Special and Local. All single or transient business notices i the local departmet are inserted at the ral of ifieen cents per line-liberal contracti made for three, six or twelve months. t Ths,American Sardine Co.s Bone I less Sardines, are much better, and less than half the cost of imported" Sardines. 81V. TAEE NoTc.-All parties having Ad ministrator's or Executor's Notices to Publicatlon,-WiLl save themselves tronbl, -byeomtng prepared to pay for the saTm iefore insertion. us our terms are cash. Lawyeraanding In such notices will be held responsible for the payuient. They will at-;o he held responsible for th publication of all notices in tankrupt cases Transient advertisements of any kind mus be paid for in advaw-, if . .partics adver tisinug do not reside in town. Job work and subscriptious strictly cash. All papers shall be stopped hereafter a soon as the term of subscription expires, un less- satitfactory arrangements are made t< contne the same. 'ro thet mork denotesexpiration-afer thj the paper is discontinued. Hear these things in mind. 3-tt IMD=x TO NEw ADVEITISEMENTs. Leander Long-Administrator's Notice. Y. J. Harrington, Assignee-Bankrupt No tice. Beverly Company-The Geta Microbcope. H. Claremont Moses-Not ice. Jas. C Leaby-Notice to Executors, Ad ministrators, &c. L. R: Marsoall-Ice Cream. E. M. Wahiace-Sale of Horse. Henr H. Blease-New Store. OL. PAPEas.-Old papers for sale a this office in packages of 50 or I 00, a 40 and 75 cents. tf. 'COXrLMTA1CY.--With the comliAi ments of Mr. J. K. Gilder, an invita tion has been extended us to attend tho Reception given to the Graduatin; Class of Wofford College, June 24th. And from the Calhoun Society, of ti same institution, an invitation to atte its celebration en the 22d. For both o which our thanks are tendered. Mandarin Teas, the best, purest an cheapes4 at Mrs. 1). Mower's. Price 75c., $1.00 and $1.50 per Ib. 1:-tf Mrs. J. E. A., of Mt. Elba, Arkansas will accept our thanks for copfies of St Louis RepulWican and Pine Bluff Preso and also for kindly note covering a -re newal for the HERA). We symupla thise with our estimable friend on W count of the excitino times in her regioi of country. Rains have been incessan up to date, May t8. .A POPUI.AR PL.ACE.-OneC of thle unw, popular places in the city of Columbia is the store of Messrs. Kingsland 6 Heath. .It is no wonder either for in i can be found everything for housekeep ing that the human family need, beside many articles for the rest. of mankind Among other things just in season are their excellent, double qunick ice-crear churns. Send for one. 20-2t THlE P?IC-NC.-The pupils of tih( Male Academy, with the invited guests repaired early last Friday morning il drays to a very pleasant grove near Mr Henry Rikard's to pic-nie. The dIay was spent in various amusements aund enjoyed by all. The dinner was sump. tuous. Marshall'sirrepressible ice creamu wagon was on hand. After a jolly rid all reached home late in the evenIng. A full line of ladies ready-made Suits, and Underwear of all kinds, at 14-tf McFALL & POOL. REUGIOUs.-Rev. R. A. Fair entered upon his duties as pastor of the Presby terian Church last Sunday, with miuet zeal and earnestness. He preached im. pressively morning and afternoon. Rev. Foster Bradley, after havinmg preached twice at Cannon's Creek preached in the Associate Refornmer Church, last Sunday afternoon. Rev. Henry M. Mood conducted th< services in the Methodist Church, ha. Sunday evening. Dr. WV. M. Grier, of Due West, wvil preach in the Associate Reformed Church, next Sunday morni ng at elevel -o'clock. A full assortment of Millinery ani Mmlinery Goods, constantly on handa Mrs. D. Mower's. 15 Lr 'rnsWrr.