The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, November 25, 1874, Image 2

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Brief Mentiois. Mr. R=birt Urvee, in nd Colum! -a 'Cr chant, died in .S.r-anbrg on the 13th inst. There is snid to be a birth every five min utes in London, and a death every eight min utes. The regular term of the State Supreme Court commenced at Columbia on the 24th instant. Ten thouaad men, w:omen and children are said to be without the necesariecs of life in New York City. We lern that Mrs. Henry Bachman, who zes-ies about eight miles from Lexington village, fell dead on Wednesday morning last, while preparing breakfast. The dwelling house of Mr. W.. Bryson, near Cross Hill, Laurens Co., was set on fire one night last week, but was Portunately saved from dstruction. 33r. an Mrs. Wi!!iam Kirkwood,of Charle ton, celebrated their golden wedding on the ISt:. Mr. Kirkwood is one of the old city .t*hers, ardi now in Lis 79th year. %est %Vir:nia lis a "civil damage" Ia under whlich a liquor seller has been adjaudged to pay a wife seventy-five dollars for selNing liqnor to her huOband, to her consequent ue:i:ect and maltreatment. R. if. Kirk, who issued the warrant for the arrest of John J. Patter son (11onest -John) for hribing the Legislature to elect him to the United States Congress, is a candidate for reading clerk of the House of Itepresenta tives. Tbe city of Rome i-; said to be honey-comb ed with about 930 miles of subterranean pas sage ways eut throngh the solid rock, and that these contain the bodies of 6,00,000 to 7,000,000 of human beings entombed there since the city was built. Two co:)red men, named John Bug and Jim Anderson, are robbing persons on the highway in Spartanburg County. They are said to b>e cowardly fellows, an( always look oat for solitary travelers. They are ex-con viets, pardoned by Gov. Moses. All the Christian sects together comprise a membership of about 330,000,000. while heathen worshippers count over 1,000,000,000. The Buddhists alone have 340,000,000. The Itoman Catholic church embraces 195.000,000 tollowers, while all the Protestant denomina tions combined number only GS,13'J,000. it iq said that Governor-elect Tilden, of New York, is very anxious to give such ex pression to conservative vie ws on the nation a' finances, in his inaugural, as will leave iW ero Democracy in no doubt as to how York stands and intends to stand in the approaching Presidential campaign on that question. Grant wants no Republican conference. He says the llepnlican Congre.smen may consult about things, but they needn't do so on his account, and he and his Cabinet will not join them. This is ver7 sensible in Gen. Grant. He would best keep out of entangle ments with the beaten Radicak, who might want hia to do some foolish thing in the vain hope of saving them. A desperado named Tom Adams, an En giishman, was recently killed at Mazatian, Mexico. Before he died he confessed that he was guilty of fourteen murders, all but one of whichi were committed in the United States and Canada, and for none of which was he even arrested. The only legal punish ment he has ever received was three vears' imprisonment for burglary in Chicago. A Brooklyn bride's back hair fell down and fell off during the ceremony in church the other evening. There was an instant's pause, but nobody was brave enough to st.op down and pick up the mass of blonde stuff and hair pins rlhe bride left the church leaning l .vi on her husband's arm. Her face was very red, a' sprout of hair (possibly eleven hai~rs in all) stuck out at the blck of tier head, tied with a bit of shoc-string. And now her na is mean enough to refuse to pay the poor iair-dresser's bill. WVhy it WIl, be a Remarkable Body. The forty-fourth Congress will be a remarkable body,as well as for the ab settce of famtilier faces as for tile pres enee of new ones. The changes in the House mtay be somewhat roughly in dicatecd as N"lows: Members or .gesent House........20-? Wi!!'ng to be re-elected..............5 Beaten inconvention............... S Bte by th de people ..............5 Relected.......................1i.5 1-Eetions to be held.................1 Non- member.3............... .. ...170 It is seldo:n that a general election revouttiotizes the IIouse so completely as in this instance. The p.roportion of new memnbers is large. and amtong~ the present mem.bers wbo will not return are some of the most infiuential iuen in the House. Thne abec of Butler, Ellis H. Roberts. William Walter Phelps. Negley, .]udge Her, Dawes. Hoeoper. Gooch, Ward. McNulty. 3arshall, Cobb. Stanard, ex Givernor Ward, Gunekel, Parsons and Pol0d wll~.. be felt. anad. upon the wb. enjoyed. Ne itubers who arc exuceted to mak~,e a mar-k in the House, arec Geu'l Bant'ks andl Julius H. Seclyc, of M1ass.a chusetts;- J. Proctor Knot t, of Ken tucky; x "-Governor Phillip F. Thomas, of 3!aryland.; Gen'l Williams, of D etroit ; Allena Porte.r, of Kalamazoo; Simeon B. Critte-nden. of Brooklyn; Winthrop WV. Keteham, of Wilkes l8arre ; Jhn II. Reagin, of Texas, (onec of Jefferson Davis' cabinet); Jamnes W. Throckmnorton, of Texas; (ibert C. Walker. of Virginia. and Miehael C. Kerr. of Indiaina. Cheap TIranesportationi Conven tionE. EXECLTl\'E 1)EPARtTMENT, C-oi.mmu. Neve:nber 20. 