The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, August 12, 1874, Image 3

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Spedial and. Local. All rIngle or trasient business notices in the local department are inserted at the rate of fifteen cents per line-liberal Contracts made (r tkme, six or twelve months. tf. Commicfado ozf.qztbjects of intere.t to the public are always acceptable. The names of writers ?enember, must always accompa av a !orter -to insure its publication. No re sponsibility is assumed for any other views than our own. The American Sardine Co.'s Bone less Sardines, are much better, and less than hILf the cost of im ported __ _Sardines. 8-17. (TAKEN=Mcu-All part,ics bavim., Ad -wministrator's or Executor's Notices fo1r publication. will save 1h1UI.-ves trouble jy oming )reparcT to pay for the .mw be,re insertion, as outr terms art. cash. Lawyers handing in sneh noices will be he', responsible for the payInent. .-t. They will also be held responsble l or the pt:'iication of all notices in UBa:krupt cases. Trantient advertisements of any kind must be pald for in advance, if the parties adver tisipg 'o not reside in town. Job work and subsciriptions strictly cash. All papers shall be stopped hereafter as soun as the term of subscription expiCs, ur less satisfactory arrangements ae to continue the same. - e ; mark denotesexpiration-artr ti;at the pape: is discontinued. l4Icr tbese things in mind. I.IPx TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1pe. Pope & Fair-Summons. J J. Carrington-Sherit's Sale. W. C. Bee & Co -Etiwan Guanos. nimeon Yo4Ag-Cal! for Convention. D. F. Fleming & Co.-Boors and Shoes. Jinius E. Chapman-Masonic Meeti:g. Y. J. Pope and Asa F. Laugiford-Execn to s' Notice. POLoGErTiC.-Our readers will ex ece ns for the absence in this issue of the usual variety of local as well as other editorial items. During the en tire week our almost exclusive time and thoughts have been engrossed with a sick amily. Mandarin Teas, the best, purst : cheapest, at Mrs. D. Mower. Price. 7e.. $1.00 and 81.50 per Ib. I-If 1 or an invitation to n:Ietn.d Beth Lodge Pic-Nic, at Bethel Church, near Prosperity, our thanks are liereby ten dered to the committee. EMm.Y ONCE MOnE.-Ie no0X 'h plasure the fact that our jail is once moreempty. The jailor .-y he has lothing now to do but to sit down :l fia Nc.-islalil.rge,o Helen:t, will please accept ou hk -for P: A offering on Thurst'ay last, in the shape of some of the fine-t k and juiciest peaches we have een thiS season. They were a decided treat. D;Ei.-Yesterday morningtr. Har,1.v Davis, an old colored man who has been a resident of Newberry for many years, and recently in the employ of Mrs. C. Mower, died very suddenly of apoplexy. F.uL. TRADE.-Messrs. D. F. Flen ing & Co., wholesale boot and shoe dealers, Charleston. have already made preparations for the fall trade by laying in a large and superior stock. The at tention of the country trade is called to, teradvertisement. I3ELIGIOUS.