Special and Local. The American Sardine Co.'s Bone- j less Sardines, are much better, and less than half the cost of imported it Sardines. 8-1v. C All single or trunsieut buziness nolices in the local department are inserted at the ra:e h of fifteen cents per line-liberal contracts b made for three, six or twelve months. tf. Communications on subjects of interest to the public are always acceptable. The names of writers, remember, must always accompa ny a letter to insure its publication. No re sponsibility is assumed for any other views than our own. - Dscisioxs OF TUE CoURTs.-Any person who takes a paper regularly from the Post R Office-whether directed to his name or ano- t ther, or whether he subscribed or not-is re- : sponsible for the pay. If a perzon orders is paper discontinued lie must pay ail arrear ages, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is made, and collect the whole amount, whether it is tuken from the fc office or not. The Courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers and periodicals from the Post Office, or removing and jetv- fi ing them uncalled for, is primnafacie evidence of intentional fraud. 14-tf. n TaE NEw POSTAL LAW.-After the tst of- tI January. 18'45, editors have to prepay all the c papers from their office. Of course no. pub- eN lisher can afford to pay postage for a subscri ber in arrears. We give this timely notice to all delinquents that we will not let their names encumber our books after that period. 42-tf. gi ( TAKE NOTtCE.-A parties having Ad ministrator's or Executor's Notices i*or w putblieatiou. will savc tht-mnselvi- troul.,Ic >y coming preparel to pay for the sanie 2: before insertion, as our terms are casI - Lawyers handing in such notices will ie held responsible for the payuient. th u-tt. They will also be beld responsible for the publication of all notices in Bankrupt cases. it Transient advertisements of any kind must th be paid for in advauce, if the parties adver- . tisiug do not reside in town. Job work and subscriptions strictly cash. A! papers shall be stopped hereafter as tic soon as the term of subscription expi:es, un less satisfactory arrangements are made to F continue the same. The X mark deuotes expiration-after that I W the paper is discontinued. h Bear these things in mind. 3-tf, tr< INDZX TO NEw ADvERTISEIEN S. J. J. Gallman-Notice. P MattieShackleford-Notice. Ced J. J. Carrington-6 Sheriff's Sales. M. D. Suber-Administrator's Sale. l John P. Kinard-Piantatiou .or Sale. Chase Brothers & Woodward- Seeds. A. M. Wicker-.Unprecedented Attractions. See card of F. Werber, Jr., Deputy survey- of Or. 4V-1y To SuBscRiBERS.-TWo weeks before the expiration of a subscriber's terin a small hi printed slip is inserted in his paper, w4iich gives notice that his paid time will be up with two more issues of the paper, and unless a renewal 'is made the paper is stopped.- : Please take notice and renew promptly, if you wish the paper continued. We would - gladly have each subscriber continue, and T1 trust that no one will feel aggrieved, either . at the notice, or, after receiving i t. if a re nowal is not made, on fiading that their paper is discontinued. 463-3t. No PosTAGE ON TUE HERALD IN THits er CouxTx.-Remember that no postage is re-I e quired on the HERALD for subscribers living in the County. Small as was the amount, only five cents a quarter, yet it was a bug bear to many of our readers, because they disliked being dunned for so small a sum. It pl will trouble them no more. To those who K would not renetw when their subscriptions , expired bec-anse of this tax, an invitation is extended to come b.ack and give us their names with the cash. ALL PAPERs SENT our OF THE CoUNTY, however, are subject to postage, and this has to be paid by the publisher in advance, andn before the papers arc sent to their des!ina- in tions. No paper will be seat to a subscriber, in therefore, who fails to pay in advance. e 46-3t. s Fresh arrivals of latest styles Milline-t ry and Dry Goods, at n 43-tf McFALL & POOILS. 01 RIGHT.-We notice that W. II. as Thomas, lately deprived of his position it as Triatl ,Justice, has been re-instated by ti the Governor. Ii or BAH.ED.