1874. The fo!!owing namaed gentlemen are hereby annobinte d delegatets to repr: sent this State in the convention "to promote cheap tr-ausportation in the United Stutes," which convention will be held in the city of Richmnoud, Va.. on the first MIonday ia December. 174: IEx Gov. R. K. Scott, of Riebland; MIaj. B. D. Townsenid, of MIarlboro; Andrew Si mo-ds, Esq., of Charleston Gen., . W. H arrisou, of Anderson; IHon . John Winsn' ith, of Spartanburg; S. Solom ons. E.>g.. of Charleston; W. J. 31agrath, of Ch:arlest'tn. Under v.,ha t is kno'wn i s the Windsor Re. p rt," made' lit the last session of the Conhres of the United States. several r::lrad suryvs were ordered. and a cops of engin'eers ar e now on the way frm some" point oi the Tennessee River t o ClaytLon. Ga, thence to An dr-jn Cout IIse S. C., and also It is imtportant that the people of ti S'tte should use all legitimate and prirmans to secuire their propor. o:tsare in any appropriations whieh ma'-y be muade by the National C.. -:re l'- t interina! improvemetjnts. F. J. i10SE>. Governor S. C. W e tatke pleatsure in calling the favorable atte'ntion of our rea.ers to the adver:i-emnent o ITas NW FA oitK TkttBtNE. publi-hed in no'.(e oOt'Pn iif this~ lape. THtE T1BUN~E hs f.airly earned in its best and broadlest sense t.e'diinction oi "the leadin-i Ame can newpaper.'" It leads in the promap:ne and comie'en tess ot its news, int the2 bonest and idepend.ence of it: poile:, in tile full nog- and .variety of its c3arespondence, init it:r .ud scientitie inteilligence,. in is thoo:h:h.:d exeilient agrieunirl depart men :, and. tn short, in al ltieih make u' pro:: es iv. :r-sighited andi( :ierai n1ewspa per.I1 Tni Trau ileads the entire press o te coun:ity. Lhe recent coturse of THE TRI Br'E (.wards tie South and its political anti industrial inret has been manried by the ae firne'. ar.d friend'iness displdayed by .dr. Grtei trom the close of t!:e war. The .mor:ild inelgn letters by TarUN eum->nnsfronm Alh'nma and Louisiana i- just seie in showing to the people of teN:htetrue state of affairs in those un fortunaite and slandered S:ates, and in all ques:i-)ns affee:ir.g the South THE TRIBCNE is stire to deal kindly and honestly. THE Tnits s deserves and should receive a wide circulation through the South. Its terms are low and its commissions to agents liberal. Read the advertisement. ,Frem the New York Republie. Personal Adminstration Organ.] No Resumption of Specie Pay ments. The Journal of Oamere. and the Tribzie. since the election, are wast ing their energies on the question of how to early resu me spece pymeats. They. had as well as reserve their labor in this direetion. There is no proba bility that any measure of this sort will be attewpted by the prsent Con gres.' There is still less probability that the Congress tW come in next Deoember year will be suffered by the South and West to serious!y discuss the question. The present Republican Adminis tration; eince the election of last week, feel relieved from all obligations to force hard money on the country. Six nioiths ago the President. advised and ifrged by the hard-money financial people in New York, did consent to recommend the early return to specic payments. He event went to the ex tent of recommending the repeal of the Legal-Tender act of 1862, after a given 'notice to the country. He was made to believe that this was the pop ular sentient-at least in the great State of New York. IIe therefore took issue with a score of his best friends in Congress from the West. who. insisted that the party could not afford to go to the country on contrac tion and hard money. Such men as Mr. Morton of Indiana, Mr. Louan of Illinois, and .1r. Ferry of Michigan were so earnest in thei protests and convictions on the subject that they were almost driven to open revolt againt the Administration on the an expected veto of the President. It was a nicelv balanced question, as we happen to XDow, whether they should denounce in the Senate the mistaken views of the President, or leave the whole subject to be settled, later in the session by compromise. The latter alternative was adopted, for the suffi cient reason that the Western Seuators knew the President to be sincere in his conviction that the popular financial sentiment demanded specie payments, and as a preliminary thereto the repeal of the legal tender desirable. The veto was sustained, and the President was warmly congratulated in certain quar ters where he was not supported last Tuesday. It is now sufficiently clear to the Republican Administration that the country was not then prepared for specie payments. and that the whole agitation was badly timed and, as the result proves. unpopular. The party have been routed on tha cry of hard times, and the pressure of the hard times was aotravated by the advanced position takerL by the President on New York advice. As to the doing away with greenbacks and the repeal of the legal tender,there was no real popu lar demand then, and there is infinitely less now. ThePresident was deceived into a different opinion, but he is not the man to persevere in a blunder made so palpable by the recent elee tions as to leave little doubt that hard mnoney and no greenbacks constitute about'the last issue before