-A protracted meeting is now in progress at Trinity Church, in .this County, under the charge of lleV. J1. L. Shuford; and .we understand that up to Sunday last there had been six teen conversions. During one of the services there were seven infants pre sen?ted at the altar for baptism. NOTICE.-Bethel Lodge, No. 62. L. 0. G..T., will hold a grand Pie-Nie a:n Bethel (Baptist) Church, near P?rosperi ty, on the 21st of August. Members of sister Lodges are respectfully invited. -a:o. contributions cordially solicited. We anticipate speeches by eloquet mren on temperanee. 3t A. FRICK, for Committee. We notice that tihe R1ev. Lucius ld > iner so anxiously expected ~here quite recently by a number of persons, is expected in Abbeville, and will take part in mneetings of a week's duirationl each, akShilph, Sharon, Salem, Zoah and Bethel in that County, commencing the 22d August and ending 2uth SCp temiber. OLD P.iES.-Old papers for sale at this office itpackages of 50 or 100, at -10and2tcents. (f. Otjt FAoB F1t.EsDS will conifer a favor upon us. and likewise do a be-ne fit to the people generally, if they will report to us for pubhecation all mat ters of interest relating to crops, or any other item of news in their sections. Short (Guimunicaitions alwvays glady received These communications shouild be hand ed in not later tihan Sat-rday of each week. faxpayers recollect only one week -more and the Auditor's oilice will be closed for receiving returns, and after the 20th inst., a penalty of 50O ;er cent. iacernes upog.ghe taTuation of all pro porty which has not been returned for taxation. All Taxpayers should attend the meetings of the Board of Equaliza tion and show. why the valuation they Iixed1 upon~ their proper ty shoul not bec changed. AN UNMxTIGAr'D TIIIE.---We re regret to notice by the Columbia pa& pers, that the' Drug Stoye of our esteem ed friend and ex-eitizen, Dr. E. E. JTackson, was entered a few nights ago and his money drawer robbed of green backs and a watch. We did not sup pose that Colambia cont:dned( a rogue base enough to rob a man who dloes so es~ -mich for the im pecun.ious. His chari pVtv work is almost equal to that of cer inm eotry editors we wot of. A full amortment of Millinery and 3iillinery Goods, constatly on hand at MXrs. D>. Mower's. 15 Attention is called to the adverti& - nint of the Etiwan Fertiiizr, a oil'er -ed by Mesr. W. C. Bee & Co., Chlarles ton. These fertilizers comiprise Etiwan fGuano. Dissolved Bone, and Grounid bone, and are well knownm to the ifarne ogcommlfunity. Mr.JL. Black, travelling det ih theaov,i o on ar cian v ther mban of akin trerders illehave th Tu BaNEFT 1r A- !!risNG The rw. A,rs. London. is"e;pon sible for the fo1,lowing: An Engliih countiy gentle:ian recently bec:Cun' tired of his house. :fad dtetermined to sel iT.nH instrMetl an ammivir. in vertise it: in thec papers for rI-:ae:e but to <-nmclA t I- 11.4 on- 1! 0:e . 7 sonI to app'y th .ih. I f-w <!-, the gentlv:uan hape ti e teadv('i e-.wp- v the acWo:mt Gf th joine. &hoW it to hig wif. and tii- tvo conlui( 'I:j "havilw w:m11- ", :ni that:1 ',hey w .