-MeSS-S Pink Hardy, Dick Coleman and Win. Glenn, who were arrested on the 20th of October last, el were taken to Columbia last week by 7. Sheriff Carringtonl, atnd bailed, the first on a bond of $6,000, and the others in $1,000 each. th Madame Demorests Reliable Pat, -terns of all sorts can be obtainzed at jt Mrs. D. Mower's. 1:1-tf. it NEw LoDGE.-District Deputy, L- R.n 31arshall, has his hands full in forming niew Lodges of the Order of Good Temt p)lars. On Monday latst, lie isiue Lodge at Bush River Baptisthurch. lHe was assisted by Pazst Worthy Chief,P Rev. Manning Brown. a TH ANKE.-Miss Babe McKellar will I necept our thanks for placing on the cditorial table something interesting T~ picked tip while in attendance at the State Fair. We highly appreciate her kindness, and hope that her enjoyment of tihe gala scene wvas very large. W~e want every dollar owing us. Come up and settle your bills like men, t with McFALI &PO . 43-tf No Mis'rAKEF.-L. R- MarShall, the a great purveyor of good things, imakes 1 announcement that fresh fish and oysters p~ can be had at his establishmtent here after EVERY DAY. He says thmere is nou nstanke about it this time-that lie has y effected arrangements wvith reliableC parties for regular supplies, A RARE CHANCE.-One of the most desirable plantations in New berry Coun ty-the Seig place-is offered by the : agent, Mj. JT. P. Kinard. for sale on Sale-dayv in D)ecember next. It is one of the few la:ces adapted to cotton. corn and small grain. and then its pas tures are splendid. The inidividtual whto secures this place will get a prize. 1 OLD PAPERS.-OIld papers for sale at. this oBice in packages of 50 or 100, att Ib 40 and '5 cents. tf. b Cow.-The exceeding pleasantness of weather experienced for six weeks er more, almost had the effect of making people think that summer would lat a all the year. On Friday mnorning last t< they awoke with other thoughts-the r sky was clear, the breeze sharp, biting, a while the sun was not near so watrm-n It begins to feel winterish now, and al -t though the soft weather was very de Jightful, still everybody is glad of the chneaoepriulrytefir c i MAJ. C. II. SUE.-The many friefnd f this amiable gentleman vill be re )ieed to learn that his health is im roving. Ie has been for some weks 1 the city of Balthnore, where he went > consult that emiiiient physiciani, Dr. hisohm, formerly of this State. We ope soon to see the Maj,r home in a etter condition than when he left. Don't sneak around the corners to void us, and to spcnd your cash, while ou owe us. Debtor we mean Vou. 43-tf MlcFALL & POOL SUL:RGr.u Om:CAN-Dr J. K. hapman. assisted by Dr. J. A. Berley, iecessfully nmputated the forearm of obert Subier, (ired, on Saturday, the 11. at Pomari.1, S. C. IIis hand was Ught in a gin from icarelessness, and mangled as to cause ampitation. he wound is doing well. We are indebtel to Dr. Willie Folk ,r the above item of news. LA(;r S-rocK.-One of the largest. iest and ch.apest stocks of Crockery. lassware and Fanoy Articles, both or imental and useful, can he found at .e store of 'Messrs. Kmingslaid & I leath. >lumnbia. Their assortmient comnprises ervtiing which can be called for. o not miss the place when visiting the tv-under the Columbia Hotel. 42-2 CuiNETs AT TiIIE Fai:.-The boys in -e, with instruments highly polished, d all in tune. went to the Fair last eek. :an from a,t accounts ad a a ry iy time. They returned on Saturday full feather and good wind, and as eV marched up Mlain Street from the epot, under the inspiration of Dixie. Was pleasant to discover that though e had been Iblowing for an cntire ek they had not lost a single noLe. PREMUin.--e are pleased to no :e that our Newberry exhibitors at the dr received premiums as follows: rs. Gaillard, on hair work. one award; Iii. Sumner, raspberries, one, straw rrics, one, peach, apple and pear ,es, one each; Mrs. E. 11. Epps, best ium, one; John Willingham, in a 0ughing match, -25; Joe Hill, color ploughing match, $10; and N. S. rams, for Jack and Jeannet, 815. Mr. W. P. BI-uis the only agent we sv in Newberry County for the sale our Sewing 1achine, and he is alone tlorlized to make collections for. us. e take pleasure in rccommending ui to the confidence of the people of vwbcrry County as a gentleman of racter and standing, and ask for in a liberal support. Can be found, ien not travelling, at the Dry Goods ore of J. ). Cash, NCv;errv C. If. [E SINGER MANUFACTURING JPANY. LAInGE AND) FNE.