the people when under pressure of hard times which should be made a party in ad ministration. We therefore ma;re bold to say to our neighbors that if they want hard money in a hurry they will have to go to the triumphant Democracy of last Tuesday. The Administration will gracefully bow to the popular repug nance to contraction and speedy specie payments, and they have lost all anxiety about repealing legal teader as a nos trum for our financial ills, especially as another war might, possibly, in the near or remote future, have to. be fought with Greenbacks. The Jouirral and the TribuLne can aply a year hence to, and may have better luck with, the XL!Vth Democratic Coni zress, but we doubt it. We shall all probably live to be much older before we realize hard mouey. South Carolina and MIassachu setts. We are permitted, says the ews & Courier, to publish the following let ter, written by a leading citizen of Bioston to a Charleston friend- The writer is a Rlepublican, and, until the late election, had never voted for a Democrat. He is a man of culture and of large means, and, while thank ing him for his good wcrds, we fee! warranted in saying that the people of South Carolina comiprehend the char aeter andt causes of the political revo lution in the North and W\est, and are determined to be governed, in all things, by moderation and commion sense: BSosTox, MAss., November 8, 1874. -When I told v-ou in New York that you would see a great change in tihe r-eturns from Miassachusetts, I did not dare to predict any such uprising as~ you have beheld. It is glorious,i deed, and everybody here seems de lighted-thrilled, I may-at the anui hi!ation of the small party-men an d r.arrow-minded poliiicians. Wet have done a big work; but so has the wi-ole -eountry. It did my soul good to read of the celebrations and rejoicings in the South en the good nes*o your people, God knows. have had little to rejoice over these many years. 3]ly only regret in oil the result is, that the Tidal Wave did not reach poor South Caro'en utyuseemU to have carriedi a fine local victory in the City of Charleston. I know well that the "Southern Question' bad a great deal to do with determiing the result of our late elc'c tions. A strong appeal was made to our sense of justice and fair-play. Be sides, we were keinningz to see very clearlv that a loathsome disease could not settle upon a portion of the body -without, in titae. killing the wvhole body. And so we have risen up to help the South, and help our whoie eeuntrv. and make it united and strong and once m'ore wortyoal our love. God grant it may be so. TIhis is no triumph of the l'ea:o eratic party, but of n-ce-ssity the peo ple have usedl it f.'r other pturposs. No grreater m:ifortunce could fall upan the Southiern States than to nasun derstand the sitution. It wise a:.d temperate measures prevail, as they now must, in both patie we canI be very sure that peae,' justice and pros perity will come back to as andre mnain~with us forever. Th ris is a pert lous mo:nent. Everything depends upon: the c:induet cf the R.uthern leaders. All people here are deter mined to do justly by the South. if vou will now a .' conme forward in a manly and unreserved determination to for get the past and be friends in deed and1 reality henceforth. The a Iera.d TPOS F GRENEKER, EDITOR, NEWBERRY, S. C. N WEDNESI)AY, NOV. 25, 1874. A PAPER F()!u THE PEOPLE. The Hrali1 is in thamhi;:hest rewi - Fane 13! News (14er, devoti-i lo tiht' ;]: : a in terests Of t he peouple of this County a:(I t1:i State. It circul:ttes exIeinsively:. ind :1:4 :J Ativs-rti%in,m chinm n 01170r- uI i-. v:,I14qI adl %:.mta;g4s. For T zrns, see fir-t pagv. Herald Ofice---!mova The Patrons of the HErALD, adver tisers, subscribtrs., etc., are notitied that this week we will romove the IIERALD Office from its old location to the cornmodious rooms OVER MIR. T11OS. F. HARMON'S SToRE. the entrance to which is through the store and un the convenient stair-way near the front door. We hope vour friends will take to the kindly andquickly, and to all of whom we C0r dially extend the invitaton to visit us in our new quarters. Rinember the place-rooms over Mr. Harmon's store, in the iinding o,I which, should there be any diffieulty, any one of his minuerons and polite clerks will cheerfully show the wa.y. Those tubscribers who get their papers from our offie box, will find their papers hereafter withil conve nient reach as they enter the store. Any omissions or short-extnings in the next issue, we trust, wvill be ex Cused on account of the trouble and dflieulty consequent on rem1ovin.g types, presses, etc., which we assure the reader is no small matter. We trust, however, that none will occur, and that in a few days everything will be in its place, and working smoothly. Grant and the Civil Rigits Will. It is said that President Grant pro mises to veto the civil rights bill if it passes the House, where it 1(w lodged. It is thought that his ohjeet in so doing is to gain the popular ap proval. The Legislature. The Legislature went into Session on yesterday. Tuesday, the 24th. It is hoed that the Session will be a short one. A reform in this one par tieular would be highly acceptable. We shall report such measures aictedl upon by both houses as will be