-':1( SOCenre li (ate. (f be wen: t' thei!h of the :metion,-t :m 'A n im : he w'.:vrh as !:o a tiesl:' u. lurc wh:iid p I . - i :MOCeU bmo l i I Wi-h, :nnd tW! h'i'm tl;at was th ecidnof wi- 1lw rei t h.::)' i vetia--::'n.Ao e over then Wg -+y v On", Q.a upl, -IS it p,.sibl'.? We!!.. luiket : bill for advertiing SO i nsy by Georg'X. I w ld- h S1 11 n Ir'iO for t1ree t Ws w..t - (OO1) NIGHT, I'i'L Ju-toubishti.Time. d . edc or Z at a: mi2:1i. t,endt thirty 'ent : oi it bi return ml. nU of, A ' or mal::sc oo, m:tiled, poLtP:ihl on'C eeipt of retail pric. Sndo. i o.'( to L i:N & WATES. Music Pahlishers and D le:iers. :W.-->. .AvXAI, 1G.k. Theldy m1l::a rA will necept oor thanks .r:m ineitaiton to :Ittend a hrand C:kia &Hi !o hW gjvtn a: Wh Glehnn'sSpring' Hotw'. onThr-: L:"'ies' Monumental Yominl:nt.i1. It 's expct' theIo .:thiowllh: the r:'nd aF o:urt' oe .ao, the o ! r:0ar c;. ;; :!s en1-'):t!lli7!wl-n"' :I, ,r., r:- One ":.-v. theo ) The prnprWtQr (f thv HoA -Mossry. m i. 'x Calnm: . '- - o7r . .C. .f .".;1, '!-No(aills 1 *'ei u*, le of d.his yectI :nd the Sk:"' As ti and th next m nmths are t m. trinvi%g to invi:hiA, vte uir w h ne tsof tIhe lelilgvn.s p: -i of this fUm.g: SIng upona ther vrn sderAAFin. A mom111h, tWAi t'ent ihere wh'ih propertt ::Ce of the wat'r, :iu'! un dr the catre of in:e ho.t Calaan. will p rove' of lieIaleI.t:! !IJC!benent. erlneeds a new"\ supplyv of Crokoery. Glass. Tin or Wooden 'Wore for the far nishinig of house or kitchen. the plae t o -Oor sendt :s the popularOt :u! large es tbishmie:it of MesI(5rs. K Ing:Ad & Heath, Columi:. S. Cii. Ev ery article in their line whic'h can hA called for can ina:t WVier's Camp~ G round terinai: covrizn:Is anid twen'ty'-onet :lition!5 to the. churiich. Wec unfderst-ui th:it the gatiering. ini ye:trs, :mdth is r'a.tiA .ing' to state that no(tw.ithbi:mling. thre large? adh mie erowdtA''.4 that thec.ii unst ord er ure owing~ to the face' that theC gen!t'e menI aptpotilied' to See to thIS iiatterI r'eihering 1ast year's imSem!:A co( duet of ct'a'in~ y'outh who 'wereF unie v..l)ed inl Grsh gra'c' or' c"fIIonn deenc-hA:td dterinedl(h to preven't'a recurrence of like conduct. The cAn s icfence waS every1'tting l':ts'N ( quit'Ly, :an1 pr'operly.:1 a iOubi be. Our niotice last week of the ehl:mg of locality for th'e next meeting v::i rtheriq premaUture and 11( it is r.ow corree'Ct ed hv~ saving that the matter is ini the i:fls of a commhIittee,. who will decid ato thle placee nie-t s:dt:ble. Stme are' :i.1xi(GIs to !iaet'' t!ie r n t.' (?':urei'l se:tl8t'n enPosen, othtirs woO it have thle :m0, pist wa-here it is, whie on unoicier 5ide the eaP. is urgent'1t forl EbeneOIzer] Chrh. Ten acres, it is sail, is the tra nieteed for the puhrpoIse. 3[:niane Demcxore-t's Iitable .iat 1(rns of :il sorts canl h.e obtajined at 'Ir-. 1). ' ilt A -oihi!er nl:'nneu Boo Iija!rne. oif Maj. lufmtry, dhild in! P~ot !!hI1:ah :n. jthe ( :rrison 1ueda afte'rnoon,)1' \u2'vi w::1. native of G otebIorg.