-M1r. D)rayton Kib edeluged us last week with a hag of oraus yam potatoes-the kind best lelated for frying purposs-and ine of them are so large that one slice ill more thani cover a breakfast plate. eare forced to use tihe large dinner ates until the b:ag is emptied. MIr. ibler has many thanks, andl we trust any more big potatoes. The m:an ho runs against him in this line has it been heard from as vet. FIRE.-About 8 o'clock on 3Monday ght, the barn or straw house, belong g to M1r. Osborne Wells, and in the corporate limits of the town, was dis vredl to be0 on fire, which withm the raw, atnd a1 horse power wheat cut r, were entirely destroyed. It has >t been ascertained how the fire iginated, but as the house waLs remote omn the dwelling house, and only used a recep)tacle for wheat and oat straw, is presumnabule that it either caught -e from some one entering it with a ~htdl pipe, or that it was wilfully set itire. MIandlarin Teas, the best, purest and eapest, at MIrs. D). MToweYs. Price, ie., $1.00 :ad 51.50 per lb. 1:3-tf Bn'oi tEl C.tisWEU,I.-We notice in Ce fTcnra'ac Adcrwate of laist week, tat arranigements ate being made by te Grand D)ivision for two lectures m this (distinguished speaker during s session in that city. Should this ntleman visit Columbia, and we have > doubt lie wvill, we hope that aistrong fort will be made by the difTerent or nrs in Newberry to induce him to pay a visit and give our citizens an op >rtunity of onIce again enjoying his tertaining lectures. Good Tenmplars id Sons, take hold of this idlea, and *t us have Bro. Carswell by all means. TAKING TIE B~Y THlE huOtR.K. ie proprietor of the Baltimore Corner, .M3. Wicker, shows himself wide ake in making an early announce ment of the very large stock of goods store and to arrive for thme approach ig holiday seasons. lHe takes time by C forelock in making the fact known, nd lie does well, and we are confidenit at his sales will be increased two-fold v it. Never b)efore has he made such mple provision in good things for the ople of New berry, amnd aliso in toys, hatyhings and candies for the little ones. Ce predict for the Baltimore C'orner ap nusual run of trade, and advise the co!e to purchase early. Tm.: INux Gnu. has at length de eloped into the full grown woman d is more graceful and beaujtiful than i the first blush of girlhood. In keep ig with this she has enlarged her use dlness by adding to the retail business f Perry & Slawson's a wholesale trade, nd it is a pleasure to say that in th w and enlarged sp)here she is quite ccessful, for while the retail does noi )e any attenltionl the wholesale depart wit is kept to thme miark in splendid :ve, and the whole country can now~ e supplied with any quantity of the est segars. tobaceo, &c. Do niot forget mis, ye dealers, patronize the Ind(ianJ iiri, Columbia. 44-tf. A young lady at a western temper fleemeeting said. "Brethren and sis ns. eider is a necessity to me, and I nst have it. If it is dIcided that we re not to drink cider, I shall eat apples nd get some nice young man to squeezc i, for I camn't live without. the juice of 1e apple." We do not give this a 'locaF place as n example to our girls, but rather to iow them what vixens there are to be man in the West. - - - - T - I eln - - - - - - - W m . H . tre.se t . 2 : - - - - -- - 7--: -... ~ l . -e -1 r: l IL - .e. . . . .w.r c - ' -L -- t 1 ' 1 1 - -- Nnnee - I -u - olv I] I Z. - -1 - - e t e i . ni i .eo Cs The wahrcnie.n it -. .-~ -~ c B rm o o es. w oe i t, will still be weather.eLat a wi iwmt i prtt cold. P. o. 4-. -,- 7~~ 'o~ 4c- t cy, of ZZ 1 - C o i dattural I. lz I Z; CIZ,I '1 Sc~ott. fo cmenylat wee an Lrmebee S xSctesh be m l GtZ C:i L4..-hn-oa tm ar er an yth Ii - god, s.ucha t fl o i -i i o xI 4- 1': cz ' - a LL meit tf C- C 77CCt AIOLT vul: ToN%'N AN) (.41U NT Gi i1) vi. bm 1 .k Xi..