of gen eral interest. The Laurensville II erald. The last number of this valued ex change com:uenced its twenty-ninth volume with an increasingz circulationi. and in a couditlon of prosperity for which its editor and proprietor, T. B. Crews. Esq., returns grateful acknowl edgmenats. We heartily eong~ratulate the proprietor that his prospets are so flattering, and wish hIm abundant success. The University o'Virginia. We are indebted to our youn.g friend, Willie G illiam ,late of New berry, but now at the abo~ve menution ed University. located in the town of Charlottesvills. for a copy of the (Cata logue of that very popular institution. from which we notie that there are no less than three hundred and fifty three studien ts now enrolled in its va rious elesses. Of this number there are ei:liht from this State. dress. The Laurensville JIcraM,l in its is sue of the 2(0thi pays a merited tribute to~ our talei:ted toiwnsmaa. on the oe easion of his late addres---T'he L~-gal Status of Woman in Seuth Carolina,' delivered before the Laiurennille Lite rary Club. The Lecture is said to. have been a rich intellectual treat. and aboundi ng in hiu:nor, and. which filled the audience with delight. The 11er aid says that a second lecture from Mr. C., would be still more hightly up' preciated. Honest Wo@rds. In the great jubilee had by the people of G3eorgia. at Atlanta. General John B. Gordon gave utterance to. the following brave, hionr:- words ol advice and se-ntimzent. Hie wasth. as ahnmost always. a fit exponent of the thought and sentiment of the repre setative mn of the S uth: -One boen I ask in this hour of ouir deliverance. I ask you to com mliSSioni mi-g iin y.jur ni:Unie. to plCige upon the floor of the Sentte yotur fidlel iv to the Uion under the Conistittu ton: your acquiescence in laws pass ein accordance with lthe Conrstitution. good and bad, until laiwfully repealed; your support of all right ful authority; yur cordial frienii'ship for every man and u:en of all sections. who will aid in restoringr peace to all sections. jutic-e to States liberty to) citizens. purity to all departments of the Giov r1 nmt :and Constinto ; to i:s iu prmnacy over P residentis, C':uress, parties and the p 2ople. (Laoud cheers.] 1 thank you, my country.aen, for that response. You are stempoate in triumph as you were great in adversity. You cherish malice to noue, and are hsieonly tothieves, usurpers and tyrants.' Speaking of this extract, the New York i!craM' says: I -That was a no'ble pasae which we print to-day, from Senator Gordon's speech at Atlanta, Georgia. They were golden words lie uttered, and rte Sout mml do wel to hee tim. "The inportn t albs of ms ex eellency the Goverrr addr-.d to all r-.unty tr.surir l :ip ihtynn the i :tate"will h:%rdly re,htepurpos e for which it is dr.signi,d. The eircular of the comrAdler'entral :-uspanding ?r jotpoling th' eo-f!eti' Ole Ine.on:inlL tj:--S w 1.:i fict. -he,! in act of the (.!overnor ::d entrolr eileral. and it cannot i.wiv heI hago . quailified1 or' -i*1aI1ie bythe ct tie (ovpnor adone. The e!kbtion of the inaCming taxe therAfor, umst be regirdod as legally ,uspn or postp 11nduil tho 1th in t., :md wi cnli, i.-tinui - 'Il-tim tlimt lime until t i.I 1)5t i J:n1iary." Ssnys tho o er in ra zard to the ntice whiebA is pulisl:ed in anther :lun . t3!r. 1). itk. Phifer hissus i,: noti--c t at t1lw! books fO r thile n of tixes n are opn. T another I:w nppnars the annoutep lift itha the,- 1overn,rhas -appointed Mr. E. F. Bli! ett trezsurer of New berry courity,iec D. RilPifer, de ter o of 'e has e:<pired. The situa tion is mtuddled. Live for Something. Wes.andforsomthig Wor1thy of Ie and fs tvpabiltes and prtuni ties. f eveed nome ldf, hv ant. Enive.:ry man :i! womjan has hi, lr her assivgnment in tlhe dutiks and respo4-ni bilities of daily life. We are ini thie inrd to iake the World be ttcr; to t t, ittot higher l of en.,jylmnt1o and prog,roess, to oaske its hearts and homles brig-fthr and hliapier ly de voting to our 1*0llOWS Our boot thoug,_hts. activitiles , and infl nes. it is the frtto of every true heart and the genius of every noblo life, that "no mnan liveth to himself"-!lives chiefil for his own selfish lI It is a law of our intullecal a nd mora Meng that we pomote our on hapianess in the exact p prharp We onfe tribute to thle comufort and enjoymient of utlhers. -Nothin,- worthy of thle namec of happinless is possible in teu exp p oeiece of those Whae vonly for theisee ll o blivious of tihe wel I fare of their fcllows." LMit y or Watns.. Lord Bwolingbrok, in 'his Rtfle tir.n1is upon Exile.' says :- L r natur Sal and r l Wants are confined to iiar row; lound,. whilc thk,:-e which finey and customi er,--to are confinAd to none" Youing men who re just oil tering up:mn lifo. andl forming thc hbits Which are likbly t t adhere tc 1te to itS eIOSP, Will eiAl to treas ure1 uin maery ths otreuean en struncitie ords of onley ofEng:ud' fines ctlritrjl and most ilosd,phic wafons lre ouinlest d tho bony. Ituri' surpistil how it it rirse tha1i and ifCtl he itae ianig iieliet and ti considrat vfluie fl. or hisicom joymets are c maraivey ceap The ultitio of the mind,rv whl astord hpe, asighe ardte by n duri saiation candt be psuited o anil incom qit siilltent for th< sitl uuies. Ou