-We have been rt quested to call attention to the leak; cnh of the passenger depot at ti place,Ina the hope that the proper of cers of'The ro.ad will take the matte under consideration, and if pessible 1 ~snmthing for the convenience an comfort of the travelling public. It w: somethiug indeed to give us an ee: tion from the mud-a purpose that th platform, or rather passenger depo' has subservred, and for which everybod interested is grateful, but small favor: .however thankfully received, are some! times forgotten, atnd it is but reasonabi that men, and women, too, shoull -grumble, even while their feet are 01 of the mud, if their whole persons at exposed to the peltings of a rain storm,< a long drizzle. If the intention wast stop the building just as it is, it wai nnkind; we cannot believe that. hov ever, but rather that it was the f:milt< the architect, who forgrot the, roof. Thm is the most charitable construction th: ean be put upon it. Ever since its erec * tion, or more p)roperly sinc~e it was Iai down, for there has been no erectio: the people of Newberry have indulge the hope that either the General Supe> jntendent or sonic of the Directo might travel this way and b)e caught i a rain and get wet to tae skin, andi - this manner be prevailed upon to notic --the leaky condition, and perha:ps has ,their bowels of compassion moved. But they conie ra.rely, and then in goc w~,eather, and beside, when they p:u close their eyes in sleep, and all thm tuime the peole are out in the wvet. We make this mention with pleasur and always esteem it a privilege -gratify the reasonable reqJuests of oi friends. Biv all meains let us have she ter for head as well :as protection fi feet WISEMAN REMOVES HIS PHOTOGRtAPIL GALLERY. TIHE 1ST OF ~JANUARY, To the large Hall over Messrs. J. Webb & Co.'s Store, wherehe will ha:, plenty of good room, and -muore ligh and hopes to do satisfactory wyork the right prices. Come all ye that love nice things. Winma's GaUery, over Webb & Co Se6 t50-tf. A Mi%rAK. -Our eotempor:iy. tht Progreacc) I etver siokedl. We Ive Very good Tobacco inl Vienna-Turkish anl Ii-I triua, but -Vatity Fair" is the Kinug or alI b its aronatie Ilavor andi tih right Sort of stronmness. Mv friewd in New York got an appoitnent iri California, by that reasor1 I nplly inierams, alias Ade laine Lake, Arson. A fler the evidence, r~ argument and charge, the jury at aL late htour retired to consider the case. The d Judge having instructed them to return at sealed veriet, Court was aldjourined. The caset resulted in a mistriali, though the. jury rr' .ined in their room all night. Quti a number of bills wxas ,preseted to the G;rand JIury by the ISolicitor- yesterday mnornling. Judiging from tile beginning, tile business of this Court will he despatch ed with promptness. tWe oete civi dheed, tile prospects of such are brig'ht and gratifying, as His Honor intimates that he means business. ..We take the following from Vrorutt's We~stern Wlorld. It suits any- loc:ality: TrHE NEW'sPAPEus AND THlE ADvER tTISER.