-When locald items amel wh wr arseo hrfoe Thv ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bv weahr. noseiez llt Nlc-hr 'l'hewcati~:rcontiiuesd ~*na' :IThereisi a rose:ich:si ;eo thatros it gla oold or 1:11Vcs for thle,thfolloi w oe, Whereponwa editor who att hude, a prty woi~, i ~ul ~i1l1w ~eaiu. at.i trophsite ih towa char: ' fi at ty usribert s th:tt coldy are afai ofa~]wo oe: ot n worse itvi.4Above the etoo ofWice, ad butofor the aethaned timid one that itis)conteplttedst reove e inIvI(ialS Ofui:~ eein loaig few ~~anoe fwreksuto oher urter , and ei'11ftrust(It, 10 the )rit4!. ''li obtuay ntic wrtte Ne, i a fool lo.Iewth fl. There is e stool. ago.Now wewoud inormalltheStool, fool. Fool, stool, tiiu'1 nestha itis enteul)ate toOld stool, remoe te IIitA.D Ofic in i fIDamphool. then to see them.Co eri. T'he display of silver wuare at Capt.~CnUBA NCIllC 13-Sle ofcoto todyMbales-mnill ing 1.sa1.. Speck's is bewildering. and espc.ially NEwv yoRIK, N'ovembher 16,-Cotton Quiet :tt night, when all his lamnps are lighted ludstead; snes 7.->, at 14 115t. Goldh up, is the fl'et most. eiuarmuing. Ii BxLrAMonE, Yovember 1G.-Cotton firmer there is lady in town or county wh has an~d higher-muiddling 14 .. A cocs-r., November 1.-Cotton firm and not "-laid eyes" on his beauitiful assor t- tedi: uip-midding 1Pa14. met,weadis t. on to - ou Cu.XI.E~s-rO, Nyvemlber 1.-Cotton firm ment weadvse hatoneto soim-e'-middling 14 ja142. mediately if not sooner, for rememberlC, LIVEnIPooL, November 1.-Cotton strong la.der -hitt is -mig -uplauds 7- Orleans SR. noydar hitma oie eonenn. NEwBEitt:, November 17.-Therc is We hiave noMoicd3r. Wiea' slight upwardh tendiency in cotton. and the allery lately, and hasten now to do so, su~pply is unlimited. The market closed for the>instrict grade at 134. by saying that there is exhii ted therein Nmber of bales shipped--1638. some beautifnl sp)ecimnls of his work. . Busz'Ess NECEssITI Es.-In these (lays and that no0w while the line (lays last it of progress, most enterprising firms use is well to take adlvantage of the oppor- every me.ims of putting their* niamles betore their cust'omers. In no way can this be more tunities afl-orded by Mr. Wisemian's skill conven ien sy and attra c:iveiy dotne than by in securing the per-feet shadow of the using I'rinted L.ctfr I hIcadings and0 Ujil Heads. -Thei have co;r.e io such getneral use by living sublstancetA. Merchants, that one seems old fishiloned The neglro, .Joncs, arresteud by, Mr. who dloes not uise them , and the' euistomr , . . ould bie getnera!ly adopte'l by thue Country Cook last week, after beimg bmlied, was Merchants. wie uP >hy his surity who did not like WALKEu,. EVpNS & CoGswVELL, Chiarles -ton, S, C., furuish Letter and 1Ui11 Ieads of the atspect. .Jones soon found a:mothuer al grades, and at the most reasonable prices. friend. though. This friend promlises Send to them for terms anl prices. to slik. 'l'y the way, MEssRts. \\ ALKCER. EvANS & to stiek-CswrtL are getting up and selling like We were tol a day or two ago4 that hot cakes some excelIent books for our Mecr ebman:s. 0One, the Merchiants' Cotton 10ok, there aue somue very contrary peopIlle for keepin:; corrcCt accounts of thie purchass aiong those whoil make up church and shiptr.cuts of Cotton; thc other, the Merchant u&ill lIuok, for reaoily iknowing memberships. No otie will dispute the how the paymniits 4on their customers' notes fat. and accounts stand. Blotihbooks arc exced Be sure von are right, then go ahead actly.eil)ec aCase h puros - to tihe opening noxt the corner of street. - Take stairs, walk up, enter first or See- Te aio CIntri tt. nd door on left. Terms, $2 50 for one - u~inccnplans nehrwrs yeal, or$1.5 fo si monhs.all disordiers genera tedI by unwholesome ex yea, o 8125 or ix onts. ialationis troth ue earih or water, :ire preva If any one wanits the IIEnA w1 fre'enta hssaa.I vr -e ujc let him make up a c-Ilb of t wenty n:anes to th vlti'atin of fev r and agiu or e:her at $2 eachl. *forms of interieni-t 1iSeaO(e, theC cauies A few bushels of corn are so badly .~h ,olw i- . .iesar n.e ci needd a thi ofice hatthe ~*h -1l at wor k. Tblus, Iherefo. is a pene d of die neeed t tisoilce hatthy wl b ,ear when the in iiiItan ts of suceh diistri:ts paid for either in love, subscriptions to siihl(:I hi Vt'l 0nx h the IIERAL.i. or in money.