SPial'id Local. -gir!ALb&"iinsiezt, busiuess.otices in the local .t .Upeut are inserted at the rate of fiftect tebtper Iiac-liberal contrActo a*le for three, six or twelve months. tf. 'he American Sardine Co.'s Bone- | less.Sardines, are much better, and Wess-than half thC cost of imported Sardines-.-v -TAR2.dtcl.-All parties having A ministrator'a or Executor's Notices for -ublication, will save themselves trouble -y coming prepared to pay for the saiue -befte ion, as.our terms are cash. - r4'wyemb.anding in such notiees will be h.eldzresponsible for the paymient. Tley wfil als be beld responsible for the aab.tion ot 3lnices in sankrept cases. Transient advertisements of any kindintst be paki:f*n adVanc_if the parties adver tl,#ng-_dnt'residein town. obwo1g.atW subscriptions strictly ca,Jr,-' All ppes shall be -,topped hereafter as 8.oon as the term of subscription expires, un 4ess s4tilactory arrangements are made to hej.qawrk deno res.expiration-after that Abz tedisper.Adiscontinued. - lies' esethins in mind. 3-tf. xrnax To'NEw ADvERTIsEMExTs. C. F. Jackson-Dry Goods. . J.Crington-Scritf's Sale. H. IL Blease-Lind and Labor Office. C (. VsCarington--Stockholders' Meeting. F. Parker-Haruess. Saddles and Leath A fall assortment of Millinery and jilinorf Goods, constantly on hand at Mik.D. Mower's. 15 HAY-50 Bales jr sald by I. . Chase. 14 Mr. F. N. Parker throws out his ban ti' i t&the-breeze. His harness; saddlc a eather establishment is now Lp-11 and fully eluipped for all work in this line. Persons in need of anything of Ahis kind will do well to call on hinm. THANKS.-Mr. A. Pope, Genera Freighti and Ticket Agent, C. C. & A. . R., will please accept our thanks for - M-danual over his road. Attention is at the same time once more called to .1e Freight Schedule whiel a1ppears Onl the outside. of this paper. What pleasure can exceed the sinok ing of the weed, especially if your segar esa be-obtained cheaply. Send an or der to the Indian Girl of Coluhia,1 through PERRY & SLAWSON. NOT AFRAU) OF IT.-A western minister told the yc.u. ladies of his e6ogregaton that the first step to ruin wa a W:ostrich feather and a yard of' gay colored ribbon. One of his hearers haviqgs occasion the next day to use ome ribbon, asked the eierk for three ntrenteps to ruin." Phifer sells Shoes less than any one, as he a:. - sells.for cash only. 13-if. COUlfT OF REFEtEN'E.-Col. V. 7'%[ -- Seabrook, of Columbia, Register in Bankruptcy, held a Court of Ref,rene here for three days last week, in order to-report as to the distribution of assets,I *and as to what debtors should hatve a preference, in the case of Motte & T'ar rant, bankrupts.. A fuH line of ladies ready-made Suits, and Underwear,.of all kinds, at 14-tf McFALL & POOL4. FcNNY.-"if! where (lid yez get them trousers?" asked an Irishnmatn of a man who happened to he passing with a remarkably short pair of trousers on. '*I got them where they grew," was the indignant reply. "Then, by my con seienee,'. said Paddy, "yvou'v pulled then a year too soon !" EA1LSrT EI.ECTION-ST. LUKEs CTRj.rH NEWERY.- Wardi'-h.--eV. * .Caenson, J. Ward Motte. Yestrymen.- "T. B. ..azyck, A. W. T. Simmons, J. N. Fowles, R. H. Grene Ier. Delegate to Dioecs'n Conrention.-N . B: Mazyck.-Progressicc Jge. The Indian Girl is the presiding genius at Perry~ & Slawson's popular Segar Store; and when an article is sent out *ith her sign manual attached. :dl1 .confidence may be placed in it. 1-tf PERRY & SLAWSON. STABINGW AFF*IAY.-A difficulty oc eurred on Wednesday. last between Sam Ibogan, once a prominent ofieial of the Iepublican party, and Oscar Cannon. a sturdy and muscular champion of Ring Tights, which terminated in the serious stabbing of the latter itn the region .of his navel. Both of the belligerents are~ colored, and the guarrel grew out of a disputed point in polities, we are told. -Death is the ent or' all our Sunmer dream-~ Life with woe is filed forever more. Kt you don't buy your shoes at Phl ifer's Ne w Shoe Store. 