-S:ly what yon will, it's hannaan .nature to favor those who favor you. d and do it hlonestly. A liber:al advertis er, in a reputtable business, is always a good fellow, aIs mean men never adver _tise. Wheln you hear a man~ expre\ss -contemtpt for tile neCwspap~es, set bignf down as a fool. If youwant to test hinm, n and prove th:'t he lies, pmuT him, and see how pleased lie will be, and how lhe will pat you onl the hack. There is no _thiing that onec could do but what would dfbe forgiven antd forgotten, sooner tha:n a little uncomplimnenta-y squib in a iespaper. I Yout may: g.o tnall your life xavying good things every day about ~omle person'i withiouit one wor-d of ctred oit; butt the tirst item of repr'ianid, and r all you have ever done is forgotten at - once andl you have a bitter and relent rn lsseum fromt that time. Every persont who wants to purehlase :any- kind of merchtandise will read an advertise ment of that merchandise wvhenever- it appears before him. W~hile we believe that every person engaged in a respec .table business shotld advertic, wo le ebelieve it to be the dutty of the p;ublish t, Ier, every thing else being equal, to do at what lhe can, whenever the opportunity oil'ers, to fa-vor those who favor himt. to For ourselves. we al ways stay by our .'s friends, and never yet, heathetnish as it eenm, fovgot n enam'. A NEW DI Our Spring and Summer i Goods is now complete iii a] of the newest styles and nov( tend to sell at the lowest livi We have also opened a .i tion with our Dry Goods bus) services of one of the bist Tri vices of Mrs. Sophia Mower ] to the 1.1kii"s of this and adjoi the Millinery Department. rear of our store in first class itself, in which we have, and hand a beautiful and well ass all goods uiuall kept. in that We would ask our friends those of Mrs. Redus, to give Asewhere. We guarantee to -s to style and price. TERA .MlcF.ii May 6, lm-iS-t. USE GREASE.-An old farmer wheni sked how in the world he managed to nake everything about him so pleasant id ag rreeable. replied that it was by tei simple and free use of grease. A little love sawder to wife.praise tochildrenmd 1ind word- of encouragemncit to Biddy, ie n:d, Rachel, the cook. and the Miae to the lieli about him, was the kid of grease he used. And it worked Ake a charm. Trv it, reader. We f-el like that old man this morning, and Vish to grease a friend who a short time Igo was badly used in the coltonuins of te l1uu.. 'We would pour it on the Lop of his hielad. and as it cons down his beard to his ipeal extrcmities. rub it in. WVe doln't like scolding every time, and Uow take to the t'rme(r's remedy zrease. Our friend wals saidto be famous on elover-over the left, or in a fence *o')rner. Be that as it miaY, he was ublime on the heroic the other day. A team of mules. without fear of the 0nsequenc. st:trted to run awAv and break things. Our friend saw it-saw te danger,-saw that no eflort was be inL, made to arrest the catastrophie. In tantl* he resolved that it woull "-never o to give it up so," If 1no one else would ran the ris.k he would. Like n flash Ie darted after the now aiiost titigovern ble mules. Recognizing the danger, and wishing to be on the safe side, lie said, -Now I lay me down to sleep," and then laid himself out for the mules. With an agile bound he sprang in front of the maddened beasts. and catching each of the leaders, hel to theiml with ists of iron until they were subdued. and the danger averted. It was heroie. uch things do n< often happen. Ano Lher team may not attempt to get up) andii git inl an1 age. it is hut righit,:as in :sers case, the honor he is enititled to be iven him. No mnattcr about the -over, he ha~s proveni himself mastert oif theC situaitioni on an occasonl calcultedl to shake the strongest nerves. .