The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, May 20, 1874, Image 4

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r bi Varmb t ob MAY. XH4 T WI T F IL-e - - - 1 3;.4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 113114 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 - 22. 23 21. 25 26 627 28 1 29 30 31)fa|-E CALCINED MAI. AS A FER . - TILIZER. ivthc6 Year 1841, ju,t after tl: ptbliatioa of the "Agricultura awd eologieal Report," made b) the late Ilon. Edmund Ruflin t< the Lejdslature of South Carolina several planters were induced t< makeluse of marl in the improve mnt of the., lands, especially or such as e.ltivated cotton, corn and oats. The late John A. Ram -say'sq.. was the first of the plan ters re.iding in Saint Andrew', Parish to try the experiment or his cotton field. The successfu result was published in the Southerr Agriculturist of 1844, in the Octo her numbr: About the same tim< youi co, .-jpnidcnt made similai experiments in marling cotton cOCII, and oats, with such remark able success, that he was awarde( the Ruffin premnium of the Statt Agricultural Society. The effect of the marl on th oat crop was greater than on tha of the corn or cotton. The marl then used was no burnt or calcined, but taken fron the pits where dug spread broad e,st upon the surface and ploughe; in.* In August last (1873) I was in dnced to purchace a ton of the cal cined marl, prepared at the Wood, stock Lime Works, near Charles ton, and to apply it broadcast to field designed for ruta baga turnips Better turnips I have never knowt grow in South Carolina, aw'l they were remark ably sweet and delicate The seed was importetT from Eng -land by the Messrs. Thompson, oi Chlar'lestoni, antd appeared to be the genuine red top. The last o: this crop we are now using. "" v did not "run to seed" ii .March a April, as those frort American see savariably do at this season. Thie unimarled turnips in the saa field, were greatly inferior in every respect. My object in senLding you thest remarks at this time, aczomnpaniet by a few specimens of oat stalks. is to induce the planters to makt use of calcined mail as a fertilizer. * l1ich is quite cheap, comipared to many other fertilizers now ex tensively used throughout our coun. try. The wondlerful effe cts upon the OaLt crop may be appreciated by e.uininmg the specimens herewiti, sent. Thie tillering is marvellous, somec hav.i?g from eighty-two tc ninet v-six thocts to a stalk! .I'Ti caleined marl can be hat. from the Messrs. Ravenel & Co., factors. in Charleston, who, I be *lie'e e age'm~nts of the Wood stoel< Faeitury. The price per ton, at the ilil w~as ten dollars. FRANS. S. HOLMES, in thet Rural C.aroliniani, April N). Ingleside Hall, 8. C., Aprili7th ~ 1S74. F'uFu C'umm~E.--All peoplh w ho are fond of* fried chicken *an~d whlo is niot-uiht to knioi thta tablsp.onaful of powderec Nux Vomnicaz, miixed in a pint corni mea! (dry) thoroughzly am fedi to the chicks, is death, cer tuin,. to hawks. The first th:in~ the hawk does is to ptull out th~ cr:aw iad eat it, andi he is certaiz to) get the diose. If :a hawk kills aL chicken anu paritly devurtts it, if you can tha rt anid dust. a lhitle stryehnine up ''n it, you will ha:ve himi sazfe.] have caught sever'al ini tha:t way .lIe enreful to ix the Nux Vom ica powder wtell through the mea anel not give too much at a timi to very yotomg chieks. * Rural Carolinian, Ma:y No. VLOCITY OF TH E WIND.-LZh -nir. ".1 mile ; light breeze, 5 miles genutle breeze, 10 miles ; moderat, hreeze, 15 miles ; fresh breeze. 21 miles5; strong breeze, 25 miles moderate tgale, 30 miles; lresl gale, 45~ miles ; strong gale. 5 'mziles; heavy gale, 70 miles; sto rim 30 miles; hurricane, 100 mire and upward per hour. Buiild.ings should be examine, anid p.ut in repair for winter. I is a goe4d time to paint them. Castor oil is an excellent thin; to leather. WII.tT THE FARMER MUST KNOW. f Ia<-h t: iit o t : . : lie should1 also( know n I r aId grass are adapted to each. II- hould kin-)-* when it, is ti.e best tine :o work them, wheth; r they need stiumier followihg. lie should know the condition n I w Ch h 1 mi l-t Im- ' . .h-1 1.