~ Swedlen , :ti:d e in til)I thIs~ col}IltryV ill 1 . tIe wa:S caion, I -m'iiid boreu :m .tii txe!!ln wharathr buin te imee 1erv aned iiitom pany,g whishn wsicknes:t :utar nd i iosin th rt." whoptessiled at P i.ort mlanner' they-- I eposite'd his remans:in their la1st restinig plac.e. Thie funeral services wer ibly can W. Kuhns, of the Luther1au (e Churi. wo) spk in e'logauent tonie' of the ('h:ar :arter of the decea:sed. :n. made somec n.aiit ~.r'imark rl'tiv to ( the' "(oVed AOy' h1e left hind, ftr awaya beyond tlh binyH deep1." Th'e f:ueral took plcat 5'ioek. P. st., Augu'et .th. and pivatesohliers-inl fll nor c i.oi;tr"., where the funeraol service wee' ('Acnclde'd- AIf:,-r whichi at "(uard of Hlonor" tFired a1 iitary~. 1ite . , -A1i oi:ii'0. The and,me cdin bs prcha:d w.(ho : i'erni,hfd this e:to. to The whole ::rrangement-: roles inc credit on tim menbers of the garr!-n.:s aim on , r.. .,..,, e.. i. . ...:,- - B.xs:: B.4 u..--onsder:une i:::ret r gnme. I,y thie younmg men o" our to. wh:o h:v(. Org:miz-!d a einb ann'.r v. in -niml to play suuh -rav1 en:,a tlhos e :t A'1Ahe'!!1.. vsur :-w1 Go-nwood. Thir pineli _ r vh1. t:ie t ao r . d 4e L 4 fk \-'v. 1-:1e *(" P 2 . - i. C.. :alll ic; no .:!l . ; n :I " V."4wth any C I. vivn*i 111:11 0 b n - a. - a ir fon rd: ~.4 .... . . h.. UNI - 1 -r I wirr'y.......-. ?d :!!-i 1 C..i,-- ).i. : .T. . - I 1. .' b- n I i :Ihou -f b 4.l .11.: r b ni.'. -j" -OM no .'mn::ml n y b t111.: t: A lu 1 -(I liv-e ccnO'.''r - v TI * . .1 - .TIT -' o .\NI' (j4: NTlY. his it:tve igen.4~4 Tli LLual ful S"In12 (::! i...;,il ' ! .i C \',0jr . 41i 1 ' .. : o .4'. :ro' never 4 hi:ls there.& ben4 .1-h a ;rIlv c~VIr:144U of 4.ila4 04 :1. In \mj m' io4ke(f Jor from V:11'!iaS 11!:0 1 :,\r b a c a s I :r s W l1 1 4 lil e4' U P 2 4 . 4 10 :4 " ..-i 1:1 1:1 :11YP. m 'an \ en4 , arieL.1 s 1, 2utl l:tO 1''he i41 md (:14. bodi ar vet 5:4'e. Of it. the ism:s in the wo'.rAi. sp 4 l't.11o 15 1110 w\ '. f his ch:ihiren:n.'la- flw 2:4d 411 L.4Xit. .'.\u sl s t.4iIl oi :me-,~ to4 44 4.4.4- Ii ' -i 1:4 (f t.\ L' P:il 1on 1( till)r o'. 1 1U ir.e 4 . 4 - I ten:i:v. nion ve. m-u--~ no pui>ii 1i1l n Iu Li ei ir 14:!., 4)(4o4 1 ll:Li i l l:aSp 3i: W e 2l 1 in:ft' 1 1:bls al . te in: w14. ! f p bli:1(1!-onyi r~ s e. j'n4 aifllit us.'v' 1C :,a: C:: in earl. '. I :, s:;is 10P ~otill. The4 .iiIli:U ni~Ml4V1V penI(n)4ed ae nightZ1. - : iThe 1(own214 ofi 'Lle: X, i i t :ti 1:nt 4n b'4ll-li '- :l to \Vh n. r:t (:a. o - 4ive Corn4e :md, who-" ll give. pro - '>4 Ilien' o .1!, llsi i!ll i2C-~ w:11 IlvreI cutile Li 'o'4L:4 eof ilh 'our raeidn--2' the2 .backboneS .4.e 2 o ovr 4) i. '- 1 h> to Wai IL 1h:4 ' to hu2.4... . , , 1 (i(*" 4Ib l t ilL: the 14 14r) it S g il :~in lic bure c2 a newss: carri4. She: carrieo4: them n i.e bu : : 1 e14e. ~ 4124]L.1 4 11-: to beco:n prc:ca(y4euant A manw heo i .:e 4y com.lne 4u4e h:.i :e!t (4. 4 :4 I ,4Lt:1 in- re 4-e e w e , ,4 , T . ' . ~ . 10 -.. L. y'reOth Ma.'s 1he mL.tOf f:iah!en u:e 41r1 1ex : Bcue thySan laybSMly 1'.A. :l AI.v . . WI a.n eibel L.mi:ze, I. U. TU., i;u ta puna. 1n-a ::i:on C 1: .' ,, , , '1 \ " . l 'l 1 - 1 ij t. l*'. i '1 - - Ji :i:. \h . g. ' i4'4 * *P 1: ia * (4 e - ..' *' i- iS . n-'I. - - - :xc' r .w:, .ui 1i.i:ue iii i t - 1e, ::: ' : 4e I -nf"I J - - - n I '?;i ''na 'n o -n 'Xw. , ed n o, t'i witv' u-i a:.r 'ro: co'l n :. 