IS NOVEMBER. AfI T W T F - 2 .3 4 5.6 7 8 9 10 11 Ed 1.3 14: -,5 16,17 18-19 2)02 122 23124-25 26-7-28 12 30 -- A NORTH CAROLINA DAIRY. We cut down from the Hillsboro Recorder the folivwing account of a dairy established near lillsboro Orangesuanty, N. C., mention of which was made in the Morning Star yescrday: Mr. WGonnell came from lili nois about four years ago and pur chased the plantation of Dr. C. J. ireeland, who was about moving to Illinois-the two almost ex changing locations. At the time of Mr. McG.'s purchase the land was a lN cn dtio The new pur Chaser in the coursenof e next year seeded down to grass liberally, putting in about thirty acres in clover, orchard grass, timothy and herds grass. This now forms per mianent pasturage. He has inilked an average (ifi eight cows the past -year. Their, whole subsistence during, the sum mer months is on the pasture, they receiving no slops or other food of any kind. The stock of cattle is of the common breed of the coun try, purchased in the neighborhood. There is no secret in their manage-! ment other than good pasturage, regular attention aLd good milking. His -cows have been brought up from half a gallon a day, the yield at the time of purchase, to an average of five gallons a day. The principal aim is cheese ma king which may be said to have been hitherto on an experimental scale. That business begins on the 1st of April and continues un til the 1st of December. Mr. McUonnell has s.:ld since the 1st of May, $97 worth and has now $125 worth on hand, Hie sold a part of which time his cows were dry, thirty dollars woi th of butter. There is no mistake in the quality of tire cheese. It is far better than V nine-tenths of the Northern cheesc brought here, and this is universal ]y admitted. Mr. McC. says that this climate has peculiar fitness for the ripening of cheese to perfection far suero to Western New York [ or Idinois. in both of which he has had his previous experience, and * he says mioreover that the lands are equally as well adapted to the grasses as any he has ever known. a gives the preference to~ orchard grass for permanent pasturage and uniform nutritive qualities. One of the mest encouraging features of his operations is the small expense that has attended it. Hie has never bought a pound of artificial iranures.' He has been careful in saving and using what he makes on the farm. His whole force outside of his family, which con ists of himself and wife, and small children, is one hired man. With these all the work of the dairy is over by 9 A. M. The cheese is pressed and stowed away, and un til evening milking time comes again, the ordinary farm labor is pursued without interruption. He therefore regards his dairy opera tions as so much net gain. It is unnecessary to add any re fiections. To those who will profit, enough is exhibited. To those who are blinded by prejudices, set in old ways, deaf to all encourage ment, it is not worth while to speak. GooD \XORDs FITLY SPoKEN.-As a rule, there is no more pleasant read izin agricultural papers than the let ters which conme fresh from the farm and are written not by those who make it their business to write for the press, not by those who have some interest which they can advance by writing. but by the farmers and those simply interested in their own rural avo cations and surrourdings. The rough -et farmer needn't be afraid of unkind criticisms. His letter will be read by some good friend, who will prepare it for the good printer. and it will ap pear with the initials only, or the full name, or an assumed one, as may be *- desired. Is there any one who reads this who