1-r THE RENOVATOR.-TheC hair. moU)5, -and feather RenovaLtor which has been - on exhibition here by Messrs. Morgan .&Westoreland has changed ha:nd. MClessrs.Wrm..C. Chase and A. A. Nt thian have purchased the ma:chiinery and the right for the Counties of Ne w ~' berry, Union, Abbev'ille, Fdgefield, * Pickens, Oconee, Anderson. and Laui rens. We hope these gentlemen will make a good tihing out of it. ATS.-2Z0 Busheels ne. I no ~lnger war against society. 1 do war against a system in that society which rshostile to1me.? Mandarin Te, the b< st, purt-e and cheapest, at Mrs. 1). Mower's. Price, 75c.,.00 and .L5 pter lb. 1:-tf 6 AccF-r.A P.E.-M r. E. E. Davies,,pro prietor of the useful store in Columbia, will accelpt our undiluted thanks fo s('me seasonable goodius sel us last week, all of which were very nice, and caine in the nick of time. We don't' like to he envious of the people of ()I umbia because they have so elever, use ful and handy a purveyor as Mr. D., but feel alost tempted to such unclri-ti tableness. Would that Newberry had a.-s much cause for thankfull;es. If your larders are !ow, gord friends. send an. order to E. E. Davies & Co., who keep in store everything that the mar ke#afford, outide of this etin. If you wUt a good Segar name your pice, fron a live center up to 25 Cent-, aid send an order for 25. 50. 1 or 10() with the money. and without delay you will receive the desired number and w%ithout doubt be made glad by PER11Y & SLAWSON, 1--tf Columbia. S. C.c ' ti . AwltuL UT Tai-:.-There is nothing tl new under the sun. but there is some thing new under the roof which covers the little store" of Mr. C. F. Jackson, in Colunbia. We would not retiect ol this gentleniau for he has been a liber al patron of the IIEuA.. but it is a mys tery how lie can sell goods at sucli aw fully low prices. It is none of our busi- 1. ness either. We since;relv trust. how ever, that he will not break until he pays for the advertisement which ap pears elsewhere. In tile meantime, seekers of good b:rgains Iand good t goods had best Like advantage of the good opportunity, for it IIIY be too good to la.t long. Good for Jackson. Side-lace Shoes at Ph ifer's. 13-if. c CoAl W".-1.000 J"aadkets Corn I;)r- .te Il hy W" 0. (''s. il l 1F.vy R1.%-.-The heavy rains of Wediesdav night list were of a d.ull aging character, but nothinv in (om parison to that which fell on Thursdav morning. ,Soelc of the streets flowe-d like rivers. while cellars were tloode - in all directions. Shjin-ie roofs were not proof against the terrible storm s i which fell continuously for an hour or G more, literallr in sheets of w:iter. Ii mense6damnage must he don' to neiIwlv planted fields, which will not only result in loss of fertilizers and seed, but in time, the work 6f weeks being destroy ed. Our farmers. however, are il the O spirit for work and they will niot suler C this visitation to deter them from vigor- h ous effort to iake thwir erops. It is b sad though, to think that the prosp-ut which a few days ago was so bright is a now so materially chianged!. ii Have you seen dhe bea:utifull Engli.h vi Beatriee and Gem [Hats at MIcFall & t Pool's? 12-tf .JUS- I r is o-.