- loeowCi u i Iushel Some malicious fellow wants to know cus ft4 I1. llC(ICttLiCi. if "Chinquepin's" horse shared in that ouno:tn IIaI Cg:ili.1Inne mess of back bones mentioned last week. Ifrivs~te,*. i :ns l IitlCai Sucha iustio i~ nougi toitune saoulpdc pinp:n-e theites iot m:et thoun hore lugh 'Iiueid:~ f ahore ct: wholetso comiitio of er iI mtrvlsp heh a If he ommssones cf rad, oer-wcheo tic ae::n I alteivenie andnt. F sortems among teingort.t thes mmeins-I seerd atudiallaothersperitnre.ta(la haansnot fortifem dtha dymm:~i ::aI in temiad takeni advantauge of the long spll ofn sap beautiftl weaithuer, by tilling every piaLc4erso ayo u ag iesadi i Ithat might or would become a ttiap du- nihohoio u 1-tenbyu n ring the winter rains. they shioubll behaon. owitelme hnteihb mairla to take up their abiode with the~ .alniluiu itressol u Juon op"d the whangdoodle.ftiiCtinlIacureothsowfl Inl tuie of peacee prepare for war, in vthbeatdt.1yti custefels I tia-r wods get your saus:tge grinder.s - .wl T hits reminds us that 15 c-nts per cnupVon huuai-n yppi pon 10isI asked iniOt ou arket for p)ork.11 ayohrctpansaef.ieul H o is thtu for high? udleraiuofdycdanc-csiv Whe Ii peopile liave to. work on themosuecmoinurlnut 1thco picpeof "toot pig (rlie. is hard he tc-i~alint k i Ito pay so high for their pork. It Bre r-u' iur v erses tihe saving of "too muchb pork for ai ,hilling'' into too much shilling O TH Y for pork.iaeiits~tgzie The -renmoval of the bed of rocks Aloae ruirrlv mn hms w.~hich so long obstruted the r-oadl in taus font of MI. J1. N. 3Iartin-s handsome aaLolDertn. -resience, is ai decided imiprovemien t. xvct- eprne Another impr-ovement a little farther Isjnji n icavNts up the 13ul is an elegant two-story house TwitfIirige idCv. rapidly getting on to compilletion. SBCITO,$.0 The Newbeiry eatist was in town the ueC1lf5ecieatteN brr Iother day. He looked as if a good OrsntoW.PJA B, achema wudhh hi.4Nv hittr. Wh-I., Celhntoaee n1 theC West or .Muth knows ru'i weil :he esteem in which this ineo::,p.sr:0.!e preventive and re storative is held ih:oaghout these regions. It is litera!!y a domestie sa.ple in the swampy and mephitic locali:ics which lie on the bor dets of many of our large rivers and in the neighborhood of our southern bayous and la::oons. Now is the time when the inhabi tants of all malarious districts should put their systems and constitutions in good de feusive trim by a course of this powerful vegetable ant ide te. By this me:ms the feeblest resident of an unheal:by soil may esc.ipe the sickne,s. wh ich without the aid of th:s potent alle of nature, will be apt so overtake the .:r'omtest. ChilN and fever, billious remit tents. constiprion, rheumatism, dyspepsia and many other complaints are fr quently brought on by the caprices of temperattire and al:ernations of dry cold and excessive moisture common in our climate at the com mencement of spring. Let all who desire to avoid these distressing ailments take the Bitters as a safeguard. 44-47. OUR MONTHLY, Is a religious Magazine. Advocates Brotherly love among Chris tians. Has a Local Department. advocatr-s Temperance. scientitle and Literary Notes. Twenty-four Pages and Cover. SUBSCRIPTION, $1.00. suoscriptions received at the Newberry HERA1.D OfIIce, Or send to WM. F. JACOBS, - 1 --1A haln him a o n-a enntnn. A C. Executor' Nales. NOTICE. BY virtuc and alliltority of the l;st will an t tof i. Itarre, lee'd., we wil i:,u t uile outerv, at Newbey. H., w .lw!a. i.'7th P>(y -f [r,%, 11he o!!onxi;-LlNo.i E tate( of sid deceased, t. :i Th;,- Ti .AT OF LANi) i:ua:e in en%%!)rryv Cotoi:y, S. C., bhing alo:mg Bu:-h I'' ira e td ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHT ACRES. 1.and b!W!nd IV lands of E-tate Ib>riy Bur ton, dec'd , Draytwn Kibler, Mi-. E. J. Barre antd Mi- S. ' I;arre. TERNIS OF SALE-Onlehalf cash bal ance paYable at one year, %ith inter:t from day oI* S, seUreid Il nott anid m tortgage of th. premi.zes. Purch.:aser (c.n pay all cash if he desires. Purchaser to tav for papers. E J. BA RIE, Ex'cx., .J. A. BERLEY, Ex'or. .A .> I I 45--1i EXECUTOR'S SALE (7_D VALUABLE LAND. A-z Ex"clutir of he %tati oif Marg:iet S. :.i.:. de:ed, I wv:! nell, at Net her. ry ' , ON M0NDA Y, -ALIE'-DAY,) T!!E 4TIl I)AY OF iAN'AlRY, 105, the nle of Li.