really thinks that there is not * some usefal thing which he or she un derstands or does better than almost anybody else ? Let us hear it. Tell us and other folks how to do it, and you will learn twice as much from others. - (__ Moore's Rural. The fumes of a brimstone maeteh 'will remove berry stains from a book, paper, or engravinig. WHAT IS THE TRUE GUINEA GIIASS'-i feel satisfied that t e so-called "Alabama Guinea Grass" is not the true Guinea Grass of Jamaica, but, most probably, what is :nown in this section of the State a. the *Means" G asS, of which there is another variety known ::s the Duncan's Guinea Grass, or* aecording to the lite Dr. Bichinzil, the Seedless Paniekd Millet, differingM from the Mea-is Grass o.,ly by the fact that its seeds wi I n::t grow. The true Guinea Gt a;s. of Janmie.:. is a to C,lly dirent 01raSs, being an an nual, and propagated only by seed, w.ieh does not ripen well in hcarstun. Whell I wa a oy, thS, th- true Jalinaica species, was well kIowli in t1hr) city, and I cu! tivated it for years. It was proved that the *UrCSt w iy to save the seed was to set one piant by itself, never eut it, Xeep under aid around it cleial and mellon, and allow the seeds to drop, and the next spring it was pretty Certamn that quite a number of young plants would spring up from them; another plan was to put a newspaper around under the plant, and gently shake down the seed that were ripe and perfect. It was always necessary to tran:splant the plants to where they were to remain. For a small city, or viul:ge garden, I know no thing thatt will produce so much green food for a c,w or horse, on the same quantity of land, for the summer, as the true Jamaica Guinea Grass.-ROBERT CHISOLM, in the Rural Carolinian for October. HINTS FOR HORSEKEEERS.-A saddle put on ioosely, with a slack girth, is very irritating to a horse, and soou produces a sore back. A harness kept soft and pliable with good neatb foot oil, will last aluost a lifVtime. It is stronger, because slightly elastic and wiil seldom wears off the hair. A horse left uncovered when not in exer cisC, will soon grow a heavy coat of coarse hair. Tuis becou:es a hiudrau.e to rapid wotivn, and should be pre vented by judicious blauketing. Y our horse's shoes will hold on longer if the clinches are not weakened by the file in finishing. Insist that the file does not touch the eud of the nail where turned over. Sonic horses have a hab it of stepping on one side of their feet, perhaips to- avoid pressure of a hidden corn. That part of the shoe exposed to severe wear should be protected with steel. All carriage shafts of right con struction, should allow the body of the at thme well-padded saddle and full collar. An over-reaching horse-one whose hind feet are frequently hitting the forward shoes- should wear heavy shoes forward and light ones behind. The theory is. that the heavier hoof will be thrown a little farther ahead at each step than the lighter one. M.tKING RoADs.-Two rules are to be observed ini repairing roads. One is to make them oval in form, wihno beside them, and the other is to use sand where pr-ac ticable mn mending cla y roads, an;d clay for sandy roads. If these two rules had been carefully ob served in the mending of our roads, they would have been in much bet ter condition. Whcr4 they are once construe:ed in this manner, spades and sho.