-Trhe maii -of Wed nesdaiy morning last brought uis a poIstali card fromi "Ella Eleanor .Johnstinia." (If Coilumiai:, a lietitious namIie assumed by soime friend,stating~ that"our pet cow died1 last night and a slab (If her will go up 1 this morning." Immiediately f&llowinig came -a box, inside of it was the "slab" anid airound green peams, while nicel I tucked awayv was a basket of delicious strawberries. The sight w as too) much .1 for laboring under a lit oif depression t superinduced by indigestion from eating Newvberry beef. we faintcry, that i,. thw difliculty of remember ig contemporaneons events in the dif rent countries. The eve in this case reatly assists the memory.anm dii presse, ie mind. We understand that Prof. .. P. Pifer is taking subscriptions fIor is Chart. The cloth bound is 'orth $3.00 and*theleather bowod 4.m, -hich strikes us as being cheap for such book. An explanatorv key is given each subscriber. Every one :twild !1 jssess :1 copy. "All's well that c;is well." So luy a Side cc Shoe at Phifer's. 13-tr. MES.S1. KINGSLAND & HEAT. here is no question that these gentle mie are doing a thriving business in iwir neat and well appointed store in olubliia, under the Columbia Hlotcl. hey deal exclusively inl houlsehol(I ares, tin, glass. ehin:t and crockery. id now have on hand a complete and trefully selected stock of the above entioned articles, which they are sell ig at low prices. This Establishment well known in the city of C'olumbia, oving made itself popular by the rea miable price and good quality of the .ods offered for sale. Do not fail to ive thei a call if vou would make any irchase in their line. 14--If. Stacks of fine Sboe! just arrived at 1'hifer's. de-lace, button and front-lace, Kir. Cloth, oat and Calf-skin. 13-tf. P%uhlalon 1uppis raa he 1101ght (t C. C C.*c's (;r,ry Mr.at th'. low - pijls. 34 One of the etleet- of the heavy rain ]Lst week was the raising of Scott'si reek to an unpreced-nited height, and ,vonld the( mem,-rY of the oldest in thitant. It spread out like a sea of :Iter, and the few ihiiabitznts round bout were soon surroutinded amd put inl amin~tenIt dangert~1 of taking coltd. Smith atstle. altho. ughl standing uptoni stilts, -s not htigh entough, antd tile inhbabi tltS were obliged tohoist a flag otf dis -ess-while the caittle from neighbor ig hills, with hogs. &c., which. had onIe to browse and1 rot Onl tile vertdant ottomis, were in similar manner eut off. nid btellowedi and grunted for help. .romint on the heights stood :hlTrighlted, aralyz7ed spectators-men nnd women rho had never seen a sea of water bie >:they could atfford no relief, how ver, eve'n Mr. Wiseman witit his pow rful c:unera, capable of taking in ob rts at a1 great distance, failed to bring ie utnfortunates in out of thte wet >rtunattly, "hit was not raining" at the me-antd notwithstatndintg his promnise > give them a gooid picture, theyV would ot be consoled, for they stoodl in the et-Smith Castle shook and thle wXater uttinued to rise. Cries for Unele ulius. the b)uilder and protprietor of thio astle, canme over* the waste of water ut lie could do nothing else than shout ut in the blast-to standl the storm, it .on't be long. -Just when hlope wa:s bout expiring, and the kinks were oh !rredl to be straightening on the heads f a few of the water logged darkies in te Castle, Mr. Harris with a hastily tnstrucd flat, puished outt ito the tormy sea of water. and going to the escue, broughlt them all in to land ot omnitting a little dlog. It was a most erious venture, esp)ecially in mid-chian el where the surge roaredI tile worst, nd the pine~ rails were lashed abhout ike stra ws, bunt the experniencedl eve aind ervous atrm of the initre-pid boatman vere suflicient for all emergzencies, andl he da:ngers were surmounted. It was .perilous time and had it rain)ed longer und the creek continuedl tto rise higher. hiere is no telling where the water voul have reached-perhaps roundlI by lie marblde yard to the rear of the pub Ie squltare, and to the damage if not en ire demolition of the market house, nd the p;ossible prevention for a short imec of cruelty to poor1 annuials. The atter ideca is hlorrile, we don't like to. well upon it. iy(tm JZtttic.e, P)iyt,. Iv s.tkl at W. . ('bqisC.. 