- 1: EstatA o! ilI said deceascd, TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN ACRES. T.- traIc :s bo.!ed Iy lind, of -J. D. Pitt , 11. ). Ienson an1 Andrew Lark. Af otler intormalion can be obZained { from 1he ulmiers,Ined. J. W. REAGIN, Nov. 1, 4,-StExecutor. EXECIORS' SAIE, Pursuaut to the order of the Honorable J.aies C. Lely, Judge of Probate for New berry, we will s:ll, at tc re.idenec of the late Jacob Wheeler, On Tuisday, tle 24th Day of -o c,unbvr hnstant, all the Personal Property of said deceased, consisting of Horses, 31 ales, Cattle, Ho gs, SiX Bales of Cotton, Corn, Fodder, Shueks, &C. Farmiing Iimplelents, Blacksmith Tols, H ouseiol.d and j\itchenl Purniture. Also, Fifteen Shares of Stock in the National Bank of Newberry, S. C. TiPMS CAS H. d1. .\. WilEELER, D. B. WilEELER,. Qusalified Executors Novemzbe 2, 1S74-4'-?>.t L1EtTOIR8' 8AL OY I Il BLE REIL ESTATES By virtue ot an ortier of Hlon. .J. C. Leafhy, JIudge of Probaitc for Newberry (ouinty, we will sell, at Yewbel~rry Court Ho ,Sout h Garolina, (hn 3i10aday, 11(1 7th dlaU of Decun tier Nr.et, (pale-Day.) YaIDable PIac1ttic of l.and of ublich Mrs. HVee I 'Neall died seized, Known as Springfield, Am ci ontai.ninig FOUR HUNDRED) AND SIXTY-ONE ACRES, imore or less. Thiis p!.uta ion iOuiis two imilis We.st u: NewbLerry Cou,srt 11iiase, and is admiir.ably aapted to the enh]iv.tion of Cotton, Corni and Small (Grain. There is a TWO-STORT 1)WELLt%-H1o[SE, and all necessary out-buildings upon the ph:ice, andl spring of fie wc ater in conven ient distanice of the dwelling. A portion of said tret lies in one m.le of the Court Thei aibove tract will be cut into lo:s toi suit purchlasers, and plats of the same will he exhibited on the day iof sale. T ERMS OF .AL E.-One-third cash, the balance in one anid two years, in equil in stailmelntS, with initerest from day of sale, to I.e secured lby the bond of purchaser anid a miortgage of thme prciiises. J1. WISTAR G;ARY, 9:a. E'or ofthe Will of Mrs. hlelen O'N.-all. Neia berry (. HI., S. C , Nov. 4, 1874--44-5 NOTICE. We nill 4-li at the~ residensce of Hecnry S. Boozecr. ;i the towii of Prosperity, On Tiu'r.day. ti 19thi day of 30 at 11 o'clock ini the morning, all the Per sonal Prioperty of' our test.itrix, the late Mrs. Martha Young, con:sistinug of Horse, B3uggy,. ]Buggy Hlarniess, &c., &c. Terms of Sale--- CASH. WM. LESTER, llENRY S. HUOZElR, D)AVID tROSSON, As Ex'ors of last Will of Mrs. Martha Young, dee'd. Nov. 4, 44- -nt. NOTICE ! Will be sold to the highest bidder, ()nt 1'de- Dayf in5 IinPer Kr.ert, Altl tint TRACT OF LAND; knowni as the Scott Bottoms or Andersoni iuaeinNewberry County, lying on the wtrofInidian Creek, bounded on the EtbyD.Carlisle's land, on the South by Renwick's adHargrove's lands, and on the VB est anid North by JT. A. Mars' ln The undersigned will take pleasure in showing the premises to any pro ih ing to purchase. Terms made kiiown on day of sale. Ot1, JAMES A. M\ARS, Ex'or. Who Wants an Organ? Any one in need of one of Needham & Sons Orgaus, wiill find it to their advanta'ge to apply to the HERALD OFFICE Jan. 21. <8-tf Dry Goods X *Iiuinerj I THE GRiND OPENING OF M~'ILLINERY AND McFALL & POOL'S Emporium of FASHIONT! Commonsh Is Ol And Will Continue With Varied Piotm111111e in all the Latest No relties, d 111I G TIIE S ISN ! iervilinhig New and Eieganiit FULL TOILETS FOR LADIES, As well as -entlemen's Piece Goods,; Consi:iting- of'CLOT11S. o IASSIMERS, and FURNISIING Goods of all kluds. Our stock is lar-t,, consi);ing of every rticle in our t .w lines-Millinerv and Dry oods-alnd have een boi gh wfit care, I: 1d as we are detertitined to give satisfic- al action to every one, bothl it, quality of T :oods- and pri ws, e respettfullv solicit an a arlv visit fron our friends and customers. Our TE''iR are STRICTLY CASH from ud after this late. sept :: :;.) 