\ll hoinor o) our C., may the time niever comie wh'1en bie will have to st.md aside and let riml nav i mee have thme ro':nl. Our efTort low is to pa:cifty, we wanit peace.an :herefore, foir a time at least, we will ~rease everyboldy who wants it dune. Madame D)emoresti lReliable P'at - rns oif all sorts enn be obtained ait Mrs. D). Mower's. 1 :1-tf. AistT -rll: Tows .m Coi'.i', The weather though charming, is not Si eople generally would like it. Comie object to its being too dry, others rould not have a drop of rain uinder any' -onsideration. The cool mnorning's aiid even3ing 's ex acty suit sonme wvho object to the- heat of middar, while others want more heat-the latter' class :; e c:ultivatingr the cottoa p)ianL. Notwithstanding aill thme ad verse cir emstainces, cropis are looking~ pretty wll. Not as muclh eotton planted as was lamst seaison. Corn is looking' very good,j( an:has been piant-d t' a large exten'mt. Wesaw somie wvheat on Saturday which Ih:al been seriouislyv l:i naiged. byi~ le f'oat , outs ar:e genieradlly finte, bhi1 the carlsy :iii late plntige. One of the finest pa:tchies of o:its in. this sectbin is that plan31ted b y Mlaj. Stewart. W.Ve hiav e never seeni aunythmini to equal it. It shiows whatt p,roperi cud tivationi will do. One acre well t illedl is worth ten in diherently cared for. And as soon a: our farmers tal:e kindly toh thin theor4y. anid practice it-they will heciomne inde-t The 3Ietho)dist Sunday School pro poe having a ie-niie~ on next F-riday week. Mfay the 20thi. Several others are in prospect. BuithRiveri iS iat piresenit out of fish Caused by ov'er mech seining. Court is now in1 session, .Judge MIont gomery M1oses presiding. A bale of cotton heavily waiter partk ed was brought into town LI, t week. Schl dishmenesty is disgusting. building a 1-irge houise in (;ravei-'Fiowo One of oiur you3In en with a frowi remarked the other day that it was dan13 gerous to spit on the streets (if Newhier ry. He hado just given away elever chews of tobaucco. Strawber'ries are plentiful at 2. :'t, a quIart. Latest by Mail. The Grand .Jury of O'rangebumr;. County, yesterday, brought in a bil! indetmenit against JT. L. I lumbert. lat< ount v Treasurer. and k. .J. 31oses, -Jr. Gover'nor of the Stamte, for breach c trst. with fraudulent intentin, andl foi granid 1areeny-. Solicitor Buti pu>w h:t a1 bench w:'arranmt be issued fr thi arrest of thec parutieS. .Jug Grab-zhan reserved his decision as to his righit t< isue tIhe w ari rant for the arrest (of th Goyernoir until this morniing. We unt derstapdi me:t :a legal adviser of the Gov' .ryor m:ged tp.od he4 a ga dop fact the umusie, andh give hatil for his appeaL, aneie for trial.-Ph/a-. 19th. ComumerCijal. E1wBERRY. May 19.-Cotton market ('on tilnes lirm, at 16 eet'Ci, byut there is not mnuci oferingt. Numbier of bales shipped iluring week 168 NEw Yom:. May 1s----ouion dull anf droipi-g. sa- m,r, at 18 a191. Gold 10 AtLTiM5oRE, May lin.-eOttOu t4iel, ai( firr-midling 18S Accei,4ri May 18.-Cotton dull and nomi' CHAR.LEs%To-. May~ s.