14A INTEND)ANT's ( tor'--1.st Wednues ay aftrnoon our repor-ter in his peram-. mtlations for- locals hiappe?ned to 41rop into he Cour-t roonm of the Intendant. He 011md( the Coutrt in session and an au ienee large andl mixed, consisting of he acculsing. the accused, the fri-endly mid the curious. The female portion >f Sling Alley seemed to have turned >tt i,msst to witnes~ the conviction or C(eguita l of the numerous wrong-doer-s, sho infest that dar-k region, and who Verec litought into court under- varIouis 'p:ges. Good order was maitainedl, Sthe stern digi4 of the pr-esidling of eer' ,sHen1tly forbadeI ?I4LantJg sw. 'The htief oif Police beingL a-ked if lhe hadit nyV chatrges to prefer atgains5t any one, resntetid Ilattie Sloan and .\nn Gray, w a favorite birds of the Aller, ulnder ,e eb:ge of public indecency. The sidencee was oveswheling and in a hort while the Cout, tfter making erious and admion itor-y remarks, pr-o touncedl the sentence to he ten dollars ir twenty days imprlisonment. No(t iaing the cash on h-md they are now erving out the time in thte jug, dlream ng dou~btless of the paradise from vhoSe bosotm the jus se!ntenlce of the aw snatched them. Ann Gray -a:i mfortunate enough to have antother barge hbrought against he-, a charge of rof:mnity in the street, and being.found uilty, had five days more added to her -1a4. bill in.t , 'jail Next. "Mary Clark and Catermle not Malfett, having engaged in pugilistic ly i exercises against the peace of the town for on account of their children, al plead- I ing gruilty. wer- fined vnil l%* . Their inotherly in'tinct; having led du% them to battle and their plea of gniltv ises were renson.; f- -Ir thi, clemency of the Court. an' Theire wr(r' two 111014 of SliI na- we tives chirged with trespas,a, but the cha Court, after le:ring the evidenle. Said be the partit-s were not guilty. and so they San went homic ejoicig. F What a record for Sling Alley in one the day: It is the dark corner of Newherry. I Cannot something ie done to clear it of des such nuilisances. It would ie a blessin woi to heIlth1 and morality. renl An extra huge -ock or McM1ull' SHand- lr Sewed Gaiters. at 'hiVer's. 13-tr. S I (1iK.-Frs - ( renelIle" - abh .W ' j;0r s /0 /,f 11'. '. C'h s, 4 the hig& I)EI 1AICn.-( n ITuesdayl night laust, ) Teniperance ill was inmpressively dll icated by Newhlerrv - Divisionl, No. ', feat Solis of Telngsra11ce-th" interestain & v eXecis' beig Conducted by% Grw ( T Wrthuv Patriarch, John1 A. Elkins, of a bi Columnbia Division, No 6. who showed E :a perfect fitness for the honorable posi- fhrn tion to which he WIs invited, and a mr:tl thorough :c1uaintance with tihe bCauti- gife ful forms set down in the ritual for much 0 occasions. Mr. Elkins stands high in (:un the Order with which he is so intimately Shol associ:ted, and hears a bright record me, throughout the State. Although the entire ceremony was Inghly initeresting a:1d would well beaLr description, yet we (h will (o1V allude to the closing portion of it. in whith the H1:ull was soleml tern dedicated to the cardi:l principles of he Order, -Love." "Purity" :ntd "l delity--as eloquentlY telling the ob- 6 jeets designed by this social organiza- . tion, and speaking in language strong as proofs of IIoIy Writ of the good al ready done and yet to be accomplislhed. \fter this ceremony, which occupied about three-quarters of an hour. and n ta which was interspersed with vocal aIld COM instrioinieltal 1msiC. a happy and well inr coniceived address was delivered by 1Our ties fellow-townsman, Thos. S. Mo -rman. at tj Esq.. which was listened to- with rapt 11 :ttention. This gentleman is a ripe pr scholar and a deep thinker, and l:al Go givenl his subjevt the study which