> too dry. lie .mld t u .V tha. S-.r requires earlier sowing than others, and what these grains are Hie shoul know how to iut them tn. lie sliould know that it will pay to have machinery to help him as wIl as musce. Ile shoulid knpf :1.out st'ek an manures, and the cultivation of* trees :,Ad simall fruits, and many ot:er things-in a word, he ,houhl know what experienced, observing Earmers know, to lie sure of suc cess. TjE AjRT oF TRANSPLANTING. One of th most important opera tions of the garden, at this season Of the year, is the transplanting of growing herbaceous plants, and much of our success depends upon tts proper perforimnce. Thous ands of go,-d, healthy pla:.s are lost every year for want of a litt'e care and skill in transferring then from the seed-bed to their perima nent place in the garden. The best way to transplant both vege 1 table and flower plants, when prac ticable, is to take them up careful ly i.ith a garden trowel, with a ball of earth attached, so as not to disturb the roots, 3and transfer them to a hole of suitable size, where they are wanted. If this be skill fully done, and a little water im mediately applied, they will scarce I ly be checked iin their growth. This is best (lone imnimediately after - rain, but a thorough watering of the seed-bed will answer the same purpose. Where the plants can not be taken up in this way, the roots should be "grouted" with a hatter composed of rich, black earth, or, better still, a mixture of equal pair's of fresh cow-dung. vegetable mould, and wood ashes. Late in the afternoon is the proper time for the operation. It is well to shade the plants for a few days after transplanting. [Rural Carolinian, May No. LooK OCT FOR DRtoUoHT THIS SUxusR.--We may look out for drought every season, and 1il seldom look altogether i sm, bu e.present.s i .J up to this time ha,i ost parts of the country, been marked by frequent rains, and a wet spring is likely to be fol lowed by a dry summer. "Wha t clan we do about it ?" do you askL Keep the soil well stirred and our crops rigor ous by clean cultivation. If our lands were properly prepar ed before planting, we have the means in our ha:.ds of protecting our crops agatinst all moderate droughts. The bad farmner suffers every year, either, from drought or from too) much moisture, and, gen eralIly, from both. Such "bad luic" is sure to follow him, from rear to rear, till he shall mend his ways an1d learn a more rational system of farming. [Rural Carolinian, May No. "A CUR E FoR Pols6oN."- -Take a heaping teasp;oonful of comm] on sat, and as macht urounid mustard : str thaem in a eup of warmt water and drink quiickly. This preparation will have hardly reached the stomaceh be fore~ it re-turnas. bringaing with it the cauIse of the~ troauble. Ledt any rem uanat of thle poi-ona remtain, let t!e white. of ain egg or a tea eup of stron~ coffee ba swailk.wedl as .oon ams the Kstilmach is quiet, b.-eauise thiose very comnmon articles nullify a larger numi be-r of virulent poisons thzan almnost any medkiie. *CRE.U! Pis.--Oue and a haljf eups of sugar, three cups of flour, one cup of milk. two eees. two tablespoonfuls f ruazz tartar, one teaspoonful of s:deraitus. Creama for inside. one pint of milk, one-half cup oft sugar. a lit. [ th- butter and salt. t wo tablesposufuls of tlour (or corni .tarchi). Flavor with -mou. Mlake t wo pies). Stir into the milk while bulling till sufficietly' thick. LEM.fius i-;nn.-TJwo cupis .f sugar; yolks of three eggs; juice of two lemn tiS (nX ' k till thickened by setting in boiliing water, then add tihe well h eaten whites of three eggs; spread between the layers of the cake, and turn off the raough edges. ) W IN E W H EY.