-els are of little service as tools to repair with. A good two horse scraper and one man will re pair more roads in a day than tenty taei. can with spades, and do it b)etter. It appears as thoug'h ouri roadl managers are of the kind that never learn anythig. WinIT1swasluxo. -We hardly know a more pleasing sight thanTi while whistling along on the various lines of railro'ids, to see a farmi house, with all its out-houses and fene: exhibiting a s no.'y white ness im striking~ contrast to the green fields.. It at once impresses us that the occupant has at least an idea of cleanliness and beauty. A part from all this, it is a preserva tive of wood, and it adds at least fifty per cent. to the looks of the place, and in a sanitary point of viewv its use cannot be overesti mated. Its cheapness places it in the reach of all. Why not use it freely ? RULEs FoR MIEAsUREMENT.-.The following rules for measuring corn and Iiqjuids will be of use to mnany of our readers: 1. Shucked corn -MIeusure the length. width and depth of the crib i feet; multiply these three dimzensio is and their~ product by eight.; then eut orT two figures to thme right ; those on the left will be as many barrels, and those ou the right so many hundredths of a b)arrel. 2. Umshucked eor.-MIultiply as in rule 1st., in the above example, and the produet obtained by 5?; then cut off two figures on the right, those on the left will be so manny barrels, and those on the right so many hun dredths of a barrel. To renmove iron-rust from linen, ap ply lemon-juice and salt and expose to to the sun. Make two applications if necessary. I Dry Goods, Groceries, Xc. J. H.L GAILLARD, WITH T1HOr. COOK94 DEALER IN a Dry Goods, Clothing, V GROCERIES, &c. n (Uider NewherrY lotel.) fltspPe!tin:I inform :-. friendq and the pube g-riv of thi.; a: d surroum!iiz Co-nie-, that his stock of FALL AND WINTEl' GOODS is Large, Varied and Choice, And en.brace the b-est q-aiti. s and styles of good. for laiits, 1:e :11 o th, in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Pl BOOTS, SHOES and HATS. Tog(ther with the eheit ad host of ut All Kinds of GROCERIES, either for fan"ily or p1ahmution tse, all of which are .t Moderate Prices for Cash. - Thankfal for psst favors, he begs a co!. tinu,11anCA, With fh : rae that no pui:s %il be sp.zred to give the umno.,t satisfac 1:0.qep. 1 :, :;S-tf. A FULL LINE OF FALL and WIT[R GOODSI (At Stewart's Old Corner.) li,sp1ctfll1y (-lLI at'ent ion t o thewir elegant, 1.11-C all- varied btoek of good!s. am"'ng wh can be found 1l kinds of frst chkss DRY GOODS, Dress Goods, Calicoes, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces. Collars, ltibbons. loinespuns. Cussimteres. Cloths, Kerseys. Shirts, Draw ers, :ocks. Splendid All-Wool Shawls, For gentlemen and ladies. Domestic and Staple Goods in endless va riety. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, OLOTHING, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, A fine assortment of SADDLES and BRIDLES, A superior lot of UMBltELLAS, for hand and buggy. FINE AND C03ION TRUNKS, Among which are those convenietnt and ele selected, and which wec ~ wrant to be first cl.ass., and whmi w~.ill be SOLD LOW FOR CASH. We are always glad to show our goodsand ask examination. P. WV. & RI. 8. CHICIi. Oc-t.. 7, +O--.r STOCK OF THOS. F. HARM~ON WVould re,.pectfultly inform '.is frien'is arnd custome 4.- tat Ihe Oi ow reciving, is FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF GOODS, WHIil I HE C.AN SELL VERY LOW, As heo h:o bought thjemi wit ht great (care a!nd wilt be glad to show thei to alt. iiis stock LARGE AND COMPLETE, i Emubracing a vey de&irab le line of DRY GOODS,. CLOTHING, UITSt B00TS PHD SIIf0E8. GROCERIES, &c.,' All ot wi'ich W!LL BE SOLD LOW. Thank'.ul for 11 tlbrtl pat! o.ron here to fore reciveur and cin i 7 trction obtainable fromt hutun or reign , ources. The arti[ctic ilhltr at icon of Amietican setn -cry, origintal with TiI I A LINE;, is an inm -t piortaint lea.ture. ancIl its -niagniticcnt phcitecc re oft a size 11ore aippropcriat e to the sat iv tactory treatment or details tha:n cani Ice at for,deV :n::er:lI poison or other ne:s. and viLal or gaus wasted be':ond repir. Bilious, ekittelt amd In tel'I vltttilj reve's Iliel". .1re So prevalent in the valleys of ou,1r (treat rivers, hi:out the u:it.d States. especialy ths heot iC\isi.;Sippi. CmnkInn. .rkmsus 1vd. Colo 0.11 Ai, ::ba:a .I i4.