it thel merited, and we arc pleased to say that 'oi the address was a success. Mo, Next followed the installation of ofli- the Cers for the eIsuing ter, whic al- to s though necessarily brief-much of the me usu.l form being omitted-was still of reaj such a character as to give the audienoe xvhi much pleasur. we The assemblage of ladies and gentle- on mieni, old and young, was large, and stot gave evidence of the interest which is ly' I taken in the cause of temperance, and the sympathy whieb is felt in the work quai of reform ini whlich the Order is enigaged le --and without which, it is needless to i say', the noble work would progress but ent slowly. pr'i MIuchi credit is due to the Ha:ll Coin- i mnittee and thme master of Ceremonies, for the pleasing efrect prioduceed by the 2 u-ra:ngement of the seats. :umd the 'i smoothness with which the pr-ogranuuie was carried through, axnd weC feel that our brief notice of the exercises wotI Fe he incomplete, unless it he added, that tra Newherry D)ivision is entitled to the c gratitutde of our citizens, not only for thme greait good done in the advaunce mient of its principles. but for the in I structive and pleasing entertainment of run Tuesday night. netCL The following are thme otilers: itt Jas. F. Kilgore, W. P.; JIno. L. F pp, tel W. A.; W. W. Hodges, R. S.: P'. H. the D uekett. A. Rt. S. ; TI. (G. L:ngston, FS.T Len. C. Moore, T1reasurer; Rev. W. D. tre Rice, Chap.; Jno. RI. Leavell. j.,. Con.;, J. W. Payne, A. Con. ; Wmn. P. IIonseal,pe ul L F.; Jno. N. Bass, 0. 8. lna L wr Omn:mu.-Miss Lillie Chap- u mian, Lady Sentinel; Miss Fannie Shu-i dcr ford, Lady ('on.: Miss Lizzie White. a t 1st Ladyx Ass't.; Miss C. Wilson. 2dag Lady Ass't.:; Mrs. Mary- Packer, .lrd Lady Asst. Fine Clothiung, -Englishm Worsteds, French ('h Cassimneres, &c., at Phif'er's. C:Il and exam AROUT TilE TOWNx A N CouN'rY.- e On Wednesday igiht last this sectiont was visited with a series of heavy riai pas i 1, with thunder and lightning. It rained all night. And It is to he regretted that it not onlyx continued to do the samie next morn- ii ig, but een came down harder and ste1 faster. Such a raiin fall has not been mkt experieniced here ini somei time. Nicely worked up and ratked ove g::es:ue wash~led into .gullies and scams, and in somec cases top soil, mni tre, newly sow.n seed and tender plants takitng passa:ge down the gullies andC drains, haive floated oil' into thec creeks down to Bush River. Gardeners are gloomyv while the seed menCi rejoice. Such is life. i I-e o tried'( Speck's "'Little Dar em ling," it- i not, can 1 Mr. Alexander H next door toj thme Jewelry Ntire, and in vest five cents in one. Y ou wilt timnd it nu delicious. IPntl Job1 Printing done at tils otlic atrp pmic prices. If you have need of bill__ heads, letter heads. circulars. earls or any-thing~ else, now is the time to bring in your orders. A good lot of miateriai F always on hand. Satisfaction guaran teed. It is mtaintained by those who know, . that thme earlier corn is planted1 the C grm'ater will be its weight. Fronm the tiddle 1') thge last of Maiuch the gain is A~ e'sthnatedct at5 per eenJi. it is not yet to late to plant for somne of thme increas cd gain. An acre of ground drilled with corn. pol)*'y miantured, and1( cut at tasseling .in1, w.ill in:ake more fodder aind bet- I tar, thian mion or out. farmeLs utak-a by; the stripping of their entire crop). Try Of an acre or two farmers, and give the IIEnIALL) tihe restult of the experimient. Small thin~ ighitfully cared for yield more proit tuun most people imagine -corn, peas, potatoes5, chickens, eggs buer i ,ae generally eschewed a of tittle impoI:tani.ce by tie vouh} be bif farmier, and the consequence is he never hit any cash balance. Not even enoughm to pay' for the 11ERALI'. O:u' young mdv readers xx'ilI make e that their beaux are not necessa inutterably in love because they hours in melancholy silence. 