf X'UU Genera~ HELER & WILSON SEWvITG JIAC'IINI p thout Doubt i.Ce Bes - ~1 e CClly I T W1L'SN has bee wereVcl :>,90 mQ~ ore tha I ' O AU u;;Ista Uie, for 137: Fo . on i-'S TIME or MONTHL SI1N!.LMENTs Old(V M.rebines of a ki- e; i 'red1 atl wa rr:iated. Stitchin J. W. L. ARTHUR, Ag'ent for Newberry. O~lli e in W., T. Tarrant's Store. yMar. I1, 10-ti. "The Family Favorite." 1 *.e 1n *'.hibitioan, ami ready for sale METTS. D. MOW~ER, GENER~AL AG;ENT, L. For N.:wbe'rry and Laure::s Counties. I L eone of the New Weed Sewing M.: ch :wsn:u- in my famnily, and in ad.litioi I to the -atiSdaction: it givaes my wife an ', daught'r, I wili add myv own opinion as pract l m'chanie., tht for PERFEcrION O W,oalt.tsme in ouild, eise of mnipula, -imap;icity ot cons-truction and readi joa a: :' : ljI.-I:mentt, it i4 NOT EXCEI.I ' b anyote sen'aing machine in the~ market. JESSIE H. L.ORD, Mech .ia Editor of "Scientific Azmerican. A LECTURE 70? YOIIAN MEN. m:Io :-\0:e aI un *:r . - n-C:p!.y.N iv s I -i I -' le'rnni .la ri.. e :al enra n-ly . n.F m.VEpi . .. and ''oI Men I:N!rcaactyke........By. ~ ~(V' (l. M a' 12T 3 . ~ 'ai 1 1 CiC W E L V i.. . L a'.-rl of t h - a a! . , Ve . .1 ! x-: on t : 'he .awu 'oneq ene: ofitV.' en.. a n:y b ei e; a.. rem ve wI a1( ixh e:d UN -.'-:uaie . ins tant ' 1i:: , or e :, : E :m a a a )0 : 1 re: a -I..Ir h a in !'e a ai on m :' - - 6:m.a)t'ou':iaas .= a! reep f-s et.o w a il-'gai.he, (I.\a. J. C. KJ.TNE & (0. I a Ro.:y, New. York. - ee a , :G i-,, --_ y y 4 a (.arleston. S C c;. ~. ALFQiD & CQ., 1~rQprie~ors Machines. JACHTINE, CGli L PREMIUM XTE FAIR! mU 1, S. C, ING THE LARGEST AND WORK TONE OX THE SE1wixg MACHINE9 'ATE FAIR. tEDUS, T AT NEWBERRY, RY THE [ING WILSON. 10 Al VIENNA, imation of the People, South, t. and in Europe. 0 EBRATED VGE ORGANS, >rs, &c., kept for sale. 0 we will onen A SOUTHERN IRTS. -TTO SHIRT, ial will be furnished to Mer att NEw Yonx WXHoLESAL~E want an easy wearing and ngp rer for THE PALMETTO >OR & COZBY, 1 Au-ents for South Carolina. Street, Columnbia, S. C. Doors, Sash and Blinds. 1, 0SUTHERIN__HOUSE, (GEO. S. HACKER'S Door, Sash and Blind Factory, KING. OPPOSITE CANNON STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. o Owld an managedl by a Caroliity A Large Stock aways onhand, and sld atM2 per cent.-less than Northern pries. P.. ~oxU0. GhxEtOn.e Jan. 21, 104-3-ly. ~JAS. LEFFEL'S IMPROVED DOUBLE Turbine Water Wheel, POOLE & HUNT, Baltimor Manufacturers for the South and SouthWes Nearly 7,iO now in use, workignd 21 sizes, from 5l to 96 incheS The nost poweru Weeli h Large 1LL.STn:ATED Pam phlet sent potr MANU:FACTURERS, ALSo, OF f ortaie an ttonr a Steam EngfeS olr EbaSt ' Crshr for fine~S SEN~D FOR CIECULAES. Sep. 10, 37-6mi JDO YOUWA AND Excellent in Qualit$ MRS. D. MOWER'S, Whjere can be foun d Dress Goods, FanT IGoods, Ladies Suits, Noin, of all kinds And Many Other Articles At the Lowest Market Prices. On the corner, and under the EAW Office is the plaec For Cheap Goods, Cheap Prices, And the Best Attenltion Ap. , 3-l