jcau wihre physica wru t inre reaw, f wepreserv coutI tstes Butmple ws whare fby nate cIT03 eat, to di toxrise.i toke to. hee w-'-arm. aonid to o bheterds t ned ts:ud wil suppl alluhhesedn.:es. 3,ities. .iTe pleasureih jare pure, and1. wic end ~i V to irtovect areithinCV te rhofl abnot isvers one dBwtut t wat which ac hand cueri st o create, a. Lt id Bhinri oe woll sabis, aroec ie t:v:aiton boun ard. Beware o luxreiu andeex pnst ie hit i. Thoegrtitn or:tl o i the m cost youl mhfthe itic tal cutiation,tou beIil far, mor cw:iue ive:lwy to peserIt it. :is to dowthianro ounhadhihs o hv ne e in n -. - in _tishr_t_ ev off habis hoeer extravago n an<e absrd hen oua r'e to cid<' theu adbopgam of tler of liv inves cnsider wll wihethe it ieer ta ntt withuthiovenience yorli wile oberale ofway to.presrve it.Th Ca nmai-rox Noemt . 17t rX' It . the 74. -fThe Curchn IofiiI Fugand tU!hrougl the. Arbihpo-atruy gi inis us toune withoprte Angili cr Ii Lbn1nion thoghu lie worl ud ir th ops ranc if ita XI spi', day ofin. hS '13ned \Ot.'' Ai'drew's ir py, ter of the lriet mh, fo:3 .h1br The3* -'.1 s l'rvit approp XVrid toa theCe heebtha li. :e y . met e uSdn tohbis io io lo theb>e day.'aio opine g that y'i.ui wrill.h s.:it'yail 0 orvesn cof thisi opprvniy th at tin behrit of siel .i a l n b l of i obnityce Xnhiall calibe themLelte.s Christla, tt.s he,wurld emay toe to enit faiur;an aor nhe clbrtion ofte yolyEchrrt hecrmn t hept of telDeidcend of Southn Corineewihmr.dteLr' nmum 47 wTarri ms l:v becn issued for the :rrest of citizens of ]:jill (tunty chr i w;Il vi- 1tionls of ta Act el tA-t.n day. builuu.1 lit fr-au.I and fal.,d. the Rpp> lSca aAr ; d wnf" il !::i been su.,f,in and erUshin::. lI has td Ior y ears an linnzlnse im).w sneh. ndi:: Luci the pun1ehing of a few h'-L- inl it ticrub i:afamns Poepublican prtv 'Of y(1stfrl*(:ly--theu iarty if *lary grabs awl ('r a ; 3 bilr ad pre i*'iag.s-te nrowry an dr nides anoi m!;idnight raiis upn fu'' I] cc] "i of,' - 111 ki,trf p: l V . t' e . citi zen-fit tse i(rty f ri t y_ty oip f S:ul.born ioicj% swimle :id Jaylic custums ruvtnnie llaeklati linI-, : tile partyv of tuonl) lic and n uii( s !a 1:11d ralnts amli *tri.: thu p!lrty (if 1utlLar. f ('ame 'o1. I)f Ch:111l11r. oif W il-lins, !, Ii'''' Polnwroy, of 11l1oran. Of Pattersuzn, u t flippleMitchfl. of P-1o:11. Ian of Ca(rpej::t'r; in iie. the prity if all imanliable :ien and thinls th:t Ire infamlillus and o:ious ; it is noft t1oo much to aisume that this ipublican p"rty Iever canl be resu,ciLzt,a a cunlL1iin,g ;r>ver ill Al;:ericanlitel I t fite p-st-c Was in its p)w,. (St Lui I p --a I.3 '-Er." lit A I'RAY. -We rcuret tiat it b,eemnes our duty to r,-con; a serious dficulty, which ocirred a few iilo. frin thisp n last aturd:ty eve. ninz, between Addison 1. Boyd, W. iT. iBuyd, Wmn. Cunnin.,h,1w , Jr., Thoa,. BI'lott anid Win. Culbertsun. in which the itter was badly be:tvI. andI we L-arn is lvin, at this writii. in a dan-crius condition. This is sub stantially our information, but for, wVant of ni1ore particulIrs in re.zard to the luat ter we forbear further conulent at this timte. lih- first-n:aned. Addlison M. Boyd, has been arrested and is now in prion. inc: writing - e above. ami on the eve of going to press. we learn thit i W. T. 13)oyd and Wid. Cunninii, h:am. Jr., and fourteen or fifteen wit nes . (.ii colored) have been arrested by the sherii. and are low at this V wish further to remalr:; that ipolitios; had nothing to do with the difiieut.v mentioned above, and that the part~its e;necrited therein are all h ia t . li-- I- uren si--- -Ie rald . H lere was the nunerical standing of the G r ng,s. by States. October 1, ult.: A.oham. Gi ' ; Arkansas. 501 Cali. for:ia, ,:;I; Connecticut,8; Del:nv:re, 14 ; o 9)7 ; Georgia. 15; ; li noi'. 1.51:"; Indiana, 1,!,-9 ; Town 2,01) ; Kansas, 1 ,350 ; Kentuky, 1.425 ; Lauisiana. 1,S.-; 31aine. : Maryad 118; 31assachu-etts. 64 'tueliio:nm, 5(1 ; 3inuedota. 540; MiS braska. O50; New Iamphir.3 : ni;~ :A9; South Carolina. 313; Teniuessee, Virg'iia.7 ;Wet irginia 110 ; WXiscon-in, 50.5; Colorado,II i;Dkota .~; :n*.da, 51, 1dho o5 alnaa I: ; imiiln Tritry. 4-. Tm:t ('omt i un :sTs.-The ver~ airi 1i tilld iiwiith rumr tIoL' f mu11nerouis airests soon to be matde~ in Ed.teield. 19 i wet] knowni that such 1li:alical leadila as; 3eliev itt:at ul aris Simin its, with several of the niewly-elected (ounilty oflicials, !m~ve been in Colutn Ibiat hately un,vinitg heaven and earth tu this eud. Thley aire not satii4id with getting the ufices and tIhe mtoney, but they intut f:trsoothr. exp.-rfience thet fuither luxury of see-ingt' people puniishied. h.ort-$;f1t/de foils ' A Un ited States Conrinissioneur is o in our town, gatheringr eviden-e, tatking afidavit, and. we suippse, issutint warrants. There semS to reaian but little -deubt that certaitn citizens o: (ur County will soon be arre-ted. CEAnu:Ls-roN, S. C , Nov. 20, 1S74. (fFFICE~ OF .1. N. lttBsON, 1 Corn. MIerchiantt andl Dealer in Fer:lizers. In reply to my Guano Circular of Octobei 18t, 1S74, I :ipptal somec of the tlnnver< re ce ivedJ ast to the vaht nd in advantage of the use of Soliibic Pacific ;n.mno ior Cot:on anI Coin. I will state that of all the replies re ceived, I have only one so far that saysS i did not pay. The atmouint app lied per acrt was from 100 to 200 pounds, mostly the l:t Laurenas County, S. C.