1 n i' pi.e.m un : d i -ne' \iy' i I iN - 8 . Ls oXi, S:: -:(1ya Th' Ii r1:1 Is 11 im a ha i ye:gni, fio S d~. lie ov.i Sre No I'' '4 I ~ ci ;ve'n11 -ines : . r1 . ur~j t it ui:r,t: : 1 .at1:..* n heW e 4. ~ gj-; : ::1411- s t' '' o s i1-- 'i:' 1:01 - i n < - \ .1- the I. t l . t w I C i .4 or'' :h I I. - h is xe n- Ar1.i- if. e 1:h- o-r - u by -icinani, 0 : o and correspondence. II. l!. ULE\M Apr. 10, 1.>-tf. (;;rei~ ~~ ~~ re:et-ee-eisrtdu .aory ni:;. -i ho;! y dn 14i b : . Prarl . -e-:x -br: xv Bn.I ie ayae ni Di-oy Dry )oc.Js. Shoes, &c. - " 1 P" t 01i..-h, :-':!% M i --'n -i eev t nn: : n ha D 1 s'i i. )3. C h ir., a 1.Sh'. B.:. iu : SA&c 'n4-XS I\ 1-- I 4>' :a i 0t o' z 1' .l . n io1 ti' T;i a L Ware. u --Ca"pentry. ni ofill kinIlis of EnII.::nre. Iit L 4 VI i- :11161 v., [;4 . r1I11 )- -0. !a 4 ir n .,. e , i a .h . I s . C Ili --c ic O N:P; '.V \. V.i .- . 1: .\:: w. .\ll Pi !res ":1e . O!1Pi14re --In: . 1,-:--- ZItiu- . andi [1: .. 1 - - 1 : hili .-t rit 1 IIf) -!' ai, ( ' i I t.11 C uV. W V C 15> r:.ey n ! ( ;t :i .: 1 : a:'1n f. c:.a r . i.n - i-o o.- nn 4 \t .-v ath Lw. 4-Iic ao e '\s. ...! r 44- '1 - 4 - .14--. - -.. .- - n re- aat. NCI- I Lid.-Wil be rentI l to 4- ..1 th4 :)44.~ n. 14 in!y nightsC 4f each' n ~ .i' 1 W ,L (-I1 lC. C- nti A: amlci (11 ?~' ni-ion e::el.TNot. ales ti e aou C\i 'c;ii !!N. -. J''i :411 .-- C Vi"Iion1 Grchaus e :a e. r-. Gb:s &c. lzes , W. I. i'4Co -4Ctt:on 4 . 0 ro r ail alers in4 ao , ior4G ai,lly A) L IN 'I. F . -Uein 44'rocer in an 1 P11- :I . to up ie. lr.l a \I'PF.\h'd.1N.-(Iro!rs :c1. -ewr lr an drbr W at aie::supl. i ns r o-Ctt n : I a :X . 1 fn 0r,ii oy o :i - rirtion . 14 1 :. A .1e: l D.Gr)eiug . !C:1iiii ls - 14 I I'. A - 1.4 44. I1.1-- ro- r t 11P14! unDr.di Pi:k Sitho. Splis -. ob :.o 1 1..~t11111 141.; n o Con'ctione rs, Segars, &cit. ' ,p. PJCl W..J F. Fe ch a:al ierie:-i Milline ryisi GoaodNus,e Jewkelryd Staw Gakers. loes,g siery,esMaig \J pa nrasL n.eand T T - . 1 .4 oL-res Main:ftrta eso attnt<rs an.oligaet. :' ( un' oil iiealer1 14n Dhrgs .oedicine Gp44 u n and Lock A Sm th. ji: Wai.n,:st. Lqos eas c o - - c 0 c I% P 24 per cent. guaranteed with 2 z z WATER WHEEL The best in the Market, and sol at Iess price thaa aLy ot -er - firSt-class -hel. Send for a Pamphlet and be con 'inecd N. F. Bvlu.xu,York,?a. Just ui. '.br Fl a n c-w edite I -: : : - : ical e nrt. (w ilin i 11 . k i - V. II. w- du 1 : li !!si., l'rier. in a.)Il -wa- I.v lo e n l iri c:-v -i a -i ::!. . . . . (w ii', ::a f h i i'. i: . -: - s i - n be*'*,* r:it i-IIijallv ni : I: :e ' ii 111:11. l1v It l s I i. Il el 1w.:o? I I I s d V.i*Ilii *-4 !- r n i :0 I cr whI-at llis ConIition ii 1 111- 1. i 1 -lli.e f 14-1. , p i 0v.:,L-r:.1 anldv I~~~~C l..'I \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w rv ., -t Th Y 4.e 11e-!!.i e nth :n ii . 1 i - - .\Ui. - Ur,-, T Pi : - , P .