-: m :: . Io Wit i ti r %;stt : b . treat m:1t: : .:i: . y og : . her'e is 1lo 1::"::r -'.. '.. l t rnose equal to D.'. . ii.^ i.: \ I : Itihe h i l ii a 'i-ia: th :-a:n i n:e) eas bym punyo al its.di. finist Thibt:n*-.s of tim. Ch'e.t. Dizzine'. 'Sour E.rneaions. f t he ,tcium:oeh. Bado Taste :md i:red oither pl::futl symlptomsil, aethe off,1-:r::m..o f I >yspeia . On)ie hot th-V will proive a beitter guaantee ofit mer.its tima ai lengthy adiIvertisneent. Scr ofuhi, or linug's Evil white swelin. GeVtirs. Erysi w;.'S.welled in:dofeiit In:fhumni:atiunsi. Merenrial aifee tions. O!d i'res. Erupt!ions of tie Skin Surie EW es,i e. In these. as ina all iother coniti:t iona D;i iseases. WA ..I: 's Vis lait of-r'i:!s haveQ ihown~ th.-ir gr'at eur ative powersi.u i:1 the moi.-t obihtinate andl Forw iii flamiliatory alnd Chrollic R hieu1llatisIll, G out. >iious. Remit te::t and fInteniattiem Fe.~ iee of the Blood. Lier. Kid::e-sadEadr Mlechanical D)isease .-PIersons enugage?d in Pa:inits and .l :'at ie ais MI ies as taey advace .: if. are iub ject to parais ofIS( the Bowl.VI Toi ard against this. take a dose of Wam:a's.1 pies. Pustales. Bioils. Carhun"cles. R: worms Sea~ld-head. SiiIe Eye. Er ipe h iv. Itch. Seurfs. D)iscoorai tins of tie skin.I Humoirs ail) Disases of th kinf whaitt'ee namne or nature, are lIieally dag up and1 carried out if"te syste cina short time by the use of thee lurking in1 tihe sytemi of so) many thou I ands, are e:et::a!.y destuo e :: re-ii or old. marriedoi h. at i, : * dawnl ot womanho. or the 'iur: e.teeTa ie ittr da:a Io d i. a:. :b:'e itlehanelV it isfa;iat ed Bloodt Ivon when. Keepii the bloid9-:. a:. :.e health ofi the systemwi io.4.1. Rt. II. .McDONA i.D .' (CO.. Drugis*s & Gen. A.:s. : Fcc. ruli:I. i o.u . Solti ly all Druggists and De'ae A pr. i I, 1s74-17-iy. MLELLA\ S IDDLES Harness, Collars, We are now offering New McC lellan Sadd!es, from $7.50i to $4 each. HIarness, from $15 to $50i. Collars, Hlog Skin, at ..c. to $1.25 each. Plow Bridles at $!ii per' doez. F'ine Sononeirset:Is ad Shaftoe Sadles miade to o:der. Giv us a ca:f. We iuanuifacture, hence our low pr ices. CHiAPEAU & HIEFFRON, 68 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. B. M. LEIE, li6T, Livery & Sale Stables. The traveling public as well as pleasure seekers, are respectiiolly informed.i that my Stable, in rear of Messirs. M.syes & M rtin, is well supplied with S.idle and Harness Horses aid Vehicles, and that my Charges are Moderate. A share of public patronage is solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. I will always be found in the otliee. StOck kept on reasonable terms. B. M. BLEASE, Agent. Set .-t itationery and Binding iff STTIO-NTRY HOUSE E. R. STOKES jata opened, in the new and haw uIme bui:ding- imm1lediaEtely Opposite'w 1aunWix 'fice, un lMain street, a cowple twek of AT T iONERY. o:npri :'i Ltter, Cup and1 Note Paper, H q .tie, aia of vvcry descriptio h. ':perit of C.ip, I)emv, Double-Cap, M t y .jper-lioyal , arn imperi i wh :I ;e ad ' in alv qua:tity, I i: .: liak Boo1s of any ziv: I :.i.! tI a i at;r, ald boju:d, in1 at :.,at .,ba-rt notaic. EN V E 1L.0PES Sen! .variectv-all size&, culor. "nd qua iet. BLANK UOKS )1 every variety, Memrrr nium and Pa ok. Iadet Be .. Inte . and Lett ;ta .'i!s, Rceipt~t Isa i ,aote Baooke. Altli[f Eis nd )1,'AUGHTrSSIEN w ~' auin*a lee maerials for th( e I)rwawig Pa aer, ij a hit e and roF '!. I -s ti Paper an,! Bo:rds, ( 'ape.r. Veei:,!tr C.oors, in; c:Aes :o ; r i I i L- a v r j- (. 