-Boil a pint of milk, anid put to it a glass of white wine; s set it over the fire till the curd has settled, when strain it and sweeteu to vour taste. V Lemon juice and glycerine will re move tan and freckles. - -os -- c-+r++ il i yui re osen pifes.o i iladyui Mseelanous. MOE,TM &LA BOR SAV D A0 mimp THE~B ODRUGN HOUEREVVD FO OUSD AN INSf U A w iiG BUHALDERAL && SUMZE R (L L CWNSUL E.ATER DNTRGGTSTST K 3 St3 RORMERTS sf y .1' 16 eleri- Wre, - Sucesor te 2Old Esablshe BAso Aprilt~.'.1S7-l.--1n. THE OLD DRUG HOUSE REVIVED, With anl entire N.a .Stock of Fresh anid Choice Goods. HARRAL & PELZER, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, 167 .IeeItng Str'eet, - - - Charlesloni, X. C. Successors to the Old Established Houses of HAVILAND, HARRAL & (O.. Charleitoi. HAVILAND, RI:(LEY L CO., A nii ug , a. Mar. 4, 9-;m. H RRAL, RISLEY & Kl IT (111N, New York. rr G ET ATLANTIC COAST FREIGHT LINE, Comprising Charlotte, Coluiuibia zand Augusta. Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta, Wilmington & Weldon, Seaboard & Roanoke, and Connecting Railway and Steamship Lines. Truspol ting Freights to and tre:a 4ship WIvIar. cs W h II11ii n :lLlo d l-'Irt inoIth. Virginia, without draying. transt'r, or exp?o.lre itI weather. an.i in I r1 a:h ars :o and troin all points south. )lvinlg pos..S.-i d o* %II:le -.iil Ilent ::)r :0! th nov. sitie. :f t rafli. 1he' .bilrigeinent ilv1!4.- :1114-11ion l 1 11 T :.1 a t1h-1 - n:tiC 4 iitie. 4.1 1his l.ine, vhicii etull all others in prouinpt ni ov t. car-eitlsi n-dlill!'. 1nb0rokeln tnria,it :n;1I lowJ lilsr:4tnlev. 111*niationl (of the forwariag ifla1iclS Is r-gult kly I ra:-nitte.l tu 1 !1 Appers aind Coi ,ignvcs. and all elaitnw for loss, aInage u:4d overcharge proiptly invl8- anided by A gents )F the nie, nained hueeill. SCHEDULE OF CONNECTIONS: At P=ortsmouth, Va. FOl B.\LTDMOlm. RA Y LINE STEA'ME-..aily. 7 p. in. FOl IllilAIELI'lllA. ANNA E lC. I.-IN: TEA.ST E1.I - - Nidavs, We<lll: :ail FrkIh y, ! p. 1n. A. CLY)E ST.A.\..:, .-- Ia 4tuIrdays, :,I I p. l. I-'Ol1 NEW YOiK. )LD DO.\MINIKN s1EAMl:tS.. \lotiav, Tuevsaltys. Wer n11CeMN. TIyT r-ILy .t Inld ys, :tt 4 p. in.. :1nol ex1r: ships vhein-ver -ecsay. FUR BOSTON. UELCHANTs & MINERS' LINE. -k-V-i-.-.-.Tuesdaadritys.aL 4 P. 1. MER:CIIANTS - 11NElRS' LINE. -I-- :Wednetdays al turdays, at 4 p. in. At Wilmington, N. 0. BALTIMOtE& SOUTH ER:N Ti:ANSPO:TATION COMPANY'T.ANIEis, Wedn 1 esdIlys anil zaturtldays. FuO-1 PlII1LAD.ELPIILl. PILADELI'IIIA & SOT'IIEN STE.%N1Sl11I' CO31 PAN Y'S sTEAME RS. Evvry Tuielyt. Conn11ecting at each place with rail linez fur a1l New E-ing:an<d lowns. !4 which lowet (r rent rites lire given and4 giirnteedI. The following named Agents North will attend, inl tll ne.sIwets. t1o the panonls of this line. B3ALTIM101E. l '11L 11.Pl.\4IA. W. IT. FITZGE.A1, No. 4, Post O1ice Ave. A. W. 1ll.'1.GUIE. 41 South kiltii street. E. K. iSURU ES.S. -.:: smiith'sz Wha rf. N EWI YoI,K. 1 OSTON ..B~i A I .: tlhroadway. G -.T 7 11V :-hiington Street. "GREAT ATLANTIC COAST LINE." FAST FRE1CHT SCHEDULE. Ispecially arrangedl for the iovenient of' ('olton aud14 .3ereh:niSe oni unequa411l I i ine. 00ING NORTPH. GOING SoUTH. [.eave tC01.L'.\llA - 1.0 a. ini. 1.ce:1. *IU'TSNOUTIf - - 7.1-,p.m.a Arrive at WII.31I1NGTON - ::-40 a. in. *Arrive aIt Wi L7.1 NtTON - - 5 ::0 p.i44 heave WIL.\llNG 1 N - - 2.0 p. in. Leave WI L..\I . TO N - 11.:;0 p. 4n' rriveat il'ortsin(uth -1 - 2.00, p. in. A Arive'~ at1 PC4 l.t'.\1BIA - - 5.0i p.n11' IConnecting ithj inwarid Freicht Train.,-1444 (rn Gr. (11 ill and444 Co1uunibia Itailroad 41,, anzi alarlotte D)iviinfl Charl1oti41 1. ( l44!4:ui:hi 1A a ini .t ,tl ::.!I.>4ad4. . 