'or gener:l Inffrn:tttfion it is -rati to sttte tiat the yolig :iia who vn oti the spiur )f the inoment pro never to do ,;o again. LS thl S:04on is :t hand 11W JACi-ni provi:,ions at- likely to ,e- sC:trl take the su estion fr4Im an nye. that the best phice which e .elected for such a purpone is t dwieh Island. . or a husband. w suggest n vi,it Isle of Manl. ea MED coi.s col1,mu11nictation. I -ribes how 01nC horse ma do t k of twi. hc cobd snap last week wns the t,of a fro.t that nlipped Neetati ewhIat. 'lie Town * Council with conilenl -eNpeditiol w-4t1 to work to restu bridges ol Scott's Creek. which t i watr wnshed nway hist week. athan's goods atre selling off at eo [r. jolin Smitli isoi to rn t1 her renovator bougit from Morg 6,stiloreIcil, by Natian & ha he V foil J*,ks ntem('A1plate h1avii g May party. Vtrv one(, Who wants historical i ution hl (itilI purcliase (ie of '"I s I Iistorical Charts," of Prof. A. r. ther Counties in the State are c iing Imm igration Societies, wI ild 'Newberry he slow in this mov 'nison Hruns. for otdc t, W. adaie Denorest's l.eliable .i s of all sorts nn be obtained 1). .1ower's. 1:; uidit;s. Grnd (Nor, of <0/1 Zin s5. Pic'kles. ,Sardines. &le ad Fancy Drv Goods is nc plete in all dupal'tllents. Conpr, all of the newest styles and iioN-< of the day, which we intend to s4 je lowest living rates for cash. e have also opened a Millinery .J ment inl connectior with our 1) 1-s lusiness, and having obtain servi(.-Cs of one of the best Trimm ih, :tl,o the sorvices of Mrs. Sopl ver Redus, who is so well known ladies of this m11d adjoinlin countil uperintend the Millinery Depa it. We have fitted u tihe rooltm of our store in first class sty ehl is a gem wvithin itself, in whi have, and intend to keep. constan1 iand a beautiful andi well assort 1k of lillinery, and all goods usu tCept Iin that line. V.e would ask our friends aind: .intnces, as well as those of M hus, to give uts a call before purch; elsewyhere. We gnarantee to gi ire satisfaction both as to style at 2-tf. McFA LI. & POOQL WGS-1i0' D)ede. The distance was 8 >metres. or 222 miles, which v Sin t00 hours. and was won b abyv the Due de Feltre, who dr< thte couit yard of the Grand I at Lyons just two minutes beft Cotmte rat tled in) on his veloCipel e first day's journey was 80t kilon ,or 50 wiles ; the s acoutd was 1 miles :) and the last day both co itors ran 172 kiiomectres. or 1 es. Neither the horse uort it seemed mtuch beat by the lo e. and the Comte is stili so eon it that lie offers to baok himself : bousand houis over the same coul in. -%nilic" crut lc s"ujplied"'ilkal 1it f~resh'r of all kinds neatly do.:ie il Saies Flo at Messs. Men!! & Pool's b: accue, 's whJerry, S. C. L. H . R EDUS, Mar. 11, 10-tf. Tiaveling Agent. "The Family Favorite." Is now on Exhiition, and ready for sale, MRS. D. MOWER, GENERAL AGENT, For Newberry and Laurezis Counties. I have one of the New Weed Sewing Ma chines mn use in my f.u nily, and in addition to' the satisfaction it gives my wife and daughter. I ill add1 my own opinion as a practieel mecha, tha t.t for Pi:nyEe-toN of Woor.on in hih!, e :e .f a:aipula tion, simin[city .f ,;.. n and readi eIo a;umneU' t itig NOT K-Xe t.Lit) by any otuher se wog mani';rn m t market. -JE >E 11. LORD, CMechanica! E-ditor of "Seintific A merican." THE 80ARICITY l las a depres.intg eff.ct on Il ch e-, but for tuanately it is only temporary, and tb. watnt Will not cniu o;.I h ynhe iNDtCES US rTo efTer peciai inducemaents. Immnediatc.p. 2TO tLOTIIE SWJE lIllT himself is the easiest thing hnagiunble. No house im NEWBERRY -Can d1o as well for you. Come and examine our 'tock, w~hich can be