1 C:i ] i P i' i.i. ,oxes 1aruha.. C.r aons Drawing Paefl. 4CHOOL IST.ATIONEIRY )C every 6ia-cl. .oi.: i great variety of co - :1:n! ui-efu a-tcles for both Teachc 'ii Puilt. ALSO, Photograh Album-, Writing Desks, Po (li<.S, C:aa, with boxes, and a cuutit --riety of FANCY ARTICLESZ. Also, :1 most elegant stock of G!I P( aLid aiCeil Cakes, superbly-Moun1tel R"Ubb ;oods. INKS. Black, Blue, Violet and Carmine, 1mdelil mnd Copying; Mncilage; Chess and Bac amrnmon Men and Boards: Visiting and W ling Cards, and everything usually kept ir First Uiass Siationery Hous Yhich the subacriber intends this shall be. lie wl -till etnfuet his BINDERlY :i ,LANK i)()K MANUFACTORY and P E:r-Ri'I.NG; E..\BLi-IIM ENT, whi :;bi in (. Cltr:;t:n for ov iir;-.- vi:r,....thi,.a... rnI to which i P1)'si:11 N, ver .. i* iw ronta! entlin. ih' staet v.ill be kept tip *:Ill x -ompe'e. ii. pric.-, wvii! be oul dti alwa la .1 it: land lajhopes to have a share F. I STOUES, Main Street, Novi 15, 4-t Opao te Phr..entix Office. Lia lo3 . I Nos. 3 Bro-- dret an.d 00 East Say Streci, CH A R LESTON, S. C. AON C IR S FlRST-CL Ass WORK IOUR a CILY i..OWEST L!VIiG PRICES. FI'~ E~S1i~rLE S iT'ilE Piries Pacer antd Enive!c;as, Ott T3E :ZEST Si. A]. tt .i..'i a ta-. LA.TEST STiYLE, ---'..-- ...e.. rwm.m:..... C. M. HARRIS, Cabinet Maker&~ Un dertakt I I:tA an hiaml .and will maa!e ta order, 1I s:mis, Baxreaa:, W\ardrobeA, Saifes, So: C.;at;ie: Wo'rk oif aill hinds unttde tam parei -an ilber.! tenn3 !ait on an i a ie:i .a::pply of Me taic. 3 hoa::my' 3)n.i i.t?e.'a io I tuial Ca:tes. Coffinsi-e: to order at short notice, Oct 1) 4) tr. MAitTfiN llARRIc sk'8 MBla1ll Siia CaSt THE SUB3SCRI:BERl b eunlstantiv hai at L 'ta aAsorunttl of the IWova- app .o' e .:ss of :,iite:e:. p 3at ts beides lit to at tu ish at: vr riea.,ouble rattes,'. pramt'. lt! deipaitchl. rlr : ti .*i!! ....- at m 0e t: eeof:.tlta of the .samte, ai a~ c.: -t'e pubilic lo eilort tan hin: .a... .i be i:t to aral Rt. (. GI .\lAN N.ewberry S. ., J1. y :1. Photor;gaphy." COMEi ON FOR ALL THINGS ARENOW REAl ATf TIlE PHOTOGRAPH GALLER' ILivin j.:at re C:e fitaom tIhe Nortt. Citia.., .a i thea N .t;::m P otga h to d o ..oo: uoak aaan be": fore, by ad anitag a-of tae :atest imipr.ovveents, the nret' tie ] a 'e. i'y'stok it. tfargetr than ever, anti at whaIieba art, a an o0 tat Albums, Faney Picture P'aper Weights, S I amt prearea:cd to take) PHOTOGRAPHS, FERROTYPES Copying and Enlarging Old Pictur Taking Residences, &c. Call wa'hile. thae pretty wea:ther lists; memaiber that de.d-vs are daangerotts, anid not puit it (itt. A parof is alwtays furnished for inspect befoire tilt pticture' i pritetttd. The suarest wayV is to cotie at once C et pites ara' t dte Newbe o~rry Gallery of -Vera ready Pt oatrgruapher, W. H. WISEMAN, Oct. 8, 4'a-tf. COLUMBIA, S. 0 V5tin>rO to : eit tare raespetfully vitead to visit mll 'aroomsi, whe eauI . he secimenCiS of taict tres i ll les of te - Sait:.ftactiot a' it:ara te a ntd prices ehe A. M. RISER, Ocat. 1, :-t1f Pltaa ctr.. TO RENT. Th oreapren ocupid byJ Casha. Onec of tile best business standUs Torvn. 