7Connect(-ing4 clo4se'ly wvith 14utwar<144.14innel 1 :ai 44ire, Iht1jin( l7'nNew York'""' *Conn4ect ing celyI w44ithi1 inad-b4'4-t4JAjMialtiIore'4. Pi"&ladelphia. N:w Yrk ' Boston Steamnsliips. iConnieting witha44ut Freight Tra4in4s A' 4'reenville ai444 1 olu444b4ia RailroadL1, :nid Char 01tte Diviion'i ofi Charilotte, 4 'oluninbia ~4 - .. i.41.usta 4 !: ind AVEA THROUGH TIME: Iuglid34B ltiinore, 4 Days; Auglista 10 PI'l:lelpliin,6; Days: .Augusta to Newi Yotrk. 6 Da.1: August4:1 to) Bostoll. 8 I)hlys. s- For all1 informnation, I tnk tIlla Of 1.adin14g, Throun1gh a e, et:c1. , et., apply4 to the14 alloc.winyg fotherin A gents of1 4 he 1.ine F. W. CLARK, A OE .\ssistaint Gerl'4i:1 Fre-ight1 Agent. l;'4--4I144j14 g4 Wilin ing n. N. 4'. ih i4g0 .N.4'::4 1.:l a.N. . 4 . . POPE, Sewinjg .1aehies. coleges. T HIE GREENWOOD WHEELER & WILSON MALE ACADEMY. ~EXVI '\ ~1k C ' I ~ l'he un4drSigIl.-d wi.!-hes to iiufo: 44 his MACINEI~ formet.r p.41tons 4nd the4. publeh~ genl'4ily, 41hat he e'xj4pectS to open-: a4 MA.\.E St.'1.100L.d at1 Greeiw<.od, .lbville ('on4ly, on4 te 15: MOND.\Y IN .IANl'.IRY NEXT'. - Studhent s pre'p-tred4 for atl.y Cu!lege the n4.1 n :-L, Ca w .-r. 11, 1'4.4o 14ti41ion nlader.iIe. 114) Ird e'ln he 14414 I'.>r 1:.'; per 444444th, exchin.ive oh wash-:4 - ~~~ ''114M.AS l,LTKF.T'T. lir [11, BER-I lI[ Is Without Doubt the Best nthe Cou'itry. - ACADEMY. I- i- E ASI ST TO) M4 A N\GE. IlITEST" and F.tSI i-EST RE1'NNNG . P IE,A .::iicpl M0'IT DCUItAI;1LE MA.C1I'!NE in th:e n4.1-ar- f .WRE,::~s~1lpt [.r.4-T i.J4'k1iot's1. 41 4 181 E T MI; ,Isr. The WXII 'ELER; & \''i1.MN hel been,:Ie14:41i ! :t' ~ u r th )AVoRI1T4 for 27 yea:s. !4, 414 I4 44,:4g1 44 '4- 411.414 Thle 4-ales. of 1 '72 w1 ere, :1404)40 44 ore 4 than .:ed . 45 Yoi 4,4 4 myv pIetius yea-:r. N43.4 a4 -11' The4 i.4!4'S oh oulr AI:.:'14ta (Ohlire, for4 N'72, 44404h4411I:.'' o?2'54 ! ..04 44ere .4,500 Mac,hirw's. '11 1 :4'.:14'44 Ijs.cuiv S,4.. iNST ~ .\La ENT'S. 4. !d! N ..1hine el all '4e.4, lN anut atir' Me,1r. McFa'l ;. ::1Po- I L.P. IHR.A M,RE::Dricial "The FamiELEAVEL.F:voAssitant MPSuf..FMWERERMO R, :C ITY ept ThorNENTbeErvi:N of this a('HOO !l444!~:i i-e14 4:4fJ4:14. 4:1 :4adhi! il bT: O UIthSE'Ei, r:. o die sAh iar4a14:he4prte:iecS!:duties of1li4e are 1104.~1.a:i-iy 1 '4'..4'4! 444 1444 t' idh in dv nc -r- -i _..toih__ cued 444S'4.1 *4j4444444 4I. .. ,x.~4:4-i4!'Y Eardisnheobad 4 Yanirat Aug 27 34f. o.\.u P.n PlEe:kincipa!. T L.PO H. REDUS, pOIel ___r.A4.11,arin--L0 i. re41r!velin; 1144Age4nt.k O i pl-t.i0~ 04:,o r.i i eltite NEWEERR C.H., S.nd. tudy ien he gruet Metropoli o the .u 44, Azkaa eys and fsi ad p.hoyment.: MRS. D. MOWER, MOUND CIT (Grdthes oal'luthe:ns gvana wifee and lit, Diui ei t a.Lc:Strcetrun ali r diC a'e!u.S ( Me. far j.'l me n- , i: ., .r - . T ALO: &.:. Poprebys P .1 V I L 1 0 N Il O T F L , (Graduates of the Pennsylvania College of Charleston. 8 U. Dental:Sargery.) I w... .m um_n. * 2 'r a y enan 2. en amew. Columbia. ~* W. aj COLUM BEG to announce to their nu SPRING G ENY YIU STYLISH Al in furmer zeaons, .:d :. 4 -.-4 OU. CUSTO1 I,re lt i:h1 a wed: Geetdsoko I dcall alni h cul . ncd th it at tile COLUMBIA CLOTH Good-z Cet(. p6.,-sihth n vih., A I r if. JOHLN l :(N. .;IT F I . .\ !!.*. C \sITN :-. . \!\ I I I NI. , 11:1 T I Al: -. \.N. HOUSEKEEPING AND A 1ilG('I.TI'I\. LT PLEMENT1S. IL V!:E10'11 :tud .\%\ ii.'A N WlNi Wholesal At the Sign of the COL UM Fe b. -!.> -t .\M. GOLD-Ib.T11. P1. K0 PENIX IRON WORK COLUMB11),A, S. C. GOLDSMI'TH & KJAI. Foundurs and Machipis a w i o il-i1d Staltionuarfy Shtam1. Enin md Boilers for Saw .ills, Etc., SAW AND GRIST MILL Cotton Presses, Gearing, Shafting, Pullies, Et CASTINGS oft evry kind in Irwi or Lirf li'i!lerI ( ot' good .ju.dlity awlti>r :1" at as. low~ r:ttes :Is v:.u 1be hi:tI1 in th Nort Wie nuttetiil(ure. :thio 1hez (;.