(1ALL P'IOMINI:NT 02;!..\ r.,.C lNE;.C . T:; A LE Pa I T \ I.\ T!I I - -.,- :; thv-ir uliee i in, ar:estol a,!. n d imii", l t o , til most ac-i. lI-' : "aUdND TIZIP E\ ..d Na,.er PAi,embR SNCCESa1a FaOs Uedfor JES&pr ER Anda DD:h 1 pomien p and For I. lI'"..i is . I ie Gards Uand all in for:::aion, Uimpdre& d Railr-.! AgRNesa Generail Pas er and T~ieh:esnt Mvietween PoC l0te :.nd the fPl an omre. Ilai. bon the E N T.~ 0. R E S0 T e of theU rues :a:d owddl MauatI ry tie TH-OaS. h. F-e j iar- mON p> e _. ___-____:__f_-- ___nth s in .[lso wi eepIll n c a n foale is, not fNES A 1W.-: se,O.\NEYLATE I; th"r.s Ind h tae iEPAIRNtnl Ati CasoPres aCi HnG a' Shortes li-l.i n i pe. WRIG:T &:!CFE CePOC St; Iu 5tIDEsI !00t.DEs Alavs: de fcr l.ane o uo,f ad ao si.nimy, and to arrvf my good aile of ferLd cheap fori acah, owi the tim tiia In ;adrev m a nd fte t qu a li asouty fo tun: eey it itemoa and A the abn Mao .treet. Oc indce em. mmditf ; - - - T1' - - -K' ~ h t h O. . lmr-ebarGi Pli C -- 1.1 P ll W, re ;.-h! Incme TiiE .i.W. MslTGN .ii i -litralbil Ie ." u-Z I'ally. *ic lr 'nei On at;i'at iont. 'J.A1,wR&CO. TiE IMPROVED fRON FAME BOWN foC!eaoeOTTON GiN,n L '.n i r I Ni" , '': i all ':>:l:e ie."irabk T!i Gin ., tlly Wt r ad :t'i is o eret to ce:r fr.:l :' ti RE U('I) Pi:tiE 0 F:.5iI 111 F)lV.50 PE .Sl,iel ee tt New11 erra b suet ::t Vourt Ginf in time for wsork on the growingt crop. A sam pl Gin m.oy b e se:'t ou store1I~ and "cood ~referere givenc of partie-siwht ha~ve :!w:n: 1n u., otr any~ 0te informtio furni.shed .101 appli': .ion touI Newbeery, -. C, July 21, 1'74. -29-2m ST!LL AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITION. THOMAS WYNNE'S Improved Open-Throat, Curved-Breast. Dlouble X, Self-Rtibe Clets.r.g.-Sod COTTON CIS ,,'The '10 subsribe 'n ' tpeiul inform:s ]th<l *it iim a t i-)n1 hat hel :cs latel a<ie' tt ii o hi r i u ini .:.'lt iOU OPx- IoilT. 0 C "IEl>:ORAS. DOUs1: CLE I I A1 'NI NG El > ISI j'N .I lpn tis'thonttn 5i I'b I.: Prisc a.: ast u:tt. S '1aFj'''' persa . lute an lot ?i 1ut3' Gin 3! aker m:h. at_ -. _ er_ a n;y ae t. t il j ise the~. <.s ity~'I of lm Imr ove Gins: Iis p l-r u ing ih godI:l, tgin ' reen,oI am orv. adir cat ton withott toit r elo ibtw.e JulyD (OT-it (cow . viI 6Sw The IT '" I 1( uc COTTO OM SOAHNOFLLH OT OFI,:E HASCOTTON GIN it RICilT' ll3.0 PRWSRW .3one ~of -th Itogs LIt and l im Chaestta. S:(. AL\O D CO,Fpreo' S J.. ONL FOE T _H E V Refused to j;, n the High Pri< sells chea $N to $20 cheaper ti $30 to $45 Chea!per Th $10 to $20 Cheaper ti AND IS SUPERIOR r! PRICE A T :"TI IS0N DEF A i(I W .. si The WILSON is the C that gives a WRIlT OF 5 YEA'RS I L iIs a j'ver:.- Nv i l ' i A GIV1 US A A VARNNG TO \Vheeler & WVilson. SJ5 ifor a wh1eni time cd a get theO b).st N We gvuerantee satisfaction A grood Agentr wanted for : MOORE (eneal .l .J v 8. 1874-27-tf. WHEELER & WILSON Is Wihout Doubt the Best in the Country. I i1 E.tIE TO M.iNAGE. SIGliT I: T andc FASTEST'i IUNNING. The -1MPLEST GtNXTRUCTED::: ;:S DE:* URA BILE :.!IE i n :: the n:aa ke:.. Pon).