-W. A. Nichtoh writes : "I itercased crop 500O poundls; ma tiued the crop one month earlir; hats givetf sat isftction."' Cadle's Depot, S. C.-S. B. Newom: "] two wveeks eal-:hsgvn aifrin' Grecnwo>t, S. C.-J. Uiley : "jnc:eases crop fifty to two hunidred per cent: matunret the crop) earliear: has g i ven sia-etidcon." Orangebunrg, S. c.--B. 0. Ev*~ans: "An well pleased with thte Pacific Guano, lthin! - t: pail ime wel!."' L exiton. S. C.-P. M. Iiarmn: 'Corr Icrtop docubi.d co:t.i on increaced 331 pa-r centi.' Cheiste'r Girove, S. C.-W. I. Drentn2tn " Inttcased crop f> '100 per cen:; maitured te crop tiiieen days. earlier; hast given sati tiacton. mith' T. 0.-R A. Crawford, Agent inci eased Crop, I tinki, about doublie: ma timed crop two U 0 threec weeks eartier:ha Pae'si ll". S. C.-George In JTones: Co increase-d one-tird., a n ma:ured thireei week: earlier; hast giv.en en tire satiqfation." U.lunberg, S. C.-W. C'. Btroe,dwater: "1la: doub!.'] the er op;i m:i ured the crop omt fmt)n ili earlier; fur imy land is superior to anti Kingville, S. 0.-N. C. .Joyner: "lIan tdou b!ed the criop: has m:uted it ear!icr, ia 'r.rk Shus, S. C.-G. WV. Sullivan, Jr. tldoui'e-l the ecrop'; matured it tent day: earlier. anid given stisfactPin." Honat Patlh, S. C.-Gabriel Sullivan:' "a inc-rieal crop oine-half: matured it two week eairlier; has given satisfact ion.'' Fork ShotalIs, s. C.-E. S. Ph iste-r: "IIn inercasedl crop abount double; has fmturei~ (rop) earlier nt:adgiven sa:tisfaction." Marion C. HI , S. IC.-Jas. M1. Godboldd "Inca-cd te crop. I think, one-thi rd 0 mr:matured the~ cro aibouit !tree wetk earltier, atnd has given iisfaction.'' Fairviewv 1'. U)., S. C.-John Foil : "in reaiseid cropn about one-third; matured cro' 16toS days earlier; has giveni satidaeC Mayevilie, S. C.-R B. Garlan I: "tn reedcoacone-hir d peri acre: matured eri earrlir,.n ha gie perfect satisfaction." Bambterg, S. C.-C. A. Milihouse: "In ca-ed dnite Wbt't it woi.uld have been with. taut the rmaure; has mian:red the crop enriir, a bti' two weeks; ha-s '-i'ven sa.isfaction, anii I tarefer It Iito ' yothe'r I have used." IfTntibting Shos 0' . ' -G. Wa. Sitllian: " It- I-,abi lied th c*n matiurel it much! ea,rier, an civen saifati on." A Pt.I [No FnOOn: Dt.Lan.--The pub oiler cai.i!: ne subscribe.r as a special ire mium, a1 fre. I'chince ii -a sup erbi Iquare grandl pinO, vale iaCit '8i0, wi~ich wili he r::llte! 'rmon" the first one th ouis.nd new substr: her reaeived. a fn Sept. i-r, 1874. A 11no hered ticket wiltlt besent wifth every sub)ScripI :ti-n rece-ie1, anad t il:and re-oil: o* tc raH in- liy annlfoinc-neetrfugh tIe daafrnahtt This4 is a splendfidi off-:r. anda our* na:ical fricat l" shouldta not let it pass. The .JouIrnlt s woarti' its subfscriptionl price. (i1.00 p.'r year.) fie t imes over: s'' tat cyc-r" one will receive full valne for their money, and somSe * ortuUte subscriber wvillibe thte delighttedi *'oner- of a splenadd riatno, a't ai e.-tofny onei doliatr. Subscribt' at one, and in remit ting ::dd ten cents for the year's postage, which, under the new postal law, must be paid in advance. Address the publishers, Ludden & Bates, Savannah, Ga. Thu:!:iv r ventin" .1*ii mn .. im E'-uetie". by th . I:i Irb-k,Mr. MAt:K .i'. C . , N-% t:nh). r 22n!. 1 '71, by Ir. W. D. lti., M! W. C. SWmTIESBERG and Mi , :.J. C. C'L.vim.;I (n! ' N. wh:b i:y. S. G v :. : 157 1, by iv - L, ShO:&, WM:-.irst- im; an MR, DK:uY WIMI::. :A. of NW:P.TrY AMnY, At the re-l.1: :,v ur otri,it's :'.::ho r, n Laurens, :n thI;, 1p.tii Ntv., by iev. 111- 1 - ler, 3i. W1. S.intImt. !- .' cv,hrry C ., a:d 3l\48 N. aN I ( 0. : . \V- tenter our hat:y cougratu,atioti to the yx:n:, :an-1 h:p y!iv:s 1a h ir mat imonial voy::e hez a1 procpiros tNe. eur .Yinceflanvouis. TO RENT. TIe Sto r Let .a-i N:.: t!'tia1r Pitift-r'.. aid. The Cottage at presmnt oeenpied by 3i0r. Bov!e. I.'. lioni given 1.s '... of jai tIry., For terms nIppl to YNTiHI M WiA a:mi d 1-itah:g-- as A id:,rm xOf thej :.:! ol, i h it Ah . i l ' li t' tn er : lt. I'.a e in&AA- ru the !at.,trnn -vr''. bejurc ithatr i . C S !l1.I W EI Nov. 24, 17-7t. Adn'x. TAX NOTIE. .\pproe' t rh p . . , e : e A -A 1, ing ior f a -,e n OUt:ny t:! of i prope, Iyl in:o w in Act, .1-i I : O w te :N r-uililg th! (;ol:nty T:-vaslurer to jkeetp his office op -11 f or Lhe s-toio tnxus, Tremn No;embcr dt til'' h to ;Iarch te w- n and bt y virtu-: o lit: cTre r' iliTax D1ityiC te, P o by ti:Au-Ii:.or of this Coun!y, the Book;s are- o-.)vI for thO c:etoft SITte and)( ICotuit! Tay, Wdic are :a folown: For Ita , Ix, 2--. C:, r o!. ii -ry Countv for tInsi:l Tax. ' mll*.; to;- S hoo T'.Lx ( - I ied bv T :ru.e:S i!i No. I, N To n ship,t IlA i; in o. 2, TlVll T it'. 1 iil; it, -N . :, .a i on, 2 mil!s; in No. , rone:' , 2 mn i: i t N .~ ir -. - OW r, i. m'!! : No. ., od n ha!!'- i iN t. I, G allnon's To-al nli nNo. 11, flel. leh 's Twx;K:qhIp j ixl. f ",:: ~ir .-~ ;*-,-,.': 1 I i I M o thi h A - ivem'o.-r the Tv-i iith, 1-071. 1t. iz. I'll, i1f i", Nuv, W, 7 . County Treurmer. rogie site A.e p Ca copy. PA.CIII(WG.