\l)llY \We w:irr:zt l o:iI* work. andU :I-ire'& p1oU1 nes$0:1(1ldispaLtchI in 12i log orders. G0LDnITHl & KIND, Seerers' vs, Cincinna "Th?Ciiinut ;o/.ett I.he trlIz~,Ihe i-i colehzinn. The 421 or:il-ioi fI .Ai pieul:1re, in hi report [or I r,5. * th-at Prof. M:ty;-.. of New Yo)rk, ana:ly: i,. loud all- fofit: lIer: itd-. lCoccu hor.. lj... 4. Stoes, Tin Wa'tre, .c A very large lot of Parlor, Box and Coal Stove No'i izor ian to arr 1 a n:l : -. ,SIL(D\ LOW 11n. accoani of th ligh im COOKING STOVE! ANj) T IN-W TA RE, Forg ,.ah- lowi by W. T. WRIGIIT, Bernl%:'in lir. Prart's an-1! A. .\. Nath: IM:di a Are. Oer. 8, 4n-ft JAS. LEFFEL'S lMPRloVED DOUBILE Til'hille) \\ael' Ilhee POOLE & HUNT, Baimror Manufac:urers for the South and Southwd Ne:i !v c 0 nz iow ii use, work ing Ill zIu.1- varvin;g Il'rinl 2 2i'a1f i 24 s::tes. froin o3*i to n; ICI0ch's Mt AII !IIT .\C l'El4 A L'. ''1 F M:n-hinervf ir Wh it ianlW r- n THE ORPA RHAN' FRIEN An( PAl:.i FORlT11iAi LYC.TL l'' :.ill: > t -.T !'n t D l' 1 T '>.Aiiii CA' rwwltLNA! ORiiAN t II.ibr One yers, inada c . - L - - -- - S Snpsi Coioane. -rhn - i-o- - . TalInterstng olpe Allu. Aptflly eC pal i oris pape ae uled s~upor ti 10estitute o rs. We JW: Ivr Jone ho ril ers tiaet sabsre. Jn. 27:-tf. Sranu. S. (~ Jones, who will deliver the same. or. 27, 48-tf. * T HOS. M. M10 SW A*FFIELD, I DEPART !N. C.) DT'rAL AN 1) 1 -% LY- .V 111.J .dE .IhT .s l. "Oi'T 011 .1. ll,jN,;. I ;A.\l1 . \ N V . i :il\ . .\TE !\I.A-. :' i:nd !.E-.TH:J,! 1. KIND:- I)F Tjijt>l.. FURN1j'S1HING HARDWARE, 131E. C-EME-NT, li. T :t '\a S >i e and Retail. GOLDEN PADLOC K B I A, S. C. aloey I t-indin. E. R. STOKES jI.\S j p: e d ill:!:, . netv an! anud t o:li ):ti , Un ail! : :re etI'C:p le ST.\ T IiIzUN;II-l! . Co: pisne .en-, (.: :;d No:e P'.ipcr, :> :11! smz , qu-tit-Lsc : :.i If ev r d r ii :n ; Flat ' r. Mf - '..;> , l I.a . a .i - *(Iu V.n3V u:eI :n: ~!; .: . i;o o ~:mV y ''-e.Ne, iam, n is- Lui Z i/.c , co li ipu al A11J tCil.-ITC.. ; :W. ou " I't\.' iT . llN illI SVEA 11 E), lei.'0 0,e. ( >.wv ':er , inA Phes a .Ils, 'ir,o!s '...iwk , tetila er: n h . rds i l'aper, e;iks, Wa:vr Cohw;, i:, c.ikcs and isUXe.,, Brlushl.-, ry - n ing l'ens. ee deseeiption; ,.a gre:, VarieI y n- 4 1 i * t-venienlt and ulmeful ardeC!ev, tor ll f. w-liers and Ilpil. * i l , i ,: c'.:::ut stu !. of Gl.\) Pen' uui pt- am i Pen i t , s;ip erble :t>uat I itubber - libwk. B lIu . id , :alC rnin u tlude~tlie i(-');It eni .: t ..(1 Jg .Ii~ :iicun O . Ind ed teingul C Il i . V. .0 -e tn :s .sa kept m ; -a er W ich~I theL .n ei berit ' n tond.< thi shar be. -., illsi!c n :e i iN ) lY : lI I ..iN C;01 MP"~iAN'TNt talA PEli-CHARNGES\TLO N, which - hrt ni:r in :i, tle,: kn'! to which het L.getn llSstock w ill be kept, ap n ; and2 he r E. 1~s t. NT rtaEr,M n Srcet, Nov. 15 II O poiePrni lie Ad - - '/E0. S A./ I IER'S CH AA RLES TO,S.C STe,ond., houseYof te1kirnd in hisCit prc.41es than Norrth!ernpic I'. . ,22. 1; . ha rleY~z,1 . . . HAY RLESTONSO BI ~th racktJewel V .i HLL toC, ii I f SC 1tted K.irilemt'eAFugr,a 1 2ulInpWhit P'ne,T V. teZulr end fora.P ras ient L1 M. HBAEL EA&LCO COLMA SO, S C. 00 The o: is ('ut enteedt,ccor ing toAto n(.:ess, t ite lu iea prt1.yion of. IIt.& c .ina :j.euof In th Reul andel Transient ad$ r*- COLUMB Ar . C1 Q. rEtedi cn ex. ' r.. ' . ! . h.V (I ..: 1: 'cl. C h!ie 0ic L'e -'.che. Cill: e e.N r: sD N i T.P:H 11" -T 1 A E. X T; I . "iVel:'I i; y. or o any% 111 i- d Vr !'iw . , , iV t)s. . , I v. Pbicc 2th ecliti 1; Dr. Tl"utts ..aiir Dye L fw :e : 1:y m' hrn::ye-: e hioi:, : i-ri . of :he ih tie . :i :it ; h in-*.s .n "e. 1* ,! :b .l. u 1h '. Utt, Prie 25 Oets b .: old cyh:. -ne!.r ::s os!N: FULA, EI.:T :E DyISEASES OF w: ffc mm..,: .:.T oNY' . V-dIRE u: Ie'lver. kNI SAL' i tilhUl.. p A) P'AIN ANI'i) :iA2! E '~ (iF" 'II E b:Y,he r,CO NIE OU "vr!.UMcBv,nth ie Prc s I aS boLMxLI:W:::N~. Sohl veryhere DSC!AL'LA, EI'PIP <Y WDITEASES OF IlNS . S T.ILS A KH)<NY'A liAE, LI.YR TETEP \HD SLOHALT HY. tl! 1 %. '.I 1NWP. Fo ik)I '. 'A as D. FUALF. WAi-RI.S S the LE clill EA l (!wl uIlel Wie ! i1 I c . s Y I L ; t t I I i lI. A i i \ l'il.'