-eotton guiet mdling 171 LIVEELPOOL, Ma 1.- e Ctton steadf -np l~rd S Orlean~ S .PARTURE. ,tock of Staple and Fancy Dry I departments, collipiising all lities" of the daY. wiwih we in 1' rlates for ca-ll. 1111nelY Dlep:11rtilient III VOIlliec ne IIs. and 1V ( II (Ibtailied the 11111erS SOUthl,alote er 1,edus,. who is So well known ninl:g Counties, to superin telnd We have ilt ted i"y the r iln style. wlich-1 is a gcni within inedt( keep. cl;nstanitly (n orted stock of Millinery, and film. arid acquaintances, as well as us a call before purehasing .give entire satisfacoi both IIS CASH1. L 4 POOL. Otir Dorniat Ener'ies. Omr bodie.: are Ilo! a,: vigOlln, nor our mind.; as clear :!. ihy ni-,it bie. Tii re -.k i. true of It t . o-:hirds of riviiized soiey a:.i of O tese two-thir ds problab!y itnei I:i;f i- Liboring uder iodily itirmi;ies of a char ewer likelv o liortei the livt, of thIe sntferer. Thik is a in lilolv exhillit nid fulrnishes( ahbol ant fiood 1,6r Iet]T,eioll. C:m1 the evil be mi:igated? it can. Lick (If vitdi IY i...ll.he primairy C:.1- Of motof thec phys ;et an I men:Ilnfe1ri.g to which we aie nI I --ted, and th.re:oie a vitalizilg e. ici nt.l ;I1:Cn II the r medy r ytlired. 1< ther' Slie- :1 remedy : There is. ni teter' S:mli awl; Bitr i'2 frItSC::d e trize le Illilld ant bOdy whe hc li*e power f :he sy-elm ;S in :: 'COmp:!:Ii! -.It y A orV n .,n1' I tE . I.eC ili id, feeble, d spI oi' -I! ilvalid i" not :w-y:1re Of "Ihe haivlt e e:lsta n ele ik dli: . lie thilks there ik o elCree t of vigor ler i his frune,wheni the i;wt I< that Li- ph*ysical c:p:ilities are merely aslcep :11nd O!lyvrnquire w;-kin" Ily. Let himt S:!Ilmu llt and Mon hiS :m I A '!e ir,erV.:and cit low it with new motive iower, throagh the agencyv of 00hi,)nmparabh1e invi;;orant, -ndz Ie will soon *eel like a .:e%v mn.1, or rather like a mall who ha recivetd a I I leae tt life, .1nd the tiiim hl- ith ) to j-)V r. ManlY hwsie" en-ulFr from chirtinic Ian guilr'andt depreSion1 causedi hv too ei'te -p plication to bujiness. nIari stl enti1 me 0 Itel oppdet 11whil ,:coly from a like e:, - C. Mc:tn< and work int men ire if ectte in etiv! s:1.Wn e a a a re.-il o1 ovLe: Iith. TI:lI! "w.--r in thi,rl- :liltii. fromn wh:,'ever c:m-e, Ho:e t 4 , tni_vh BIkle-, will prov a.I sizni l e : It ii c p-er1ect I ilacea for de i ca ..ililv : - mkIII ;oom. wl h bwly, vicars zte lui:'n a nd hn the n ehs t .i.i t while a1s ;I reviede fo int si onll.oi'les Vcon .tip.i:in, rhem:i. ::ni d Intermitn t and re iiit 1evers, it ta e pll tcedenve of ;l t lo diici les. May, 1, 18-1m. It i.s Not Generally3 Knowni That the shiortest po.-ill route between the SUt ind Great Wst is throgllhl St. IS, ovuer uthe e St. Louik, Kans s City and Sorthern Short Line. T is ro.qii lha Wainei i sarpi,:ing i:ipormance by re:-son of im men.,c expendiitre. in t we Expiesoo ye s, of over two rillion dollars, beidcs carninig-, ill iitn prveetso roild-'Way. inl rehtyinig their :Ie withlat I u lity l '::iu seel .it10 irull rtihais uojr. e ti, andih-l :l ubtiuli ng forodr car dl 0,C ne elin eb;Illrh coach U erip e:in ty t:,re:ted am. lise, waihedress ig roltui ith iloilet conbittwence for 1. die1), (S tm en and f:un-i!Ies orve ling wXith ciden, wcitnhougtiyextra tere. This li run siixfast Exprlie tis teelth thn an othe lrt:i, :.in connects withoall the~i g rea Lti GruMo:, eitheo weht, oot, Speoesa afend as. eNow,ile!ndig i;t -onipiday