\N!) 001.0.1YS GOI FOUND AID PII.PlATE (W'LI.ME trConipotting wit;h Cottn Seed, t :l- Cash, : int im n e ri.hou Intrest. To accollmoate Plant heieri,tey C..1 Or de r now ard Aave wi: l I: AQt. to i:le iw'he t they vit-ii ta' at timei for etrh price. notta ttivaget wittb criitoe Tis o tGun it tnow c'ioci w l k ow rit n :i iw te foulhein t-a-es:ior iti rem 'r. cl't., mas afillen eyn fotern-n ih:prde: nora notilf,a tt iI .'t to up ir spec :tb it re o -:t ion p fre:. u.Its utt e fotin y rot i t hit eit :ah-t I rliid i-ta ch.tieerf r.-t. eioitle t ex eln ce. T-::ie' op letl io n e th r is geo n ci per itnden.c'iilnt o it.. t.toIdA fet Ai Et tNaiu' , t he :t it $ohtti! n y attI aIo' o . in - thati it b i.liyi' n r omttu idcnisapreciie t.h antiit. ::' ~ t iuc-he -fr cwttiirtavr. t Itpi. i ie. tee Nta. reprt. d-ctu, n .i"i' t ge:w -. t f''or .unt Cta o f , i ' u tu.- ni:rt i rtt ,i i-o -It .\e ts,ia TiiHm10 TILIUNE InCi the[t recn elecins t he1 peoleaedeclonA a "in "ivor ot hnetyint-olitictnd t0tin endece it tjutrnI-!!.u.m. -! 1 Ti.. h-ic .ets and delrd t ha r t it .: tnt a l never t! m orei!it wou.ld be a pnt"y organu .. iii te verict.:' the popu 1t' reul the ice' It ctai pep te dor :irm a.-:d integ ity in~' : ttterltnw t. 01or ci nori - ad tinde-i pedec ao~~r.gbeantr towppr. Dr inthtenc cam tu'v m;n ae itts r i.t ihttt o teW .t~ ie o th - 'iv:id -ii Ame ian Ne.i a r."T is p oswiio it ha earnd (t it r taine ir thefolwi 'It p bishe a ll ith new , ali er:ai. 'moreb f ly an t in c in.el 'ia':tay th:in an ot her~ iper.tlntt Iti iett onpiethog t the w el-tt cl ;tr.- th ihtt ill lilni ei er ment ado- t proecio o tca e i-n t-e e rcOit 'of thie : t alv- catel cnidenceili and t' tn feeln -clhe tween' Nthat a'td o uith, '' :d f abor' o~r a ni hon et andaidng rectii.It litn. -f e . puhiic mnand Yout:liio.:n'i~ tignity a cor, ite i y I tow a:r soia'.i n ri val .i 'it ti C -' tcin' d isrie to ha <h-reeofll ne s :n:d accu-tliy' rac never.~t beor ttnd yan'apr rm the'r e::r. mtca inre tn th. : agg-gate' tht'at - th entie ' cotoit at i il:my othert t 'ustti u iir! - tubl i t i and lilt-...e 1 rniig a' et of whtIich pitni emin .et t tag icu tra edto e aid ; - tiit 'udn more- to. maket aaodi f*re st hal n al.v othr cw ic eve. e Jc ited. aatth:: I p:bish. a i-r of scien:i ili auititr -tar extr which. havei ne" ai' wirers n rnoe eipateu- popuh"ir i .:ppo athan nyt mia TRTx 0E TAIBUNE.UE W 3te 'c' te consderen . T:an.NE cacvryvtuai p::ker.--As ipe Ner ea p. r..2Citicu. santihinp ex .drec i-f euaru stbandiers ouAla :exta :cdit he tte.:i-.e:n e s sevc Ag!i;tan ' er. neey ta' t thr ie~ Wddests: TENE TE Newwor. The 26 b,-stfw.pentewrdi h E Per Pounti for Cc,tto n in I) change for Wi!cox, Gijbhs & Co.'s GUANOS, PA YA - XT FALL, AA ACHIl l' \: th : . :. . i a o: . d I. % . . T I. . - COW LOST. CED 0 V, - l k:h, fr(m the %h%rivrvoe 'oesago. ]:-.tWm . ,rs amf Mri T Noc C5. 11 - . Ao-lice o1,fluial 0ischarge for !;:;ak d Ih rge a;in. c o o.E n;,,1hvincr:,hy vlud-, the fi:IA ! M F. I! D 0! INI CK, Nov. ',47-5:. Trse0 iMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL C3UNTY TRE URERS AND AUDITORS IN THE STATE. Si.T OF '3 0' ii C \A I NA,.I.4 I r.*..L UflV E tT : -: n : m .. S al. Nov.: :- C't, i afpw:; , . t I: :i :. :s-w--l'o: t;, h' i o : n or(! - : s tI.I r e filed :b F. J. Y t. l : Lm'! "::: Lo: .I IIh - '::, lr Z. E..p" - n po i: t!i- i o t he u00 0 ~State -:. South Caroin E\ r:f UTP, E DFPVARTMENTl pa, ' L o 1 :e~ suI cheCl: i!ir be: sned v.. :;d : zno:w:eu- ,tom or1der tho,e2 conu1 :.Ll' n: th e .c':' eineerL' I re!, 1ob, t. o ein State 2f Soh111 L oV Of loverin EN G.T.E L EI' AR TIl' ENTIC'L * "In acoda- u i:b L he custo mad creaI" Ly the >1h rran"co I' fa2- .1II (:seti7 ned L v th--I''I r'Iee::e of ' t O.r dren,IL I 'LIe th p.Lpe rI h!LI t' obI er'I , I . u it: io fsc v r TH' D Y,th 20h hvofNvme fiesde, VL:st IowCt hanC1 vi:I praise 1ii:.-d th Ji tru . exAre M.An,i Allthr nhphersnsl riebtn(p tousi:anwie.h ever t:.mustwherom :ie eut and settle aet,d one,ea moe wte wane tix-, a r' hea s.d.ed7, f:..einkted fa:cyn m.n isea on the wd.-ar: pat Tak e war.n:ng a:n.mer:. 11 E 1m. crtr of ta . NOTICE.LI ()I i Ib ay., of Decem.11,lI mI - a tILIl Pt0eu .le :t 11 "?. 0ti'N Thoc. . .&..d!n:a .\I' i ir AI IL . 1 n an1 ilyf r dich r ' 1s '1-1 i: All person indebt ever, (* . mus com 'I''110 and*1. ' setl at nc, will have. Our re headed,LI frekld ac ma is~-- on th war pat_______________________ Take warnin Cand-'s tle. ~ ZZ O"c MTALL & POO( 4ep :;o :s-tr SU.YN. Th\ :iri:e ,h ig po ie t i... ],- in pr-6 .e . :::e ,i p: p Dry Gootis, Groreries. Xc. J. H. GAILLARD, THOS. COOK, Dry Goods, Clothing, GROCERIES, &C. (dr Nwhewrry Hotlo.) p i:1ormI 1 fii:d- oid the pub!ie goe:aly .I t 1hi: : srr wde Cou:ai-, i th :ek 1F.'.LL ANDXIJ W INT E!" G4IS i Large, Varied and Chioice, And emb~race ti.e becst qualides t::d stylIes of good for ladies. gentemen and youtb, in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS. SHOES and HATS. Together n i Ii the ChoiCeSL and be-t of M Kinds of GROCERIES, - either fir f.inily or pla.tation ius, all of Moderate Prices for Cash. Th:mkful for pas.t favors, he a co):. . 1-. r tinu.nee, t iIh fle ns:o z1zance th:t no pains will be spared to give the utmost satisfac Sep -tf AFULL LINE OF [AH. aod WINTER 00BS! - (At Stewart's Old Corner.) ~P 1.