.S.:l! pocee i t' : i '.ure h : . i,otldi-N :1i us. T:e.y ;L':e 1k-w : Dysnp:ep!ira.:a - Li ve: C o rblilitils. t:eto :est ves,: prea , b ir,er-9 ilk weIt KEEP THE 'BLOOD HEALTHY a b.::l'. S.hl by' :01 D;u-'i2... i ilie't 48S Dr. D. S. PE RRY'S 1.':V E T.iB El .1iRO.miIC.'t reine-ly' o . .! e :n.; . Th r is' no'-t i C1: t.hem or~I~I to eq d rh toi:n i te.-:-.T reTor the l:iva te the:-:e-,.: sy i. 1 : C i:e: ; i n.t . : ' ''s (Is .uap ed o i VI r.m ISnie i .fro ilypeisia Lie Coml:ViA.r~ A Neurgi a. i: !jhlj matism, "' 2( TeBtt c.,e cl i.etc bi.s i-e 'oso pee.: ilj their e .t l- ei voe.. i.dnne LEA IWVTR 3AIR. your l Dr. P I.i: lii- : !rs."r':i't 31y ChIil re I -n . I.ih n r eiv Not in; lik:- Ith.-tuI' her " . . 'I cur."1 thne in ra- wrl." fo piepy "Ilurr:th ' No ~ I L't. 111: :: :0a: . --Noy moe he:alach, t'fl hansayo. T- e su e -anin ex.iie u A teaive "ei'0tztll. (hCO I. 1ly li S ii pep.:re lin-0 M-m - of th R:va l.i-e of i.- ie':51 P1ERRYt .-llii'.\ lTit DE" (O. Fo NEWeb YrORKF FN, U.bery S. C their Vi -..e ', i cAL.:ni E , e hC w er th v.id7 . U -.--1. I, v R s .AI wo DRCU!':G'G.\IaST, .\Oa. 1: IMEi -I--NSTEE. SIMMNS'LEPAIlN S.MP UN May ~ 1S-R ri I;sil I.I.NF S(.1l1 i-. : Charlotte. Columbia -1 i . \. . 4 T.h . . I. ' :... \~. .bL-1.1. N ... e:. o eI t - . V . -, - Le 4j o' ..umb.i V~ . 31. :.41A . ix.l2ltVvint 210 c> 5" mom, A 7 miu:;d!. t,: .: ,ojw: No: tha r:itt.e a.r, . .&.g . - . T . N .. -. t. . virenk . a: c in,.:.d. 1N 1. .. uOt: Nev v; -rk ::I T 1% A' - 1411 ~ GW MXT11..114114 No.1 Trin . N,-. 31*t. LMIveNh:ONe.. --LMIA ADM AU-TAW R L.e:J,ne fmi.en tver...........31-20 A-M I A I ' Lea,v folum 1bi . 1 .... . . 4-r 1l'- .L . I : A. . L,ave Hateo i .'..... .... 4..u7 :'. M L. 43 A .\I. leave (rzh i !e..... ti.15'. M. 4 A .% . Arrive Augusta. ..... .5 1'- -- 4-' . - 1 -IBreatkf:iFt: Z11jinuer:;sppr .-ouflh bouli.a TtaiNsco.w.ect :at Augu:.ta.mia a ll poirLt: South and4. W .4 Through Tick.:. old. and lla;gage 10 all priucin-:.1 Sks:pi:g cal: onl all iihlt lrul:.-. ...\S .\ND)NSON. Genera. S:-,p't. .\. V#r.; GLu. l'ainei; and Ticke' A.-:: r WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AND AUGUSTA R. R. N *.M . . '.:V A: IS .N ) h N . I ('oL ':iA.. S. C... .v i : . ! - 1 The l*au Nt)% ':% en:e Scheduie will ibe - - rated on und uler .onay. .\l:1Ch: h iWl:it: 4;01N,4U; C 2,4.4CLI No. 2 T;eu :. Nr 4 1raw. lae CWintubin . . . . . . 1A r 4 in. rvc l' rence ....... . . i .. I p urc 1-32 - :-7 .r:Nve ::t W iit i.; ti . 1;t, .. s, y m. 7.: . m NW 2110".'.e : . vw IMN IS m nond ti all pointf Ncrti..siriving iin New York aL d i.- 5 ::. :w. N-r. 4 TtLai.. ut::;.. !- ci. n.. vo:e ti . a i d P L . A.L :Ld v!" V l hnP-,d to a: 4 Joih an N" tA:arrihq; iveN ewk u:t :515. y. N o. I Tri.n:. N,-.3Tra . L. f :V; M . .. - 44 . 1n. 1, f 1. t L.eavoeF,lmit: ru .... .m. 7.4-. m. Ar:i : ' p. i . 4.1 1 . I.L .\: i. h ecor.necti .:w CL*umn rY:4 h.:s outh ul.11 . r. C Thri u.:i licki.,in 41hi. :I! 1'0!lianl Pabc h-+ t n all :i;h' traiun. t 2. .\.\b F A.\ 1).. C. pIN i Atilanta and Richmnid Air LUin The f.l 1 (; i ':L ;. sceV- will b. operiMte ou and MirSude.3arch ist. 1 74 I:ln by A!!:ut:a Timec. 1 "I M; \ i"11 Leu e A kin a....... . ... ........ ... .. 6 4 0 i . . . .................. ...... p m Leave .:w i . ....... .... . ....... 73- a ni 1 Le:J .s a:i.1. itr:... . .... ........ . 4.4 6f a In A rii. t , ............. wU* NG. L': ,11.- !.!::EsT A I.N . L J :0 . .;- :. ur . ............................. 1 a a m LeI . re: i i:e. ..... .. ... . . .. . . . . 12 ul .1 IL !Lcu've Se:.Lc:i City...................... ....'.. 5 p m A r: i'. c -,, A li;:u a ....... . .. . ...... ...... .... 9 19 p r Greevill ('olumabia Railroad. P-lluu,U .anl. u :: a !lwth 1:ns ;.: ug; Nulih .,Nd Soith 4)u Cht,!e( umjb.a a::d Augu-ta C IR l o;zha. au:d WVi:-viiigvn. CvlutabiuaNd AL 42~ NJ uI. IL . r:1.2.. ..221 l,141: L -- c C O L ..... .4................ . .\ T . e 2u vi e . . . . . .. . . . . 4~. 