wtchmtnen,who( i< t therabfr :;iftrki asg de..I w~ e cule:l :h s lconemlain. tripWestto tke te . i KaOns i.v M Nother ihrtine tbigteol and omba,i a!snc fotks ove thiS ecer argent tlo hrouih itiketsl to the west. For ither OS. F.MCrh,.icnai HARM O . I. Grepet, tis, .eittherltl of whomL-5 th at htIwill ihan irma tio I deired h4-ET IU E FR IIilIt COTN. C t i . O(IiIhtor a compete assottreJ alif :l c ~l m a3:9 ri eet4tl l titIls.I'i Mav 1:, la--i. PIN TS, IIOH PR1NT. ThevulI handsomet lt of INT a ver brought tthis market.1 a:e tov b1ie funn ato - the F.~ J~i j In Th)~e ighet Pr teicen for Cotton ICrec tfll y (.iv cll. aiet on of1t farme~t rol:i the fact o tha I ewdla the Jlthel toGH' E-T in ixchang they will fin mye a)srlr ntl!t al com lem as. o n t e pr d:ltitS l':ry lther and .1 1pri illsodac. i: h tm May 1:; 19-:ft. a ,ih FT\T (C. AOLL I jl\DGI.\ -CONTY POSPEIm!,!SY. WHTIEELERAT HOUS. ByTh vpiratora ofde i nee abocse, WIdromteseHn.iJ. C.iuI Leh, trveliof pro batie fo~: r ew err tot;iuty, I will relf,aOi tIfhs toits eal Estat bela o..iteo the i Es!tteil o . p. ies t1. H.ly , ee'd., t id- itr -O.lie to) Lot the~~to Twne hof *surdTohre Le 3)e Ares,o t o an ha e T.&C . . TherLOi., .0 TRMS---on-thir a,h ohaietor.a . has. T. M. POL LOCK, .1iscellaneous. The Best Plan Yet 1i the C.\SIi SYSTEM; t works oll for mIere'h-II1'- :1m11 people. Quit1: -sale; at short pro!i:. on the ca-h pih.ciple, enab-l m,!, t., vFrr fre-!i good<- ;-:nd atine a:1..e, -b. e .r bef. G % k, t ..!e: re : I Ir. V II M amneru1s fien d :IIId me o III kxiarnination of my Large and Varied Stock, -hieb e bil,v: evvi- thin.1-1g to be de.-ired, and all j u%hihe i - otTered AT LOW PRICES FOR CASH. T. F. HARMON. Always the Same all the Year Round. ce re JURiLT , i The Leader of Low Prices, Has again opened a splendid stock of NEW GOODS at very low prices. Come all a n d get GOOD BARGAINS in Spring and Summer Dry Goods. N. B.--Prices too low to be advertised. C. F. JACKSON, 128 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. Nl:t.%:* 13t. CLOT111W IIAiS AN!1) ENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. KINARI) & WILEY, COLUMBIA, S. C., lla in s tore one of thle b;irgest and mtost complete .assor eents of CI.iiNG an d FCitNlsillNG; GIIODS to be fona:il in the State. and ,till cointh,uI. to -eli their goods ..:evr lone ast prieC.. (omne and see not siell chlea1-r th:n the chea pe-t for cash., WANTED IMMEDIATELY. 200 Cords Tan Bark. 10O,000 lbs. HIIDES. Goat Skin;, Sheep Skinis, Wool, &c. .;ply to te un:dersigcned at Newberry C. I., S. C. BENSON M. JONES. :: 0. --tif. WATCHES!!! Il.tviin:: miade" arranigemiecnts w..ith the( leading Watte Manufatotrie' of t he Enited States, to fiirniiih me witht MOVEM ENTS andC.0:,7 i l.rg unntties, I am pi e pred tU lier to myi' cutsto:iter W atches for Much Less Money than: thev have ever been boughJt be for. (,ll a:ad exaine mty sock and prices, anrd be 'onv'.inced Ita whalt.i I say is .so It I hive no' "'ot the liid of \Witch '.ou mai: you thei sam youC 1(:1ould havi'e to pay at thei Faictorv. All Wai q -x S"i(N <'r' Utat JOHN F. SPECK, NEWBERRY, S. 0. SOMETHING WHICH EVERI FARtMER~ SHOULD HAVE I TIlIE BIRT6X PL1TIER! 4 |wr,I im;J PnetiontH/ 1it hs distaceed all othters, acid .stainb .cntiyalled for tip.icity, ady ':tiLaility, di: rabiljity, variety and eltjiciec of work. Ii op.n,, drills anyt amountt of cotton see' and cover a:t sam tune tiI. Can drop corn romi onue to four traints 13, 18, S or 54 inches'' apit is desired. Bhing~ ,tdji ed t a cottinoir plow-stock, the: farmter cani pion "r:.'r 4:i cornt or cotton a: Idi ill Ier lt.1bed to 4.or deLtached I om pio'-stock by' the C ite 111, .' thr bot.. F.'