1-or particulars, apiply to G;Eo. S. MoWER, U:.der labtALt Office PAVILLON HOTEL, Charleston, S C T DAL D ., Prop-..i..tor.. fIigeUlan eous. WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINE col te the )r is Without Doubt the Best i in the Country. t It is EA'SIFST TO I. N. GE LIGHTE:ST andl FAST1EST RT~NNING. Tie SIMPLEST GNSTR CTED Uid \0IzT DERABLE MM;IIINF I the mar dket." Pronoillced by Pihy.iclans to be the LEAST INJURIOUS. TI:e WI!EIELEi. & WILSON has been : rshe AVoI-Mn for !7 years. The sales of I-72 were :',10 more than th ai,y prevou-: year. t The sales of our Agiusta Office, for 1S7, ss wer 1,'i Machines. For silo on EASY 'TME or MONTHLY ST MAENTS. ld M -.hines of all Is id repairedi and1 Warranlted. 6titching ar iofall ki!ds reaLV d1one. . W. L. ARTHUR, Agent for Newberry. le IOfiee in W. T. Tarrants Store. k-i Mar. 11,10 . d. ae The Famly Favorite." d Va ILid iL I 11 IN' t I. now on Exhibi;i.oa, and ready for sale, n' idby te tfb MRS. D. MOWER, GENERAL AGENT, For Newberry and Laurens Counties. I nve ore of the New Weed Sewing M.. chilwsI in u:e in m :Uliv, and in ad.;ition o the 'a'-ti.:tir:i: li,es my wife and daugtecr, I will add n: own opil-Oin as a tiractie I mociret, t.t for PzRFeTrlos of Woni:.e.uirin b:ild eae Mo11:aipula- w t ion, 'impicity o c' :grect:on and re adi- 1 nei of adjstmnt, t iss- xei.z.?n by a 0,r -ewing m-inri:e in: thte iun: rket. iE? li. LORi, t' 0. ;W 1S 11 !t IL !- o Iehaicai:l Ediitor Of "Scieutific Arnerica'. STOTRE y1pRmpaRS. Wheat, Oats. Barley, Clover, Grass. TIlE ETIW2AN FERTILIZERS are confi deriy recoimtnde to you for Wheat, Oats,I iriy andu t. G.:es. If used on ;one : %ani ai' '. t o : V h : e : .in1 aOf F.tuiy 1ut.1 rv quAnT-7 y% ln lity. F Let Every Far-mer Try It. Trasm:'.-Time E:iwanl Dis-olved Bone is th b ),ipepatra:iln fr turnips andlt o:hrer root crops-ozr!irg i l per cent, of So luble I haphi.!orie Acidl. For sale by a gen:ts the cou::-.ry. Formi1er :- .r:dard oftese Fertiizu'ers rh:cidly preserved. G Addre:: W. C. BEE & CO., For saleb by'ilstn .0 A.J MCUGRN& CO. e A ug. 12, 3i2-:3n . p JF. N. PARKER, SUCCESSOR TO WEBE- JONES & PARKEB, Bletween Pool's Jiotel aind thre IPost Oflice.;I DEALElR IN SADDLES and LEATHER Hlaving bought the E NT I RE ST OCK ndJ of the Ifarness aind Saddie Mlanufactory of Messrs. Webb', Jones a Pa:rker, I am 'pre panred to do all kinds of work in tis line. Also will k:-rp <.: hand~u for sale, UARNESS, SADDJLE2, .. HARNESS LEATHER, SOLE1 LEATHER, 1~PPER LEATHER, &c., of the best andl cheapest. REPAIRING aud all work done to order nd- A Cash Pries aiid at Sho3rtest 'JAS. LEFFEL ' S IPROVED) DOUBLE Turb~inie Water Wheel. .J POOLE & HUNT, Baltimore,j r a annfacturers for the- Souta and.uoutLwerst, Neal 7.100 no0w ini use, working under he:ois varyving from1 2 tot ZIafeet! L ies, from) 52 to tr inulcs. The rio-t powerful Wheer~l in thre Mrket. A n' mott tt( econoical inl use oi Water. C Lairge ILLC.1TRIATEI> Pamrplet sent post :ree. MANt'FACTt'RERts. ALSO. OF Po(r'Laetan Stat ioirary Stt:amn Enginesand I,oilters. trhctock &S Wicox Patent Tuibulousn Botlltr.I Fbtrghlr Ciushier fotr Mineir'als, Saw an Gi. st tMill.. lourinrg Mill Macier. Mach('liner:y :or Whiute Le.adl Wo"rl:-. ando Oil M1ill5. Shraftiun' l'ultleys anId Ilanger-. SEND FOR CIRCULAR$. d4 per cent, guaranteed with ren 2 do - T1 0n ml C WATER WHEEL 3 soldat lss p icethn any oth'er Send for a P'niph!et and be con 'incedl. N. F. Be amux,York, Pa. - IA\D .INI IB9R OFFRCE undern;gnedI, having established a in at. Libor Office in the town of New i>errv, S. C., will buy and sell lands, or ne D ttotiate sale for land s. Also provide la borers~ to wor fo aes; or to work for tart of the erop, Or to rent h;aids. HeP wil alsot' procure homes for ini grant,C anid wlil CO-opecrate with the regular{ establisbed immigevration agencies