done FOR NOTIN(. Stores, Tin W4 are, Ac. e A very large lot of Parlor, Box and Coal Stores, Now in -cre and to * i~, and mut be - SOLD LoW on ac t .'ht ties. AtLSO. ~ OOKING STOVES T IN-WvA.RE, it In variety and of the best q,ality. For sale low. by W. T. WRIGHT, L. Between Dr. Pratt's and A. A. Nathan's, Main Street. Oct. 8, 40-tf. L ;rG oo#s, Grocerie.. Xr. TROS.K LAKE Respectiniy announce to the bu-ini pubhNeh. VE H AS PURCHASED TM ' ES!IRE ST0C0Y0 GOODS OF MESfR::. XTE'FBB 1t -7 all 0f whi : N, SM R E) ASUN . I. Te.0consatf 'Cgeneral asort GAtOeERIES, PRO VISIONS, CROCKERY and SHELF G'00S. _A large portioi of_tile stock will he At Cost for Cash ! T; ake rocm, for other good. I 1p;>y to .ate that I hl.ve h4.1 ai:!, 4 t.C .*e fin of 1". Moorrmn:i & >o., who wilrlhave c:ire co:trol and ma: :gm t 1 of' iy b : ,at.d I feel as-;iur.ii 1:at th eXperence of this lenmiav, :Ld to his rare business 'alities, war .:t le Sj l.:in. a .sat is t wtil b1 *ivn cuevr' r-ceet ire o il be ai..tdr by~ dr. J. f1. ai lard, who v -s eng aged i! i Sin b Mr. Gco. W. A li: ? of pu,blic patro.age ik solicted. THOS. M. LAKE. Feb.-.1, 5-di. REMOY A Ll Rscetfully' iaforms l;is customeris a.nd lie publie gen-ra)ly of Newherra :-i SI - oun:dinrg ennty, th.; 'has l rn.,ved to he legant and Commodious Store lately occupied by 1.. C. S!iver & ., .d that ho hasadded la1rgelv to lI .k a all the various lines of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, 'amily Groceries, Nic Nacs, Reavy Groceries, Plantation Supplies, Bagging, Ties, Grain, Hardware, Woodenware, &c., Which He Offers Low for Cash! Customers in wnit of goods, nced o;ly tk for them to be at once supplied, b-Y any )f the larg.r corps of Salesmen who wil, be LttentiVL to every de-and. My stock is indisputably Large, Varied and Cheap. PIhrries warint:n Fertilizers will be sup plied with the CELEBRATED NAVASSA GUANO on most liberaIl terms. All that I ask is that bttvers v-it my store, to guararntee mue a continuanc ofth very genricous patronage acco:ded i.e in :h~e past, arid for ic iih I here take ocea =IOn to return my thanaks. THOS. F. HARMON, Nexyt Dcor to Bani:. Jai. 7, I--tf. IS R'ECEIVING IIIS FALL and WINTER O0DOS! 'And his4 stock is large and varied, in th Dre88 aid Faily Oflartitl, As well as in GROCERIES, CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS, SB:oEs, BLANKETS, HEAVY WOOLENS, &c. SHIORT PROFITS FOR QICK SALiFSAND SATISFACTION (RANITEVILLE Shirtin gs, Sheetings And Drills, To Merchants at Man ufacturer's Prices. The Highest Market Price Paid for Cotton or other country Produce. MW. FOOT. (iFFICE: Cc UNTY COMM IS s!:ON ElS. Ni&vairr~r C. U1., S. C., Mar. 2. in2. At a meetng of tire Board of Cnun. (,>mz nissoner; the following re-olu:iorn wa.. in. h a.Il, T'hat we rhe C ounty Comm-i-lonr trs,shai zranrt the tlewro)ad. (t-)mnrin. , r ne:ir Latri. IRiff's, by way o:' Jo; S:. e,t, ntersecting~ the new eni: road two ttn:ii II.' e'rog Le.-el,; recently laid out hy the snecia! -ommtliS.2:wrs with a few si;lit eingties, io as to pu: tne road on better ground. The resounun was ried to be D)eni. Io:ates andl Al1en Rice. but was ob,ee:ed to ay Thos. Keitt, uponl the ground that he hbiuks the former setth-ment r:i is .utii ent. DENNiS M(IATL-, CL ait'iz, . C. (. \ C. ALL.EN R ICE. THOMASKE!TT. Mar. 4,18-4-9--3m*. DISSOLUTION. The firm of B3LEA5S Cu., crh:', >t Henry H- Blease and24 Ro~b.rt 1. fl:>:.1. is farmers, mi i1er, &.c., has been d.ia,ived byv mutual cons ent. Almatters prt:it. to g.:id bursiness are in the hands of Henr e' HENRY H. BL.EAsE, R. B. HIOLMAN. Ilavinrg turnedJ over to Mr r. lHe ,r- IT ear :d!~ I brest in th.e trr of fieare CCo., I solicit for him thec samre liberai )atronra..e that was tl.e irm's good forturne. ~o enmoy. R. B. HULMAL. Fe b. 18, 1874-S-tf. I