14id Xi.114 1 )W N..12I . ''0C .4 e:1L ry................. ..Ll . .... b15 a I m --:2.cI .be1h. . IC II,l'' :' i .L id in -- L'4 . t . .(IL IL . -..1 .........12 L '2~ 1 .. . .. . )'4L1L1'p tu .\r ive : ud. . i.. .... .. .. ... .. . 1 1, S u ux :.r.1os :v S uN .A N u1 :t: t. 21111 1:2: 1l! \\liN. .1.41. .4.:.L :1::Ila. " rv l'er d le ron4,!: .....................57.4)) :p L ".~v .\.- ii' ............ .. .r 22l ILm .\ rIive :zt A:i.n . .............. . 4.&-' :: mL 441 '4 4 1'.1 .I '. Aiiv A1 ud.-r- 4 20e p to 1.224 PeiL lleto I.5 p mi -- Pe:iy.r 1i::.. . . - 4'... I.C5 y .Arrive at? Wau :d ... ' 1.- p LL . 1ic4c'mum4 .1 ion T:-: e ru4o .\bbeil! Brnc . . :2. WedneL:.1 :o) F i:a. 1.44 i l '4,t ..1OI.\.F.. . .1' 'l Spt A rivn %a N1 1IT-C1N. . .. p 14 2141(1 C .u:,: To . 1 C Ocobe 1 '. 1 1 2 w i:1 vun :11 ('o!!ow14 : -.1 L 1 4. v ('hr'.: s (41 a :. t ... C ..14 . . ......4)l 9. '1a i A 4Ltrive at14 CLmb!::: r~1LI l4' 011 1.) p2( m 1:'414. '.s l:: : : 411 . . UN . . - 11 I' 114 A rrL Ii. *:t 04 .\ 41i. 5 . ....... ...111 I . ... ... .. .441 1 Leave 1'oLaIntiu , 4V ......4i A 0ie atlj Ch I-:elu ::t1 C.42I 1 0 4 20 p ' m ll.C r . 0 .1V2 >. .1,1 . .. .. .. 1 . ... l . (. . 4.. 1.4 ' 4. 1 2 i Irw.4nI' N'!u Lo1.:u1d4. e:cpe .) 1: 1v e 'a1 - 14 n1 at1 ... . . . ..... .11 ..........2 N l., p11 A r '1h 4.1 : 1 4olu :11 :011 ... .............ii . A .II!' :: tu l4ave Cl u bia:4 . ...Ii ....v ... 'I4.........111.. .11 .\rriv at C ' N:s . C ..r; .. ......;4:l AII m A SUGCTA NBURT & x?UNIO RAndIy eRend.) .\ rve:: A u ; sA .. .. .. .. ...I. 73 . tu .\ rive -t. 'ha.. tJ.... ...... ..... ..... .4' j .11M:U 11 . . 1'.-.E T:::.ix. Le: 1 I uu:n:11 .111 .... 3 4." .. .... ... 15:i .\riveat -ha lo1:1 .....1.4 14 ..... 4 m 'd l.c ve :h:. .a o. I.... . .. .. .. .. 1. 7 .. 11rveat un ue 11:....... .....4 .0 y m (Abiim:s (Ihiakc. I ertk ::I Le.'ave Cou:i . ......... .. .. ..... .1 I :c, 5 -ts p S .\r iv ata" de4.. .. .. .. . '.~... . .3 5 D4yan Ni;,:ht Trdu a : cie onn7ction11 .\iacua :M.dAgu,t Bnihi Thss th quiiet zl o-t diBct hsue CfalLLy cOm 11ort41afleaiesp :1L:ni other boue. alO:t WestC44 0.1 Northetpltc2s sdeCOI oflmo n i .kO,h T: niu of 1in1et re aredwit to heGreeni ! :a.d41~ r4!umbia .1ail4radt; a with pIp1 Clrit:e. dcunazIl.t: Au u: l::r:d P'r4ons N nru oth vn css ct . Thf4rogh ti!e Ill w :.! to al2 poi1:t4 North1 wi nd4 Tamdnf fr conne:2:: Kh:1012gvi. daily ex . scriep rspd:ty.- ith :h.'a fl' aen r Train1.11.2 nd1 run0 Ch.t 'on:: h>spr Cou ibi :1 b~ .\l 'da .) I e-:ne0 d:he atot atrah:vs. S. . 'lC F.N . e.r: fc'z2: .et Arrivey . .Jl :I.e . . uL' stlaeo us. RE RE - Grateful Thousands proclaim TEGAR BITTERS the most wonder ,l Invigorant that ever sustained be sinking system. No Person can take these Bit ers according to directions. and re aain Lon unweli. provided their ones arenU: dI.estroVed by iniueral oison or other means. and vital or aus wanted beyond repair. Bilious. Remittent, and In ermittent Fevers, which are so revalent in the valleys. of our great ivers throu:hout the United Sta:es, speclilv those Of the Mississippi, >iio, Mlssouri, Illino:s, Tenuessee, 'uniberland. Arkansas. Iled, Colo aLilo. iao. Ri) Gnade, Pearl, laaa Afbl. Sa.ana'n Ruoi nol-. an:s,'nd mnany othe:z, it the uiner a:: n-d rearka lV So <l: ses:is of un:tsnaI eat an,i <irvs a':-0 i:n%-a:irab!v ac ma-1 '': *:.:tnie <ierange IUn'S ZI le m i a. ver atd ther :><ii v%seera. In their Veri i:.:!ace upon these vari Us 0:.:::. isesemYiall\ necessary 'herT is no eahrtie for the purpose qal to DR. J. \W ALr.EiS VINEGAR r ., wii speedily remove eQ dark-coiored iscid miLez with vlic.a .e buwek are t!oaed. at the saine time imiulati:ng Lie e'Ce ions Of the liver, :. geny regnorn the healthy Ous of the orzani. Fortify the body against dis a.e by purifying all its 1iuids with 1;A . E-!:. No epidemic can keld of a srste., tim:s fore-armed. DySpeSia or Ind iPstion. iead rl;C. i n . iho::de sC ughs, ::,; of' the,, Oiot, Di:z:e.