for tiher M.j. R. B. Holmn is employed to assist in the manag'ement of thte oficee, and R.v. . If. W. Kuhns and C. G. Jaeger, Esq., have consented to attend to the interpret.ation and correspondee. H. H. BLEASE. Ar. 15, 1 - *Medicines. mild ap:riert and gentle purgative, re amende.! for the eurc ot all derangements be stomach. jiver and bowe.s. By their ely use much sickness is prevented. The of many vears have proven them to be safest. surest and best of all the pills r uferedi to the pulc hy purify the od. remnove all corruptions and restore disease health. NEUR ALGI A SP ECIFIC!/ I. prompt. positive and permanent relief >r he~x exercisating pains of Neuralgia, hemati-s anmd sitiea. or sale by Dr. S. F. FANT, Newberry, S. C. Prepared only by DRS. BREEN, UINDLEY & BENTLEY, Dee. 17- a-y. CHARLOTTE, N.C. DR. H. BAER, WHOLESALE AND) RETAIL DRUG GIST, NO. 131 3EETING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. May :3, 18-tf. T EVERY LADY SHOULD TAKE IT. ..2 'ETERSON'S MAGAZINE. -0 The Cheapest and Beat in the World. ')-Taos P- P.a> ON at.L StzmsCRxrros. Tis popular Nlonthly Magzne gives iire for ie mloniy than any in the world. I' IK5 i' will be greatly improved. It -cniuOne Taouisand Pages. Fourteen pindil Steel P'lates. Twelve Colored te. t'Pater*ns. Twelve Mammnoth Colored asn Nine 11mred W~ood Cuts, Twen Lour Paes' or Music. All this will be iveni or only TWO DOLLA RS a year, post g;e prepaid by the Publisher, or a doliar sthanL~ 3agazinmes of the class of "'Peter ron." Its THRILLING TALES AND NOVELETTES . .r the best pul>lished anywhere. All the lost popular writers are employed to write rijginamiyivore"Peterson "' In 1.r5, in muddi iltm to the uisual (liiantlity. of* short stories, l'E I' RIGIN.\L. COP'YtmGI;IT NOVEL. :TTE.- w:!l be given, by Mrs. Ann S. imte henss. Fank Lee ]ienediet. -Jane G. Austin, inrie.tta I lolicy ansd Daisy Ventnor. !AM~MOTH COLORED FASHION PLATES hea 1 of all olthers. These pllates are en raved1 on -teo. TwICE THLE Ust:ALSJZ7E. usnd re uinequsaller for heauty. They will be eperbly colored. Also. Hounsehold and ther receipts; in short. everything inter stin;; to ladies. -0 SU PF.Rlt PREMIUM ENGRAVING' To every person getting up either of the rl!owitrr clumbs for 1575 will be sent gratis. a. ''py 'f our new ands splendi.l mezzotint for ramsing. :Size el inches by 26), -WVashilngf on's F-irst Interview With His Wife." Thi s a ivE I>xl.LARt ENE;RAvING, and the most esirable premium e rer ofered. For large h:bs. as will be seen extra copy f the M:rgazime wsill be sent in addition. 'ER MS (Always in Advance)8$2.00 A YEAR. POsT&AE P'RE-P'AtID BY THE PCIILIsHIER. ( P'osTAGE PRTE-PAID on the Club. With a copy of 2 Copies for $:3.60 t I e su perb meztZO in t (21 , .!2';" W ashington's First 3 I 4.J i :terview W ith Bis SW ife." to the person get. t ting uip the Club. ( PosTAGE PRE-PAIn on ii Copies 1 r Sit 00 th Club. with both an OX exra copy~ of the Maga t 4.00 j zineiand th ssuperb mez. t int. "Washinton's First 1 l 1.u0 Interview W it hi H is |W ife."' to the person get- - t t ing up the Club. ClIAR LES J1. P'ETERSON, 30? Cihestnuit St.. Phliladelphia, Pa. ra- Speitmens sent gratis if wnlten for. Oct. 14. 41-if. A LECTUREj TO YOU/NG MEN. ust Puibl:5hed. in at Sealed Emnvelopem. Priice 'ix Cent. A L.ectutre on the Nature. Treamment, and. tadisal case of Semvinal Weakness,or Sper aatorrhifl ind' need by '-el'-A .buse, InvoIUn ary Emissions, Inmpotency, Nervous Debil ty, and Impedlimntsu to Marriage general il an' P hy.ea incalm~ pacity, &c.-By ROB :lTT.J. C UL.V EIf RW LL. M. D.. author of the. 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