.erv fa rmer it Newbenr y hould! have one of thtese imople me:ts, whicht wil! more thtan pay its cosl the first seas~on. (jar: be had lay aplyi:;g to ti;e S4;b;.cr the only manufacturer for Newberry and wil! ti.rn thiemu ot as speedily as possible TERMS LIBER AL. L. B. BATES, Gart Mayes & Martin, Newberry, S. C. Owner of Patent for Newberry County A pr. 22, 16-2m1. I ilapply to the Probate for Nenherr; County onIte 26th Oay of May, 1S74, fo ,.jzy ,h...n a m r i discharge Newbrri BtusineBs DirecTO, Cards of teierence inserted i r appro priate headinga in this colutan. Profess,ioni al iwen, Merchants. Mechanic, :nd Trades ;uilerally. shouldl have a place in thia Di-i rectory. Terms moderate. 4aelIrly -.loii - av - lc nti i Dry Goods. Shoes, &c. CFALL& P"OOL.-Wholesale and retail dealer., in foreign and donestiv Dry Goods, Embroideries, Notions. &c. i HICK, P. W. & R. S.-Dealers in Dry Goiods. exut bracin- eerything In I it: line. PlIntatioI supplics. Dry Goods, Grcceries, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Cotton Buyers, &c. OVELACE & WIrEEL.ElI.-Dealders in Dry k Goods. Grocerics, Clot hing, B(lot s.Shoes. lts. General stock of all kinds of nier haruize.13 -OOT, .1 -Dealer hn Ueneral Merchan F dize. Dry Goods. Fancy Goods. Gr( C- ries. Boot, and Shoes. -:r1 0K. TIIO-.--I>rv 4 Po,is. N- in s, cp: ibi : inig. willI:t. n genler,tL ass-pr-t In it of Giroceries. ILO.J.M.&C.Dlr iDy G(ils. Grocric-. Clothing. Bouot. Shoe,;, fats. Crockery. ain- genieral iwtr *nandliz. : G(Jods. Groe-iies, Cr4cker. IlinI.a! Ui . 1l. &IATILIN. A...Ir od.C!whin-. Crockery lis :ni -.eo-, anid F:iry Books and Slatioucry. Il -M.\lA . .J'ill \ - bot., :ai ,:nti I .. . . i Strvcs and Tin Ware. iGilT.i W. T. le.b i i i i , is:: . lleaingste. il -it..le-- aii prweis. Larm assrinwi ofTin Ware. Ii; Furniture-Carp.ntry. 1EAVE L L. 1:. Y.-4-uep., ()n hand1 a sple:1 di! sornin of:l inis. ofma de. e Nv IIeC. Fralied. .il-asse.-) a te 4: Restaurants-Hotels. A iI.L L. I .l-Mea' -ervil iat all hiir--. Fr-ih FiAl and oy:wter.m i Photography. E;M.lN. W. II. -lbsidenit Artit. All ty les of P'iit areL takenVl. Oe Piet areI Professi3nal. .k Ill. 1PPE & l'i>PE.- Attmonevs-Prac. lt. i l oin : ! he C fi t ' thi-Z t:t :L.1nd l thte liiitted Statcs 'ourt.. Ml(R M.\N & 6CHUl7'MPEUsT.-Alto,nivy VJat Law%. P'l.w(ti('V inll dlt('Cutso le SUtte. and in it Uiited t, (ouri. 1. J alE. C. G.-.tt(t -wy a L.: ai R. ia -i in 11iikirupt tor: C r I - at * istinet. Pract-ii---. ini :i tiie toan ofLL liii- -late.; UNIE',-;.I I. -L r t Law. iliot. Monuments--Marble. LE.\V E Ill. J. Ri.-M.,,111nunlts madet! ;I# qw der andi iii:ill kinids o' inmarb'e and14 grnit wtrk neatyi excelted. 4 SPEElS. L. M.-Dealer in Forvizn and I)olne.t.ie Mab1.Mnueb.1ad.: To u hrdi inl he- styll. 4: Public Hall. E.I\II'ANCE HA LL.-Will be reite.d to public iitertainII:Oison Monda. . l lisday. Friday aid Satirilday ltlights of ealh week. Manufactories. r%IIA'.l.\N. .JOHN A.-Mainiliettirer if Coitton Gins, of approved style. andii Coaision Merchantg. II AsE. WM. C. & CO-Auction andif Coin in isin Miehant. Sales tw ice a1 . .C GIlliIN. A. .. - & CO.