*ce L C P 1.vsician:s to b-: t'. I The W'ilEELER & WILSON has beer the ra'oTE for' ''yers. INSTALLMEN'T:. 'old Maebines of al kinds repairedI a:d warrante~d. Stitching of all kiuds, neattly don.. Mat. I1, 10-:i "The Family Favorite." Is r.r.- n .i:xh ibi tio::. ant d rea dy for sale. MRS. D. MOWER, For N vber and I: L.c:d countie. I have, one4 C: the New Weca Sewing Ma rchie.. m L 3 .. my a iy a ii 0iito daughtr, I wll ad n ~iy o o pinin s W oc L Ni .L1.L I n i!. i e..s o' m: iua Menal trf"Sei:igeicn. NEWBERRY C. H., S. C. G2radh.ates of the l'ensyvani College c 3Iar 1.'7 - t. G. W. BENNET T, Contractor and Builder EW I3RRY, S.C IRe5peelfdly ai t th ci ttn Newberry, that he is pr-pare to er:a for antd do all ind ofI E,c ..O-'ding, joi: nug and :-ep .,-:.4 .u a' (\epeCtuou a: w3Lrkmagtike m:u. r ant on most reaiso Jble terttll-. Orders left at Mr. Martin HIa-ri::'. to will receive prompt attentio:1n .Tuly 9 2,9-.1m. .,, re 1'.111s. S FAVORITE! 8k ORFT lxT INGi-ACHINE. Y 850 11 T 0 \ L0V _ - hiLSON e1 0lig f the North, and per, 1jy : an the Sicer. aT- the W eer& Wilson. an the Howe. O0 TH'E ABOVE HIGH [ACHINES. IRS u"031PETITION! r A r -s fwork. PEN WARRANTEE rom day of Sale. L A. u Pies .JL eni d oOhMrPCompaes are .-hTLGT RUNNING-X AD DTP SINIDER *? SOUTH CAROLINA. e exorbiofnthie North,fo a Singte and 0 r aHoe ach n the world,r th W lont n er sale. [CLU BI,ESS. I1SCOMPETION! AT~ swn TIIE r~ri Ct:es :mdJI theNatoa Phtogp AD I soci l e bafaov eeliw b toe epe toOU.o .CoktanvRfOre,IyAth aat . xJ iAs f t e e::t 5 fmp o rs a - thi e tien ate word,ehs.~ a iey saislaer. h ee, n mn CLuMmA, Piueoapr ihts,&c PWIiTOGRAPH, FERRYS Copitg and ElargIinOld ictre,e a Cing Oa Rcs icens, &c. mebe :bat de'lavc tae dangro, ad og no:pu ei otu. beoeepicture Psaper inted.& Them srestar i to cme atoc an tietg atsthe Nes Ga&eycf.h eve head Phtogop . aher lss e no t. 8f. CL UMBieretr~ iA, ne. C The.,i:st s to ct are respeul and gpein:ct:s ot c:the incr Gall ler of the t 'W ti:.eai 'lguarauted r i.scep . . WISER,N OiUM-t. ai Street rudst teert arcring.uly n C. M. HARRIS, Cabinect Maker & Undertaker. IIson h:i l and wii macke t re, d detees Lougs &c. C n t Wor of all kindus made and re *a o ha: m al uppiv of MetaliC, Ma i Ro'uewood Burial Cases. Coflii n m.:e to orde-r at short notiee, and hearse su1ppiled. o9 P 4::. MARTIN HIAIRS. THE SEESCRUIE has constantly a. hadaid ssortm:ent of the above approved esse., of difeTre-nt patterns, besides coffins ofhs nmake, all of which he is prepared tofaihat very reasonable rates, with prompt:.s cnd despatch. Persons desirous of haviug eases sent by railroad wilhav'e them sent free of charge. A HParse is always bn haud and will be furnished at the rate of .810 per day. Than.kf::i for pact patronage, the sub seribe r respectfully asks for a continuation -of the sa!:e, and assures the pu1blic that 0;To-to his part nt ili be sparw to render tihe t'" ost satisfaction. iR. C. CTh2MAN, New~berry S. ., July . . PRINTS, PRINTS. Th haIom c lo ofP IT ever 0ruh to i.:urct areto be fonda CHEAP CASH STORE Iof THOS. F. HARMON. e ay 1:3, _9tf