-, Sour i:i: uiuof tmd.Bad Taste : ti"e MoP. i .ttcS. Palpita W:: ot, t etio: of the .-::. Pa:: int'.e regi":0> the Ei.Tneys, uda E.::rdotlherpv:y npos ::: o SppSi1. One bot (ii. rveabte ga-ne f its Scrofili, or i Evil. White e.:: C 1-; Eryipelas. 'Swelled Lek ote eo:!u flammnations, :.dlellt anim:aon.Mruiadee on. Olid .re, iptions of the Skin, re En-. et. I:: te as in al other Institi;tio:::d iseass W"-iA LKEW's ViF. OAR J3iTThi::.aA LU.heI geatecar tive pXwer e t1he int obtinate and tractable cases. For Inflainifatory and Chronic Mheunatini, Gout. 1ilious. Remit '::t a::d l:n:"ent Fuers, Diseases ithe Mw, Live. Kidi.t,-ys and Bladder. L_ it h1re ::. a I qua.. Sch Dis re are c use by Vtited Blood.. 3I(eth;mictal Disead'(s.-Persons -di i:: P,':t- m'id Minerials .ach as 1er. T' )ue-setters, GJ.. -i>eaters and ae1.a tile.-dvanc in life, are sub et to Iaralysis oft te Boweis. To pnard int' ..i.. de a d.o-e of WALK~ER'S For Ykin1Diseases, Eruptions, -ter.tSalt-Reum. Blotches. Sgots, Pimi ei. Pudle, BSoils. Carouncies, Ring r:-,wedd-head. Sore Eyes, Erysipe . Iteh. Seu.rfs. Di-colorations of the kin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of natever name or r.ature, are literally ua p a::d carried out of the system in a bor:t tin:e trv the use of thiese Bitters. Pin Ta pe, and other Worms, 1r':ei th sytem of so many thon :mds.~ae etfectually destroyed "and re \red. No sysit fmedicine, no ver :uges, no a::heiiities will free the vstem .om' worm~ like these Bitters. F or Femal C(ontplauits, in young 1"old,marrie or sin'ie. at the danof omai"d orc the~ tu" of life. these Ton .: ters :lisphl so decided an influence 'lit in)roI:eme't is soon pnercentible. Cletinse the 'Viiated Blood rencever yoafn i imp...rities bursting ii:uuin the skin in Pi: ples. Eruptions, rSore.s; eleanse it w ':en von find it ob trncted an.d .sir:gi- i" te -:eins; eleanse twhen it is f>o1. your feeliings will tell l wvhan. Keep the bl(od pure, and the eath of 11:e srs:'m wil follo1w. Rt. HI. )IcDON.ILD d& CO.. )n::sts & Gen,. Agts.. san~ Frar:cisco. Califor. :& cor?. o Wnnto:: n n d1 CIZarhonl ss.. N.Y. Sold I,y all Draggists ad Dea.lers. ro ina the Blood ANl *TONIC MAKES THE WEAK STRONG, he' Peru?rian Syrup, a Protect d Soluttion of the Proto'ide of rou, is so combined as to have he character of anf aliment, as asily digeJ(sted( andf atssimla,(ted . rith thu blood( aCs thO simplest ood. Tt increase.s tIk quantity f' 2atuire''s Own Vtali~ing ynt. 1r-on in. thte blood, and urie- thous nl.(ld ills." simnply 0/ y Tonily u' p.T n rigorating and Citai-nng the System. The en. iched andal tJizedl blood per mneates (crery irt of the body, epa iring d/ama ges and waste, carching out 'morbid secre ions, andU Ileuring nzohing for !iseanse to feecd upon. This is the s'ecre't of the wcon lerful suCcss of this remedy in urng D)yspepsia, Liver Comn laint,' Dropsy, Chronic Diar hoa,B!oils, NervousAffections, hiiis andc Fevers, Humors, oss~ of Constitutional Tigor, of the Kidneys and ladder, Icem ale Complaints, udt all dIiseafses originating im bad stt of the blood, or ac.. ont panied by dchi1ity or a low tate of the systemi. Being free ?'oml Alcohol, in any form, its nergizing effects are not fo. nied by corresponding ?eac. on, but are permanent, infur. ng strength, vigor, andl( new fe into all pats of the system, 21d building up an Jron Con-. ituionl. Thou sa n ds have c been chean ged q the use of this r-emedy, from -ca, sicly, suj)ffin crea 'res, to, healthy, and apPy! menC2 atnd wcomen; and a ra(tt dscannflot reasonably Ihes ao to gica it a trial. See that each bottle has P ERU. IA N SY RU P blownin the glass. Pamiphlets Free. ETH W. FOWLE & SONS. Propretors, No. I M!iltoni Place. Boston. S OL D n r 1 :t:cz.s rs c r Nrn A .LY. TO RENT, A desirable STI R E RlluM3 on~ Main Stree-l dt wI-nI MaIrabI:&I , : PhIifers. TERMS REASoNABLE. Apply at on1c to MRS. D. NOWEIR. Sep. 10, ~-tf.