-Colunniusion \ enIts flii (.iwer, COX :til MarkleW aa.n es,i Vi 'LOlis, &c. Cotton Bluyers-Grocers. EBFl, W.~. IL. A Cu.--Cie inii i i.Tocs aiid In hIls ~ili l4a.col, FIlu'. .*;in, I51 ii, &c. - S LINAS. F. 10- dter in (IrOceries : Plna o uplies. Cash adlvanced1 ii (otton. 4, AYES & M 'RITIN.-Deaulers in Groece a:ti Cotton flnyers. 41 L E A V EL.L & SP'EA it \.IAN.-G rocers-iand and bgayer3 e Cottni :0IIA SE, W3. C.-Grmocery nuel Provi-ioni 1rhnuts. 2ilallohioii Row. 41 Groceries. Canned Goods. &c. ICK EI . A. M.-D)ealer in Giroceries, Can ned1'i Goods. Perliiine-ry, andi Toys of ill descript ions.4 L 4. VAE. A. ID.-Groceries. Cini d Go oil-(. cuect ionerie-, Tobacco atii. flWES.I A..\ M S -.-Grocerv and PrI Tlaeco, &..: IS )N..:1. C.-lecr In Grorie4s of all kiliii iant-.l Gooids, Itagginhg, T!e. Tefend: All. n~ obe14):e0 e t o an dc rpacd y i th .re 1or' of Ar.d v . Pie;:te:,. .' , N 4,-, hem , no(itre4e., dyo 1).. .. ca R fre 1-sth A pr,I7)-. hern-.e N.e.,wiby:.e Hadso e g44.'i'e s.de.4 for land. Alopo ideb In Coep OLUMBIAw,es S. C.wok o part P Of'the~e 14..' Or tC2 :ent .1.4. 1I4 rai., an HO i I 'o 'pr:t wit h tfeg lar st ablished immigratio .44. . ele '.. c h .\b . R . 4.o ...s G . ;; .z.e h si ..10. . u s al. Gr.~' " 1. J.C:.;ir CE-v hae cone: e- W>M:ed: : "'Ontr retN n Jalnd corso.: :ce. H. ?rLrE. . rpect. WM. CORMAN, .Tn1v 'm 9A...t? -D.--ta. :P-:- G,&d t!"t, I%; W tvp-es,4 IS RECEIVING HIS aALLand WINTER .A. A i. '-k i: r a:A -:u-ied, iu the .: -ilaz:in GROCERIES, CLC1THING, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, BLANKETS, HEAVY WOOLENS. &c. SHOi' ROFiTS FOR QUICK S.H. .1 .&SINF ACTION G U A R .1 N 'IT I E D . -:I EVILLE Shirtings, Sheetimgs And Drills, To Merchants at Man ufacturer's Prices. The Highest Market Price Paid for Cotton or other Country Produce. M.. FOT. Clothin.#?Z THE SCARI-CTY tun.n:1 i: j! iV tem o.er:c -, :wd :he want OF 3IONEY Wil not, e n:lnu lo !) 1 ite rme:mtime, IXWUCES US T6 Lf1W,1 S!IM1 & UI T 1 himic1f. the e.e- t thin4 img.rinable. No hon- i: V NEWBERRY Cain I' 'O we! or w0: (om.e ond e:Camine F0R NOTHING. (jut. :;2, 1-a. COME O FORL AlThNS ARE NCW READY .T? TiiE PDTORAPH GALLERY. vi:g h''l ed fr..m !!.' Northern id . :. :: L ::. fl'-ho g:p As. so i-.. : 'o I " i a::. 1 r eae t doId . a ev r e.I. , by 'n I' o!n .. rs.rv a ne :tnd My4o. a ,:) .9:e ir o mon.g which .& , a Ine :o4 o Albums, Fancy Pictr PaperJ)C Weig hts, &c. PHlTlRAPHS, F EBROTYPES, Com 1 i' an F.nai ' ng Old Pictures, G. lleGe :t: .ah asts;: re no:.erit:idea :re d::.-'ouA, and do A ',ra i. :Mayn's 1:r:i.:d for inaipection? ie .1 I . t -.' ' :' c me ato'e n era I .dy.Phon :-fphhr W. H. WJSEMAN. COL,UMBIA, S. C O - t ta. d:r. :1 a-t~~ 01 tlm~ Art. pricesc cheap. A . RISER 1 P, .i: tra. Xa*T - T ). T4 i .W )LI , TY.~~~0 \ w hath mad. - - ar4 e ! lfec s \r -& - -e- 0 b*.4 e I - .' er dio p - ; i ..'' . of Projat., on diy. ' ' . & flnex , f:..r -a a: a f, a .u :' 0 inth fra be ,ai .\.!: i r a :. "4 o-dyd not be r::- . a we u I)e..yH .,tis2t 3.:t 1: 1 --5 -DISSOLeUTIO. T r.:2 i of LEA~..\. i ... con:-:-tg by !.2a;l .a :.:eat. '.: :' er per :z:. to :ai,! :-!.o.,rue in the h.iu.is of Hiera H ENIRY H. R LEASE, E -. HOLMAN. HingI turne ii :.-~ to~ Mar. Ifenry U. U; : i.'.' my i : : ' : .e t m t of Hease &. Co. i solci-. !or 1:1 uw s.ime Iberad pa.trona"e t::it w:-' h.e .rm' good fortune to enjoy. R. B. HOL3LAN. 1Feb. 18. St84-8-tf.