't MFALL & POOL. MILLINERY AN) nillinery Goods, RJIBBONS, 3ilk and Straw Goods, TIT"r WHITE GOODS, lorsets, Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Parasols, and Handkerchiefs. Now opcn at KLrs. D. MOWER'S, UNDER IlERALD OFFICE. Oet. 7, AU-tf. Ladies. Gentlemen and Youth j Of New benty and surroundig country, C. F. JACKSON, COLUMBIA, S. C.,n :an .show, and if once shown can sell you, TJIEl LARGES-T VARIETY OF DRY GOODS NOTIONS, I" AND AT 0 CHEAPER PRICES Than ever before exhibited in this market. I!is stock emibrace-. )ress Goods, f Cassimeres, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, &c. I:UFFLIN( and I.uiBIR EDGINGS, rc)om 10k. upwards. RLIBBONS. 25c'. a yard. worth 50c. and 75e. 1 A ad a variety or other things ere or less, upon which is a goo ry lDwelling House, and all nec t-buildings, adjoining lands of the I d Lutheran Churches, B. F. Griflir hit J. Carrington and others, front Idwell Street. Also, that other lot thin the corporate limits of the t< wherry, containing Five Aeres, re or less, and adijoinintg lands of Hon. Job Johnston', dee'd., Josep and others, and fronting on Ca -cet. Also, thnat other lot, known "Shop Lot," on which there is a Wood and: ith Shop, lying in the town of New oining lots of George Boland, wer and others, and fronting on II and Harrington Streets, the same nmng One-Fourth of an Acr re or less. The above Real Es uable, and will be divided into c< lots. Plats of the same~ will be d on the day of sale. rER31S OF SA LE-One-hall ensl ance on twelve months time, to ed by the bond of the purchaser rtgage of the premises, the bond t erest from the day of sale. ru re pay for papers. will also sell, at the same tin ce, The Choses in Actior said Bankrupt. CERMS8 CASH. BU'RR .J. RAlfA Assignee of the Estate of N. A. IH krupt, )ct. 1, 1574-42-7t. DI. C. BEE & C FACTORS AND) DIISSlON MIERUHA Ldger's Wiharr, Charleston, S. .iberal advances miade upon consign totton and ot:er produce to th lrlestun, or thr:o::h them to thei: pondents in Liverpool, New Yorl nimre. :o. D). .JEavsyv, jLAa?ass N. CH (iet 28, [ r-4m iINX IRONWO CO)LUMBIA, S. C. COLASil & UIN wldB[ aod Macil Have always on hand ationlary Steam Engi and Boilers fror Saw MIll1s, Elc., AW AND GRIST MIL otton Presses, Gearing, Shafting, Pullies, E ASTINGS cf every kind in Iron or l ~e guarantee to furnish Engines 'ers of as good quality and power, .s low rates as can be had! in the No: e mianutacture, also, the GADD)I )VED WATER WIlEEL, which w tnendl for power. stmplicityofecont .durability and cheapness, 'e warrant our work, and assure pr( s and dispatch Ln f Inorders. GOLDS TH t KZN2 iseel,aeonis. Groceries. Buffale Tongues, Cod Fish, Pickled Mullets, Breakfast Strips, English Dairy Cheese, Imperial Tea, Black Tea, Fresh Meal, Buckwheat Flour, Table Salt, Soda Crackers, Pine Apples, eaches, Tomatoes, ugars, Coffee, ard, Bacon, egars, &c., &c. E. SvLIXeVS. 1. .0 11IXTER, 175 . SWAFF.ELD, MBIA, S. C., argest, most elegant and stylish DE CLOTHING, PS' FURNISIING GOODS, City. "OM DEPARTMENT DREIGN and DOMESTIC CkS 'GS, which we are making to or tnd guarantee satisfaction. .st attention. abject to inspection. Sep. 3o,.-tf. U WATCHES, upt. Bank Ionor e Dis abo e ty uter, n saidCL O S JEWELRY, SLVYER AND PLATED WARE, Jrk SPECLES, EYE-GLASSES, teFANCY GOODS, ldw'ell &c., &c., &c. '3ak . Having just remodelled and newly fitted Duer py stre would ask the public to give Cald. me a call, as~ my' *"f Stock is Now the Largest C, ever offered in this part of the State, and ate is my nven xiPRICES AS LOW ,the as can be found in the South. ' e se- My goods are bought direct from the and a Manufacturers. and], consequently, can be bear sold as cheap as any other House in the 'tasers State. *All American G;old and Silver Watches e and sold at Mauufacturers' Catalogue prices. I keen a large stock of Spectacles and Eye inGl,Glasses, nter, sti Gold, Steel, Rubber and Shell Frames, ' to Suit allags, from the best Manufacto rers in the United States. A large stock of 0., Birth-day and Bridal Presents, Engagement Rings, &c. In my Establishment Gold is sold f or Gold, and Brass Is sold for Brass. ITS, All goods sold warranted as represented, and my customers may rely upon getting what they bargain for. u nALL KINDS OF WATCH, CLOCK AND cor- JEWELEY REPAIBING DONE AT nud SHORT NOTICE AND IN WOEK *MANLIKE STYLE. Orders by L.il or Express, for work or goods, will receive prompt attention. Goods sent G. 0. 