&Re So CHICK - e spectfui ll l .at tent ion to their elegant, 1.r;c and v:ried :ttck oft gooS. among 1- which can be found all kinds of irst clas tre :; DRY GOODS, ile T)rcsS Goods. Clicoe-. flosiery, Gloves, Lae-. Colir, Jiibbio , lom. es ns. - assiinieires. Clotus, Kvrsevs. shirts, Draw ther, oLks. Splendid All-Wool Shawls, For gentlviei al ladies. 1Doane.Itic and StaIe G oo i en:1dles Va. riety. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CLOTHINS, a. HA.DWARE AND CUTLERY, A til,- as ortnl:ent of SADDLES and BRIDLES, A superior lot of UM'TlHELL.AS, for hand and buggv. FINE: AND 01DION TRUNKS, Amnon:a which are thiose conseulnt and ele Inot :n i :mn1 e'very article in our va >Cr, riou- lin ts. al of(I which hatve been carefully our seleted. and whicii we' warrant to bie tirst "SOLD LOW FOR CASH. nait ri t We aire always glad to shocw our goods and of ask examlinaton. * P. W. & R. S. CHICK. the STOCK OF 3' TIHOS. F. HIARMLON ofWoubl respectfully informi his friends and ( t-tomerAS thtat het is nowA re(ciing his -FALL AND WINTER 3 STOCK OF G00DS, ,t- WUtA is IE CAN SELL VERY LOW, idAs he hasi bought them ith t great care and d LARGE AND COMPLETE, Emnbracin:g a eydsrab lin of DRY GOODS, "" CLOTHING, . IBTS, 1100is iD SIHIES, SGROCERIES, &c., -iv Al. ofwhc WILL BE SOLD LOW. . Takul for the liberal patronage lhereto :ore ret.lve, he hp ,es, by strict attention to bu:siness. to merit a continuance of the s:un e. Se p. 1, 3-tf. o. 3 . C,1I NO & CO0, yet, DEALEP.S IN~ GRO CERIES, Of all idd, such as sugart', Coffee. Rice. Uacon. Choice IIams. tlljFlour. Lard. Molasses, M ackerel, Corn, FRtESHI MEAL AND 4RIST. P i kle.-. Cannedl Fruit. Ovsters. Sardines. (:rackers. Segatrs. To'bacco, t)ap. &c. T : h Ir whh.1 Sheetings and Yarns, BA6'GING AND TIES, N4A-EXPLOSIVE KEROSENE, And a!! thrrtil1es to)be foun lit a GRO CERY TORE, an d alli of which will BSOLD CHEAP F(et. 15, 41-l y. NOTICE. Noieis htereby given that I will make -a final settlemnt on the Estate of John Belton Kinard, decased, and apply to tbe Probate .Jade for the County of Newberry, for a final dischupg as the Admniistrator of Estatte, on Friday, the 4th day of IDecem:ber next, at 1.0 o'clock, A. M. QUINCEY M. KINARD A dm'r. j October 27, 1S74-43-5t. *?Istelaneouis. ATTRACTIONS! AT THE BATIMORE cofflNK! The Oldest Inhabitant, As well as the youngest child, will now be forced to bear testimony to the fImct that the proprietor of the above named popular htouse, A. M; WICKER, Has surp..:ed all previous efforts in pro vidin !or. thI GOOD PEOPLE OF NEWBERRY. My stock for this Fall and Wint'er, Including the Holiday Season, I: better, bigger.and braver than it ever was before, and For Proof of the Assertion I simply ask an examina'.ion. Every want of the human f"1mily can be supplied, as I will h'. c in store 2,000 lbs. of Assorted Candies, 18 BARRELS OF CAKES AND CRACKERS, assortedC, fresh and genuino. ORANGES, APPLES, B ANANA, DATES, LEMONS, RAISIS, in LARGE QUANTITIES. CANNED GOODS, 01 every variety, in fish, flesh, fowl, pre served fruits, etc. NUTS, QF EVERY KIND, Nic Nacs and Notions. A full :tock of GROCERIES, Coffee, Sugar, Flour, Rice, Grist, Meal, Lckerel, soaps, Sp'ce, Ginger, Cirna mon, Mace, Pepper, Salt, Soda, YeaLt Powders, Candles, Pickles, Dried Fruit, Potatucs, Pen:, Beans, Cabbage, Cod fi,h, Vinegar, and many other things. And Last, But Not Least, SUCH A LOT OF TOYS, Wh FIRE CRACKERS, TORPE DOES and ROMAN CANDLES, As never before have been seen in the town of Newberry. Nov friends I am determined to please you with a stock or *oods from which you ca::no: fail to be satisfied, and which will be kept up to a full standard until every body is supplied. My prices, too, are marked down to liv ing rates. Come and see me, and do not put off your coming, but come at once and be made happy by your old friend, A. M. WICKER. Nov. IS, 46-7. W AT CH ES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES, EYE-GLASSES, FANCY GOODS, &c., &c., &c. IIaving just remodelled and newly fitted up my store, I would ask the publio to giveA me a call, as n y Stock is Now tiie Largest ever offered in this part of the State, and PRICES AS LOW a can be found in the Suh My gends are bought direct from the Manufacturers, and, consequently, can be sold as cheap as any other IIouse in the State. All American Gold arnd Silver Watches sold at Mauttfact:r"rs' Catalogue prices. I keep a harge stock of Spectacles and Eye Glasses, st in Gold, Steel, Rubber andi Shell Frames, to Suit all ages, front the best Manufactu rers in the United States. A large stock of Birth-daly and Bridal Presents, Engagement Rings, &c. In my Establishment Gold is sold for Gold, and Brass Is sold for Brass. All goods sold warra:nted as represented, .m cus:omers may rely upoui getting what (ILev barga'in for. ALL KINDS OF WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIEING DONE AT SHORT NOTICE AND IN WORK MANLIKE STYLE. Orders by Mail or Expr ess, for work or goods, will receive prompt attention. Goods sent G. 0. D. to all parts of the country, w'ith thle privilege of examining before paying for them. Hair Jewelry of all Descrip tions Made to Order. JOHN F. SPECK, PRATT STREET, NEWBERRY, S. O. Oct. 14, 41-tf. IMIISTRATOR'S SAL! ON SA LE-DAY NEIXT, MONDAY, DE CEMBER 7th, I will sell, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, One Fine Gold Watch. TERMS CASH. I A dm'r., of Geo. A. SuLar,