1). to all parts of the -OM country, v ith the privlege of examning - before paying for them. Hair Jewelry of all Descrip tions Made to Order. S, JOHN F. SPECK, PRATT STREET, NEWBERRY, S. C. Oc t. 3 4, 41-tf. NOTICE. All,to persons indebted ousin anywise what ever, must come up and settle at once, as nes money we want and money we must and will have. Our red headed, freckled faced LS, man is on the war path. Take warning and set tie. M'FALL & POOL. Sep. 30 SS-tf. tc. NOTICE. notic ishereby given that I will make and afnlse:tlemuent on the Estate of John 'th. Bfelto Kinard, deceased, and apply to the IM. Pro'>ate Judge 'or the County of Newberry, etue for afi nal discharge as the Administrator treIof said Este te, on Friday, the 4th day of mpt- Decemiber rext, at 10 o'clock, A. I. y,QUNCEY M. KINARD, Adm'r. October 27, I874-4~-~t. Dry Goodx, Groceries, Xc. laim p, and laillsto I AT T11E EOUR MILE HOUSE. The largest and best stock of Fall and Winter Goods I ver exhiibited in that section of country C aI now be shown by the subseriber. My ood; have b..en e'ecte,l with epec"al i noale.lie of The Great Public Wanws, nal 0 Vr- been hioueniit at LOW PRICES, F 'TH.kT THEY MAY BE ove, but a beautiful and rare lot of NO IONS, for ladics, gentlemen and youth, ,d I aim not only able TO SHOW s large and handson,e stock in the articles di mimerated, but a superior a;sortment of LOTHING, fiine and co:nmon, as well as OUT. SHOES and 11-AT.S, so THAT r :ant of the hmtian fami!v can be ipplied, not only as to the outer but the mer man. I can assure the pilic that A BETTER TIME PC ever prcsental itse-lf for laying in a sup y o' choice GROCERIES, either for fami or plantation use, ali of which should be i 1 in now wh,ile mone Ju tr IS COMING S at . The above goods have been bought leap, and not only ~or the People of Newberry, nit for the rest of mankind, arid BAR AINS arc theretore ofTered to ev-ery- one ho comecs early with the CASH. in M. FOOT, On the Corner under Pool's Hotel. m BSTABLISHED 1857. a Oct. 14, 41 tf. Jo Ca . M.\MO[N0 & 130. Would call ithe attention of their cunsto ers, friends arid the public generally, to Io ie fact that they t ARE SELLING ecir entire stock: conAisting of Dry Goods, ad otions, Clothig, Boots, Shoes, flats, Caps, si roceries, Crockery-ware, Hard ware, Tin- w are andl Wooden-w1are, besi des a variety I }'anev GOODS :m boch h ave beer selectedl with great care Ci onm the best housei in Baltimorrre at prices suit the times. We reel satisfied that ba e can please you, because we sellcu mc CHEAPER THAN i Sdidl last season. There being no panic,p1 id nmoney more plenrtifurl, enables us to 11 a't prices within ti:e 1\aebi of all. In of !ditiort to the above, we havc added to ir stock a nice assortacit of Conifectiori iec. coniingmi of ('anrdies, both French d Ameriricain, Raisins, Canned Goods, &c., Ba sich w~e rairely kept, if EVER BEFORE. xrs E. CHAmAs. JAMEs M. Wu.sos. NOTICE. The partnership hieretotore exi-ting he -eeni .James M. Wilsont arid the undersign- CI ,under the firm rinme of J. M. WILSON CO., lhas been dissol:eud be the death of nmes II. Wilson. All persons in anywise decbted to our late iirm will please make Io imecdiate payment. If all cash cannot be .id let part payment be mrade and a note res ven for the balane. AN s.tatY sETTLE- B GT is NEcEssARY. JUNII S E. CHAP'MAN, Sirrvivor of J. M. Wilson & Co. "I Oct. 27th, 1874. Oct. 7, 40--t . in 0k T0 YOUR I\TEREST. I ant now receivrig a large arid select ock of goods, consisting of i-ROCERIES, DRY GOODS, o LOTI-HING-, lOOTS AND SHOES. HATS, CAPS, &C., l:eh\ WILL DE SOLD LOW FOR THlE ESSRS. JN0. E. WEBB & 0. io are now mianlagig the burirne-s, w ill ke nie-asure ini wair ig upon cuistorrers, d1 wI l.so buy or ship eotton, on their S maccoutni, making hberal advances on e samie. IENRY H. BLEASE. Sep. 23, 38s-tf. SPECIA L. S otice for Final Discharge and Settlement. Notice is hereby given that I will make a al settlerment on the Estate of Mary E. ngley, deceased, on ti.e 20th day of Jan ry next, arid apply on that dlay for a final scharge as Administrator of said deceas IL M. SING LEY. C EDAinniNO3TICE. 2 co-i I still continue the treatment of diseases tii culiar to womnic, both married and sin- ' e.P.B. *UFF. **e Jue3*S122-h- 1. nna a M4-22-tf. .1